Order – Wholeness Winning In Life From The Inside Out To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: https://tphla.org/giving/



Jim let’s just read the word of God

I’ll be reading from Genesis 11 verse 1

to 8 and it says now the whole earth had

one language and one speech let’s just

say that together one language and one

speech beautiful we’re gonna come back

and that there’s something about saying

a word that allows it to just stay and

just emphasize on it and it came to pass

as they journeyed from the east that

they found a plain in the land of scener

Shinar and they dwelt there they stayed

there then they said to one another come

let us make bricks and bake them

thoroughly they had made brick for stone

and they they had made asphalt for

mortar and they said come let us build

ourselves a city and the tower whose top

is in the heavens let us make a name for

ourselves lest we be scattered abroad

over the face of the whole earth but the

Lord came down to see the city and the

tower which the sons of men had built

and the Lord said indeed the people are

one and they all have one language and

this is what they begin to do now

nothing that they propose to do will be

withheld from them another translation

talks about that nothing that they per

day do would be impossible for them come

let us go down there come let us go down

they and there confuse their language

that they may not understand one another

speech so the Lord scattered them abroad

and there over the face of all the earth

and they seized building the city family

may be seated


my message for those that might be

taking notes is when God intervenes

hallelujah I just love that phrase it

took me a while to get to that title but

we found it you see what I’m learning in

life family that there is a way of life

that we can live where we don’t have to

pray for favor or pray for the right

relationships or pray for the you know

the right opportunities we don’t have to

ask God for any of that and and that way

of life is in his word that when God

reveals a word to you when God reveals

that which is planned for you when God

puts a vision in your heart when God

gives you this idea that you cannot

shake off that there is there is a way

of life found in the Word of God that is

self sufficient because God is His Word

and so when he gives you a word it has

everything needed for the job when God

gives you a word it’s able to hold its

own ground and that it’s why it never

it’s not wisdom when we think that a

vision that God has put in our hearts

that we’re not up to the task because

we’re looking at our circumstances

because the Word of God when the Word of

God is revealed to you it means that

everything needed would be attracted to

at the moment that you step into it and

that is the beauty of the Word of God

it’s like saying that imagine if someone

you know tells you like hey I’m gonna

get you an all paid expense you know

vacation and then you say you get amen

hallelujah she caught that in the spirit

and you say you know what I can’t go

because I can’t afford it it’s all paid

for what can’t you afford free everybody

can the for free okay it is the same

thing with the Word of God he knows how

to take care of his own bill all he

needs us to do is show up and

participate right so because of this

power that the Word of God has the power

that Lord I don’t even need to ask you

for anything additional because when you

speak a word to me that

it cannot fail so because of that we

always find ourselves at the feet of

Jesus saying God speak to me concern in

my life

speak to me concern in my business speak

to me concerning my family speak to me

concerning this dream give me a word

because family one word from God will

change your whole life so we find

ourselves right we find ourselves in

these places where were like God I need

a word from you that I find myself in

this place of confusion and I need you

to speak to me but the beautiful thing

about when we ask God to speak to us and

also the dangerous thing is that we are

also inviting God to intervene in our


now intervention one of the ways that

you can look at it is when something or

someone steps in as an obstacle or

barrier to stop something that was

already in motion from continuing and so

when we say God give me a word about my

life we’re basically saying God take a

look at my life and whatever is none of

you shut it down because I need capacity

for what is forming I need you the

closed door so that I can open I can

enter the right ones

right and this moment when we say things

like this we shout and we’re like God

you can do it but the timing the time

frame is always wet where it gets us

because when there’s a shut door we

don’t have a blueprint for when the next

door is gonna open up and so when

there’s a short though we find ourselves

in moments of complaining and moments of

frustration and moments of bitterness

when we find doors that were shut to

relationships doors that were shut to

opportunities and it felt like

everything was going well and then all

of a sudden the door shuts and we don’t

remember when we ask God God give me a

word about my marriage give me a word

about my finances and then you get fired

and you’re like the devil

because God is making room he think that

