Don’t forget to share “Something To Prove” – Sarah Jakes Roberts with a friend, and be sure to subscribe for ongoing inspiration and encouragement.

hey family i’m pt pastor toray roberts

i’m the lead pastor of the potter’s

house at 1la

and denver on behalf of my wife pastor

sarah and myself we want to welcome you

to our channel and to this word i cannot


for you to hear what god has for you in

this message i want to tell you a few

things really quickly

subscribe if you’re not already

subscribed to this channel subscribe so

that you can be made aware

of all of the word that’s coming at you

week in and week out and also turn on

your notifications so you don’t miss

a morsel that comes forth we’re also

grateful for you and your partnership if

you are

so uh compelled we invite you to support

what we’re doing not just our church

but what our church is doing there are a

number of outreaches a number of things

critical necessary things that we

support and we’re able to do it because

of your generosity

so without further ado let’s get right

into this word god bless you

i’ll see you soon

there are some worship songs that come

right when you need them the most i love

that song so much

when it talks about god catching us

where we fall and when we fall

that speaks to me so much i’ve been

sharing on my podcast lately that i’ve

been going through this

tough season and if i’m honest one of

the things that i’ve been afraid of

is to fall and yet i felt challenged to

allow myself to

actually fall in the presence of god

to dare to not hold it all together and

allow myself to come undone

and something powerful happened when i

allowed that moment to become my truth

when i stopped resisting this need to

hold it all together and finally fell

out in the presence of god

when i tell you i had new understanding

and new clarity

on what jesus meant when he was on the

cross and he says why hast thou forsaken


you see when we have these moments when

we feel forsaken

we turn away from god we’re like if god

has forsaken me i’m not going to listen

to the worship music

i’m not going to hear the messages

anymore because why has thou

forsaken me but there is something

powerful that happens when we turn to

god and say this is how i feel

this is where i am and do you know what

happened not too long after that

jesus says into your hands i commit my

spirit that means that in that moment

where i felt forsaken that i have a

decision to make

and i can allow my spirit to be

committed to depression

i can allow my spirit to be committed to

my anger to my fear or to my


or i can dare to say into your hands

father i commit my

spirit and i’m praying that as you heard

that song that there was a nudging by

the holy spirit

that would allow you to finally fall

into god’s trusting hands his

faithfulness his consistency

i’m telling you i am being revealed i am

it is being revealed to me god’s

consistency over and over in new seasons

and stages of my life and there is

something that some things that only

experience can teach you but i’m praying

that that worship song is just the

beginning of you letting it all go

and trusting that god’s got you god’s

got you and i believe that even this

word is a reflection

of how god has you in mind i was praying

and i was studying this morning and i

got my shondo i thought my holy ghost

when i was praying for this message

so i hope it blesses you the way that it

blesses me come on activate it’s been a

minute since i got to activate so i’m

excited you

activate you know how we get down okay

so acts three let’s hit it okay

i’m gonna be in acts three i’m going to

start with

verse 11. for those of you who like to

take notes

or like the title this message is called

something to prove

something to prove i said that somebody

already felt something was that you can

you type in the comments it was me

it was me i felt it i already felt it

the moment you said it

listen you know i always say this it is

not too late to invite someone to

church if you heard just the title alone

or that worship song or something i just

said a few seconds ago

started resonating with your spirit it

is not too late to tag your friends and

say hey i think you might want to make

your way

to church and send them the link we want

them to be a part of what god is doing

don’t be greedy don’t be the only one

who gets a word from god allow

those around you to be filled up to so

i’m going to be in acts 3 verse 11.

