best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

hey family i’m pastor torre

i’m pastor sarah and listen you’re

getting ready to hear an incredible word

for the lord i believe it’s going to

bless you

i believe it’s going to be timely do me

a favor

share the message if it moves you share

the message and then also you have an

opportunity to be a part of

not only helping to spread this message

but to be a part of our outreaches

we’re doing a lot of practical things to

be a blessing to someone so feel free if

god so moves you

to use the information here in the video

to support what we’re doing we’re being

a blessing not just people spiritually

we’re being a blessed people practically

we love you get into this message

and change your life when i say

hallelujah i do mean hallelujah

anyhow there’s something about that song

i just keep hearing those words over and

over and over again you’re the only one

who can sometimes i have a need and that

need can’t be filled by man it can’t be

filled by

more zeros in the bank account but it

can be filled

by the king of kings by the lord of


if that’s your testimony i want you to

say that’s me that’s me that’s me

i know what it’s like to have a need

that only god can fulfill

he’s the only one who can do it right

now you may have a grave but i hear god


that’s what i do i turn graves into


no one else can do it the way that i can

do it i’m the only one who does that

kind of miracle

and this is the moment in which we come


and we say to our god god i recognize

who you

are that what i need man can’t provide

and that what you give can only come

from above you are the only one

who can satisfy this need that i have

that’s why regardless of what i’m going

through i make it my point to make sure

i get in the presence of the lord

because sometimes we just need a


of who he is not what we did not what’s

going to

happen in the news not what we should be

concerned about

but sometimes i just need a reminder of

who god is

and when i come to that place when i am

reminded of who he is

listen all of a sudden my soul is


all of a sudden my heart has peace

because i remember i’m not in this grave

by myself

because we serve a god who turns graves

into gardens

if you’ve already been tapped off you’ve

been topped off

and you’ve already received just so much

of the presence i just want you to type

in the comments thank you god thank you

god thank you jesus

thank you jesus thank you jesus you’re

already working

thank you jesus you’re already speaking

thank you jesus you’re already turning

things around thank you jesus sometimes

you got to praise him in advance

do we still do that in 2020 or do we let

the news determine how we respond

sometimes you got to start praising god

in advance thank you jesus

it’s already done thank you jesus you

already turned it around

thank you jesus for resurrection power

thank you jesus that healing is my


thank you jesus that you are my provider

thank you jesus that i’ll never go

without because i have you on my side

you’re the only one who can do it and

because of that i’m glad

because i have access

i’ve got access so i’m never in a grave

by myself

i don’t know if y’all remember but pt

said september is the month of


and i feel breakthrough already

happening you have to understand that

breakthrough happens in the spirit realm

before it touches the earth and those of

us who know how to praise god in advance

already experienced that breakthrough

breakthrough breakthrough

and so it is my prayer that during our

time together that that same

breakthrough that i feel in this spirit

that same breakthrough that jesus

experienced in that grave

that it would begin to sit on your house

that it would sit on your situation and

that that word is

prophetic and that this word just seals

the deal

because i’ve been praying and i believe

like never before that this is a word

that you need to hear it’s not too late

to invite your friends to church tell

them you saved them a seat

just come on to youtube or facebook or

wherever you’re watching from

because we don’t want anyone to miss out

on this word we want breakthrough

in everything connected to us i’m going

to be speaking from

mark 10. i’m going to start in verse 46.

i’m so excited

about what god has been saying to me

about how this word hit me first i’ve

been thinking and marinating

on this word just over the last couple

of weeks and i

i wasn’t even planning to preach about

it but i’ve just been

eating on it and digesting it in my own

life and i can’t wait to share with you

what god has been saying to me

mark 10 verse 46.

