Service Date: 04.15.18 9AM

hey family pastor T here god bless you

listen you’re getting ready to hear a

powerful message and I wanted to also

remind you about the message that is in

this book it released as you know on

February 6 it’s already number one new

release on Amazon in three different

categories if you don’t have this book

in your life get it in your life it is

changing the world one whole person at a

time but God bless you for now I’ve got

a great message that I want you to hear

check it out to continue lifting up the

name of Jesus I wish there were just a

couple people in this room who recognize

that there is no name greater than the

name of Jesus can we lift up his names

Los Angeles can you help me Denver can

you help me can we fled the earth with

the name of Jesus can I hear the sound

of kingdom can I hear the sound of

heaven touching the earth Los Angeles

make some noise didn’t for Colorado let

me hear you lift up your savior that was

cute for Jesus but I want to know if

there’s anybody who knows that they know

that had it not been for the name


there’s something about that name I’m

still learning and I’m still walking up

this thing hard life but what I know is

that there’s something about the name of

Jesus I’ve seen it in my own life where

depression couldn’t hold me when I

started saying the name of Jesus and to

be in a room full of believers literally

in Los Angeles California with there are

hundreds of people lifting up the name

of Jesus here in Denver there are

hundreds of people lifting up the name

of Jesus can we have a praise battle

real quick with our LA campus I wonder

who could touch heaven first I wonder

who can touch heaven first I wonder what

would happen if we all over this nation

started lifting up Jesus name I wonder

how many marriages could be saved I

wonder how much addiction could be

broken I wonder how many demons would

start fleeing our households when we



you’re the only reason why we’re here

so we love you and we acknowledge you

and we ask that you would continue

continue to meet with us and sit with us

can you just take a moment and just

greet the person beside you say I’m so

glad I get to lift up the name of Jesus

with you

if you’re in LA can you turn to your

neighbor and say I’m so glad that I get

to lift up the name of Jesus with you

where two or three are gathered in his

name there he shall be in the mist every

time I turn to my neighbor I get a

little more Jesus every time I hug on

the person beside me I get a little more

Jesus I get an overflow of his spirit I

get to feel his love permeating my

situation my husband and I pastor to Ray

we greet you with Jesus joy if you’re

visiting for the first time we just love

you acknowledge you can you wave at us

if you’re visiting for the first time

and if you’re by your first time guests

can you take a minute to just welcome

them to the potter’s house at one la or

The Potter’s House it didn’t really

welcome you we welcome you and I think

you’ll find that there is no place quite

like where you are if you know that this

church is blessing people in changing

lives can you just let them know that

they are in the right place on this here

Sunday morning it’s all right with you I

came to receive a word from God and I

came to give a word from God so I want

to jump right into the word if you’re

visiting for the first time you may

notice that in a minute all of us are

going to stand and we’re going to stand

for the reading of the word it’s just

our way of acknowledging how holy this

moment is and so if you’re like us and

you’re going to stand we would certainly

want to welcome you to stand for this

moment if you can do it I promise you

won’t have to stand throughout the

entire service like me unless you would

like to to show your sign of support

if you’re in LA we appreciate you

standing as well I’m gonna be speaking

from Matthew 10 and 16 and I believe as

I was praying that that God was showing

me who was going to be in this room and

he was telling me as I was praying and I

was asking God what is it that you need

for us to here in LA what is it that you

need for us to here in Denver what is

the word that you want to go throughout

all of the earth and he said I need my

people to understand that though it may

feel like they are in over their head

that they are exactly where I need them

to be in this season if that’s for you

can you make some noise if you’ve been

wondering what in the world is going on

I came here to let you know I’m

prophesying over your life we haven’t

even gotten in the word you are exactly

where you need to be in this season God

said you wouldn’t even see yourself

clearly if I wouldn’t have put you in

over your head and now that you’re in

over your head you understand what I

think of you so I want to I want to get

into the word Matthew 10 and 16 for

those of you who like to take notes my

subject is in fact over my head