now this is after jesus has resurrected

and he’s walked around the earth and now

he has ascended to

heaven the holy spirit has fallen come

on pentecost sunday

the holy spirit has fallen and now the


are out and about in the world armed

with the holy spirit this is

a different disciple than we see in the

gospels these disciples are not just

following jesus anymore they are now

partakers of the divine nature

of who christ is through the holy spirit

and i want to study for the sake of our

time together

what happens when they have this


from the holy spirit verse 11

begins after they’ve had they’ve

performed a miracle

there was a lame man by the gate called


and peter tells him i don’t have silver

and i don’t have gold but what i do have

i give to you in the name of jesus

rise up and walk this man is healed he

begins walking

and now he is staying close to what

healed him oh come on somebody that’s a

word when it within

itself verse 11 says now as the lame man

who was healed

held on to peter and john come on

something you got to be willing to hold

on to what brings you breakthrough

a lot of times we get breakthrough and

then we go back to the same place

that we used to be or we get

breakthrough and we start moving away

from the very thing that brought us

breakthrough but this

lame man has an understanding that many

of us could benefit from

and that is when something gives me

breakthrough i gotta stay close to what

brings me breakthrough

there are people connected to

communities for years and years and

years they’ve been going to the same

church for years and years and years

they’ve been listening to the same

preachers it’s not because they

they just love the person but it’s

because they recognize this person

brought me

breakthrough this ministry brought me

breakthrough this anointing brought me

breakthrough and i want to stay close to

what brings me breakthrough because

guess what

i’m going to need breakthrough again we

go from glory to glory to glory

and if there is a ministry that

continues to feed you and pour into you

and i believe the potter’s house at 1la

in denver is that for some of you you

want to make sure that you stay

connected to what brings you


but that’s not what i’m preaching about

let’s go back to this text

now as the lame man who was healed held

on to peter and john

all the people ran together to them in

the porch which is called

solomon’s temple greatly amazed they


so when peter saw it he responded to the

people men of israel

why do you marvel at this or why

look so intently at us as though by

our own power or godliness we had made

this man

walk the god of abraham isaac and jacob

the god of our fathers

glorified his servant jesus whom you

delivered up and denied

in the presence of pilate when he was

determined to

let him go but you denied the holy one

and the just and asked for a murderer to

be granted to you peter is calling the


and killed the prince of life whom god

raised from the dead

of which we are witnesses in his name


faith in his name has made this man

strong whom you see and know

yes the faith which comes through him

has given him this perfect soundness

in the presence of you all

spirit of the living god we invite your


to fall on us afresh not in one of those

ways that we’ve become used to or

comfortable with

but in a fresh way father i pray that

you would fall

following the hearts of every person

listening and watching right now

following the hearts of those who will

be inspired by what someone receives i

feel this prophetically that someone is

not just receiving this word for them

they’re receiving this word to pour out

to those around them and so father i

pray that you would increase their


that they would never run dry that they

would never feel like i don’t have

enough to pour out but

because of this encounter with you

father i pray that they would have

overflow where they once had a deficit

because that’s the kind of god we serve

one encounter can push you into the


and so i decree and declare an overflow

anointing for

every person watching right now father

that this word would not just be for

them but for every person connected

to them and father i pray for me

that there would be no nerves that there

would be no fear that there would be no


that this would be an opportunity where

your spirit holy ghost

that your spirit would rise up in me


to the extent that lives would be

changed and transformed

in jesus name amen

and amen again you know i need you to

type amen in the comments or it didn’t

happen if you don’t say amen in the

comments the prayer didn’t even happen

so i need you to put it in the comments

put it in the chat

let’s talk for a little bit family the


is beginning to open up again outside is

opening up

and if you live in a busy city like los

angeles then you can

feel that this city has opened up again

when we were in the pandemic and being

gangster with it and still having our

services when we were going to be

supposed to be allegedly locked down i

can’t admit to any crimes here

but we would get on the highway and we

would get to the building

so fast there was no traffic no issues

for a minute i was like look at god

let me see what la would look like if

some of the saints weren’t here

but let me tell you the saints are here

and i am learning something about myself

that i did not know

well i knew it i just prayed that it

changed during the pandemic i became so

patient with l.a traffic a car would

pull up beside me during the pandemic

and i would be like look at them god


them god help them to get to where

they’re going safely

i was so full and anointed with the holy


now when i get into my car and i’m

driving beside other cars

it’s like we’re in this competition like

you trying to get to where you’re trying

to get i’m trying to get to where i’m

trying to get i don’t have time to let

you over you don’t have time to let me

over and then the worst thing

ever happens i’m sitting in my car

minding my business maybe not even rush

to go anywhere

car pulls up beside me and they’re

supposed to be driving past me like all