you have been on a path that I did not

ordain it so when you’re asking me to

give you a word I will first intervene

in what was never of me so that I may

make room for what is for you

you see it’s interesting in the text

that we read these people are basically

God has called them to spread across the

whole earth that was the potential that

they carried and yet they get to a

certain city and that city was later

known to be the city of Babylon they get

to that city and they said we’re gonna

stay here we don’t want to leave this

place this right here home and it’s

crazy because we have to realize that

when God intervenes

he’s intervening because we are pouring

out ourselves in themes in people in

places and positions that don’t have the

capacity for us because this people this

week we decided to stay in a city when

their potential was going to be able to

spread across the whole world

you see Babylon it’s interesting that I

find it interesting that this is the

city that happens because when I did a

little research it was known later at

that time that Babylon was known to be

at some point in time the largest city

in the world and that it was the first

city to have 200,000 residents at a time

but then when you fast forward to

today’s culture I mean you have cities

that have millions of people that reside

there and so what could have been the

best option in this time was still not

the best to serve the people because if

they had stayed that if God would have

allowed them with their plans because

sometimes we have this misconception

that you know maybe they were trying to

build a tower that went all the way to

heaven heaven and that was not really

the case because when it talks about

that they wanted to build a tower that

reached the heavens everything above

ground is the heavens but there’s

certain layers to it so they’re talking

about the visible heavens so basically

they wanted to build a

I scraper it wasn’t about what they were

doing that was bothering God but it was

about that they were going to contain

themselves in the place that never had

the capacity for them if God allowed

them to stay in Babylon at some point

there’s gonna be overpopulation at some

point the resources are going to be

depleted how do you then choose who

stays and who goes

war breaks out how chooses who decides

do you not put a limit on child on

childbearing you see these things

becomes interesting because the very

place that you thought should be a

blessing to you you have now become a

burden to it and this is often what

happens when we are pouring ourselves

into things that God never retained and

so you gave everything you gave all your

time you sacrifice everything for a

relationship that you became a burden to

you poured everything to a position that

you now became the burden in the place

so the place that you’re expecting God

I’m expecting you to bless me here now

you are the burden in the place that you

were once a builder and that was what

was gonna take place here if God allowed

them to go ahead with their plans you

see it was out of the love of God

because if God allows us to just go

ahead and and pour into places that is a

leaking vessel then our story ends there

our story ends with wasted energy wasted

creativity wasted wisdom and for these

reasons God intervenes and I want us to

look again at the first verse because

the first verse said now the whole earth

had one language and one speech I found

that interesting so I had to look deeper

into it because in my mind I’m like

language and speech isn’t that pretty

much the same thing but what I studied

was that language language the word the

root word that spokes a language

actually suggested the word binding that

there was

see it was the whole earth was bound by

something and so in the context of

language in the context of communication

it means that there was a word that

bound the earth together those a word

that connected everyone together and

when it talks about that they were one

language and one speech the speech word

actually means purpose and so because of

this one word that everyone agreed upon

that became their one cause now what is

interesting is that a word so powerful

to bring a whole I mean own nations of

people together I would think that this

is the kind of word that comes from God

because this is the power of his

revealed word that what you bind on

earth will be bound in heaven that you

have the ability to gather people you

have the ability to connect people

because the Word of God attracts and so

for this to have this power for a word

to bind them together for one purpose

and that word did not come from God it

made me understand that in life family

there are two creative forces and that

is love and fear now God being loved

every word that comes out of his mouth

has his personality every word that

comes out from the mouth of God serves

outside of self now when a word that

comes from the place of fear it has the

the need to protect it is this deception

that I need to protect myself now what

is interesting about fear is that

oftentimes we think of fear as a feeling

and so we don’t even recognize the

things that have taken that that we are

so confident in that is actually rooted

in fear because we think that if I’m if

