Service 09.13.18 8PM ACTIVATE LA

Order – Wholeness Winning In Life From The Inside Out To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here:


I want to get right in the word if

that’s okay with you

god we honor you

your presence is so evident in this

place I’m gonna be speaking out of Luke

nine I’m gonna start in verse 37 this is

the New King James Version and it begins

it says now what happened on the next

day when they had come down from the

mountain that a great multitude met him

this hymn is Jesus suddenly a man from

the multitude cried out saying teacher I

implore you look on my son for he is my

only child and behold a spirit seizes

him and he suddenly cries out it

convulses him so that he foams at the

mouth and it departs from him with great

difficulty bruising him so I implored

your disciples to cast it out but they

could not then jesus answered and said o

faithless and perverse generation how

long shall I be with you and bear with

you bring your son here and as he was

still coming the demon threw him down

and convulsed him then Jesus rebuked the

unclean spirit healed the child and gave

him back to his father my subject for

those of you who like to take notes is

the missing link

and so god I just I just acknowledge

that this moment is about you getting a

word to your people and I ask that you

would stop at nothing to make that word

become flesh God I submit myself over to

you I surrender to everything that you

have pre-designed this moment to be God

bring my words my thoughts my heart into

alignment with what you know this moment

has the power to become and God I am

believing that as you do so that that

generational curses can be broken God

I’m believing that as you do so that

miracles can take place God I’m

believing that as you do this that even

demons couldn’t be cast out because

that’s the kind of God that I serve in

the same power that raised Jesus out of

the grave is alive in this room and

you’re just searching for someone to

pour it into and God I say choose me and

if you do what I promise that I will

turn every single moment every thought

over to you in Jesus name I pray

and then amen you guys can get seated

and be comfortable I had I had a project

that I was working on and I was working

on this project and there was just one

final touch that the project needed and

I wanted to get that final touch but I

didn’t necessarily have the budget to

get the final touch come on somebody

it’s just missing one little piece and

so I did what every entrepreneur does

when they need something done but don’t

have the means to make it happen I

downloaded the software and went to

youtube I do it myself the problem is

that YouTube didn’t take into account my

skill set I was playing with adobe

effects and I had downloaded it and it

was on my computer but the Adobe wasn’t

affecting the way

that it was supposed to and now I’m

hours into this because I’m on a mission

and I have invested and now I need to

make sure that I’m actually able to

produce this desired outcome and then

there comes this moment when you’re on

YouTube University where you realize I

really should have just paid somebody to

do this for me because the time that I

have lost in trying to do it myself

I could have been using to do what I’ve

actually am ordained to do what I’m

actually supposed to be doing what I

actually have talent and purpose to

manifest and so for me in that instance

the missing link was actually reaching

out to someone who knows better than I

do but still there are these moments in

my life where I realize I have the tools

I have the software I just haven’t been

able to manifest the desired outcome I

know what I want I know what it’s

supposed to do when I get finished but

for some reason I haven’t been able to

get that desired outcome and I think the

greatest challenge that many of us will

face is not recognizing that we have

power and authority but how to translate

that power and authority into every area

of our life god help me make it plain

I’ve got power and authority when I’m

speaking but I’m trying to figure out

how to have power and authority as a


I have power and authority in corporate

America and what do I mean by power okay

let’s talk about it when Jesus sends out

the disciples he doesn’t just send them

out he sends them out with power and

authority power means that he made them

a force that’s what that word when you

look it up in the Greek it means he made

them a force I made the

sciples of force I didn’t just send them

out into the world by themselves to cast

out devils and to cure all illness I

made them a force I went from being a

follower of Christ to being a force I’m

a follower with the force that means

when I walk in the room darkness are the

backup because I’m a force that means

that when I grabbed my microphone when I

grabbed my pen when my idea is manifest

it ought to be your force did you know

that you’re not just a follower of

Christ you are a force and when you know

that you are a force you run up on

things a little differently when you

know that you are a force you expect a

certain level of resistance because when

I come in the room I either shake things

up a little bit because I’m coming with

the mission I’m a force I’m a force I’m

a force in the industry I’m not even

discovered yet but I know that I’m a

force I’m a force I’m a force I’m a

force in my marriage that means that I

can create the kind of marriage that I

know God wants me to have because I

believe so greatly that he placed me in

