Service Date: 01.05.2020 11:15AM


it’s so wonderful to be here with you I

got a word from God today and in fact I

want to just I want to move right into

it I want you to turn in your words

Genesis chapter 15 if you have a

difficult time finding Genesis meet me

after service and we’ll pray for you

Genesis chapter 15 we’re gonna read

quite a few verses therein that will

establish the thought that I have for

today we’re gonna read Genesis chapter

15 verses 1 3:11 and then we’ll jump

down to verse 17 and read 17 and 18 it

says after these things the word of the

Lord came to Abram in a vision saying do

not be afraid Abram I am your shield

you’re exceedingly great reward but

Abram said Lord God what will you give

me seeing I go childless and the heir of

my house is Eliezer of Damascus in other

words I’m struggling because you made

some promises to me and one of the

promises that you made is that I was

going to have a child and

I don’t see no child and I and I

understand that in order for me to have

legacy the child has to be born in my

house and the only one that’s in my

house to carry on my legacy is my

servant Eliezer I’m struggling with this

and then Abraham said look you’ve given

me an offspring can be one born in my

house as my heir verse four it says and

behold the word of the Lord came to him

saying this one shall not be your heir

but one who will come from your own body

shall be your heir I want to point out

something really quickly in the first

verse it says that the word of the Lord

came to Abram in a vision and a vision

right God shows up in a vision he gives

him a vision and he says don’t be afraid

in other words he is tapping into where

Abram is in that moment because it is

impossible to be afraid and be trusting

God at the same time so God comes in and

he immediately scans Abraham’s spiritual

and emotional state and in a vision

comes in so don’t be afraid so the first

time he he speaks to him in a vision

says don’t be afraid when Abraham Abram

begins to question God he begins to

express his concern about about his air

about the promise being fulfilled in

verse 4 it says and behold the word of

the Lord came to him so this was not in

a vision this was in his his inner man

God speaks to us in our inside he speaks

us by the spirit so one time he spoke to

him it’s by vision the other time it was

by spirit does that make sense it’s

gonna make more sense in a second he

reveals himself as the word comes to him

in spirit first or it’s been vision

first and then spirit it

would make sense I just wanna we got a

lot of ground to cover and then in verse

5 it says after he tells him no no no

Eliezer is not going to be the heir but

the one that comes out of you will be

your heir and then in verse 5 it says

then he brought him outside God takes

Abram outside and he says look now

toward heaven and count the Stars if you

are able to number them and he said to

him so shall your descendants be

what God is doing in that moment as God

is showing him God’s ability he takes

him outside shows in the stars

he says you’re struggling because you’re

only seeing it according to your ability

let me take you outside God says let me

take you outside and show you what I do

for a living you see those stars out

there you see those galaxies you see

that solar system that’s me bruh that

that’s I do that in my sleep and so if I

do that in my sleep I can do

effortlessly this thing that I’m

promising you are we tracking together

okay and so in verse 6 it says abraham

believed in the lord and he God

accounted to him for righteousness

speaks to the idea of a foundation he he

was settled he was settled because

whenever you’re not trusting your


up to my Oh tricks again I’m supposed to

be reading this I end up teaching you

them sorry okay so and he believed in

the Lord and he God accounted it to him

Abram for righteousness verse seven it

says then he God said to him I am the

lord who brought you out of ur of the

Chaldeans to give you this land to

inherit it so now we’re moving into a

different promise one promise was a

child second promise was a nation the

descendants of the child now he’s saying

that I’m gonna give you a land this is

important right and and I’m not gonna I

am the Lord your God who brought you out

of ur of the chaldeans and I’m gonna

give you this man in other words I

didn’t bring you out for nothing

I would not disrupt your life

I would not disrupt your situation and

leave you I feel the Spirit of God I

wouldn’t cause you to hope into into

something and did not come through on my

word and come through on the promise

that I made to you are you tracking with

you gotta understand that he’s saying I

am the one that brought you out that was

me and I am the one that’s gonna bring

you in are you tracking with me that’s

somebody’s word this morning I am the

one come on LA I am the one who brought

you from your mother’s house and brought

you into LA and I’m gonna bring you into

everything I promise

this turn she named me said God’s not

gonna leave you hanging


verse seven he says I’m the Lord who

brought you up out of ur of the

chaldeans to give you this land inherit

and he said Lord God how shall I know

that I will inherit it so he believed on

one level but there was still another

level of belief that he needed Abram

says how shall I know it how should I

know it and in verse 9 God says to him

he doesn’t answer in the way that one

would think he would answer he says I’m

about to show you how you gonna know he

