Los Angeles www.tphla.org Denver www.tphd.com

hey family i’m pastor toray

pastor sarah we just want to greet you

before you get ready to watch this

powerful message we believe it’s going

to change your life

we’ve been praying for you and we also

want you to partner with us

in changing the lives of others as you

know we invested a lot into technology

so that we could continue

to bring the word to you in innovative

and creative ways

but we don’t just stop there we also

believe in blessing people in a more


way that’s right you’re about to watch

this video that is going to tremendously

bless you

but what you don’t get to see is how

we’re blessing people off of the pulpit

there are families that are being fed

there are women who are being saved from

human trafficking

there are so many organizations that we

are able to support thanks to your

generosity so we want to invite you

to be a part of changing the world with

us yeah we’ve been very intentional in

this season

to to partner with organizations and

support them financially

that are making a difference considering

a crisis so we just thank you

they’re giving instructions on the

screen here partner with us

now let’s get into this word

i can’t tell you how excited i am to get

into this word i’ve been

praying i’ve been studying

i’ve been praying and studying some more

and i’ve been thinking

and fasting and i just believe that god

has something so special to say to you

and i’m so honored that he chose me

to do it so i’m going to be in matthew


i’m going to start in verse 11. it’s not

too late to invite your friends

say hey i want to take you to church

enter this

web address into your browser that’s how

we go to church these days

my subject for tonight is the element

of surprise the element of surprise and

i am in matthew 11

verse 11. just a little bit of context

john the baptist who baptizes jesus and

is the forerunner of jesus christ

is in prison and he is in prison but

jesus ministry is just beginning

and he’s trying to understand what’s

happening in this season because it

doesn’t seem like when jesus

comes into the room that he should be in

prison it seems like

this is really when ministry should

begin taking off

and so though he baptizes jesus and he

literally hears the voice from heaven

saying this is my

son in whom i’m well pleased when he

finds himself in prison

he begins to question whether or not he

actually heard from god and if jesus was


he said he was and so in matthew

11 he has sent his disciples because he

wants to understand

are you the coming one or do we look for

another john the baptist is in prison

and he sends a word

through his disciples to jesus and jesus

response is

you know quite lengthy and informative i

want to dissect his response though to


11. and this is important because

we’ll get into it it’s so many layers to

it that i want to share with you

but verse 11 it begins it says assuredly

i say to you among those born of women


has not risen one greater than john the


but he who is least in the kingdom of


is greater than he and from the days of

john the baptist

until now the kingdom of heaven suffers


and the violent take it by force for all

the prophets in the law

prophesied until john and if you were

willing to receive it he

is elijah who is to come

he who has ears to hear

let him hear father the only reason why

we’re here

is because we have ears to hear from you

some of us have

stayed up past our bedtime we could be

doing a thousand other things but you

told us we needed to lock into this word

and so father open our ears that we can

hear the word that you’re sending

through this message father not every

word may be for us but there is a word i

feel that there is going to be one word


that resonates so deeply in our spirit

that we

take it and it takes root and produces

fruit in our lives father let this be

one of those moments

where we have no choice but to be

changed and transformed

because we heard from you and we were

open to hear from you

so father clear our minds no


no anxiety no depression no stress

father just in this moment let us have

an intimate encounter with you where you

see past our mask

and that you see our soul and you bring

us back to life

in jesus name i pray amen

i was thinking recently

about how so often in life we

think about what our ultimate objective

is in life and our ultimate objective

usually has a few parameters a few

points in which people say okay that

person has finally

established themselves they finally have

stability there are some markers that

sociologically we believe

are markers of stability and you know


they ask you questions like are you

married yet

do you have children did you graduate

these are markers that are supposed to


whether or not we have stability in our


and i was really thinking about this

because as i was studying about this

concept of stability and what it means

to be

a stable person i realized that

stability is a bit of an illusion

because even when you’re married your

marriage goes through changes right

you start off newlyweds and then maybe

you become

parents maybe someone gets laid off the

context of marriage itself

is supposed to be a place of stability

but anyone who has been

married recognizes that your marriage


may be stable but life is always

changing and transforming around you

and when those changes and

transformations take place

it has the ability to shake your

marriage and so i wonder

if we are doing a disservice to people

by always asking them about these


of stability whether we have our

degrees whether we have children some

kind of way

our success is determined by whether or


you’ve managed to build something stable

but as i was saying i really feel like

stability is an

illusion in a world that promises change

so in this moment i want to challenge

your notion of striving for

stability i think this is really

important because we think that there is

a destination in mind

not realizing that destiny is a journey