your life the things out of when

I’m in your life baby things ought to

get a little bit better because I just

that’s just the way I do what I do baby

I’m a force I’m trying to help take you

to the next level I’m trying to help you

level up a little bit I’m a force when I

come into your business and your

organization I’m not coming to take I’m

coming because I have something to give

I’m a force everything I’m connected to

ought to go to the next level because of

Who I am not because of what it is I’m

not surprised when you benefit from

being connected to me that’s what ought

to happen when you are connected to me

because I’m a forest

yeah yeah he made me a force I wasn’t a

force when I was out here on my own but

when I surrendered my life to the one

who makes all things work together I

became a force darkness became afraid of

me generational curses couldn’t break me

I became of course I started thinking

crazy thoughts like I could do all

things through Christ because I’m a

force I started thinking that I could

change the very thing that’s hating

making every one of hate because I’m of

course I’m crazy enough to believe that

I can do it I’m crazy enough to believe

that there’s a place for faith in this

industry I’m a force I’m a forest he

ordained me to be a force and I didn’t

just come here to receive I came to put

some order and some structure into a

world that wouldn’t have it otherwise

so the disciples he made them a force

and he gave them authority because I

need you to recognize that not only are

you a force but you also have authority

over other forces because when a force

meets a force makes you question if

you’re actually a force maybe I was like

a baby force I was all gassed up when I

got power but now my power has sent me

into environments where I must be in a

room full of other forces and so I’m

wondering now if I can be a force in

this environment and so she says I

didn’t just make you a force I also gave

you authority and because I gave you

authority that means that when I send

you somewhere that you have force and

authority to take whatever is against

what I’m trying to do and bring it under


I’ve got Authority I’ve got inner

authority I don’t just let thoughts roam

around in my mind I take authority

because there is the side of me that is

a force and there’s the side of me that

is toxic and I’m trying to make the side

of me that is toxic come into captivity

with the side that is a force and so I

have to bring that into Authority no

we’re not crazy no more we stopped doing

that last year girl come on and bring

that into captivity

I’ve got Authority and so he’s given the

disciples power and he’s given them


and the disciples are doing what Jesus

has sent them out to do and things are

going well and when we find them in this

text they have just come down from the

mountain where they witness Jesus at the

Mount of Transfiguration this is where

Moses and Elijah appear and they

literally hear the voice of God say this

is my son and whom I am well pleased and

so the disciples are operating with

power and authority and they also

recognize where that power and authority

came from the disciples are probably on

cloud nine I’ve recognized that I’ve got

power and authority I’m rolling with

Jesus and I know that he’s the one I

suspected that he was before but I

literally heard God say that he is the

one and while they’re functioning in

this power and authorities something

happens something happens that reveals

that you can have power and authority on

one level but there could be a part of

you that doesn’t have power and

authority for your next devil at least

you don’t think you’ve got power and

authority for that next devil I had

power and authority for a certain kind

of demon says the disciples I have power

and authority for a certain type of

illness as that disciples I had power

and authority for a certain level of

competition I had power and authority

when I was back home but now I’m here

and I’m not sure that I still have that

same power and authority when I was

single I had power and authority but now

I’m trying to figure out how does that

power and authority translate into this

next level and the disciples are

gracious enough to to be a case study

for us

as we study how to translate our own

power and authority into the next

dimension first of all imagine the

disciples when the man who has a son who

was just ridden with a demons cries out

the crowd after they’ve been connected

with Jesus

I imagine that for them they start

looking at this man whose child they

could not heal and they are reminded of

the things that they couldn’t do while

still standing with the connection of

the man who told them they could do it

so I’m still connected to God but this

thing is coming at me that is reminding

me of what I couldn’t do

I’m not out of the will of God I haven’t

backslidden I just shot my shot I just

tried to shoot my shot at something and

it didn’t work and that would be okay if

I could leave it behind but for some

reason it’s come back around and I

wonder if it came back around because

Jesus needs a demon to demonstrate not

just to the man that he had the power to

heal his son but to the disciples that

they had the power to cast out that

devil – I really hear that prophetically

for someone that that’s something that

you thought you couldn’t do is coming

back around and when it comes back

around it’s not to haunt you or to taunt

you or remind you of what you couldn’t

do is to show you how you’re gonna do it

