Order – Wholeness Winning In Life From The Inside Out To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: https://tphla.org/giving/



you here with us nudge the person beside

you say I’m glad you here child

I’m glad you here I’m glad you here I’ve

been praying and I believe that God

wants to do something special in here

tonight and so I’m going to jump into

the word I’m going to be speaking from

judges 15 verse 18

can you guys pray for me I usually do

Thursday nights and my best friend my

husband our pastors here but he’s away

writing his book but he’s watching

online can we acknowledge be incredible

gifts that is pastor to a baby I love

you I miss you I don’t know about you

but I’m so glad that he started the

potter’s house at 1 la / 1 Church /

Saints United ministry has this church

radically blessed you can we just thank

God for pastor Torian his yes and all

that he’s done to make us become better

so I know he’s praying and covering me I

know you guys are praying and covering

me so let’s get in the word judges 15

verse 18 to set this up we’re going to

be talking about Samson and at this

point in the text

Samson has just defeated over a thousand

Philistines and yet in spite of the fact

that he has had this incredible victory

it’s going to be juxtaposed besides this

moment in his life where he is thirsty

and I love this text because it was just

a reminder to me that no matter how

victorious or how courageous you are we

will all have moments where we are

successful in one season and then

thirsty in another season and verse 18

begins it says then he became very

thirsty that he is

Janson so he cried out to the Lord and

said you have given this great

deliverance by the hand of your servant

and now shall I die of thirst and fall

into the hand of the uncircumcised

so God split the hollow place that is in

Lehi and water came out and he drank and

his spirit returned and he revived

therefore he called its name in hock or

which is in Lehi to this day and he

judged Israel 20 years in the day of the

Philistines spirit of the Living God

we welcome you into this place God in

this moment we surrender everything over

to you and we say have your way God you

know every soul you know every issue you

know every problem represented in this

room but most importantly you know every

purpose you know our potential you know

every anointing and so god I’m just

asking that this would be a moment where

we receive clarity where we receive

focus where we receive vision God I want

to prophesy that creativity is coming

back God I want to prophesy that

deliverance is going to take place in

this room God I want to prophesy that

depression is gonna have to leave that

suicidal thoughts cannot stay God I want

to put notice on darkness that you

cannot stay here in this city any longer

may the

glory of the Lord arrives over the city

of Los Angeles and they have that we

didn’t and we will say a hundred crazy

radical Holy Ghost filled one churches

came together


amen amen

you guys can get seated and get

comfortable I was um

reading and as I was reading I was

thinking of this concept of like feeling

their lives and I’ve heard people say

this you know like I feel most alive

when and I was just wondering like when

do I feel most alive and so I looked up

this article on Google because that’s

how I live my life to see when you’re

supposed to feel most alive and guys I

don’t know some of the things that were

in this article made me realize that

Google is really not the boss of me and

it doesn’t know anything

they said that you should feel most

alive when exercising first of all how

I’m about to die how can I feel alive

and dead at the same time because that’s

what I feel in my spirit then they said

do something illegal to feel alive and I

thought no that’s not it either because

I know me and I know prison and we don’t

go together I don’t believe that I’m

gonna feel alive there no get to know a

stranger sounds like the beginning of

the first 48 I don’t feel alive ok um

drive fast really fast or get angry and

you know what I decided after reading

that that GU who can’t tell me when I

feel most alive so I had to pray Google

then pray Wow priorities as I was

praying though I realize that I think I

feel most alive when I feel Hollow which

is odd because so much of what we do is

meant to try and avoid those moments in

life when we feel Hollow

but yet there is something to this

moment and

guarantees that we all have moments

where we feel hollow that I feel most

alive i defined hollow as an acute

awareness of the empty places in our

life my subject is the hollow place the

hollow place if we think about it when

we get disappointed or angry or hurt

that’s just the display of the emotion

but the root of that emotion is really

this notion that whatever happened or

whoever did something to us it

ultimately left us feeling empty and so

