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let’s get right into the word today I

want to draw your attention to Romans

chapter 11 Romans chapter 8 rather and

verse 11 two passages we’re going to

look at I’m going to say a few things

and then we’re going to make our way to

our Easter hams or I used to turkey

chick-fil-a we know they ain’t open

today when hallelujah is Sunday and

Resurrection Sunday please hallelujah

but if the spirit of him who raised

Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who

raised Christ from the dead will also

give life to your mortal bodies through

his spirit who dwells in you say in you

in you in you let’s jump down to 2nd

Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14 thank

you lord

fill your sweet presence 2nd Corinthians

2:14 it says now thanks be to God who

always leads us in triumph I like o King

James O king James thanks says thanks be

unto God who always causes us to triumph

in Christ and through us diffuses the

fragrance of his knowledge in every

place father we thank you so much for

this moment that you’ve blessed us with

from California to Colorado to the ends

of the earth God where we’re having a

moment here in your courts you love us

you are the real thing you are

everything you are for us and you’re on

our side and your plan even in this

moment is to feed us to the full we’re

grateful for you we’re grateful for your

truth and father I just pray God that

that everyone under the sound of my

voice father first of all will hear your

voice and you would touch them in a deep

powerful and profound way I pray God

that those who may have come in with

heaviness lord will leave light as a

feather because

they would have rolled all their burdens

on to you casting all their cares upon

you because you care for them and father

I pray that we will be enlightened and

and strengthen edified and encouraged

unlike ever before today because there

is no day like the day that you were

raised from the dead and it is that day

in which we celebrate honor focus on and

look to because there’s something in the

reality of the resurrection that will

meet our every need and so God do it in

his house I thank you for the spirit of

wisdom revelation insight knowledge

prophecy I thank you God are you gonna

give me everything to be a blessing in

your people who you love so much and I

pray these things in the mighty and

matchless name of Jesus amen amen

hallelujah do me a favor just greet

somebody send a blessing to somebody do

something say something wonderful to

somebody before you take your seat

hallelujah thank you Jesus fill the

Spirit godness house you all look

wonderful la I see you you look

wonderful I see you I see you didn’t for

us see you you all look wonderful today

don’t have any happy people in God’s

eyes anybody he’s just happy just just

happy hallelujah well last week last

week if you weren’t here I encourage you

to to either go onto YouTube or get the

podcast and listen to where we went last

week last week we we talked about the

presence and we talked about the

presence of God and and and our primary

focus in that message last week was

about the presence of God that surrounds

us the president God that surrounds us

and we I’m not going to recap too much

but we dealt with the idea that to say

that so-and-so brought the presence of

God is not accurate because the presence

of God is everywhere all the time

and and the reason why we experience the

presence of God or the reason why we are

able to deduce that the presence of God

is present is because we have aligned

ourselves with the awareness or the

consciousness of the presence of God and

when we do things like worship where

we’re focusing on God or are getting in

his word or prayer or whatever it is

that we’re doing to to bring ourselves

into that awareness it completely

changes our state of being I am a

different Turay what I am in the

consciousness of the presence of God I

am as bold as a lion when I know that

God is there and so so we talked about

and again get get the message it was

really something we talked about the

presence of God from the perspective of

surrounding us today I want to talk

about the presence of God from the

perspective of it being in us because

God’s ultimate goal was not for us to

just sit around and salivate and

fantasize over the presence that

surrounds us but ultimately Jesus came

to put that presence in us are you

tracking with me and that’s why when

Jesus was teaching his disciples one of

the things that he says he says hey

listen I’ve got to go he says because if

I don’t go then the comforter can’t come

to you and so they were like no no don’t

leave begin and never saying don’t leave

because in essence they were saying

don’t leave don’t take your presence

away from me and he was saying oh baby

I’m not taking my presence away from you

I’m about to fill you with my presence

forever are you tracking with me and so

I want to deal with the presence from

that perspective and the title of this

