Service Date: 05.02.19 8PM



I want to get into the word I’m going to

be speaking I’ve got two texts I’ve got

Romans twelve and two this is not an

unfamiliar Texas says and do not be

conformed to this world but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind

that you may prove what is that good and

acceptable and perfect will of God

and then in Mark 8 verse 13 I’m going to

tell you a little story it says and he

left them and getting into the boat

again this he is Jesus departed to the

other side now the disciples had

forgotten to take bread and they did not

have more than one loaf with them in the

boat then he charged them saying take

heed beware of the leaven of the

Pharisees and the leaven of Herod and

they reasoned among themselves saying is

it because we have no bread but Jesus

being aware of it said to them why do

you reason because you have no bread do

you not yet perceive nor understand is

your heart still hardened having eyes do

you not see and having ears do you not

hear and do you not remember when I

broke the five loaves for the five

thousand how many baskets full of

fragments did you take up and they said

to him twelve also when I broke the

seven for the four thousand how many

large baskets full of fragments did you

take up and they said seven so he said

to them how is it you do not

understand spirit of the Living God we

offer you in this moment not just our

heart not just our soul not just our

emotions but the most important thing

that we can give you our mind because we

recognize that when we turn our mind

over to you that it can be renewed and

as a man thinketh so is he so that means

our transformation lies in the power of

our mind and so father I offer to you my

mind that you would use every resource

that is within me to deliver a message

for these your great people and that as

what comes from my heart but through my

mind comes out of my mouth god I ask

that it would enter into the hearts and

minds of your people and that it would

shake up patterns of thought and routine

that is maybe the made us believe that

we are less than who you really say that

we are basically God I want to break

some strongholds in this room God I want

to break some chains in this room I want

to break some generational thoughts and

curses that have kept us down in this

room and I can do none of that without

you and so God I ask that you would

breathe on this word that you would

breathe in this room and that you would

stand so strong in this pit is that

there would be no denying that you met

with us here and that you sat with us

and that you planted seeds that we will

reap a harvest from for years to come no

nerves no fear no anxiety just you your

anointing your power standing tall

inside of me in Jesus name

I don’t know if you guys have country

parents like I do my parents are from

the country okay

we’re from West Virginia in Charleston

West Virginia and oh wow that never

happens come on bless em yes and my

father both of my parents really have

this way of saying the most simple

things that turn out to be some kind of

way prolific and profound I think it’s

the beauty of country life I’ll give you

an example so some friends and I planned

this dinner and we were going to go to

dinner in the middle of downtown and we

were going to go to this restaurant that

overlooks the city and we’ve been

planning this people who fly flown in

we’re planning to go to this dinner it’s

like on the 40th floor of this

restaurant and we get there and we’re at

the restaurant and we just got off the

party bus and we’re all dressed up and

we’re excited and we hit the elevator

button and one of my friends goes I

can’t do this

like I’m afraid of heights and I was

like girl we’ve been talking about this

being on the 40th floor of the city this

entire time and she was like I can’t do

it I’m afraid of heights I’m so sorry

and I was like all right well we’ll see

you later because I mean we had a plan

and you know so I’m sitting here and I’m

talking to my parents a few days later

and I’m just like flabbergasted like how

did my girl not tell me she was afraid

of heights like we didn’t flown in we’ve

gone through all of this stuff and my

father goes what you can’t do what you

can’t do and I said wow you just can’t

do what you can’t do and that was all

that he had to say about it I thought it

was gonna be deep and profound and I

just sat with that thing for a little

bit and I was like you know what you

right though you really just cannot do

what you cannot do and I think of all of

these little like country’s simple

sayings one of my favorites is like you

don’t know until you know child which is

like so simple but yet also so true

because there are some things you don’t

know until you just in the middle of

knowing them you know like who could

have known that you could move to one of