the emotion the anger the frustration

allows us a distraction from really

taking inventory of the place within us

that has been left Hollow as a result of

the heartbreak or the issue that created

those emotions in the first place so

much of our life has been on autopilot

that is hard to not like feel like a

robot but if we are still long enough we

will identify areas in our life where we

are Hollow and it’s not a comfortable

feeling and that’s why a lot of us would

rather numb that feeling and avoid that

feeling than addressing that hollowness

that emptiness because at the end of the

day who wants to feel empty who wants to

feel broken I’d rather feel like I have

it all together I’d rather get up and go

to work and put a smile on my face and

come home and call my friends and

distract myself and sign up for a thing

after thing after thing because if I am

by myself then I may have to see myself

and I’m afraid of what I might see there

are hollow places in me hollow places

that begin when I was a teenager hollow

places that begin after a divorce hollow

places that begin with my family and our


in the community that I was raised in

none of us escaped life without hollow

places and so the question then becomes

if I cannot avoid these hollow places

but I don’t want to feel these hollow

places what am I supposed to do and it

is my belief that what we are supposed

to do is learn to live in the hollow

places because when we see in Scripture

that his strength is made perfect in our

weakness he’s not talking about when we

feel fool he’s not talking about when we

feel powerful he’s not talking about

when we feel talented he’s talking about

those moments when we feel Hollow and

that’s why I feel most alive when I am

living in the hollow place because I

recognize that that is when I am most

dependent on God if I choose to be if I

choose to be dependent on God that

hollow place can be turned can become a

hallowed place let’s go so I was

studying this text and I recognized that

one of the reasons why I thought Samson

was such an incredible person is because

he’s what I like to call a hollow

warrior which means that he is great at

external batteries at external battles

he can wage war on the Philistines he

can run up on anybody in any situation

and come out victorious but ultimately

what would be his demise was his hollow

places which is a sign to me that we can

be successful on the outside and we can

be conquering on the outside but if we

do not address our hollow places it will

not be the circumstances outside that

kill us but ultimately the hollow places

we have not addressed inside of us that

threaten all of our success that’s why

you can see successful people who are

still not happy that’s why you can see

rich people who are still looking for

drugs and drinks and things to fill them

up because no matter

you can do with your hands until God has

a confrontation with your soul you can

be successful and still be Hollow a

hollow warrior Samson is a hollow

warrior he’s not afraid of what’s

outside of him he believes that he can

overcome anything and so there comes

this moment in his life where he is

gonna have to choose your Chi you’re

going to have to choose the person you

want to stand oh I have to tell you guys

this okay listen listen stick with me

I’m gonna bless you

okay so I’m gonna I’m gonna say it the

way I wrote it okay some of us would

rather be there for someone else then

for to have someone be there for us

because we don’t want them to know about

our hollow places yeah okay or we only

want to show the parts of ourselves that

are full and sturdy so I’m gonna tell

y’all something gangster my father told

me change the way that I was looking

after I went through my divorce and I

was dating my father told me listen

you’re going to be looking to marry

someone who stands beside you when you

lower my casket into the ground what he

said is ultimately you’re going to be

looking to do life with someone who

knows how to deal with your hollow

places yeah so when I’m in relationship

with someone or a friendship with

someone or I’m going to church somewhere

ultimately I’m not looking for someone

who makes me feel better about the

places where I have it all together I’m

hoping to find someone who can help me

navigate these hollow places that are

down on the inside of me because if you

choose wisely then you will be connected

with someone who leaves you more empty

than you were before you even got

connected with them and until we choose

to acknowledge and become aware of our

hollow places then our hollow places

will make decisions on our behalf

because they’re dying to be seen God I

gotta say that the way I studied it we

have to have an awareness about the

places in us that are still empty the

social media culture would rather us

highlight the places that are full in

the places that are doing well on the

