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first samuel chapter 13 verse 10 my

subject for tonight is the final sale

and my text begins and verse 10 saw has

been anointed king and this is his first

real act as king and this is important

for you to understand because i need you

to know that when he became king he

wasn’t sure of himself and so god has

signed a prophet to him named samuel and

samuel told him this strategy on how he

was going to live from day to day as

king and he gave him an instruction to

go to a specific location but he said

don’t move until I get there

and when I get there I’m going to show

you what to do now when we find Saul in

the text he’s been waiting on God to

show up like he said he was going to

show up and since y’all church folks now

he may not come when you won’t know but

he’ll always be there right on time but

Saul didn’t know this yet so he made a

move because he was under pressure my

text begins it says now it happened as

soon as he as soon as Saul had finished

presenting the burnt offering that

Samuel Samuels the Prophet that he was

waiting on came and saw went out to meet

him that he might greet him and Samuel

said what have you done

Saul said that when I saw that the

people were scattered from me and that

you did not come within the days

appointed you didn’t come when you said

you were going to come and that the

Philistines my enemies had started

gathering together at Micke

nice then I said the Philistines will

now come down on me at Gilgal and I have

not made supplication to the Lord

therefore I felt compelled and offered a

burnt offering I did what you were

supposed to do had you’ve been here on

time and Samuel said to Saul you have

done foolishly you have not kept the

commandment of the Lord your God God

gave you a word and you said that you

were going to live by that word and you

didn’t keep that word that he commanded

you so now the Lord would have

established you had you kept the word

for now the Lord would have have

established your kingdom over Israel

forever you could have had it all but

now your kingdom shall not continue

because the Lord has sought for himself

a man after his own heart I’m looking

for somebody who won’t be afraid under

pressure I’m looking for somebody who

will keep my word no matter what’s

happening I’m looking for a man who will

be after my own heart says the Lord and

the Lord has commanded him to be

commander over his people because you

have not kept what the LORD commanded


father God you have a vision for tonight

and to be honest I just want to fall in

line with that vision I’ve studied I’ve

prayed I have an idea of what you want

to do but ultimately I lay it all down

at your feet and I say have your way

Great God that you are do whatever you

see fit in this environment I am your

vessel and these are your people so

father we ask that you just sit in this

room and that you would not just speak

to us but that you would speak to the

person beside us and in front of us and

behind us because I’m not so selfish

that I want your glory for myself I want

your glory to overflow

and I wanted to touch everything connect

it to me as a matter of fact God let’s

show glory touch the people who wanted

to come but couldn’t come God let your

glory spread throughout the internet and

touch those who were going to be

watching this message

father let your glory touch those who

aren’t even saved yet but are looking

for something that they just can’t

explain because we got together on at

first they might have had a kingdom

meeting and said father let your will be


on earth as it is in heaven so we turn

this moment over to you no nerves no

fear no anxiety just your words your

power standing tall on the inside of me

in Jesus name Amen amen now you can be

seated I don’t know about you but I have

had this craziest thing happened to me

I’ve had one bad thing one bad

experience changed my whole perception

and perspective on something that I

thought was good one bad thing changed

my mind about a whole season a whole

person that the whole thing wasn’t bad

there was just one bad thing I tell you

there’s this restaurant that was buy a

house we used to live it and we used to

go here all the time I don’t want to say

the name because the way my bank account

is set up your girl’s not getting sued

in 2020 hallelujah we used to go to this

restaurant all of the time and this one

time we went I got sick as a dog I got

home I don’t know what happened I eat

here all of the time but this one time I

got sick I was vomiting everywhere and

then the craziest thing happened people

who didn’t even eat the food in my house

got sick too so obviously there was some

type of virus in the house that had

nothing to do with the food but for some

reason I never recovered like I haven’t

been to that restaurant again because

that one bad experience changed my whole

perspective on the whole restaurant

there is a psychological phenomenon that

is called bad is stronger than good

this phenomenon suggests that the

effects of a bad thing are stronger than

the good ones that one

bad comment on a fury of many comments

carries more weight in gravity than all

of the good ones why is it that for some

reason we only see things as good or bad

and generally the bad thing is what

stands out the most it is so challenging

to come to a place where we have decided

to look at something as not all bad to

look back over our childhood as

challenging as it was or as difficult as

college was as challenging as certain

seasons of our life were and not just

see them as all bad however if we don’t

