Service Date: 01.04.17 8PM

hey family pastor Toure got bless you

listen this message that you get ready

to hear is going to change your life I

want to remind you about another message

it’s a message in my new book wholeness

winning in life from the inside out that

is going to be released on February 6

but you can pre-order it now I’m excited

about that book it’s going to change

your life a lot of times and things that

you’re expecting or hoping for outside

in life has to do with what’s going on

inside of your life and so the book is

amazing it’s incredible you can

pre-order it now at a discount but for

now let’s get into this message god

bless you 2018 yeah we made it

we’re here with promises and fire

anybody got fire for 2018 yeah

2018 is that is the year of be coming

and you know as I was praying about

tonight and really seeking God’s face

about tonight he put an unusual subject

in my spirit and you know of course I’ll

be here Sunday you know and Sunday we’ll

move into what I believe will be just a

series of messages that will help to

launch us but for some reason as we are

stepping into 2018 and stepping into all

the things that God has for us

he puts X on my mind and so that’s what

we’re going to talk about tonight we’re

going to talk about sexual wholeness

well don’t get quiet on me don’t don’t

sex is everywhere it’s it is everywhere

when I said God puts X on my mind some

of you like me too I must be in the

spirit okay I know that’s not what I’m

talking about

but as you as as we step into the things

of God this year it is going to be

critical that we do not have anything

hindering us from moving forward and sex

is powerful yeah you’re like why did I

come on tonight I wish I would have

known what he was going to talk about

tonight y’all gonna be doing this

I I felt real strongly that if you don’t

see sex right sex is going to control

you are you hearing me I wish that

someone would have brought me the

understanding that I have today about

sex when I was 12 years old which by the

way was the first time I was exposed to

sex I wish I would have had somebody to

teach me what sex was how powerful it

was but I didn’t and as a result from 12

to 26 years old that’s 14 years I had 14

years of unhealthy broken perverted sex

you say perverted sex what that mean

perverted sex perverse it comes from

it’s a Latin word it comes from the

Latin word purpose Zeus and it really

simply means facing the wrong way

seeing it wrong and if you don’t see it

right all of us are going to see it

wrong and guess what most people don’t

understand what sex is yeah it’s

interesting how when the average person

thinks about sex they think about a


that’s how you got here that’s I that’s

how you got here yeah more than likely

god bless the baby

we love the baby but but my point being

and as we get into it as I share with

you tonight I’m going to show you some

things and we’re gonna discuss some

things then we’re gonna pray tonight

because I believe that that there’s some

even in this room or some who are

watching via livestream and your clouded

because of sex mm-hmm

sex clouds up things it clouds your eyes

it’s it’s tricky and you can’t walk in

your full strength unless you have it

under control are you tracking with me

you can’t walk on your full strength

unless you have an understanding and a

revelation about sex as I mentioned I

wish man I wish I wish I wish somebody

would have taught me a long time ago

it’s funny so so when we look at sex

without a text let me show you something

a second when we look at sex

most of the hype around it if we’re

honest we may not say it but most of the

hype around sex is the feeling are you

tracking with me orgasm being the climax

of it oh it’s real church tonight okay

just you know real church tonight it is

the feeling of it that drives it the the

stimuli it feels good I want to do it

and so so much about sex is built into

the stimuli but what is interesting

concerning that truth is that if you go

to scripture there is not one place in

scripture that mentions that the benefit

of sex is stimuli oh okay

think about like just think my I just

want to show you some thick model thing

about when you think sex you don’t think

all this is awful I’m getting ready to

have a terrible experience up you know

that’s usually not I guess it’s possible

but that’s usually not the driving

factor usually the driving factor is

this is getting ready to be amazing but

so so we put the emphasis on sex is the

stimuli hello somebody but when you go

to the scripture it says nothing about

how it feels so we’re not when I go and

then I try to understand that the truth

about it you know that the burp I wanted

to say when you have sex it’s going to

be awesome and amazing that language is

nowhere in there because the purpose of

sex is not physical its spiritual always

has been always will be

and anything that is spiritual you

cannot be trivial about are you tracking

with me so I want to show you something

I want to show you something let’s go to

I always go to Genesis what I want to