the other vehicles did on the highway

but what do they do they pull up right

beside me

now we’re driving at the same pace down

the highway and you know what it is

they’re trying to audition me for fast

and the furious i know this in my spirit


i can tell when i am in competition with

someone while i’m driving

they pull up beside me they don’t want

to make eye contact that’s how you know

it’s vin diesel they

pull up beside me they don’t want to

make eye contact i got plenty of things

to say what i can do now i got to hit

the pedal to the metal

now i got to be tyrese or somebody i

don’t know i’m just saying

the spirit of competition is coming back

to me heavily i see it when i get home

and pt’s trying to walk up the stairs

and i’m trying to walk up the stairs

now i got to walk up the stairs extra

fast there is something about this

spirit of competition child it won’t let

me go if that is your testimony

and you are competitive like i am let me


i knew that this was a part of my

personality because when i went to the


before the pandemic you know

i would be working out beside someone

trying to mind my business you know

and i would have my 15s or 20s depending

on what was happening during that day

and here they come get in the 30s now

look at you louis armstrong

minding my business and yours trying to

compete with me have you ever

thought to yourself why does it feel


i am in competition with everything and


around me honestly

simple things like driving our car

working out besides someone and god


getting on social media it’s social


not the place where it feels like i am

constantly competing with every post

that i see

oh they just got a car but is their car

as nice as mine

oh they’re in a relationship but is it a

good relationship

oh they’re enjoying being single why

can’t i enjoy being single

some studies are proving that 10 of our


have to do with comparison and


it is no wonder that president theodore

roosevelt once said that comparison is

the thief of joy

because if we’re constantly competing

and constantly comparing

then when do we have time to reflect

enjoy and have gratitude

this spirit of competition it happens

when we’re in school

and we graduate in a certain percentage

of our classroom it happens when we

are climbing the corporate ladder and

we’re competing for one spot amongst our

other co-workers

competition is all around us it is no


that there are sayings like the only

person i am in competition with

is the person i was yesterday

and that is beautiful for a social media


and sometimes it does actually work for


but if i’m honest it’s difficult to

compete with who i was yesterday

when i’m not even sure who i was

yesterday or who i am

today i wish i could talk to some real

people today

who didn’t mind saying that sometimes i

do live my life trying to prove

something to other people and then even

in the moments where i say it’s not

about them that i don’t even know what

i’m trying to prove to myself

i feel lost i feel confused i haven’t

even done the work to examine my life


to determine how i can become better

since yesterday

and then we end up stagnant stuck

and wondering how do i show up in the


after all you see it takes

a certain amount of work for us to

really examine

our motivation for growth

everyone tells us these days you got to

know your why you got to know your why

you have to understand your motivation

for growth the only thing is that no one

tells us what to do when our

why is toxic what do you do when your

why is about proving someone else wrong

or proving someone else right

what do you do when your why is about

hiding your insecurity instead of

healing that insecurity

i think that there are some people who

believe it or not are going to have to

abandon their why because the truth is

that your why and god’s will may not be

able to live in the same place

your why and god’s will may not be able

to live in the same place

so if your why is in opposition with

god’s will

then you have to be willing to ask

yourself can i live in the i don’t know


to bask in god’s will you see there are

some of us who had to abandon the

whys of our life where we thought that i

needed to prove that i was better after

i became a teen mom i needed to prove

that i could

survive after the divorce that is my why

but then i had to abandon my wife for

god’s will because i was trying to build

something that made me feel better

about myself without consulting god and

if we’re honest a lot of us

want god’s power so that we can have our

selfish why

but god’s power is reserved for his will

and god’s not going to give you power so

that you can do what you’ve been called

to do

he’s going to give you power for what

he’s called you to do and so until you

examine your why

and boiled it down to i’m doing what god

has called me to do and sometimes

i don’t know why i don’t know why i

don’t know why but i’m doing it anyway

i don’t know why god chose me to preach

but i’m doing it anyway

i don’t know why god called me to lead

but i’m doing it anyway i don’t know why

god kept me in this city but i’m still


i don’t know why god put me in this

family but here i am

i don’t know why every time i try to run

from my car it keeps pulling me back

i don’t know why but i surrendered

knowing why so that i could step

into god’s will there is something

powerful fat

powerful about not minding

not having the answers

i don’t know why but i’m doing it anyway

i don’t know i feel like that’s

somebody’s word

the more that i say that because i hear

god saying i don’t know who you

are but i hear god saying that you’ve

been waiting for the why before you go

and i hear god saying that if you’re

waiting for the y you’ll never go

but if you step into the wheel it won’t

matter whether or not you have your why

because you’ll have god’s will

the safest place in the whole wide world


in god’s will even if i don’t know why

you chose me even if i don’t know why

you keep pulling on me even if i don’t

know why

how how am i supposed to interact with

these people what am i supposed to do