do this then it’s not just that we miss

the good that existed in the bad but we

also miss God because if we think it’s

all bad then we miss how God got down in

the bad thing with us 20:19 may have

been challenging but it wasn’t all bad

there were moments where God got down in

the bed with you seeing you got to know

this about the god you serve because you

may think that God is only good when

he’s blessing you but if we believe that

he’s never going to leave us nor forsake

us that means that there is no season in

our life that he wasn’t in it with us

that you served the kind of God that

will get down into bed with you he will

get down in that addiction with you he

will get down in that broken home with

you you called it a pre and God mother I

call it God getting down into bed with

you you call it a church that finally

had your sound I call it God getting

down in the bed with you not everything

was bad and when you grow spiritually

you start looking back on certain things

that you thought were bad and you say

but I see how God sent somebody in the

midst of that bad thing

so testimony I dare you to just take 10

seconds and let God know that I see how

you got done in that bad thing with me

it wasn’t all good it wasn’t like I made

it out without any scratches but I see

how you got down in the bad thing with

me I should have been dead I should have

been out of my mind

but God got down in that bad thing with

me I went through the divorce but the

divorce didn’t tear me apart cuz he got

down in that bad thing with me God you

serve a bad guy

he gets down in the struggle with you he

gets down in the pain with you and so

you have to change your narrative on

certain experiences in your life so that

you don’t just call them bad but you can

balance them with the fact that God got

done they’re in it with you because God

will never let bad have the final say

bad can’t have the final say in Genesis

3 and 15 when Eve has eaten from the

fruit and the enemy thinks that he’s had

the final say over humanity God says I

know it looks like you had the final say

because she bruised her heel but at the

end of the day she’s going to end up

bruising your head because bad we’ll

never have the final say you’re not in

this city because you did everything the

right way and you saved your money

appropriately you’re not in that

marriage because you never made any

mistakes you are in the room and the

position that you are in because God

said bad we’ll never have the final say

I will never leave you where your pain

I’ll never leave you where your drummer

met you I’m not saying that the weapon

won’t be formed I’m just saying that it

won’t prosper Romans 8 and 28 would put

it like this I’m going to make all

things work together for your good I’m

going to get down in that bad thing with

you that’s the only way I can make it

work together for your good as if I get

down in that thing with you so you got

to change your language about what

happened because you got to be able to

say I see where God got down in that

thing with me because when you can say I

see where God got down in that thing

with me

it changes your testimony and Matthew 12

and 34 it says oh you better brood of

vipers it says how can you being evil

speak good things but this is the

important part it says for out of the

abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

abundant that word abundance in the

Greek means leftovers four out of what

is left over from the heart the mouth


that’s why you have to change your

narrative about the bad thing because

the bad thing is going to show up in

your language and God says I want you to

change your perspective on what you have

left over because if you have a praise

left over after all you went through

then praise will be what comes out

from out of the left overs is what’s

gonna come on out of your mouth that’s

why somebody needs to take a minute and

have the language change you thought you

came to church I came to change the

language I came to let you know that it

wasn’t all bad I know it wasn’t great

but I’m trying to change your

perspective on your leftovers cuz the

bad has been talking too long and the

depression has been talking too long and

your history has been talking too long

because you’ve been looking at what

you’re had leftover and thinking it

wasn’t enough but God said if you could

get them to change their perspective on

what they have left over then it would

change their language and if it changes

their language then it would change

their connections and if it changes

their connections vanila change their

entire world I feel like being a church

girl and here tonight I’m gonna need

that to back up off of me but what I’m

saying is there is a language that is

waiting to be released then on the

inside of you and that language says

that no weapon that language says that

no temple that language says that no

fear no anxiety no principality no

stronghold can come up against me and

tried in the past and it failed

and that for me before and I’m still

here got a changed my mind about what I

have left over cuz my leftovers have the

microphone right now and if my leftovers

are gonna have the microphone then I’m

gonna choose what’s left over have you

ever gone to a restaurant and they asked

what you want to take home and you say I

don’t want to take that I want to take

this and I want to take that God says

you can choose what should have left

over that you can decide up for the

glory of God in this place that you can

decide what you’re gonna take to the

next dimension

I’m not taking heartbreak with me you

