Service Date: 11.30.16 8PM To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here:

one church is such an incredible

community I don’t take it lightly even

though I’ve honored to be a member here

that you would trust me with this

platform so I think you’re not honor you

the priest of this house thank you my

topic for tonight is going to be power

moves because I believe that we’re ready

to start making moves moves that don’t

always make sense to those around us

moves that shake up systems and shake up

structures but because of that power I

was talking about earlier that we’re

ready to get ahead of the curve we’ve

been prophetically just speaking about

God equipping us to go into rooms and to

go into meetings and places where we

really shouldn’t have any business we

don’t have the degrees we don’t have the

experience but for some reason God has

aligned us in this season to start

making power moves and so as I was

preparing for my message I found

something in second Kings 2 that I think

if you would allow me to submit for your

consideration God may have a word now as

I have fell through the lattice of his

Upper Room in Samaria and was injured so

he sent messages and said to them go

inquire of baal-zebub

the god of Ekron whether I shall recover

from this injury before we moved to

verse 3 I want to tell you how odd it is

that the king of Israel would be

inquiring of a false God about his

healing you see because he he already

knows who God is but for some reason his

brokenness had him looking at other gods

I wanted to judge I really really did

because judging is like my thing

– I’m wrong with anything but then I

realized the times in my life when my

brokenness had me looking for false gods

instead of going to the God who I knew

could really fix me you see there are

times in life when we become so broken

that we want to find a God we can touch

as opposed to trusting a God we cannot

see and these guys they come in all

different shapes and sizes and sometimes

you find them at the club and sometimes

you find them at the workplace but one

way or another we find false gods to

help us cope with brokenness and so now

the kingdom Israel in verse 2 of this

text is looking for a false God and

verse 3 continues and it says but the

angel of the Lord said to Elisha at the

same time that one person was looking

for a false God another person was

having an encounter with the real God

that’s important for you to recognize

because you’ll think that everyone is

moving at the same pace as you but in

reality some people are moving but they

aren’t going anywhere you can’t confuse

busyness with productivity because some

of us have full calendars and it looks

like we’re making power moves but really

all right but the angel of the Lord said

to Elijah the Tishbite

arise go up to meet the messengers of

the king of Samaria and say to them is

it because there is no God in Israel

that you are going to inquire of

Beelzebub the god of Ekron something for

you to recognize about power moves is

that power moves is going to create

confrontation elijah continues it says

now therefore thus says the Lord you

shall not come down from the bed to

which you have gone up but you shall

surely die

so Elisha departed so Elisha has an

encounter with the angel of the Lord the

angel of the law

it says I want you to go down and meet a

group of messengers and when you meet

them if you go back to verse three

because I want to say it verbatim he

says I want you to tell them is it

because there is no God in Israel I want

you to confront the fact that they’re

searching for all of the wrong things if

your power moves don’t cause

confrontation they may not be power

moves at all you see because God’s going

to put you in the types of positions

where you begin to make moves that break

up systems and structures and the

good-old-boy clubs and networks and

where you have to know someone to get in

the room he’s going to break all of that

stuff up when he gives you the word that

he’s giving you that’s why it’s

important for you to know that you’ve

got a word from God because when that

confrontation comes you may be twisted

into thinking that you should back up

when really God is calling you to go

forward and verse four it continues

verse five rather says Elijah departed

and this is where things get really good

because they go back to the king and

they tell the king and then when the

messengers returned to him he said to

them why have you come back because I

had sent you to go do something and he

knew that what he sent them to do should

have taken a bit longer than it did in

verse six continues and they said look

here dog on the way to the road that you

were told us to go we ran into a man and

men came up to meet us and he said to us

go return to the king who sent you how

is it that Elijah had more authority in

that moment than the king who had

directed them to do something in the

first place I hear God’s saying that

he’s going to give you the type of

authority that changes the tide that

he’s going to give you the type of

authority where people shouldn’t be

listening to you but for some reason

they’re sitting at your feet soaking up

wisdom you got to make sure you’re ready

when it’s time to make power moves

because when you have power moves you