says how shall I know isn’t that

everyone’s question God how can I know

that what you promised me is gonna


anybody ever been there I believe you

but I’m struggling with knowing there’s

a difference between believing and



he says how shall I know that I will

inherit it first night so God said to

him bring me a three year old – a three

year old female goat and a three year

old Ram a turtle dog Turtledove and a

young pigeon somebody said I said turtle


you don’t also say and a partridge in a

pear tree surprise

and then he brought all these things to

him and cut them in two down the middle

and place each piece opposite the other

but he did not cut the birds in – you

know why he didn’t cut the birds into as

they’re bringing me a towel from my

sweat you know why he didn’t cut the

birds in – he didn’t cut the birds into

because he weren’t supposed to cut the

birds into hello somebody

I was wondering I’ll be honest I was

wondering like why did he cut the birds

until we cut everything else into why he

got the birds in – and I called my

father-in-law last night mr. Jakes he

got to me if anybody knows Michigan come

as a big shake why he got Birds – we

looked through and we searched the

scripture and everything is like oh no

they didn’t do that you weren’t supposed

to do that oh I thought it was some deep

thinking what the deep things so in case

you were wondering you got we’re getting

ready go into deep thing glasses huh

get ready to go into a deep thing just

notice not deep they didn’t cut the

Turtledove and the pigeons because them

was not what they’re supposed to be I

was a good distraction with me

thank you

first day that says then he brought all

these things to him and cut them into

down the middle place each piece

opposite each other but he did not cut

the birds in two and when the vultures

came down on the carcasses Abram drove

them away just a caveat anytime God’s

getting ready to show you something that

will bring you into another dimension of

your calling there will always be

voltage that come down on the very thing

to try to disrupt what God is getting

ready to do and so you have to learn how

to be like me I feel the Holy Spirit of

God you got to learn how to be like

Abram and just shoo them away just just

shoo every negative thought away just

just shoo every negative situation away

just just shoo it God’s getting ready to

do something you just say shoo I feel

this if you’re gonna walking into

everything that God has called you to be

God I feel that for some of you God

leads you down a road he leads you into

something he’s leading you into

something and you’re this close to it

and all of a sudden Volkers come

ravenous birds scavengers come to

distract you but I love it it’s like

being in the car and there’s a net in

the car and you’re trying to go

somewhere you’re on somewhere and then

you end up switch to swinging that Nets

when the net can’t hurt you and that’s

aren’t even poisonous they can’t get in

here they can’t do nothing to you but

you end up almost crashing your car

swinging at things that don’t matter I

got to get through this we gotta get

through this I’m supposed to be reading

on something greedy Sabrina when the

vultures came down on the car cuz it’s

Abraham drove them away verse 17 it says

and it came to pass we jump down to 17

it says and it came to pass when the Sun

went down and it was dark that behold

there appeared a smoking oven and a

burning torch that passed between those

pieces and on the same day the Lord made

a covenant with Abraham I want to talk

from this thing today the gift of

confidence the gift of confidence father

thank you so much for this moment that

you’ve allowed us to step into today

Lord you’re doing something we feel it

we sense it and we know it you’re

equipping us you’re preparing us

for this decade hallelujah you’ve got so

much in store for your sons and

daughters but we’re going to have to

become in order to lay hold of it and so

father in this this moment that we have

together these few moments that will

spin together we pray that your spirit

would descend down upon us in a rich and

powerful way God that this would become

a house of transformation to the effect

that that our minds will be renewed that

we might be aligned with what you’re

doing in our lives and father I pray for

the spirit of wisdom and revelation and

insight and knowledge Lord God full

access to the gifts of the Holy Spirit

full access to heavens resources God to

bring the past truths that that

enlighten us that empower us that equip

us that that cause us to be aligned with

the highest identity in you that we

might be in there if what you called us

to be the father while we’re praying

we’re praying for the person who’s next

to us will you bless them real good

please we don’t know exactly what need

they may have spiritually physically

emotionally or otherwise but God we

asked whatever that need is that you

look meaning and ultimately God get the

glory in Jesus name Amen amen do me a

favor before you take your seats or

screech somebody let’s preach some

bodies I’m glad you’re happy


god bless you thank you lord

yeah the gift of confidence this this

time of the year in the beginning of a

year certainly in the beginning of a

decade there’s always a surge and

confidence the new year usually

generally brings with brings with it a

spirit of optimism and renewed

enthusiasm you’re back in the gym your

looks are improving your your vision is

clear and and usually typically you and

I are more confident about the year