it is not

a destination you don’t get married and

have the children and all of a sudden

the world is stable

if you get married and have children it

is quite likely that you end up having


more instability because you’re managing

so many different

attitudes and emotions so for a moment i

want to relieve you from the pressure of

meeting these

markers that are supposed to determine

where you are in life

and i want to challenge you with a

notion that i think is more important


finding stability what’s more important


finding stability is finding


how well are you able to adapt

that is one of the things that i think

is the greatest marker of whether or not

we can have success in our life is


i was studying and i realized that there

are businesses that don’t just take into

account your iq

anymore they don’t just take into

account your eq

your intelligent quotient or your your

emotional quota but what they take into

account now was your

aq your adaptability quotient how well

are you able to adapt

i will tell you how important

adaptability is

if you look back at kindergarten at the

person who you thought would be your

best friend forever

they’re either still your best friend

because they were able to

adapt with you or they are no longer

your best friend because they could not


what if we’re trying to have stability

when what we really need to be looking


is can you adapt with me can you grow

with me

can you move with me can we go from

compton to calabasas can we go

from meeting the president to greeting

the homeless people on the street can


adapt or are you only okay if things are


and if you understand them because if

you are only okay when things are stable

then you’re going to be quite upset when

the world does what only the world can

do and that

is change i want to ask that god would


into your life the ability to adapt when

life changes

to not need something to be a certain

way for so long

that you miss the opportunity to adapt

when we adapt

we learn more about ourselves i didn’t

even know that i could do certain things

until i was placed in an

environment where i realized if i don’t

adapt then i can’t stay here we talk

about your gift making room for you

and bringing you into great people’s

atmospheres and great people’s


but what will keep you in that room is

your ability to adapt

they don’t speak the same language that

they speak where you are from

in certain rooms if you don’t learn to

adapt then you’re going to stand out and

not just for the reasons you think

but because they’re going to say you

must not fit in this room

i know sometimes we talk about standing

out and how important that is

but for a moment i want to challenge

that idea because standing out

is when your gift stands out when your

ability to create stands out

but there are some things in you that

should not stand out when you are in

certain rooms

you got to know how to flow in any room

you got to know how to function no

matter where you are

the way i speak to you at activate la

may be different than the way i speak at

a university it may be different

than the way i speak when i am in

corporate settings but the difference

the substance doesn’t change but my

delivery changes you got to be able to


or you will be frustrated with life

because you will wonder why doesn’t this

delivery work in the atmosphere that i’m


people who learn how to adapt recognize

that my number one role

in life is not to be a master it is to

be a

student the more that i am willing to

learn the more likely i

am to grow because when i go into an

environment i don’t try to own the room

i try to learn the room before i speak

because if i speak and i say something

that disqualifies me from the room i may

never be in the room again

but if i take a minute to learn the

environment how do they speak

how do they dress how do they show up

what is my role here

what is the food chain here what are the

battles that are taking place in this


the most important thing you can do when

you have been invited into an

environment that is bigger

or greater than what you think is in you

is not to try and prove that you deserve

to be in there

but to be silent long enough to learn

where you are

and if you are silent long enough to

learn where you are then god will

highlight why you are there

sometimes we are so busy trying to prove

that we deserve to be in the room that

we don’t even know why god

sent me in the room when i am in a room

that i feel disqualified and i don’t

know why i’m here but i know god sent me

i’m silent so god can speak to me god

i’m afraid to use the language that got

me into this room in this room so god

show me how to speak in this room

god show me how to speak in this

business meeting god show me how to


when i’m dealing with this banker when

i’m negotiating this contract

i can’t talk to them like they’re on the

woman evolve podcast and they understand

my slang and my lingo

i have to raise my language for the

environment that i am in i feel that for


god is calling you to be connected into

some rooms in some environments and

industries that you feel disqualified

for and i hear god saying it’s time to


not speak and when you learn to know the

difference you’ll never have to wonder

what to do when

because you studied before you stood up

that’s the most important part of this

the most important part of what happens

here at activate is not when we actually


filming this it’s what happens before

this occurs it’s when

the band gets together and rehearses

it’s when i open up my bible and start

studying and i start

seeking god’s face it’s not about what

happens when it’s live

it’s about what happens that makes it go

live i feel that for somebody that

wasn’t even in my point so i know

that god is preparing you i don’t know

who you are but god is preparing you for

the next dimension of where he has taken


and you’re wondering why you can’t speak

the way you usually speak and create the

way that you usually create

