best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

hey family welcome to the official

youtube page of one i’m excited that

you’re here this message is getting

ready to bless your life i want you to

stay connected to the incredible things

that are happening in this movement so

don’t forget to subscribe and turn on

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and if you want to partner with us and

some of the great things that we’re

doing all over the world you can give as

well now it’s time to get into this word

i love you god bless you let’s stay


i just want to take a moment and

congratulate you on not missing one of

the most important parts of the service

and that’s worship worship is when we

have an opportunity to really

acknowledge god with our heart our soul

and our mind and there’s nothing wrong

with those moments where we only have

time just to receive the word but

worship is our opportunity to open up

our hearts and say god i want you to see

me i want you to show me it’s almost

like pre-op before you actually get into

the surgery room there’s this

opportunity where your heart is

sterilized where you’re clean where

you’re able to say god this is exactly

where it hurts and this is where i need

a word and so if we can just for a

moment let’s just thank god for the

opportunity to be in his presence let’s

thank god that we have a heart for

worship and because we have a heart for

worship this word has good ground to

fall upon i want you to take a moment

and just in your own way before we move

on from this portion of the service to

just thank god that you’re ready to

thank god that you’ve got expectation to

thank god that you came into this moment

hungry that you’ve already experienced

god’s presence and because i’ve

experienced your presence god this word

is just going to be the cherry on top

this word is just going to be the

confirmation for the season i’m in

because i did the work to be in

relationship with you in this moment

there is nothing for me more intimate

nor powerful nor as powerful as worship


and whenever worship has already set the

atmosphere there’s a stage for god’s

word to go forth i love one house

because they’re always preparing

the stage and

i’m excited about this word

and this stage that this word gets to

live on

if you’re taking notes and you just want

to know what do i put on the top of this

this message is called surviving


surviving redefining

and this scripture this text is really


it’s really not unfamiliar

but just to give you context this is

when jesus is on the cross and when we

think of jesus on the cross

there are a couple scenarios that come

to mind one of those for me is when the

other gentleman who was on the cross

looked over and said well you remember


and then of course we know the moment

where he says it is finished he says

father why hast thou forsaken me but

there is a moment in john

that god brought to my attention in the

context of redefining

and my text begins in verse 26.