understand sex or just about anything it

says so so God created man in his own

image and in the image of God he created

him male and female he created them

that’s heavy that’s very heavy because

it says in the beginning God creates man

in his own image in the image of him he

creates him and he creates him male and

female what we’re going to see in just a

second is that Adam had the female in

him okay just put that just check that

just check that I’m coming to go to

Genesis chapter 2 verse 21 through 25 so

it says right there God creates man in

his own image and the image of God he

creates him and he says that he created

him male and female then it says and the

Lord got cause we skip down to some

things that happen and the Lord God

caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and

he slept

he took one of his ribs say reached

inside of him he takes one of his ribs

closed up the flesh in his place and in

verse 22 it says then the rib that which

he reached in there and grabbed the rib

which the Lord God had taken from man he

made into woman and he brought her to

the man so so within Adam is two people

he was two in one God reaches inside of


pulls out his counterpart and then

brings his counterpart to him so Adam is

two in one he is one with the two God

reaches inside of him pulls out the two

the second one and now it is it went

from one I wish I had somebody to stand

with I can make my wife come on a bed

yes praise the Lord so so so you can’t

really see her but the whole time she’s

there God says okay it’s time for all

that is in you to come forth okay some

will put you to sleep you go to sleep

I’m gonna reach in you and I know you

look like one but you’re more than that

I’m gonna reach inside of you and now

you are no longer one but you are do are

you tracking with me then the rib which

the Lord got me from the man he he made

then the rib which the Lord God had

taken from the man he made into a woman

and he brought her to the man so now

they’re not leaked there – are you

tracking with me okay now let’s keep

going it says then in verse 23 it says

and Adam said this is bone of my bones

flesh of my flesh she shall be called

woman because she was taken out of man

and they keep fro flowing it says

therefore man shall leave us

father and mother and be joined to his

wife and they shall become one flesh

their back one again right now thank you

so much wonderful alright that were

joined that was used there has the word

picture of of two cement bricks and the

idea there is if you took two individual

cement bricks and then poured cement

over the top of them they are no longer

two but they are back to one again one

flesh one so here’s my point

sex is not for recreation sex the

purpose of sex is not for stimulation

stimulation is just a bonus

no way in there does it mention you go

all the way through nowhere in there

does it mention that that sex is about

fun now you can have fun but it’s not

about fun what sex is about is unity

what sex is about is oneness it is when

God has brought two people together and

he wants them to be so United in

covenant with him

that they are they become inseparable

spiritually it is a spiritual thing it

is a soul tie now most of the time when

you hear the word soul tie are you

tracking with me so far

now most of the time when you hear the

waltz with the word soul tie you

automatically go to negative because

you’ve heard people say you know we need

to break these souls I need to break too

so I gotta break this soul time you know

I’ll break the soul time right but a

soul ties God ordained the problem is

when you tie your soul to the wrong

person or persons oh I’m just getting

warmed up see see when you understand

how deep sex is you won’t have casual

trivial sex because I’m not trying to

lick my soul up just to anybody I can’t

just get my rocks off and then move on

my spirit is being intertwine can I talk

to you like this it’s not just bang and

get it over with it’s not just this is

just what I want to do no no it’s not

that simple

it is anointed to create a soul tie and

what do you do when you have a soul tie

to someone who is not your soul mate oh

that’s the worst feeling in the world

when you are connected to what you know

ain’t no good for you but you can’t seem

to get loose

you don’t know why you are stuck in this

thing and you can’t get out and your

mind is telling you yes but your body


the worst position to be in is to know

that this is wrong but something deep

down on the inside of you will not allow

you to let it go and you think it’s love

but it is not love it’s a soul die

oh Jesus Christ of Nazareth I feel the

Holy Spirit in this house I don’t play

with sex it ain’t cute it ain’t fun when

you’re bound up to something that God is

trying to free you from but you can’t go

you’re trying to leave but your heart is

sting you and I feel like God is saying

this in the beginning of the year

because maybe that’s the thing that

might be it maybe it’s the last thing

that God wants to get in order is your

perspective and your consciousness about