and i hear god saying that it is because

now is the time for you to be learning

about where i’m taking you

you can’t just move and function the way

that you used to move and function you

got to be able to

adapt adaptability what is your aq

maybe that should be some of the dates

that the questions that we ask on first


what is your aq how have you been able


adapt what is your aq and friendships

how have you been able to adapt

businesses right now are challenged with

their ability to adapt with the times

it doesn’t even matter what your product

is if you cannot adapt to the times in

which your consumers can get your


your adaptability quotient is

everything and while it is great to have

a high adaptability quotient you’re able

to adjust and adapt

to unexpected changes i i want to read


aq is the ability to adjust course

product service and strategy in response

to unanticipated changes in the market

and there are so many of you who have

mastered that you know how to go with

the flow it may take you a little minute

to get started

but when it’s time to show up you can

shift and you can transition you’ve got

a high aq but when i was studying

about the art of war and this is

important because

this text that i’ve presented to you is


about war this is a war strategy that

god lets us in on

when i was studying about the art of war

what i recognize is that your


is important how you adapt to the

surprises that come with life is


but the art of war when you are going to

engage in a battle that will yield

victory what is most important

is that you don’t just adapt to


but you recognize that you are the

surprise sun tzu who wrote

the art of war says in conflict

direct confrontation will lead to


and surprise will lead to victory

those who are skilled in producing

surprises will win i feel that for


those who are skilled in producing

surprises will win

when this message is over i’m going to

give you some tips and some tools on how

to produce surprises

so that you can win but i think it’s

important for us to take a minute and

recognize that your life

is supposed to take life by surprise

when we talk about being the element of


it’s not just you being able to adapt to

the surprises of life

but it is about you turning the tables

and surprising life

surprising the statistics surprising

what everyone thought you would be

and how everyone thought you would turn

out and how that generational curse

ran into a surprise when it ran into you

adaptability is great but when you start

turning the tables and realizes

that i can adapt to life where i can

force life to adapt to my new normal

that is when we see

the tables begin to turn you are a

strategy in god’s arsenal

he did not send you down here so that

you could have a good time

so that you could sit up and have

stability and never have to fight

and never have to worry god sent you

down here because you

are a strategy when you are a strategy

you will be consumed

by people and things and obstacles and

experiences trying to threaten your

ability to be

potent but i hear god saying that

nothing can diminish the anointing that

i place down on the inside of you

and at any given moment when you get a


that i still have you here because you

are still a weapon in my arsenal

then you will recognize that you are the

element of surprise that this industry

has been looking for

you are the element of surprise that

your family has been looking for

everyone thought that it wasn’t going to

be you no one thought that you would be

the one who would actually step into

wholeness that you would step into

stability that you would step into


but i hear god saying that you were the

surprise i don’t know who you are

and i don’t know what you’ve gone

through but you feel like because life

has waged war against you

that you can’t do anything back in

return and i hear god saying that the

reason why life has waged war against


is because of what god has placed down

on the inside of you

you are the element of surprise

it’s you you’re the one we’ve been

looking for

you’re the one we’ve been waiting for if

that’s you i want you to type it in the

comments that’s me that’s me that’s me

i am an element of surprise you’re gonna

have to start speaking this

even at times when you don’t believe it

because depression needs to know that

you are the element of surprise

that when depression ran up on you when

anxiety ran up on you that there is a

surprise waiting

i feel that so prophetically for

somebody i feel it down in my bones i

feel like jeremiah it’s fire shut up in

my bones

that life came and it took you by

surprise and it made you believe that

you were going to have to

dance to the rhythm of what life was

doing and i hear god saying that you can

change the rhythm at any given moment

that you if you would unleash what god

placed down on the inside of you

then rivers of living water would start

flowing like never before

it’s you you’re the one who’s going to

do it you’re the one who’s going to

preach it

you’re the one who’s going to sing it

you’re the one who’s going to build it

it’s going to be a surprise to everyone

including you

that’s what it is that’s what god has

been saying when god gets finished with

your life

it’s not just going to be a surprise to

everyone around you

it’s going to be a surprise to you god i

didn’t even

know that was in me god i didn’t even

know that you would bless me to do that

i want somebody to say i receive it i

receive it i receive it

i receive your anointing i receive your


god says there’s a version of you you

haven’t even tapped in yet

and when you finally see what i’ve been

holding back

you’re gonna recognize why you had to

wait for it you’re gonna see why you had

to cry for it

it’s you it’s you it’s you it’s you

that’s why i kept you in the city

that’s why i pulled you in closer that’s

why i gave you a mentor when no one else

can get through to you

because you


you are the element of surprise that

that generational curse has been waiting