can leave that on the table when I get

better this was this I’m choosing their

different leftover the bitterness can’t

come I want to see how the restoration

happened that’s the only leftover I’m

taking cuz the leftovers are going to

have the microphone I don’t know if I’m

saying that the way that is coming to my

spirit but I want you to know your

leftovers are going to have the

microphone and that’s each 12 and 34

Jesus that’s for out of the abundance

four out of the leftovers mouth the

mouth that’s the Greek word it means

language your language is based on your

leftovers you think that you’re just

connected with people because you speak

the same language God says it’s because

you did the same thing with your


but if you want to change your language

you gotta be willing to break away from

people who did the same old pitiful

thing with their leftovers and get into

a room with people who took their

leftovers and turned it over to God and

experienced radical transformation I’m

trying to change my language I’m here

for the second time this week because

I’m trying to change my language I made

a commitment in 2020 they get in my word

and start coming to church not because I

speak the language that’s why I’m here

because I’m trying to change my language

you got to be around people who speak

higher than you you can’t be afraid of

being the person in the room with the

broken language I speak a little bit of

Spanish on Paquito when we go to Mexico

though they ask me and I say on Paquita

and they say use it anyway

use your broken language anyway because

when you get in the room where the

language is and you use your broken

language it’s gonna make you fluid

it’s gonna make you fluent that’s why

you gotta get around people who speak

the language of where you’re headed not

where you are because I’m trying to

change to my language I’m gonna be

fluent in faith I’m gonna be fluid and

breakthrough I’m gonna be fluid in my

finances I’m not playing around this

year I played around too much already

I’m ready to take this little bit and

turn it into fluency




speak it anyway

produce it anyway sing it anyway

do it broken do it afraid do it us same

what’s that back to beta la don’t know

what we came to do

throw it anyway

I’m not there yet but I’m a shrieking

until I become fluent in it I’m not

where I’m supposed to be but I’m walking

up in this face anyway

cuz I must stay here and feel everything

that’s in me stretch

to become everything I knew it would be



somebody has been having it in their

mouth for a long time they’ve been

having it in their spirit for a long

time but because they were afraid they

couldn’t speak it consistently and

because they were afraid that they

couldn’t stay there they didn’t use that

little bit at the head but I hear God

saying I am the God of all Paquito I am

the God of a little bit that if you

would be faithful over a few things




all of this happened based off of what

you do with your leftovers your

leftovers will change your language your

leftovers God God how am I seeing my

leftovers and how has it changed in my


god I feel abandoned I feel rejected

that’s what’s left over how has that

change my language god I need something

else I need a new story God take me back

to what happened so I can see where you

were working in the midst of it all so I

can leave rejection on the table and I

can pick up restoration God show me how

you got down in that bad thing with me



I’ve gotta change my language sauce

greatest mistake was what he did not

allow to be his leftovers seesaw was

anointed to be king but he didn’t have

the heart to be king yet there are

people in this room who are anointed but

they don’t have the heart for what

they’re anointed to do

anointed to sync anointed to write

anointed for business but I just don’t

have the heart for what I’ve been

anointed to do God told me to tell you

that he knew you didn’t have the heart

when he anointed you but that your

obedience is what grows your heart Saul

was anointed to be king so God gave him

a word and if he would have followed

that word he would have never lost what

God was trying to give him but what he

allowed to be his leftovers

was the fear of things turning against

him he said I was waiting for you to

come but my people started leaving and

my enemies started pressing in and now I

couldn’t hang on to your word any longer

I’m going to be honest with you

not everyone who starts with us this

year has gone in with us this year

because Saul was obedient until it was

time to be obedient under pressure I

feel this prophetically for you I do not

know who you are but God is sending you

this word before the pressure comes so

that you can hang on to this word in the

middle of the pressure somebody has

signed up for some things that are

bigger than them that is going to

require more heart than they have

capacity for but they are taking a step

on their anointing and they’re saying

this will be the year that I take this

step on what God has given me I don’t

have the heart to do it yet

but I

have the obedience and I’m believing

that as I activate the obedience that my

father is going to expand my heart that

means that somebody’s gonna be producing

on another level you’re gonna have to do

it under pressure because obedience is

easy Saul was obedient to Samuel and all

of the chapters leading up to this but

this is the one moment where his

obedience fails and because it failed

when he was under pressure he lost

everything God says he’s gonna give you

another chance

somebody had a thought go across their