it says when jesus

therefore saw his mother

he says to his mother and the disciple

who was there with her

john calls himself the disciple whom he


he said to his mother woman behold your


then he said to the disciple

behold your mother

and from that hour that disciple took

her to his own home

after this jesus knowing that all things

were now accomplished that the scripture

might be fulfilled said

i thirst

now a vessel full of sour wine was

sitting there and they filled a sponge

with sour wine put it on his lip and put

it to

his mouth

so when jesus had received the sour wine

he said it



and bowing his head he gave up

he gave up his spirit

spirit of the living god

i thank you that you are not just the

god of the resurrection

but you are also the god of the cross

in the moments where it feels like

everything we know is shifting and

changing god you are right there in the

middle of it god you gave me a word

about this season that we’re in

and god i pray that this word would

reach every person who was in a similar

redefining season

where nothing is the same and yet it is

undeniable that something is becoming

father i pray that you would begin to

give us strength right now to survive

those moments god bless this word anoint

each word that comes out of my mouth let

it reach the hearts and the souls of

those who needed the most father and i

pray that as they receive this word that

it would fall on holy ground that it

would fall on the type of ground that

allows the word to take root and produce

fruit god i thank you for the


the restoration

and the redemption god

connected to this word

in jesus name i pray


amen you know you got to type it in the

comments type a man in the comments

i was thinking about this concept of

redefining and as i was studying it in

my bible i couldn’t help but be struck

by the idea

that we are warned about redefining from

the time that we are children in

elementary school

you know at those moments where you’re

having a coral with one of your friends

or your classmates and the only way that

anyone can tell you how to recover is to

tell you in 10 years you won’t even be

thinking about those people


we know now because of our experience

and our wisdom exactly what people meant

when they said that

we know that what they were trying to

relay to us is that at the end of the

day when you get finished meeting people

when you get finished changing and

growing the very people that you’re

crying about now won’t even be in the



from an early age we’re prepared for

redefining but in those moments when

you’re 10 and 11 or 5 and 6 and someone

is telling you that it won’t happen you

don’t have enough experience to

understand that this person who is my

best friend has to be willing to go the

long haul with me

but we recognize that the only true

friendships that survive the test of

time are not the ones who just happen to

be in proximity with one another

they are the friendships that survive


the relationships that

survive redefining

those moments where we’re no longer

close we’re no longer in the same city

we’re no longer in the same school and

so connection is a matter of sacrifice

and not ease and so when the

relationship is redefined what we’ll see

is that some friendships begin to fade

away because they were only there for a

certain season some relationships only

work if you’re in the same space for a

certain season it is in the redefining

when we begin to see that relationships


relationships don’t just fall apart

someone redefines their definition

and when the person who is on the

receiving end of that relationship isn’t

able to redefine then distance is


that’s why some people end up leaving

relationships not because the person did

anything wrong those sayings it’s not

you it’s me i just changed my definition

it’s not you it’s me i’ve just been

redefined i used to think that loyalty

was going every place together now i

think that loyalty is who you are when i

am no longer in the picture my

definition changed it wasn’t you it was

me my definition changed of love it’s

not about whether or not we like the

same shows or like the same music now

for me love is how much you’re willing

to sacrifice in order for us to stay


re-definition is what causes

relationships to deteriorate and yet it

is necessary that we surrender to those

moments in which we are redefined is

there anyone being redefined right now

you’ve been trying to put into words

exactly what was happening to you you

don’t feel like yourself but you don’t

feel like what god has laid out before

you i hear god saying that you’re in a

season of being redefined i’m redefining

the way that you connect i’m redefining

the way that you communicate it’s not

over you’re not off your game i’m just

redefining you i’m making you more and

more like what i had in mind and it is

surviving the redefinition

where we lose our way

to lay hold of his way

i’m being redefined

feel it in the way that i speak i’m

being redefined i feel it in the way

that i speak i feel it in the way that i

receive my communication i feel it in

the way that i pray i feel it in the way

that i worship i’m being redefined it is

a holy moment in which we are being

redefined and when we are being

redefined we have to be willing to

surrender to the full redefinition i

don’t want to hold on to who i used to

be and be rejected redefined at the same

time i want to be willing to surrender

to what this moment is supposed to teach

me so god if you’re trying to change the

way that i think then redefine me if

you’re trying to change the way that i

love then redefine me god there is

something powerful about when we

recognize that if i resist the

redefinition then i may not become but

if i decide to surrender to the

redefinition then i can see those things

that eyes haven’t seen and ears haven’t

heard that doesn’t just happen because

of things that have been defined before

they happen when we step into the

redefinition of who we are supposed to

be i hear god saying that i’m changing

your identity i’m changing who you are

as a leader i’m changing who you are as

a partner i’m changing who you are as a

child you used to need your parents to

pour into you but when i redefine you

you’re gonna be pouring into your

parents i used to make you need to come

to church every sunday but now i’m

building you into the church i’m

changing the way that you are defining

yourself and you have to be willing to

recognize that in redefining that you

lose things along the way you grieve

along the way i would dare say

that you don’t experience redefinition

unless there is grief connected to it


that’s where most of us

end up stuck

in the grief

connected to redefinition

you don’t go from good to great

unless there is a period of grief in





i gotta grieve the good thing

i gotta grieve the thing that made me

feel powerful

i gotta grieve the thing that made me

feel comfortable yes i’m headed towards

greatness but no one tells you that in

the process to greatness that you don’t

celebrate in between you grieve in

between because i’m being stretched

because i’m being changed because i’m

being transformed and i don’t know who i

am anymore and i don’t know if i can

still communicate the way that i

communicated i don’t know if i can still

stay connected the way that i stayed

connected there is a grief in between

the stages from good to great

so our goal

is to survive these moments of


because redefining is voluntary

have you ever gone back and connected

with an old group of friends an old

group of church members and thought to

