Service Date: 12.08.19 9:00am


you could take a moment to just say hi

to the neighbor next to you that they

look good you like what they have on

even if you may not

family we’re gonna be reading from the

book of Judges is gonna be judges 13

verse one to five and the scripture says

again the children of Israel did evil in

the sight of the Lord and the Lord

delivered them into the hand of the

Philistines for forty years now there

was a certain man from zora of the

family of the Danites whose name was

Manoah and his wife was barren and had

no children and the angel of the Lord

appeared to the woman and said to her

indeed now you are barren and have borne

no children but you shall conceive and

bear a son

now therefore please be careful not to

drink wine or similar drink and not to

eat anything unclean for behold you

shall conceive and bear a son and no

razor shall come upon his head for the

child shall be a Nazarite to God from

the world and he shall begin to deliver

Israel out of the hand of the

Philistines family you may be seated

if you’re taking notes my message for

today is what is leading you what is

leading you you see when we read read

the scripture it’s interesting how it

starts it says again the children of

Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord

again now there is a very interesting

history with how God would use the

Philistines to humble the Israelites the

Israelites they represent God’s people

the Philistines represents the enemies

to God’s people but God would often use

them because the Israelites often fell

into this trap where they would begin to

worship gods that offered no substance

and that was what it meant when it said

they did evil in the sight of the Lord

again now family this always you know

perplexed me because I’m like how is it

that the Israelites after everything

they have seen and known about the Lord

they will keep finding themselves in

this trap

of seeking to worship gods that offer

them nothing you see they have heard

about how Moses led the people out of

Egypt by the hand of God they had heard

about stories about how Joshua commanded

the Sun to stand still and it stood

still they had experienced for

themselves the power of God but yet they

fall into this trap again of worshipping

gods that have no substance you see it’s

funny one of the gods that they were

often worshiped it was a god named bow

and if you ever need a good laugh in the

middle of the night there’s a story that

will crack you up it’s a story of the

prophet Elijah when God wanted to make a

mockery of this the lower god named bow

because I mean it’s just there was

there’s no substance to him so God tells

the prophet Elijah to gather the

prophets of bow and meet him at a

mountain it was like about 350 of them

they go to the mountain and Elijah says

something he says you know what let’s

offer sacrifice to our God and the God

that answers by fire let him be God and

so they put their sacrifices on there

you know in offer to the Lord so Elijah

puts his sacrifice to offer to the Lord

they put their sacrifice to offer to bow

Elijah is I mean the mockery he pours

water on his sacrifice he’s like you

know what I am so convinced about my God

that even if the sacrifice is wet

firewood it’s like we didn’t even want

it to be like all this happened you know

as an accident the weather was too dry

and it just called fire he said you know

what we’re gonna make it a little wet

and Elijah is like okay guys you know

call upon your God and they’re doing all

kinds of things nothing happens and he

starts to mock them he’s like you know

did your God go on a vacation maybe he’s

in the Bahamas sipping on some pina


forgot about y’all nothing happened

and then when he lied your calls upon

the name of his Lord fire comes from


and so the gods that the Israelites

would often fall into the trap of

worshiping I mean they could offer them

nothing and in reality they were seeking

them to give them what they already had

and so this really bothered me I said

God how is that how is that possible and

then the Holy Spirit began to teach me

something about this scripture you see

family when something becomes so common

to you we tend to lose sight of its true

origin the Israelites had experienced

the hand of God in so many ways that it

became their norm that they began to

lose sight of the source of their

strength that it was so natural for them

to walk in victory it was so natural for

them to walk in favor that they lost

sight on the one who granted them the

favor you see everything that God did on

their behalf was because of his covenant

with them his covenant with them as a

result of a man named Abraham but you

see the Covenant of God an agreement is

an agreement only stands when both

people hold their end of the bargain and

so God would often tell them look if you

obey then this is your reward because a

covenant means that there is you hold

your end and I’ll hold my end but they

lost sight of the goodness of God and

started to think that it was because of

just how beautiful they were and how

strong they were that every time they

went on the battlefield you know what we

did that because it became their norm

and so the Lord says you know what do

you boo

the Lord is like okay cool

you want to be all strong and mighty you

really think it is your strength that

has brought you this far I will let you

see the fruit of your strength so the