inside of us and the things that we have

accomplished and the battles that we

have won and we can start to only look

for victories in our life but I am

Telling You you are most alive when you

are searching for the hollow places

inside of you and if you’re here and you

say I don’t really have any hollow

places then I want to cast that lying

spirit out of you

because at the end of the day all of us

have a hollow place this is not a

judgement this is a reality he that

began a good work in you will complete

it until the day of Jesus Christ what is

he working on he’s working on your

hollow places I’m in church on a

Thursday night at 8 o’clock because I’ve

got hollow places I’m watching on

YouTube because I got hollow places I’m

worshiping because I got hollow places

there’s some emptiness down on the

inside of me and if I’m not careful that

emptiness will kill me I’ve seen that

emptiness jump out and I was surprised

at what that emptiness would accept that

emptiness got into a relationship that

emptiness got me a job and I didn’t like

the results of letting that hollow place

take the lead and so now I have to get

control of the hollow place because the

hollow place is trying to be in control

of me that emptiness is trying to define

me that emptiness is trying to rush me

that emptiness is trying to stroke my

ego that emptiness is trying to make me

settle for less than what I deserve that

hollow place is screaming down on the


and it keeps showing up why do I keep

ending up in the same situation over and

over there’s a hollow place on the

inside of me why can’t I finally get

that business why can’t I finally take

that leap of faith there’s a hollow

place I used to be confident and then

something happened to me I used to

believe that I could do it and then I

didn’t get that job or something fell

apart and it left me hollow it didn’t

just leave me angry it didn’t just make

me upset it left me empty and now I

believe this prophetically that life is

making a demand not on your fullness not

on your gifts and talents but it’s

making a demand on your hollow places

and so we’re studying this Texan Sampson

our hollow warrior has come out of

victory and there is nothing that will

make you recognize your hollow places

like victory it really seems

counterintuitive because victory should

underscore your talent victory should

underscore your work but I don’t know if

you’re like me there have been moments

where I had victory and I came out of

the victory and I was thirsty what does

that mean I started wondering was I

really that good I started wondering if

I could produce again on that level

sometimes we pray for success but what

is more dangerous than success are the

thoughts that come after success can I

stay here

can I keep producing on this level if

you want to really be victorious you got

to understand that you’re hollow places

are coming with you and that’s why you

got to have a word back to those hollow

places and that word has to be I didn’t

get myself in this situation in the

first place the Spirit of the Lord came

upon me and he performed it just look

like it was me so I may not be able to

do it again that’s

but if the Spirit of the Lord would fall

on me again

I can do all things through Christ who

strengthens me what are you going to

pour back into those hollow places

because those hollow places are coming

they talk to you Samson learns that he’s

going to have to respect his thirst

because it’s not the enemy that he

thought wow the enemy he thought could

kill him was the Philistine but it’s not

the Philistines

it’s the thirst down on the inside of

him that threatens his life it’s easier

for him to go into battle with someone

else but the real enemy that he has to

be cautious of is the thing that is down

on the inside of him that makes him

thirsty and what I love about this text

and what I believe prophetically for us

in this season is that God has this

moment with Samson where ultimately he

says you cannot have another victory you

cannot accomplish anything else until

you deal with that thirst that is down

on the inside of you until you deal with

that Hollow place that’s down on the

inside of you God has been blessing some

of us on credit God has been showing us

what he can do when he falls upon us and

he has shown us I do have a promise for

you I do have a purpose for you you are

anointed you were not crazy and I have

blessed you on credit but you cannot go

any further than this until you and I

have some reconciliation about those

hollow places that are down on the

inside of you not another fear not

another insecurity not another addiction

not another toxic relationship I blessed

you but I’m not going to be able to keep

on blessing you until we address these

hollow places that’s really good that’s

really good that’s really good and I

know you’re not clapping because you’re

