Service Date: 03.25.18 1PM

hey family pastor T here god bless you

listen you’re getting ready to hear a

powerful message and I wanted to also

remind you about the message that is in

this book it released as you know on

February 6 it’s already number one new

release on Amazon in three different

categories if you don’t have this book

in your life get it in your life it is

changing the world one whole person at a

time but God bless you for now I’ve got

a great message that I want you to hear

check it out churches and so one of the

things that we’ve been forced to do is

to make travel fun because travel can be

like really exhausting and so we like to

play games when we’re traveling like you

know like making up stories about the

flight attendants know okay yeah we like

to make up stories just about people

it’s all in good fun but you know it’s

like what do you think their story is

and we just had these big elaborate soap

opera stories like she just broke up

with her boyfriend and then he came to

the fight with his new girlfriend and

she had to give them something to drink

and no girl don’t want no ice in her so

she put extra ice cubes in hers and

that’s why the other lady had the

attitude just having a good old time

okay cuz you got to make things fun and

so I decided as I was studying for the

message that like one of our new things

is I was gonna start asking him like

which airline do you feel like today you

know because their Airlines all have

different vibes

you know like American for me and my

experience that you’d literally

generally have like newer planes and

better entertainment and you know so

they just like walking in the goodness

and the fullness of the Lord okay so

sometimes you feel like American alright

sometimes you know like maybe you feel

like Delta you know like Delta Delta

cool Delta’s hub is it

Lanta and they filmed a black panther in

atlanta and what condom forever so

sometimes you feel like delta sometimes

I feel like I’m not going not today

we’re kind of forever don’t try me okay

virgin is fancy so sometimes you got to

feel fancy you know like what is your

mood today are you feeling like Virgin

Airlines are you singing

alright the lights dim are you fancy for

no reason just bad and boozy no not bad

in booze yeah I mean blessed and boozy


but okay so I’ve decided though this is

my thing so I know which airline I’m

going to be like operating and

functioning in every single day are you

ready yes Spirit Airlines yes wow thanks

for the Hang five skies okay so I know

that not everyone feels Spirit Airlines

but hear me out I’m about to change your

mind I got 40 minutes to do it okay so

here’s the thing I know they charge you

for everything but first of all it’s

called Spirit Airlines and hello the

Holy Spirit dude okay so that’s one

reason I’m going to be functioning in

the Spirit Airlines thing and then

secondly like Spirit Airlines they’re

they’re not trying to be like cheap but

in order for them to have their prices

be price so low they have to be willing

to cut back in other areas and depending

on what you’re willing to invest it will

change your experience so if you get on

Spirit Airlines and you don’t mind

paying for a drink you don’t mind paying

for that extra investment then for you

the flight might not be so bad and

that’s why I feel like I am probably

more of a Spirit Airlines kind of girl

because depending on what you invest in

me it will determine your experience of

me see boom y’all really made me work

hard for that when I think spirit must

have done something y’all need to

release that okay

need to let that go yeah depending on

what you invest it will determine your

experience of me so when you get a drink

on Spirit Airlines and they charge you

you don’t get charged you don’t pay them

with another drink it’s not like an

equal giving and equal investment but

what you do is that you give them

something that covers the cost of what

they lost in order to give you the drink

and that’s how I feel even in my

relationships that if I give you advice

if I invest advice into you that what I

would like to see in return is for you

to give me a return on my investment

that covers what I lost like actually

taking my advice and applying it which

you all obviously don’t have the types

of relationships that I have because

sometimes I realize that when I’m giving

advice that I’m like in the third or

fourth conversation before I realized

that you didn’t really want advice you

wanted to vent and if you would have

told me that I would have been better

prepared because now I’m acting like a

Yamla trying to help you if I’m more

invested in it then you are trying to

help you figure your life out and all

you had to tell me was that you just

wanted to vent child I could have put

you on mute and went back to watching

scandal while you then see I mean

reading the Bible while you was Vincent

because when I invest I am expecting

that you’re going to give me something

in return that covers the cost of what I

lost when you get your paycheck it is a

loss to the company but what you give in

return covers the cost of what they lost

everything requires this reciprocity

this giving and receiving in everything

including purpose purpose is a lot like

Spirit Airlines if you think about it

because you have the destination in mind

when you receive your purpose when you

finally figure out what your purpose is

when you finally decide that I’m not

random I’m here for a reason I God

breathe air into my

long so that I could do something that