yourself i can’t believe that you’re

still thinking the same way it’s not any

shade to them it’s just you have been so

redefined so many times that it’s

difficult to believe that you’re still

speaking that same way that you’re still

talking the way that you used to talk

and see that’s what happens when you’ve

been redefined is that you recognize

that when i am redefined that this was

voluntary not everyone came with me not

everyone grew with me not everyone

received that same impartation that i

received redefining is voluntary and

that’s why you’ve got to get connected

with people who don’t need you to stay

the same if you’re connected with people

who need you to stay the same then you

will have to shrink when you’re being

redefined you need to be with someone

who says i want you to grow even if i

can’t go with you i want you to change

even though i can’t go with you because

i am not loyal to who you are i’m loyal

to not just who you are but who you can

become as well if my loyalty stops at

the point of your definition then you

have to stay the same in order for me to

be connected but when i’m down for you

i’m down for everything connected to you

that means the next dimensions of you is

what i’m down for as well

i’m loyal to who you are and who you are

becoming you don’t have to worry about

me hating on you you don’t have to worry

about me pulling you back you don’t have

to worry about me saying remember when

you used to do and i liked you a lot

better when you did this because i’m

excited about what you’re producing i’m

excited about who you’re becoming you

can’t even get in a marriage unless

you’re in a marriage that allows you to

be redefined because i can’t be married

to you 40 years and stay the same but if

you would say i’m going to partner with

you when you redefine

i’m gonna partner with you when you grow

i can’t think of any better example of


than having children

if my love for my child

is only available when they are able to

be held in my arms

then when they become

six foot four and they’re towering over


then i will think i no longer have a

place in their life

but when i received my child

i received my child recognizing that

you’re going to grow and you’re going to


and it is a powerful thing when a parent

makes a decision and it is a decision to

stay with you every step of the way i

don’t care where you go i don’t care who

you become if you’re strung out you’re

still my child if you’re in the strip

club you’re still my child i don’t care

how many times life redefines you i’m

gonna find a way to stay connected to

you because i don’t need you to be the

perfect child in order to be my child

and i will do whatever is necessary to

make sure that i am connected to you and

i don’t know who you are but i just want

to apologize that your parents didn’t

have what it took in order to give you

that level of love they didn’t have what

it took to show up for you in the way

that you needed to be cared for but i

hear god saying that even though they

couldn’t do it that i was willing to be

redefined everywhere you went everywhere

you go i hear god saying that i was

willing to fill in the gap that just

because your parents couldn’t do it

didn’t mean you didn’t have access to it

because god said i’ll be with you in the

middle of the redefinition

i’ll be with you in the middle of the


you don’t have to give up right here

because god’s power is going to be with

you god’s strategy is going to be with

you god says if you miss out on the fact

that i’m still here with you then you’ll


that though they couldn’t give it to you

that i stayed connected

you got to be willing to survive in this

moment to stretch in this moment to grow

in this moment

because if you do not surrender to

redefining it doesn’t change the fact

that you’re still going to be producing

god help me

nothing god creates stays the same

i’m going to prove it to you

in genesis 1

11 through 12

says then god said let the earth bring

forth grass the herb that yields seed

and the fruit tree that yields fruit

according to its kind whose seed is in

itself on the earth and it was so and

the earth brought forth grass the herb

that yields seed according to its kind

and the tree that yields fruit whose

seed is in itself according to its kind

and god said that it was good

that means that when god created the

heavens and the earth

that he created the earth with deposits

in it

meaning that what i created i already

produced i already deposited change in

what i created that means that if you

are on this earth and you are not

changing if you are not surrendering to

the redefinition then you are going to

produce you just may be producing from

your history when you could be producing

from your destiny but god says

everything i put in the earth is going

to have seed it’s going to be

automatically set up for reproduction

and i don’t know about you but i don’t

want to get to heaven and give god

exactly what he gave me i don’t want to

be like that parable of the sower where

the man who had one talent said god i’m

just going to give you back the very

thing that you gave me i’m surrendering

to the redefinition because god has been

too good to me for me to get back to

heaven and say god i didn’t do anything

with what she gave me instead i’m going

to undergo the process of being

redefined over and over and over again

until i look like someone who was made

in the image of god i feel my help

coming you see when god created man he

says i’m creating man to be made in my

image and yet you look like you and if

you look like you then something has

happened because when you are being

redefined you ought to start looking

like god there ought to be some areas in

your life where you start looking more

and more like jesus because i

surrendered to the process of redefining

yes i forgave so and so after what they

did not because of who they are not

because of who i am but because of the

process of redefining that i’m taking

that’s taking place on the inside of me

i’m being redefined i’m changing the way

i speak i’m reading differently i’m

listening to the different types of

music because i’m being redefined and

when i’m being redefined i need to be in

an atmosphere that feeds the


god help me

god when you were redefining me help me

to be wise enough to understand what

takes away from the momentum that allows

me to lean into the redefinition

redefinition needs an atmosphere

it needs an atmosphere that understands

where we’re headed

oh god i feel my help coming

you see jesus atmosphere was in his mind


when jesus came to the earth

he was on a mission

and his mission first was to make sure

that heaven touched earth

but his mission once he got to earth was

for earth to touch heaven

he said i’m gonna be like that ladder

that jacob saw where there were angels

ascending and descending i’m going down

but only so i can pull them up and so

time and time again we see jesus in

scripture talking about i’ve got to be

about my father’s business saying things

like i’m headed towards the cross he

understood that even though i’m here

there’s an atmosphere in here that is

recognizing the redefinition that’s

taken place somebody better catch that

word because what i’m trying to tell you

is you can be in the same city you can

be in the same house you can be with the

same friends but that doesn’t have

anything to do with the redefinition

that’s taking place in your mind i don’t

care what your eyes see i want to know

what your spirit knows i want to know

what your spirit sees my spirit sees

something that my environment cannot