Lord backs away and as a result of him

back in a way they fall into the hands

of the Philistines you see the fruit of

their strength was captivity they didn’t

realize how weak their strength actually

was and the Lord says I will let you

experience how far you can go by

yourself if you think it is by your hand

that all that has happened to you is the

is what is taking place in your life

it’s because of you rather so the Lord

backs away for 40 years there in

captivity for 40 years they are being

oppressed and then finally when they

wake up and realize God that I am

nothing without you and they call upon

the name of the Lord the Lord answers

them by sending Samson and so the

scripture tells us about how the angel

of the Lord visits Samson’s mother a

barren woman and tells her you would

actually will conceive a son and this

son shall be a Nazarite so all the

things that he speaks to her you know

don’t drink any wine no turnip for you

all right you can’t either have anything

that is unclean and one of the

categories of that is that you cannot

eat of anything that has come in contact

with the dead and these these rules will

also apply to Samson and one of the

traits of a Nazarite meant that you can

you can’t also cut their hair now none

of this was because it was about the

rules or regulations it wasn’t because

that God saw those that had dreadlocks

as more special than those that did not

but you see a Nazarite was dedicated to

God from the womb the word actually

means being set apart there’s a

scripture Jeremiah 1:5 it tells us the

Lord that she was speaking to the

Prophet Jeremiah and he said before you

were before I formed you I knew you and

before you were born I set you apart and

so each and every one of us is set apart

for God

from God for a unique purpose but how it

unfolds is very different you see some

of us we had the luxury of discovering

our our calling during our walk with God

we had the luxury of encountering God

and all of a sudden God revealing to us

oh this is who have called you to be but

for a man like Samson his calling was

announced even before he was conceived

it was revealed to his parents who he

would be that this child would bring

deliverance to the Philistines so when

he is born he is born into his destiny

immediately so what happens when God

would call someone to be offered to him

as a Nazarite the now being a Nazarite

was it symbolized a dear covenant with

God because even though God would

announce who you are before you reach

the earth used you have to make the

choice God will still honor your

freewill and so the rules was not

because it was about rules the rules was

because if you honor it if you stay

faithful to it then you stay faithful to

the Covenant that I made with you at any

moment if you feel like I don’t want

this life nothing about this you can go

against the agreement cut your hair have

your fun be just be like everyone else

if that is what you choose God would

always leave you with a choice he would

show you the truth of your destiny but

he would leave you with the choice and

so Samson being a Nazarite he had the

choice to say either I will stay

faithful to this oh I will go against it

and so he grows up as a Nazarite and the

thing is that the way that the Lord

fulfilled his promise for the Israelites

through Samson is that he empowered him

with a supernatural strength I like to

believe that Samson was the first

superhero before Hercules there was


Hercules actually might be something you

see he had I mean Samson was known to

tear a lion apart with his bare hands

the Bible tells us that with the jawbone

of a donkey

he killed a thousand people

he had a strength that came from God but

you see the crazy thing is that Samson’s

strength was became his norm he grew up

knowing he was strong

anytime he engaged in a battle it was

easy for him he found victory was his

norm to the point that Samson lost sight

of the source of his strength he lost

sight that Samson the strength upon your

life is actually the grace of God

working through you you see if you’re

taking notes I want you to write this

down perceived strength can lead you

where the presence of God will not

follow you see something believed at a

point that his strength was his

what does perceived strength look like

in our lives it looks like your gifts

the thing that God has made so easy for

you to do the thing that comes to you so

naturally you see our pastor recently

had a series called the modern church

series and in that series he talked

about the different graces of God that

functions through our lives if you

haven’t watched it please go on youtube

and watch each and every sermon and one

of them when he talked about the

Evangelist for example he talked about

how they have the appealing power of God

people tend to be drawn to them and some

I think they’re drawn to them because of

their beauty or because of how they talk

or their presence but it is actually the

grace of God through their lives that

causes people to be drawn to them and so

for many of us you know especially you

know we are in a very creative community

especially when you’re creative there

are things that seem like it just

becomes your norm that you tend to

forget who is the source of your

strength and when God is getting ready

to take you to the next level of your

destiny one of the things that God would

commonly do is that he would test what

is in your heart when you look at who