and my text begins it says

now they came to jericho

as he went out of jericho with his

disciples that he

is jesus as jesus went out of jericho

with his disciples

in a great multitude blind bartimaeus

the son of timay is sat by the road

begging so jesus

has come to jericho when he was leaving

out of jericho with his disciples there

was a great multitude with him

and when this great multitude is with

them they are passing by the road and

there is this blind man bartimaeus which

literally means

the son of timaeus he was sitting by the

road begging

and when he heard that it was jesus of

nazareth he began to cry out and say

jesus son of david have

mercy on me then many warmed him

they warned him to be quiet but he cried

out all the more

so jesus stood still

and he commanded him to be called

and then they called the blind man

saying to him be of good cheer

rise he is calling you

and throwing aside his garments he rose

and came to jesus so jesus

answered and said to him what do you

want me

to do for you the blind man said to him


that i may receive my sight

then jesus said to him go your way your

faith has made you well and immediately

he received his sight and followed jesus

on the road my subject for

this sunday message is the place of need

spirit of the living god when you are in

the room

when you are in our hearts when you are

in the situation

things change father we invite your


into this moment we say have your way

we invite your presence into our souls

we say

highlight what needs to be healed we

invite you father into our finances our


there is nothing off limits and so

father consider this our official


we say have your way great god that you

are we did not come to be entertained

we came that we may be forever changing

so father i’m praying that every soul

every listener that would receive this

message would not just hear it

in one ear and out the other but that it

would take root down in their soul


and that joy and peace and hope and


would spring up like never before and

produce generational fruit so father

allow me to deliver this word in the way

that you gave it to me

no nerves no anxiety nothing keeping me

from standing tall in this grace and an


in jesus name i pray amen

there was this man

who won he went on a fast

this is no ordinary fast that he went on

this is a fast that lasted 382 days

his name was angus barbari

and his first meal after going on this

fast was

a boiled egg a piece of toast and black


now that may not seem unordinary

especially since

pt just talked to us about fasting but

there was something about this fast that

made it a bit exceptional

and that it lasted 382 days

that’s right you heard me he fasted for

382 days

in the course of that time he lost 276


and he literally only survived off of


coffee soda water and vitamins

382 days

this was fascinating to me because as i

was studying for this message

i realized that we can force ourselves

to live without what we need

i was thinking how if i go three or four

hours without something to eat i get a

little hungry

if i go six to seven hours i swear i’m

starving but 382 days

is evidence that you can train your body

to live

without what you need i kept hearing

that in my mind

over and over again and all of a sudden

it started making sense to me

while we have communities where food

vulnerability has been prevalent for

generations after generations or

or violence is just the narrative of

certain cities and communities

because it is possible to survive

without what you need

it doesn’t mean that they don’t need

food security it doesn’t mean that they

don’t need

safety in their neighbor’s neighborhoods

it doesn’t mean that you can’t survive

living in a home where there is abuse

you can survive you can learn to live

without what you need

but it doesn’t mean that you didn’t need


if i could define survival at all i

would define survival

as training ourselves to live

without what we need that’s why one of

the most

dangerous thing that any of us can do is

put someone in a position where we teach

them how to survive without us some of


need to teach people how to survive

without us but others of us

when we are in relationship with someone

or you’re working for someone in a

business or a corporation and

and you’re partnering with someone when

you start to teach someone that they can

survive without you

what you’re teaching them is how to

train themselves to live without you

you’re teaching them how to sustain that

momentum and to sustain

a rhythm without you being a part of it

and that is why

so many of us have find ourselves

surviving at a deficit

you see because just because you survive

382 days without food doesn’t mean that

your body stopped needing food

it just means that you learn to live

without what you serve without

what you needed just because you were

able to survive without having the

attention that you needed in your home

as you were growing up doesn’t mean that

you didn’t need the attention it just