mind that they had a chance to be

obedient under pressure and they let it

go I see you God said I’m gonna give you

another chance

God says that you’re in this room here

in this work because I’m gonna give you

another shot at it that this time you’re

not gonna let the pressure make you lose

your position that this time you’re

gonna stand up to it and you’re gonna

trust my word God said if all hope was

lost you wouldn’t be in this room but I

hear God’s saying that I’m going to tell

you in advance what you should have

known before that I am NOT a man that I

shall lie if I sent you a word that I

was coming I don’t care who walks the

way I don’t care what enemies show up if

I told you to do it the way that I told

you to do it it doesn’t matter who

comes up against you got this I’m gonna

show up and I’m gonna give you the next

move stay in position even under

pressure because saw let pressure have

the final staff and because he let

pressure have the final say God couldn’t

have the final say but God said and the

second part of this text I’m going to

say this I’m going to close and verse 14

13 Samuel says Saul you have done

foolishly you have not kept the

commandment you didn’t keep the word of

the Lord your God which he commanded you

for now the Lord would have established

your kingdom over Israel forever but now

your kingdom shall not continue because

the Lord is searching the Hebrew word

there is searching it says sought it and

makes it seem past tense but the Lord is

searching right now God he’s searching

Saul is still in position he’s still

King he didn’t just take him off the

throne right there immediately but he

started searching the moment that saw

wasn’t obedient anymore that means that

just because you see someone isn’t in

position just because you see someone in

position doesn’t mean that God isn’t

searching I had to get that right

because I wanted you to understand that

just because somewhere got this there

first doesn’t mean that you don’t have a

place any longer Gus says don’t be

fooled because you see someone in

position I’m searching for somebody who

would let me have the final say I’m

searching for somebody who can withstand

the pressure of being who I’ve called

them to be I’m searching for somebody

who doesn’t mind innovate

in creating the new way I’m searching

for someone who doesn’t mind doing it in

a way that has never been done before

because this searching after God’s own

heart so one of the people’s approval

David wanted what God wanted David was

after God’s own heart and because he

wanted to cater to the people God said I

would rather have someone who caters to

what I want to do in the earth then have

someone who was going to cater to what

people want so let the people be over

there for just a minute because when I

find that person who is after my own

heart I’m going to establish him in such

a way that it’s going to show that

everything else you were following was a


everything else you were following was

not the real deal God’s gonna establish

you that were established I’m gonna say

it the way I wrote it down and then I’m

finished playing with child God wanted

to establish saw that word established

means to set up in a great variety Holy

Ghost of applications I wanted to set

you up and a great variety of

applications I didn’t want to just make

you King I wanted the generations that

come after you to be anointed – I wanted

to set you up in a great variety of

applications so now because you couldn’t

do it I’m gonna start looking for

somebody who is after my own heart so I

can give them the thing that you wasted

so I can give them the thing that you

didn’t see properly so that I can set

them up in a great variety of

applications I don’t know who you are

but I want you to know that you were

gonna pick up somebody’s leftovers this

season and when you pick them up you’re

gonna do with them what they could have

never done I

saying don’t be picky when it comes to

leftovers that there is an anointing in

the leftovers I know it’s someone else’s


I know it’s someone else’s ministry

right now but I hear God’s saying I have

anointed the leftovers for somebody who

will let me have the final step and I’m

going to establish them in a way I

couldn’t establish the person who had it

before that’s somebody’s word don’t

allow what you see right now to make you

think that your leftovers have no value

like God have the final say saw didn’t

have the heart for what he was called to

do but he was anointed God said I’ll

grow your heart if you just be obedient

to me I can transform your heart if

you’ll just be obedient to me

transformation of the heart comes when

you’ve seen guys show up time after time

again that you have no choice but to

trust him but you don’t know how to do

that unless you become obedient to him I

heard God’s saying Sarah I want to turn

some people’s heart towards me because I

have some things I need to establish in

the earth I can only establish it in

people who don’t mind chasing after my

heart God what is your heart over this


I know what my pain says I know what my

family said but God what is your heart

over this situation

I didn’t forgive you because it was easy

I forgave you because I’m chasing after

God’s heart I didn’t come here because

it was easy I came here because I’m

chasing after God’s heart nobody knows

the struggle that’s connected to who you

are they don’t understand that I’m not

chasing money I’m not chasing Fame I’m

not chasing dollars I’m not chasing

likes me I’m chasing after God’s own

heart and sometimes I look crazy and

sometimes I’m paycheck-to-paycheck you