Matthew 10 and 16 it says behold I send

you out as sheep in the midst of wolves

therefore be wise as serpents and

harmless as doves but beware of men for

they will deliver you up to counsels

come on somebody the very people who you

thought you could count on may end up

being the people who walk away from you

Jesus says to the disciples beware of

men for they will deliver you up to

councils and scour jury in their

synagogues you will be brought before

governors and Kings for my sake as a

testimony to them and to the Gentiles

but when they deliver you up do not

worry about how or what you should speak

for it will be given to you in that hour

when you feel like you’re in over your

head when you don’t know how the ends

are going to be when you start to

question your ideas and your creativity

Jesus says to the disciples don’t worry

about it for in that hour I will give

you what to speak for it is not you who

speaks but the Spirit of your father who

speaks in you spirit of the Living God

we need you to speak we didn’t come here

to hear our favorite past or to hear our

favorite song we came to hear a word

from you and so God we’re asking that

your anointing would flow throughout

this building that it would flow so far

out of this building that it reaches Los

Angeles California that it would flow

all the way out of Los Angeles that it

touches Europe in Africa and Asia God we

need you to flood the earth there’s too

much going on and if God you don’t give

this vision and clarity and insight we

don’t know what we’ll do or who we will

become but in this moment we know that

you can give us divine insight and

wisdom about our lives so we open

ourselves up to your truth into your

word and we ask that this word will meet

us right where we are God and as your

vessel I just turned myself over to you

without you I am nothing I can do

nothing or say nothing that changes

lives but with you I believe that

generational curses can be broken with

you I believe that strongholds could to

come down with you I believe that

healing could be manifest so god I am

asking that it is you and you alone that

stands before your people and that you

would use any and every part of me at

your disposal so that lives may be

changed and come to know you in a fresh

new way in Jesus name I pray

and then Denver you may be seated Los

Angeles you make it comfortable I was

thinking I was in Los Angeles yesterday

and the weather is so gorgeous and then

as we were driving here today the

weather and the Sun

and it looks so gorgeous and I can

remember as a little girl anticipating

days like this because I knew that it

meant that summer was coming and because

I knew that summer was coming I knew

that I would get to spend all day long

in the swimming pool I don’t know about

you but I just love swimming as a little

girl I used to love swimming so much

that I would literally pray that one of

my siblings would just pushed me into

the pool and now that I am an adult I

realized that there are some things that

we end up leaving in childhood because

as an adult I realize that if someone

pushed me into the pool I may catch a

case I know you guys are very saved here

in LA and that you guys don’t catch

cases anymore because God has touched

you and transformed you he’s still

working on your girl if somebody threw

me into the pool and expectedly

I would have an issue with that because

there’s a certain level of preparation I

have to have before I jump into the pool

my edges needs to be tended to properly

I need to make sure that everything is

glued down and tacked down properly you

can’t just throw me into the pool I need

preparation before water goes over in my


amen all right I need preparation before

the water goes over my head I really

wish that life understood that I like to

have preparation before I am in over my


for some reason life doesn’t seem to

understand that I don’t like to just be

thrown into the deep end yeah I thought

I was applying for a job I didn’t

realize that I was applying for a

headache some kind of way when I am

pursuing life I end up in such a

situation that before I know it I’m in

over my head sometimes I don’t even

recognize that I’m in a stressful

situation until my body starts telling

me how you stressed I’m in

I’m in over my head and and I’m trying

to figure out how I am supposed to

navigate when I don’t exactly know who I

am supposed to be in this very moment

because I recognize that the tools that

I had before don’t work in this

particular season and that the things

that I knew from the last season don’t

apply to this season I wish I had some

people in this room who knew what it was

like to be a blank canvas that all of a

sudden I had everything figured out and

now the only thing that I know is that I

know nothing at all I’m in over in my

head I don’t know if the job is gonna

work out I don’t know what’s happening

with the marriage I don’t know if the

kids are gonna be okay and Here I am