that’s ahead that’s just how it goes so

so there’s always a surge in confidence

and and the confidence that I’m

describing is self confidence and self

confidence is awesome like it’s in fact

most psychologists would agree that if

you are self-confident it gives you an

edge in life you know what I’m saying

when you’re self-confident you you move

forward with because you don’t have the

trepidation that comes into play when

you don’t have confidence when you’re

when you’re self-confident you you have

an edge because you you jump into things

and you you jump into task and feats

with just the sense that I can do it and

and and and when you’re more confident

about something you know the greater

your chances are of actually achieving

those things and excelling those things

because you believe you can do it self

confidence is absolutely incredible

and and you can even grow your

self-confidence in fact if you want to

grow your self-confidence one of the

ways you can do it as you can you know

you can go back to school you can

enhance yourself and in in some of your

skills and and your experiences and the

area in certain areas that’ll make you

more confident like for me to be honest

with you like working out I get

confident when I work out when I got

that thing going right here that little

you know

that that that you know if you can see

that that that that 400 pack I’m not

confident so for me like working out I

get more confident when I when I work

out I feel better when I’m reading books

I get more confident when I go to

conferences and seminars and various

things it makes me more confident about

my intelligence and my ability to

perform better at work and do business


you know self-confident people they they

typically will promote well in their

jobs they are high achievers they are

better in relationships when you’re

confident as the is the challenging

thing to be in a relationship with

someone who doesn’t have self-confidence

because they’re gonna put more on you in

it and so self-confident people they do

better in relationships it’s just it’s

it’s an overall incredible and amazing

thing to be self-confident people who

are at the top of their fields and and

various disciplines and they literally

walk on water in their respective fields

and they they just exemplify this

self-confidence and its affections and

it’s awesome and it’s and it’s wonderful

and so being self-confident is awesome

and it is almost everything and yet God

has a strategy for us to take us to an

even greater level of confidence because

one of the things that I’ve learned

about self confidence and although it is

an amazing thing you know and I

encourage everyone to be self-confident

right God wants you to be you know

confident in yourself he want you to be

self-confident want you to think highly

of yourself but one of the things that

I’ve learned is that there is one

problem in my self-confidence one

problem and that one problem my

self-confidence is me if you’re taking

notes take this thought down the

limitation of self-confidence itself as

wonderful as it is it has a limitation

and the limitation is that if you are

only self confident the buck stops with

you and you and I are limited which

means that our confidence will be

limited and the problem with fat is that

oftentimes if you take a notes write

this down as well oftentimes God

promises us things that are beyond us

are you tracking with me and so if God

promises us things that are beyond us

then in order for us to have the

confidence to lay hold of those things

we’re gonna have to have a confidence

that is beyond us are you tracking with

me just turn to Davis say stay with him

he’s going somewhere stay with him the

this was this was Abraham’s dilemma his

promise watch this his promise was

bigger than his ability have you ever

had God’s promise to you if you’re

honest be bigger than the ability of you

see self-confidence is all awesome as

long as you can do it and love somebody

like like like I don’t I can’t like poop

really well I’m not I’m not a phenomenal

basketball player I’ll beat you up but

that’s about all I got for you right my

release is terrible I just I don’t you

know me

so I’m not confident in that so so if

you like LPT man let’s go hoop I would

like I’m hungry

I’m gonna go I’m gonna eat something

right so so so the challenge is God

calls us to things that are bigger than

us and if we are only so confident we’re

gonna fall short

this is Abraham’s dilemma his dilemma is

he needs what I like to call God for

debts he needs confidence that goes

beyond his own ability and you need

confidence if you’re going to be

everything that God has called you to be

and if you’re gonna achieve the things

that God has called you to achieve

you’re gonna have to get beyond self

confidence and God will bring you into

another level of confidence so that you

can be who he’s called you to be so that

you can go where he’s called you to go

and so that you can do what he’s called

you to do are you tracking with me

so God recognizing that he doesn’t have

that he needs another level of

confidence God moves in and he does

something about it and the question is

what it God do about it tell you what he

did for taking notes write this down he

establishes his covenant with Abram now

he had made a covenant when God speaks

something because God is infallible

because God cannot lie that is his

covenant his word is his bond but God

knew that he needed to establish him

remember he asked a question how shall I