not supposed to clap like that but it’s

something about God saying I can’t take

you any further than this because if I

take you any further than this that

thirst is going to kill you and so God

said I’m going to give Sarah Jakes

Roberts a word and I’m gonna drag you

into church you didn’t even feel like

being here couldn’t even worship all the

way and you know what that’s because

that hollow placing you are going to war

tonight that hollow placing you are now

going to have a conversation it’s time

for me to start filling you for real

you’re not burnt out you haven’t lost

your passion it’s just time for that

hollow place to have a conversation with

God I can’t take you any further than

this stop praying for another blessing

stop praying for another check and start

asking God to show me show me this

emptiness show me my hollow places I

can’t I can’t give you nothing else like

this I can’t bless you anymore like this

not like this I can’t do it

God has plans for Samson to rule but he

cannot allow him to rule until he deals

with that emptiness that’s down on the

inside of him and I love this text

because Samson recognizes that his

thirst is going to kill him and instead

of doing what so many of us do he didn’t

call out for somebody to bring him water

he didn’t go running off looking for a

brook and said he cries out to the Lord

you see you call on man when you think

you still have man’s eye

you call a man when you think that man

could be the answer to your subproblems

but there comes a point in our life when

we recognize that this thing that I need

I can’t depend on anyone else to do this

thing that I need I don’t need a hookup

I don’t need another follow I don’t need

to go to another business mixer I don’t

need another luncheon I don’t need

another agent I don’t need no one else

to do this thing coz this thirst I got

man can’t quit this thirst I have can

only come from God there’s a emptiness

that’s down on the inside of me and that

thing that’s trying to take me out that

thing is trying to make me think that

I’m crazy

that thing is trying to make me believe

that suicide is the only option drinking

is for people who still have options

drugs are for people who still think

there’s another way but there comes a

point in your life where you say we

can’t take this sex game

alcohol cannot touch this I tried on the

bed and I still ended up empty I need

something that can only come from heaven

I need a whale that springs up on the

inside of me

because I’m tired of being empty cuz I’m

tired I’m tired of being empty I’m tired

of being a hollow warrior or I look

strong to everyone else but I’m empty

inside of me and I need the kind of

strength that you don’t just stumble

into this is the kind of strength that

you can only surrender your way into I


believe we’re in revival that God wants

to revive those empty places because you

did not come into this world empty when

God formed you in your mother’s womb you

were full when God formed you in your

mother’s womb you were home when God

formed you in your mother’s womb you

were complete I know that life got ahold

of you and it broke you I know that life

got ahold of you and strip something out

of you but when we talk about revival we

talk about reviving that version of us

that God formed in his mother’s womb and

I don’t know about you but the enemy has

last round playing with my mind I don’t

know about you but depression has had

its last round

playing into my house I don’t know about

you but I’m tired of feeling empty when

God has called me to exceedingly and

abundantly had no age war oh inhale I

came to let somebody know in this ways

that your holidays are over that God has

something that he wants to do on the

inside of you and he does not want that

cute version of who you are God wants

that empty

I wonder hollow places says God I want

your brokenness

and no one hurts you but I can handle





Samson learned I’m gonna have to respect

these hollow places if you’ve ever had

your hollow place turn on you and get

you into some things that you know you

shouldn’t be in you learn to respect

your hollow places because these hollow

places make me make decisions that I

don’t make when I’m standing at one la

these hollow places make me make

decisions that I would never make if I

was really connected to God but before I

can make a decision the hollow place

makes a decision and now I’m stuck in my

heart is in chuan but I came here to

tell you that God is a restorer that God

has redemption available to you I came

here to let you know that recovery is

possible that restoration is still

available I don’t know what you have

been taught

do not care because he is a chain

breaker baby because he will put stroke

we may sit on your


yeah can I tell you what happened


so Sampson Sansom cries out to the Lord

from its hollow place Samson says I’m

thirsty and this thirst is about to kill