message if you would is the breakthrough

is in you the breakthrough you’re

looking for the breakthrough and I’m

telling you the breakthroughs in you

matter of fact do me a favor and just

speak to somebody just tell somebody

right now the breakthrough is in you

that the breakthrough is in you the

breakthroughs in you I absolutely love

this time of the year I love this season

and one of the reasons why I love this

season is because it allows us

to to take a fresh look at the power of

the tenets of our faith in the season

it’s not that the resurrection happened

again it’s just in the season we’re able

to look at Good Friday and we’re able to

look at the resurrection and we’re able

to renew our minds around the truth of

those two occurrences and bring watch

this fresh perspective to problems and

opportunities lemmas and again we’re

able to during the season and during

this time of the year what I love about

it is it’s all about renewing our mind

about what we have because as believers

we have things but we forget the things

that we have we get so bogged down with

life and sometimes we get if I might

just be straight up beat down by life

seemingly that we forget what we possess

and so what Good Friday and Easter does

for us is it allows us to to take a step

back and look at our problems

differently because when I understand

that Jesus became all of my problems

before he went to the cross when I

recognized that that my problems were

defeated in the body of Jesus I stand up

to them a little differently are you

tracking with me I don’t see problems as

these overwhelming circumstances and

situations I start seeing problems as

those things that are breakdowns that

are leading me to the breakthrough I

wish I can take a minute to help you to

understand that well when I have a good

Friday and resurrection mentality I

don’t the way I size up my problems are

different because I recognize that Jesus

became everything that stands against me

he became my limitations he became my

weakness he even became my enemy and he

put it all in his body and he killed it

on the cross see you got to learn how to

look at the cross properly don’t you

look at the cross and see Jesus getting

beat up on the cross solely when you

look at the cross you got to see

everything that stands against you you

got to see everything that is negative

you got to see every evil you’ve got to

see every sickness you got to see every

depression and oppression you got to see

that being nailed to the cross

I feel the Spirit of God there’s some

things that have been nailed to the

cross in the body of Jesus that have

been put to death in the body of Jesus

and it’s time for you to look at the

cross in a new way again and say you

know what the enemy was defeated on the

cross Jesus made a public spectacle of

everything that stands against me I’ve

got a fresh perspective because of Good

Friday that’s why I call it Good Friday

it was good because death was put to

death for my sake if you believe that

take a minute la take a minute timber

and thank God for Good Friday it was

good it was good and it became good

because everything that was bad was put

to death in his body

I feel the Spirit of God I feel the Lord

why are you happy

why are you calling the Good Friday that

was it Angie stop feeling sorry for

Jesus Jesus this beaten and reject it

and we get off we play this sad song

it’s not a sad song as a happy song it’s

a happy song because it fell on him so

but come off of me are you tracking with

me when I see the cross I see things

that should have been mine there are no

longer mine when when I see the cross I

see a way made for me I see a door open

for me when I see the cross I see a

crucifying of my limitations and

therefore I can do all things through

Christ who strengthens me

where my sons and daughters that believe

that with Christ there are

no limits every limitation even death

itself was pulling his body that’s the

power of the cross

whoa you got to see it right the power

of the cross is that everything that

rose up against me he killed in himself

and he said go on oh I feel it it’s like

the season of Jubilee go on i hear that

for somebody why it is funny it’s kind

of a different context but but the

sentiment is the same after Jesus was

raised from the dead and he gave his

apostles instruction to move on in Acts

chapter one and I just sit there gazing

and the angel said why stand you there

gazing and I feel that for some of you

some of you are gazing at life some of

you trying to figure out if you’re gonna

win some of you are trying to figure out

if that thing is an obstacle or an

opportunity and I hear God saying why

are you gazing don’t you know I’ve gone

ahead of you and made all your crooked

paths straight the reason why you have

breath in your body the reason why you

are still alive is because there’s more

that you are supposed to conquer I feel

the Spirit of God where my conquers in

God’s house today I’m more than a

conqueror because greater is He Who is