that you were able to survive without

getting what you needed and sometimes

we have to take a moment and just thank

god for the fact that we survived

without what we needed

sometimes we just have to take a moment

and say god i thought i needed this but

you taught me how to live without it

i thought i needed that but you taught

me how to live without it

there are some survivors who are

watching right now on this live stream

and there were some things that you

thought you needed in your life and some

things that you didn’t think that you

could be without

but god says i’m going to teach you how

to survive i’m going to show you how to

train yourself

to live without what you needed and we

master that

and we come to this place where we learn

to live without what we needed but the

truth is

that there is another step past survival

when you go from surviving without what

you needed

to coming to a place where you recognize

that i survived without it but that

doesn’t mean that i can continue without

having that in my life

yeah there’s this vulnerable position

of living in the place of need

that none of us want to live in because

after we have had to live without

we don’t ever want to be needy again god

help me

we have to force ourselves to live in

the place of need

because once you have survived so many

things one thing after

another you start to think that you can

go without things

you can go without connection you can go

without love you can go without

attention you can go without

having the bare necessities of what make

people people but the reality is

that just because you survived without

it doesn’t mean that you don’t need it

and you have to come to a place when you

come out of survivor mode

where you say i made it through that

season without it but i don’t want to

move into the next season

until i address the places where i have


until i can address the places where i

have need

because i don’t want to keep surviving

with the deficiency any longer

there’s this study in psychology and

it’s called self-determination theory

and in this theory it suggests that

people are motivated to grow

and change by three innate and universal

psychological needs

those three innate and universal

psychological needs are competence

that means ability connection that’s


and autonomy that is a sense of


so what they’re saying is that you need

to have the

universal need meta feeling like you

have an ability

like if i don’t feel like i have the

ability to do it then it’s difficult for

me to have determination

that’s why failure sticks out in our

mind especially when we experience

failure at an early age because it

speaks to us that we are not competent

and we don’t when we don’t believe that

we are competent then we end up

not believing that we can do what we set

our minds to it doesn’t matter how much

word you receive it doesn’t matter how

many times you’ve been prophesied over

if you have experienced failure at an

early phase in your life

then there is something that happens in

yourself that says i don’t know if i’m

competent to do that thing that is in

front of me

competency connection we need to be


god told men it is not good for man to

live alone we have to have connection

that’s why when we grow up in homes

where connection isn’t good or we grow

up in social security

social communities where connection can

often be toxic it’s detrimental to our


because we have an innate need to feel

connection i wish i could really get

that down in your spirit

that you didn’t just want to have the

good family

that you didn’t just want to feel safe

that you literally

needed it you weren’t just pursuing that

thing because you wanted to have success

you were pursuing it because you wanted

to believe in yourself so when you

didn’t experience

the success of what you were going after

it hurts you more than it hurt maybe

someone else

because you aren’t really sure that you

were competent to begin with

but i want to let you know that you

needed that thing it wasn’t just a one

it was a need and why is that important

because we handle needs differently than

we handle once

when we recognize that this is something

that i needed

we go from feeling like we just

wanted it and can live without it to


that my confidence my growth my


depends on me having this need met

i got to be able to have connection i

have to be able to put my mind at

something and to continue to learn the

lessons until

i experience success this isn’t just

something that i want this is something

that psychologically literally

science is proving that i need

as i was studying over this subject this

topic i just

felt like god kept telling me over and

over again that we are

building and designing a culture that

whispers to its members

that you are most powerful when you need


but the real strength that we get when

we are going to str

when we are going to thrive and show up

in this community means that we have to

come to a place when we recognize