the most populous cities in the country

and still feel lonely sometimes who

could have known that you need to market

your business you can’t just have a good

idea and expect for it to be successful

that I need to actually have a marketing

strategy attached to this you don’t know

until you know there are some things

that you will never discover until you

actually get into that situation and

then you realize what you didn’t know

and sometimes we beat ourselves up for

what we didn’t know but couldn’t have

known unless we got ourselves in this


I should have known better I sometimes

say to myself I wish that I could go

back and redo something knowing what I

know now but the truth is is if I went

back I wouldn’t know what I know now and

so we have to be willing to be patient

with our cells when we are in the middle

of developing because the truth is that

life is going to create scenarios and

situations where we discover in the

middle of moving forward that we don’t

have everything that we need in order to

be successful and those moments I like

to call them pop quiz this is a pop quiz

that’s my subject for tonight’s message

it’s pop quiz and I don’t know about you

but I thought that when I got finished

with school that I would be finished

learning and what I have learned is that

life is just a big classroom and we are

constantly learning and most of the time

the way that we learn is by pop quiz

that we end up in these relationships

are at these jobs or starting these

businesses or in relationships and we

take the test first and then learn the

lesson afterwards I was studying for

this message and I learned that one of

the most easy way for people to retain

information as adults is for them to

have a connection point so in order for

you to really learn new information you

are likely more successful to learn that

new information when it picks up on

existing information that’s already

stored within your brain that’s why the

best teachers don’t just teach you the

lesson they find a way to make it

relatable to you because they recognize

that if I can get you to relate to

something you already know then you will

be more likely to learn this new

information that you don’t know and so

when we are in this

texts when we meet Jesus and the

disciples in the boat they are in

trouble for what they did not know

because though they have been exposed to

who Jesus is and they have been exposed

to the new information about his power

they haven’t yet connected fully to how

that power is available to them oh god

help me you know I got to say it the way

I studied it are we gonna be here till

twelve o’clock yeah

the disciples have to learn a new way of

thinking when Jesus met them they were

fishermen their lives had some bit of an

autopilot on it

they had a rhythm they had a way of

doing life and now they’ve met Jesus and

sometimes we try to create the old

rhythm in a new season but ultimately

what Jesus becomes frustrated with them

about is that their thoughts haven’t

changed even though their situation has


yeah Jesus because our mind is the most

challenging thing to change how you look

at people how you perceive money it

doesn’t matter whether you have five

dollars or five million dollars if your

mind hasn’t changed then you will spend

five million dollars and be broke as if

it was five dollars because you never

changed your mind and I just feel like

we are coming into a season where the

most important thing you can do is

change your mind because you cannot

trust that the way I think now is gonna

work for Who I am becoming I’ve got to

be willing to surrender my thoughts I

gotta be willing to surrender my

patterns because God is doing something

new if I make it if I’m talking to

somebody who wonders

wearing a new season makes them noise I

want to make sure I’m in the right room

if you know God is doing something new

if you know that you’re becoming clay

again on the potter’s wheel and I can’t

just treat this the way that I used to

treat it take off your shoes you’re

standing on holy ground something new is

happening in this place and I can’t just

trust the thoughts that I had before I

gotta be willing to change my mind I

can’t think like everybody in the


I can’t think like everybody that works

that works when I was there but I’m not

there anymore in this pop quiz time guys

getting ready to test you to see if

you’ve really changed your mind I’m

gonna throw some situations at you to

see if you changed your mind oh you’ve

been going to church Thursday night but

can you forgive have you really changed

your mind I want to give you a new job

but have you really changed your mind

can you deal with the pressure connected

to who you are this is a mind thing and

do not be conformed to this world but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind

that you may prove that word prove

doesn’t mean proof like the way that

we’re used to hearing it it means that

you may examine that you may examine

what is the good and acceptable and the

perfect will of God if my mind is

renewed then I can examine what is the

good and acceptable and perfect will of

God in any given situation that’s why I

can’t have the same mind in this season

because my mind before tried to look at

what was the good and perfect and

acceptable will for myself or what would

help me be accepted by everyone else but

now I can’t just make any decision

without examining what the options are

there’s always going to be my option

their option and the good and acceptable

and perfect will of God

and I’m trying to live my life within

the perfect will of God why because

there’s insurance connected to that

because there are resources connected to

that because there is provision

connected to that and if I do not renew

my mind then I cannot lay hold to what

those promises are and I can’t lay hold

to which relationships are right or

wrong or which job is right or wrong I

gotta get my mind renewed because a lot

of times our mind I’m going to get to

the text but a lot of times our mind is

a reflection of the environment and

culture in which we were raised and we

can always rely on that environment and

culture to really be a reflection of the

best version of who we can be Jesus so

in some cultures there are belief

systems that can hinder you from really

laying hold to the identity and the

vision of who God thinks you can be in

my city and my family everyone does this

that way and so that has shaped my mind

on what is right and what is wrong and

my city and my family no one goes out

and they aren’t artists everyone gets to

9:00 to 5:00 but in my world and what

God has called me to do requires a

certain level of creativity and so I’ve

got to be willing to have my mind

renewed so that I can understand what

I’m doing out of rebellion what I’m

doing seeking validation and what I’m

doing ultimately to determine if it is

the good and acceptable and perfect will

of God and so when the disciples in

Jesus are having this confrontation this

moment on the boat what Jesus is most

upset about what the disciples is the

way that they are thinking about the

situation in their aunt because they

have been exposed to the new information

of who Jesus is

but that exposure has not become a part

of their knowledge it hasn’t become a

part of how they count their resources

let’s just lay the foundation here so

the disciples earlier in Chapter eight

have just seen Jesus break loaves of

bread it was five loaves of bread and

feed four thousand people and yet

they’re on the boat and they have one

loaf of bread and they’re upset because

they failed to get enough bread for the

journey that they have ahead of them and

that failure they didn’t discover until

they’d already started you see they

didn’t have no bread they just had one

loaf of bread which means that they only

had enough to get started but they were

afraid they wouldn’t have enough to

outlast and withstand the duration of

the trip I only got one loaf of bread

god help me I only got one idea I only

have one job I only have one opportunity

and I’m afraid that that one job and

that one opportunity isn’t going to be

enough to help me with stand the journey

that is ahead of me I want to break this

down for somebody who knows what it’s

like to only have one loaf of bread I

only have one friend in the city I only

have one source of faith in this city I

only got one loaf of bread and if I’m

honest I’m not sure if it’s enough to

sustain what’s ahead of me when I look

ahead of me there’s so many obstacles

when I look ahead of me there’s so many

days that I’m gonna have to face day

after day after day

and I only have one loaf of bread and I

didn’t realize that I only had one loaf

until I started this thing if I would

have known that I wasn’t gonna have

enough I would have never started this

thing but God got me started with that

one loaf of bread why why God did you

get me started and I only have one loaf

of bread why God did you allow me to get

in this situation and I don’t have

anyone else to count on I only got one

loaf of bread I don’t have a lot of

things to choose from I don’t have a lot

of options to sustain me I’m working

with one thing that one thing and yet

Jesus says to the disciples this one

thing that you’re upset about should

have been a reminder to you so what

we’re talking about are the disciples in

Jesus and one loaf of bread and they

both entities Jesus and the disciples

have different perspectives on what that

one loaf means for the disciples that

one loaf represents lack it represents a

shortcoming it represents not measuring

God it represents running out before you

finish that one loaf represents the one

things to the disciples but to Jesus it

represents something that they should

have seen from the times that he’s taken

bread before and that is that this one

loaf could feed 1,000 and it ain’t but

13 of us what you trying to do tonight

yeah that’s why he reminds them do you

not remember what I did with the loaves

of bread in the past if I paid five

thousand with two lows and I paid four

thousand with five loaves what do you

think I can do with this one loaf and

it’s 13 of us and see the problem is

that we’ve been looking at this one loaf

of bread with the wrong mindset you’ve

been looking at it with the old mindset

and I came here to tell you on this year

Thursday night that is time for you to

renew your mind about that one thing you

got going because that one thing you got

going is enough for Jesus to break it

blessing and turn it into multiple

streams it may look like one thing to

you it may look like it’s not enough to

you but Jesus says is all I need is one

thing all I need is one person all I

need is one gift all I need is one