I’m afraid of something I should feel

like I’m afraid of this but there are

things there believes that we are so

confident in but is actually rooted in

fear what is that thing in your life

that you have an obsessive and almost

compulsive need to control because what

fear does is that it needs control of

its environment

this obsessive need you have to protect

yourself to protect your heart to

protect your finances to protect your

kids to protect your family all of that

is good but when it becomes out of

control when it becomes this obsessive

and compulsion that when you lose the

slightest bit of control in in that in

any of those areas you lose it there is

a fear rooted in that and then we say

that no we’re just confident in what we

believe and that is because firmly what

I’m learning is that fear does not first

of all it’s not a feeling but fear

begins as a thought and when that

thought takes root in your mind then it

begins to shape your actions and your

decisions and so you feel confident

about this obsession to protect yourself

and you have reasons for them and they

could be valid but what if that is

rooted in the fear you see when I

thought about this people that we read

about in the text I wondered what were

they afraid of and it dawned on me that

this is a nation of people this is after

the flood happened

God has wiped out the whole earth with

water he raises Noah and his family to

heaven to for their offsprings to begin

to multiply and increase the earth now

this is a nation that came from that

generation and so if you look at the

headlines of the story of their

background oh you’re gonna read is God

killed everybody without understanding

this this trauma that was linked to

their lives I wondered could it be that

they they thought to themselves and

they’re like you know what if we depart

from one another we may not have

strength in numbers there was something

that they needed to stay together

because it was clear that they

understood that there was a word that

was supposed to have them separate and

spread across the earth but that there

was something that they needed they were

like no we have to stay together

they talked about let us make a name for

ourselves and I wondered was it the fear

that what if God tries to wipe us out


because the one thing that can overcome

your fears is the right perspective of

God and if we don’t seek God for

understanding and insight isaiah calls

him wonderful counselor that he has a

wisdom that would go beyond anything

that you could ever think of that God

could speak to the deepest pain of your

heart and heal it and all of a sudden

you’re praising him for one the very

thing that you once thought would kill

you if we don’t seek God for

understanding to say god I wonder why

why did this happen why did this happen

to me as a child and we all do we come

before him and we’re praising him in our

hearts were trying to find ways to

protect ourselves because you see when

we oftentimes we talk about love and for

many people is difficult for them to

comprehend that God fully loves them and

that is because I don’t even find it

far-fetched because the concept of love

love God being loved first of all means

that love is as big as God so the

understanding of love would not even be

enough in our lifetime and so what that

means to us is that we often we often

try to understand or comprehend or

perceive love according to what we’ve

been conditioned to and so in a society

and the way we’re raised we’re taught

that if someone loves me they should do

what feels good to me and so how could

God love me and this happened to me as a

child how could God love me and he

watched all of this happen in my life

god I understand you’re real I don’t

doubt that because I had an experience

with you but there are moments that I

question do you really love me if you

allow these things to happen and we have

those questions because we have been

conditioned to perceive love a certain

way but love is as big as God so no

matter how much we we begin to

comprehend love there is so much more it

goes so much deeper and so what I began

to understood is that first of all it’s

a it’s a willing heart to say God I want

to seek your wisdom I know this happens

to me and by all means I don’t think

this was right but is there a reason

beyond what I see that made you allow it

is there a reason beyond what I know

that made me experience the same

heartbreak over and over again you see

I’m learning the family that it’s not

what happens to us that has the ability

to destroy us it’s how we process what

happens to us because the very same

thing that someone now if anyone has a

family member anyone close to you that

has committed suicide my heart goes out

to your family but it’s interesting

family that the very same thing that

person a may commit suicide concerning

that person be experienced that and even

had lesser options to recover but all of

a sudden now they’re mentoring people

and then helping people overcome what

they once experienced and that made me

understand that it is not what happens

to us that destroys us that God is

faithful to his word when he says there

would always be a way out but it is how

we perceive what happens to us and if we

try to perceive what happens to us in