you are he will test what is in your


how do you view what comes out of your

life how do you view the impact of your

life do you think that it is yours do

you take the glory or do you give God

the glory you see the truth is that no

Christian would ever say I take the

glory that’s why the Word of God says he

looks at a heart sometimes we don’t even

know what’s in our own heart and so God

will use scenarios and situations to

bring out of your heart what is actually

in there so that you may know it for

yourself and either continue to walk in

humility or to humble yourself you see

something had a scenario just like this

he was on his journey somewhere and the

lion came towards him to attack him and

that’s when the Bible tells us that he

ripped that lion in two with his bare

hands he goes to where he’s going on his

way back home he sees the dead lion and

inside of it he sees honey that was

formed by bees in the body of the dead

lion now as a Nazarite it was against

his covenant with God for him to eat

that which is in contact with the dead

but you see what is fascinating about

the scripture is that the Bible tells us

that Samson puts his hand in the dead

body of the lion to grab some honey and

to eat it

now I wondered I said God why would he

do that because if he was hungry that

would be a big deal for you to share in

the scripture because you see when Jesus

was in the wilderness and he was being

tempted by the enemy the temptation one

of the first temptation was hey Jesus

you know turn the stones into bread and

it was only a big deal and the Bible

tells us why because the Lord was hungry

so it was a big deal for him to reject

food in the moment of his hunger and so

I said then why did Samson take of the

honey if perhaps he was not hungry and

what the Lord showed me is that in that


the honey represented to him the it’s

like the fruit of his victory that you

know what I just killed this lawn with

my bare hands

now inside of the lion there is honey I

did that this is the fruit of my victory

you see the Lord will test you in

scenarios that would elevate your gift

but it would demote his voice and it’s

about what you choose God do I choose to

walk with you or do I let my gift lead

my life in that moment

Samson allowed his gift to lead his

journey he looked at the dead lion when

against his covenant with God and

touched of it and ate that which came

out of it and the interesting things

family the Bible tells us about how he

takes it to his his mom his dad he

shares it with them but he does not tell

them where it came from because even he

knew that what he did was wrong but that

moment he said I want my gift to be

elevated hey regardless of the word of


you see oftentimes because God wants to

take you to the next phase of your life

he would position you in a job in a

place around people that cannot

recognize what you carry he would allow

you to be in a place that the fullness

of who you are is not seen because in

that place he would offer you the

opportunity for your gift to be either

elevated or for you to stay true to the

Word of God in that place all of a

sudden people will start having

conversations with you why you what are

you still doing there you’re better than

this God has gifted you got as anointed

you your life should be so much further

than where you are now they’re not

utilizing you the way they should and

what you don’t recognize is that in

those moments God is watching for your

next move what do you do when an


it’s presented to you that would elevate

your gift but it would demote the voice

of God in your life

God would use these opportunities to

reveal to us what is actually in our

hearts that do you think that the impact

of your life is because of you or is it

because of me because when you recognize

that God the impact of my life is

because of you

you will stay submitted in a low place

because you recognize that and it’s not

about how I talk and it’s not about how

I act and it’s not about anything that I

can do it is the grace of God that makes

me who I am so god I will trust you

wherever you call me God will often use

opportunities that give you the option

to say maybe my gift should lead me or

maybe the voice of God should lead me

you see Samson was so blinded by what he

thought was his gift his strength that

there was a moment he meets a lady named

Delilah she was known as a prostitute he

fell in love with her and he you know

pursued her Delilah was bribed by the

Philistines you see they were upset

they’re like I’m over this man you know

you just think you’re out here just

being the person in charge just putting

us to shame we need to find the source

of your strength so we can defeat you

they bribe Delilah and tell her hey can

you find out the source of Samson’s

strength and we will pay you this much

money she goes back to Samson and you

have to read this story the Bible is

literally the it’s I mean that the


of what happened in history is

incredible he goes she goes back to

Samson and she’s like you know my love

lies told on sweater

she says my love what is the secret to

your strength

Samson gives her this falls you know

speech and the crazy thing is that she

tries it what he tells her she actually

tried it and when she tried it she tells

him she’s like hey the Philistines have

come upon you and Samson was awakened

and destroy whoever was trying to come

against him because he’s like I got you

right but the thing is that something