but that’s okay with me because when I

lay my head down it might be I can say

God I did what you told me to do I

showed up where you told me to show up

me I spoke the words you told me to


I’m chasing after your heart God your

heart will have to

I know I left here have the finals

and God is


you’re gonna do what Saul couldn’t do

god I’m gonna do what my mother couldn’t

do I’m gonna do what my father couldn’t

do I’m not talking about just getting

money cuz they could do that I’m telling

my chasing after God’s heart I’m gonna

break this off of my family I’m not

gonna do it in my own strength I’m not

gonna do it in my own power that’s gonna

grow my heart because he already gave me

the anointing so now all I gotta do is

step in in this season of your life it’s

the season of transformation and people

shout about that because they think it


all my money’s gonna change my car’s

gonna change my boo gonna change my

marital status gonna change your hearts

gonna change

you’re gonna come to a place where you

say I don’t need everyone to like me I

don’t need to fit in everywhere I don’t

mind going home when everyone else goes

out because I can’t trust myself in

certain environment this time I’m gonna

go after his heart so that I can be

established in a variety of applications

I had a vision for my life

and my vision had me only established in

one certain arena and I started chasing

after God’s heart God said I can

establish you there are no limits to

what I can do I can establish you here

and there I can establish meet you in

Los Angeles I can establish you in

Denver I can establish you all over the

world if that’s what you want to do but

you gotta keep chasing after my heart I

feel like somebody needs to put their

running shoes back on that somewhere

along the way they lost sight of what

they were chasing after but I wanted to

have a revival at the beginning of 2020

that we will start chasing after you

like never before that we would lay down

our selfish ambition

that we would lay down the idea of what

our life was supposed to be and we would

start chasing after God’s mission for

our life gotta watch you

I want you to have the final step I want

to give those who know this word is for


ten seconds to surrender ten seconds to

find their running shoes again god I was

chasing after you on one arena but I was

chasing money in my business and I don’t

want to chase money I want to chase

after you I don’t want to just be

wealthy with no purpose so I need a

drinking a drug to go to sleep at night

God if I chase after you I’m crazy

enough to know that the ins will still

meet and I’ll have my piece and now I

have my choice I may never be a

billionaire and I’m ok with that if

that’s what you have declared in heaven

I only want what you want from me I only

want to do what you want me to do I

don’t have to be connected to the people

high up I am connected to the Most High

there is no God greater than my

there is no name more powerful than my

name at the sound of his name demons

tremble a column a column

he is the Anointed One and he anoints

those who he can use for his purposes

before you were formed in your mother’s

womb he anointed you and he knew that

life was gonna come and shrink your

heart it makes you afraid sometimes but

it didn’t shrink your anointing he knew

he knew about those scars he knew about

those wounds he knew about you being

from the least tribe but he’s still

anointed you because he said I can grow

that heart if that hurt chases after man

you’re here

you’re in this room you know without a

shadow of a doubt it’s time for you to

put on your running shoes

somebody said I’ve been running for the

Lord for a long time I want you to meet

me at the Salton

I want you to run down to this option

somebody’s walking but their spirit is

running somebody’s walking but the

spirit is running

I don’t care if you can only take one


one step is all cottony

I’m taking one step in the direction of

where I need to be

I could stay right here and I could pray

and receive the prayer but altar costs

responding to altar calls are an act of

obedience when you know a word is for

you but you stay where you are because

you don’t want nobody in your business

or I don’t want to get down there and

break down and cry because I’m doing

everything I can to hold it all together

that’s not what this moment is about

this moment is not about you this moment

is about what God wants to do that on

the inside of you and you have to be

willing to do what God wants you to do

even under pressure that means I may cry

when I get down there that means I may

have to explain something or not explain

something to the person I came with but

I will not sit in this room and act like

God is not speaking to me I will not sit

in this room and act like my heart has

it all together and that I’m working in

the direction I know I need to be

working in I’m coming down to this altar

because I need a heart transplant I’m

coming down to this altar because I need

a touch from God


maybe you’re here and you want to

believe you’re still anointed she had

some circumstances in your life that

made you feel like you lost it but I

hear God’s saying I’m giving out second

chances but the second chances are for

those who respond to my voice got a

respond to my voice that’s how we do

this relationship thing is you respond

to my voice some of us have a one-sided

selfish relationship with God God just

do what I need you to do I’m not gonna

do what you need me to do God said over

with that this only works when I get to

talk to when I get to lead two guys is