understand my spirit recognizes that

i’ve got to be redefined i can’t be like

you i’m not an imitator i am made in the

image of god that means i am a creator i

am an innovator and anything that i am

being redefined into i have never seen

before so i gotta stay focused on

someone who’s done this before god bring

people in my life who have done this

before so i understand what redefinition

is so i understand how i’m supposed to

step into this moment

i’m being redefined

i’m being redefined and my mentality’s

got to change i gotta change cause i

start longing for who i used to be i

gotta change because i start longing for

the things that used to make me feel

good and yet i recognize that i gotta

stretch for this redefinition i gotta

grow for this redefinition i’ve gotta

become something

that only heaven understands oh god

that only heaven understands

there are some moments

where only heaven knows what’s happening

to you


only heaven recognizes

that the way your heart is being


the way your spirit is being developed

has nothing to do with what’s happening

around you

and everything to do with you


to this stage of redefinition in your


i want to talk to somebody who feels

like they’re on an island

i want to talk to somebody who feels

like i would be lost but i feel more

found than i’ve ever been god i wish i

could say this the way that i feel it i

feel more in tune i feel more aligned

with that version of me that exists in

heaven than i’ve ever felt before

and i think it has to do with the


and to make a decision

that i’m going to survive this

because what i want to produce on the

earth has to look like the destiny that

is in front of me

in my text

jesus is at the peak of

redefining with

the end in mind

we’re not just being redefined for the

sake of becoming new

we have to be willing to submit to

redefinition with the end

in mind

when god first

made it so clear that he was moving and

functioning in my life

god was very specific with me

he gave me a prophetic word i didn’t

even write this in my notes god gave me

a prophetic word it was 2011.

and there was a prophet speaking tudor

bismarck and he was preaching and he

pointed at me in the middle of the crowd

and he says there is a grace and an

anointing on your life

that is going to take the world by storm

i had

no idea what he was talking about

because sis would not read announcements


sis would not read announcements in a

volunteer meeting not just on stage like

read your own announcements okay

but what god was doing in that moment

was saying in order for that version of


to become what

tudor bismarck was saying

i would have to go through a process of


which means every moment where i felt

that lesser version of me being

challenged the only way i survived those

moments was i kept that word in front of

me somebody’s got to go back to the

drawing board when god gave you a word

about who you would be in your family

when god gave you a word about who you

would be in your community when god told

you that you can actually break this

thing when god told you that you would

actually have strength to change the

definition of family in your community

god gave you a word and sometimes you

got to keep that word in the forefront

of your mind because when you’re in the

middle of redefinition you may get feel

like you want to quit but i want to

prophesy to somebody watching tonight

that this is not quitting season this is

redefining season and in the process of

being redefined you may want to throw in

the towel but i hear god’s saying wipe

your brow and get back in the game

because you got to keep the end in mind

somebody’s lost sight of the end but i

hear god saying that i sent this word to

remind you that the end is still within

reach that the end is still available

and jesus is at this moment in the cross

where he’s at the end

i’m at the end of my mission

i’m at the end of this journey that i

have here on earth

and because i’m at the end

there are some things that have to be

redefined before the mission is


the mission isn’t over

until the redefinition is complete

if i didn’t say anything else

that’s somebody’s word right there

if you have not become

who god created you to be

then you are not finished with your


jesus says i’m on the cross but i still

got work to do

i’m on the cross but there are still

some strategies that i need to put in


somebody’s on the cross and you’re


somebody’s on the cross and you’re

bleeding but jesus said even though i’m

on the cross it doesn’t change that i

still got work to do even though i’m on

the cross i’m suffering myself i’m in

pain myself but i’m still gonna be who

god has called me to be even in the

middle of my suffering god if you give

me a word even when i’m on the cross you

can count on me to deliver you’re

redefining me and i’ve got to step into

this moment even though it hurts i’m

going to do it with my child in jail i’m

going to do it in the hospital i’m going

to do it if it means that i’ve lost my

voice if we lose our voice right now up

here if the lights go out i’m still

going to preach this word because at the

end of the day the mission is not over

until every word that god has given me

has come out of my mouth until then you

better get used to hearing my name

because i’ll do it on the corner if i

have to i’ll do it on social media if i

have to because until god says your

mission is complete i still got work to

do and i’m trying to get somebody else

to get in this game with me i’m trying

to get somebody else to get serious

about this thing with me we got work to

do generation we got to work to do

activate we got a work to do in the

earth and if we’re going to do it we

cannot be us at the same time i got to

become something holier than this i got

to become something more righteous than

this i can’t do it in my own strength i

can’t do it from the comfort of my own

home how could i build this family how

could i build this ministry i cannot do

it without you jesus


i can’t do it unless someone shows me

how to make humanity and divinity fall

into alignment with what god has said

are you willing

to change your mind

are you willing to repent

for thinking that i have to have it my

way and god’s way at the same time

and if your back is against the wall

and your arms are stretched wide

are you willing to still be about that


even when it hurts


or will you allow the grief

to change your passion

jesus says it’s

grief but i still got passion

oh it feels like that could be a word

into a self

i’m in grief but i still got passion oh

god i feel like there’s something on


the grief couldn’t kill your passion the

grief and the heartbreak couldn’t change

your talent it couldn’t change your

anointing that’s what i see in this text

that my jesus was still anointed in the

midst of it all that even though i was

bleeding i was still anointed god says i

can use you any kind of condition you’re

in if you’re just willing to say yes and

somebody has been wondering will the

grief go away so the passion can emerge

and god wants to know will you still

perform even though the grief is there

will you still show up can i still count

on you will you be a faithful servant or

do you have to have everything your way


jesus is

on the cross

and he’s about to step into eternity

he’s about to step into the resurrection


and before that moment occurs

we see this

redefinition that happens between


and john

and jesus

if you go back to my text

we’ll see exactly what happens in a

divine redefinition a divine


and this divine redefinition

we see mary


we know mary in luke 1.