know that I will inherit the land God

knew that he had to take him to another

level of confidence and God knew exactly

how to do it

he enters into in fact he establishes

better a covenant with Abraham let’s

talk about it here’s one thing that you

need to understand if you’re taking

notes write this down God establishes

covenant to create confidence say it

again God establishes covenant to create

confidence because God knows that in

order to be great you must be confident

he will not watch this he will not

require that from you that he has not

resourced in you this is what I love

about God he will not ask you to be what

he will not give you the strength to be

that’s why when the disciples in the

days of Jesus were struggling with

belief they said God I believe help my

believe right so that there are levels

to believing and you cannot have what

you do not expect

I feel the Spirit of God in here right


God knows that faith is the substance of

things hoped for the evidence of things

not seen it says without faith it is

impossible to please God he is not mad

at you when you don’t have faith he just

knows that you cannot produce if you do

not have faith and so God is always

going to be channeling resources in your

direction to develop your insides to be

large enough to produce the outside that

God sees if you understand that say I’m

tracking with you beating God’s not

going to leave you out there Abram

wasn’t a weak man by asking God how

shall I know it he was not a weak man he

was a human we’re human and we need our

confidence upgraded for the journey that

God has in front of us and God says no

problem there’s a passage of scripture

that says that he who has begun a good

work in you shall complete it in other

words I’ll give you the faith to start

the business I’ll give you the faith to

start the ministry I’ll give you a faith

to reach the nation’s I will give you

the faith to do what I’ve called you to

do or gotta fill it I’ll give you the

faith hmm I feel the Spirit of God I’ll

give you the faith don’t worry about it

focus on what I said I’ll give you the

faith to be who you need to be to

accomplish what I’ve called you to Wow

that always gives you a word that’s

bigger than how you feel trying to move

on but I can’t quit

that will always call you to something

that is bigger than the you that you are

presently familiar with and you have to

allow what God says to you to tell you

who you are

or else how would you ever know who you

were I feel the spirit cannot can I

teach a little bit this morning how

would you ever know who you were and

what your abilities were if God did not

call you to lofty things that require

you to stretch and become who he sees

you as God says before I formed you and

your mother’s will not knew you in other

words God knows a version of you that

you haven’t even met yet

you’re still meeting you I’m still

meeting me and one of the things that

God uses to introduce me to me is a

lofty thing that is bigger than me are

we tracking can we go further so God

says I’ve got a plan for it no problem

I’m going to establish my covenant with

you so let’s talk about what a covenant

is a covenant is a contract between two

parties and what we’re going to see

later on when we look at Hebrews chapter

six is that that these this covenant

contract contract covenant it ends

Strife’s and disputes so when I’m

struggling with believing and coming

into agreement in alignment with what

God said the covenants introduced

because it’s going to in watch this the

internal disputing that I have see what

I’m not believing God that means that on

the inside I am disputing what he said

all of us have an internal antagonist

yeah you don’t even have to go outside

all of us within us has what I like to

call like we all have this this this

this mad scientist on the inside of us

that is always challenging and

questioning what God says so so he

creates covenant because he wants to

sure us up and give a foundation to

stand on by putting it into disputes let

me tell you some III don’t do business

without a contract and this is for some

time give you something for free

business people always have the

agreements always make the agreements

when you’re doing business with

contractors vendors or friends or

whatever family always get the business

worked out while you’re still friends


because sometimes your friends and you

love each other and you got the division

together and you want to go into

business together and you’re like oh we

would never have a dispute so there’s no

reason that we need to get our paperwork

together we don’t need to do that we

love each other we were never a child

when you throw some money in there now I

love you but I’m tell you what while we

are still amenable let’s get this deal

down on paper because when I have the

contract done

I feel peace because at the end of the

day I can say at you you trippin no no

no no no go back to paragraph two in

Section C line number three remember

this has already worked out so God

knowing watch this that covenant brings

peace and God is a God who cannot lie

so God introduces covenant but not just

any old covenant we’re gonna go deeper

now he introduces what is called a blood

covenant so so Abram says how shall I

know it God doesn’t answer God says he

didn’t answer with this value he doesn’t

try to convince him with words God does

something that will speak to him in the

language of covenant and contract of

that time of that Near Eastern time

civilization this is