when i get there i don’t know why this

is burning down on the inside of me but

i’m gonna write the book anyway

i don’t know why this business is

something that keeps coming up to my


but i’m gonna do it anyway i wish i had

a while but the truth is i want someone

to know that social media

will never tell you you don’t have to

have a why if you have god’s will

social media will let never let you know

that you don’t have to have a why

if all you have is god’s will and peter

understands this

peter understands the beauty of

abandoning your why

for god’s will when we find peter he is

a fisherman

and his why is to

fish to provide for his family and his

community that is his why

and then jesus says something crazy to


jesus says that if you follow me

i will make you a fisher of men

we know that peter was not the only

fisherman he doesn’t know

why jesus chose him he doesn’t know why

he should be the one who would become a


of men and yet you have to trust god’s

will over your why because god will call

you into some spaces and stages that

doesn’t even make sense

but you take your i don’t know with you

while you walk

when we find peter in the text

he has stopped protesting god’s will for

his life

i really do believe that peter has

become one of my

favorite characters in the new testament

bible and it’s not just because he was a

little gangster and would cut somebody’s

ear off

there are allegations of him even being

a little bit of a cusser i don’t know

i’m just saying

peter has become one of my favorite

people in the bible and i think it’s

because he didn’t mind getting back up


even when he didn’t know why if you

heard the message i preached a few weeks

ago called glory days then you know that

he ended up being

separated from jesus after he denied him

but jesus still called

him back to him and when we find him in

the text

peter has moved from someone who doesn’t

know why but is in god’s will anyway

to someone who doesn’t care why

yeah there are levels to this thing

there is i don’t know why but i’m going

to be in god’s will anyway

and then there is i don’t care why

oof i’m praying that someone gets an i

don’t care why revelation down in their


because i don’t care why is even better

than i don’t know why

because in order to say i don’t know why

but i’m going to do it anyway it means

i’m going to take my skepticism

into this next dimension but when you

get to this place where you say

i don’t care why it means that there is

nothing that can come up against me any


because i am so convinced of who i am in


i am so convinced in what god is doing

down on the inside of me

that i don’t even care why he’s using me

i just want to make sure that i make

myself still available for how he uses


i don’t care why he chose me i know that

he knows i got pregnant at 13 and had a

baby at 14

and i don’t care why he keeps putting me

in this position

i don’t care why he keeps giving me this

influence i just pray that god teaches

me to use it with humility and passion

so that lives can be changed and

transformed i feel like somebody needs

to get

i don’t care why down in their spirit i

don’t care why he blessed

me and not someone else i got to stay

focused on why he gave me what he gave


i don’t care why he pulled me out of my

city but everyone else got stuck

because i’ve come to a place where i

just trust who god is

i don’t have time to compare myself

anymore i don’t have time to see if i

measure up to other people’s opinions


i don’t care why here i am god send me i

don’t care why wherever you tell me i’m

going to go

i don’t care why i just know that i want

to be where you’re moving i don’t care

why but i want your

glory to fall wherever i am i don’t care

why anymore

i feel like that’s somebody’s word right

here you’ve been trying to run for so

long and i hear god saying i need you to

get a i don’t care why in your spirit

because as long as you’re wrestling with

god you cannot build with god

and god is looking for somebody who

doesn’t mind building with him

god’s looking for somebody who doesn’t

mind having not having all of the

answers and still moving in the

direction that god has called them to

move in anyway

i don’t care why you chose me but here i

am peter’s gotta i don’t care why in his


and i think he got that i don’t care why


when he realized that it was all riding

on him now

jesus has ascended to heaven and when


ascends to heaven after he’s walked the


the glory the power of the glory to

invade the earth

is resting on just a few people who are

willing to say

i’ll take a piece of that when you come

to the realization like peter has

that everything is riding on me that

god’s ability to move in the earth is

riding on me

then you walk a little bit differently

when you have decided to partner with


because if you don’t do it then the

industry will never see god’s glory

reflected in his people if you don’t do

it then god’s glory will never be

reflected in your family

everything is riding on you i’m not

trying to put pressure on you i’m trying

to put glory on you

everything is riding on you anything

that god is going to do in the earth

he’s going to do through

people everything is riding on you this

doesn’t mean that you got to find your

own resources oh no baby this doesn’t

mean that you gotta hustle up on it on

your own

this means that you got to be so

connected with god that you recognize

that i

don’t wake up and have time for

foolishness i don’t wake up and have

time for games

i don’t wake up and have time for second

guessing because god’s glory

is riding on me if god’s going to invade

the earth he’s going to do it through my


if god’s going to invade the earth he’s

going to do it through my marriage if

god’s going to invade the earth he’s

going to do it through how i raise these


if god’s going to raise the earth he’s

going to do it through this church he’s

going to do it through this community

he’s going to do it through this


god’s betting on me and i’m a sure thing

baby because i know how to lay down my


it’s riding on you god’s glory is riding

on you

god’s glory will have you doing crazy