sex because every time you take two

steps forward your sex life snatches you

five steps backwards and I want you to

be stronger than that I want some people

to get their life back I want you to get

your clarity back I want you to get your

strength back I want you to get your

wife back


sex is powerful Oh is powerful it’ll

have you up in the middle of the night

sneaking out and creeping out it it will

have you leave charts you’ll be full of

the Holy Spirit

and then that phone call come and the

next thing you know I want to break some

stuff tonight I want to renew your mind

tonight I want you to have an

understanding about what this thing is

about so you won’t be bound up the devil

is a liar

no devil no devil no devil no devil well

not today today it’s too powerful to

play with like that trying to get free

trying to move forward and it’s got you

know doesn’t that wrong with a soul time

if it’s what the person that God is are

doing for you but that’s a big oh if

and until you know if it’s an if it’s an

8 out of a shot I rather be nice then an

if if the f is wrong all you got you

know the Bible tell us about this thing

called your nakedness and it’s really

speaking to speaking of your sexuality

and that’s your intimacy that’s you only

got one you don’t have five different

sexualities and so you can and I mean

that I don’t mean you know what I mean

I’m talking about your nakedness in the

context of the scripture your nakedness

you don’t have you only got one your

necklace your body your sexuality it’s

just one you only have one if you had

two or three then maybe you can loan

some out and act a fool and keep the

real one but we don’t have them we’ve

only got one and it’s serious it’s

serious and you have to reclaim it I

feel the Holy Spirit you have to reclaim


oh god no no no no I tell you what i’ma

do imma give my sexuality to you uh-huh

i’ma give my nakedness to you until you

speak to me and tell me that this is the

person that is worthy of a soul time oh

I take my time in here it’s serious I

didn’t know that I thought it was

trivial it’s kind of how I was raised up

not by my family but what in the

neighborhood that I grew in so all they

talked about was sex sex sex sex sex sex

sex and so I thought that that that was


wake up in the morning eat some cereal

and go try to find some sex


while you’re 11

and check this out

even today you got grown men and grown

women on the hunt

it went from cereal to sushi sushi


don’t you see it in the text the whole

purpose of it was to bring this unit

back together into one spiritually it’s

to bring two people together that God

has ordained together spiritually and it

creates a spiritual thing and that’s why

sometimes you’re not crazy the person

you’re sleeping with is crazy and the

next thing you do you start and you’re



you have you have never had a dark

thought oh I feel the Lord you have

never had a suicidal thought you you all

of a sudden are thinking about things

that you don’t think about and you’re

wondering who thought that not realizing

that the issue is that you have soul

tied up spiritually with something that

is crazy and you don’t know what you

have opened yourself up sex has an

element of worship in it Oh God

it has element of worship you are

opening yourself up to something or

someone and you think it’s just physical

it is not sex was always spiritual you

are giving the most intimate part of you

up when you have sex it may not mean

anything to you but it is something you

may not value your sexuality you may not

value it but it is value both that’s why

you’ve only got one you’ve only got one

nakedness and we have to be careful

about anything that trivializes it has

nothing we live in a culture I love

everybody but we trivialize it we rap

about it we talk about it we write about

it we sing about it like it’s nothing

like it’s nothing like it’s it’s

meaningless are you kidding me I want us

to have an understanding

I ain’t gonna lie man I like you know I


the guy and he hit me up and he’s like

those years ago before my beautiful wife

and you know and it was a season I was

pastoring this church as a single man

and and and he was like a dog

I don’t know how you do it I’m like I do

what he’s done my like man everybody in

your church is attractive it’s true

y’all y’all some pretty people and y’all

really are but he’s like he’s like he’s

like everybody in your church is

attractive I don’t know how you do I’m

like dude I don’t understand

do what like you don’t keep from you

know like can we have a real

conversation don’t get all religions I’m

not telling you to tiptoe be transparent

I didn’t do that him

I’ll never forget it

I mean does that offend you this is what

he did okay he’s like I don’t know how

you don’t do that I’m like I was like I

was insulted I understood that’s where

he was in his own consciousness about

sex but I’m thinking to myself I don’t

know what them people got in there they

might need to be delivered I don’t I you

know but but what I’m getting at okay

what I’m getting at is I see sex

differently so I don’t care how