the context of what we’ve been

conditioned to we’re always gonna view

God in a flawed way because we have to

be honest with ourselves that the way I

think of love may not may not go

hand-in-hand with the things God allows

and so the two things I had to come to

mind I said God two things that I would

bind on my heart is the fact that you

are for me and that you are with me I

may not fully understand how you love

but if I can understand two things

because if you’re for me that means that

no matter what it is working out for my

good and if you are with me then really

really really what can stand a chance

against me you see I understood that

these people this was a nation of people

that were afraid and ultimately what

they needed to understand was the wise

to the things that they must have

question marks concerning you see I

found it interesting that in verse in

verse four let’s just go to that really

quick it says that

they said to themselves come let us

build ourselves a city let us establish

ourselves and the tower whose top is in

the heavens let us make a name for

ourselves let us make a name for


this past Sunday our pastor our senior

pastor pastor – ray he spoken the

message what is in the name and what

that message revealed is that when we

begin – when we begin to understand God

when we begin to perceive who God is we

begin to actually perceive ourselves and

so when the people say let us make a

name for ourselves then they’re pushing

themselves a way that you know what God

I don’t trust you to give me my real

identity so we want to take this job for

ourselves we want to make a name for

ourselves and the crazy thing is that

when we do things like this we don’t

even we’re not consciously doing it that

we’re doing this against God this is

when fear steps in and the question I

want to ask you all is that what are the

things that you are obsessive about

having control over what are the things

that even you use the the idea of prayer

to control something that may not belong

to you because sometimes these things

are hidden even before us that God is

literally standing in the way of

something to happen and you keep going

back to it and you keep going back to it

and you even use spiritual terms to

fight for something that God is saying I

am intervening in this matter let it go

because at the end of the day family

before you ever spoke a word God heard

you and so if you feel like I need to do

more works in a spiritual context I need

to pray about this my needs so fast

about this more then could it be that

you’re using the ways of God to gain

control of something he’s saying to let

go because again fear begins as a

thought it’s not something that reveals

itself that I’m afraid of this it begins

as those thoughts so you have confidence

in it

but when God is involved in something

you are easily when we say Lord I

surrender all unto you it is easy for

you to say God you can have this but

when we are so like when letting it go

and where we start questioning ourselves

but what if God what if this is a test

what if God doesn’t want me to let it go

you have to look into that

what is the root of that whatever that

thing is if really you were are you

really able to let it go and if the

answer is no then these are the things

that we must come to God and say Lord

search my heart what is rooh that deep

down because you are a wonderful

counselor I know I can bring to you

everything that I might hide from people

but I can show you my pain I can show

you my brokenness and Lord all I’m

saying is that search my heart and

revealed to me what needs to be uprooted

from it you see one of the things I want

to read um from even verse 7 one of the

things that really stood out to me was

what God said in this verse when he said

come let us go down there let us go down

and there confuse their language that

they may not understand one another

speech I was always this this passage

was always very perplexing to me because

I’m like God the Word of God says you

are not the author of confusion so when

you’re saying that let us confuse their

language what is really happening here

you see then I began to study it and I’m

like ok God

me really revealed to me what this word

is the first thing that hit me was he

says let us go down there and I thought

about the first time I saw the word led

us and that is when God says let us make

man in our own image you see when God

stepped into this matter he had seen

that first of all there is a word that

has bound its people together that did

not come from me so when he says let us

go down there he it is interesting

because the word confuse does not even

mean confusion it means to mix oneself

in and so there are times that God can

give you a word and there are times that

God would send himself as the word and

in this passage family what happens is

that God sends himself and he mixed

himself in their communication because

what he was doing was that he was

revealing to them the word that was

truly their word because they had

gathered themselves on a word that was

rooted in fear and God says let us go

down there because it seems as though

they have forgotten the image that they

were created in and so when he’s going

down he’s going down to restore and so

