Los Angeles www.tphla.org

hey family i’m pastor torre

i’m pastor sarah and listen you’re

getting ready to hear an incredible word

for the lord i believe it’s going to

bless you

i believe it’s going to be timely do me

a favor

share the message if it moves you share

the message and then also you have an

opportunity to be a part of

not only helping to spread this message

but to be a part of our outreaches

we’re doing a lot of practical things to

be a blessing to someone so feel free if

god so moves you

to use the information here in the video

to support what we’re doing we’re being

a blessing not just people spiritually

we’re being blessed people practically

we love you get into this message

gonna change your life

well god bless you it’s so wonderful to

be with you i pray you’re having an

incredible sunday what worship

and i just gotta pause and give a shout

out to one house music that song as you

you’ve noticed we’ve been

we’re bringing a lot of our original

songs forth because god has put a sound

in our spirit a song in our heart

that we believe is going to resonate

with you and bless you and i just want

to give a shout out

to the incredible writers and producers

that are all part of our movement one

house and

and more to come we’re so excited you’ll

hear more and more about

about the music that we’re gonna make

available to you god is so good

and if you know that god always provides

go ahead and put it right there in the


if he is jehovah jireh your provider

come on let the whole world know right


can we just take a moment and praise

jehovah jireh we’re alive right now we

have weathered the famine come on

somebody we

we have weathered a storm we have

weathered the threat of extinction but

we’re still here

because god is faithful and he always

provides so let’s just give a shout out

right now

let’s just praise god in your own way

can we just put it right there in the


god we bless you for being a faithful

provider we love you

so very very much we thank god for you

and all that you’re doing and i thank

god for you

for those of you watching the live

stream today you know i’m excited

to get into this word today if you

weren’t here last week first of all

you need to put write it in your your

to-do list right now to go back

and listen to the first week in the

series and we’re doing this series now

called the basics of spirituality

and the lord impressed it upon my heart

to do a

series now because this year has been


we’ve been tossed to and fro this year

with pandemics

and and economic issues and social

unrest and and hateful events that have

taken place in our

our nation and our world we’ve got

election coming up and there’s a lot of

vitriol out there we’ve just been

man this has been one for the books it’s

been unprecedented in every way

and a lot of times not a lot of times

when that happens every time that

happens we get shaken up a little bit

and uh and sometimes we get shaken up

more than a little bit and the lord put

it in my heart and he just said tell my


that it’s time to go back to the

foundations right we

we’ve all been tossed a little bit and

we’ve all gone through what we’ve gone

through some of us have gone through


some of us have gone through pain and

turmoil and and that is sad

but i hear god saying that in order to

be ready

for what god’s going to do and as i

prophesied before i believe that

september we’re going to see something

really powerful

super powerful for the people of god a

major breakthrough

but in order to be ready for that we

have to realign ourselves we have to

reposition ourselves

and and so i started this series last

week called the basis

basics of spirituality and we talked

about worship last week again if you did

not hear that

get the podcast download it watch the


get it in your life because it was a

move of god

and it’s going to bless you and prepare

you for what god has for you

and today we’re going to go further in

that series last week we talked about

worship this week we’re going to talk

about prayer and so i’m excited to bring

it to you and

i want to draw your attention uh to

first timothy the second chapter the

first two verses it’s not an unfamiliar

passage of scripture but i want to read

these verses to you and

and then we’re going to pray and we’re

going to talk about prayer in a

fresh way because we’re going to get

back to the basis of our spirituality

we’re going to understand prayer better

we’re going to understand you know what

it is we’re going to understand how to

do it

and we’re going to understand what we

can expect as a result because i believe

that god is rebuilding some of you i

believe with all of my heart

this this year for some of you has kind

of has tried to tear you

apart has tried to literally dismember


and i believe that god is getting ready

to put you back together again

stronger more solid than you’ve ever

been before

i believe that your roots are going to

go deeper than they’ve ever been before

and as you bear root downward you’re

going to begin to bear fruit upwards as


take root downward you’re going to bear

fruit upward i believe i’m going to

prophesy this over you right now

i believe that this is going to be ella

michelle this is god

the most fruitful seas i almost can’t

even get it out

the most fruitful season of your life

is upon you and that’s why i’m trying to

get your roots deep i’m trying to get


established rooted and grounded because

a fruitfulness that is beyond what you

can imagine

is coming to you in jesus name if you

receive that put it right there in the

comments right now i received that pt

i received that pt fruitfulness

fruitfulness fruitfulness fruitfulness

fruitfulness crazy fruitfulness

fruitfulness like you’ve never seen

before fruitful is like your family’s

never seen before

fruitfulness fruit just fruit everywhere

fruit everywhere john 15

says those who bear fruit he prunes

so that they might bear more fruit

that’s what you’re coming into you were

fruitful but you ain’t seen nothing yet

and you thought that pruning was taking

you back and i’m telling you right now

that pruning is not taking you back that

pruning is setting you up

for the most fruitful season of your

life you know what don’t just move past


take a minute and worship god if that’s

your word take a minute and worship god

if that’s your word

i didn’t plan it i didn’t know that

coming in it’s coming as i’m tapping

into the spirit of god because you

are watching you are watching you are

listening to this podcast yes

yes you yes you yes

you who me yes you and in case you’re

wondering who

you receive it say that’s me pt

so that’s me pt that’s me it’s true it’s


it’s true and god is getting you ready

to feel the spirit