in me in me in me why standing there

gazing what are you gazing at right now

that you’re supposed to be moving

powerfully and confidently in God’s

gonna break the spirit of gazing

sometimes life will hit you you become a

gazer and you can’t be a gazer and one

who lays hold of everything that God has

for you at the same time I want to break

the spirit of gazing off of this room

right now I want to break that off of

you don’t gaze grace

grace is harvest time I feel the Spirit

of God it’s harvest time go after it go

for it

what has he called you to do what has he

told you could be yours go for it it is

the day of Jubilee it is harvest

somethings get ready to happen in this

house I just need about two or three

people to get it I just need to have an

upper room experience who is gonna come

to the Upper Room right now oh I feel

the Lord

subs getting ready to happen Denver some

people read it happen la see every time

Good Friday and Easter roses around

there is an opportunity for advancement

it’s not even that Jesus did something

new it’s what you’re focusing on it’s

what you get to look at is what you get

to stare at again with fresh eyes and

your problems are gonna look different

and where you saw challenges this is for

somebody prophetically where you saw

challenges you’re gonna see opportunity

I feel it I feel it I feel it you’re

your narrative is getting ready to

change your perspective your narrative

of self is get ready to change because

you’re looking at the cross and you

looking at the resurrection afresh and

you’re pondering you’re pondering what

are these things mean

let’s go further can we go further today

thank you Jesus and so that’s what I

love about it a perspective my

perspective changes the beauty of the

Lord this is really important the beauty

of the Lord is the story of the Lord the

beauty of the Lord is the gospel the

story of the Lord has the power in it

that’s why Paul said in in Romans 1:16

he says I’m not ashamed of the gospel of

Christ he says it is the power of God

it’s the power of God the power of God

is connected to the story so anytime we

look at the story we are empowered again

that’s the beauty that’s the beauty

that’s the beauty that’s the beauty of

Good Friday as the beauty of Easter as

the beauty of Resurrection Sunday and

some people don’t go and you call it

Easter I got you I won’t I fixed it

Resurrection Sunday Resurrection Sunday

so so so so so so in the text in Romans

11 it says but if the spirit and it was

added of him who raised Jesus from the

dead dwells in you then he who raised

Christ from the dead will also give life

to your mortal bodies through the spirit

who dwells in you so so Jesus’s ultimate

mission was not simply that the presence

would surround you although that’s

wonderful but that the presence would be

in you and it says that the spirit

raised Jesus from the dead the spirit

the Spirit of God and the same spirit

that raised Jesus from the dead is in

you is in you is in you now you might

say wow man that’s that’s that that

really that sounds good that feels good

but I don’t feel that I don’t feel this

this incredible dynamic of the Spirit

that is so powerful that that it is of

the same essence and it is the same it’s

the same substance if you would that

raised Jesus from there how come I don’t

feel that I’m gonna tell you why you

don’t feel it sometimes the reason why

you don’t feel it sometimes is because

you are not dead enough

I’m gonna make it plain I’ll make a

prank that didn’t sound real sexy I

understand I understand you’re not dead

enough we come to faith and when we come

to faith we believe in Jesus we receive

of the Spirit and it is the same essence

of that which raised yous from that I’m

talking about power beyond power beyond

when you talk about resurrection power

you’re talking about power that that

cannot be contained we’re talking about

power that is over which I’m a power

that will confront any power and any

circumstance and prevail that’s serious

power and the resurrection was the

evidence of that power because the

greatest prior to the resurrection the

greatest enemy and the greatest threat

to humankind was dead death was just

raining death was just people were

afraid of death people some people are

still afraid of that then you’re just

afraid of death was just raining I got

you get up from that no can we really

understand what happened death death was

like whoa it was it was the ultimate


it was the reigning champion as a

relates to the human experience death

was something else Jesus by the power of

God by the Spirit of God puts death in

his place and says you you have no

authority here it is power that is

unlimited I’m going somewhere unlimited


is resurrection power and the word tells

us that that resurrection power the

Spirit of God is what raised Christ from

the dead and he says that that is in us

which means that there must be more to

us than we think because it is in me and

so why don’t I feel it

all the time why is it the case that