you are the element of surprise that the

music industry has been waiting for

you are the element of surprise that

ministry has been waiting for

you’re waiting for someone to understand

it baby people don’t understand when

surprises are happening

they just look up and all of a sudden

the atmosphere has shifted

they look up and all of a sudden what

has been produced has changed

it’s because you are going to take them

by surprise i feel that for somebody

i need you to allow that to marinate in

your spirit for a minute

that feels like a sailor moment but i

hear god saying

that i gave you weight that i gave you

strategy that i gave you creativity

and i gave it to you because you are the

element of surprise

god says no one is going to understand

it no one is going to get it

until it’s all said and done they’re

going to see why you were moving and

functioning and operating the way that

you were

just wait till god gets finished showing

you this surprise

just wait till god finishes setting the

stage so that you can arrive

just wait until god gets finished

showing the world what he placed down on

the inside of you

but the first thing you got to do is

receive that i am not

random i am not a coincidence that when

god brought me to the earth

he was waiting on the moment for me to

unleash what he placed down on the

inside of me

you better be ready at any given moment

god may yell surprise and it’s going to

be time for you to walk out your destiny

it’s going to be time for you to walk

out that strategy

i hear god saying


it’s not just going to be a surprise to


it’s gonna be a surprise to you

there are things that you don’t even

know you can do yet

you’re counting on one gift to take you

into a room

god says you haven’t even seen the gift

that is gonna offer you breakthrough

you’re counting on one gift to get you

in the city i hear god’s saying

i use one gift to get you in the city so

that i can help you unwrap the actual


that is going to give you the

breakthrough your family has been

waiting for

that’s going to give you the wisdom that

you’ve been waiting on god says keep

working that one gift

but don’t be thinking that that one gift

is the limit that one gift is the

foundation that i’m going to use to get

it started

you’re more than a pretty face you’re

more than just a body

you’re more than just a dancer you’re

more than just a singer

i hear god saying you great generational


i hear god saying that you changed

homelessness i hear that saying that

when you walked into this

place that there was an element of


that he had been working on the whole

time i feel this word i know this is

your word

i can tell that this is your word cause

i can’t get up off of this point

and this doesn’t have much to do with my

message but it feels like somebody needs

to get this new awareness

down in their mind don’t let the fact

that life took you by surprise

make you forget that you are the


of change that we’ve been waiting on

and jesus knows this about himself

jesus knows that he’s god’s strategy

so when you talk about following jesus

it’s not just so that you can be

connected with him

but it’s so that what is in him can come

out of you as well

which means that if jesus functioned as

if he knew he was the element of


then that’s how you should function too

even when the kingdom is suffering


jesus isn’t worried and he isn’t


because he knows that he serves a god of

surprises i’m reminded

of adam and eve in the garden and when

they’re in the garden and the serpent

thinks that he has had the final say

then god steps in in genesis 3 and 15

and he says you almost had this

the final say but i had a surprise

waiting for you

that the woman is going to produce seed

and that seed is going to

bruise your head that sounds like the

element of surprise

i’m reminded of abraham about to

sacrifice isaac

and right when he’s about to sacrifice

him he says you don’t have to do that

and all of a sudden there is a ram

in the bush that sounds like the god of

surprises to me

and right here in this text

right here in this text we’re about to

see how god

uses jesus as the element of surprise

why is this important

because we’re in a season right now

when god wants you to recognize your

identity as the element of surprise

that this war cannot win if you stand up

and be who god has called you to be

that this war cannot win if you take a

moment and breathe

in the transformation that you so

desperately need so that you can breathe


the creativity that we have been waiting

for you are

the element of surprise

and so it is no wonder

that john the baptist is a little

confused in this moment

because he has been waiting for this

moment when the element of surprise

pops up and the messiah is finally here

john the baptist he knows that he is the

front runner of jesus he knows he’s the

frontrunner of the messiah

and so he was waiting for this moment

for someone else to come in and help him

to advance the kingdom and establish the


but in this moment it doesn’t look like

the kingdom is being established

john is in prison

and jesus jesus hasn’t set it off yet

what do you do when you are the element

of surprise but you are

constricted when you feel restricted

when you feel like you can’t break out i

know i’m the one who’s supposed to do it

i know

that i’ve been called to do it but for

some reason i feel restricted

i feel like i can’t move i feel like i’m

seized in this moment

john the baptist teaches us what we must

do in these moments

when he sends word through his disciples

is this the messiah or is there one to


he wants to know if this is god because

if this is god then i’m okay

but if this isn’t god then i know to

look for god in another area

when you feel restricted and you start

to wonder whether or not god is in it at


i want you to go back and see if you can

see god anywhere

in your world god if i can see you

anywhere in my world then i know you’re

just working your way to me that’s what