worked when two people were entering

into covenant together about Al and what

they would do is they would do this

thing called a blood sacrifice and they

would take animals and they would split

the animals in two which would leave a

path of blood and both parties would

walk between the pieces as a sign that

watched this if they violated the oath

of that covenant they would die that

they would be literally be it unto me as

what happened to these animals that’s

why you didn’t break coming back in them

days because if you broke company was

just like ah you know send me to

collections take me to court

now you died that was serious about

covenant so imagine that imagine Abram

saying how shall I know it watch this to

a god that he has not seen it has only

been up to this point a voice and a

vision but not a vision of God the

vision vision I wish I had time to teach

this but sometimes God will speak to you

in a vision he will show you things that

mean something to you so Abraham has not

seen God yet so imagine where Abraham is

when he is saying how will I know it how

shall I know it and then all of a sudden

God is speaking to him in blood covenant

language oh you gotta catch this he says

to him hey go get these animals we’re

about to enter into a sacrifice Abraham

is probably like wait I understand the

concept but I have never seen you and

your spirit so how is this can you

imagine how purple

next he must have been he’s fairly

lightweight I think the goddess China

enter into a blood covenant with me but

I’ve never seen him it’s only been a


some live in vision and like a black I’m

like wait wait a minute

see see one things have to understand

why God is God will meet you where you

are I love that he will he is so adamant

about giving you to where you need to be

he will do things in your language to

get you to where you need to go so so so

he says he tells him he says go ahead

and and and set up this this blood

covenant this this that this arrangement

of the divided animal carcasses would

have would have been Abraham would have

instantly recognized that this was a

setup for making the blood covenant the

blood covenant was was the seal of

promises made and and there are two

interesting observations about this

point and you see the text in fact let’s

go there real quick let’s go let’s go

back to Genesis I wanna look at his

blood covenant thing it says in in verse

nine he says so he said to him bring me

a three-year-old – o3u a female goat in

a three year old Ram and a Turtledove

and a young pigeon and then he brought

all these to him and he cut them in two

down the middle and placed each piece

opposite the other but he did not cut

the birds in two and you know he she

would the way the vultures and in verse

17 it says and it came to pass watch

this when the Sun went down and it was

dark that behold there appeared a

smoking oven and a burning torch that

passed between those pieces and on the

same day the Lord made a covenant two

things first of all first thing

but is this you remember the covenant

the blood covenant required that that

the parties involved pass between the

two pieces where the blood was during

that right the flame our God is a

consuming fire passing in between the

pieces was God Himself entering into

covenant see in order to really

understand this you got to put yourself

in the mindset and the mentality of

Abram at that time these contracts were

made by both parties walking between the

pieces so when the flame of fire

passes between the two pieces it is God

Himself saying I’m in this thing and the

other thing that is interesting about

this is that Abraham doesn’t pass

through the pieces because he’s just

waking up he fallen asleep if you read

that whole thing he had fallen asleep

and God spoke to him in the dream and

sleep and actually know he waking up out

of this thing and this happens there’s

never any indication that Abram walked

through which means my second point is

God alone passed between the pieces so

the Covenant this blood covenant was

sealed by God alone which means that

nothing depended upon Abraham everything

depended on God to be promised and it

was a fourth shadowing of the reality of

Christ how many of us know we didn’t do

anything to get the grace that we come

on somebody it’s by grace that we are

saved through faith we

do anything this had nothing to do with

us watch this God doesn’t need us in

order to be good to us are you tracking

with me

he is just good how this Abraham get to

the point that he believes God so

perfectly that he is willing to offer up

his son at the request of God the

requests of God how is he able holder

you have to be you ever wonder let’s

just keep it 200 in here there’s some of

you and you read that thing in Genesis

chapter 22 where God says bring up your

son and offer him on on Moriah and some

of you like I know you’re good you know

I agree with you’re good all that you’re

good all that kind of stuff I understand

that but let me tell you some yeah

that’s gonna be rough for me can we just

be honest with you none of you love that

passage you love it for Abram you do not

love it for you


so how does Abram get to this place

where he is absolutely convinced and so

convinced that he would sacrifice

anything even the thing that he wanted

the most it’s because of that blood

covenant he knew that God could not lie

and if God told him that he was gonna

have a multitude of sons if he was

asking for that son that meant he was

gonna multiply

he that someone’s gonna be raised from