first of all marry but even if I wasn’t

I don’t I don’t care how gorgeous you

are I can’t look up inside of you and

see what demon forget about a sexually

transmitted how about a spiritually

transmitted disease

I don’t know what’s in you I don’t know

who you’re praying to I don’t know what

demons are I’m working on I’m not them I

said oh brother it’s easy trust me it’s

easy it’s it’s easy you have to see it


I see it differently and I’m not gonna

let my lust put my spirit in jeopardy

I’ll put my mind in jeopardy I’m not

going crazy and I don’t know why Oh her

Oh him

they are little and now because you’re

joining yourself I know I’m belaboring

the point but I’m doing it intentionally

there’s language in first Corinthians

chapter 6 that says what you join

yourself to you become one with you

become one with how am I gonna be one

with 25 people a week


how doesn’t work and now I’m

schizophrenic because all their spirit

is in me and I and then you want to go

and get married and you can’t have

intimacy with your spouse because you’re

still join to the 57 people that you

join your soul with on the way up it’s

that serious and so what the enemy does

is he gets you intoxicated off of the

physical and the physical is not even a

thing you need to worry about it’s the

spiritual aspect because from the onset

it was always spiritual to bring two

people together spiritual one soul one

heart one mind one flesh and so what I

want to do today with the last 15

minutes we have here together and I

sense and come on up here Mike let’s

listen let’s wrap this thing up I sense

that if the Holy Spirit had me do this

as the first message of the year that

means that he came to set some people

free hello somebody man I just want you

to win I promise you I just I want you

to win so bad and I’m telling you if you

don’t get the sex thing under your foot

you can’t win because you take two steps

forward and the enemy would just yank

you back until you can break it off and

so here’s what I want to do I want to

pray I some of you know my testimony you

know I was I was extremely promiscuous

when I was 12 years old this girl who

was 16 at the time in hindsight pretty

much took advantage of me and she took

me in my grandmother’s a great

grandmother’s garage

and and we had sex at 16 and it was it

was like I still remember it was like a

door was opened it was like it was like

when when when when Adam and Eve took

the fruit and all of a sudden their eyes

were opened right and when that happened

to me a whole world was opened up to me

that I was too young to even understand

even just take the spiritual stuff and

put the spiritual reality to the side as

a 12 year old I didn’t I don’t even know

what just happened I’d never experienced

anything like that before

and from that moment on it was like the

whole universe looked different to me

and I was searching trying to to

recreate that experience and trying to

understand that experience and trying to

reconcile that experience and you know I

think to a certain degree you know it

turned into like an addiction and it had

me bound until that that day when I was

26 years old and I called out to God

because I was trying to press into the

Lord and I wanted to be fully his I

didn’t want happened I didn’t want to

have anything competing with my passion

for God because I realized that there

was nothing worth it there was nothing

that could compete with my relationship

with God and 26 years old I cried out to

God and I said God if you’ve been here

you know this story I cried out to God

and I said god I do not want this

monster on the inside of me jeopardizing

my relationship with you it wasn’t

jeopardizing God’s love for me never

does it wasn’t that it was it was a

battle of desire and so as I began to to

Pastor Gary as I began to desire God

more and more and more and more and more

and more

I was able to recognize the other things

in my life that were competing with my

desire for him and the number one thing

that stood out was sex and I hated the

fact that I could in the presence of God

and in the clarity of God say God I’m

not going there anymore and then when

that situation would present itself I

would go right back in that direction

and after a while I’m like man goddess

this is wack man I want to be the real

deal you’re the real deal with me I want

to be the real deal with you and I’m

tired and I got to a point where my

desire for God became greater than my

desire for sex hallelujah and then I

could pray differently I could pray

differently and I could say God taking

so you can’t ask God to take something

that you want you understand what I’m

saying he won’t take what you want you

got to say God I want you and I hate

that not gonna lie it’s got me but I

hate it because of how it separates me

from you and when you pray that prayer

and God knows you prayed that prayer you

take it he’ll empower you man the Holy

Spirit is powerful it’s not that there’s

no spirit like the Holy Spirit and it’s

powerful but but in that process we’re

talking about a yielding to God God I’m