god is getting you ready family he loves

you so much he loves you

so much that he’s not finished with you

and he hasn’t forgotten about you when

he’s for you and he’s on your side and


cheering you on and not only him but the

great cloud of witnesses that the bible

talks about in hebrews 12

you’re being cheered for right now you

thought you were by yourself for some of

you this has been the loneliest

season of your life and you thought you

were by yourself but you’re not by


we’re rooting for you we’re cheering for

you you were never by yourself you were

never alone

a great cloud of witnesses those who

trusted in god those who didn’t give up

those who kept fighting

all of them their testimony right now is

pointed in your direction because it’s

you it’s your season

sure season first timothy chapter two

verse one and two reads like this this

is not unfamiliar you’ve heard it before

this is the apostle paul talking to his

young protege as paul is beginning to

make his way as he understands

that pretty soon he’s not going to be

there any longer

and he is pouring into his protege who

is now

a young leader who’s charged with taking

the mantle and running on and

and paul is telling something he’s

basically giving him the keys of the


he’s giving him the tools he’s giving

him the jewels he’s giving him nuggets

that if he would employ he would never

be fruitless

right and so he says therefore i exhort

first of all that supplications

prayers intercessions

and giving of thanks be made for all men

for kings and all who are in authority

that we may lead a quiet

and peaceable life in all godliness

and reverence we’ll talk about that in a

moment let’s pray together

god almighty we thank you for this

moment that you have blessed us with

what we might

worship you and enter into your courts

and your presence and

and hear from you and receive from you

and dine

and be satisfied completely because of

the words that are coming out of your


we’re so grateful god and so god we ask

that you would feed us

speak to us minister to us

heal us empower us edify us and god by

the time that we are finished

we pray lord that we will be new


new creatures stronger than we’ve ever

been before

clearer than we’ve been in a long time

with fresh energy fresh strength

fresh insight we believe you for these


in jesus name amen

amen hallelujah if you receive that say

i received that prayer pt

oh god god bless you well listen when

you when you start thinking about the


of spirituality i’m sure there are a lot

of things come to mind and i think that

that maybe most people

would believe that we should start a

series like that with prayer

because after all you know is in prayer

the most spiritual thing you can do

you know and it is an extremely

spiritual thing

that you can do but i i felt led for us

to start in worship

and one of the reasons why i did so is


and if you’re taking notes write this

thought down worship

sets the stage for an effective prayer


say that again worship sets the stage

for an effective prayer experience

i don’t like to just run into prayer


i i don’t i don’t like to just rush in

and just just just get down and just

start talking

the most effective prayer time the most

effective prayer experiences i’ve ever


have been when it was on the heels of a

moment or two

or a time of worship because and again

if you weren’t here last week you’ve got

to go back and understand worship trust

me it’s so much more than what you think

it is

much deeper much more powerful much more

effective and

quite frankly much more inviting than

you might think

the reason why i did worship first is


true powerful and effective prayer

is born from the place of worship so

much so that jesus and his model

prayer if you study it there’s an

account of it in matthew and another

account of it in luke when

the disciples asked jesus to teach him

teach them how to pray

he says pray like this our father who

art in heaven

holy be your name he starts the prayer


as he’s teaching them with worship

because he understands that worship

prepares the soil of your heart and your


for prayers that get results are you

tracking with me

and so that’s why i started with worship

first worship lays the foundation for

effective prayer

if you’re taking this if you’re taking

notes and i shouldn’t say if you’re

taking notes i believe that everyone

ought to take notes particularly if god

speaks to you because you’re going to

have to memorialize those moments

because they become alters i talked

about that recently you have to

memorialize the things that god said to

you so that you can go back and revisit

them in moments when you forget

because we all struggle with amnesia

because we have an enemy

to our prosperity to our destiny that

is is is hell-bent literally on


us and causing us to forget what god

said so not if you’re taking notes since

you’re taking notes write this thought


a vibrant a vibrant prayer life

will produce a powerful and vibrant

outer life

let’s start right there a vibrant prayer


will produce a powerful and vibrant

outer life in other words what you do

in secret god will bless you for

openly what you do spiritually

god will bless you in naturally oh i

feel the spirit of god

in fact i’ve come to a place right now

where i don’t

trust a blessing that was not birthed in


there’s a a great woman of god and she

had a very interesting her name escapes

me but a great woman of god and

and really shame on me for not uh

recalling her name maybe it will come to

mind later on

but uh patricia something patricia

something her name escapes but anyway

a great woman of god pastor patricia

right and she said

that anything that is not birthed in

prayer is illegal

i’m like whoa what what a thought

you know like like in other words like


if you didn’t pray it into being

can you fully trust it but what i’ve

come to trust what i’ve come to trust

is that thing that i prayed about that

thing that i labored and prayed that

thing that i asked out for and we’re

going to talk about

the four different types of prayer in

just a moment but the thing that i

trust the most not is the thing that

just fell into my lap

but it’s the thing that i called on god

after a time of worship and god began to

reveal to me who i am and what i can

have and i prayed it and when that thing

shows up oh man that’s a different thing

that’s a different thing and so so your

your your outer life is connected

to how vibrant your prayer life is

there’s a passage of scripture that says

you have not because you ask not

isn’t that interesting that’s god

essentially saying that there might be

some things that you don’t have in your


simply because you haven’t prayed it

through there’s something

about an effective prayer life that