have in

fluence influence over the way other

people think that’s why you got to be

careful who you give your power to

because when you recognize the power

that’s working on the inside of you

there are going to be people drawn to

your light who don’t know how to respect

it there’s going to be people drawn to

your light who don’t know how to honor

it so they said to him a man came up to

meet us and said to us go return to the

king who sent you and say to him thus

says the Lord is it because there is no

God in Israel that you are sending to

inquire of baal-zebub the God of Ekron

therefore you shall not come down from

the bed to which you have gone up but

you shall surely die his messengers are

telling him I know you were wondering if

you were going to make it out of this

thing and we got a word from the Lord

that says evidently the way that fall

was set up it’s not looking good for you

and verse 7 continues then he said to

them what kind of man was it who is this

who came up to meet you who broke up my

system and told you these words what

kind of man is it who who found a way to

my messengers what kind of man was it

that broke up what I was trying to do

what kind of person is it that went into

the audition for one extra role and came

out with the starring role what kind of

man is it that went into a business

meeting for one thing and came out ready

to own the company you got to start

expanding your mind in such a way that

people start asking what kind of man is

it that you just had an encounter with

what kind of woman is it if you aren’t

in an atmosphere and people don’t leave

talking about you then you left nothing

in the room that’s good or bad this

isn’t the kind of season where we can

afford to just be flies on the wall

we’ve got to leave some type of

impression in the room that makes people

say what kind of person was that I just

an encounter with what was that I just

experienced what kind of man was it who

came up to meet you and told you these

words and verse 8 continues it says so

they answered him a hairy man wearing a

leather belt around his waist I tried to

find something so deep and spiritual

about this part but I guess my antenna

wasn’t working that well because I’m not

sure what his passion had to do with it

but I will say that he just had a little

bit of information about who he was but

instantly he knew it was Elijah the

Tishbite just a little bit of

information a hairy man wearing a

leather belt around his waist but could

it be that his reputation had preceded

him that so many people were talking

about what he was doing that when he

walked into a room he needed no

introduction I wonder if we could begin

to start doing the type of work that

when we walk into a room we don’t even

have to introduce ourselves because our

work has gone ahead of us our spirit has

gone ahead of us our connections have

gone ahead of us and so we get to come

in and they have to introduce themselves

to us because you already know what it

is and verse 9 continues then the King

sent him to a captain then the king sent

to him a captain of fifty with his fifty

men so the King was so insecure about

the word he received that he started

sending people after Elijah the prophet

it’s important for you to recognize this

because I need you to recognize that

what you’re about to do what God has for

you when you step into alignment when

you finally get into the proper position

that it’s going to create insecurities

and other people and out of their

insecurities they’re going to start


other rumors or distractions to chase

you down because they’re trying to scare

you out of alignment they’re trying to

make you feel that loneliness is not

worth the cost of destiny they’re going

to make you feel that you can’t afford

the cost of moving forward they’re going

to send a captain at 50 with his fifty

men so he went up to him and there he

was sitting on the top of a hill I loved

that he was sitting on the top of the

hill because you would think that if you

see a captain with 50 men coming after

you that you would not hide because you

know we ain’t never scared but like find

a tree big enough to just block the

shade but for some reason he was sitting

on the top of the hill ready and he

spoke to him man of God the King has

said come down so Elisha answered and

said to the captain of 50 if I am a man

of God then let fire come down from

heaven and consume you and your fifty

men and the verse tells us that fire

came down from heaven and consumed him

and his fifty I think God wants somebody

to know that you’ve been fighting the

fifty men when you should have just been

hanging on to the word that God gave you

and just tapped into that men of God

mentality or that woman of God mentality

that if I am who God says I am then I

don’t even have to deal with this God is

going to take care of it for me I hear

God saying that some of you have been

fighting the wrong battle that is not

about the captain’s it’s not about the

systems it’s not about the corporations

it’s about whether or not you’re the man

or woman of God you’ve been saying you

are you come in to one church you

worship but do you worship when it’s

time for confrontation do you worship

when the Warriors start coming up

against you do you worship when all odds