things god’s glory will put you in some

situations that you should have never

been in

because god says i can count on you in

that room i can count on you with that


i can count on you with that business i

can count on you with that child

everything is riding on you if you turn

your back on god you then turned your

back on everything

but if you turn towards god you’ll never

need anything from anyone else because

god’s gonna make sure that you are


with everything you need it’s all riding

on you

and peter’s got this realization he’s

got this revelation that this thing is

riding on me now

so i don’t have time to deny him i don’t

have time to play around

i don’t have time to pacify other

people’s thoughts and opinions and i

don’t have time to sugarcoat anything

because it’s all writing on me and when

we find peter

in the text he is about to

introduce what has been imparted

into him when i was first studying i

thought to myself

peter’s going to introduce himself to

the world around him but that minimizes

what actually happens in this moment

what happens in this moment is that

peter introduces

what has been imparted into him

did you know that when you are in

connection relationship

or building with someone that you’re not


introducing yourself you’re introducing

what has been imparted into you

you see that’s why relationships start

to get tricky the more vulnerable we get

because now i’m imparting some of my

childhood insecurities i’m

imparting my brokenness you get me but

you also get what has been imparted into


there’s self-doubt that has been

imparted into me there’s brokenness that

has been imparted into me there are

negative thoughts that have been


into me when you come into connection

with someone you don’t just receive who

they are on the surface

you receive everything that has been

imparted down on the inside of them

and now what has been imparted inside of

them is imparted inside of you

and that’s how we have generational

curses but baby peter has found out

that when the holy spirit falls that

that’s an impartation too

and when the holy spirit falls the holy

spirit has something to prove

and what the holy spirit has to prove is

that anything that has been imparted in

you that doesn’t look like god

has got a depart so that what god has

imparted in you can take root and

produce fruit

somebody needs to run that back and play

it over and over in their mind

because there have been some things that

have been departed into your life

that cannot stay in your life and the

only way to get it out of your life is

to receive an impartation of the holy


if you’re hungry for it i want you to

type hungry in the comments hungry in

the comments

because i want heaven to know that

someone’s hungry for the holy spirit

i want heaven to know that someone’s

hungry for some spirits to depart out of


i’ve got some impartations that need to

depart so that god’s glory can be

imparted in my life

i’ve got some brokenness that needs to

depart so god’s holy spirit can come

into my life and allow for there to be

wholeness where there was once


wherever there is a need god says i’ve

got an impartation that can fix

that peter’s been walking with jesus

but he wasn’t just walking with jesus he

was receiving an

impartation if you walk with me i’m

going to impart something to you

if you walk with me i’m going to give

you power if you walk with me i’m going

to give you vision

if you walk with me i’m going to give

you creativity if you walk with me i’m

going to give you clarity you got to be


who you walk with because whoever you’re

walking with is imparting something down

on the inside of you

do i want what you carry do i want what

you have to give

or have you done the work to cleanse

your soul in such a way

that anything that’s in you that

shouldn’t be imparted god is pulling out

of you

there’s somebody listening right now and

i want you to know that it’s time for

you to pull away so you can get pulled


it’s time for you to pull away so you

can get pulled up you cannot afford to

keep connection with people who have an


that causes you to be destructive when

god is trying to build you up

that’s somebody’s whole word right there

i could say the benediction

peter has walked with jesus long enough

that the holy spirit has proved

something in him

and now the holy spirit is going to

prove something through him

the holy spirit has something to prove

the holy spirit has something to prove

and so when we see peter in this text

when it begins in verse 11 he’s got the

evidence of what has been imparted into

him which is the healing of the lame man

walking beside him

but he’s not finished yet i don’t know

who you are but i hear god saying that

was just the beginning

that i am not finished yet don’t be so

caught up in what you did well

that you miss out on what god can still

do with what you have left

peter is a bad boy baby because he’s

received this impartation from the holy


and he says i’ve got something else to

say people are

gathering all around and they’re saying

how did this happen and this was the

lame man

and now he’s walking and peter says why

are you looking at me

as if i did this on my own i know the

god that i serve

and the jesus who i walked with and it

was through faith through that very

jesus that i walk with that allow this

impartation of healing to take place in

this lame man

i wish i could say it the way that i

feel it in the spirit but i hear god

saying that it is going to change the

way you communicate

the same peter who was denying jesus

just days and months ago

is now the same peter that is

challenging everyone else around him

to open up his eyes and recognize what

this is i hear god saying oh god i don’t

know who you

are but i feel like this is your word

god has been showing you things that no

one else can see but you

god has been showing you visions that no

one else understands but you

you say it and you sound crazy you speak

it to someone and you start to feel

crazy yourself

but i hear god saying you hold on to the

vision because there’s going to come a