yours I surrender I surrender my sex

life I lay it all down because I want

you and when I did that boom that thing

broke off of me and I never look back I

never looked back I not be one time look

back so here’s what I want to do I

believe that if if you’re here you here

for a reason you’re not in the wrong

Church you’re not in the wrong place

you’re in the right place the reason why

I share that story is because after that

I have over the 13 years that I’ve been

pastoring in Hollywood

I have imparted the spirit of strength

and victory in our sex lives in the

lives of men and women for the past 13

years some of which were extremely

promiscuous some of which were broken

and literally I’ve seen hundreds walk in

a level of freedom and clarity because

God broke it off of their lives

everybody can’t walk in it I can God

wouldn’t even call me to preach it till

I got that worked out because he knew

where I would be preaching and it would

be a freaking nightmare trying to pass

it with those issues this is a real talk

I got something to give you men I got

something to give you women I got

something to give you what am I talking

about there’s a biblical understanding

of a thing called impartation an

impartation is when a man of God who has

walked in a certain level of authority

in an area can lay hands on you and pray

for you and impart that same strength

and I’ve seen it work in the lives of

women and men promiscuous men

promiscuous women pray for them laid

hands on them and like straight up

celibate until the time was right the

people in this room right now people

were watching via live stream I’m

praying for all of you and that’s the

one thing that needs to be broken off of

your life I’m not here to put you on the

spot it’s not even about that and no one

knows your business and no one really

cares we’re all trying to work out our

own stuff but if you’re here tonight and

you say pastor

I want to live a life of sexual

integrity and before God I want you to

come and beat me here at this altar come

on let’s all stand Oh glory somebody

ought to celebrate Jesus in here I’m not


I’m telling you in victory victory your

strength is coming back I’m telling you

and you can do it I don’t care how long

it’s been you can do it I got man I have

friends and they flat-out cannot believe

my life they flattened first when it was

first happening it was laughing like

yeah you’ll be back cuz you were a fool

you just you were wild will be well I

know you ain’t goin to the club now but

just just give him a little time he’s

just on that Jesus thing a little bit

nah it was over and there are a lot of

things that the enemy could not take

from me because I had victory the enemy

knows what karats today go you tracking

with me he knows what I just dangle this

carrot and I can distract you just put

just the right shoulders the right

biceps the right

you’re trying to walk with God don’t

worry about like a here this is God

right here here this is God uh-huh this

is him I want you to be strong man I

want you to be able to say no to hell

should be able to say no and you can so

I’m pretty I’ll pray for every single

one of you thank you Jesus if you’re

here and you don’t know the Lord you’re

here and you’re like man I want

I feel something meant something higher

than me calling me to be greater and I

want more from my life but I realize

that in my own strength I’m tapping out

tapping out and if that’s you and you’re

here and you don’t know the Lord he’s

here God is real he loves you he’s got

you he loves you so much the scripture

says that he is love that means that

that there is never a moment that he is

not in love with you and he’s got you

and he sees you and to not know him is

to cut yourself off from from the purest

and the realest relationship that this

life will have will afford you and if

you hear and you say man I want I want

God I want I want to give my heart to

God I want to be connected to God I want

to be right with God I want I want to

learn how to be in step with God I want

you to come and meet me at this altar as

well we’re gonna pray for you I start

this year off right relationship with

God changed everything it changes

everything changes everything

Bishop Kenneth Almer extend that

invitation 17 years ago and I walked in

it out after weeks and months of sitting

in his church and it’d be like every

message he was talking to me everything

one and I walked down that altar and it

was almost like he was waiting for me

just hugged me you know and my life

changed from that moment it changed I

want that for you I want you to be

strong yeah yeah I’m not hyping you up

when I tell you that God’s got a plan

for you plan to prosper you not to harm

you if I didn’t believe it I wouldn’t

say it I don’t say nothing I don’t

believe I just don’t want things to be

in your way and in your life and you

look up and is 2019 and all the things

that God wanted to do in your life in

the 12 months got stifled and got held

back because the enemy had a string on

you he had a rope on you and he’d have

just like a leash around your neck and