changes the world and I’m gonna be a

world changer that’s the ultimate goal

some kind of way I’m gonna be a world

changer I don’t know how I’m going to do


maybe my marriage is gonna raise a child

that ultimately changes the world maybe

I’m going to teach a lesson that changes

the world I don’t know how I’m gonna do

it but I know that God has put me here

for a reason and you wake up and you

have joy and you have excitement the

only thing is that no one tells you that

purpose has hidden fees that in the

pursuit of purpose there are all of

these different cost cause that you

think you have cost that you aren’t sure

that you have costs you don’t think

you’ll ever be able to come up with

there are all of these hidden fees

attached to purpose and every now and

then we have to wonder if we have what

it takes to handle the price of

admission and for those of you who are

taking notes that’s my subject for today

my subject is the price of admission and

the price of admission with purpose is

not just a one-time flat-rate purpose

demands over and over again that you

become someone worthy of the higher

calling that God has placed on the

inside of you if you were prepared right

now for the full weight of your purpose

then God could take you to heaven but

we’re on this thing called Earth so that

we can continue to learn grow and

develop in the evolution of our purpose

I know what the end goal is but I’m not

the person who’s at the end goal so who

do I have to become right now so that I

can move to the next step and get closer

to who God has called me to be and what

He has called me to do on the earth and

unfortunately that generally comes

through trial and error it comes through

tests and tribulations it comes through

struggle and when we find Jesus in the

text that I’m going to use for today

we’re going to recognize that even Jesus

was paying the price of admission when

we find Jesus in this text he’s just

been baptized by john demamp 2 by John

the Baptist and he is full of the holy

spirit and he is so full of the holy

sprit and I know how I feel when I get

full of the holy spirit when I get full

of that energy with that

giant slaying energy I’m so full of it

until the giant is actually in front of

me and then I’m just tired you know I

was telling them at the 11 o’clock

service like I always feel like working

out at like 6 p.m. when I can go when I

have to help the children with the

homework like but that’s when I feel

like you know it would be nice to go on

the jaw but I never feel like working

out at 6:00 a.m. and I feel like that is

the same thing that happens when we get

full of the Holy Spirit when we get full

of the Holy Spirit we start setting our

desires on something and then we

recognize that the cost is more than we

anticipated when we find Jesus in the

text he’s in the wilderness and I knew

that instantly there was a connection

between Jesus being in the wilderness

and the Israelites being in the

wilderness that needed dissection Jesus

is in the wilderness for 40 days and 40

nights the Israelites were in the

wilderness for 40 years and I knew that

a part of Jesus is called a part of him

being the manifestation of the messiaen

fulfilling the prophecy means that he

had to go back and conquer what once

held his generate the generations behind

him back everybody is excited about

being the one that’s going to break the

generational curses and I think in our

ignorance and in our fallacy we believe

that we’re going to break the

generational curse by never experiencing

the curse itself but sometimes your

ability to break the curse isn’t that

you don’t experiences is that you break

out of it faster than they broke out of

it before you so it is no it is no

coincidence that Jesus spends 40 days

and 40 nights he did in 40 days what it

took those behind him 40 years to

accomplish I wonder how long it’s going

to take you I wonder how much faster

you’re going to do it then your mother

was able to do it how much I wonder how

much quicker it’s going to take you to

do it then it took your father to do it

to break the addiction to get your head


to discover your purpose to have a

foundation for your life see and the

only way that you can break that thing

is if you live in it first because you

can’t fully size up the generational

curse that you have to break until you

feel the weight of it on your own

shoulders so while some people have

given up on the fact that they’re going

to break the generational curse because

they’re in the wilderness I believe that

God wanted you to receive this message

so that you could know you are in the

wilderness because you are still the one

that will break the generational curse

don’t let the fact that you were placed

in this environment make you believe

that you lost your shot at being the one

if you’re still in this room if you

still have breath in your lungs and you

still have the potential to break that

thing off of your family

don’t let it temporary failure become a

permanent setback I hear God saying that

you still have the power to break that

thing and you’re gonna break it quicker

and faster than those who came before

you even though Jesus was only there for

40 days and 40 nights I really think

that he had a harder battle than the

Israelites did and they were there for

40 years that’s why you can’t resent the

fact that you had a short struggle and

someone else struggled longer than you

because sometimes your short struggle is

more intense than the long struggle than

the people had before Jesus went

head-to-head with the enemy I feel like