some of us have never really felt

powerful it’s because this treasure is

in this earthen vessel let them make

money McClane that means that God has

put divinity in humanity he has put this

power this this unstoppable force on the

inside of finality of us as finite

beings and the only way to get it out

from glory to glory is if we die a

little I was listening to my

father-in-law on Good Friday service and

he was talking about the cross and he

was saying isn’t it interesting that you

know a God who is certainly absolutely

positive and and a God of love and the

god of power and strength isn’t it

interesting that he would would use the

symbol of our faith he would have the

cross be the symbol of our faith

something that represents death and

torture and only sort of things why

would God why would his people use the

symbol of the symbol of torture and

death to be the symbol of hope and the

reality of it is we got to die to live

we have died to live

we got to died we got to die I’m it’s

the more you died the stronger that

power gets now am I talking about

physical death no I’m talking about a

death to everything see we rely on a lot

of things you and I you would be shocked

at the things that we worship and we

would swear oh no no no no I don’t

worship anything I just worship God and

me and the Lord and that’s it and we

would be shocked at the things in our

life that we worship like people quiet

okay like like money

hello somebody like image oh don’t make

me I’ll come sit down these stairs and

tell your old story we we we we have a

tendency to worship those things and the

reason why that truth escapes us is

because we don’t necessarily bow down to

it we don’t necessarily go to the house

of image but we put so much of our trust

and so much of our hope and so much of

our sense of peace and well-being on

other things

and as a result of that we cannot

connect with what is in us fill the

spirit and so and so in this in the

Kingdom in the Kingdom we have to

decrease in order to increase in the

kingdom it is oftentimes subtraction

that leads to multiplication see some of

you right now are on a cross and that

cross for you looks like a problem he

looks like a heartbreak it looks like a

deficit it hurts

it doesn’t feel good some of you right

now I feel this it looks like confusion

but you’re really on a cross you across

I don’t know what’s going on see that

that’s that’s dying in the process of

dying you have to learn how to readjust

and you have to learn how to live with

things that you used to live without

things that you used to rely on I got to

make this plain because this is

revelation is revelation when you’re on

the cross there are things that you once

trusted in that are taken away from you

and now you have to learn how to live

you have to learn how to live you have

to learn how to reorient yourself with

life no longer trusting in those things

are you tracking with me

la are you tracking with me and so so

you think it’s a problem it’s really a

cross you think it is a deficit but it’s

really something that is getting ready

to bring multiplication to your life as

you align yourself more with who you

truly are

are you tracking with me I feel that for

some of you you’re on a cross and it’s

awkward and it’s uncomfortable and it

hurts and you cannot go to your usual

sources of comfort I feel it you you are

in a cocoon season where were you you’re

not what you used to be and you haven’t

quite become comfortable with who you

are getting ready to be and so you are

in this awkward place and you don’t know

what’s going on and you think that God

is forsaken you

but God has not forsaken you he has put

you on a cross so that the power that is

in you can’t come out of you if that’s

your testimony if you just got that in

the spirit take about eight seconds

meditate on it and give God praise

that’s what’s happening you’re on a

cross right now you’re on a cross right

now and what you got to do is you gotta

get like Jesus who endured the cross he

saw something beyond the cross yeah I

might be confused right now yeah my

phone right now yeah I might not feel

like myself right now but I see

something fast across there is joy set

before me

you’re on across you’re on the cross

it looks like the money is funny you’re

on a cross it looks like the

relationship is shaky you’re on a cross

it looks like all these health scares

I’m coming at you you’re on a cross

God is crucifying you so he can raise

you up like you have never been raised

up before I hear God say it it is house

today you’re on the cross and you got to

learn how to get comfortable what God

puts you on the cross here’s the thing

we’re not like Jesus see Jesus put

himself on the cross we won’t do that

mm-hmm we’ll go up to it and look at it

I feel the spirit is leading me in a

different direction know what’s in you

is too valuable what’s in you is too

precious what’s in you is too powerful

what’s in you the world is desperate for

don’t you come down off of that cross