still trying to function but I’m in over

my head

and so as I was studying and preparing I

wanted to find something in Scripture

that relates to those of us who are just

in over their heads just a little bit

I’m not saying I’m giving up I’m not

saying I’m backing down sometimes you

have to let the enemy know that because

he will take the fact that you were

stressed and make you believe that it’s

quitting time but I just believe before

I even get into the word I don’t know

what you’re in over your head and maybe

it’s your career maybe it’s your family

maybe it’s your marriage but if the only

thing you can do is stand and say devil

I rebuke you no weapon formed against my

life for prosper sometimes the only

thing that you can do when you are in

over your head is make a decision that

I’m not gonna quit I’m not going to die

I’m not going to try and I don’t know

what’s gonna happen but what I do know

is that I’ve never seen the righteous

forsaken what I do know is like that

I’ve never seen they’d seed begging for

bread I know who’s I am even when I’m in

over my head because I know who was over

my head and so Jesus is preparing to

send the disciples out what I love about

Jesus is when he’s first and gathering

their disciples he comes up to them and

he says I will make you fishers of men

Jesus doesn’t go up to the disciples and

and tell the disciples I’m going to send

you out as sheep

amongst wolves because I wonder how many

of us would have signed up for that

signing up to be fishers of men it

sounds exciting I want to bring this

dream opportunity into your life it

sounds exciting but for some reason he

doesn’t tell them that there is going to

be a moment and purpose a moment on your

journey a moment in destiny where you

end up over your head and so before he

gets ready to sin

send them out he sanctifies them he

anoints them he gives them the power to

cast out demons he gives them the power

to perform miracles which was such a

sign to me because what it meant to me

is that before we end up over our head

that he anoints us before we’re even in

front of the situation I wish I could

say that the way that I see it in

Matthew we learned that Jesus the

greatest shepherd there ever is will

leave the 99 to go get the one lost

sheep but we don’t ever talk about how

that same Jesus will take his sheep and

send it out we depend so greatly on if I

get lost he’ll come and find me but no

one talks about how he ends up sending

us out as sheep amongst wolves how he

trusts us after he he goes and finds us

as a lost sheep and he brings us into

our fault into his phone and he gets our

mind right and he helps us to see things

clearly he never talks about how

ultimately that I did not bring you back

into the fold so that you could stay in

the fold

I brought you back into the fold so that

I could could equip you enough to send

you out and trust you in the rooms when

I send you out what I’m saying is that

when Jesus goes and gets the lost sheep

it’s not so that they could become good

at doing Church he gets the lost sheep

so he could teach the lost sheep how to

be a sheep in a pack full of wolves man

I gotta say it the way I studied it in

the way he gave it to me

because I feel like there are some

people in this room who are running with

wolves and they’re losing their identity

and they’re one

and God have you lost me and you don’t

recognize it what he’s saying is I see

you so properly that I could trust you

in the rooms where everyone else has bad

intentions but you came in for the right

reason because I equipped you I did not

just save you so that you could be like

everyone else

I saved you so that I could send you out

and you could gather people who look

like you I wish I had some people who

understood I didn’t get saved for my own

selfish purposes I didn’t come to church

so that I could feel good I came to

church so that I could be equipped

amongst other sheep and then I could go

out amongst wolves and show them the

beauty and being saved by a savior who

sees you fully I want to talk about the

Jesus who sends you out the Jesus who

pulls you in who breaks the

relationships off of you that are toxic

the Jesus who pulls you in when he

breaks your heart to heal your heart I

want to talk about the Jesus who pulls

you in so that he can ultimately send

you out again some people know that

Jesus pulled them in but they’re too

afraid to be sent out because they’re

afraid that they’ll turn back into the

sheep that he had to pull in in the

first place

but I hear God saying that when I pulled

you in that I made everything work

together for your good and that I gave

you wisdom and perspective and anointing

that would allow you to go back out and

bring in other sheep I don’t know who

that is for I need to move on to my next

topic but God won’t release me to let

this go because I hear God’s saying it’s

time for someone to be sent out it’s

time for someone to actually write the