the angel comes to her and tells her


the holy spirit is going to allow her to

conceive a child

and she is seeing that thing down to the


you want to talk about being faithful

what do you do when you do produce what

god says you’re supposed to produce

and now what you produce look like looks

like it’s coming to an end

and yet because god hasn’t told her

what’s next

she sees it to the very end

at this point in the cross there are so

many disciples that scattered

mary stays in position

because god hasn’t given her a new

position yet

god i won’t move until you move me

if it means i gotta watch my baby die if

it means i gotta watch my dream die if

it means that everything i knew gets

swept from up underneath me i’m still

gonna stay in position because god

hasn’t told me to move yet i hear god

saying that when it’s time for you to go

you’ll know it but until i tell you to

go i need you to stay in position

because if you don’t stay in position

you’ll miss the next mission

oh god

if you don’t stay where i placed you

you’ll miss the next phase of who i’m

calling you to be so mary stays there at

the cross she stays there even though

she knows what’s happening he’s gonna

die i know how this ends i already see

how this works i know what happens and

yet she stays in position and it is



right before jesus takes his last breath

that god illuminates for her

what she’s supposed to do next

jesus says to her



your child

all of a sudden


i’m saying goodbye to one thing

but also stepping into another one

when i wrote this down in my text

i talked about the moments in which

god redefines your mission

there will be moments

when your mission is completed with one

person with one opportunity with one


but that doesn’t mean you’re anointing

oh god i wish i could say it that

doesn’t mean your anointing to do it

somewhere else has come to an end

sometimes we think

that if my season is over

over here

then my anointing ended when that season

ended as well

and i hear god saying that don’t allow

your season to dictate your anointing

because when i have anointed you to be a

mother when i have anointed you to be a

leader when i have anointed you to be a

minister when i have anointed you to

sing when i have anointed you to

understand business concepts that no one

else can understand even though your

season is over in one place it doesn’t

mean that that anointing ended with that

season i came to set somebody free

tonight i came to help somebody

understand that just because you had to

say goodbye to that didn’t mean that you

said goodbye to the glory that god has

already dictated to be over your life

the glory is still there the season is

over but the glory is still there the

relationship is over but the glory is

still there i’ve moved over to the next

dimension but the glory is still there

you got to know that the glory doesn’t

expire you got to know that the glory

doesn’t run dry and now that mary is

standing in the moment of the end god

says i’ve got a next mission for you i

got somewhere else for you to be i’ve

got someone else’s life for you to

change i’ve got another business for you

to build the glory wasn’t over just

because the season was ending

god anointed her to be a mother

and he wasn’t going to leave her without

something to care for


your mission has changed

it has not ended oh


your mission has changed but it has not


you are still anointed to do what god

has called you to do you’re just not

anointed to do it there anymore

it’s okay

for you to walk away from the place that

awakens you to your anointing

just because it awakens you

doesn’t mean it can sustain you

and there is a grief

and recognizing

that the place that awakened me

may not be the place that sustains me


surviving redefinition means

god i gotta say goodbye

i gotta say goodbye to the place that

showed me what i carried

but when i say goodbye i don’t leave it



mission has been redefined

let’s talk about john

just three things three redefinitions

mary’s mission

john’s need

john is that the disciple whom jesus


and he is there at the cross

because he wants to make sure that he


the man that he loved the man the

brother the friendship that he had with


dictates that he sees this thing all the

way down to the end if he’s honest

what he probably wants in that moment

is just a little bit more time with


and yet jesus points him in the

direction of something

that he never had in the first place

john wasn’t there crying

because he didn’t have a mother

he was crying because he wouldn’t have

access to jesus

and yet at this moment at the cross

jesus redefines his need

you thought that you needed me

but i know what you need even when you

don’t know what you need

i know what to give you even when you

don’t know what to ask for

and at this moment john is at the cross

and jesus is redefining his need

somebody’s watching this

and i want you to understand that god is

redefining your needs that you thought

she needed this person and you thought

you needed that job and i hear god

saying that in this surviving redefining

season that the only way you’re going to

survive the redefining is if you allow

me to redefine what you need i know you

really wanted jesus to stay john but i

gotta take him instead i’m gonna give

you something that you didn’t even know

that you needed i know you wanted the

situation to move a little bit faster

than this but i hear god saying instead

of moving that situation i’m gonna give

you something that you never even knew

that you needed

i didn’t know i needed that but jesus

gave it to me has that ever been

anyone’s testimony where god gave you

something that you didn’t know that you

needed i didn’t know that i needed

covering in this way i didn’t know that

i needed nurturing in this way but

because you didn’t give me what i wanted

i found out what i needed god i thank

you for being the god who understands my

need now philippians 4 makes so much

more sense where it says my god shall

supply all of my needs god you’re going

to give me what to need you’re not just

going to give me what i want you’re

going to give me what i need and

sometimes what i need i don’t understand

but because i serve a god who knows me

you’re going to give me what i need

right in the time right in the nick of

time right in the middle of a season

that feels like it’s gonna take me out

god give me god give me what i need god