are against you and it doesn’t look like

you’re going to make it can you worship

in the face

adversity if you are a man of God then

let fire come down from heaven if you

say I can’t have the job then let fire

come down from heaven and create a new

way if you say I gotta move out then let

God open up another door if you say this

is over then God is going to open up

another door if you say this is the end

God said it’s the beginning if you say I

am a man of God if you say I am a woman

of God in if I am a man of God

you gotta see in verse nine that it was

like the captain was trying to be a

little funny when he said men of God the

King has come you not my king he says

man of God the King said I answered a

one men and one man alone and if I am a

man of God then your king doesn’t matter

if I am a man of God then your

corporations your systems your

structures your nose your negativity

your rumors your opinions they don’t

matter if I am a man of God then no

devil and hell has been formed yet no

weapon could ever prosper against me if

I am a man of God then bring your best

shot and watch fire rain down from

heaven over that situation that’s

stopping you watch fire run down from

heaven over that obstacle that you think

is standing in your way

verse 10

then verse 11 says then he sent to him

another captain and 50 I’m country where

I’m from they say you don’t believe that

meat is greasy so the king said ok you

burned up those but I’m gonna send

another cuz maybe that was just an off

situation maybe you didn’t quite fully

something was wrong cuz surely if I sent

a captain in 50min they should have came

back but the King so insecure so afraid

that his position could be easily taken

from him that he sent another captain of

50 with his 50 men and he answered and

said to him men of God thus has the King

said come down quickly so Elisha

answered and said to them if I am a man

of God let fire come down from heaven

and consume you in your 50 men and the

fire of God came down from heaven and

consumed him and his fifty men two times

in a row that means it doesn’t matter

how many times the odds have been

stacked against you that just because

God got you through last time it doesn’t

mean that your grace is over that

there’s another opportunity that means

that you need to let your haters know

try me if you want to but she better get

a fire extinguisher because when my god

gets finished with me anything could

happen to you

judge not be anointed because I just

stepped into something I just tapped

into my anointing and you can tell me no

but you better learn to say it nicely

because if I didn’t like what happened


God who was on my side will go in the

battle for me two times the fire of God

came down yeah just like that just like

that since send your best shot just like

that and verse 13 continues again he’s

in a third captain FNC with his fifty

men and the third captain and fifty went

up and came and fell on his knees before

Elijah and pleaded with him and said to

him man of God please let my life in the

life of these fifty servants of yours be

precious in your sight somebody’s gonna

have to change the way they’re talking

to you somebody was talking to you like

you were the tail is gonna have to start

speaking to you like you are the head

somebody’s gonna have to put some

respect on your name somebody’s gonna

have to start talking to you like the

child of God you are people have been

sleep on you they’ve been holding you

down but I came here tonight to tell you

that back to recognize that you are a

child of God and because you are a child

of God there’s a certain protocol when

you approach me there’s a certain

protocol when I go after something you

can tell me no but you better figure out

how to say it

you gonna have to tell people you must

not know who I am you’re gonna have to

forgive people in advance because some

people are going to come I bet you and

they’re not going to recognize that

they’re not just talking to you that

they’re talking to the God in you so you

won’t have to forgive them in advance

for sleeping on you for telling you that

you weren’t going to make it for telling

you that you weren’t good enough for

telling you you weren’t talented enough

you’re gonna have to forgive them in

advance because God needs you to

recognize that the day is gonna come

when someone looks at you and sees you

the day is going to come when you have

relationships that reflect the God and

you knock the insecurities around you

the day is gonna come when your finances

start reflecting you’re giving the day

is going to come when opportunities are

so image you have to turn them down not

chase them down the day is gonna come

when your gift begins to make room for

you and great people the day is coming

the day is coming when you start making

power moves God moves some of you have

been in this thing on your own trying to

create your own strategies and your own

plans and I’m here to tell you it’s time

for real power moves not Instagram moves

not moves for lights not moves for

followers I mean Kingdom moves I mean

like chasing darkness kind of moves I

mean the kind of moves where a captain

comes up on you and says spare my life

let me be a part of what you’re doing

how can I serve your vision what can I