book it’s time for someone to actually

get into the industry where they say

that Christians don’t even fit so that

you could establish the kingdom in that

industry I wish I had some people who

didn’t mind going to war with the devil

who did mind being the only sheep in a

room full of wolves because I am so sure

about who God has called me to be that

your disease won’t be contagious my

anointing is a shield no weapon formed

against me has prospered I’ve seen them

work in my life and

so now when I walk into a room I don’t

need your validation I have something to

give it I see now this is a message

maybe maybe they’re not here maybe it’s

in LA this is a message for for game

changers this is a message for world

changers this is a message for someone

who has been sitting on the sidelines

and Jesus is saying it’s time for you to

get in the game it’s time for you to up

your mentality it’s time for you to

understand that I’m ready to send you

out if you know that God has been

talking to you about starting that idea

about getting that forgiveness in your

heart so that you could be sent out can

you make some noise can you lift up a

shower can you praise him like you’re

already sent out can you praise him like

the door has already been open that’s

you for those of you who want to stay in

a routine but for those of you who know

turn me up in the microphone I’m not

leaving this age until chains are broken

off for people who are ready to be sent

out I’m not putting the microphone down

until somebody is six out into prisons

until someone is sent out into rehabs

until someone is sent out to save

someone who used to be a lost sheep just

like them I’m ready to be sent out I’m

ready to go to war with the temple when

I came into this room I didn’t say I

want to shout I said God give me

something to take that helps me go to

war for my family give me something

today that helps me go to war against my

fear that helps me go to war against

insecurity I’m ready to be a sheep again

amongst wolves you can send me out you

can trust me I learned my lesson

I earned my scars I received my

anointing i humble myself under the

mighty hand of God if you’re gonna use

anybody in this earth god please use me

send me out into politics send me out

into healthcare send me out so that I

can deposit a god idea in a dying world

so that I can deposit a resurrecting ID

and the dyeing industry so that I can

bring hope back into my family sometimes

being a sheep amongst wolves means that

you’re the only sheep in your household

and you got to learn how to live in this

household that’s toxic and bitter and

you know that you know that God has

ordained you to be there and so God I

need you to teach me not how to become

like the wolves I see and laid in fear

you got to hear me when Jesus sends you

out as a sheep amongst wolves the most

dangerous thing my husband says it all

the time is that you’re not able to see

yourself and most of the time we define

ourselves by what we see which means

that we can be a sheep amongst wolves

and think we are a wolf but not realize

that we’re actually a sheep that means

that we can be in the same industry we

could be around the same group of

friends but not really be like them at

all because we were a sheep Jesus and I

think our greatest challenge is

remaining as sheep and not becoming

wolves I’m gonna take my time for a

minute because I recognize that sheep’s

sheep are the most defenseless animal

there is they are prey they’re like the

bottom of the food chain and their

intentions are are to just live and

exist but most of the time they’re

surrounded by people who just want

something from them and so when Jesus

says to be a sheep amongst wolves it

means that you have to recognize that

not everyone is going to be for you but

you can’t allow that to make you Jade it

or bitter

what if our biggest issue is trying to

remain defenseless in a world that makes

us want to build walls and a life that

often makes us want to become savages

and predators and they say I’m giving up

on people and I’m giving up on love I

was around too many wolves and they took

from me and now I don’t know who I am so

the only thing I can do is become like

them if you can’t beat them join them I

had good intentions my heart was in the

right place but I still ended up wounded

I don’t want to be a sheep anymore

last time I was a sheep it cost me too

much but yet Jesus says in this text

that I’m sending you out as a sheep so

don’t forget that you are a sheep even

when you are surrounded by wolves you’re

still a sheep oh I feel that for

somebody you went through the divorce

you served the time you you survived

rape and molestation you feel like you

lost your innocence but I came here to

tell you you’re still a sheep that life

couldn’t take that from you yeah I know

I don’t know everything that you went

through but what I’m telling you is that

everyone in this room has had moments