Talent all I need is for you to bring

your mind into alignment with how I see

one I see one differently than you you

see one is not enough you see one is

reason for lack all tell you in my text

really quickly that it went from we only

have one loaf of bread and then they

said is he upset because we have no


they had one loaf but they were so

unsure of that one loaf ability to

sustain them that they discounted it

from 1 to nothing and so Jesus says to

them beware of that kind of thinking

because that kind of thinking it looks

like the Pharisees and you’ve been

exposed to too much to be thinking like

someone who doesn’t believe

and I thought that the reason why the

disciples didn’t see that Jesus could

use that one loaf is because they were

used to facilitating someone else’s

miracle but not used to needing the

miracle themselves they saw Jesus help

blind people see they saw Jesus help

lame men walk they saw Jesus take a

woman within issues but they saw Jesus

time after time used people who had

these desperate situations and there was

something about the disciples that

didn’t believe that their situation was

desperate enough for Jesus’s power I

came to help somebody tonight because

sometimes we think we only need him for

desperate situations and Jesus says I

want to be in relationship with you so

that you can examine what is that good

and acceptable and perfect will you

don’t have to just call on my name when

you have cancer you don’t have to just

call on my name when you’re down to your

last time I want to show you that I’ll

feed you even when I don’t have to break

the bread and feed 5,000 if you tell me

you’re hungry if you tell me you’re

in need I will break your one loaf of

bread and sustain everything connected

to you I feel the presence of God in

this place because Jesus is trying to

show us something that in this season we

have to be connected with him not just

in our heart but in our mind Jesus I

wanna see my situation the way you see

it Jesus I wanna know my options the way

that you know them

I’m not waiting until I’m on my last

time I’m not waiting until I have no

other options I’m standing flat-footed

and where I am right now and I’m saying

Jesus I need your perspective on my one

loaf I need your perspective on this

idea I need your perspective on this job

because when I look at it from my

perspective I see something that looks

like it’s not enough but from your

perspective you see a miracle and I want

to discern what you see I want to know

what you know I want to believe what you

believe about what I’m working with I’m

talking about who you are on the inside

God what am I really working with am I

really coming up short or am I really

just the groundwork for a miracle am I

really not enough where are you going to

do exceedingly and abundantly God I

really want to know what I’m working

with for real not from my eyes or the

eyes of those around me because I don’t

want to be defined by anyone else other

than the person who created me and God

if you tell me that this one loaf

is enough then I can continue on this

journey I feel that prophetically for

somebody it just dropped in my spirit I

don’t know what your one thing is but I

hear God saying that you were so focused

on what you have that you haven’t

stopped to see who you are with because

if the disciples would have taken a

moment to stop focusing on what they

didn’t have and instead looks at who

they were connected to then they would

have seen that I am connected to my

provider that I am connected to the one

who was going to make all things work

together for my good I am connected to

someone who I have seen show up in this

exact manner before there are some

people in this room who have been

exposed to other people’s miracles

you’ve been exposed to other people

coming from where you’ve come from and

ending up and where you want to be

you’ve been exposed to it and you

thought that you were just witnessing I

feel the presence of God in this place

you thought that you were just

witnessing what God can do for somebody


and I hear God saying no baby you were

witnessing what I can do with you you

were witnessing what I want to do down

on the inside of you I didn’t just put

you there so that you can it witness it

and clap for somebody else I put you

there so that when you weren’t down to

your one loaf you wouldn’t remember what

I could do when somebody who saw things

the way that I saw them

know who I’m talking to but I want to

prophesy in this place that you are

going to break barriers I want to

prophesy in this place that you are

going to change the industry how do I

know it cuz you’ve already seen it I

want you to take ten seconds and then

thank God for everything you see

I’ve seen God make a way out of no way

I’ve seen God turn nothing into

something I’ve seen that show up time

after time after time I’m not talking

about what I heard I’m talking about

what I see

I’ve seen it I’ve seen it and because

I’ve seen it I got access to it because

God didn’t just allow me to see it he

allowed me to see it so he could change

the way I think he allowed me to see it

so we can change the way I think I want

to break you from going back to that

thinking that has you believing that you

live in lack I want to break that

thinking that makes you believe that you

don’t have everything that you need God

says I exposed you to it because I want

to change the way you think so the next

time you look at that loaf everyone else

can say it’s not enough but because you

are not been in relationship you’ve seen

what I can do it one loaf you seen what

I can do it in one movie you’ve seen

what I could do with a book you see what

I can do with a noisy




what you see God do I to change what you

think what you see god dude I to change

what you think and do not be conformed

to this world don’t you down look don’t

you allow your mind to be shaped by this

world but be transformed by the renewing