me and God could have immediately

quenched his thirst but God doesn’t

quench his thirst what God does instead

I’m gonna read the text it says God

split the hollow place that is in Lehi

so we have a hollow Samson sitting on

the hollow place in the earth god help

me say it the way I studied it so God

says I hear about your hollow place but

let me tell you what I can do with my

hollow place the earth is the Lord and

the fullness thereof so how low and

hallow are about to have a showdown can

you put my slide on the screen for me

because I want to make sure you

recognize the difference between the two

words how low and hallow are about to

have a showdown how low means empty

hallow means holy hallowed be your name

your emptiness and his holiness want to

have a confrontation your emptiness and

his holiness have a confrontation and so

when Samson’s emptiness and God’s

holiness has a confrontation God says

listen I know that you’re thirsty and I

know that this thirst is about to kill

you and I know you’re living from this

hollow place but what I do with hollow

places is I make water spring up

and if you would surrender to me then I

can take your hollow place and turn it

into a hallow place got ya when Samson

cries out to God about his hollow place

God says listen you and I can have a

divine exchange but it’s going to

require some work on your end God takes

the area that was Hollow and brings

water forth but it would be on Samson to

actually drink from that place for him

to be filled and the place where he was

empty because God is not going to do all

of the work for you

because you got to be in partnership

with him and so my text says that God

split the hollow place that is in Lehi

and water came out and Samson drank and

when Samson drank from that hollow place

that became a hallowed place his spirit

returned and he revived I said it feels

like revival in this place what am I

saying I’m saying that if you can dig

down in that hollow place down on the

inside of you that it will be the most

powerful place in your life because it

will be the place where God says I’m

gonna let a wellspring up from your

hollow place I know that place where you

felt insecure is bugging you I know that

you’ve learned to live like that hollow

place doesn’t exist but if you keep

living like that hollow place doesn’t

exist then I can’t show you how I take

Hollow and turn it into hell

I can’t show you how I can take your

emptiness and turn it into holiness I

can’t show you how all things work

together for your good I can’t show you

how your marriage is connected to that

high-low place I can’t show you how your

business is connected to that high-low

place you want me to bless the place

where you feel confident I’m not

interested in that you already bless

that by yourself I want to bless the

place where you feel hollow I want a

place to bless the place where you feel


I wanna bless the place that the enemy

keeps hiding you and taunting you about

and Sam semester on and gave the Lord

access and I want to know if there are

just one or two people in this way

who don’t mind saying I got a hollow

place and I need to make it

I’m ready to have a showdown with God

I’m ready to have a show

whatever you want out on the inside of


Loree them so up in my life

I just want to know who this message is

for can you give me a minute Brutus not

for me but like the glory of the Lord is

in the room like God wants to know if

there’s any hollow places that need to

turn hallowed there was something about

the way that Sampson cried out to the

Lord that made God strike a rock open

and let water come out I need to hear

some thirsty people I know we don’t

celebrate thirsty people in culture but

I’m willing to admit I’m thirsty there

are some dry places down on the inside

of me and if God doesn’t spring up a

well then I might die thirsty but if he

would spring up a well then rivers of

living water would start flowing from

the inside of me





there’s some things only you can do

there are some breakthroughs that only

your mouth can access and so really what

God does when we allow him access to the

hollow the empty places on the inside of

us as his Holy Spirit makes up the

difference and so when I cry out to the

Lord from my hollow place I do it

because ultimately I need to be filled

and sometimes before we can be filled we

gotta purge what we allowed to fill up

that empty place in the first place

god I want to ask that wherever there is

an empty place and a substitute that

leaves us more empty than we were before

God that you would remove that

substitute right now in the name of

Jesus that that temporary filling of

being full and then hurting a week later

or hurting the moment the action is done

god I want to break that cycle I feel

the presence of God in this place God I

want to break that cycle of being full

for just a minute and then going back to