where they felt like they were no longer

sheeps and yet God has promised us that

as long as we stay connected to him as

long as we recognize his grace and His

mercy I still give you the ability to

lay hold of your sheep identity you know

why you can be a sheep because God says

I will be your shepherd I will look out

for you I will take care of you I will

make sure that no harm comes to you you

can still be a sheep you can still

forgive you can still love again you can

still be vulnerable you can still be

that woman of integrity you can still be

that man who walks in integrity in spite

of what you’ve gone through don’t let

life rob you of that sheep that’s down

on the inside of you and so as we jump

into the text and we see that Jesus is

preparing the disciples to go out he

says I sent you out as sheep in the

midst of wolves

therefore be wise as serpents and

harmless as doves

why does he tell us that we can be wise

like a serpent but also not to use our

wisdom as a weapon my mother I think my

husband said this a couple of weeks ago

my mother has this saying my parents are

from West Virginia their country in this

number I was born in West Virginia

namibian country I love being country

but my mother says things like just

because you graduated don’t burn the

school house down you get it it’s

powerful you’re gonna use it from now on

I promise you as soon as somebody is

basically I’m gonna break this down cuz

y’all city folks okay it means that just

because you have come to a level of

understanding in your life when you look

back at someone else don’t judge them so


just because you graduated let’s not

burn the school house down there’s still

people and the school has if I didn’t

say anything else that was a word for

somebody Jesus says I want you to learn

how to use your wisdom man because so

many of us are so glad to have wisdom

and to have knowledge and to have

understanding that oftentimes we use it

as a weapon against other people so even

though you are as sheep amongst wolves

and mind you that Jesus has already

given them the power to cast out demons

and say heal people he tells him don’t

use your power against the wolves

because that would be a waste of your

power I didn’t send you here to fight

every rumor and every gossip that ever

came up against you that’s not what

you’re here for I do brought you here so

that you could be here so that you could

be healed and you could create healing

and other people I brought you here not

to fight low level Wars I brought you

here to do something for your family

that no one else could do but you don’t

get into a battle with the wolves just

because I gave you the wisdom I need you

to learn how to use it so he says he

says be wise as serpents and harmless as

doves when you learn how to understand

the wisdom that I’ve given you you’re

going to recognize that it’s not

necessary for you to use it to hurt

other people can I tell you this is when

it got good to me in verse 17 la I want

you to listen

be wise as serpents and harmless as

doves but to beware of men first of all

Jesus is giving them a lot of

information at one time be a sheep

amongst wolves be wise but also be

harmless live your life in such a way

that people aren’t offended by your

existence just because you have an

opinion just because you have a

knowledge doesn’t mean that you have to

activate it every chance you get make

sure your knowledge has wisdom make sure

your experience has wisdom make sure

your mouth has wisdom yes you know the

answers but do you know how to deliver

the answer what it says to me is just

because you know something doesn’t mean

you know how to deliver it I see so many

people who just take off at the mouth I

see I’m country to just take off at the

mouth but their wisdom not recognizing

that if you place your wisdom into

somebody at a time that they are not

ready to receive it you can do more

damage to them than had you just kept

your mouth closed and pray can you pray

that God would give you an opportunity

to unleash your wisdom so that you don’t

hurt someone in the process of trying to

help them he says but beware of men in

order for us to be sheep amongst wolves

and for us to understand the

complexities of being in over our head

we have to recognize there is the

difference between wolves and men yeah

i’ma let that sink in just a little bit

because wolves have bad intentions from

the start

wolves prey and Men betray with good

intentions when you’re in over your head

you don’t always know who to trust or

who was in your circle and so Jesus says

to the disciples I want you to watch out

for the wolves but who you really need

to beware of are the men because men

with good intentions will often place

doubt and insecurities and fear on your

path and so you have to recognize that

the main thing you have to be concerned

about is men and I love this because

the tapes continue we learned that the