the next time around that the first time

you didn’t have a tutorial but this time

God is going to show you how to do it

step by step I’m going to show you what

you didn’t think you had but I gave you

power and authority for this kind of

devil I’m in a new arena I’m in a new

league and I feel like that new league

is trying to bring up my own

insecurities I’m in a new dimension and

I’m throwing everything I’ve got added

that I think I have I’m throwing at it

but for some reason I’m not seeing the

desired outcome that I want to see I’ve

got the same software that earned me the

right to fight on this level but when I

throw my punches it’s not working the

way that I used to I know everyone is

out here making it happen and they don’t

have any issues but there are some of us

who have graduated to the next level and

it doesn’t feel like a celebration it

feels like I’m throwing my best shot but

for some reason it’s not taking the

punch like it needs to I’m not seeing

any traction I’m not seeing the wind the

way that I want to and it keeps coming

back around and every time it comes back

around I think that I’m going to fail

the way that I felt the last time and I

came here on a Thursday night in Los

Angeles to tell you to get ready get

ready get ready because when it comes

back around this time you’re not going

to have to cast it out on your own that

Jesus is going to be right beside you

telling you how to throw the punch how

to handle the meeting who you need to

book and who you don’t need to book who

you need to be in relationship with and

who you don’t need to be in relationship

with it’s coming back around it’s coming

back around it’s coming back around get

your game face ready it’s coming back


coming back around get your license is

coming back around this is a prophetic

message for somebody it’s coming back

around you didn’t lose you just needed a

little more help you didn’t lose you

just needed to know I gave you power for

that too I gave you authority for that

too it’s coming back around it ain’t

over it’s not over yet you just weren’t

the person you were supposed to be so

that you could cast that thing out so

that you could lay hold of what God said

it was supposed to be it’s coming back

around I feel that I want to move on I

got three more points but I just want

you to know that it’s coming back around

I want to go to war with the thoughts

that tells you that you missed your


I rebuke that right now in the name of

Jesus Satan you are a liar and no fault

that you plan can never prosper over the

truth that God is given you’re going to

get another shot you’re gonna get

another chance and this time it’s gonna

fall to the ground and that had the

noise issue to tread upon serpents I

came to fight tonight

wanna live in the fight for your destiny


with that I got some power for that

may not have no money I may not have no

connections but I do have some power for

that I may not know everything I need to

know but I got some power for that I got

some wonder working power I got some

demon chasing power and I’m gonna learn

how to translate this power into

everything that God says has my name on

it and that’s why I’m here

and that’s why I keep diggin in the word

and that’s why I keep worshiping cuz I

gotta figure out how to make this power

echo I’m trying to make it echo in my


I’m trying to make it echo in my

finances I’m trying to make it echo in

my marriage I’m trying to make it echo

down to my children I’m trying to make

it at going to the rocks cry out







I gave you power and I gave you

authority and that’s why you’re even in

the situation that you’re in right now

and it’s going to take that same power

and that same authority to go from being

a beginner to a master on this level you

got to stay connected to the power you

got to stay connected to the one who

puts you in the position you got to stay

connected when Jesus says oh you

perverse in a faithless generation he

says that this isn’t the demons problem

this is your problem because you don’t

have enough faith you have power and

authority but you believe that your

power in authority has limits and I’m

telling you that the thing that takes

the limits off of your power and

authority is a fresh wave of faith and I

hear God say I’m handing it out tonight

who wants some more thing who wants some

more faith who wants some more faith I

need faith to unleash the next dimension

of my power I need faith to get this

budget together I need faith

to get this project financed God you

gave me the opportunity now give me some

more faith so I don’t disappoint you

when you place me in the room god I’m

tired of talking about it

I wanna be about it and you have called

me into this generation with this moment

I want you to point me in the direction

of my payment so that I can cast it out

I cast out every demon cats out there

depression talking up

cast it out that’s the kind of






just like that just like that that thing

is still in you that fire is still in

you take it with you everywhere you go

take it with you and everything you

create take it with you when you decide

to love again that’s power and authority

and that only comes from God


Jesus says first this is a faith problem

secondly he says perverse I looked that

word up and it means to turn from what

is right and the antonym of perverse is

agreement so it stands to reason that if

the disciples wanted to cast out this

new level of devil that they were going

to have to have faith to do it and they