look at the choice that is set before

you and endure it


sometimes when we’re praying for

deliverance we’re praying for God to

take us off the cross and here’s the

thing no cross no resurrection I love

plus I feel the spirit of god I feel

like speaking in tongues in here I feel

the Holy Ghost in here you’ve been

praying for the resurrection but not

acknowledging the reality of the cross


don’t be afraid don’t be afraid of the

cross brother don’t be afraid of the

cross sister God was faithful to Jesus

on that cross yeah he had a moment he

had a moment just like we all had a

moment he says something like my God my

God what’s interesting is that typically

he would call him his father most of the

time 90% of the time Jesus would address

the Almighty as his father right but in

that moment on the cross he started

calling him God my God my God there was

a distance there was a distance I feel

the spirit

can I just prophesied a take and I just

throw it I just just got a few minutes



there was a distance sometimes there’s a

space between you and God sometimes

there’s a distance between you and God

and you didn’t even know it was there

because sometimes religion hides

distance sometimes a religious routine

devoid of relationship mask the reality

that there’s a distance Jesus say my God

my God why have you forsaken me was the

reality of the distance that he felt

from God

I can’t call you my father if I don’t if

I feel like you have Loki betrayed me my

God my God why have you forsaken me he

had a moment we all have moments but

somewhere between that moment and the

moment that he give he gives up the

ghosts he goes back to calling him

father he says father into my hands into

your hands father into your hands I

commit my spirit that’s what God wants

somebody to do today I don’t know who

you are and you think that the cross

that you experienced it first of all you

didn’t know it was a cross you thought

it was being forsaken you thought it was

is some of you LA you thought that you

were on your way down and as a result of

it you’ve been desperate you’ve been

moving you’ve been functioning like a

desperate person people who are assured

of their destiny are not desperate they

wait on the Lord because they realize

that those who wait upon the Lord will

renew their strength

people who understand that there’s

destiny on their lives realize that

there is a comeback in their story for

every setback there is a comeback so

they patiently wait in the presence of

God for the comeback that is certain if

you’re in God’s house and you need to


I dare you to take 15 seconds and say

you know what god I am believing you for

a comeback comeback is in the course of

my life I dare you to claim your

comeback right now I’m still here

these are compact



I know a million preachers preached

about Tiger Woods on Sunday and that’s


that might be a million in one they

counted him out come on somebody they

wrote him off I mean all of those in his

profession not a one person said he’ll

get back to where he was the devil is a

liar I hate God saying not only am I

gonna restore you what you would have

even dreamed for


I’m baby and so and so in this season I

want you to rethink your problems and I

want you to see your problems through

the lens of the cross and I want you to

rethink your challenges what if your

challenge is really an opportunity what

if the thing that you think is

challenging you behind it with fresh

eyes it’s really a blessing what’s your

name on it

I feel the Spirit of God I’m almost done

I just got to get it all out of me it’s

an opportunity it’s an opportunity and

the enemy of your soul an enemy of your

destiny is taunting you by it

it’s an opportunity mr. cross it’s the

cross the Lord would not put you on a

cross if he had not pre-ordered a

resurrection are you tracking with me

before there was a cross there was a

resurrection God sees the end from the

beginning he’s not gonna put me on the

cross if he hadn’t ordained an empty

tomb are you hearing what I’m saying


and I believe that the moment that you

can call him father again the moment

that you can get comfortable in the

uncomfortable because you’re not resting

in the situation you’re resting in the

Savior are you tracking with man there’s

some things I’m done

there’s some things that can only hurt

your flesh there’s some things that can

only hurt your humanity and that’s why

you have to die less of you more of God

there are certain things that only

affect me in my flesh oh you gotta catch

this there are certain things that I’m

only afraid of when I’m in my flesh when

I’m well I’m not tapped into Who I am

there’s certain things so what God does

is oh god I feel it sometimes he allows

your flesh to get attacked in order to

kill it he allows your flesh to get

attacked to watch this to deliver you

out of your flesh I wish I can say that

better he allowed you you live in your

flesh in your carnality in your humanity

and not your divinity and so what God

will do in those seasons is he will