do to give to what God is doing inside

of you

the captain says please let my life and

the life of these 50 servants of yours

be precious in your sight please vouch

for me you’re going to have the power if

some of you are looking for someone to

vouch for you and God isn’t going to

send anyone because he wants you to

vouch for someone who looks like you

once you’re in the proper position that

you’re going to look at someone who was

just like you and say I got you because

I know what it’s like to need someone

and no one show up but first he’s got to

put the knee down on the inside of you

he’s got to put the pain down on the

inside of you so that your purpose can

be manifest and verse 14 continues it

says look this what the captain said I

love it he said look the fire has come

down from heaven and burned up the first

two captains he said listen Linda fire

is coming down from heaven and then it’s

burned up the first two captains of 50s

with their 50s but let my life now be

precious in your sight he said I want to

be on your side I want to be on your

team I see what you’re doing I see God

is doing something in your lives God

wants me to tell you that what’s

happening in your life is going to be

like a magnet you’re going to begin

attracting people to you you’re going to

be able to attract influence and

opportunities to you and people are

going to be bowing at your feet asking

you how they can be precious in your

sight what can I do to be in your favor

what can I do to tap into what God is

doing in your life but let my life now

be precious in your sight and verse 15

continues it says and the angel of the

Lord said to Elisha go down with him do

not be afraid of him

and so this was very interesting to me

because up until that point we had seen

fire coming down from heaven I didn’t

understand why the angel of the Lord

would say to Elijah do not be afraid I’m

going to tell you right now if I could

get fired to come down from heaven it’s

not a whole lot I would be afraid of but

for some reason the next power move that

Elijah would have to make what we

require vulnerability because God didn’t

want him to start counting on the fire

coming down from heaven he wanted to

know if you could still hear my voice

even if I accelerate you can you still

hear my voice even when I show you your

potential power moves manifest your

potential power moves open up your eyes

to things you didn’t even think we’re

possible for you power moves show you

that you came here to act but you really

are a producer that you came here to be

an assistant but God really needed you

to run the company that you came here

for one thing that you’re not just a

waitress that you’re actually a director

and I need you to see how much it takes

to bring things together that God is

going to use everything for your good go

down with him do not be afraid why would

he be afraid unless power moves confront

your fears if the power moves don’t make

you begin to question your fears and

anxiety then you’re writing off the high

of success of success when you need to

be searching for the insecurities that

come with power moves you see some of

you have been thinking that you were

going to make it to a certain level and

it would be smooth sailing but in

reality God needs you to know that if

you’re going to continue to go from

glory to glory to glory that these power

moves are going to make you afraid

they’re going to make you question


they’re going to make you wonder if you

really have what it takes it’s going to

make you wonder if your plan was too

crazy and too far-fetched to begin with

power moves confront your fears and you

can’t count on the success you had in

the past the only thing you can count on

is the voice of God you see because the

angel of the Lord is what gave him the

authority to go down with him and to not

be afraid so he arose and went down with

him to the king and then he said to the

king thus says the Lord because you have

sent messengers to inquire of baal-zebub

of the god of Ekron is it because there

is no God in Israel to inquire of his

word therefore you shall not come down

from the bed to which you have gone up

but you shall surely die it was the same

message that he told the messengers on

the road in the first place this is

interesting because some of you have

been wondering if you can lose if you’re

going to lose your core when you make

your power moves you’re wondering if

you’re still going to be sharp enough

and good enough and creative enough when

you make it to the next level if you

were just good for one arena but not

actually good for the next arena these

power moves are making you wonder if

your message is really special but

Elijah had the same message for the King

as he had for the messengers his core

remained the same even in the mists of

trials and tribulations what we do here

from week to week is not about you

getting Grammys or Oscars or bonuses or

salaries it’s about making sure you have

the same core message when you’re with

the messengers and when you’re with the


and if you stand with me as I prepare to

close because I want to confront some

course in this room I want to confront

some misconceptions and some issues and

some insecurities that come with making

power moves if you don’t have to leave

please stick could you put my list on