john the baptist knew

if jesus is the messiah if he is who god

says he is

and he is working the way he is supposed

to be working

even though i am in prison and this

prison is not going to be the final say

i won’t be restricted forever if god is

working and he’s working his way to me i

want to say that

the way that i studied it because i

think it’s important for us to recognize

that if i see god working anywhere near

me then god is working his way to me

you may not have the deliverance you’re

looking for yet you may not have the

breakthrough you’re looking for yet

you need to get connected to where god

is moving because i want to be wherever


is and if i am wherever he is even if i

don’t have my breakthrough i know i’m

positioned properly

that’s why we talked last week about

repentance because you cannot be

where god is moving unless you are

positioned properly and john the baptist

sends word

because he wants to know is jesus being


at being the messiah i didn’t give this

scripture to them but when

the disciples come to john the baptist

and they ask him whether or not he is

the messiah what he says to him is very


he says the blind see and the lame walk

the lepers are cleansed and the deaf

hear the dead are raised up

and the poor have the gospel preached to

them he doesn’t say yes i am the messiah

what he says instead

is check my results sometimes you can’t

understand if someone is who they are

or who they say they are supposed to be

or who they are purporting themselves to


when you don’t know whether or not they

are who they are purporting themselves

to be

then check their results my bible says

that you’ll know a tree by the fruit

that it bears jesus says if you really

want to test me check my results

you cannot let your environment

determine whether or not you are

effective i feel that for somebody

your environment may be lying on you you

may be more

effective at doing what you have been

called to do than you would ever really


because you are waiting on the

environment to change

and i hear god saying that environment

may not change but your effectiveness

could be working anyway

john the baptist thought that when jesus

came that his environment would shift

and his environment would change and

when the environment doesn’t change he

doesn’t get upset

he just starts asking god am i still

being effective

if i’m being effective even if the

environment doesn’t change then i know

the environment will have no choice

but to come into alignment with what god

is doing

and i feel that for you you’ve been

sweating you’ve been slaving you’ve been

working you’ve been

creating and your environment hasn’t

changed and you’re beginning to question

whether or not i’m being effective at


god i heard a word from you but my

environment hasn’t changed

i hear god saying close your eyes to

your environment

close your eyes to what is around you

and instead

recognize that you can be effective even

when the environment doesn’t look like a

reflection of the work that you’re

putting in

and john the baptist recognizes that if


is working and jesus is working then he

is being effective in who

he was called to be and so when we find

jesus in this text

in verse 11 he says assuredly i say to

you among those born of women there has

not risen one greater

than john the baptist this is important

because he honors

who john the baptist is he honors

that john the baptist paved the way for

him to be standing in the moment that he

is in

but he also makes his separation

because jesus and john had different


john was supposed to be the front runner

but the front runner can only take you

but so far

there comes a point when he has to

surpass the front runner and this is

what we’re looking at in this moment

it’s time for jesus to surpass the front


and part of him surpassing the front

runner is drawing a line in the sand

between the distinctions of

jesus and john john’s primary function

was to prepare his people for the

messiah by having them repent we read in

our scriptures all the time john

john the baptist says repent for the

kingdom of heaven is at hand

repent repent repent his job was to make


you got to make room because the messiah

is coming

you got to end that relationship because

the messiah is coming

you have to address that depression

because the messiah is coming who is the

messiah the anointed one

you’re going to have an encounter with

the anointed one and when you have an

encounter with the anointed one you

don’t want to be distracted by anything

that wasn’t the anointed one the

antichrist the

anti-anointing can be functioning in

your life

and then when you repent you come into

an alignment with the anointed one

john’s responsibility was to help them

make room

to help them come into alignment with

what god is doing and what god is saying

but jesus jesus has a different


jesus responsibility is to equip those

who have made

room to take territory this is where we

get into you being

the element of surprise is that when you

make room

like we did last week when you make room

like sunday

like pt called us to on sunday it’s not

just so that you can live with this


but god allows you to make room down on

the inside of you so that he can give


strategy and creativity and wisdom for

the territory assigned to your name

you want territory but you haven’t made


i hear god saying that you’re going to

be bound everywhere

until you decide to take territory and

make room for god

if you’re bound in one area you’re going

to be bound in every area i wish i could

say that

the way that i hear it in my mind but

it’s not just one thing

that’s keeping you bound that one thing

keeps you completely bound

it’s not just the relationship that god

can’t bring you into purpose until

you’re in the right relationship

god can’t bring you into purpose until

you have wholeness

it’s not just the job god can’t bring

you into the awareness of who he has

called you to be

until you step into the position you

know you’re supposed to be