qualifies you for everything that god

has for you

are you tracking with me so let’s talk

about this a little bit let

let’s let’s get into this let me define

prayer for you

in as simple a statement as i can and

i’ll unpack this statement

if you’re not if since you’re taking

notes write this down

prayer is invoking

the power of god

heaven’s resources into an earthly


let me say it again because i think i

wrote this down i wrote this down

i want to say it in a way that you

remember it prayer is invoking the power

of god

into an earthly situation prayer

is inviting heaven’s resources

into your earthly circumstance now let

me tell you why that is so encouraging

because if you ever found yourself in a

situation in an earthly situation

where no human or earthly resource can

get you the breakthrough that you need

so what prayer does is prayer ensures

that even when you’re stuck you’re not


it is the invoking of god’s power

into your finite situation where are you

getting that from pastor

well again if we look at that that model

prayer we call it the lord’s prayer but

it’s really a model prayer

it says our father who art in heaven

hallowed be your name then it says thy

kingdom come

thy kingdom it’s an invoking of god’s

kingdom thy will be done and then it


in earth as it is in heaven did you see


so when when we’re asked when we ask

jesus to teach us how to pray

jesus says pray like this pray that the

kingdom of god that’s heaven’s resources

god’s resources

god’s power pray that the kingdom of god

will be done

in earth as it is in heaven so i don’t

have to have

all of the earth i feel the spirit of


i don’t have to have all of the earthly


or all of the earthly resources all the

earthly confirmation

i don’t need that if i needed that what

would i need to pray for

prayer is god giving you access to

heaven’s resources

inviting those resources down into your

earthly circumstances

literally splitting the realm and

causing what you need

to show up in this realm because it

originated from that realm are you

tracking with me

just tell just tap it right there in the

comments i’ve got access to heaven’s

resources i’ve got access to heaven’s

resources i feel the spirit of god

this is why prayer is so valuable

and you hear it said all the time and i

always talk about it one thing that

always baffles me

is when people say well there’s nothing

left to do now but pray

it drives me crazy because what that


is to me my question to that is what

have you been doing the entire time

and maybe just maybe that’s the reason

why you don’t have what you’re

after prayer is not a last resort

prayer is not defensive prayer is


ah i don’t want something

that prayer didn’t give me prayer you


and and seeing that model prayer jesus

says pray it daily

so prayer is not something that you pull

out when you have a need or when you

have a difficulty or when there’s a

problem you can’t solve

no no prayer is supposed to be so


into the fabric of who we are as

believers that it just comes out

daily i feel that for some of you some

of you are getting ready to get a


about your prayer life and your prayer

is going to send things

it’s going to clear oh i feel it how is

it going to happen

i hear god saying it’s going to happen

by your prayer life

it’s going to happen by your renewed

focus to prayer

over little things you know one of the

things that i love about jewish culture

and about jewish cust customs is that

they have a blessing for everything

you know we we might give it up for

dinner we don’t bless our breakfast

come on somebody yeah we we don’t bless

our breakfast we don’t bless our lunch

every once in a while we’ll get

spiritual and we’ll bless our dinner one

of the things i love about our jewish

brothers and sisters is they will bless


they will bless a piece a biscuit in the

morning everything they have all these

prayers and various things

and i love that because what we’re

talking about is a

lifestyle of prayer i feel that for some

of you

some of you have left one of the most


powerful tools for the believer on the


because your prayer life is not where

god wants it to be but that’s getting

ready to change

you are getting ready to be a praying

fool you’re going to start praying

every single day and you’re going to see

watch this you’re going to see

acceleration take place in your life

because i hear god saying i’ve been

waiting for you to ask me

oh i feel god i don’t know who that’s

for i’ve been waiting for you to ask me

you have been trying to do it in your

own strength you have been counting on

luck you have been counting on the

resources and the influence of man

i’m telling you if you would turn your

prayer life up

a notch a two i will start moving in

your life in a way that you have never

seen before if you received that word

put it right there in the comments i

receive it

i receive it i’ll receive it

there’s an old song oh what needless

pain we bear

all because we don’t take things to god

in prayer let me tell you something

the reason why it doesn’t happen for me

will not be because i didn’t pray about


and you have to pray relentlessly

you don’t just pray one time and stop

now you pray one time and you believe

that it’s coming

but the wise person continues to pray so

that watch this you can be connected to

what’s on its way to you

see see what happens oftentimes is we

pray one time and we don’t pray anymore

and what takes place

oftentimes is doubt creeps in and we

won’t say it

you know because we’re too spiritual to

say it but that’s what’s happened doubt

keeps in watches and what doubt does is

doubt separates you from the thing you

ask for

so when you keep on asking right ask

and you shall receive seek and you shall

find knocking that shall be open unto

you look at that rhythm it’s a cycle

it’s a cycle ask and you shall receive

the moment that you ask it’s on its way

to you you shall receive because you ask

but then it says seek because just

because it’s on its way to you if you

allow doubt to get in you will stop

seeking it if you stop seeking

you won’t find so it’s one thing to ask

you set it in motion

but but faith the continuum of that


makes you start seeking what you asked

for for the holy ghost

so maybe you did the right thing and you

asked but you did not seek

because it took too long and you stopped

seeking because you didn’t want to be

disappointed you thought that if i seek

i might come up empty so i won’t seek

i’ll just say it asking he says no

ask and you shall receive it’s on his

way seek and you shall find it’s coming

to you

knocking it shall be over because

sometimes when you find it

you’ve got to knock that door down one

of the things that i’ve learned

is right before that thing is getting