the dead

that also was a foreshadowing of Christ

and there’s some people in here right

now and you will never see the harvest

in your life until you’re willing to

take God at His Word

and believe him like Abraham believe you

God has walked between the pieces

because he couldn’t swear by any greater

he swore by himself let me show you

something we’re almost done let me show

you something you gonna catch this today

good God Almighty

let’s go to Hebrews chapter 6 verse 13

Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 13 explains

this it says for when God made a promise

to Abram because he could swear by no

one greater he swore by himself they you

know they have this the same you know in

the inner city called you know and the

same be like I put that on me or I put

that on and then you would name what you

put that on and so when you were trying

to convince somebody that you were with

you’re not lying and you were telling

the true some of you know what I’m

talking about you look all sophisticated

I know what you’re talking about it I

know nothing about the any city you know

what I’m talking about and when I wanted

to convince you that they were telling

the truth they’d be like yo do I put

that on this and you know and suddenly I

put that on my mom and like you know and

you love your mom and you should love

your mom but you know I put that on

there sometimes you know I put that on

me on me on you know or whatever right

and so God isn’t that same thing because

he couldn’t swear by any greater he

swears by himself in other words I put

that on me says God if I don’t do what I

promised to do to you then I’m a guy and

since I cannot die since I am eternal

and everlasting baby since I cannot

swear by

greater I’m swearing by myself if you

know you serve a God who cannot lie

give him shout of glory in this house

God’s if I can’t swear by any greater

there’s nothing greater than me if I

promise it to you it is coming to pass

you can take it to the bank right now

only says God on me how shall I know it

on me on me imma heal your body on me

imma give you financial breakthrough on

me no weapon formed against you shall

prosper on me says God

your children will be safe on me

that spouse is waiting for you or me

I’m gonna do

for me I’m gonna come


or me

on me I put that on me Cisco ami ami

Jesus going to the cross what’s God

saying on me I got you your sins on me

your weakness on me your limitations on

me your struggles on me on me this will

come on me

ami LA on me online on me I hear God

saying you’re asking God how will I know

it’s gonna happen and God is saying

because I put it on me and my word Salah

I’m not like one of your friends I love

your mama says God but I ain’t like your


but when God made a promise to Abram

because he could swear by no greater he

swore by himself

saying surely I will bless you in and

multiplying I will multiply you and it

says and so after Abraham had patiently

endured he obtained the promise now I

want to jump down to verse 19 I want to

close here it says this hope we have as

an anchor of the soul we’re talking

about covenant we’re talking about God

swearing by himself because he could not

swear by any greater the Covenant itself

was strength so to make an oath already

his strength but then it’s the one who

made the oath if you keep reading in

there in verse 18 it talks about two

immutable things two immutable things

one that an oath the contract is


and God is immutable because in verse 18

it says it’s impossible for God to live

that watch this is important I’m almost

done it says that we might have strong

consolation remember covenant is to

bring you to confidence not self

confidence but a confidence that

transcends that right it says it says

this we did this so that we might have

strong consolation there’s somebody in

here right now and you need strong

consolation about what God has spoken to

you and it says who have fled for refuge

refuge to lay hold of the hope set

before us the context obviously as the

Jews were really really persecuted for

following Jesus but that there’s some of

you at I feel this prophetically and you

have left circumstances and situations

because God said better is outside of

those things and the only challenge is

you have come out of that but you

haven’t come into what you expected you

would come in to pull in the word of my

prophets I prophesied – maybe maybe you

gave your life to God and you expect it

for things – instantaneously and

automatically be different you walked

away for some things some people some

ways and and and and and and now you

need to be consoled because you you you

haven’t seen yet the fullness of what he

promised and here you are maybe like

Abram I left earlier the Chaldeans where

my my father was set up and you know it

may not have been everything that I

wanted to be but at least I knew it

and God says let me tell you something

I did call I feel that for somebody I

did call you out of Earth I feel like I

did call you out of that place I did

call you out of that situation I did

call you to leave the familiar to leave

the the the comfortable and now you’re

uncomfortable and you need consolation

how do you get consolation you get

consolation by covenant when God that’s

why you’re hearing this message today

when God wants to encourage you watch

this and to anchor you he does not

immediately do what he promises what he

promised because that that that doesn’t

you’re not developed in that you’re

developed in the window between promise