you choose to be with a woman that is

seeking that you her agenda towards you

is very clear that is not for you but he

was so confident I got this it doesn’t

matter if we’re together and this is a

toxic relationship it will work out

because I’m above it

Delilah tries again the first time the

second time the third time nothing

happens and then she begins to bother

him she’s like you need to tell me what

is the source of your strength now

something that at this time has already

broken a couple of what it means to be a

Nazarite but this would feel it Samson

says to her you know if my hair has

never been cut from the day I was born

if you cut my hair then I will become

like every other man and of course the

lila takes the opportunity and she cuts

his hair now I want to read to you

something that happened in the scripture

in judges 1620 like usual she said the

Philistines are upon you Samson so he

awoke from his sleep and said I will go

out as before at other times and shake

myself free but he did not know that the

Lord had departed from him Samson was so

confident that it was all him that he

lost sight of where God was working

through his life

he was led by his gift and no longer led

by the Word of God that his gift led him

where the presence of God did not follow


you see family the favor of God is the

fruit of your alignment to God God has a

covenant many of us may wonder then what

does my covenant look like with God God

has a covenant to his word

he’s an agreement with his word when God

gives you a word he has a covenant with

that word that as long as you stay true

to that word God will back up his is on

part of the bargain that God would be

with you that God will see you through

that from that low place God would raise

you up the Bible tells us that promotion

comes from the Lord

it doesn’t say promotion comes from man

it says promotion comes from the Lord

favor is the result of your alignment

with God you see there’s a man in the

Bible called the Apostle Paul the

Apostle Paul was gifted to preach the

gospel but he did not allow his gift to

lead him because there was a point where

he wanted to go to into Asia to preach

the gospel and the Bible tells us that

the Holy Spirit forbade him to go

continue the Holy Spirit stopped him

from going into Asia now this is the

interesting thing because when the Holy

Spirit stops you it’s not that he comes

in front of you and says hey you’re not

going anywhere

he doesn’t like put you in and it isn’t

bind you it doesn’t put you in cuffs it

doesn’t put you in a prison in this

prison of God or something he

communicates to you that you are not

going into this place but you have to

make the choice to submit to that

because the Apostle Paul could have said

you know what I’m gifted I’ve been doing

this every time I preach I see the power

of God I’m going ahead

God why wouldn’t you want me to preach

the gospel it is your gospel but in that

moment he said my gift is not what would

lead my life it is the Word of God that

would lead my life and he allowed the

leading of the Holy Spirit to be that

which he

submitted to and not the voice of his

gift you see if the voice of your gift

becomes louder than the voice of the one

who gave it to you you would be led in

places that the presence of God will not

follow you

you see we often quote the scripture we

often quote the scripture that says the

Lord will never leave us nor forsake us

and that is very true but you have to

understand who he said it to he said

that to a man named Joshua Joshua’s life

was sold out to Christ he was sold out

to the will and purpose of God and so

when God says to Joshua I will never

leave you or nor forsake you when God

talks about his presence now the Lord

loves each and every one of us and the

love the Lord is everywhere but when God

begins to talk about his presence his

presence doesn’t just follow anybody

because the presence of God represents

the power of God it is in his presence

that that crazy things begins to happen

it is in his presence that miracles that

guaranteed because the Lord is there and

so when he says I will never leave you

or forsake you in the context of his

presence it is to a type of person the

type of person that says God your will

is my will what you desire of me I say

yes because the favor of God we often

say the favor of God is not fair but it

can be understood it is not a mystery

God favors where he sees what looks like

what has been ordained in heaven God

favors his word his favor is not does

not go without explanation God favors

what looks like what he said when we

when we align our lives with God I want

to be led by you God says all right now

I would empower you because you see

everything that comes from God comes

from God with intentionality it comes

from God with a purpose a blessing is a

responsibility is not luxury

so when God wants to back up your life

he backs it up because of a purpose and

that purpose means that you have already

said yes that God I want to go where you

send me and I want to do what you tell

me to do you see what the Lord began to

show me is that in this new season of

our lives the biggest destruction that

will come to your next will be

opportunities that exalt your gift but

demote his voice

you see we’re about to enter 2020

there’s so much hype around 2020 and

they should be but because of the hype

around 2020 a new decade big bigger

things newer things all of a sudden