the screen please because I want you all

to recognize the three things that power

moves you to see we’re so often used to

making power moves as in decisions but

the type of power that I’m talking about

moving inside of you as the power of God

working down on the inside of you and I

need you to know that as his power moves

that it’s going to move you to some

confrontations and it’s going to move

you to your potential and it will to

move you to your fears and I just happen

to believe that there are some people in

this room who have been wondering if

they have what it takes to really let

power move through them to finally come

to a place where they take their hands

off of their life and they stop trying

to create strategies and trying to

create opportunities but to trust God in

such a way that he can move through you

what I love about this text is that one

could say that Elijah should stay in his

lane that what was going on really

didn’t have anything to do with him but

he didn’t recognize that as long as God

was telling him to do it that he was in

his lane that means that as long as God

is your driving force that there is no

such thing as your lane there’s only

what the voice of God told you to do

that means you don’t have to be

relegated to only being one thing that

you can do as many things as God

says that you can do so you don’t have

to answer your critics about why you’re

doing this now or while you’re doing

that now everyone’s not going to

understand your power moves but if you

don’t understand them if you don’t

understand your power moves if you don’t

understand what God is doing in your

life and why he’s doing it then you

leave your life susceptible to other

people’s influence to other people’s

direction in other people’s guidance

that’s why we got to get your core right

and we want to have a moment at this

altar where we take a moment to inspect

our course it’s easy to say Amen in this

room but when you’re given the choice

outside of this room to choose fear over

faith to choose toxic relationships over

loneliness to choose a higher paycheck

in exchange for your integrity or your

morality to place yourself on oxygen

when God has been trying to reserve you

when you have those opportunities

outside of this room I need to know that

you’re going to make power moves and the

beauty of this room is that the amens

echo which is a sign that you’re not the

only one who’s struggled with making

power moves in the past that you’re not

the only one who’s had to take a moment

to figure things out for yourself and to

ask God to help you center yourself

again there’s some of you in here who’ve

known for quite a long time that there

are certain things you need to be doing

in your life but you are afraid that

will it would take you out of your

comfort zone that it would isolate you

that you would lose friends that you

would lose relationships that you would

begin to look weird that you would have

to quit your job that you would have to

get a job

I don’t know your life I’m just saying

that some of you have been holding back

your progress trying to negotiate with

God and I’m here to tell you that he

hasn’t changed his mind about you but

he’s waiting to see if he can trust you

with fire can I trust you with the type

of fire that makes you untouchable to

your enemies can I trust you with fire

and then trust you to go into areas

where people may not like you can I

trust you with fire like Elijah and then

trust you to follow a captain who could

easily overtake you can you trust the

hedge of protection that I’ve had over

you some of you need to recognize that

that hedge of protection has been to

your entire life but I really do believe

that as we step into 2017 which pastor

has told us over and over again is going

to be the year of alignment that

alignment is going to be less about

finding God and more about finding you

that is going to be more about you

making the types of decisions that bring

you into alignment regardless of who you

lose and what you lose in the process

some of you are going to have to start

from ground zero because everything

you’ve built up into this point was

false and it’s shiny and it looks good

and it gets lots of likes but you’ve

lost your soul in the process you don’t

even know who you are anymore those are

not power moves if it causes you to lose

your own power your own confidence your

own grace wisdom and strength those are

not power moves I’m here to offer you

the kind of power that takes you from

the back of the classroom to the front

of the classroom that takes you from

being the tail and makes you the head

that makes you stand out a little bit

but ultimately it’s only so that God can

be exalted I want to offer you the kind

of power that says you don’t need the

degree you don’t need the connections

you don’t need the experience all you

need is a word from me you don’t have to

hustle your way up on a blessing I’ve

got blessings stored up for you in

heaven I just need you to come into the

kind of alignment where you truly begin

to believe that all things are possible

for you if this message is speaking to

you and you know that you’ve had some

issues with your core you don’t have to

wait for us to invite you down as a

matter of fact I would dare say but if