that’s why some of you are in the

wilderness because you are the one who

God has chosen to go head-to-head with

the enemy I gave you a vision I gave you

a purpose I placed a gift down on the

inside of you and then I put you in the

wilderness so that you could go

head-to-head with the enemy and defeat

anything that was standing in the way of

that vision purpose being manifested in

your life I placed you in the wilderness

so that other people could watch you

fight man that didn’t happen at any of

the other services but I feel like

someone needs to know that you going

head to

what the enemy is not a sign of your

worth it’s not a sign of whether or not

you’re gonna make it it is actually God

showing you that when you get finished

with this devil no one else is gonna

have to fight it again when you defeat

this wilderness you secure the promised

land for everyone else someone needs to

know that that you were going to secure

the bag that when you defeat this

wilderness no one else is gonna have to

fight it again I’ve got you going

head-to-head with the enemy it’s harder

for you than it was for anyone else and

it’s gonna be faster for you than it was

for anyone else

because I’ve been pouring word on the

inside of you I’ve been pouring worship

down on the inside of you you’ve got

more tools to fight what then you

realize the fact that he chose you to go

head-to-head with the enemy is a sign of

what’s down on the inside of you there’s

some spiritual warriors in this room you

don’t even realize who you are yet the

fact that you know how to take a lickin

and keep on tickin the fact that you

didn’t go running out of the wilderness

but you set there flat-footed and said

give me your best shot

I don’t back down easy I’ve lost before

and I had to get back up I know a thing

or two about surviving do I have any

survivors in this building who have seen

a cup of wildernesses but the wilderness

has not made them believe that they’re

not going to make it to the other side

do I have or just one or two more

survivors in this room who tried to live

in the wilderness and the wilderness had

to back up both of them because they

realized that I’m a survivor I was

created to win I’ll make a house in the

middle of the wilderness I’ll turn this

wilderness into a city that’s how

creative I am that’s how much

authenticity I have

Jesus is standing in the wilderness but

Jesus also has the power to erect

something in the wilderness that’s why I

don’t get afraid when life isn’t going

my way because I recognize that this

wilderness could become the next

monument for God’s glory and I need the

wilderness the wilderness teaches me

things about myself the wilderness shows

me where my weakness is the wilderness

shows me where my insecurities are the

wilderness shows me how I can sabotage

my own destiny if I might focus I needed

the wilderness the wilderness made me

desperate for God the wilderness made me

drag myself in here a one o’clock on a

Sunday to try and get a word from God in

my relationship with him as stronger as

a result of the wilderness I didn’t have

any distractions in the wilderness it

was just me and him and my brokenness

and my fears and my dreams and the war

that takes place on the inside of

everyone who’s called but doesn’t know

their next steps and so the wilderness

is this environment where you feel

lonely but you know you’re exactly where

you’re supposed to be the wilderness is

the environment where you feel afraid

but you know you’re exactly where you’re

supposed to be I’ve learned how to live

in the wilderness and nothing is more

scary for the enemy than someone who

knows how to live in the wilderness the

person who knows how to worship in the

wilderness what that sound like a

message within itself worship in the

wilderness that I could turn this

wilderness into a temple that I could

get alone with Jesus and I could take

this place where I feel dry and that he

could give me life that I could hit a

well of living water the wilderness

doesn’t scare me what scares me is not

being able to access God so Jesus has

led up by the spirit into the wilderness

this spirit leads him into the

wilderness and when the spirit leads you

somewhere there’s an

insurance that comes with that if the

flesh would have led me somewhere I

could be afraid but even when the flesh

leaves me somewhere the spirit can still

meet me but when you know you have an

encounter with the spirit and the spirit

is leading you somewhere there’s a

certain insurance you have and so Jesus

was led up by the spirit into the

wilderness to be tempted by the devil

and verse 2 continues it says and when

he had fasted forty days and forty

nights afterwards he was hungry in verse

three says now when the temple came now

when the tempter came to him he said if

you are the son of God command that

these Stones become bread

so just to break it down for a second

Jesus has been in the wilderness for

forty days and forty nights his fast is

over and he is hungry and the enemy

suggests to Jesus that the way for him

to end his hunger is to take a stone and

turn it into bread I have to be honest

when I really wrapped my mind around it

I thought how was that temptation I mean

Jesus obviously has the power to take

the stone and turn it into bread and it

wasn’t like he was breaking his fast so

so where is the temptation here and I

realized that the underlying temptation

was ultimately that Satan wanted Jesus

to abuse his power

I wanted him the enemy wanted him to use

his power to go after something that was