sometimes we may look at this passage

and we’re thinking that God is confusing

them but God is saying no I am bringing

myself there to reveal to them this is

never who you were meant to be and so

when the word of God tells us that they

may not understand one another speech

that word understand actually speaks to

obedience so in other words that they

would not be obedient to another

person’s purpose

you see family when they had one

language and one speech there was one

word rooted in fear that gathered all of

them together and gave them a purpose

that was never their own when God is

calling them to be spread across the

whole earth the earth represented

territory everyone has a place as a

territory has a sphere our pastor

preached the word dominating your sphere

some weeks ago very powerful word you

should watch it it’s on our YouTube

channel plug but everyone in life has a

domain that God has called them to while

they were all in Babylon there was

untapped territory waiting for them and

God says it seems like you have

forgotten the image you are created in

he sends himself down as the word and

when he mixed himself in he could it was

not even the confusion he allowed him to

not perceive the purpose of another

person so when everyone had a new

language their language was connected to

their purpose and so family what am I

saying I’m saying that sometimes for

some of you you even need to get happy

when people don’t perceive what you’re

saying because it’s not it’s not that

they’re not for you it’s not that

they’re haters it’s not that they’re

against you there is simply not called

to what God called you to and so it

should actually give you joy because God

is revealing to you that this person is

not supposed to be a part of it but we

want to get bitter and we want to point

fingers and say you know what i’ma show

you one day you it’s not even about that

because if they cannot understand what

they were never called to because at the

end of the day not you are not called to

everyone on the earth

and the second thing family is that when

God is intervening in a matter he’s

saying that I need to shift you because

you will never have fulfilment in the

place you were never called to you will

never find true joy in the place that I

did not assign you to and you are

pouring yourself in a place that has

nothing connected to the reason that I

put you on the earth and so I’m sharing

this family because there’s some of us

and they’re closed doors that we have

experienced and they’re closed doors

that we will experience and it is not

for us to come in a place where we pout

and we’re bitter because when God

intervenes that means he’s actually

ordering your steps that God is saying

that let me show you where and what I

have ordained for you you see the moment

that God removed their ability to

perceive one another’s purpose it says

that the building it seized because they

were building that which was not even

connected to any of them now the painful

part family is that they did start

building that the building did start and

there are things that you have put your

energy in there are relationships that

you have given your heart to their

positions that you have given your sleep

to there are things that you did indeed

build but when God intervenes

he’s a restorer and he knows he knows he

knows how to perfect the time he knows

how that the beautiful thing in the Word

of God it says that they would always be

seedtime and harvest time and so even

though where you put your you you may

put your seed somewhere else and God

will give you the harvest elsewhere and

so even though you had laid foundations

that you became burdens to God said for

the work that you have done there is a

harvest waiting somewhere else for you

we have to be willing to forgive we have

to be willing to let go we have to be

willing to release the bitterness we

have to be willing to release the pain

because at the end of the day it is not

about people your life is never in the

of a man your life is in the hands of

God and it is a disservice to him for

you to think that something did not

happen in your life because a person

said no it is a disservice to God

because everything concerning your life

is in his hands not in the hands of

people and so although that yes a person

was used but the intention and the

purpose behind it was God I love what

Joseph said in the Bible when his

brothers had sold him into slavery and

if you read the story it really does

look like it was their plan but Joseph

when he got old enough he said what you

meant for evil God meant it for good he

actually sent me here and so family

whatever is taking place in your life in

this season things that you have to walk

away from and because because you see

it’s hard to walk away when you know

that you actually laid bricks it’s hard

to walk away when you know the time that

you spent and cutting those bricks and

laying them one by one

it is hard to walk away but would you

rather stay in a place that will destroy

you or would you rather go to the place

that you were ordained for even before

God puts you in your mother’s womb and

the greatness about God is that whatever

you have sown he knows how to make the

harvest show up stand with me family