of your mind that you may prove what is

that good and acceptable and perfect

will of God I almost caught this message

proof because I believe that when God

gets finished with somebody they’re

gonna be evidence that’s good I feel

like preaching in this place that

an acceptable and perfect will of

they’re shaking up things in earth it’s

their second up things and then there’s



let me tell you


Jesus has to get this right with the

disciples because Jesus knows that he’s

on the clock and he knows soon enough

I’m not gonna be on the earth anymore

and if you don’t start thinking like I’m

thinking then what I’ve started won’t

get finished but if you start thinking

like I think when I leave this earth I

still be in this earth coz there’s

somebody who think the way I think cuz

there’s somebody who believes the way I

believe I feel like somebody’s got

healing power in this room I feel like

somebody’s got a ministry down in this


that God’s been waiting for it’s for you

to start thinking about that thing he

gave you the way he thinks about it I

think you’re wonderful I think you’re

talented I think you’re fearfully and

wonderfully made I don’t think you need

a man to tell you who you are

that’s all




and that’s why the enemy will always be

after your minds


because if I can get their mind they

won’t become as a man think it’s though

is he all I gotta do is play some

thoughts in their mind but they didn’t

know you was gonna find your way in this

place on their Thursday night I came to

uproot some thoughts of the enemy some

depression I came to uproot some second






I think it’s Philippians where Paul says

and let this mind be in you that was

also in Christ Jesus I know guys got

your heart I know you believes in them

but I want to know does you have your

mind I want to know has he changed the

way you think how do you think about

yourself how do you think about that

gift and talent how do you treat other

people has he transformed your mind

because we can believe in God and and

witness God’s power but then go back to

the same thinking I don’t know about you

but I have learned especially over these

last few months that I cannot trust the

way that I think

because my mind hasn’t fully been

renewed yet

and because I can’t trust the way I

think I can’t just make any old decision

I gotta compare what I think with that

good and acceptable and perfect will of

God so God in my mind and my thoughts I

don’t feel good enough and my mind and

my thoughts I don’t feel qualified but

you still create opportunities for me

and you still make a way out of no way

when I don’t deserve it and so I’m

wondering if you think something about

my one loaf that I don’t think and so

the way that we prove that good and

acceptable and perfect will of God

is when we don’t make the decisions that

our mind generates unless what our mind

is generated looks like that good and

acceptable and perfect will of God

and that means that we may have to slow

down a little bit so that we have the

peace and pace of the kingdom and you

never lose when you slow down because

God will accelerate and God will promote

those who he can trust some people

haven’t been promoted because they can’t

be trusted because you’ll get into rooms

and you’ll get into relationships and

you’ll do what feels good even if it’s

not good and so I can’t place you in


until I trust that you’ll think like me

I believe what Jesus was saying to the

disciples he’s saying to us in this

season do you not understand do you not

understand that my thoughts are not your

thoughts that my ways are not your ways

and I know that you have all of these

thoughts that try to torment you and

sometimes they try to haunt you and

taught you and that’s why you cannot

trust your thoughts but I do believe

that as we are looking at those things

in our life where we feel like they may

not sustain us for the duration of this

journey that I may not have enough faith

I may not have enough power I may not

have enough creativity I may not have an

authority I may not have the finances

that I need I may not have everything I

need to work with that you have to be

willing to ask yourself but God what do

you think about what I’m working with I

want to have a moment at the altar I

want to have a moment here

for those of us who have been struggling

with that one lower that you have

something that God has given you I don’t

know if it’s a gift I don’t know if it’s

a relationship I don’t know what it is

but I have that one thing that I am

afraid that what I have is not enough

but you’ve also been exposed to someone

taking that not enough and turning it

into more than enough I want to talk to

people who have been exposed to what God

can do but don’t believe that God can do

it for them God I’ve seen what you can

do with other people’s loaves I’ve seen

what you can do with other people’s

needs but for some reason I don’t

believe that you can do the same thing

with my needs and and my loaf in my

situation or my marriage in my

relationship I don’t believe that you

can do the same thing there’s a

disconnect when I first started speaking

I started explaining how the adult brain

literally learns better when there’s a

connection point when the information

that is already stored in our brain is

connected to the new information and

that becomes a part of our knowledge and

what’s lacking in some of our lives

right now is I don’t have a connection

point to that power I don’t have a

connection point to that level of belief

that allows me to look at that one thing

that God has given me and see it as an

opportunity for a miracle I don’t have a

connection point and I believe part of

the reason why we struggle with

connecting to God’s ability in our life

is sometimes we just don’t feel worthy

and sometimes we don’t trust that he’ll

do it for us the way he we’ve seen him

do it for other people

and to a certain extent we’re right