were going to have to come into

agreement that it could happen because

sometimes we have faith but we don’t

know if it’s actually going to happen

but I hear God saying that the missing

link got a mess my whole message outline

up but here we are

I hear guys saying that the missing link

is more faith and agreement so I didn’t

just come here to preach tonight I came

here to come into agreement with you

yeah that’s why we’re in the body of

believers because where two or three are

gathered in his name there he won’t be

in the

and I just want to know if you can grab

your neighbor and say I’m coming into

agreement we’re gonna activate the next

dimension of glory I’m coming into

agreement I’m adding my face to yours no

weapon formed against you is going to



what God says

every time


can I hear the sound can I hear the

sound of more faith and agreement then

give me 10 seconds I want to hear you

coming to agreement

I want to hear that next level shout me

down in this place shout me down in this

place your power is riding on it

let he’ll hear you let he’ll hear you

let them demons tremble let the enemy

get nervous


there’s a missing link there’s a missing

link but I just found it there’s a

missing link but I just found him I had

faith for the last dimension and I tried

to make that faith and meet this

dimension but God says increased

responsibility increased faith God says

increased opportunity increased faith

and I’m coming into agreement

new level new temple new sera new level

a new temple no me if everything else is

leveling up I’m leveling up too if

everything else is going to the next

dimension I’m going to the next

dimension – I’m not gonna bring my old

ways into this new opportunity I’m too

grown for that I’ve been through too

much hell for that I gotta bring the

next version of me into alignment


activate activate activate the next

version of Who I am

activate the next level of faith

required got activated



and don’t allow my own disbelief to

stand in the way of exercising the power

and authority that you’ve given me you

gave me power you gave me authority and

I’ve used it I know it works and because

you are not a man that you allow I don’t

believe that you would bring me into

this next level and not allow that same

power and authority to show up here too

and so what I’m saying is that there is

some faithless perverse things in me

keeping me from that power and authority

if I’m honest I don’t fully believe I

can do it if I’m honest I don’t fully

believe that I deserve it if I’m honest

I’m pursuing it but I think someone else

deserves it and the truth is that if

that demon is standing in front of the

disciples then the disciples have the

power they just have to believe that

they have the power over this type of

demon let me tell you one thing cuz

y’all and guy I’m not gonna lie y’all I

messed up my whole sermon not even lie

about that alright but I do want to say

one thing

and if you just give me verse 42 very

quickly verse 42 is when Jesus says to

the men to bring your son here Jesus is

operating in his power and in his

authority that has no cracks there there

are no issues no no insecurities and

Jesus’s power and authority and in verse

42 it says and as he was still coming

the demon threw him down and convulsed

him and threw down the little boy and

convulsed him and then Jesus rebuked the

unclean spirit I thought to myself that

the demon must have known when it was

approaching Jesus that it had to throw

itself down when it got in the vicinity

of true power when they got in the

vicinity of true Authority Jesus didn’t

even have to go to ward the way the

disciples probably thought they were

going to have to because there was

something about that demon heading in

the direction of Jesus what to say every

tongue shall confess in every knee shall

bow so when the demon got into the

vicinity of Jesus had automatically got

in position for Jesus to ultimately

crush its head and to kill what was

killing the little boy and to bring

forth what it was supposed to be in the

first place I don’t know who this is for

but I hear God’s saying that you’re not

even gonna have to fight the way you

think you’re gonna fight that the moment

that you lay hold of this next dimension

of faith that the opportunities are

going to fall at your feet and all

you’re gonna have to do is finish them

off all you’re gonna have to do is

decide how you want to do it not if not

is it going to be possible but how do

you want to do it that something is

going to fall at your feet that would

have made other people have to roll up

their sleeves for but because you were

operating in your power and authority it

just fell at your feet that’s a good


that’s a good word cuz somebody’s been

feeling behind that’s a good word cuz

someone hasn’t been feeling like they

have enough strength that’s a good word

cuz somebody just got their faith and

they got their power back and I hear God

saying save your power I’m the latest

one down at your feet save that

Authority I’m the latest one down at

your feet

save it for when you don’t have me on

your side save it for when them

depressing thoughts start coming at you

but I’m gonna throw some things down at

your feet just because you finally

leveled up that’s a good word that’s a

real good word that’s the word for me

I’m getting full all by myself cuz I see

some opportunities that I’ve been hiding

and I need a little more backing or so I

thought but God just told me he’s gonna

throw it at my feet God just told me