time when you start speaking out what i

gave you

and it’s not going to sound so crazy

anymore because it’s not just going to

be what you speak

it’s going to be in the evidence of what

you do god’s getting ready to give

somebody evidence

not so that your name can be great not

so that you can look good because the

holy spirit has something to prove

and he’s going to prove it with you he’s

going to prove it through your

creativity he’s going to prove it

through your passion he’s going to prove

it through the work of your hands

the holy spirit has something to prove

in you and then through you

in you and then through you in you and

then through you

in you and then through you you want it

to go through you but i hear god saying

i can’t go through you until i get in


you’ve got a vision for outside of you

but i need to focus on what’s down on

the inside of you first

peter didn’t just go from being a

fisherman to becoming someone who healed

the lame man

he had to walk this thing out i need you

to understand how the holy spirit deals

with you

how the holy spirit communicates how the

holy spirit leads you and guides you

so that when i finally unleash your hand

to go out into the world

you understand how to take orders from

the holy spirit and not from men

i got some for you i got some for you i

don’t know who you are

this is the kind of message that makes

me wish we were all in the room together

because i feel like there’s an

impartation that could take place in

this room

but i hear god saying as soon as i

started studying this message

and as soon as i started seeing things

click i heard god saying i got something

for my people

i got a fresh outpouring for my people i

got fresh fire for my people i got

something to give you

the holy spirit’s got something to prove

to the world the holy spirit had

something to prove to that depression

the holy spirit had something to prove

to that insecurity the holy spirit had

something to prove to that generational


i don’t have anything else to prove to

man but the holy spirit’s got some

things that it wants to do in the earth

and it’s got something to prove

something to prove

something to prove something to prove

your mother couldn’t do it but the holy

spirit can do it

your father couldn’t do it but the holy

spirit could do it the job’s never going

to get it done but the holy spirit can

do it the holy spirit says i got

something to move

god does not give us the gift of the

holy spirit so that we can stay stuck

and stagnant god gives us the gift of

the holy spirit because the holy spirit

has something to prove

and what you have to ask yourself is god

what is it that you want to prove


me using the holy spirit what is it that

you want to do through me

using the holy spirit i don’t want to do

it in my own strength

i don’t want to do it in my own power i

want something that heaven has to back

up behind me because this is something

that only god could do

and if you don’t believe me just watch

because i’ve been in my prayer closet

long enough peter’s got something to say

he recognizes who he is he recognizes

who he’s talking to and he walks up on

them bolder than he’s ever been

there’s a boldness coming to you there’s

a courage coming to you

and it’s going to start with the holy

spirit falling

fresh on you when i was a little girl in


we used to have what could only be

called tearing services

and it was for people who wanted the

holy spirit

it was for people who wanted to be

baptized with the holy spirit

it was for people who wanted fresh power

and fresh anointing

not just so that they could build a

brand not just so that they could build

a platform

but they recognize if i don’t get the

holy spirit then i’m going to have these

other spirits tormenting me

if i don’t get the holy spirit then if

this insecurity is going to eat me up


if i don’t get the holy spirit then

these abandonment issues are never going


if i don’t get the holy spirit then i’m

going to be walking around rejected when

i’ve already been accepted in a royal


i need the holy spirit to fall on me


and i felt like god gave me one thing

and one thing only for

you activate and what god wanted

me to let you know and it is time for

you to activate

a new revelation of how you and the holy

spirit partner in the earth

that old thing don’t work no more that

old thing doesn’t have any power anymore

peter can’t just follow jesus anymore

he’s got to step into something

and when he steps into this moment he

has to step into it with the knowledge

that he’s backed by the holy spirit

he tells us in our text after he reminds

them of where this power came from

that this didn’t come from me it started

with god

this didn’t come from me it started with


and then he tells them and his name

threw faith in his name

faith in his name i believe in the name

of jesus

i believe that when i speak the name of

jesus that demons tremble

i believe that when i speak the name of

jesus that hell gets nervous

i believe that when i partner with jesus

and i walk into the earth

the darkness has to back up off of me i

believe that when i prophesy the name of

jesus over my life

that there is no sickness there is no

disease not even death itself

can take me out of here because jesus is

walking with me

and i only go from glory to glory to

glory don’t worry about me when i’m in

the grave i’m going to be somewhere up

in heaven because i believe in the name

of jesus

it is through faith in his name that

your child is going to be saved it is in

faith through his name that that

business that that idea is going to get

up off of the ground

it is it is in faith in his name

that we see change and transition and

miracles happen

yes the faith which comes through him

has given him this perfect soundness

in the presence of you all

see he first had the presence of god

so that he could understand how to

navigate the presence of men

the presence of corporations the

presence of co-workers the presence of

bosses the presence of

the criminal justice system you’re not

equipped to handle the presence of the

outworld of the