he just let you go out so far right when

you’re getting ready to step into what

God has for you I want to break it

here’s another invitation if you’re here

and man you didn’t realize how

spiritually evolved sex is you didn’t

know it’s caught up and when I was

describing the connection and I was

describing how you’re trying to get free

and you can’t get free and you trying to

you’re trying to do what’s right but you

can’t shake it you can’t get the fool

off your mind and you’re like listen I’m

trying to step into my destiny but but

my past this past relationship I don’t

even like him he’s mean to me she’s mean

to me it doesn’t make sense in my mind I

know that this ain’t it but there’s

something that keeps pulling me

that’s a soul time that’s a soul time so

if you’re here and the Holy Spirit is

confirmed to you that you have a soul

tie that needs to be broken so that you

can be free I want you to come as well

I’ve seen that happen I’m seeing that

I sing I sing that happen I’ve seen that

happen I’ve seen it happen

come on let’s just go as close as we can

as close as we can I’m seen that happen

I’ve seen it happen I’ve seen it happen

people come in my office and they just

they know that they’re supposed to go

but they can’t go and they’re crying

because they know that there’s supposed

to be some reason that caught and we

pray and God just break it and they can

go on with their life sometimes the

reason why it’s so hard is not because

you love them so much it’s because it’s

as a soul time place when you open up

your nakedness to that individual

without you even knowing it a spiritual

tie was formed and the spiritual tie is

stronger than a natural time are you

tracking with me I want you to be strong

I want you to be healthy if that’s you

there’s a soul time nice break I want

you to come let’s pray father well we’ve

heard some things father and maybe some

in this room perhaps that have never had

this understanding about what sex really

is and what sex is for it’s not about

stimuli and the main purpose of it is

not even about procreation not the main


it’s about oneness oneness with the one

that you have ordained for us to be with

to marry to do life with father first

and foremost we repent we repent we

change the way that we have thought

about sex

your word says that if we confess if we

agree homologue I’ll say same-same say

to say the same thing if we confess our

sin you are faithful and just not simply

to forgive us but to cleanse us so here

in this moment God as you have given

clarity and as you have brought an

understanding to what sex is and I want

to give you a caveat it’s not just

penetration I’m just gonna say you keep

your eyes closed it’s not just

penetration you open yourself up you can

be sexting and create a soul tie

masturbating thinking about someone it’s

not it’s not even that because it’s

spiritual remember what you have the

spiritual thing you don’t always need

the physical thing you can go there in

your mind you can go there and so God as

you have caused us to recognize and

identify how we have violated oftentimes

unbeknownst to us a spiritual and divine

law as it relates to sex and as it

brings conform on a shorter Avada

Kedavra and as it brings conviction to

our heart we homo low gael we confess we

say the same thing as you about it and

we come into agreement and your promise

is you will wash us Holy Spirit I pray a

washing would just flow right now then

washing would flow over mines and a

washing would flow over hearts Oh glory

to God

now I just want you to repeat after me

Holy Spirit you’ve spoken to me tonight

you’ve identified some things that I got

into I confess those things

I renounce those things God tonight I’m

taking back my sexuality and I’m laying

it at your feet I’m giving it to you you

are my lover I want to be one with you

and as I’m one with you you will cleanse

me you will strengthen me you will make

me whole now father

I renounce every soul time every heart

time every incident where I gave myself

to that which is unworthy I renounce it

now I plead the blood of Jesus over my

heart over my mind over my body over my

sexuality and may the blood of Jesus

separate the holy from the unholy and in

the power of your name I break every

soul time I when do you say I break I

want you to clap your hands when you do

it okay so so so so repeat after me in

the name of Jesus I pray


and what I want you to do is I want you

to ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your

remembrance I’m not trying to challenge

nobody too much but to bring to your

remembrance every person that you’ve

given yourself to I know I know and

every time and even if it’s when you’re

in your car or you think about it next

week or whatever because sometimes it’s

just crazy like that let’s just keep it

100 sometimes it’s just crazy like that

you’ve been like oh I forgot about that

and the moment that you think about it I

want you to say I break it so just take

a minute to have a moment with God here

at the altar and just take a moment and