that we actually do have needs and that

there’s nothing wrong with

living in the place of need if we are

always building and trying to get to

this place where we don’t need anyone

all we’re doing is shutting ourselves

off and all we’re doing is becoming an


but when we get to this place where we

recognize i am not meant to live alone

i am not meant to go throughout this

life all by myself then something shakes

down on the inside of us

that allows us to qualify what it is

that we need

when my guy was sitting there hungry on

that 381st

day he recognized that i need to move

into starting to eat again

but i gotta qualify what i eat i can’t

just take on anything because i

need to eat again and so i have to be

careful with how i

satisfy that need if you are so

consistent and

persistent rather that you don’t need


then that moment comes up when you find

yourself being needy

and you don’t understand why you’re

being needy and i hear god saying you’re

being needy because you never

acknowledged the fact that you had a

need to begin with the thing that makes

needy people needy isn’t that they’re


it’s not that they’re evil it’s the fact

that they denied themselves

a need for so long that they started

pulling on people in unhealthy ways

because they didn’t recognize that

it was okay for you to be in need i feel

like we got to know that

it’s 2020 some of us are sitting up in

our homes we’ve been isolated we don’t

have connection in the way that we’re

used to having connection

and i hear god saying it’s okay for you

to need to reach out

to a friend it’s okay for you to need to

get into the presence of god

it’s okay for you to not pretend like

you have it all together and that you’re

taking this season like a champ

it’s okay for you to need somebody to

pick up that phone

and until we recognize that being an

island serves no one but our pride and

our ego

then we will be trapped in a world where

we could have had connection because

we didn’t want to live

in the place of need

the place of need is so powerful because

if we don’t start reconditioning our

mind to stop

building ourselves up like we’re islands

then we miss out on the rich opportunity

to have real

real connection with god

if you think about it how are we

mentally going to switch over from i

don’t need

anybody but i do need god and i don’t


need god in one of those religious ways

i mean i need him like i need my next


i need him like i need water to survive

to live in that place of need is so


and i’m afraid that if we continue to

start to build

idol of ourselves and idols of our own

lives that we will miss out on the power

of living in the place of need and that

is why

bartimaeus is the hero of this text for


because as i study his life

i recognize that bartimaeus had learned

to live

in the place of need bartimaeus is

a blind man sitting on the side of the

road begging is what he does he’s

learned to live

in the place of need you see there’s so

much about

this moment in this text that is so

powerful but i think the most powerful


isn’t actually in the texas in the

context in which this text is set in

because when i looked at the context of

this text i recognized why bartimaeus

was so hungry to hear from jesus

this text tells us that he cries out and

they ask him to be quiet but he cries

out all the more

and so i did a little research to

understand what it meant for jesus to be

walking on the streets

and see what we have to know is that

before jesus even steps on the scene


john the baptist is born in and it

becomes the forerunner of jesus that

the jews at that time had experienced

400 years of silence

400 years of god not speaking

400 years of being handed over from one

captive to the next captive to

from one oppressor to the next oppressor

this is 400 years without

hearing a word from god so when jesus is

finally here

and he’s starting to preach about the

kingdom of heaven being at hand

this is so powerful because it is the

time in which bartimaeus recognizes

that that season of oppression is over

see what makes the gospel good news

is that the good news is that the

kingdom that cannot be overthrown has

finally been established

so when he hears that jesus is walking

past him

he recognizes that this is my time to

cry out for something i may never

experience again you see he was on the

side of the road begging other people

for change

he was begging them for money he wasn’t

asking them to heal them because you got

to understand what some people can give


and what some people cannot he asks

people to give from what they had

not from what they could not give but

when he recognized that jesus was coming

he knew that i have an opportunity to

ask for something

that i may not be able to ask for

anything else like this

ever again i have a need that only god

can fulfill i have a need that only god

can give

i have a need that can only come from

jesus and so while everyone else wants

me to be quiet