there somebody who needs to be down here

but they’re telling themselves is it’s

too crowded and there’s too many people

and I’m not exactly sure that I’m gonna

be here next week so I’m not gonna come

down there like one of them church folks

ciao we don’t care if you respond to

God’s voice God will do the rest we

don’t keep no role on who came this week

and who didn’t come the week after that

all we do is release what God has given

us and we trust him to do the race I’m

gonna ask our incredible spiritual

covering to pray the altar prayer I want

you to know more than anything this is

not just a word for when things are good

this is a word for when things get bad –

I want you to bookmark this word I want

you to save it and I want you to

remember that you serve a God who gets

down into bed with you I don’t know what

this year holds for you somebody’s got

anxiety because it can be tricky

starting something new and I don’t know

what’s going to happen and I don’t know

how it’s going to shake out I hear guys

saying don’t worry about that I’ll get

down into bed with you I’ll get down in

the pain with you but most of all I

won’t let bad have the final say hey

would you pray awesome have we heard

from the Lord tonight in an incredible

way so grateful in your heart

ministry will then Asil this word in

prayer there’s a passage that came to

mind I cannot tell you the value of a

pure heart

it is everything the Bible says that God

the eyes of the Lord go to and fro

throughout the whole earth that you

referenced it searching for those whose

hearts are perfect towards him and so

you could pursue this and you could

pursue that but I’m telling you if you

get a pure heart you have everything so

how do I get a pure heart you’ve already

done it you you’re responded to the

altar call and you’re here and I want to

tell you I want to show you a promise in

God’s word about what he will do for you

it’s an Ezekiel 36 beginning at verse 26

he says I will give you a new heart and

put a new spirit within you I will take

the heart of stone out of your flesh and

give you a heart of flesh a tender heart

I will put my spirit within you and

cause you to walk in my statutes and you

will keep my judgments and do them in

other words it’s going to happen this is

not just something that you want this is

something that God wants for you and

he’s going to give you a pure heart and

a clean heart and along with the clean

heart comes this thing called the key of

David and you can study this in Isaiah

22 22 it’s the key of David and you know

what the key of David does it opens

doors that no man can shut and it shuts

doors that no man can open it is a new

dimension of favori anybody want God’s

favor on their lives well you can pull

out your keys and open doors that no man

can shut and shut doors that no man can

open that’s what’s getting ready to

happen to you cup your hands right now

father we thank you for this rich word

we receive it every single bit of it

you’ve ministered to our hearts and our

minds at an incredible way and God you

promised you promised that as we seek

you you would give us a new heart Lord

we thank you that if we had any saw

tendencies in us you are pulling that

out right now

and you’re gonna give us the heart of

King David demand

was after your own heart the man that

you established even messiah for his

lineage and legacy your word declares

that you would give us a new heart so

right now god we’re receiving a new

heart we’re saying god we want you more

than anything we want to do your will

God if you tell us to go to Timbuktu

we’ll go tomorrow we want that type of

heart and so as we have our our hands

cupped up to receive I pray that your

spirit would fall you said not only will

I give you a new heart but you’re gonna

put your spirit upon them and so I pray

tonight God that the Spirit of God would

just fall and rest and then it would not

just fall upon us but it would fall in

us that we will be renewed from the

inside out

and God in order for you to fill us we

have to be empty of everything God

that’s unlike you so in this moment

right now God even in that passage you

said that you’re going to take the stony

heart out I pray that you would move to

this crowd right now those who watch it

via livestream I pray God that there

would be literally a heart transplant

that would take place right now here in

this heart God the things that happen

and now we have those leftover things

and some of those leftovers have heart

in our hearts we thank you that you’re

changing our perspective right now that

that that did not kill us just made us

stronger just made us wiser just made us

more pure so take those things out give

us a new heart and a new spirit seal

this we decree that we will leave out of

here better and we receive the key of

David right now and we will once we

leave here open doors that no man can

show things that have been closed up to

us now because our hearts are right

because our hearts are aligned our gonna

open and those things that we did not

have the authority to close Oh


those things that would just show up in

our lives and cause havoc and wreak

havoc in our lives because we did not

have the authority to

hoes we thank you that with this key it

will be closed I thank you God that that

there’s some things being swallowed up

right now in the wake of what you’re

doing in our lives and will never be the

same again seal this in the hearts and

in the minds of these your sons and

daughters in Jesus name Amen if you

receive that give God a praise just

receive it right now

thanks the nose