don’t give me what i want i’m tired of

praying for what i want i’m tired of

praying for things that will make me

feel good god i’m praying that you would

give me what i need yes even if that

means you got to give it to me in grief

yes even if it means i gotta say goodbye

to what i want god when i graduate let

me graduate to what i need i want to be

a real believer i want to be someone who

really can do relationship with god and

in order to be that kind of person i

have to be mature enough to understand

that if god took it i didn’t need it and

if god gave it to me then i must need it

god i didn’t think that i needed this

job but you gave it to me so help me to

understand what i need from this role

help me to understand what i need from

this friend i don’t need no one else in

my life but god you keep forcing someone

to mentor me help me to understand what

i need from this moment what i need from

this teacher what i need

from the people you’ve placed in my life


god i don’t know what i need

but i don’t want to be so blinded by

what i want that i miss what i need what

if john would have said in this moment

i don’t need a mother

all i want is


he would have missed what god knew he


what are you discarding

that god says you need

and are you willing to trust god enough

to allow him to redefine your needs

god i really felt like

i needed that person who died god

maybe i did need him but because you

took him maybe you’re redefining my


god help me to live without that need

being met any longer

so that i can see what you have left

that will sustain me for the next

dimension of my destiny

god i thought i needed that relationship

god i thought i needed that job what is

it that you felt like you needed that

you didn’t get

because whatever that is

to insist on the fact that you need it

even when you don’t have access to it is

to discredit god

because if we truly believe that god

will supply all of our needs

and we don’t have it

then i didn’t need it

and while that sounds like something

that is easy to say the truth is that

that requires a redefinition of what we


god maybe our greatest prayer is can you

help me to change what i need

can you help me to change what i think

will feed me what i think will make me

feel better what i think will comfort me

god help me to change what i need

so that it can be redefined for what you

know i need

the last redefinition

that i saw in this text

was the redefinition of


we see this from jesus

jesus as i mentioned was sent to earth

so that heaven

could touch earth

but now his mission is being redefined

so that earth can now have access to


if he doesn’t get on the cross in this


if he doesn’t surrender to what this

moment is trying to teach him

that he won’t be able to allow that

bridge to take place

the surrender

of leaving the old behind

i was thinking for the first time when i

was reading this text

that we often make it seem like it was

so easy

for jesus to come to earth

and then to go back to heaven

and i think that if we see it as easy

then we miss the sacrifice

because sacrifice is not about what’s


sacrifice is about what actually cost us

jesus has been on the earth for 33 years

at this point

he is half

human half divine he is spirit he is

flesh and in this moment he has to

surrender his

flesh when he first surrendered

he had to surrender who he was in the

spirit to take on

the condition of man

but now he’s got to surrender his flesh

and jesus has never had to do it like

this before

we find him in this moment

in our moment in the text redefining


there’s this moment

that jesus has learned everything that

he can learn about humanity and walking

on earth and now

it’s time for him to give up the ghost

i want to talk about redefining


because there are so many moments when

we are in the middle of trying to

surrender but our spirit won’t let us go

i wondered when i was reading this text

why is it

that jesus took a moment and said i



you would think that

he’s at the end of the road he knows

that he’s headed towards heaven why does

thirst even matter in this moment

and yet thirst is a very natural

a very fleshy

part of our existence

it’s almost as if jesus said just one



for what it’s like to be them


before i finally step into

the resurrected savior that’s going to

help them

i gotta surrender

one last act

before i step into this redefinition

he says i thirst and he drinks

and it’s only after he’s come to this

one last act

this one final way of

being and existing

that he’s ready to fully


to what this moment is trying to teach


i felt like this was a powerful moment

for jesus and perhaps a powerful moment

for us

because we have to be willing to


that one final act

of our flesh

before the spirit takes over

you gotta know when your flesh has had


you gotta know when you have drawn a

line in the sand

there are some pivotal moments in

redefining our identity

in which we have to say that was the


act of my flesh

that’s the last time someone will ever

have to question my integrity again that

is the last time that i will allow

myself to put myself on clearance so

that someone else can take advantage of

me this was the last act of my

flesh this moment draws a line in the


he did his mission he did his work he

redefined the roles of the people in his

life and then he has this one last act

of the flesh before he gives up

his spirit

there is a surrender in giving up his


that says i don’t want this flesh


i don’t want to be governed by this

flesh anymore god here is

my spirit

as i was praying about this message and

just asking god

what’s happening in this world what’s

happening amongst us

i felt god saying so strongly

that we’re in a seizing a season of

being redefined

and as a part of that redefinition

we have to recognize when our flesh has

had its final act

and when our spirit must arise

so that our spirit can reach the

fullness of its potential

when jesus is on the cross he’s stepping

into the fullness of his resurrected

glory he’s stepping into the fullness of

the messiah the savior he is completing

the full manifestation of god’s glory on

the earth and he had to do it through

surrender and i hear god saying that

there is someone who’s plugged in

someone who is connected to this moment

whose flesh has had its final act

i want to pray with you

i want to pray with someone who has

found themselves in the season of being