i recognize that i’ve been talking to

you for every single day

and i’ve been sitting in this same spot

as you walk by every single day

but there is something that is about to

shift in my atmosphere

because i sense that there is someone

who’s coming who can fulfill the need

that i couldn’t even tell other people


do you ever know what it’s like to have

a need that other people cannot fulfill

and then you get into the presence of

god and when you get into the presence

of god you can let it all

out because i had a need my friend

couldn’t give we went out to dinner but

i still came home empty

i’m in a relationship but i still feel

empty this emptiness can’t be fulfilled

by man

you can only give me a little bit of

company you can only give me a little

bit of change

but when the king of glory comes in i

have an opportunity to

ask for something that man could never

give me

he cries out he cries out have mercy on


jesus he cries out god see me the way

that only you can see me

and that’s why that’s why you can’t let

other people dictate your volume

because other people will tell you to be

quiet and other people will tell you to

just deal with

it and other people will tell you this

is just your life

and you just gotta sit back and take it

and other people will tell you that it’s

never gonna happen for you

and other people will tell you that your

dream is too big

but when you get to talk to someone who

understands what you’re asking for

you see no one else understood what he

was asking for

i don’t have the power to heal you i can

only give you change

but there’s something about being in

relationship with someone

who understands what you’re asking for

and i hear

god saying you’ve been asking me to give

you change

but i want to give you healing you’ve

been asking me to upgrade your situation

but i want to give you healing i want

you to ask for something worthy of my


i want you to ask me for something

worthy of my glory

ask me ask me for something a man can’t

give you

ask me for something your father

couldn’t give you ask me for something

that you can’t beg

for ask me for something you can’t

hustle up on

you gotta know who i am and that’s why

it’s so important

it’s so important that bartimaeus calls


son of david we know a version of jesus

that we got introduced to after the


but bartimaeus sees him as the answer to

a prayer

we saw the thorns and then we saw the


bartimaeus only sees the crown in this


he says you are the king of kings

you are the lord of all lords you are

the son of david

you are the one we have been waiting for

400 years of silence

and god is speaking again

and i know that he sees him properly

because he says

have mercy on me

that word mercy that word mercy means


you don’t ask someone who understands

for compassion

he sees jesus

so properly that when he asked him for


the first thing he says is could you

just for a minute

my big god step into my small situation

this thing i’m asking for is so small

compared to who you are

and so the first thing i want to do is i

want to recognize who you are

and i want to ask you to have compassion

on me he doesn’t know like we know

that jesus is going to get on the cross

and compassion for us

is what he does all he does is stand in


of being in front of the king of kings

and he was only able to accomplish this

because he had mastered living

i live in the place of need

i live in the place of need so well

that i didn’t ask man to give me what i

needed from god i didn’t even bother

with that could you imagine

living in a place the awareness of what

you need

i don’t mean denying yourself what you

need but living in the awareness of what

you need so you can qualify

who can give you what

bartimaeus was able to qualify who could

give him what

because he lived in the place of need i

am a person and i have

holes and i have voids and i have

emptiness and so if i don’t recognize

that i’m living in this place of need i


sabotage myself by just taking on

anything instead of qualifying what any

what it is i need from the person i am

connected with

so when he has this moment when jesus

when jesus is passing by

he asks jesus have mercy on me son of


and what i love about this text is it

doesn’t say that jesus cried out back to


what my bible says is that jesus stood


and he commanded him to be called we’re

talking about a blind man he doesn’t

recognize what’s happening around him

all he knows is that he cried out for


and in the midst of him crying out for

jesus jesus was responding he just

couldn’t see it

but he trusted that jesus would respond

to his cry you’re

maybe watching right now and you feel

like you’ve been crying out

not recognizing that god is facilitating

for that answer to come your way but you

can’t see it because of where you are

positioned and finally

he throws aside his garments he rises

and he comes to jesus

and when he gets to jesus he says your

faith your

go your way your faith has made you well

i feel like verse 52.