the empty all over again Satan I rebuke

you right now in

the name of Jesus my god is a chain

breaker my god is a miracle worker my

God makes all things new and I feel like

God wants to do a new thing in this

place God I want you to break every

pattern God I want you to bring every

system God I want to break every routine

that keeps us in the same cycle after

cycle after cycle after cycle and I

wanna drop the cycle for every empty

place if you have an intermediate result

sure if you have an empty place I tell

you to have a confrontation

but if you’re ready forgot to move in

your life like never before yeah

spirit of spirit of the Living God

we need a touch that can only come from

heaven god I need to be full of your

spirit God I see people they’ve been

full of pride they’ve been full of ego

they’ve been full of all of these other

things but God God now more than ever I

want to be full of your spirit because

when I’m full of your spirit it makes up

the difference I don’t feel insecure

when I’m full of your spirit I don’t

feel like I can’t make it when I’m full

of your spirit suicide can’t touch me

when I’m full of your spirit God I don’t

need a drink when I’m full of your

spirit God out on me to sleep my way

through it when I’m full of your spirit

God I need a touch to my empty places I

love this because the place where

Samson’s emptiness and God’s holiness

collided Samson marked the spot and he

called that spot in her core which is

the spring of the one calling it is the

place where God created a spring because

I called out to him and I believe that

God wants you to mark this spot that God

wants to give you permission some of you

have not had permission to feel empty

God ever because you had to be strong

for your mom and you had to be the man

of the house and you had to pretend like

you had it all together and you had to

pretend like you didn’t hurt you but the

truth is that you have some places in

you where you’re empty and that’s not a

judgment it’s the truth I’m talking

about what I know I know what it’s like

to go 10 15 years and wake up one day

and realize man I think I’m empty right

there but I also know what it’s like to

surrender and say god I don’t want to

pretend like I’m not empty God I want to

be fully alive in the same

because when I’m fully alive in this

emptiness and need you and when I’m

hungry for you it doesn’t hurt me the

way that I did and when I’m hungry for

you I feel stronger than I ever did

before and so god I need you to take my

hollow place and turn it into hallow

ground and I love this because when we

see that God can take our hollow places

and turn it into hallowed ground then

everything we touch becomes hallowed

ground why is it important that we get

our lives together because there is a

hollow place in this earth that has your

name on it and you cannot affect it in

the empty version of who you are you

need the Holy Ghost to break that

stronghold in the industry you need the

Holy Ghost to break that generational

curse and the Holy Ghost has to touch

down in you before it can touch them on

behalf of you when God sees that you can

he can touch your hollow places he can

show you the hollow places in the earth

that has your name on it you are

talented you do have a gift and there

are some things that we have to work out

there is some brokenness there is some

emptiness that’s okay

His grace is sufficient for that but you

can’t afford to ignore it any longer and

we can’t afford to allow it to make

decisions on our behalf any longer I’m

tired of my loneliness picking my

relationships I’m tired of my daddy

issues showing up and how I pursued the

attention I’m I’m tired of these empty

places taking control of my life and so

I want to have a moment at this altar

and the first thing before we pray or

anything is I want to give you a moment

to have an intimate encounter with your

Savior where you can say to God God

ouch well you can finally let the tears

roll down your face where you can

finally confront the fact that that

thing really hurt and it doesn’t have to

be loud unless that’s your style and it

doesn’t have to be wild and unless

that’s your style and if it is realize

that you move to the side of the room

but it just has to be real and it

doesn’t have to be this fancy prayer

thing it can be you simply saying God

God I feel like I came into this world

with the deficit God I feel like

everyone had it all together but me and

it created a hollow place down on the

inside of me but I’m ready to see that

hollow place come to holiness where that

hollow place is now a spring where you

give me revelation about where I was

empty where you show me that even in the

midst of my pain and my heartbreak that

you were still there picking up the

pieces so that when I came to this place

you would still have something to give

me I guess that’s all I’m really saying