and manifestation that window in between

that space in between is the place where

you are developed but what gives you the

strength and the fortitude to continue

on this covenant and it says this

covenant last point this covenant it

says we go to the verse 19 this hope

this the hope that’s created by this

covenant this confidence that is created

by the covenant of god it says is an

anchor to the soul confidence is

powerful i looked at that work

confidence and the word confidence is

from the latin word confident and it

means having full trust

it’s from the verb confident at two

words con watch this expresses intensive

force and the other word is federa which

means trust so the word confident means

powerful trust oh I feel the Holy Ghost

the reason why God is trying to get you

to trust is because Trust is powerful

I’m not talking about self-confidence it

is powerful that’s fine with you but

this is something different

this is trust that will move mountains

that’s why he said if you have faith the

size of a mustard seed you will speak to

the mountain and say be thou removed and

cast into the sea what he’s saying

is it doesn’t you can’t do it with

mustard seed faith but you have the

elements that all you have to do is grow

it and it’s powerful somewhat powerful

trust and this powerful trust is an

anchor of the soul what is the soul the

soul has to do with your mind has to do

with emotions has to do with with

memories so so so so so we’re talking

about an anchor what is it an anchor

creates stability I feel the Holy Ghost

if you’re if you’re taking notes write

this last note down confidence is an

anchor for the emotions because your

emotions will cause you to be out of

position and consequently miss what God

is doing and so so it says it’s an

anchor for the Soul it’s an anchor for

your emotion and here’s what I’ve

learned I’m done I’m done I’m done I’ve

learned that if I can get my emotions

anchored I can do anything

if I can get my emotions grounded so

that my emotions are not driving my

destiny vehicle I can do anything

because I’ve got the promise Oh God

I’ve got the promise but what keeps me

vacillating back and forth and quite

frankly emotions are if you’re not

careful subject to change your behavior

oh god I’m jealous it’s not trying to

stop it

emotions want to take over that’s why

you know you start being a little angry

nuts you know you really angry now

you’re doing something but if you can

have your emotions anchored oh you can

do anything I want to pray for you

confidence true confidence is a gift

come on stand with me Elaine I want you

to stand stand with me I wanna pray for


I’m pray for you God God wants to gift

you with real confidence today

self-confidence is wonderful I’ve got

plenty of it but it’s limited God wants

to give you some more see see

self-confidence will only work in the

areas of my proficiency but there’s a

lot in this world that is outside of

what I’m good at and there are a lot of

things that God has promised me and a

lot of things that God has called me to

huh how about that that are outside of

my current expertise and experience and

if I’m only only self confident I can’t

be everything that God has called me to

be God doesn’t leave you there he says

you know what I got you covered

I got you covered as you wrestled with

the question how shall I know God says

I’m gonna make you know because I’m

gonna make known to you who I am I’m

gonna speak to in your own language for

Abraham it was the blood covenant and

obviously theologically that had

enormous enormous significance but he

will meet you right where you are and he

will pass between whatever pieces you

have the makest covenant no you’re gonna

need confidence I’m not this is a series

by the way you’re gonna need this type

of confidence as we step into this

decade because there’s so many things

happening in our world

that if you’re not careful you will you

will get emotional and you will be

shaken off course are you tracking with


so if you hear it and you say pastor I

believe that that you were speaking to

me in this message and and God I want I

want that type of confidence that you

are describing self-confidence wonderful

that’s great

see here’s the awesome thing about doc

confidence self-confidence comes with

God confidence but God confidence

doesn’t come with self confidence it is

a two for one in one way in another way

there’s no guarantee see the shift

happen Abram went from self confidence

to next level confidence when he opened

himself to covenant with God if that’s

you I want you to come meet me here at

this altar today you say you know what

pastor I want I want I want another

level of confidence self calm is

wonderful but I need God confidence

that’s you I want you to meet me I saw

you come in LA I seen you come and VIN

with come on we bout to get this take

God’s gonna gift over on my shoe box

God’s gonna give two he’s got a gift you

with a new dimension of confidence and

you need it you need it

I was at the place that I was staying on

Friday I got into town late that night

and I was confronted by I was downtown I

was confronted by God and I believe he

was demonized I typically travel move

about with an additional person to watch

me but before I knew what this dude was

up on me and I didn’t know you know he

was kind of know if he was strapped

well that means in case you strap means

packing cracking means had something on

him I got it you know I don’t know if he

was strapped