men who ultimately end up betraying this

disciples ultimately help us get to

God’s purpose on the earth but we have

to recognize that along this journey

when we’re in over our head that it is

perfectly normal to reassess

relationships that it is perfectly

normal to make sure that we are

positioning people properly because if

we are not careful we will betray

ourselves by having someone positioned

too closely in a season where God needs

us to have some distance I got to say it

how I studied it because I don’t want to

lose the room la if you’re with me can

you make some noise can somebody let me

know that I’m in the right place in the

right building sometimes men can be so

convinced that they’re right even when

they’re wrong about you that they end up

betraying you and making you

second-guess who you are and the reason

why you have to beware of Ben because

the same men that the disciples are

going to encounter are the the men who

they went to the temple with there were

the men who they did life with and he

says I’m telling you that the very

people who knew you before me may be the

ones that betray you after me I need you

to understand that not everyone is

growing at the same pace that you’re

growing and if you aren’t careful some

people are going to pull you back when

I’m trying to push you forward so make

sure you know who you’re looking at when

you pledge your loyalty and devotion

Jesus says beware of men and he says

that you have to beware of men because

they will deliver you up to counsels and

scoured you in their synagogues with

good intentions it’s not like the men

who we’re going to do this are going to

do it because they think ill of you

they’re just trying to help you but in

the process of some people trying to

help you they end up hurting you what am

I saying I’m saying that that person who

is telling you that that God idea that

you’ve been given isn’t going to work

out they don’t have bad intentions but

you gotta beware of men who don’t

understand what God is calling you to do

the disciples

work hard I feel the presence of God on

that the disciples were called to do

something for the kingdom and they had

to beware of men who were close to them

because the men may not understand what

they are called to do the men may not

understand why you’re going back to

school at 50 years old that’s all right

you don’t have to get approval for men

to do what God has called you to do and

if you live your life searching for

their validation then you will die when

you don’t receive it but when you get

serious about what God has called you to

do you’ll know that I don’t need you to

campaign for me

I’m already elected I don’t need you to

campaign for my purpose I don’t need you

to campaign for what God has called me

to do I’m already convinced that God

saved me for a reason he saved me for

this very purpose I’m gonna make this

thing work

whether you get beside me and help it

work or not all I really need to know is

who is for me and who is against me

because I will not be stopped I will not

stop doing what God has called me to do

God please help me get this word done

into the hearts of your people our

country is depending on it how our

families are depending on them

recognizing that you do not need men to

validate you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus how

did you walk this earth and they said

hallelujah one day and crucify him the

next because you knew what you were

called to do Jesus impart into us a type

of spirit that allows us to stay focused

even when the people who we thought

would understand us don’t understand

what you’ve called us to do sometimes I

feel like I want men to say you’re doing

well more than I want to hear you say

well done can we have a real talk in

this room but I’m coming to a place when

I’m in over my head I realized that I

can’t receive every opinion and so now I

just need to know that when the men are

betraying me the church still with me

eventually the very men that Jesus said

to beware of would learn that the

disciples were doing something that

would benefit all of them but it would

take time for the plan to unfold before

they realized that I wasn’t just in this

thing on my own sometimes you have to

bury yourself in tunnel vision to

manifest what God told you but when you

come out you’ve got something to give

everybody because you took a minute to

bury yourself in tunnel vision when

everyone else is going out I had to stay

in because I was focused on something

when everyone else was giving up on

their marriage I had to huddle in and go

to counseling because I was focused on

something when everyone else had the

opportunity to just go apply for a job I

applied for a small business on because

I recognized I was shooting for

something and I had to go low and I had

to have tunnel vision so that when I

came back up I had something again the

disciples had to go low man I feel the

presence of God in this room the