and because you’re in this season of

being redefined you’ve been thinking to

yourself i don’t know if i have what it


i don’t know if i can maneuver and

manage all of the different transitions

that are connected to this moment

and yet i hear

i heard from god

and god told me that you can survive the


that just like in a marriage just like

in a parental relationship that

surviving the redefining is a choice

it’s a choice that your spirit makes

where your spirit says i’m going to

survive this thing

somebody’s been in limbo for too long

somebody’s been waiting for a sign to

see if they’re going to survive and i

hear god saying that the sign is not

going to come from the outside the sign

is going to be a decision on the inside

that i am going to make it to the other

side of this thing i am going to survive

this redefinition because i believe that

when the word says that all things work

together for the good of those who love

the lord and are called according to his

purposes that it didn’t mean that i was

going to quit in the process that

surviving is a decision god i’m going to

make it through this i may have to crawl

my way through it i may have to drag my

way through it i may have to cry i may

have to bleed i’m not saying that it’s

going to be easy i’m not saying that i’m

going to do it with ease every single

day but what i am saying is that when

it’s all said and done i want you to be

able to count on me to survive the tough

seasons and jesus shows us

through his example how we survive

the moments when life changes our name

and i want to pray with you

who’s experiencing this redefining

the first thing i want you to know is

that you’re not in it by yourself

i want you to recognize that god sent


so that we could have an example for

what it means to be redefined over and

over and over again

and just as jesus stood in that moment

just as he stood and was able to say you

know what god i’m going to survive this

that that same strength that same power

that not just allowed him to survive but

also gave him the power to become

resurrected and to look as if nothing

had ever happened even though the scars

were there that same power is available

to you


and i believe wholeheartedly

that as god begins to cultivate this new

being this new identity this new

confidence oh god i felt that for

somebody the moment i said that word i

heard god say that i’m redefining what

your confidence is in i’m redefining

what you pride yourself on i’m

redefining your sensitivity your ability

to be vulnerable the way that you

communicate it’s all up for redefinition

i want to pray for someone who’s having

a difficult time surrendering to the


my prayer is that god would give you the


to lay it all down

to be still enough

to hear when god says this is how you

should lead this is how you should walk

this is how you should connect and


i want to pray for somebody who’s upset

with god

for changing what you needed

i want to pray that god would give you


to help you understand that though he

grieved with you when you grieved

whatever it is that you thought that you


that he also deposited restoration

in the midst of that experience as well

if i’m praying for you if this message

is touched to you i just want your

household i just want your heart

represented in this prayer leave a

comment or send us something in the chat

that says this prayer is for me this

message is for me it’s for me it’s for

me it’s for me let’s flood it


right now because when i pray

i want to make sure that heaven

has your has your name in the midst that

heaven has your household in the midst

you’re listening to the podcast just say

it in your heart say it out loud it’s

for me it’s for me it’s for me

god we see how you’re changing us

and how you’re changing everything

around us

and it is undeniable that we can see the

essence of you

but we also see our grief we also see

our pain we also see our shame

god we trust you

i feel like someone’s coming back to a

place of trust in god

god we trust you more than we trust our


god we trust you more than we trust our

situation god we trust you more than we

trust the thought that we needed

something that we no longer have

and god i thank you

that as you are redefining us that

you’re building us anew that you’re

giving us unshakable faith unshakable

perspective and an anointing that can

withstand the test of time god we will

not get to the other side of glory and

say that we didn’t have to go through

anything to get there but we will get to

the other side of glory with full

knowledge that had it not been for the

grace of god we would not have survived

the moments that feel just like this

where it feels tight god where it feels

concerning but oh we see you in the

midst of it all

god i pray that as we are on a journey

of to becoming evidence that you would

continue to give us wisdom god

wisdom that will empower us to show up

in the redefining moments with our heart

posture that allows us to receive what

it is that you have for us

not to ignore our grief but to receive

even in the process of grieving

god we lay our hearts out to you right


god i thank you that you’re meeting each

and every last person

with your presence right now

that your presence is coming to them in

the place of their greatest need god i

thank you

that glory

is their portion your glory the

manifestation of your presence in that

area is their portion god

we repent

for our flawed thinking our incomplete

thoughts and incomplete expectations

intentions were right and yet the

outcome didn’t happen god we repent for

holding you hostage

for the way we thought things should go

and i pray father

that as we surrender to this redefining

that we will begin to see

how you’re drawing things together how

you’re putting the pieces together

and that as we see that we would take

comfort not in our own works not in our

own plan

but in the one who holds it all together

thank you god for still holding us even

when we kicked and screamed

thank you god that you’re still holding

us and because we are in your hand we


that you are the potter and we are the


please have your way


thank you for jesus thank you for making

him who had no sin no weakness no


all of ours

you place all of our sin all of our

weakness and limitations into his body

and when he was nailed to the cross you

nailed everything that could ever stand

in our way

to the cross as well