you see there’s some of us even in this

house and the truth is is that it’s not

even it’s not that you’re afraid of what

may not happen but is that what actually

will happen you see because I also

wondered if the people in this text had

a fear that if they scattered amongst

themselves if they went abroad would

they have the ability to take care of

themselves would they have the ability

to individually cater and build the

cities that God had called them to would

they have the ability to build and

develop the territories that God had

called them to so maybe let us just

stick together

and what if the people that you keep

thinking you need and there is a fear

not that you would not do great that you

would actually that maybe you could be

great but what if you’re great and

lonely what if I need to say this right

see there are two parts to this one part

what if you you need what if you don’t

need what you think you need right what

are the very things that you’re like god

I feel like without these things I’m not

going to make it and then God is saying

that you never needed any of that to

start with but on the flip side what if

your issue is not that you may not be

great what if your issue is who would be

there when God elevates you and because

you love the comfort of your environment

because it caters to the old you and

because it caters to you that you’re

comfortable with and you don’t have to

be challenged it cannot show you that

you don’t have to look in the mirror and


know what I could do better it caters to

you that can be complacent it caters to

you that could be for the lack of better

words mediocre but without saying that

you are mediocre it caters to a version

of you that does not need to be

challenged and so your fear is not that

you will be great your fear is what

greatness would look like for you and

what greatness would look like for your

relationships and what greatness will

look like for your surroundings you see

when God spoke to Abraham he tells

Abraham all these things and he’s like

I’m gonna make your name great oh my

gosh it’s gonna be so beautiful

but Abraham here’s the catch you have to

leave your home you have to leave your

family you have to leave all the things

you have ever known and go to a place

that is foreign to you what if for some

of you in this room your fear is not

that God would not do great things in

your life but it’s what would it cost

you and you don’t know if you’re yet

willing to pay the price but you see

family two things if God is for you and

if God is with you then no word would

ever come out of the word of the mouth

of God that would be against your truth

and God is never in division God will

not give you a word to divide you from


but God is in separation because

separation does not mean that something

bad happened for us to walk away

division is normally rooted in

dissension and and and some intention

and fighting and bitterness but

separation just means that at this point

of our lives in order for us to be truly

who we are called to be I have to

consecrate myself away from you

and so if God is calling you to separate

yourself from people it’s not about

who’s better who’s not it has nothing to

do with that God that even the Bible

says those who compare themselves

amongst themselves are without wisdom

so if His Word says that God will never

tell you that oh you’re better than the

other person it would never be about

being better than somebody else

but it’s about what serves your truth

that in this season of your life what

serves your truth there was a moment in

the life of Jesus that the Word of God

tells us that he had to be obedient to

his family do you remember the time

Jesus was about twelve years old and he

did they were going they were going


and they look and they’re like what was

Jesus said he was gone and they go back

to look for him he was in the temple and

he was saying don’t you guy must be

about my father’s business but then in

that time in that season of his life the

Word of God then says and then he was

obedient to his parents because he was

trying to go ahead of himself and God

was like the father said no no no you

must be about my business but not in

this manner there was a moment in the

life of Jesus that he had to be

submitted under those that were

recognized as his earthly parents and

there was another season of his life

that the same Jesus said who is my

mother and who is my brother it was not

a word of dissension or or it was not a

word to say it was not a word that came

with disrespect he was basically saying

in this time my focus is not about who I

must submit to an earthly version but

who I must submit to as my heavenly

father and so for some of us we have to

stop trying to submit to the old

versions of our relationships we have to

stop trying to submit to the old

expectations that people have of us and

that is our issue because we don’t know

how to really tell them that no I’m I’m

really about God I really love God I

really don’t like that anymore

I really don’t we don’t know how to tell

them that you know what I really I’m

really not pursuing that anymore

God God has spoken to me about my

purpose and it’s very different from

what I thought and what you thought and

I’m sorry if it disappoints you but it