i feel like verse 52 was almost like

another pop quiz

as i was studying this text i saw that

he says jesus says go your way

your faith has made you well and

immediately he received his sight and

followed jesus on the road but

he followed jesus on the road

that really stood out to me because i

think to myself

if i would have been blind as this man

was blind

and jesus finally gives me my sight back

i would want to go back to where i used

to be

to take in all of the things that i


because there’s something about me

finally being healed that makes me want

to go back to where i used to be so i

could relive those moments i don’t know

who this is for but i feel this


you want to take a healed version of you

into a place where you once were blind

and i hear god saying you’re not called

to do that

that this healed version of you has to

be willing to move into the

unknown the same way bartimaeus did in

this moment

that moving into the unknown means that

even though you’re healed you can’t go

back to where you once were

that now like bartimaeus you have to

follow jesus that

place of need made me recognize that

bartimaeus realized that just as

vulnerable as he was when blind he was

just as vulnerable

when healed there we go again searching

for this

place of arrival where we think that if

i could just get this one breakthrough

if i could just have this one thing

fixed and cured in my life then i could


back and live in a world that feels

familiar and comfortable to me

but there is something about healing and

there’s something about experiencing

god’s power

that helps us understand that the only

way this truly works is if i stay

connected to the original source

which means i never leave the place of

need he thought that he needed him

just to heal his blind eyes but it

turned out he actually needed him

because he was going to need to walk

with him

so that jesus could show him how to

maneuver in a world where he could see

but that he had been touched by god you

see sometimes we have to understand

that the most powerful thing that we can

do is not just

ask jesus to give us something that we

can apply to our own dreams

but to ask jesus to give us something

that makes us a better

follower of jesus you see that very

thing that bartimaeus was asking for

is the thing that jesus ends up giving

him that helps him to be a better

follower of jesus he could have followed

him while blind

but he asked jesus for something that

would make him more powerful when

following him

i wonder if we’re asking jesus for the

right things

or if we’re asking jesus for things that

will just help us

feel better and things that will help

our world to function better

or are we being crazy enough to ask

jesus for things that will make us

better for your use

jesus allow me to become better for your

kingdom i don’t want to take

my dream and apply it to your anointing

i want to be touched by god so that i

have no choice but to follow you there

are some radical breakthroughs

that take place in your life when you go

from being in a grave and into a garden

where you make a decision that god i’m

so far out here

that i know it wasn’t me who brought me

out here on my own i want to prophesy

right now

that that’s going to be your testimony

that you’re going to come to a place in

your growth

and you’re going to place come to a

place in your development that you stop

asking god for one-off blessings and one


miracles and you start asking god for

the types of things that

keep you in relationship with him god i

need to let go

of this thing i need to let go of this


i need to let go of this addiction but

i’m not just asking you to take it from


i’m asking you to exchange one need for

another need i feel that for somebody

i feel the spirit of god on this word

for you you’ve been asking god to just

take it away from you and i hear god

saying that you need to ask me to

exchange it for my power

you need to ask god to take that

addiction and exchange it for your


to take this relationship and exchange

it for my anointing

i hear god saying there’s something on

the other side of this blindness

there’s something on the other side of

this brokenness there’s something on the

other side of this pain

and i want you to be crazy enough to

just stop asking me

to take it from you and start asking me

for the divine exchange

bartimaeus that i want to be healed

jesus says i got something better for


i got an exchange that’s going to make

you fit for my use

i’ve got an exchange that’s gonna help

you walk with me stop

asking me for a one-sided deal

i don’t know i don’t know who you are

i don’t know what you’ve been asking for

or what you’ve been asking god to move

out of your way

but i hear god saying that you have to

understand that i’ve got a full blessing

for you

that i’ll open up the windows of heaven

and give you a blessing you don’t have

room enough to receive

and right now you’re asking for

something you got room to receive

and that’s why i can’t answer you but

when you start asking me for something i

don’t have room enough to receive

that you’ll see my power show up and i’m

not talking about the things that we

hustle up on

i’m talking about breakthrough it’s one

thing to say break the relationship

it’s another thing to say god give me my

heart back so i can give it back to you

it’s one thing for you to say god put me

in the room

it’s another thing to say god put me in

the room so that i can show them that

it’s always been you behind the scenes

that says i need you to complete the



what if what if you’ve been praying in

incomplete sentences


what if you’ve been asking god for half

of what he can do

and what you really have to do

what you really need to do

is to start asking god for things that

only he can do

god i need you god i need you i want