ready to be delivered into your hands

is where there is a battle i feel that

for some of you some of you are at the

door of what god promised you and i hear

god saying you need to start

knocking on that door let that door know

that you are there

don’t just stand at the door in silence

oh my god i feel the holy ghost don’t

just stand the door and say

knock on that door i’m here

my 10 year old she’s 11 now mckenzie

god bless mackenzie mckenzie will let us


that she’s at that door if she wants

something one things i love about my

baby girl

is first she’ll knocks off and we don’t

answer on purpose

if you’re watching kenzie mommy and

daddy love you we don’t answer on

purpose because

the door is closed for a reason we like

some privacy we got six kids we need


okay but she she she don’t go for that

if she knows we’re in there

she’ll start off soft not that i’m not

the cute little knock keep little let me

oh no no no no no

and then by the time she’s finished

she’s knocking like a grown man like a


like dwayne johnson or somebody’s at the

door i love that about her

because sometimes you cannot just ask

sometimes you cannot just seek

you have got to get to that door god

brings you to the door

but you got to be bold enough and bad

enough and have faith enough to knock on

that door

like you know what god promised you is

behind you if you’re going to knock on

the door

put it in the comments knock knock

knock knock baby knock knock

hallelujah knock knock and that’s what

your prayer life is about

you got to keep on praying i want to

talk to you about prayer a little bit

are you tracking with me say if you

track it with me

if you track it let me just put it in

there put it in there put it in here

yeah yeah so in the text

we see four types of prayer in the text

one doesn’t look like prayer but it can

be included in prayer

the four types are these it is

the prayer of giving thanks it is the


of supplication it is the prayer

that here is called prayers but we’ll

talk about that

it’s it’s conversations with god it’s a

type of prayer

and then the last one is intercession

now that’s not quite in the order i

think the order is

supplications prayer intercessions and

giving of thanks those four type but i

want to talk about those in this order

so you probably didn’t even think about

giving of thanks being

prayer but it is sometimes let’s be

honest with you some people right now

and god has been so good to you that you

can just your whole

time of prayer can literally just be

giving thanks

oh god i feel the holy ghost like like

you you may not be where you want to be

there may be things that you still

desire and promises are yet still to be


but if you look back over your life

and you think about how good god has

been to you

there’s there’s some moments where i go

to god

with the requests which we’ll talk about

in a second and by the time i start


and by the time i start getting into the

presence of god

and start thinking about the goodness of


i can’t even fix my mouth to ask him for


all i do is say god i thank you because

it could have been me

oh if you knew my testimony oh if you

knew my song

oh if you knew what god kept you from

that you didn’t even seek

i feel god the fact that you’re alive

right now

is because he’s been good and you’ve got

to get to a point

god if you didn’t do anything else for

me ah

god i feel the spirit lord if you didn’t

do one more thing

if you didn’t give me one more book deal

if you didn’t give me one more

television show

if you didn’t give me one more real

estate property if you didn’t give me

one more deal

if you didn’t give me one more thing if


stop right here and right now

my song would be the same it will remain

thank you lord it has been

good doing business with you if that’s

your testimony

say i thank him right now i thank him

right now

that’s a worthy prayer let me tell you

something if you come out of your prayer

closet and all you got to say was thank

you lord let me tell you something

that is a worthy prayer because he is

good just for his mercy

he’s good hallelujah come on put it in

the comments

thank you lord thank you lord if you

didn’t do one more thing

you’ve been good and that’s what the

giving of thanks is it literally it’s a

greek word

and that greek word literally means

grateful language

grateful language every time you pray

there ought to be grateful language in

there i know it’s difficult

and i know that sometimes we have to go

to god in tough situations and difficult

situations and challenging situations

but i’m telling you right now gratitude

will always be appropriate i may not

thank you for what’s happening but i

thank you for who you are

i may be crying over what’s happening

but i thank you that i can call on you

in the midst of what is happening i may

not like the fact that i lost that

person but i thank you that you can give

me peace that passes all

understanding god you are always worthy

of thank you and that is why the giving

of thanks

and grateful language will always be

an appropriate form of prayer are you

tracking with me

i want to talk about some of the other

forms of prayer that are

that are spoken here

supplications is there what are


supplications are literally petitions

this is when you actually

ask god for something asking god for


is not off limits god is not a god who

is offended or

or deems us selfish when we ask him for

things when we have petitions in fact

in one of the prophets i believe is

jeremiah god invites us he says call on

to me

and i will answer you and show you


and awesome things i want you to

petition me there’s another place

where he says ask of me and i’ll give

you the nations

for your inheritance and

i have petitions often you know one of

the things

about being a friend of god which i

believe should be the highest

i believe that the highest honor

in life the highest pursuit and passion

in life

is not simply to be god’s servant but to

be god’s friend

fulfill the holy spirit that that is

available to you it is a fascinating

thing and there’s

there’s uh one person in particular in

scripture where it is

emphatically clear that he was a friend

of god and this is

abraham i think the same can be said

about moses they had a really intimate


and david as well david god said of

david he’s a man after all of my heart

which would do all of my will but

specifically he called abraham a friend

and and abraham proved his friendship

so powerfully through just trusting him

and being willing to sacrifice anything

for the the to be obedient to god but

one of the things that i think is really


about being god’s friend is the

confidence that it gives you

when you have a petition like there are

some things that i’ve asked god