disciples had to be willing to go low so

that they could ultimately come up

higher they had to be willing to lose

some things in the process so that they

could come up in the long run they had

to be willing to sacrifice on this end

so that God could be exalted in the long

run I’m not in this thing on my own and

it all makes sense when it’s all said

and done why I had to shut down some

relationships why I had to move out of

that city it’ll all make sense when God

gets finished you’re looking at my story

in the middle of the chapter but I’m

telling you I know what God said to me

and when it’s all said and done you’re

going to see that I didn’t lose my mind

that I wasn’t going crazy but as a

matter of fact I was building an ark

before there was any rain


I feel like I feel like shaking up hail

I feel like being a church girl for a

minute I know the message isn’t even

really finished but I feel like serving

notice on hell that I’m gonna come out

on the other side I feel like serving

notice on somebody that I just got my

fight back I’m gonna move on in the

message in a minute but I feel like

letting this devil know that she shot

your best shot at me you tried to make

me drown but God had given me the tools

to building the ark when I was in over

my head I didn’t know how I was gonna do

it I didn’t know how the bills were

gonna be met but God gave me a plan and

I thought I was in over my head but he

was standing over me telling me when to

move and how to walk and what to think

yeah yeah yeah yeah he’s gonna impart

something in this room and they make

some noise if you’re ready to receive

something didn’t burn let me hear you if

you’re ready to receive something I’m

ready to come out on the other side I’m

ready to figure out why it had to be me

I’m not in over my head I’m figuring out

who I am

I’m not in over my head I’m pressing in

to God I’m not in over my head I’m being

stretched so that I can lay hold of what

he’s called me to be I’m not in over my

head I’m learning in a fresh new way


somebody crazy is in this room somebody

crazy is watching on the livestream

somebody crazy what you mean crazy

I mean generational curse breaking crazy

I mean idea manifesting crazy

I mean vision pursuing crazy I mean no

weapon formed against me will prosper

crazy I came to kill every idea that is

exalting itself above the knowledge of

who God has called you to be Jesus Jesus

Jesus Jesus Jesus don’t play you know

he’ll come don’t play you know he’ll

find you Jesus Jesus I’m trying to be

like Jesus Jesus is teaching their

disciples how to walk like him Jesus is

teaching you in this season how to walk

like him to not need man to approve you

to walk in the rooms that are bigger

than you and they trust that when I step

in the room the words are gonna be given

to me when I step into marriage God’s

gonna show me how to love you when I

step in the business room he’s gonna

show me how to speak a language with no

degree and no lawyer and no agent

because he’s over my head


so I can I can afford to be in over my

head as a matter of fact that’s the only

way I want to live because as long as

I’m in over my head it gives him the

ability to be the play caller in my life

you didn’t pull me in to keep me in you

pulled me in to send me out and you

didn’t send me out with any plan or any

roadmap and if I’m honest sometimes

that’s scary but I needed a reminder

that though I walk through the valley of

the shadow of death I don’t have to fear

any evil as a sheep because your rod and

your staff they’re comforting me

so wolves have to back off of me and

generational curses can’t hold me and

insecurity has to loose its hold and

depression has to back off of me

I’m not saying I don’t see depression

but what I’m saying is the moment when

depression starts to give me using the

word that shows me there no weapon

formed against me that your rod and your

staff have gone ahead of me Jesus what

we need in this season more than

anything is to be so connected with

Jesus that even when we’re in over our

head even when we’re stressed even when

we’re worried even when doubt is

consuming us that we are so connected to

him that we can see above the frame that

we can see the bigger picture from his

perspective I love that she can stand

with me I’m almost finished I love this

because as the text continues it says

that ultimately

they will go from being brought before

councils and scholarships and synagogues

to being before kings and governors and

it was assigned to me that they would be

beaten and they would be bruised and

then by the time they got finished just

surviving that they would look up and

they would be in front of kings and

nothing is more doubting on the inside

of us than being surrounded by kings and

governors but feeling so unqualified

because of the previous beatings we just

took I want to believe in in the

kingship that is a science in my life I

want to believe that I have the power to