doesn’t disappoint him and we’re finding

ourselves in a fight with our

surroundings because we have not chosen

to stand on the Word of God the Word of

God would never bring division that’s

not it if you find yourself you know

increasing your voice and doing all

kinds of things that you’re moving out

of the Spirit of God it’s not about the

vision it’s about healthy separation

thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you


family if you’re in this house and you

know that there are things that you need

to walk away from and you have been

fighting it if you’re honest with

yourself you have been fighting it to

the point that you even fight it with

the ways of God and God is calling you

to walk away from something and yet you

come before him praying and fasting and

saying God make this happen if that is

you I want you to meet me at this altar

thank you Jesus thank you Jesus

thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you


thank you


thank you



there’s some of you in this house and

you need to forgive you need to forgive

because you have put the responsibility

of your life in the hands of people and

so because you have seen it as though

people are the ones that control your

destiny that might not be the wording

that you use but that is actually what

your actions reveal and so there is

bitterness hovering against people

because you feel as though their

decisions stopped you from receiving

something I want you to meet me at this

altar you see what I love about the

altar call for some of you in this house

you may be may be wondering why why are

why are people walking to the altar we

can pray right there but what I love

about the altar call is that in this

moment it is a it is a mark of an action

that says God this very word that you

have spoken then as I take this action

first of all to even walk out of my seat

that it would mirror the action that I

take in real life that I will not walk

away from here holding on to the same

thing that the way as I leave my seat as

I get uncomfortable and just walk out of

my seat to say god I am letting this go

it is it is a mark of my faith that God

the very same thing I’m doing at this

altar I’m gonna do it in my real life

and that is what I love about the altar

call because it is a mirror to the

decisions that were saying that we want

to take

it is it can be painful I get that it

can be painful to build something and

then to realize that what you were

building was never of God it can be


it can be painful to believe in

something so wholeheartedly and for the

door to shut but the beautiful thing

families that you serve a God that is

for you



just like we sang in worship there is

more to come there is more to come your

best days will never be behind you and

it’s crazy because because God knows how

to make all things work together for our

good yes you may have to walk away from

something but the beautiful thing is

that God can use that very thing to

instill wisdom in you God can use that

very thing to shape you so there is

never a waste

there is never a waste and so it’s not

wondering that if I didn’t make this if

I didn’t make this turn then you know

what I should have come maybe I would be

so much further in my life for some of

you you need to forgive yourself because

you are putting a burden on yourself

that it was never assigned to you

the moment when you say God have your

way in my life he owns that life and God

takes care of what he owns he directs he

he helps you he leads you it may not

make sense the ways that he uses

but it will lead you to the place that

he’s called you to and so it’s never too


it’s never that you don’t have what you

need because when God reveals the word

that you’re waiting for if you move on

it it would attract everything to your

life when God gives you a word he is

bound by his word the the Bible says

that even when we are unfaithful he

remains faithful for he cannot deny

himself that is powerful and so what are

we saying family this Sunday our pastor

will continue a message on what is in a

name and as we begin to seek God for

revelation concerning our lives let’s

move on it let’s not dwell on the past

and say but God what about this very

thing if God is shutting the door we get

excited about open doors but sometimes

closed doors leads to open doors thank

you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord


Wow something beautiful happening in

this house

can we all just take a time just to

speak to God from the depths of our


whatever he has put on your spirit right

now just speak to him about it

whatever has been a struggle

the VIN in your life that you need to

that that you’re like god I need your

counsel in this matter

the thing that you have questioned him

that if if you love me why did this

happen just speak to him about it

because there is a wisdom that God has

for every question you would ever ask

him he is the answer he’s not afraid of

questions thank you

thank you lord thank you thank you Jesus

unlock their heart slow

thank you Jesus

and whether you might be at the altar

you might not be you might be watching

us if you want to commit your life to

Jesus I want you to meet us here and if

you’re watching I just want you to raise

your hand you see because for some of us