straight up based on our relationship


like stuff that god didn’t have to do

some of those things didn’t even have to

do with me

they were for other people but on the

strength of my relationship with you god

please do this i’ve seen even recently

just to be fully transparent

you know a young man that i knew and he

got into some legal trouble

and uh and ended up going to jail and

the evidence was i mean the evidence was

the evidence you know

he was guilty you know and and and it

wasn’t looking good for him

and and i called my friend and no i’m

not talking about the district attorney

no i’m not talking about you know the


you know if i had their numbers i

probably would have called them too but

that’s not what i’m talking about

i caught god and i said god

this is a good kid and he got some

trouble and

and and you know fair enough wrong is

wrong i’m not i’m not refuting whether

or not what he did was wrong

i said but god but i know you’re good

and i know you’re merciful

and this is my friend i didn’t stand

anything to gain personally

you know but but i said god on the

strength watch this on the strength

of my integrity on the strength of our

relationship god

please i’m i’m asking you to be merciful

to this young man

underneath the trouble that he got into

he’s a good kid and i know it

i prayed that right

seven months later and he should have

been in prison for

a long time in fact it wasn’t seven

months from the prayer

it was probably more like five months

from the prayer i had to do the math

but the long and short of it they let

him out

they let him out of jail

now you can say oh that’s just a

coincidence no no no no because there

are a lot of people

that are still in jail right now i

petitioned god

i petitioned him i said god this young

man is a good man

i mean he’s a good kid you know he’s

struggling you know and i said god if i

you need me to be in his life more i’ll


in his life more and i saw him come out

i’m telling you petitions work you can

ask god for stuff

there’s so many things i’ve asked god

for so many things that are straight

like that watch this and these things

are not even needs

they’re just wants i asked god recently


and boom i don’t know where it happened


sometimes it’s even let me tell you this

story it’s kind of funny enough i need

to move on but

but um you know i’m riding motorcycles

now and

and uh my wife hopped on one of my


right after i had written it and uh

the pipes were still hot and and she

didn’t know that and she didn’t have

jeans you know you’re getting a


you need to have jeans and a boot and

all that kind of stuff on and so

it seared her leg a little bit

and it scarred up and i just man first

of all i love my wife like crazy like

like i don’t care if she gets a scratch

i’m upset

you know what i mean i’m trying to find

what scratched her and you know

anyway and uh and it it it was looking

like it was scarring up

and like it wasn’t going to go away and

i was frustrated i saw it i’m like baby

it’s not going away weeks passed by

you know she’s like nah i’m like oh man

i was frustrated days

passed by still not there no and it’s

getting dark and i’m like wow

and i asked god i said god i don’t want

this scar to be on her leg

and if you if you know anything about

burns they’re supposed to kind of

stick around particularly they’re deep


i asked god i prayed i said god i just

i don’t want this you know on the

strength of our relationship

i want that i want that scar to be

healed and

two days ago she’s like baby look and

the scar

is healing it’s like it’s like peeling

off and

new growth of skin the the exact color

of her skin

is beginning to emerge from there

coincidence oh bt that says coincidence

you can call it whatever you want to i’m


that there are things that i have asked

god on the strength of my covenant with


that i have petitioned god that i have

supplicated with god about

and they have come to pass are you

tracking with me some of you

need to understand how much god loves

you and how much god values

who you are in his world and his kingdom

and in his plan

and you believe and you need to start

petitioning god because it works are you

tracking with me

and so and so so we’ve talked about

giving of thanks we’re talking about

different types of prayers i want you to


first of all the nature of god i want

you to understand acceptable prayers

paul is telling timothy right now these

types of prayers need to happen

all the time and for everybody not just

four kings and those in authority for

everybody especially those who are in

authority and not just praying for them

but the prayer is that those who are in

authority pray because we always take

that and we say that’s we should pray

for our politicians

and that is applicable but that’s not

really fully what it means it means that

i think that everybody needs to pray

because if everybody prays then we will

lead a quiet

and peaceable life in all godliness

that’s a whole nother thing but let’s

keep going

so we talked about the giving of thanks

which is grateful language that’s always

appropriate we talked about

supplications and this is where god

invites us to petition things sometimes

god will just

do it for the smile on your face

there’s some things that i do for my

kids that that that just i just want to


i want to see how

that act moves them they really want it

and it’s not ridiculous and it’s in my

my ability to provide for them and just

for just for what i know it will make

them feel

and god knows that that i love him all

the more i come out at prayer time

about my wife’s leg and i look up and

it’s healing right in front of my eyes i

come out of my prayer

closet about this young man who for all

the sense of purposes should be up the


in prison and all of a sudden he’s out

of jail come on somebody

god is real and supplications are a big

part of prayer don’t forget to petition


for the thing that you want and you have

to value yourself enough to know that


values you also because sometimes if you

don’t believe that you are worth

things you won’t pray for things

sometimes your

your prayer life or your lack thereof

has to do with you not feeling worthy of

the thing you’re asking god for

i’m trying to pivot i’m trying to move

away from that but i think that that’s


somebody oftentimes we only ask

according to how we see ourselves or how

we feel about ourselves god if you just

do this down here

but but what if god wants to do

something up here and what if you’re

only asking down here whether that’s a

certain relation some people are so

desperate for a relationship they’ll

take a relationship way down here

not realizing if you ask right and if

you wait and you trust and you believe

god he’ll bring you a relationship