in you think that you’re just bound in

one area and i hear god saying that one

area is dictating

every area and why is that important

because you are an

element of surprise and the element of

surprise is not just called to be a


he’s called to take territory you were

called to take territory

and god says i need you to clear out

this space that’s in you

so that you can take territory somebody

has been called

to take territory in this season i hear

god saying that you’re taking territory

in the entertainment industry

you’re going to take territory for your

family that wholeness is going to be in

your family

that breakthrough is going to be a part

of your family how is it going to happen

it’s going to happen because one day i

woke up and i realized that if i didn’t

clean out the junk that was in me

then i couldn’t lay hold of the

blessings that were for me

and i don’t know about you but i wake up

every morning trying to take territory

there’s an old song they used to sing

when i was in church and they say i’m

going into the enemy’s camp

and i’m going to take back what he stole

from me you know what he’s taken back

he’s taken back the territory

that god had originally assigned to them

the enemy has been taking territory in

your life for too long

the enemy has been taking territory in

your mind for too long

and i hear god saying that you have the

power and ability

to take that territory back and it

starts with a spiritual awakening

and so i want to prophesy over everyone

watching this video right now

that you would come into a place where

you get bold

and you get empowered and you start

running into the enemy’s camp

and you start taking back what he stole

from you you thought you were gonna take

my heart

you thought you were gonna take my mind

you thought you were gonna take my


you thought you were gonna take my child

well surprise devil you got another

thing coming

i am a strategy in god’s arsenal and you

can’t take anything from me

that god won’t give me the power to take


i want to say that again the enemy

cannot take anything from you

that god will not give you the power to

take back your

innocence can be taken back your power

can be taken back

i want you to make a list of everything

the enemy ever took from you

and i want you to know that it is not

gone forever

it’s just waiting for you to recognize

that he gave you

power that he gave you authority so that

you can take it back

take it back take it back take it back

take it back

i’m taking back my mind i’m taking back

my joy

i’m taking back my gift i’m taking back

my talent

i’m taking it back i’m taking it back

i’m taking it back hell can’t have my


hell can’t have my marriage hell can’t

have me any longer

i’m coming back with the offenses i’m

coming back like i got

nothing left to lose i hear god saying

this is for somebody that the enemy took

it from the wrong person

that he messed around and left you with

nothing to lose

that he messed around and left you with

nothing else to give up

and because you’ve got nothing else to

give up you fight a little bit


you ought to see somebody who’s fighting

like they got nothing to lose

they fight like they don’t care whether

they live or die when you fight somebody

who don’t care whether they live or die

it shakes things up some of you have

faced death

and i hear y’all saying you faced death

and death had to back up off of you

you better start taking back what hell

took from you

take it back i’m taking it back

i’m taking it back i’m taking it back

i’m taking it back i’m taking it back

i’m taking it back

fear tried to take my faith weapons

tried to take my wisdom

i’m taking it back i’m taking it back

i’m taking it back the divorce tried to

take my

joy the power of god is working down on

the inside of me

not just so that i could smile through

the pain but so that i could

now when i walk through hell’s gate i’m

coming back

for everything you took from my mama and

everything you took from my father

you’re gonna have to see me cause i

survived for more than this


i survived for more than this

and when you get bold enough to walk up

on the devil

the kingdom suffers violence and the

violence take it by

force how we gonna get the kingdom back

unless we’re willing to get a little

violent unless we’re willing to kick

down the gates of hell

and say cancer’s got to get off of their

body coronavirus has to get out of my


i speak to doctors everywhere father

give them

insight and wisdom to lift this disease

off of people

i’m tired of hearing about what hell is


i wish i had some heaven that would

stand up and say

i am the element of surprise i pray this

thing out of this nation

i pray this thing out of this world


oh yeah oh yeah

i hear god saying it’s time for somebody

to start fighting again it’s time for

somebody to start warring again

it’s time for somebody to recognize that

you are

you are the element of surprise

and it’s time for you to stop sitting


and letting this thing happen in your

marriage and happen in your family

and happen to your finances and happen

to your country

you are the element of surprise

and you have been called to take


we repent we make room and then we take


we take territory that has been marked

by depression that has been marked by


my innocence my my purity my confidence

somebody took it from me somebody

stripped it from me i hear god saying it

doesn’t have to be gone forever

that believe it or not but i hope you

believe it

that i can help you to take back

everything that has ever been taken

from you but you got to stop

waiting on somebody else to do it

waiting on someone else to fix you

waiting on someone else to heal you

waiting on someone else to be your


when i get married then i’ll be whole

when i get the job then i’ll be okay i

hear god saying you’re putting too much

weight on other people

when i put weight on you

you’re putting too much weight on what

you need other people to do in your life

how you need other people to show up