self gratifying and not self served in

that world serving turning a stone into

bread would have helped Jesus in the

moment but it would not have helped him

long-term and I know none of you feel

like you have the power maybe to turn a

stone into bread but what I’m telling

you that some of the experiences that

we’ve had in life that some of us ended

up regretting is in the exact result of

us turning a stone into bread that when

we stayed in their relationship that we

knew wasn’t good for us but we decided

that we were going to use our power to

change our mind and try to change

someone that we took that

and tried to turn it into bread that

when we stayed in certain jobs and in

certain fields and tried to say that

this is my purpose and I’m totally

continued when we really knew down on

the inside that there was still

something that God had placed down on

the inside of us that we tried to take a

stone and turn it into bread it’s so

easy to judge from where we’re sitting

but when you realize that all of us in

some capacity have been guilty of trying

to turn the stone into bread then I

realized that our first cost of

admission is that we have to be willing

to go hungry and in order to go hungry

we have to be willing to have an inner

determination about who we are and what

we’re called to do so Jesus is hungry

and as fast is over but when he

ultimately says to the enemy is that I

would rather be hungry than abused my

power on something that God hasn’t

called me to do because if I use my

power on this level I may not be able to

use it on the next level so what I’m

saying is I have become strategic about

how I use my power what is your power

your power is your energy it is your

time it is your ideas it is your

creativity what are you using your power

on are you trying to manipulate someone

else’s outcome are you submitting that

power to God Jesus submits his power to

God so what he says is this is

ultimately not my power to use for what

I want and said it is his power for him

to show me who I am supposed to be on

the earth and when you submit your power

to God it multiplies when you submit

your gifts and your talents I I have

power with words I have power with

creativity I have power with my gifts I

could do anything that I set my mind to

but I recognize that my mind is not

always healthy and my mind doesn’t

always want me to do the things that God

wants me to do so what I do instead is I

submit my power to God and I say God how

do you want me to use this gift how do

you want me to use the power of

influence that I have in people’s lives

how do you want me to use the power of

connection that I have with people when

I become serious about the price of

admission to

purpose I submit my power and that takes

inner determination because there will

be moments when you’re hungry but you

have to decide not to use your power to

pick up the phone and call that stone

that you could turn into bread there

will be moments when you’re hungry and

you need validation and you need to feel

better about yourself and you have to be

strong enough to not go on to social

media and post that picture of yourself

that you know is gonna get a lot of

likes because you’re not in the turning

stone into bread into picking a fight

with someone so that they can say how

much you love you I’m not going to use

my power to manipulate someone else I’m

willing to go hungry before I abuse what

God has given me that’s a powerful

mindset that not many of us are willing

to possess but what I’m saying is that

if you are able to harness this that God

can really take your power and multiply

it in a way that you couldn’t do on your

own are you willing to go hungry do you

have enough inner determination to keep

the main thing the main thing and not be

distracted by the noise and the

distractions that try to sidelined you

and ultimately dilute your power and so

verse 4 continues and Jesus says to the

enemy it is written man shall not live

by bread alone if all I was worried

about was bread I would turn the stone

into bread but because I’m worried about

more than this instant gratification

because I’m worried about more than this

temporary satisfaction what I do instead

is I allow myself to live by every word

that proceeds from the mouth of God that

means if God doesn’t tell me to do it it

will not be done if God doesn’t tell me

to move in that direction it won’t be

there that’s the kind of inner

determination that I’ll wake up each

morning and I pray for God give me the

power to only live by your word alone

not by the words of culture not by the

words of this generation not by the

words of social media that tells me I

have to show something in order to be

something instead God give me the power

God even if it means I have to be hungry

if I can still connect with you then I

know that that hunger won’t last for a

long time what am I’m saying of course I

wish I had friends of course I wish I

could go to brunch but I

rather be hungry than the settle for

friends that want me to drink and be

high and out of my mind of course I wish

I was in the relationship but I would

rather be hungry than to be with someone

who doesn’t understand my words and my

value of course I’m hungry but I got an

inner determination that allows me to

see that what I’m shooting for is more

important than turning a stone into

bread I don’t mind being hungry for a

minute as long as I still got you

because if I have you I know you’ll lead

me to the right kind of food I know

you’ll lead me to the right kinds of

things that can sustain me I don’t want