that’s worthy of who you truly are

you’re tracking with me

and so oftentimes our prayer life is

based on or is predicated by how we see


and i’ll tell you right now and as we

talked about last week in worship you’ve

got to get to the place of worship so

you can see yourself the way god sees

you so that you can set your standards

so much higher

than perhaps they are at this moment and

so we’re talking about we talked about

giving of thanks grateful language we

talked about supplications those are

petitions and then he talks about


now this word prayer

has the idea of communing with god it

has the idea of

of talking to god and which is

interesting because a lot of times the

idea of prayer is

you talking well god it’s me again

and this is what’s going on with my life

and so and so and so forth

and if you would and that’s awesome but

the most powerful potent in my opinion

one of the most

potent and and really wonderful prayer


are the prayer experiences that that

that this

particular word is describing where it


a conversing with god where it’s a

a communing with god it has the idea of

of worship

in it you know one of the things i love

about worship is is

and then praying from the place of

worship is because of the dialogue the

interaction you know

god speaks to me i i say whatever i need

to say and god speaks back to me

sometimes god corrects me and sometimes


he says you’re seeing it wrong so i like

this sort of prayer it’s a two-way

conversation and then the question came

up the other day

to me and the question one of my

staff people who’s like spiritual

daughter to me

says how do you know when you’re

conversing with god

the difference between it being your

voice and god’s voice like how do you

know that it’s not you

you know and i said oh baby that’s

that’s easy i said

if i picked up the phone right now and

called you on the phone

and i didn’t say my name you picked the

phone you said hello i said hey

you would know immediately that is me i

said now

now you know seven years ago when we

first met

you you may have had to say who is this

and i would say it’s pt and then after a

while after you

continue to experience my voice

then you would become familiar it’s the

same thing

with god how do you know god’s voice you

know god’s voice because you know god’s


you learn that god’s voice and

oftentimes it happens

through trial and error right when you

first start walking with god and you


get into a relationship with god and god

will introduce himself and by the way

god wants to be known god

is not trying to be this ambiguous

figure is this me is this me could this

be me

that’s not god he does he’s not playing

those type of mind games with us

god desires to be known it’s natural for

god to be known by his children

it is unnatural for god to be a stranger

right that’s why jesus came

to rip the veil to to destroy the line

of separation the line of demarcation

between us and god

so it is natural and normal in god’s

perspective for his children to

respond how can you obey who you cannot

perceive you follow what i’m saying

and so and so and so um

and so it is through trial and error

when you first start

yeah you know you wait god was that you

and then you don’t do what that

instruction told you to do and you

suffer the consequence and you say oh

god that was you

you know and then other times you know

you’re wondering if that’s

if that’s god and you take a step of

faith out on that instruction

and you step into favor and blessing and


and so over time you begin to

discern the voice of god and watch this

and then at the same time you also begin

to discern your own voice

you know when it’s you there are moments

where i’m saying something and i’ll stop

at mid sentence because

that’s me that’s pt right there that’s

not the hole it goes

and i know it and the way you’re looking

at me i can tell you know it

so let me just pivot into you follow

what i’m saying so so you become

self-aware and you also become god aware

over time right i want you to study when

you get a chance

uh first samuel chapter three and it’s

the story of

samuel and eli and in particular it’s

the story where

where samuel begins to discern the voice

of god for the first time

now it’s interesting because watch this

is important

god starts calling samuel samuel was

called to be a prophet he didn’t know it

god starts calling samuel and

god basically says samuel samuel and

watch this and

he heard he knew it was a voice of


and so the only authority that he really

understood was eli

so he goes to eli and he says hey eli

you called me and eli’s like nah i

didn’t call you

right so what did he recognize he

recognized that there was something

about the voice that was powerful and


but he only had the only point of

reference that he had personally

was eli so he goes to eli so watch this

error trial and error that’s error he

goes to eli that’s an

error and eli says no i didn’t call you

go back and lay down so he goes back

he lays down god calls him again

samuel samuel he’s like it’s got to be

eli you know because i i

you know and so he goes back to eli now


says i didn’t call you and now eli

perceives oh this must be god calling


and so so he says go back and lay down

he says and

if that voice that particular voice

calls you again

you say speak lord for your servant


he goes back and he lays down it’s a

fascinating story he goes back and he

lays down

god speaks to him and then he says

speak lord for your servant hears

and then the door of revelation

and this this communal conversational

relationship with god ensues and he

becomes one of the most

powerful prophets of his time literally

prophesying and anointing king

david and you know the rest was history

the messiah

would come out of the lineage of king


so how do you know it’s through trial

and error but the more

that you worship and the more that you

get into this

this time of prayer where you’re not

just rambling

but your posture to listen and to hear

the voice of the lord will become

clearer to you

and you’ll be able to experience this

two-way conversation

which is a very very significant part of

prayer are you tracking with me

and so we’ve got prayer that is simply a

giving of thanks we’ve got

prayer which is supplications which is

which have to do with petitions

we have prayer which is about communing

and conversating with god where god

speaks to you and god builds you up and

god gives you insight and he gives you

instruction and he gives you revelation

and you come out of that

having commune with god and being

enlightened and then

the last one which i think is really

powerful is

the prayer discipline of intercession

and this intercession word

is really deep because it literally