there would be the pressure of your life

looking like victory I want to look like

I want I want to look like I secured the

bad guy all the bags

but that desire to secure the bags can

lead you to the place where God would

not follow and so it’s not about what

God just send me up a chimney after a

journey no God send me your world show

me what you have for me because I don’t

want to get lost in my gift that I fall

into the trap of thinking that the

impact of my gift is because of me

because it never had anything to do with

me in the first place it is because of

you you see David many years later we

would be introduced to a man named David

and David was also a man who was

strengthened by the Lord the Bible tells

us of how he killed a bear and a lion

how he was skilled with his slingshot

and his rocks but when it came time for

David to challenge Goliath who was also

a Philistine who came to oppress the

people in that moment David did not rely

on his skill David did not rely on his


David called upon the name of the Lord

he said who are you that you come

against the Lord’s people this is where

we would experience a victory like we

have never seen family when you can

submit your gift before the Lord and say

Lord I know I’m gifted I know you have

gifted me with things I know you have

made me strong in a lot of areas but God

I also recognize that without you I am

completely nothing and so perhaps you

have positioned me in places that I keep

questioning God why am I here why did

you place me here because I recognize

that what I carry is so mighty and so

powerful you see David was a man who

killed a lion and a bear while being a

shepherd he was not in the army

none of that he was actually he was he I


we always call him the underdog because

that’s how it would it would appear but

David understood that my ability to do

these things is not because of Who I am

it is because of the hand of the Lord

that is with me so he never tried to go

where his gift could lead him he stayed

where the Word of God met him and he

said Lord it is your word that would

bring promotion into my life not me

chasing things that look like what my

gift can serve David could have

registered to be part of the army he

would have gone to the king and say give

me your strongest man and let me show

you that I belong in the army let me win

favor with the King because of my


but he said no no no no no because the

very ability was not given to me by man

it was not even cultivated by me it is

because of the hand of God upon my life

and so family God may have you in a

position in a place and it feels beneath

you stay there if God led you there stay


don’t be in a hurry to make impulsive

decisions because you want your gift to

be seen there you go where God is not

you don’t want to build what God is not

building because at the end of the day

it would it would manifest to nothing in

the beginning it could look like a

little Samsung looks like you know you

all that and a bag of chips I mean

you’ll know why we say things like that

cuz chips is not much but if you submit

your gift to God then you would

recognize what it means it would be your

testimony that promotion comes from the

Lord family stand with me

thank you Jesus thank you Jesus

thank you Jesus

you see family the simple word that God

showed me was just that that don’t allow

your gift to lead you where his voice

did not send you there are many things

that we know how to do but not

everything is profitable to the

assignment in our lives there are many

things we can do well there are many

things it’s just like ideas I mean you

can if you sit down by yourself one day

you could come about with a hundred

ideas but it is what the Lord reveals to

you that would have impact you know what

before I started working on my second

book I was just thinking of amazing

ideas I was like god what would be a

great idea for another book and I had

many and they all sounded great and I

started working on a couple of them and

Midway the spring will stop me and then

one day I got frustrated I said God I’m

putting a lot of energy into this okay

can’t write all this page then you told

me to let it go and then he said why

don’t you ask me what you should write

because you’re relying on your wisdom

and it can only get you to that chapter

and nothing more but if you want to

write a complete book if you want the

wisdom that comes from me


then why don’t you ask me what you

should write it’s not always just about

starting it’s about starting to finish

and there is only one name that I know

that is the Alpha and the Omega the

beginning and the end and that is

Jehovah I complete things in him not

without him God wants to bring you to a

faithful end he doesn’t want your life

to be cut short he doesn’t want the

calling on your life to be cut short he

wants it to enter into the fullness of

what he called it to be but the

deception of allowing your gift to lead

you is that in the beginning you will

see some fruit but it wouldn’t last

you see the reason why the Israelites

could think it’s okay to worship gods

that have no substance was because even

in those moments the grace of God was

still covering them in a way

that they want it’s almost like they

they lost sight of their pain because

they’re like wow these seem like it’s

maybe working I got some food to eat but

you’re in bondage why did it take them

40 years I mean I just need a day okay