we are searching for the meaning of life

and the reason why it seems so far from

us is because our concept of God is also

this this grand thing that we cannot get

ahold of but that is the beauty of Jesus

because through him we have relationship

and you’re fighting you’re fighting it

you’re fighting and you’re like is it

really this my family you can feel that

God is really tugging your heart in this

as you’re listening to this message it

almost feels like your heart is burning

that is the work of the holy spirit and

that is God knocking on your heart

saying just open the door and I would

reveal myself to you just open the door

and I’ll reveal myself

and there’s someone you came into this

house and you came in just you’ve been

you know almost like you know let me see

what’s happening on a Thursday night but

actually this is an appointment that God

has with you and all he’s saying is that

just open your heart to me and if you’re

not at this altar I want you to meet us

at this altar and you’re saying God I

want to give this a shot I want to know

who you really are

that has been the question of your heart

and your heart is burning and that is

the Holy Spirit knocking and all he’s

saying is that he’s not asking you of

anything all he’s saying is that be

willing to know me don’t assume about me

drop your assumptions and say God who

are you let’s have a talk it’s beautiful

what a willing heart would receive

sometimes it seems like you’re you’re at

a war with like God but you’re not

saying anything to me but that’s because

your heart is full of assumptions about

who he is and so the assumptions can

cloud judgment

but all he’s saying is that let go of

all that stuff let go of this concept of

me being you know crazy or control it

let go of that because every word that

would ever come out of the mouth of God

is not for him he is self-sufficient he

doesn’t need anything from anybody every

word that would ever come out of the

mouth of God is for you every single

commandment every single thing it is for

you it has nothing God doesn’t have an

ego that needs to be stroked because

before we were created before angels

bowed and worshiped him he is he existed

before any of this so when he speaks

it’s not for him it’s for us that is a

God of love and in this moment he’s

knocking at your heart and saying just

let me in and to those especially that

I’m talking to I just want you to raise

your hand God is gonna do something so

beautiful in your life right now thank

you Jesus thank you Jesus

Heavenly Father we thank you we thank

you for what you’re doing in your house

we thank you Lord God for that which you

have empowered your children to let go


we thank you for the guy that every

ruler thought that was rooted in fear

Lord God we thank you that it is exposed

it is weakened because your light has

come upon it and we thank you Lord that

they will not be left with the pain of

what they once built but you will fill

them with the joy of what is to come

Lord you’re a god that you are faithful

you are a restorer of time and resources

Lord God we thank you for the lessons

that we learn in the wilderness we thank

you that with you it all works together

for our good

we thank you Lord God that this is a

house full of people these are people

listening larga that are saying that God

have your way in my life and wherever

you choose to intervene father God have

your way I would trust you when I don’t

know I will trust you through the nose I

will trust you and I will not look the

man for my help does not come from man

my help comes from the Lord and so lord

I thank you for the hearts that are

filled with your joy and the release of

bitterness and the release of anxiety

and I thank you for the great count so

you will have with your people for the

questions that they have of you Lord you

are the wonderful counselor and I thank

you Jesus that they would know you

intimately as their wonderful counselor

continue to move in Our Lives Lord Jesus

we trust you we trust you we trust you


we trust you Lord we trust you lord we

trust you Jesus

we trust you with our lives we trust you

with our hearts we trust you with our

families we trust you with our children

we trust you with our finances we trust

you lord and so as we say that God I’m

releasing this obsessive need to control

I’m saying father God that I trust you

and I recognize that I am in your hands

and everything that concerns my life is

in your hands and so lord I would love

freely I would not I would not love with

an agenda in mind I would give freely

because this is who you created me to be

and I thank you Lord that you would

increase our knowledge of love because

it is as big as you and so as we grow

when you Father God may we grow in love

in Jesus name father God I thank you for

those who say they’re committing their

lives to you I thank you that they would

experience you in a way so unique to

them that their desire and their hunger

for you would only multiply and we thank

you Lord God that those who hunger and

thirst for you Lord God you would feed

them you would meet them at their place

of need you would come into their lives

like a Russian wind father God

and you will fill them with your love

have your way Lord God in Jesus name we

pray amen