means the greek word and it literally


to chance upon to chance upon

to chance upon to happen upon

and it’s actually the model that jesus

jesus taught us when he said pray that

your will would be done

and obviously all of us don’t fully

understand what the will of the lord is

and here is the truth and this is really


significant and you need to pay

attention to this part

we don’t really know what

the boundaries of our authority

faith and prayer life can produce

we we don’t really know where

our limits are that’s why it is better

to move forward in life without the


of limitations than to not

because we don’t know where they are and

so what intercession does

is it allows us to chance upon or to

happen upon what god had set in motion

for us

what god has established for us

that we didn’t quite yet know i need to

say that better

to make it plain and to make it very

specific to you you don’t know where

your boundaries are

td jakes did not know that td jakes was

inside of him

he knew thomas dexter jakes but he did

not know

the bounds of the grace that would be

upon his life

sarah the same thing me i had no idea

at all what was in me but what i did was

i kept praying and i kept reaching

and i kept going and i kept being


about what was in me you ought to right

now be

curious about the limits that are on

your life you need to have an

insatiable curiosity about just

how far your life is meant to go

and that’s what intercession is

intercession watch this

is the guarantee of the fulfillment

of you reaching the bounds

that have been predetermined by god

my son when he was

five or six years old

someone at a party that i was having at

my house

threw him in the pool thought he could

swim he could not swim

uh the holy spirit

helped me not to beat the living


over the person who threw him in the


in fact had i not been so preoccupied

with responding

to what i believe was my son’s despair i

may not be standing before you now

anyway back to the message

my son had within him

the ability to swim but did not know it

he did not know it i did not know it

his mama didn’t know it nobody around

knew it and we all panicked at the nose

it was like slow motion

i see the dude pick up my son and put

him pool and i’m like


and before i could get to him

his potential got to him and lifted him

up and he begins to swim

because he had an ability in him that he

was not

taught but it was in him

to do something that was beyond what i

thought he can do

beyond what he thought he can do beyond

what everybody else around him thought

he can do

and that’s what intercession is


is asking god for big things it is

asking god

for things that are bigger than your

ability is asking god for things

that are beyond your control and if you

never ever get a super-sized prayer

alive it is almost guaranteed

that you will not reach your potential i

want you to become an intercessor

i want you to start praying for your

life i want you to start praying for

your family

praying for your community praying for

your nation

because there is power in you to unlock


in the earth that are bigger than

anything you’ve ever seen before

if that’s you put it in the comments i’m

an intercessor


i’m an intercessor

i i i’m going to chance upon

what god has for me hallelujah i’m going

to chance upon in other words i don’t

know what’s out there

but i know something’s out there and i’m

not going to die

with potential on the inside of me when

i take

my last breath i’m taking my last breath

at the borders of my potential i’m not

gonna die

until i reach everything that god

saw when he dreamed me up i am god’s


i’m gonna fulfill god’s dream with my

life so when i pray i’m saying god

i think that you can make me run this oh

i feel the holy spirit

god give me this industry god give me

this generation god

if you give me an anointing if you give

me a platform

if you give me five smooth stones and a


i will bring down every devil and every


standing against this generation come on


where are my intercessors at who dares

to believe

that there’s more to you than you think


that’s what intercession is about that’s

what a new session is about

i can do this there’s more to me cccc

see god keeps the limits he doesn’t tell

you what the limits are

because he always wants you to be

reaching i don’t care how far

how blessed you get how influential you


how much money you make whatever

whatever you use to measure

your your greatness i don’t care there’s


and how do i know there’s more because

you’ve got this thing called breath

breath breath is the for the purpose of

progress i feel the holy ghost

breath is for the purpose of progress

where if you were finished progressing

god would

take back your breath because you

wouldn’t need it anymore you’re not here

just to be

here breath in you is so that you can

have dominion

an increasing domain i feel the holy

spirit of god

increasing to me can’t stop wanting


can’t stop won’t stop put it right there

in the comments

can’t stop won’t stop can’t stop won’t


won’t stop praying won’t stop


won’t stop believing won’t stop going

after it

can’t stop won’t stop god wants to

release the spirit

of can’t stop won’t stop in this house

right now

if that’s you put it in the comments

can’t stop

won’t stop can’t stop won’t stop

can’t stop won’t stop can’t stop

won’t stop can’t stop won’t stop

can’t stop won’t stop can’t stop

won’t stop tribulation can’t stop won’t

stop people talking about can’t stop

won’t stop people not believe can’t stop

won’t stop

people fighting me can’t stop won’t stop

can’t stop

won’t stop can’t stop and you know what

you’re gonna do

you’re gonna walk into heaven can’t stop

won’t stop can’t stop you’re going to be

in the gates of heaven all the angels

gonna be looking at you saying you made

it and you still gonna be saying

stop won’t stop can’t stop won’t stop

can’t stop won’t stop k-stop won’t stop

can’t stop wanting stuff i don’t know

where the limits are

i don’t know i i want i don’t want to be

that guy with that one talent that

buried it


can’t stop won’t stop can’t stop

won’t stop can’t stop won’t stop can’t


won’t stop we’re honoring

great people we honor john lewis


can’t stop won’t stop

40 years past the civil rights movement

recognizing that the struggle still goes


and can’t you see him saying can’t stop

won’t stop

can’t stop won’t stop

we don’t know where the limits are

so we got to keep going keep going

keep fighting keep pressing keep

believing i want to show you one last

passage of scripture

stop stop can’t stop won’t

stop can’t stop won’t stop we don’t know

where the lines are


in psalm 16 5-6 it says oh lord

you are the portion of my inheritance in

my cup

you watch this you maintain my lot

you you you maintain