and when he was raised up free and

victorious i thank you that we are in


if anyone’s watching right now and they

want to receive jesus as their savior

god i ask that you would just put it in

their heart to replay this prayer over

and over again until every stronghold

every chain that has held them down

every sin that so easily ensnares them

would be reminded

that they have no hold over them any


because we’ve been raised up free and

victorious in the name

of jesus


and amen again i want you to type it in

the comments amen and amen again


i’m so honored

to be a part of what god is doing in the


there’s something powerful about knowing

that even though i don’t always do

everything right

and even though the lord knows how

raggedy i am

that he’s still willing to allow me to


hold a little bit of his presence and to

share it with others

partnering with god is one of the most

powerful things that anyone could ever


i don’t care what the culture says i

don’t care what they say on social media

partnering with god knowing that i am a

part of what god wants to do in the

earth that is the safest place that any

of us can be when man doubts says when

man lets us down i know that i am safe

in the arms of my savior

and it is with that in mind that i want

to offer you the opportunity to continue

your partnership

we’ve partnered in worship we have

received the word and now i want to

offer you an opportunity to partner in

the area of finances

tithes and offerings i was thinking

about this earlier when it comes to

tithes and offerings is so often that

many of us begin to feel like you know

what this is where i log off but there

are some people who recognize that when

god moves in your life when god sends a

word to your life when god shows you

evidence that he is still performing

miracles the kind of miracles that

happen on the inside and flow on the

outside it makes you hungry to make sure

that every person can receive that same

miracle if anyone has received a miracle

from god i just want you to type it in

the comments make some noise i have

received a miracle the transformational

power of god is alive in my life and i

want every person i know to receive it

and so when we partner with god in the

area of our finances all we’re doing is

saying god i want this to echo

i want this to make noise i wanted to

reach afghanistan i wanted to reach into

australia i wanted to reach into compton

i wanted to reach into oak cliff i

wanted to reach into every corner of the

earth because this grace this anointing

that exists on this house has changed my


and we honor that change

by making sure other people can

experience it

that’s why i give on a spiritual level

but on a practical level giving is also

an opportunity for me to be the hands

and feet of jesus on the earth

to make sure that those who are

experiencing housing and security no

longer have to deal with that or have

reprieve from that to make sure that

there’s food on the table for those who

are experiencing food insecurity those

are the types of things that happen when

you partner with us here at one online

and there are so many number of ways to

give you can see it on the screen you

can text to give which is probably the

easiest you can go on our website and

give but if this house has blessed you

if this house is changing your life then

i want to encourage you to help us reach

as many people as possible we have god

size dreams at one online we want to go

literally into all of the world and it

is through your partnership and your

giving that we’re able to accomplish


and of course there are promises in the

word about what god will do for those

who align with the idea and the concept

of giving

but i don’t want to lure you with those

promises they’re real i’ve experienced

them for

myself this is about giving

just because i want to see this word


if that’s you i want you to take your

seed whether it’s in your phone or if

you just have the heart to give it you

say i’m going to do it but i don’t want

to miss the prayer for it i just want

you to take that seed i want you to hold

it in your hand keep it in your mind and

we just want to pray over it god thank

you for the seed thank you god that we

have something to give

thank you for this tithe this 10 of my

wages god i thank you that you gave me

the ability to create wealth

and there are some moments where it

doesn’t always look like wealth but i

know that it would be wealth to someone

else and so god i thank you that you

continue to provide

thank you god for this offering

this offering that i know that you can

transform into changed lives god we

offer this seed to you and we say build



god if we can build another building god

if we can build condos and we can build

entertainment facilities god let us not

build up the world and miss the

opportunity to build the very breath of

god in the earth god build this church

until addiction is destroyed build this

church until families are restored build

this church until creatives have a space

where they can worship throughout all of

the world god build this church until

people are prophesying and speaking in

tongues in their own way and their own

manifestation in their own industries

build this church until every eye has

seen and every ear has heard what it is

that you do

for those you love

which are all of us

god i thank you for the person who’s

giving thank you that they’re taking

their relationship with you to the next


god i know that you have promises

connected to giving and because i have

received them i just ask that you would

identify the area of need in their life

and that your presence would just hover

over it

i’m not asking you to give the very

thing that they gave

i’m just asking that you would give an

outpouring of your presence

because in your presence we know that

everything they need is already there

we’ll seek your kingdom first

and then we’ll watch as other things are

added to us

in jesus name i pray

amen family

thank you so much for the way that

you’re partnering with us to continue to

do the work of the lord it is an honor

to be a part of this community it is an

honor to see how god is building through

one online and i let you i’ll tell you

this over and over again we could not do

it without you thank you for taking this

word and this work seriously it’s

literally changing lives we love you

we’ll see you next time