is that you felt like it was empty but

God was just holding the best of you on

reserve and God wants to give you what

he thought of you in those moments I

hear God’s saying I thought you’re

wonderful I think you’re beautiful I

think you’re talented I hear God saying

the words your parents could never say I

hear you God’s saying that I know your

sibling said some things I know your

boss said some things but I have a word

that is stronger and more powerful than

any of those words those words are that

your fearfully and wonderfully made

those words are that no weapon formed

against you as prospered those words are

that the rape couldn’t hurt you the


couldn’t break you the abandonment

didn’t change you that I still have a

work that I want to do on the inside of

you and I think you’re beautiful just as

you are so I’m gonna give you a minute

to worship in your own way and to

welcome God in your own way

there’s a point in the text and the

Bible it says take off your shoes for

your now standing on hallowed ground

take off your shoes take off of the

things that led you into this moment and

step into the holiness of this moment

Heavenly Father your presence is the

purest thing we’ve ever experienced God

your love is the greatest love of all

time and God there have been some

circumstances and some experiences that

are represented at this altar that have

threatened to change who we are at our


but God we have made a decision to cry

out to you and to say God I don’t want

to die of thirst I don’t want to die

still meeting affection I don’t want to

die still needing affirmation I don’t

want to allow my insecurities to be the

death of me God I want to be whole for

real I want to be confident for real I

want to believe in this gift you gave me

for real so Heavenly Father I’m asking

for an authentic encounter of your glory

God I’m asking that wherever there is a

heart open wherever there is a hollow

place represented that this spirit of

the Living God would fall on that place

right now in the name of Jesus

somebody’s thinking about something that

happened 10 years ago I’m so glad that

you were still God in that moment you

are the god of yesterday you are the god


and you are the god of our tomorrow that

means that when you say all things work

together you know exactly what you’re

talking about because you’ve already

designed a way for this hollow place to

become hallowed so God we surrender

right now in the name of Jesus and we

say have your way o great Savior that

you are we

as only you can do

since you want to break strongholds in

this room saying I rebuke you

darkness you black circle I rebuke it

right now in the

you gotta let go with my daughter

and I plead the blood of Jesus is

shaking them of the blood of Jesus that

makes up the difference the blood of

Jesus that went ahead of us that made

our crooked path straights the blood of

Jesus that says I’ve already gotten

ahead of you I’ve already got that


I bleed the blood of Jesus over every

broken place right now in the name of

Jesus over every hollow place Jesus show

us how to face death and come back

resurrected God show us how to resurrect

that part of us that was once dead and

so God acts that you what sealed this

word and the hearts of these your sons

and daughters and that nothing would

uprooted repeat after me Heavenly Father

thank you for Jesus thank you for making

him who had no sin all of my weakness

all of my limitations and every hollow

place God please forgive me for

believing that the hollow place would

define me

I rebuke it in the name of Jesus and I

surrender to your anointing and to your

spirit fill me O God and every empty

place to the overflow that I may become

a monument of your grace and your glory

renew my mind renew my spirit and turn

every hollow place into a holy place in

Jesus name Amen

can you celebrate with me can you

celebrate like you’re never going back

to that hollow place

and that when that hollow place shows

that that you would demand it will

become a hallowed place even if worship

you got to start playing your worship

music you got to start feeding that

hollow place with the Spirit of God you

fed it everything else you might as well

start feeding it with some things that

fill you and that could never run dry I

dare you to start worshipping the next

time you feel empty I dare you to start

pleading the blood of Jesus over your

own mind when that emptiness tries to

make you feel insecure now one more time

I want you to praise God for the hollow

place that is becoming a hollow place

because when we step into our

transformation it grants God authority

to allow him to show us the place in the

earth where we have been assigned to go

from Hollow to hallowed and there is a

territory with your name on it and God

wants to see you mark the spot okay

let’s think God just one more time and

then we’re going to hear the sound