I just want us to and we don’t know

whether it’s just the Lord if we’re just

praising God or for breaking things but

I just want you to take a moment and

have a soul tiebreaking praise party in

here right now just take a minute come

on and just every time you think a point

a break go up break em sing time single

what come on just keep breaking it while

you’re praising God the Bible says clap

your hands all you people and as you

bring your hands together and praise an

exaltation of the Lord you are cracking

and breaking salt eyes


come on break it break it God loves you

greater is he who was in you that he who

was in the world

about you

although my Sheridan


break it break it in Jesus name


right Kenny Jesus man

wakening Jesus no right right

right then in Jesus freedom freedom

come on worship team break every chain

wanker time I said that I’m more than a

mana get it up break it I’m out freedom

freedom freedom freedom right get our


well break every chain come on come on


begin your strip back tonight for

begin your strip back tonight come on



peeling daily


no shame no shame no condemnation this

is a new day a new season no

condemnation none


thank you Jesus thank you Jesus a

mulligan thank you Jesus

thank you to wholeness wholeness in

Jesus name

wholeness a moment

strapless Yemaya – utam

bonus bonus bonus he

strip all things new all things new

Oh things new

all things

every show



no shame










falling into place tonight




washed in the blood and on my

here the transmission

every chain is breaking down



thank you Jesus


thank you dear it’s Pao thank you for

this morning fan at this moment thank

you yes

from the inside out love you too there

any packages strength

eastream is stretchy strengthens pushing

back to dark

Graner is he who is in you than he who

is in the world God says I’ve given you

your life back

I’m giving you your strength back give

me your power back nothing will have

dominion over you behold I give you

power to tread upon serpents and

scorpions and over all the power of the

enemy and nothing by no means shall hurt

you it stops today

every generational curse is broken today

you are the righteousness of God in

Christ Jesus

it is Souls because greater is He Who is

in you a my Saba healing healing healing

every soul type group every soul

tightrope in every suit




whereas hallelujah every stroll time

your son

thank you

oh Jesus



to break a hundred

to break every chain

every single today it’s broken right now

nothing is holding on to us he from

every trader he broke everything

break every chain break every chain

Fred heavy cherry


there is power in the name of Jesus

there’s so much power in Jesus bondage

breaking power addiction breaking power

there is power to break to break every

chain break every chain break every sing

he broke he broke every chain broke

every chain broke every chain he broke

every chain what I want to do the

strength of God is in this house so what

I want to do is I want to make sure that

I lay hands on everybody who came

forward if I laid hands on you as I walk

through when I give the benediction I

just want you if you want to worship or

whatever you can do that but for those I

didn’t lay hands on I want you to just

and they’ll organize it in some way but

I just want to make sure I touch

everybody who came down here to say

impart that sort of strength and victory

in me so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna

give what I like to call a soft

benediction and that is when we dismiss

come back Sunday somebody’s going to be

incredible it’s going to be we want to

start this thing off with but we had to

get this worked out we had to get this

worked out so so that when we get

started the enemy can’t pull this back

so I’m going to give a soft benediction

and if

you if I did not lay my hands on you and

you want that then I want you to stick

around and we’ll formulate a line and

the service will be over but I’ll lay my

hands on those who are left father we

thank you for this experience we love

you we seal what you have done because

what you do is settled in heaven there

is no going back

so we seal this right now in the hearts

of the minds of those who are here those

who are watching via livestream we

connect we say God your glorious I thank

you I sense it right now you’ve been

healing people even through the

livestream people in their homes or on

their phones have been healed tonight

and we thank you so much all over the

world all over the world is happening

and we just agree that it’s happening in

the lives of our each church family as

it is happening right here in Los

Angeles tonight may the Lord bless and

keep you may you make his face to shine

upon you and be gracious towards you may

he lift up his countenance over you and

grant you Shalom Shalom in Jesus name

Amen god bless you hey my friend I pray

that that message blessed your life it

blessed me for sure I want to also

encourage you to pick up wholeness

winning in life from the inside out this

book is going to change your life god

bless you I’ll see you next time