begin to drive you out of your own flesh

get out of there it’s not safe there get

out of there you can’t serve me there

get out of there

there’s no power there get out of there

so he makes us uncomfortable

am I making this plain he makes us

uncomfortable watch this with ourselves

I’m driving you out of you and into me

and into me because it’s all good in me

and it hurts because you’ve been in you

for a long time mmm it’s all you know

how fill the spirit


Saul you know and so it looks like

betrayal and it looks like you’re going

down and maybe to a certain degree you

are going down so that you can be raised

up so that you can spring up


holy spirit speak we don’t want another

Easter sermon we want a prophetic

declaration and the reality that we can

lay hold of and understand what is

happening to me I hate God saying it’s

gonna be okay

in fact it’s already okay it’s already

okay I want to pray for you I want to

pray for you I want us all to stand I

see you la I want us all understand if

you’re here and you didn’t realize it

until this moment that you’re on a cross

and God spoke to you and he revealed to

you today in his house that what you

thought was a challenge is really an

opportunity I want you to meet me here

at this altar la I want you to meet me

at this altar you you you thought that

it was something else but the Lord is

revealing to you there’s a cross

it’s across this cross it’s a cross and

if you’re here and you say I have

received that it’s a cross but I need to

strength to endure it I hear you but I

am I am to a certain degree overwhelmed

with the force of it I’m overwhelmed

with the force of it so on the one hand

I am inspired to know that it is a cross

and that there’s a resurrection

connected to it but also in my own


I wonder sometimes if I have the ability

to endure it I want you to come to meet

me at this also I want to pray for you


you get ready to come out of this thing

I feel like once you acknowledge that

it’s a cross and you embrace the

integrity of the Father that he would

not put me on the cross that I could not

endure and he would not put me on a

cross that was not absolutely necessary

for the purposes and the plans that he

has for me I believe that that’s the

breakthrough I believe that that’s that

that there’s somewhere in that because

what that reveals what I believe that

it’s betrayal and I believe that God has

forsaken me what that reveals is I

haven’t seen God right

I have worship circumstance and as long

as circumstance is to my liking

I am pleased I’m pleased with God I’m

pleased with life and God is saying I do

not want you to worship circumstance I

want you to trust me

circumstances will change I will not I

am your alpha and I am your Omega and I

will be with you always through every

season and every circumstance I will not

fail you nor forsake you watch this but

I will as my father-in-law would say I

will crush you but I’m not really

crushing you I’m crushing what ain’t you

to get you out of you

are you hearing me

family I can tell you I can tell I know

all too well

seasons that are perplexing that are

downright opressing that are depressing

I’m telling you I know all too well

seasons see here’s the thing when you go

from glory to glory what no one tells

you we celebrate oh I’m going from glory

glory I’m just becoming more in Jesus

but a glory a next level of glory is a

resurrection oh I wish you would catch

what I’m saying that the next level of

glory necessitates a resurrection you

can’t have another level of glory

without a resurrection and a

resurrection necessitates a death so

what there is this this season there is

a season between cross and resurrection

and in between those dimensions I

stumbled onto the next level I’m coming

on the next dimension which is you’re a

lot in your portion there is a season

watch this family where we are formless

we had shape and we had form on the

previous level on the previous dimension

we knew where everything was we were at

home it may not have been the best home

but it was familiar I knew where

everything was I can go to the bathroom

without turning the lights on and then

when God is getting ready to bring you

to a new dimension in fact I might

venture to say when he has brought you

into that new dimension I am now

formless because it’s gonna take a new

shape of me to fit this new identity and

it feels weird and awkward and my

connection points have moved my stimulus

points have moved where I used to press

this button and get piece I press that

button and nothing happens

and God has to take you through a

process of discovering and trusting in

what is normal now are you tracking with

me and I’m just here to tell you that’s


sometimes you just need somebody who

might be just a little further down the

road to you to look back and say oh yeah

that that turbulence that you felt my

son and one of my sons Isaiah is here

with me today mother son Malachi is in

LA and when we started flying a whole

lot he cannot stand turbulence and it’s