world systems until you can handle the


of the ultimate authority

because when you have the presence of

the ultimate authority when you walk

into the presence of those other world

systems you recognize

what you carry and you pour out what’s

been imparted

into you from the holy spirit baby you

got a holy spirit dream

this ain’t no regular kind of dream i

don’t know who i’m talking to

but this ain’t no regular kind of dream

that’s why you can’t find anything that

looks like what god has called you to do

this ain’t no regular kind of marriage

that’s why you couldn’t have any

marriages around you to taint your idea

of what marriage was supposed to look


this ain’t no regular child this ain’t

no regular family

this is a holy spirit dream

and what starts with this spirit has to

end with the spirit

don’t allow your flesh to take over with

what began

in the spirit i know you’re confused but

you gotta release your why

i know you don’t know what’s gonna

happen i know it’s uncertain but you

gotta release your why

this is a holy spirit dream

this is a faith action and when you walk

this thing out you can’t turn it around

you my friend have to present your body

as a living sacrifice

holy and acceptable

this is romans 12 verse one through two

it’s not an unfamiliar text but it’s

when paul says i beseech you therefore

brethren by the mercies of god

that you present your bodies as a living


holy acceptable to god that is to say

god here i

am a sacrifice

i’m not trying to prove anything to

anyone else

i’m not trying to prove anything to


i just want to be in your presence

anything in me father is a living


to you burn it away if you have to

build it up if you have to comfort it if

you have to

but everything i have is yours present

your bodies

a living sacrifice holy and acceptable

to god which is your reasonable service

but then verse 2 tells us

and do not be conformed to this world

don’t shape and shift your way into the


don’t shape and shift your way into the


but allow that living sacrifice version

of you to never be conformed

somebody you were once a living

sacrifice and you started conforming

because it didn’t fit for where you were


and you started conforming because you

didn’t want people to be ashamed and you

didn’t want to be embarrassed

and so you began conforming i hear god

saying present yourself again

present yourself again god’s present has

presence hasn’t gone anywhere

present yourself again then it says

be transformed by the renewing of your

mind that you may

prove that you may prove

you are evidence

what is that good and acceptable and

perfect will of god

proving to the world what is that good

and acceptable and perfect will of god

the world doesn’t always believe

that the good and acceptable and perfect

will of god

can look the way that we know it can


the world doesn’t always believe that

the good and acceptable and perfect will

of god

can change the way you see yourself that

the good and acceptable and perfect will

of god

can change how you identify that the

good and acceptable and perfect will of


can chase out your insecurities can

chase out your low self-esteem

you are supposed to be proof which means

that the holy spirit has to get in you

because the holy spirit has something to


about what is the good and acceptable

and perfect will of god

if you’re in sin it’s time to come out

if your brokenness is driving the car

it’s time to put it in the backseat

the holy spirit has something to prove

and i know this isn’t everyone’s word

but i just want to talk to that one for

a minute

the holy spirit has been nudging you and

pushing you and urging you

to do crazy things

going to therapy is a crazy thing for

somebody but the holy spirit has been

nudging you to do it

the holy spirit has been nudging you to

leave the only relationship you’ve ever

known and to be alone but the holy

spirit has been

nudging you to do it and you don’t know


i don’t have my why you don’t need it

the holy spirit has the why

god has the why and if you don’t move

then the holy spirit doesn’t get to

prove through you

but there is somebody listening who has

made a decision

that i’m going to allow the holy spirit

to prove

what it needs to prove done on the

inside of me

i’m going to allow the holy spirit to do

the work that only the holy spirit can


down on the inside of me

this is where i am this is my word

and as i was studying for this word i

came to the realization

that i’m going to have to constantly

live in the place of

i don’t know why but i trust god

i don’t know why but i want to figure

out what the holy spirit is trying to

prove i don’t know why

but here i am god send me

i want to pray for somebody

who knows that there are in they are in

a season in their life

and which they need to present

themselves as a living sacrifice

for too long you’ve been doing things

your way for too long you’ve been second

guessing what god says for too long

you’ve been talking yourself out of what

the holy spirit has been trying to do

in you for too long you’ve been married

to your way

and your way only and as i was speaking

as i was praying over you

for this message i felt god say

that the holy spirit has something to


but you got to let go of what you’re

trying to prove i hear god saying that

you can show up without the anxiety

that you can show up without the fear

you can show up without the second

guessing because it’s not about

proving yourself it’s about observing as

the holy spirit

proves what’s happening down on the

inside of you

be patient with yourself be kind with


because as the holy spirit is proving

it’s doing it from the place of love

not condemnation it’s doing it from the

place of understanding and

empathy not rejection and abandonment

i want to pray with you first of all i

want to pray

for those of you who have not taken the

step to accept jesus as your lord and


our gateway to the holy spirit our

ability to have

god’s voice moving and talking and

leading and guiding

us is only available to us because of


who saw himself from the heavens looking

down on earth and