walk in authority and walk in the power

but it doesn’t seem like Jesus always

remembers what it took me to get into

these rooms and I feel this

prophetically I don’t know who you are

but there’s an opportunity that is

waiting for you and literally the only

thing you have to do is turn the knob to

open the door but you were too afraid

that when you get in the room you’re not

gonna know what to do or what to say I

don’t know if you’re here I don’t know

if you’re in LA but I hear God’s saying

that when you open the door that you not

open it but opening it by yourself that

when you open the door that the spirit

is going ahead of you and I know that

you don’t have the proper tools to

communicate your idea the way that

everyone else does and God says that

that is a good thing because I

sanctified you and I set you apart

you’re not supposed to look like what

everyone else looks so you go in there

with your associate’s degree you go in

there with your GED you go into that

marriage with your abandonment issues

you go into that thing that I called you

to do and you trust that even when you

feel like you are in over your head that

I am over your head and I’ve got you

I just I want to have a moment of Prayer

we’re almost out of time if this message

has been speaking to you and you know

whether you’re here in Denver you’re

watching on the livestream maybe you’re

in Los Angeles and you know man to be

honest I have been feeling like I’m in

over my head I have been feeling like I

applied for a position or got into a

relationship that felt like God in the

in the moment but now I feel like it’s

stretching me and it’s exposing my

insecurities and I feel more broken than

I did before I lay laid hold of this

opportunity but something happened in

this message that reminded me that the

only reason I feel the way that I do is

because I’ve been trying to do it in my

own strength when in reality I just

needed to remember that someone is

calling the shots above me well you just

lift your hands if you could just close

your eyes if you’re in the room bow your

heads but if you know this message is

for you lift your hands up I see you god

bless you I see you I can see you in LA

god bless you god bless you god bless

you if you’re here and you say I don’t

really do religion I’m not sure really

even about Jesus but you did say

something today that they just struck

something down on the inside of me and I

want to learn how to be more like him I

want to know that God that you’re

talking about would you lift your hand I

believe that God’s gonna impart

something god bless you I see you I see

you spirit of the Living God we’re in

over our head which is the perfect place

for us to be because it makes us feel

weak and we recognize that when we feel

weak that your strength is made perfect

within us so god we’re asking that you

would expose every area where we feel

overwhelmed in this room and that you

would send your spirit to hover over us

god we release our hold of our lives we

release our plan on what our life needs

to look like him and feel like and


we execute a complete and utter control

that you would fill us up as only you

can do that you would give us divine

insight and wisdom like you gave the

disciples that we would remember how to

be sheep while we’re surrounded by all

of these wolves that you would protect

our innocence and our purpose God I

thank you for every gift that you have

placed inside of these your sons and

daughters and I ask that you would give

them the strategy on how to take that

gift and manifest it I ask that you

would give them strategy and wisdom that

would break strongholds off with their

life I rebuke insecurity I rebuke

second-guessing I rebuke fearful

thoughts I rebuke anything that would

make them stop running their race and

gotta ask that you would empower them

that you would give them resurrecting

powers I see dreams coming back to life

I see purpose being destined again god I

ask that you would resurrect everything

that tried to die on the inside of them

and that you would give them renewed

vision and clarity we thank you for

Jesus can you repeat after me thank you

for Jesus thank you for making him who

had no sin all of my sin all of my

weakness all of my limitations you

placed in his body and nailed it to the

cross and when he was raised up free and

victorious I was raised up too washed by

the blood of the ultimate lamb innocence

is mine

creativity is mine Hope is mine purpose

is mine death couldn’t kill me my past

didn’t destroy me even when I’m in over

my head I know that you’re hovering over

me I receive your spirit

I receive your peace let it fill me up

in Jesus name I pray amen


hey my friend I pray that that message

blessed your life it blessed me for sure

I want to also encourage you to pick up

wholeness winning in life from the

inside out this book is gonna change

your life god bless you I’ll see you

next time