because he doesn’t have to duplicate

what he’s already done before and so I’m

not trying to get someone else’s outcome

I just want to experience that same

level of power that means that I can use

the same power that I see demonstrated

for my pastors in the capacity of music

I’m not asking to be a preacher I just

want to have that same level of power

when I write my book I want to have that

same level of power when I sing my songs

I want to have that same level of power

when I start my business I’m not talking

about imitation I’m talking about the

power that is accessible to you as you

allow your mind to be transformed I’m

looking for that good an acceptable and

perfect thing that can only come from

above if you’re here and maybe you say

you know what I don’t know Jesus at all

and I’m not even really into religion

but for some reason as you were speaking

I felt something I’ve never felt before

I want to invite you down to this altar

as well if you don’t do religion you are

in the right place because we don’t do

religion here even we’re all about

relationship we’re all about that

connection we’re all about becoming who

God has in mind for us I want you to

lift your hands like you’re receiving

that renewed mind like you’re receiving

that good and acceptable and perfect

will of God

and I want you to do it like you’re

desperate like the woman with the issue

of blood and I want you to do it like

you are that lame man who wants to walk

again I want you to do it like you are

the blind man who wants to see because

that is how powerful your mind being

renewed is I want to prophesy that the

renewal of your mind has been the only

thing that has been keeping you from

experiencing the power of God that you

have been witness to for your entire


I feel like on the other side of this

mind renewal that there are deals

waiting for you I feel like on the other

side of this mind renewal that there are

authentic friendships waiting for you I

feel like on the other side of this mind

renewal is a marriage that’s going to

last I feel like on the other side of

this mind renewal is business and

productivity like never before there are

doors waiting to be open to you so

spirit of the Living God touch every

mind you know what put your head on your

head put your hand on your head father

God that’s what we want you to do with

our mind god we want to feel your hands

on our mind we want to feel your hands

on every thought we want to feel your

hand on everything that is going on on

the inside of our mind father God we

want to lay hands on ourselves we may

not ever have a bastard lay hands on us

but we believe that that same anointing

that raised Jesus from the dead exists

down on the inside of us so father God

as they lay their hands on their head I

want to prophesy that that mind that was

in Christ Jesus is being placed in their

mind right now spirit of the Living God

I rebuke depression in this place I

rebuke suicidal thoughts in this place I

rebuke second-guessing who you have

called them to be and I send it back to

Hell where it came from God

hüsnü creativity God give them new

passion God changed the way they’re

looking at that one loaf it is more than

enough it is everything that you need to

set a miracle in motion father God I

asked right now in the name of Jesus

that you would allow our minds to become

a reflection of who you’ve called us to

be and that you would uproot every

negative thought every dark thought

every self-sabotaging thought that

stalks our own selves out of the road

that you have ahead of us God change our

mouths that our language would be a

reflection of who you say we are God

changed our emotions right now if we’ve

got to forgive God right here in this

atmosphere we speak forgiveness we don’t

have time for bitterness ain’t nobody

got time for that we got work to do

we rebuke bitterness right now in the

name of Jesus and we ask God that as we

go about this journey and that as we

continue to evolve that we would grow in

the consciousness of who you are and

that our decisions would be a reflection

of your grace your power your anointing

your good and acceptable and perfect

will of God God bring us into your will

bring our thoughts into obedience

our minds into captivity that we would

only move when you say move that we

would only speak what you say speak and

that we would see everything the way

that you see it repeat after me Heavenly

Father thank you for Jesus thank you for

making him

who had no fear who had no anxiety who

had no second-guessing all of my fears

all of my weakness and all of my

limitations and when he was nailed to

the cross my sins my fear my anxiety was

nailed to the cross – and when he was

raised free and victorious I was raised

up – with a new mind with a new

consciousness with new hope new power

and new creativity awakened me to the

newness that is already available to me

help me God to understand what is your

good and acceptable and perfect will in

every area of my life I want to walk

with you I want to talk with you and I

want to think just like you in Jesus

name Amen amen

can you celebrate with me for that new

mind that God is creating on the inside

of you can you celebrate like old things

have passed away

and that God is gonna do a new thing in

your life there’s a renewal taking place

and as you walk in this renewal you have

to be sensitive and patient with

yourself in this journey because you

recognize that I am not just living

randomly and I am no longer doing life

on autopilot I’m doing life with

intentionality and purpose and

everything has to line up with what God

is doing in this place can we worship

for just a moment

can we worship that he’s still in the

miracle business

that he’s still transforming my

I’m not talking about what I heard about

I’m talking about what I know that he’s

still taking one loaf of bread and

literally feeding thousands