when i put weight

on you i put weight on you

i put victory on you i put power on you

i put anointing on you

i put strategy on you i put wisdom on

you i put creativity on you

stop waiting on someone else to be your

hero and grab your own cape

you are the element of surprise

you’ve got this and it starts with

coming into alignment with god

that i am not random and i don’t just

have to

sit back and take anything

god has called me to wreak havoc

to wreak heaven on hell

and if i don’t unleash what’s in me

if i don’t take this territory

then my family may never see anything


that my community may never see anything


so i’m here to take my position

and jesus jesus takes his position

and he says what john did was great

there is no one like him but what i have

been called to do

if you become a part of this

then even the least of you those who do

the least will be greater than what even

john the baptist did

god isn’t even calling you to do the

most he says if you would just do the

least amount of work

in the kingdom of heaven the things that

no one else would do the things that no

one thinks are important

if you would do the least of those

things then you will be greater

than the prophet john the baptist

and it comes down to being par a part of

his kingdom

and recognizing that you are his


i want to give you four things keep you

can keep playing i’m closing

four things four things that’s going to

help you be an element of surprise

the first thing is never stop looking

for god to show up

when life begins to change when life

begins to

shift it shifts our focus and it makes

us start focusing on

fear and outcomes and economies and

work and money and finances legitimate


but i hear god saying never stop looking

for me to show up that i am an

element of surprise to they say 18

months to four years for a vaccine i say

my i serve a god

of surprises they said the economy may


worse than it has been through the great

depression i hear god saying

that i am a god of surprises i’m looking

for god to show up

i hear what they’re saying but even when

i hear what they’re saying i’m still

looking for god to show up

never stop looking for god to show up

god i don’t trust just what man says

i’m waiting for you to show me where you

are in the midst of this never stop


number two surrender to the


john was forced to surrender to the


that doesn’t mean we don’t question it

he questions jesus god

what what is this but when he recognizes

that this isn’t going to happen in the

way that i thought it would be

i’m all right with that i’ve got to

learn to surrender to the unpredictable

because once you’ve done everything you


all you can do is wait and see what god

has planned

god i did everything i could and the

outcome was still unpredictable

so now i just have to sit back and see

what you have planned

number three i think this is the most


my third point this is how we prepare

ourselves to be an element of surprise

the third one is next is here

here h-e-a ear not h-e-r-e

here and i chose that because

jesus says at the end of this text he

who has ears to hear

let him hear not everyone is going to

have an ear to hear this

but those who understand what i’m saying

understand that next starts with what

you hear

that’s why we got to make room we can’t

afford to be tossed to and fro by what’s

happening in that part of our life

and that part of our spirit that we know

we need to rectify

i need to clear the channel so i can

hear from god

i need to lay down my will so i can hear

from god

i need to accept the unacceptable and

accept the unpredictable because i need

to hear from god

i gotta hear what god is doing next and

i can’t do it if i’m still listening to

what was

this is what i wanted but now i’m ready

for next so speak lord

your servant is listening and the last


the last one is seized is not the end

jesus says the kingdom suffers violence

and the violent take it by force the

kingdom is under attack

the kingdom is under seas

but we know how this story ends

seized is not the end friend

you’re watching this video and you’ve

been feeling seized

and you’ve been thinking this is how

it’s going to end

i’m going to end lonely i’m going to end

weak i’m going to end

tired i’m going to end abandon i’m going

to end this is how it ends

i hear god saying seized is not the end

that just because you have

discouragement the presence of


is not the absence of victory the


of discouragement is that the absence of


which means that you can be discouraged

in victory still be in your atmosphere

at the same time and so you got to know

that what i’m feeling right now is

natural on the way to victory

because in order to be an element of

surprise it means that your opponent has

to think that they’re winning

they have to think that they’re in the


until god flips it and god switches it

and when god switches it

then that seize is not going to be the


i want to pray with you man

i feel like as i was preaching this


that somebody’s passion to take

territory was awakened again

and you started thinking to yourself

all of these areas in your life in your

family and your culture

that could benefit from god breathing on


god i wish you would breathe on that

generational bitterness i wish you would


breathe on that promiscuity i wish you

would breathe on that father

i need you to breathe on that i want to

take territory for every ailment that

you can lay

there is an opposite to that ailment and

we want to take territory from that

ailment from that opposition

so that we can lay hold of that good and

perfect gift connected to it

i want you to recognize there is a good

and perfect gift

connected to every curse there is a

blessing for every curse

and in order to do it you got to take

the territory that the curse has taken

you got to take the territory that that

brokenness has taken

you got to take that territory you can’t

ask that territory

would you please come over here and stop

making us bitter would you please come