i want to experience your power so

strong in my life that it gives me no

choice but to follow you

god i learned how to live without the

father i learned how to live without the

mother i learned how to survive the


i train myself to live without what i

need but father

now i’m asking you to give me those

things that i needed

god i needed to feel loved

god i needed to feel wanted

god i didn’t just want it i learned to

live without it but the truth is that i

really needed it

but i didn’t get what i needed

but i don’t have to stay empty in the

place that i was empty do you know what


when god gives you what you learn to

live without

doesn’t necessarily mean that the father

reappears or that

your life can be rewinded and you get to

act it out all of

all out all over again what he does is


he gives you his spirit

where there was emptiness

he says i can’t change that brokenness

that you experience from other people i


change that pain that you experience

from other people but what i’m saying is

that place where you were empty i can

give you my

spirit and my spirit can fill you in

such a way

that it stretches your capacity

that thing that man would have given you

it may have just topped you

off but when i give you my spirit you

experience overflow


what i want for you more than anything

is to become comfortable living

in the place of need

and recognizing that acknowledging my

needs doesn’t make me needy

god i’m in need

i’m in need of your touch i’m in need of

your power

god who i am is so small compared to who

you are

i need you i need you i need you son of


have mercy on me look at me and look at

me with compassion because god i

i need you

and when he gets into relationship with

god he knew

who he was talking to when he knew what

he could ask for

i just can’t get over this that

bartimaeus wasn’t just asking for

healing from anyone who would come by

he knew that there were limits on what

someone could give him

and you got to know that there are

limits on what people can give you

but when there was a moment for him to

really get in front of god

he understood who he was talking to

the goal is not to become god

the goal is to need god

my goal is to wake up every day and

identify the area of my life where i

need him

we want to wake up and thank god that we

don’t need him in x

y and z and sure there’s a praise

connected to that god

god i didn’t need you to put a roof over

my head today i thank you for that

but the true growth doesn’t come when we

check off all of these boxes where we no

longer need god

it’s when we live in the awareness

of how desperate we are to stay in

connection with him

this is 2020 and so much of our life has

changed so much of our

ability to connect has changed

and yet you’re watching this message

because you’ve made a decision in your

life that i

need god

i need them if i have to do it online i

need them if i have to do it in the

empty room i need them i need them i

need them never lose

your need of god

live in that place thrive

from that place and don’t make your

pursuit about escaping the need for god

but living in the comfort of knowing

that i don’t even want to

know a version of me that doesn’t need

god i tried her she sucked

but i want more than anything is to be

like bartimaeus

where i say okay god you did that but i

gotta stay connected with you because i

don’t know what else i’m gonna need and

you are the only one who can fulfill

anything that comes up i wanna pray with


you’re watching this message god

and needing is hard for you

it makes us feel vulnerable

i don’t want to need people

i don’t want to need anything

because i’ve learned to train myself to

live without what i needed we have these

moments in our life

that break us so tremendously that we

say i’m never going to need that

again so we’re living behind these walls

of being okay of being

satisfied but the truth is that god

still sees

your need he still sees that area where

you wish you could have

received love when you wish you could

have been affirmed where you wish you

could have been communicated he still


that just because you trained yourself

to live without it doesn’t mean that you

didn’t need it

i don’t know who you are but i just felt

god say

i’m sorry you didn’t get what you needed

from where you wanted it

but just because you didn’t get it from

where you wanted it doesn’t mean that

you can’t still have access

may not come from where you want it but

god says i can still give you what you


you may not have a father’s love from

your father but i can give you a

father’s love

from your pastor from your uncle i can

give you a father’s love you can open up

that bible and i can

give you a father’s love some people go

into the bible and we’re all

searching for something different

somebody needs their mother in that word

somebody needs their father in that word

somebody needs community in that word

but i hear god saying whatever it is

that you feel like you learn to live


that i’ve got it stored up in heaven for

you and i want to prophesy right now

that the enemy would stop

haunting you and taunting you because of

what you didn’t have

and that you would come to a place where

you were so fulfilled in your

relationship with god

where you say my mama didn’t give it to

me but god had it on store

in heaven and when he opened up the

windows of heaven he restored a version

of my life that i never thought was


my siblings couldn’t give it to me my

school wasn’t able to provide it for me

but god held it on reserve for me i hear

god saying that i kept notes

on everything that you lost i kept notes

on everything that was left behind

everywhere you’re empty i’ve got a

record for in heaven

and i’ve got blessings and i’ve got


and i’ve got opportunities on standby so