my lot my lot my boundaries my my

portion my inheritance you you maintain

it you giving

from you what you have for me

god is not a giver like that

god is a rewarder to those who

diligently seek him

he he maintains your lot


here we go he he he maintains

his the portion that he is assigned to

you he maintains it

and he releases it according to your


look oh lord you are the portion of my

inheritance and my cup you maintain my


look at this the lines have fallen to me

in pleasant places yes

i have a good inheritance what is he


that there’s boundaries assigned to me

the boundaries assigned to me and i do

not determine where they are

my feelings do not determine where they

are watch this my

failures do not determine where they are

my friends do not determine where they

are my finances do not determine where

they are

you do and so my intercession


is is my prayer life saying god

i’m yours saying god

not my will but your will be does he my

will my will might be to stop here

i’m satisfied enough for me it’d be

farther than where my mother went for

his good

that’s wonderful that that’s number one

that but you don’t determine where your

lots you don’t determine what your lines


and if you’re breathing that means that

that your territory is wider

it’s bigger you haven’t reached the

fullness i don’t know who this is for

that means that you haven’t reached if

you’re breathing you haven’t reached the

fullness of your territory you still

have more land to conquer you still have

more things

you still have more things to

conquer more things to conquer

more things within you to conquer more

things outside of you to conquer you’re

not finished yet you’re not finished yet

and prayer prayer

is how you stay connected it’s how you

stay connected it’s how you keep things


in intercession in particular

says god stretch me watch this


don’t even let me be the limitation

that’s what i want to pray we’re done

that’s what i want to pray we’re done

for now we’re coming back next week

that’s all i want to pray i think that’s

your prayer lord

give me a vibrant prayer life

grateful language is praised and you

inhabit the praises

of your people you sit on

gratitude you enthrone yourself in the

midst of my praise


and i’m gonna use gratitude as a weapon

when depression comes upon me

when i start feeling sorry for myself

i’m gonna pull out a dose of gratitude

i’m gonna loose my lips and i’m gonna

not allow my lips to complain

but i’m gonna allow my lips to utter

praise and thanksgiving for what you’ve


what you are doing and what you’re gonna

do i will

not be victimized by my own thoughts and

certainly not by my own mouth my mouth

is committed to life and thanksgiving

and god because i recognize you love me

and you for me and sometimes you do

things just because you want to

i’m going to bring my petitions in front

of you i’m going to ask you for things

that you don’t have to do but

but that you may just want to do

because we’re in relationships i’m going

to watch this i’m going to cash in on

the equity of our relationship from time

to time

yeah just like they do in business

every once in a while one business

person calls up another business person

and says hey

you owe me now god doesn’t owe us

anything but the principle is this

we have a relationship and i scratch

your back you scratch mine

and so god i’m going to cash in on hola


i’m going to cash in on the equity of my

obedience i’m going to cash in on the

equity of my sacrifice

this is for somebody because believers

who mature in the things of god

and become friends of god have had to

lay things down

they’ve had to lay things down and if

you study genesis

chapter 22 abram the friend of god when

he had to lay down his son abraham

god came back to him and said oh

i’m about to bless you he said blessings

i will bless you and multiplying i will

multiply now that i know

that you won’t keep anything from me

and abram was blessed in every way and

in all things

sometimes when you have earned it

not that you can earn salvation that you

can earn blessing but i’m talking about

when you have given god a series of

those hard yeses and god knows that he

can trust you

and you will never make it about things

i dare you

if that’s you to ask god to petition god

for something

and you watch him show you that he’ll do

it just for you

supplications prayers that’s


god let’s talk it let’s talk it through

you’re my best friend

i don’t have a better counselor than you


intercession intercession

reaching through your prayer life

for the boundaries of your potential

for the inheritance that’s assigned to


i want to pray for you

i wanna pray for you


and you might be saying god

i think my doubt might be the problem

i think the way i see myself might be

the problem

i think i’m limiting me that’s fine

that’s all right and my prayer for you

is that you will get out of the way and

trust god

some of you when god gives you a

compliment and sometimes even when

people give you a compliment

you resist it no no and you

you think it’s humility and it’s not

it’s a false humility

because there’s a part of you that can’t

see yourself the way god sees you

i want you to make up your mind

that you are who god says you are

whether you like it or not whether

people can get with it or not

when you are conversing with god and god

reveals to you who you are

let everything that will contradict that

get out of the way when god says he’s

going to do this for you

oh flaky


don’t talk yourself out of it

don’t don’t oh and no if he says he’s

going to do it for you

just receive it and walk it out until it

comes to pass

receive it you cannot receive what you

don’t receive

i love you family i’m committed

we got so much more ground to cover next

week i’m talking about meditation

as we continue in this series called the

basis basics

of spirituality getting back to basics

you are gonna emerge

from this season that has been straight

out nerve-wracking

so much better so much stronger

so much clearer and with such

a grace for acceleration on your life

that if you don’t keep up your head’s

going to spin

at what god has in store for you i love


if you missed the first week go back and

get the first week

this is the type of message that you put

in your podcast repeat it again again

continue to renew your mind we’re

getting back to basics

so that when we step into this new that

god is bringing us into we know

that the biblical new year starts in


and there’s a new that’s coming to the

people of god but we’re going to step

into it

with a firm foundation so that we can


maximize and take advantage of all the

things that i believe

that god’s going to be doing in and

through his people

god bless you i love you

stay tuned for this recap