that I don’t have to worry about it that

it’s coming for me I’ve been chasing

after it

but it’s chasing after me I’ve been

going after it

but it’s coming after me I’m bout to

throw some things down at the feet of

some crazy spirit filled faith filled

believers and all I want to know is

who’s got enough strength to pull up

their feet and shred on serpents who has

enough wisdom


yeah thank you Jesus for going ahead of

us and showing us who we have the

potential to become because the

disciples saw the way Jesus did it it

unleashed their ability to do it and

because we get to see how Jesus did it

it unleashes your ability to do it too I

have to be honest this isn’t the kind of

message that you just receive and then

go back to the way things were there’s a

level of expectation that you have to

leave I wanted to impart something in

this room and that is expectation that

I’m going to be okay expectation that

I’m gonna get it anyway expectation that

I’ve got power and authority and if you

don’t get anything else about a new

level of expectation that partners with

your power and authority no good thing

will he withhold

I want to pray with you I still have 12

minutes left but you guys really you

guys really did a number on this one but

I want to pray for people who have been

feeling like there’s just a missing link

there’s a missing link it’s not like

what I’m doing isn’t working it is

working but it’s just there’s just this

missing link I just don’t feel the way

that I’m supposed to feel I’m on this

next dimension and in this new level but

it’s not I’m not having the feelings

that I thought I was going to have and I

hear guys saying that the only thing

missing is that next level of faith and

for there to be agreement that this is

not a phase this is your new normal

Jesus didn’t give the disciples

temporary power in temporary Authority I

gave you power and authority that has

the ability to multiply and increase as

the situation requires and your

situation is requiring another dimension

of power and authority and I’m telling

you you’re not empty is down in you you

just have to have faith for that next

dimension of power and authority and

that God is going to give you strategy

on how to translate the power and

authority that got you in the room to

help you consume the whole building I

don’t just want to sit at the table I

want to have the whole building

declaring that God can take a little

nobody who never had it together and

place them in situations and

opportunities and relationships and

organizations that they were never

supposed to be in but because they

exercise this crazy level of faith that

they took a broken vessel and made it

whole for everyone to see if that’s you

and you know I’ve been dealing with this

missing link I want you two to stand and

just lift your hands and worship I got a

a missing link somewhere

a missing link and I realized that I am

actually the missing link

that I haven’t thrown my full face at

this issue I haven’t thrown my full

agreement that this thing is gonna work

out I just kind of backed away when it

got scary I backed away when it seemed

too consuming but I’m ready to go at it

again and I’m bringing the best of me

into the situation not the childish

immature version of who I used to be I’m

done with that I’m trying to be a next

version I want to be mature this time

around I want to listen this time around

I want to have the experience from last

time to help guide me into how to

navigate at this time and so spirit of

the Living God as you demonstrate it to

the disciples that the same power that

Jesus had to cast a demon out is

available to each and every one of us

who surrender God we turn ourselves over

to you God first of all we want to ask

for forgiveness because we didn’t fully

trust the power and authority that

you’ve given us I didn’t fully trust

that you could do it with someone like

me and the door opened and if I’m honest

I got scared because I didn’t feel

qualified to walk in it but God you gave

me another shot at it and I want to walk

into the room the right way I don’t want

to carry my fears I don’t want to carry

my insecurities so god I’m asking that

you stripped me down from every

faithless and perverse thing that exists

down on the inside of me god I turned

myself over to you every thought that

the enemy has planted uprooted right now

in the name of Jesus every mistake that

is chasing me God break its legs right

now in the

of Jesus I’m trying to outrun my past

with new faith I’m trying to outrun who

I used to be with new faith I’m trying

to run into the next dimension of Who I

am God I am part faith right now into

this room God I’m asking for that same

anointing in that same power to permeate

this place Oh God there are demons and

devils that are assigned to our

anointing God send us in the direction

of where those demons are and dare us to

unleash that power in the industry Oh

God in our marriages oh god over

generational curses God make us the

change that we want to see until

everything bounce down and proclaims

that that person that person was

different and I think it’s because of

where they came from so connect us back

to our Creator connect us back to you

fill us with more faith more wisdom more

strategy more insight that we may run

our race to knots grow weary because we

recognize you didn’t bring us into this

opportunity to embarrass us or to hurt

us but to demonstrate what you placed in

us God we surrender to this process and

Jesus name Amen