to turn a stone into bread I did that

before and it ruined my life but she

gave me another chance and because you

gave me another chance God I’m asking

you to show me how to use this power

you’ve given me love is powerful show me

where to give this love where I can

receive it in return and where it won’t

be abused show me where to give these

ideas where it won’t be stolen and taken

in my name taking off of it God show me

how to use this power you’ve given me I

take seriously who you have called me to

be and because I take it seriously

I don’t cast my pearls among swine God I

don’t mind being hungry I don’t mind

passing up the easy fix if I have to

work harder for it I will I’m determined

I’m determined to take this thing that

you gave me in to allow it to multiply

my generations are depending on it my

mother needs me to do this my daughter

needs me to win if I don’t do it I don’t

know if my son will ever see somebody

make it to the other side if I don’t do

it I don’t know if my brother will ever

witnesses I need an inner determination

that helps me push back the distractions

that helps me push back all of the

stones being thrown my way the price of

admission comes from the inside first

who are you going to be on the inside

Jesus is the kind of person that I’m

going to be on the inside is the person

who only lives I only live off of every

word that proceeds from the mouth of

that means I’m sitting up waiting for

God to say something else that’s how I

live my life I don’t want you to give me

one word that I apply to the rest of my

life I want to be sitting on the Bandit

breath waiting with bated breath for you

to say something else because if you say

it to me from there I proceed when God

tells me something I proceed from that

point I know other people wait until

other people like it I know God said it

but if other people don’t like it I

don’t do it no that’s not who I am I’m

the kind of person who hits go the

moment that God says go and so Jesus

says I can’t turn this stone into bread

so the enemy that goes on in verse five

once he has utterly failed at that and

so the devil took him up into the holy

city and he set him on the pinnacle of

the temple and he says to him if you are

the son of God throw yourself down for

it is written he shall give his angels

charge over you and in their hands they

shall bear you up lest you dash your

foot against a stone and verse seven

says Jesus said to him it is written

again you shall not tempt the Lord your

God so the enemy uses a song and he uses

that Psalm to explain to Jesus that he

should throw himself down and to see if

God will catch him like his word

promised and I realized that the enemy

wasn’t really concerned about whether he

could throw him down his major concern

was whether or not he could confuse the

in tension between being thrown down and

being stumped and stumbling if you go

back to verse 6 for me when David writes

this Psalm when he received his

revelation from God it says he shall

give his angels charge over you in their

hands they shall bear you up lest you

dash your foot against a stone what

David is talking about is a stumble but

the enemy is talking about is throwing

yourself down there’s two different

intentions but it looks like the same

result and because there are two

different intentions if you are not

careful you will call your stumble you

throwing yourself down because from the

ground they both look the same but when

you recognize that from the starting

that I never meant to fall down I just

ended up on the ground then you realize

that you were who David was talking

about when he was talking about God up

lifting your right foot this has been

the hardest part for me in all three

services because I really believe that

this is a revelation that we have to

understand in order to release ourselves

from the shame and regret of stumbling

because after you stumble you look back

on this stumble and you say to yourself

how did I not see the rock how did I

miss the signs how did I end up in this

situation all of the signs were there

and yet I still ended up on the ground

there must have been something wrong

with me I must have thrown myself down

and I hear God saying that the

difference between stumbling and

throwing down is they intention when you

start when you throw yourself down you

set out to fail and you succeed at it

but when you stumble you start off with

good intentions and then good intentions

turn bad and that’s where His grace is

sufficient and so I need someone to know

at this 1 o’clock service who is looking

at their life from the ground up that

God is looking up at you saying that if

you would just recognize that you’re not

on the rock bottom that you were

actually right in the palm of my hand

because I never meant for you to stumble

I meant for you to recognize that I was

carrying you all along the way and

because I’ve been carrying you all along

the way you can get back up baby

and when I tell you that lives depend on

it that destinies depend on it then

maybe you’ll take it a little bit

seriously stop charging yourself with

the crime that the old you did that’s

what our pastor says all the time start

charging yourself with a crime that the

old you did when you found out better

you did better I stumbled but I didn’t

throw myself down I messed up it hurt I

was wounded but I didn’t throw myself

down and now I’ve gotten freedom about

this addiction and now I have a freedom

about this alcohol issue and now I have

a freedom about this pregnancy and a