and I could just tell he had something

going on and I and and I just turned he

was right there with him feeding me and

kind of just talking crazy or whatever

and he had a little size on him and I

had confidence but both of my

confidences were working because I was

praying in the spirit but he was about

to be the first beneficiary of my Krav

Maga training come on somebody

I eat power I don’t want it to happen

that way

I had to confidence is working if the

angels are moving a little slow come on

somebody one or two knee strikes will

get it done I’m sorry that was so odd

spiritual but no in that moment the Holy

Spirit came over me and I just begin to

pray in tongues I begin to speak in

tongues just right there because I’m not

we’re not gonna have a conversation here

something’s going on with you and I just

started praying in tongues started

praying confidence got confidence I

started praying in tongues right there

under my breath one loud wasn’t crazy

just on I’m on I’m just looking at him

my should that an inkling you know just

branded tongues and he bow down to me

physically physically physically he

bowed down and he did this uh I don’t

know if you’ve ever watched Planet of

the Apes where as a sign of submission

the ape gets low mouths down and he puts

his hand that he literally did that and

I said I’ll take that I’ll take that as

this conflict and it was over well what

I’m talking about is family we’re moving

into a time where you have to have God

for dance


David said the Lord is my light and my

salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is

the strength of my life of whom shall I

be afraid when the wicked even my

enemies and my foes came upon me to eat

up my flesh they stumbled and fell

though a host should encamp against me

my heart will not fear the Lord should

rise against me in this I will be



that’s what God wants to give you you’re

not at this altar get to this altar

we’re gonna pray for you and you’re

gonna get confident and my you’d

have to be where we got a lot going in

our world right now but one thing I am

NOT is scared I feel the Holy Spirit of

God the earth is the Lord’s and the

fullness thereof I don’t care the earth

shakes I don’t care if the mountains are

rolled up God

for me who can be against me

who can be

gets me

so the church is gonna model God fidence

and that is gonna make your light shine

when people are afraid wondering when

the next thing is gonna go off hello

somebody can I talk to you real for a

second you’re gonna say you know what a

thousand might fall at my side and ten

thousand by my right side but it shall

not come near me that Psalm 91 in case

you didn’t know if you hear and you

don’t know the Lord now is about time to

get into covenant if that’s you and

you’re here and you say listen look look

look at how this win Abraham had a

relationship with God without religion

this all predated the law

watch this God spoke to him remember the

three ways that God revealed himself he

spoke to him boom your relationship with

God will give you the ability to

perceive and to accurately discern the

voice of God then he’s communicated to

him in a vision and then he manifests

himself through fire what am I saying

whatever it takes to get you to perceive

God he will use so if you’re here and

you say I want to know God like Abram

knew God I want you to come and meet me

here at this altar as well

you’re gonna norm he’s gonna speak to

you he’s gonna lead you he’s gonna

empower you he’s gonna give you

everything you need if that’s you I want

you to come and meet me at this altar la

come on you can come come on come on

you’re watching via live stream I want

you to get as close to your phone as

close to your computer screen I’m gonna

pray for you

I want you to just lift your hands like

you’re getting ready to receive

something a la moto a heated Eva she

come on another umbilical my father we

thank you so much for this atmosphere

this atmosphere of truth this atmosphere

of glory this atmosphere of your

presence and your power will never be

the same were changed God in this

atmosphere god I thank you for every

person here your you love them you’re

committed to them you’re for them God


you don’t want from them you’re for them

and you know exactly what they need

God you told me to start talking to your

sons and daughters about confidence

about God fidence type of confidence and

father I thank you today God that’s

something that’s been imparted I thank

you God for those who are wrestling and

questioning and saying God how shall I

know you’re gonna do what you say you’re

gonna do how do I know that I haven’t

washed my hands in vain how shall I know

that that you haven’t brought me out to

leave me stranded and God I thank you

that you’re answering by covenant you

said faith comes by hearing and hearing

by the Word of God and your your word

has been declared and therefore

confidence is rising in part covenant

confidence here today I want you to

p-taff to me Heavenly Father I thank you

for your word I receive it I thank you

for you love

I embrace it I thank you for covenant I

receive that thank you for Jesus thank

you for making him who had no sin all of

mine all of my limitations all of my

weaknesses all of my shortcomings you

placed in his body nailed it to the

cross and put it to death and just as he

was raised up

you’re raising me up from level to level

from strength to strength and today I

receive the gift of divine confidence in

Jesus name Amen

and then come on let’s praise the Lord

come on