over here

and stop breaking our hearts would you

please come over here and stop making us

live paycheck to paycheck please pretty

please whenever you get a chance no

you take territory you don’t ask hell

for permission

you go into hell and you tell hell i

have authority through jesus christ

and i came to take a generational curse

and turn it into a generational blessing

i came to come in here and get back my

family’s strength and get back my

family’s power

i came for all of the broken little

girls and all of the broken little boys

who thought no one would love them i

came to take territory back

and as you were watching this message

you felt to yourself for the first time

in a long time maybe

the first time in forever

that i want to take territory again

i want to pray for you that god would

bring you into alignment

with what he’s doing and what he’s

saying and what he’s speaking

so that you will never have to take

territory by yourself again

positive thoughts don’t do this

affirmations don’t need

do this you need the power of the holy

ghost to take territory from hell

you need the power of the holy ghost to

run up on depression

you need the power of the holy ghost to

break a disease

you can’t positive think your way out of

this that positive thinking is cute

but it can only take you so far there

comes a point where you need something

that is greater than anything you read

about on instagram

you need the power of the holy ghost

working down on the inside of you

you need rivers of living water flowing

from you

you need to be able to tap into the

source on your own when i come and get a

word it’s confirmation

for what i already received in my own

prayer closet

because i know who god is i am in

relationship with him

through the holy spirit and so i’m going

to ask that god will

pour out his spirit father god you want

to do it

i hear god saying he’s ready and he’s


if you’re open i want you to type it in

the comments type it in

the chat room i’m open i’m open i’m open

i’m open i’m open

if you can i want you to lift your hands

like you’re receiving something

i want you to lift your hands like

you’re receiving breakthrough

like you’re receiving the power of god

because i feel like god’s saying

the windows of heaven are open and i’m

pouring out my spirit

i hear god saying that it’s not a slow

drip that you’ve been functioning off a

slow drip of the holy spirit

just enough to get you by day by day and

i hear god saying i’m in

overflow baby and i’m pouring out my

spirit for people who have

room open up your hands the power of god

is coming to you right where you are

the spirit of god doesn’t care about

technology or distance

the spirit of god can meet you exactly

where you are

and i dare you to start making room for


spirit of the living god pour out your

spirit oh god

pour out your spirit on all flesh the

flesh that says i’m weak

the flesh that says i’m desperate the

flesh that says i’m depressed

pour out your spirit on me oh god let it

flow let it flow let it flow

let it flow let it flow let it flow

father give them power

for them wisdom father give them


that can only come from your spirit


father we repent for making this about


when it’s really about you we repent for

trying to meet man’s markers on where we

should be in life

and how we should be functioning when we

should have just asked you father

who are we in any given season father

we come into alignment with who you say

we are

and we repent father and rebuke anything


us that is trying to make us believe


other than who you say we are father

we’ve sinned we’ve fallen

short we haven’t been perfect

and so father the first thing we have to

do is acknowledge the distance

between where we are and who you are

god you’re so great god you’re so mighty

father there is truly no one like you


you are our healer you are our redeemer

we lift your name on high

father there is truly no one else like

you father

you are the one who created the universe

you put air in our lungs father we honor


and we acknowledge that it is an honor

to be connected to

anything you were doing so father let us


like the person in this text and say

father if i could just do

one thing in your kingdom you don’t have

to make me a great name no one has to


that i was the one who was behind it all

i just want to serve what you’re doing

in the earth father

because when i serve what you’re doing i

take territory from the enemy

and the enemy has taken too much from me

so when i serve you i want to take

something back from him

father make us content with being the

least in the kingdom

recognizing that it makes us even

greater than anything in the world

father nothing this world can offer us

can satisfy us

and so we just ask for the satisfaction

that can come

from being connected to you father i

feel this so strongly

someone’s finally receiving peace

someone’s finally recognizing that they

had their priorities wrong

you’re helping us re-prioritize our life

father bless

them bless their minds father bless

their passion father bless their gifts

and their talents made them

may they use them for your kingdom and

may when they use them father

may it chip away and take

back everything that the enemy tried to

do to damage them

father i prophesy restoration and


that you will restore us back to who we

were when you formed us in our mother’s


that nothing we have had to adapt to

or adjust to will define us

but what will define us in this moment


is how we allowed ourselves to be used

for your kingdom

seal this word god allow it to take root

allow it to produce fruit allow it to


change the way we think and the way we

show up in the world

and father when we have those moments as

humans do

when our pride and our ego try to make

us think that it’s about

us may we be reminded

that you jesus are the center of it all

and if we can keep our eyes focused on


then nothing can stand in our way of

having the peace that surpasses all


in jesus name i pray amen