freedom about this divorce because my

intention was different but the enemy

been after my intention he’s been trying

to make me believe that I did it on

purpose when I didn’t but something

happened when I received a word from God

that he knew my heart from the beginning

and that I’m still pure in his eyes that

I still have purpose down on the inside

I’m gonna move on because I got one more

point but I just need someone to let me

know that they understand deep down in

their spirit that God knew you’re in

from your beginning that he recognized

when you stumble that you had the power

to get back up that you did not throw

yourself down you did not bring this

pain onto yourself you did not bring

this harm onto yourself you did not

bring this heartbreak on to yourself you

stumbled and now it’s time to get back

up I wish somebody would serve notice on

Hale that you almost had me for one

minute you almost made me believe that I

missed my shot you almost made me

believe that I would never be nothing

you almost had me but then I realize

that I didn’t throw myself down I just

stumbled and because I know that I

stopped but I’m getting back up I’m

gonna find my joy again I’m gonna find

my purpose again I’m gonna look towards

the future with hope again because I

recognize that he who the Sun has set

free is free indeed

I’m walking in my freedom I’m walking in

my righteousness I’m walking in my power

I’m walking in who God has called me to

be I will not be bound by what I did any

longer I stumbled but I didn’t throw

myself down I stumbled but I won’t be

down forever

I stumbled but I’m learning how to walk

again and I see clearly now the

difference between stumbling and

throwing myself down and so Jesus is in

the wilderness and he says to the enemy

I will not throw myself down because I

know that one day Sarah Jake’s robbers

is going to need to know the difference

between intention and I need her to know

that there is a difference between

throwing yourself down and and ended up

stumbling I need her to recognize that

she is not playing with grace but

instead that grace had already gone

ahead of her I need someone to

understand man I wish I could say it the

way I feel it in my spirit but I feel

like God is about to do something crazy

in this one o’clock service I feel like

somebody’s chains are about to be broken

I feel like somebody’s about to get

their mind back I feel like somebody’s

gonna start loving themselves again I

feel like somebody’s about to get filled

with the Holy Ghost over flow in this


and he overcame everything that you have

been battling with mentally but he sat

in the wilderness the career of

everything that’s confusing you I’ve

been like Jesus needed you to know that

I won this thing on your behalf that you

gotta stop penalizing yourself and you

got to learn to love the person who

stumbled the same way you love the

person who receives the applause they’re

both a necessary part of your journey

and so the next price of admission is an

outer demonstration of your inner

determination Jesus was so determined to

overcome the enemy that even when the

enemy tried to mess up his mind and make

him do something on the outside that was

different than what he felt on the

inside he pushed hell back

somebody’s been being tested oh I

thought the presence of God in this

place and the only thing that you have

been afraid to do is to unleash the

power of God that you know is down on

the inside of you you’ve been afraid to

fully own your identity you’ve been

afraid to fully own what God can do on

the inside of you and I came here to

tell you that if you want to see the

enemy get pushed back if you want to see

depression get pushed back if you want

to see addiction get pushed back that

you need to unleash from the inside what

God has been doing I’ve been pouring

into you word after word you’ve been

receiving worship after worship you live

your hands and you asked me for

something I gave it to you

the only thing I’m waiting on you to do

is to unleash that thing on the enemy to

start working in that outer

demonstration of who you know you are on

the inside it’s in you it’s in you it’s

in you it’s in you and the only thing

you need to do is to not be afraid and

to not let your past mistakes make you

believe that you can’t walk in the

fullness of who God has called you to be

to not allow other people’s opinion to

make you believe that you can’t walk in

the fullness of who God has called you

to be

yes I’m set free yes I am delivered I

know it may be a little bit different

from how you don’t me in the past but

God did something in my life that sent

me on fire and now whenever you have an

encounter with me you’re actually having

an encounter with him I didn’t come here

to be your friend I came here to change

your life I came here to stir up

something down on the inside of you that

would make hell back up off of you

I came to stir up something on the


that was in generational curses broken


I feel like I’ve left some world changes

in this room I feel like I got some hail

shakers in this room I feel like I

displace the right person in this


let go of me do it no I threw me away

the away is my life Oh God

but it’s time to get back up

get back up time to wipe your face I


need an outer I need an outer

demonstration I need an outer

demonstration I’ve had all of this going

on on the inside of me but now I need an

outer demonstration I need to start

walking by faith the book I need to

start the business

I learned to pay a price to walk in


I learned to pay the price to laugh