so funny I’ve never seen my son pray as

much but I love him he’s a beautiful boy

and and he and he starts praying and now

he doesn’t really it doesn’t bother him

anymore because he realized it’s normal

I’m just here to tell you that the cross

for a real believer is normal it’s

normal the hurt the confusion the sense

of lack the sense of deficit it’s normal

as is the subsequent resurrection I want

to pray for you la I’m watching you

father I thank you so much for your

truth that’s in this house I thank you

for your sons and daughters who have

resonated with this understanding some

get it now some will get it later some

are in resurrection some are on the

cross but the truth of the matter is the

places will switch and this truth is for

all of us the father I pray right now

God that this truth as we gaze at Good

Friday as we stare at the resurrection

that I pray that when we come out of

this prayer time it will recolor our

perspectives and rhe flavor our taste

for you that we would walk in the same

thing that Jesus walked in for the joy

that was set before him he endured the

cross despising a chain and consequently

seated at the right hand of the father

making intercession now able to

intercede and to encourage others Lord

we thank you for your presence that

surrounds us for your presence that is

in us and ultimately that your presence

will flow through us and affect others

gert the loins of the minds of your

children right now with this truth I

think its strength is coming back to

them right now I think you that hope is

coming back to them right now

I thank you God that you’re creating a

joyful image in their future that

there’s a comeback with my name on it

that I’m not forsaken that I’m not

forgotten that I’m not cast aside that

you’re with me even while I’m on the

cross you won’t leave me there by myself

I’m on the cross but I’m gonna come out


I’m gonna come out stronger I’m gonna

come out with victory I’m gonna come out

with the spoil that I thought I lost I’m

gonna come out with a testimony and I’m

gonna come out with a greater level and

dimension of resurrection power so seal

this truth in the hearts and the minds

of your sons and daughters that we would

have sweet communion with you unlike

ever before that we would know and I

thank you for testimonies and signs

testimonies aside and I hear for some of

you I hear this prophetically your


is simply in you embracing the

revelation and once you say not my will

but your will be done you’re gonna be

out of it you gonna be out of it from a

deep place that was from God from a deep

place just like Jesus remember when

Jesus was in it in the garden and he

literally did not have the strength to

go on any further he did have a strength

and then all of a sudden as his talk is

a father who let this cup pass from me

if it is pot in any way what was he

saying he said I don’t have it in me to

go I’m out I’m tapped I’m tapped but

then some way somehow in his spirit he

got a glimpse of the goodness of God he

he got a glimpse of the joy that was set

before him and he stopped praying for


so somebody stopped praying for

deliverance you don’t have to ask God

for deliverance he is a deliverer Jesus

stopped praying for deliverance he was

praying for deliverance when he said if

it were you just let this compass’ for

me that was a prayer for deliverance he

shifted and he said God nevertheless not

my will yes I want to be delivered but I

will bring myself out of the fire too

soon I will bring myself out of the oven

half-baked not my will but your will God

don’t deliver me five seconds sooner

then what is required to make me who you

see and I hear God saying that the

moment that you can say from the depths

of your being I want out

nevertheless not my will but your will

and just like Jesus a strength is gonna

come over you and you don’t see him

stressing like that anymore he gets up

and he makes his way to his destiny and

so father I pray that you would put a

nevertheless in all of our spirits so

that our joy can return and our strength

shall return and this thing in the

process of time will be in our rearview

I want you to repeat after me Heavenly



I thank you for the power of the cross

thank you for becoming everything that

limits me everything that hinders me

everything that restricts me you became

nailed yourself on the cross and were

put to death and with your death my

issues died my insecurities died my

bondage died everything that hinders me

died when you died

and as you were raised up breaking the

power of death

because I’m in you I’m raised up to and

now greater is He Who is in me and he

who is in the world I will take up my

cross and never lay it down again I


recognize that the weight of power is

the cross


not my will


but your will be done I trust you you’ll

never fail me

so father into your hands I commit my

life shape me mold me make me so that I

might be the blessing that you’ve

created me to be in Jesus name Amen god

bless you

love you so much love you so much