you put me in bondage I just need one

every time I see the cop right behind me

I’m like oh Jesus oh god I would never

hit another fruit snack again why would

it take them 40 years because God needed

40 years to remove from them the

deception of their strength it was not

because 40 years was punishment they

were so stubborn in how they saw

themselves that it took 40 years for

their mind to be completely free in

those moments that I need God like I

really need God we don’t need 40 years

we don’t honestly need 40 days we have

to start taking time to say Lord you

alone are the source of my strength if

there are decisions that there are

opportunities that already coming before

you and it’s saying that hey hey hey you

yes you you’re so talented you’re so

gifted with your fine self why you feel

there you should walk away go into

better things go into what the Lord is

and you would ever make it seem like the

Lord does not want you to be hidden the

Bible says you know the devil knows the

Bible okay the Bible says a city built

on the hill shall not be hidden why

would you allow yourself to be hidden

when the Lord is telling you to shine

your lights the devil can be very tricky

family he used the word of God to try to

manipulate Christ but Christ said no no

no I know your little trickeries how

many know that’s a word but but the way

the enemy would work is to say hey you

should you should be shining the whole

lot brighter why are you still there and

very easily you begin to forget that it

was the voice of God that lets you to

where you are and you start thinking god

I am gifted I should be doing one way

more than what I’m doing here

and if you don’t if it’s not happening

then I probably should walk away and the

crazy thing is that you’re having a

conversation with God but it’s not

really a real conversation because it’s

one way you’re making up your mind about

what you should do and you’re not

actually consulting the voice of God

about what your next move should be

and so in this new season family it

would be opportunities that would exalt

your gift but the motive the demote the

voice of God that the enemy would use to

fight against your position in Christ

and so in this time as we’re entering

we’re going into a new season 2020 take

the time not to write new year

resolutions take the time to say god I

need a word from you I need you to show

me what you’ve called me to do in this

season I need you to reveal to me what

my life should look like in this time

where should my submission lie what

should I be submitted to what should I

say yes and what should I say no to this

is the time not to start planning on

what God should validate in you but you

need to know the Word of God concerning

your life the Bible tells us that if

anyone lacks wisdom he should ask the

Lord who gives willingly without

reproach this is the time these next few

weeks it’s not about you know we all

have our goals right that’s cool you

know I want a six pack that’s cool but

that is not the driving force of my life

we need to start seeking God what is

your word for my life I don’t want to be

led by my gift I want to be led by you

and if you’re making that decision meet

me at the altar let us pray




thank you


thank you


if you’re in the house so you’re

watching and you may not even know why

you’re here maybe your friend dried you

here and you have not made Jesus your

Lord and your Savior family there is no

life without him

and the beautiful thing about Christ is

that it’s not about somebody convincing

you to be a Christian because if I can

convince you with my words somebody can

convince you out of it with their words

it’s not about that the Holy Spirit

knows how to make himself real to you

that’s why you may be in the house and

all of a sudden there’s a burning

sensation on your heart there are

different things that the Lord has been

showing you that led you to this moment

of being in the house of God and so

you’ve been having all kinds of

questions but you know it’s Jesus really

the only way is there another way but

God keeps showing up to you and saying

my child I am your Lord I am your Savior

and I want to give you life real life

not that fluffy stuff you see on

television I want to give you real life

I want to give you you the Bible tells

us that our lives are hidden in Christ

not hidden in culture not hidden in

society but it is hidden in Christ if

you don’t know the Lord and you’re

saying that god I want to make you my

personal Lord and my Savior

I just want you to put your hand up

thank you Jesus






now for those that put their hands up

right at the end of service right here

to my what is this my left our prayer

ministers are gonna be at the altar and

they would love to minister with you

pray with you decide if just please

after service just come down and meet us

here family let’s bow our head in prayer


Heavenly Father

I thank you for my life

just repeat after me family heavily

father I thank you for my life

I think you that you are a God Oh from

my life

Lord I submit

my gift to you

I submit all that I am before you have

your way in

take control over my life

may your word be the only word that

leads my life thank you Jesus


thank you

thank you



for those that gave your life to Christ

on this day I just want you to repeat

after me lord I confess with my mouth as

I believe in my heart

that you are my Lord and my Savior my

life is yours

and Jesus there