without limits



somebody just got their walking shoes if

you’re visiting for the first time and

you don’t know what’s happening I’ll

explain it for you somebody just got

their walking shoes somebody just

realize that the stumble didn’t take

them out

somebody just realized that there’s

still life after the stumble that

there’s still life after the pain the

only thing that they need to do is be

willing to pay the price

so God Here I am heal my heart bring up

every issue so that I know who you are




if you know that you have received

everything you need on the inside the

only thing you have failed to do is to

activate what you’ve received on the

inside into an outer demonstration I

want you to meet me at this altar I got

what I need on the inside I just don’t

know how to introduce my inside to my

outside I know what I’m supposed to do I

just don’t know how to introduce the

inside to the outside I know I’m

supposed to forgive but whenever I see

their face I don’t know how to take the

inside and move it to the outside god I

need the power to take this inside

breakthrough and translate it to my

outside I have the idea but I can’t

write the book I have the idea but I

can’t break open the laptop God give me

the power to break through my own spears

and my own insecurities I need an outer

demonstration I need to learn how to pay

the price I need to learn how to go

hungry I’m afraid that if I live on the

outside what I feel on the inside that I

lose friends so god I need you to change

my appetite I need you to help me

realize that going hungry isn’t the

worst thing in the world that if it

brings me closer to you then that’s all

that matters

I need an outer and outer demonstration

God give me the power give me the power

to actually live what I feel to live a

life that honors you from the inside out

maybe you’re here and as I was speaking

you said I I don’t really know about

religion I don’t know about Jesus I

think there could be many ways or

multiple ways but for some reason while

you were speaking I felt like Jesus was

something for me I felt like I could

connect with him in a way that I never

thought that I could connect with him

before I want to invite

– – we don’t have it all figured out we

don’t understand all of the politics of

church and religion but what I know that

I know that I know that I know is that

I’ve been touched by a savior who gave

me a second chance

I know that I know that I know that I

know that had it not been for the grace

of God and Jesus going ahead of me that

I would have been lost and confused how

could it wretch become a treasure that’s

what I live out each and every single

day because I had an encounter with

Jesus I have another point you have to

watch the other services if you’re

interested but I felt like God wants to

do something in this place so if you’re

at this altar would you just lift your

hands with me as a sign of surrender I’m

surrendering to everything that has held

me back I am surrendering to you God

every thought every fear that has kept

me from walking out who you have called

me to be at this altar the place where

we bring for something and that you give

us power in exchange that I’m asking for

every fear that you would give them

faith that for every pain that you would

give them power god I’m asking that the

world changes that exists in this room

would arise

I speak to the god that’s down on the

inside of them and I decree and declare

by the names of Jesus by the name that

is above every name by the name that

makes demons tremble that they will no

longer be held back any longer Satan I

refute you every word you’ve ever said

is a lie every thought you ever planted

was aligned at the credence and clear

that they are free at this altar

suicidal excess alter their lives to be

monuments for your glory a beautiful

exchange where you take in my pain and

you give me purpose were you taking my

fear and give me faith will you give me

the strength to do this thing by myself

if I have to when you give me the ideas

to raise the money if I have to when you

give me the ideas to start the business

without a lawyer if I have to God you

can give me divine wisdom that I can’t

get from any school so I open myself up

to you and I say have your way in my

life o precious Savior remove anything

that is keeping me from laying hold of

the destiny that you have for me I

receive my inheritance as your child and

God I’m asking that this would become

their new normal and that they would

never go back to the person who

questioned their gifts again or who

questioned your word again may they

begin to live off of every word that

proceeds out of your mouth

it may that be the awakening that opens

up door after door after door after door

in Jesus name repeat after me

Heavenly Father

thank you for Jesus thank you for making

him who knew no sin all of my sin all of

my weakness

every wilderness every fear every

insecurity you placed in his body and

when you nailed it to the cross and

raised him up free and victorious I was

raised up to with no pain with no shame

with no fear with no anxiety with no

depression and only power awaken your

power down on the inside of me awaken

your gifts down on the inside of me and

give me the knowledge to unleash them on

everything surrounding me in Jesus name


hey my friend I pray that that message

blessed your life it blessed me for sure

I want to also encourage you to pick up

wholeness winning in life from the

inside out this book is going to change

your life

god bless you I’ll see you next time