wrapped himself in flesh and came down

here so that we could have someone who

understands our plight

but still reaches for the divine nature


and it is through his death burial and

resurrection that we all

have the ability to be partakers again

we are reunited with god because of the

way jesus walked the earth

we are reunited with the holy spirit

because of jesus

sacrificing his life

and by faith through him are we able to

receive the holy spirit and allow it to

work in us

and then through us then i want to pray

for someone who’s got to present

themselves as a living sacrifice

that they have to lay down their

thoughts and their concerns and their

worries and their fears

so that they can come to a place where

the holy spirit can move without

limitation and restriction and barriers

the holy spirit’s got to move without

bumping into your insecurities and

getting shut down the holy spirit’s got

to move

without bumping into your fears and

getting shut down it can bump into it

but it’s got to be able to move around

it and somebody’s

blocked somebody’s flow has been blocked

because the holy spirit can’t get beyond

you so

holy spirit have your way

holy spirit have your way

god as i was preaching this message

someone realized that the holy spirit

can’t even work through them because the

holy spirit’s not finished working in


and if this is you i want you to bring

to mind those thoughts that come

into your mind when the holy spirit is

trying to push you

you know those thoughts those insecure

thoughts those dirty thoughts those

nasty thoughts i want you to bring them

into the presence of god because they’re

not your little secret anymore

i’m bringing you into the presence of

god because i want the holy spirit to


over these voices that have been in

control of my mind for too long

father i pray that for every space where

there is a barrier where there is an

obstacle where there is a thought

that is standing in the way of your holy

spirit being able to work in us

that you would rebuke it right now in

the name of jesus i plead the blood of

jesus over that thought because when i

plead the blood of jesus over that


that thought is reminded that death has

been conquered

that thought is reminded that it has

that it cannot have the victory over

what jesus has already done

i plead the blood of jesus over your

mind i plead the blood of jesus over

your actions i plead the blood of jesus

over that second guessing and that

anxiety that keeps you from moving i

plead the blood of jesus over it

because i recognize that where the power

of the blood is that

nothing can stand against it that where

the power of the blood is there is no

principality no demon nothing in hell

can stand against what god is going to

do and so i plead the blood of jesus

both over your sin

your flesh and hell because sometimes it

is our flesh god

this isn’t even something that the enemy

sent this is our own

flesh our own human nature keeping us

from partaking in what you have for us

and so father we present ourselves as a

living sacrifice

anything in us you can have we surrender

anything in us that needs to be changed


i pray that your holy spirit will begin

to touch it

and i want those who are watching i want

you to take note of how you

feel when the holy spirit hovers over

that thought

i want you to take note of how you feel

when the holy spirit hovers over that


because there are going to be moments

when the holy spirit hovers and you

begin to feel healed

and you begin to feel joy and you begin

to feel like it doesn’t matter i’m a

little bit more resilient than i think i

am you’re going to feel courage when the

holy spirit hovers and i want you to

cling to what happens when the holy

spirit hovers

like the lame man who stayed with peter

and john cling to the holy spirit as it

hovers over your brokenness

i thank you god right now that the holy

spirit is moving all over the world

that the holy spirit is receiving

breakthrough all over the world

that is happening in africa it’s

happening in germany it’s happening in

australia it’s happening in arkansas

it’s happening in

happening in new york it’s happening in

atlanta holy spirit

flow holy spirit go holy spirit

break out everywhere and holy spirit as

you break out

allow it to be first intimate


and then lead us into the path that is

ahead of

us father for those of them who

are watching and making the decision to

receive jesus

as a lord and savior father

i pray god that they would recognize

that through salvation

that they have a chance for all sins to

be washed away

and for them to walk in a newness a new

identity a new way of being that can

only come from you

father i thank you that this word is

just the beginning

just as it was just the beginning for


that this word this message is going to

take root

and produce fruit and as it does so

may we remember to stay out of the way

so that the holy spirit can continue to


what is that good and acceptable and

perfect will of god

in jesus name i pray amen

amen amen amen seal this word amen

amen amen amen i don’t know if you’re

like me

i’m kind of a church girl so i just have

to throw it out there and say it anyway

there are some words that shake us to

our core

there are some words where we say you

know what god this was for me i cannot

deny it you read my mail

and there is something about sowing a

seed in that environment

because that seed says this is the spot

where i want for roots to be taken

and for fruit to be produced and so if

this is your word

i want to at least extend the

opportunity for you to connect your seed

with your need this is by no way

obligatory it doesn’t mean that the word

didn’t hit your core if you don’t do it

but there are some people

who said this is my word and i want to

give you an opportunity to sow into it

family we love you we thank you for

walking things out with us like

the lame man with peter and john the

potter’s house that want to lay in

denver we cherish the opportunity to

serve what god is doing in your life

and we count it an honor to do life with

you we’ll see you next time