you would begin to step out of that

comfort zone that if you would begin to

admit that you need God to help you that

as you’re walking this way that he’s

going to meet you there’s a as he sees

your feet moving that his voice is

drawing out plans for you in heaven

God’s been waiting on a sign that you’re

ready that you heard him and that you’re

ready to move and that you don’t care

what you lose in the process because you

want to start going into rooms and

saying if I am a man of God if I am a

woman of God then let this opportunity

be for me if I

I’m a woman of God then let this

relationship work out if I am a woman of

God then strip away anything in me

that’s not of you if I am a woman of God

then let your light shine through me in

such a way that the world takes notice

if I am a man of God then let weapons

start dropping right now in the name of

Jesus if I am a man of God then let fire

breeze down from heaven on anyone that

would dare come up against my destiny if

I am a man of God pave away ordering my

steps I want to tap into my heavenly

identity I want to tap into who God has

called me to be I want to know I want to

know who I am I want to know what I’m

capable of I want to know that there’s

power down on the inside of me I want to

know that I’m more than my mistakes that

I’m more than what happened to me that

I’m more than these curses that I

thought were around me I want to know

that I am a man or woman of God I want

to know that there’s more to life than

what’s hurt me I want to know that

there’s more to life than what’s in my

bank account and what’s on my Instagram

feed I want to know that there’s

something deeper waiting for me and I’m

ready to turn my life over like never


so that I can make the type of

powermoves that build monuments for God

not for people to look at now for people

to approve of not that make my flesh

feel good but make my spirit week I want

to make the kind of power moves that

says when life is shaky I know on the

solid rock I stand I’m going to ask

pastor to pray into this and I don’t

want you to think just because the altar

is for that you don’t have to come

because surely the prayer is going to

reach you there but I’m telling

there’s something about moving there’s

something about moving there’s something

about getting out of your seat there’s

something about a power move when you’ve

been making life moves when you’ve been

making world moves when you’ve been

making flesh moves there’s something

about a power move that says devil you

can’t hold me down no more negativity

you have no place in my life

depression you have no place in my life

right now

when you move into this alter I hear you

rebuking the Devourer of the enemy I

hear you rebuking anything that would

come up against you when you came down

to this altar

I heard chains breaking down in hell I

heard generational curses breaking I

heard Destiny’s happening I heard doors

opening opportunities being created for

you some of you have been wondering how

you’re going to fit into certain

situations and God wants you to know I’m

going to create a situation just for you

pastor would you pray and it is

I want you to take 30 seconds and let

that word speak to your heart clearly

just 30 seconds and in your own worship

in silence and I want that word to just

speak to you

what did God say to you

thank God say about you

that God tell you to do


you have spoken

you’ve spoken to your children by name

my name not the name perhaps as some

thought they had but by their divine

name you shall no longer be called this

you shall be called man of God you shall

be called woman of God we thank you for

the name changes the identity changes

the situational changes the prospective

changes that have happened in this house


Abraham never went back to being Abram

Sarah never went back to being Sarai

Israel never went back to being Jacob

when you define your sons and your

daughters that’s it that’s it that’s it

that’s it that’s it that’s it I am who

you say I am and so father I thank you

that this word is branded Oh glory to

God and the hearts in the minds in the

souls of these your children never to be

the same again and I’ll add

prophetically Romans 8:19 says all of

creation is eagerly awaiting for the

revealing of the sons and daughters of

God that means that means that things

that you could not see before as a

result of this revealing of you say God

has revealed to you who you weren’t he’s

raised up a mirror and says this is who

you are you can’t be revealed to the

world until first you are revealed to


and their things they’re things that you

have that you didn’t know you had

because you didn’t know who you were

god I thank you for doors that are going

to open god I thank you right now that

that emails are going to come in to

prove that there were things locked up

tied up in the absence of identity that

will be present now I thank you God just

like the text said that people who once

saw you one way will not help but to see

you another way I thank you God that

this divine favor in this room now

I want you to repeat after me I am and

say it according to your madness or your

womanís I am a man of God I am a child

of God and from this day forward I am

what I am

in Jesus name Amen god bless you love

you so much