that you can experience

so that you can experience fullness

where you once felt lost

if you’re watching this i don’t care

where you are

i want you to take a moment and

consciously open up your heart

i want you to consciously open up your


and i want you to allow god’s presence

into that place of need

that you would open up your heart in

such a way

that you stop asking man for what they

can’t give you

validation affirmation confidence peace

love joy kindness forgiveness

stop asking man to fix you

that you would open up yourself for a


allow yourself to be needy

god we need you we need you we need you

we need you we need you we need you

this world is so much bigger than us we

need you

this disease is so much bigger than us

we need you

this ministry grew beyond what i could

imagine i need you

god this life is so difficult i need you

i need you i need you

i know it’s not popular to say that we

need anything in 2020

but god if it could just be me o me o me

o lord

standing in the need of prayer i would

just take a minute to say father i need

you to touch my heart

i would say father i need you to help me

to deal with this stress

father i need you to help me pursue this


and i lose my mind in the process father

i need you to break this addiction

i need you i need you i need you i need


not just until the message is over i’m

not talking about a lifetime of need i

need i need i need you

i need you i need you i need you i need

you i need you i need you i need you i

need you i need you i need you i need

you if that’s you type it in the


i need you i need you i need you our

heaven is watching the comments

i need you i need you i need you heaven

is watching to see what comes out of

your lips

i need you i need you i need you it’s

not my mother this time i need you

it’s not my sister this time i need you

it’s not my brother this time i need you

i need you in my life i need you in my


i need you in my finances i don’t want

someone’s borrowed anointing

i don’t want someone’s borrowed

relationship i need you i need a

lifetime of being connected with you

i want to follow you i want to walk with

you where you go

i go your people shall be my people i’m

trying to ride for you the way you roll

for me

so father

first of all we thank you

that when we call upon the name of jesus

that you are faithful god you are so


you will deliver in areas where we

didn’t even know we needed it


you’re watching this message and you’re

not even sure if you are a christian

i want to invite you to make a decision

you’re watching this message and it’s

been a long time since you’ve even

been in church or received a word from

god i want to invite you

to invite jesus into your life

it’s been a while since i lived in the

place of need when you meet

new christians they are so excited

because they know just how much they


jesus i want to invite you to be one of

those new christians

oh and those old christians sometimes

they live so long as christians that

they forget what it’s like to be a new


i want to invite the old christians to

come back to the place of need

father we need

you more than we need anything

else god we need you more than we need

the next president more than we need

the next celebrity more than we need the

next star

god we need you more than we need the

next job more than we need the next


father we need you

and so with our hearts open

and our vulnerability expose god

we bring ourselves to the place of need

and we just humble ourselves in front of

you father and we say we recognize that

there is no one like you

god you are the king of kings you are

the lord of lord jesus we thank you

that you would come down to earth that

you would make yourself of no reputation

so that we could experience compassion

father it is my prayer that your spirit

would meet each and every person

exactly where they are their cars their

homes their living rooms their kitchen

it matters not father your presence and

your spirit there is no distance

father gather us in your presence and

help us to be comfortable with those

places where we felt empty

so that we can make room for you to fill

us father fill them fill them

fill them fill them fill them with your

spirit father fill them with your power


give them faith god increase their faith

that they may receive this healing

and receive their breakthrough so that

they can walk with you with confidence

that they never have to be empty again

father we receive this word

and we act that it would take root god

in our lives

and that it would change the way we walk

that we would no longer be pursuing a

place where we have no need

but that we would be comfortable

recognizing that we

live in the place of need but we are

also connected with the ultimate


thank you god for this word thank you

for every person watching

god thank you that they gave their life

to you father that they accepted you

jesus as their lord and savior allow

them to

live with the power of that confidence

and let nothing and no one take it from


in jesus name i pray amen

i want you to take this word and i want

you to chew on it

one of the things that i love the most

about receiving a word that really

strikes me down to my core

is just stealing it with worship and

that’s what we want to do with you

before we go

about our life i promise you you’re

watching this you need to experience a


of worship where you can take this word

that you received and

open yourself up and say god this is me

showing you the best version of who i am

who i was before the message started

has now just been transformed and so god

i just want to seal this new place with


so family let’s worship together we

can’t wait to see you on thursday

on saturday on sunday god’s going to

continue to move and we’re going to walk

this thing out together

in jesus name
