Service Date: 12.27.18 8PM


we’re gonna go on a journey today

God’s Word my message for those that may

be taking notes is in the field of faith

you see we are this is the last midweek

service of 2018 can we just praise God

for bringing us you see I love that we

the song that we worshipped into their

Lord you are faithful all your promises

are yesterday man you see around this

time when the air is ending we literally

have days away from 2019 we begin to

examine our lives begin to examine the

things that we begin to almost question

even the areas and the words that God

has spoken to us that we are yet to see

the manifestation we almost come into

this place where we are arguing our

using our intellect to argue with our

peace to say God I know I’m peaceful in

this place but we start using our

intellect to to question but this has

not happened that has not happened but

all the promises of God are yes and amen

and so as I was preparing for what the

Lord you know really had for us today

this evening it’s a simple message but

we’re going to also look at it through

the life of a man named David and that

word is to tell us that in the place of

your faithfulness everything assigned to

you would meet you there now sometimes

we may at the very place that the word

of God may lead us into may look up

scary may look insignificant to me

it may seem questionable it may seem

below what we know we are we are capable

of doing but the fact of the matter is

that God knows what to use to bring out

the best in us

he knows the places to position us and

to bring out the best in us he knows the

tools the equipment the people the the

positions to put us in that will pull

out our

truth it’s interesting the Word of God

which tells us that when you are

faithful with little God can trust you

over much and so what that says to me is

that when you start the little the

warfare on the little is as doing as

much because the enemy knows that if you

can be faithful in that you will

definitely access the more that God has

for you and so the warfare and the small

thing seems like what it would be when

it’s huge

and sometimes we begin to think that we

question what is little because of the

warfare and we walk out on it because we

think our disobedience doesn’t have that

much consequences but the very fact of

the matter is that that middle is what

takes you to the more that God has

assigned to your life and so in that

place that seems insignificant that

place that seems obscure is actually in

many cases more important than the

destination that you’re waiting for

because that is the place that God

prepares us that’s the place that God

prunes us that’s the place that God

sharpens us and that is the place that

the fertility of our hearts are tested

can I trust you with this word that no

matter the continent no matter that the

circumstances that you may be in would

your heart can you be fertile ground for

the Word of God that you will hold on to

the Word of God no matter what knowing

that the promises of God are yes and


so I want us to look at the story we

this is a story that many of us may be

familiar with is a story of David and

we’re gonna look in particularly at the

time where he was first anointed to be

king and as we look in this story let’s

just take on it take it on the on a

whole new journey because as I studied

this the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and

in very unique ways and that’s what I

want to take in too because I believe

that what the Lord brought out of this

message is really gonna speak into our

lives and speak into this season of our

lives and so we’re gonna start in first

Kings chapter 16 verse 1 to 13 and the

scripture begins and it says the Lord

said to Sam well how long will you

grieve over saw

since I have rejected him from being

king over Israel fill your horn with oil

and go I will send you to Jesse the

Bethlem ight for I have provided I have

chosen for myself a king amongst his

sons you see what it’s taking place here

is that the king at the time was a man I

was a man named King Saul before King

Saul there was no king in Israel Israel

was like Africa was unlike every other

nation every other nation had a king but

they did not have a king because the

Lord wanted to directly reign over his

people but all of a sudden you know the

people said we want a king we want to be

like the other nations God give us a

king so in you know before they didn’t

have a king the Lord would speak to the

prophets and the prophets would give the

people instructions so at this time it

would seem as though they were rejecting

the Prophet the Prophet at this time was

a prophet named Samuel but the Lord

tells the prophet Samuel he says they

have not rejected you they have rejected

me as king but he tells him basically

that he would show him a man that he

would that he would choose as the king

over the people of Israel now the whole

point of this was that I believe it was

the desire of the Lord to pick a king

that would show that would be an example

to the people there will be an example

to them to say that you are you you are

led by the opinions of men because the

reason they wanted a king is because

they are seeing what every other nation

is doing but if the Lord put a king in

position that King was to be an example

to the people to show them that even as

you have an earthly king I am still

submitted to the voice of God and so the

purpose of King Saul being there yes he

was caught he was put as an earthly king

but he was to be an example to the

people that yes I’m your king but I am

still submitted under the voice of God

so king fall comes into position they

you know the the Kings I mean the

prophets am wall the Lord gives him

direction and this whole beautiful

things happen and he’s anointed as king

but all of a sudden he starts to deviate

he starts to compromise he lost his way

when he was he was

more moved by the applause of people he

was more moved by the validation of

people and he began to disobey the voice

of God for the people now this was kind

of productive because the whole point of

him being there the points of God

choosing him was that he would be an

example of what it means to be submitted

even though I’m giving you what you

think you want I want this person to

represent that you should always lead by

the voice that created you but King Saul

is doing what the very thing that the

people were doing all of a sudden

instead of listening to what the Lord is

saying he began to compromise because

any time it seemed like the people were

leaving him he would do the opposite of

what the Lord had instructed him to do

and so because of this the Lord says you

know what I’m gonna choose another king

for myself now the crazy thing and this

is that we see that the prophet Samuel

is mourning now there’s a lot of debate

some some theologians believe that it

was never God’s intention for king Saul

to reign forever I personally disagree

with this because in the Scriptures the

first time that King Saul actually

disobeyed the Lord in first time or 1313

I believe for those taking notes the

Prophet told him that what have you done

that you have done a foolish thing

because the Lord would have established

your kingdom forever

you see family God is not petty God will

not put you in a position to watch you

fail that every position that every

place every position that the Lord puts

puts you on that he knows that there is

something in you that has the potential

to be who he says you will be and that

speaks to us that every single human

being in life has equal opportunity to

work out the greatness of their life and

so God will give you access to those

opportunities out there up at their

points at time but it is up to you it is

up to your character and it’s up to the

things that you should have learned in

your process that would keep you there I

don’t believe that personally it was the

Lord’s choice to put to make Saul King

and then reject him as king for him to

reject in my skin

last Thursday I spoke about rejection

and one thing I have learnt about

rejection that rejection is not a

negative word rejection just reveals a

fact it either speaks that what you’re

going after that the person either

cannot accept you or receive you or your

gift because they don’t have capacity

for it or there is something that you

aren’t unable to receive because you

don’t have the capacity for that so

rejection is not this negative word that

we have brought it out to be it just

reveals a fact because capacity could

look like so many things capacity could

look like knowledge wisdom heart posture

it could look like so many things and if

someone does not have the capacity for

you or you don’t have the capacity for

it it will seem like rejection but it’s

just revealing that this cannot flow

together and so when the Lord rejects

all he’s saying that saw the very thing

that that made me choose you into this

position you have moved from that path

you see family in the beginning the

kinks all I believed was a humble man

because the Scriptures tells us that

when the Prophet had even spoken to him

that he would be the one that would be

king over Israel his response to him

actually were a bit different he begins

to tell him that don’t you know that I

am from the tribe of Benjamin that my

tribe we’re the least and in my tribe my

clan is the least and so there was an

awareness in that scripture that saw

you’re not be you’re not gonna be king

because of your influence you’re not

King actually you your tribe is very

insignificant where you come from would

not give you this position there was an

awareness that this is literally only

done by the hand of God and the favor of

God upon your life you see if Saul had

remembered that it was not the people

that put him in position because nothing

about him was actually significant

enough for the people to say this is the

one we want to choose if he had

remembered that god you are the one it

was your hands that brought me into this

position then when he actually became

King you see God would always equip you

God would always give you the

experiences and the memories and and

just the tools for you port that you

need in order to fulfill your destiny

the one thing that so needed in his life

was the awareness that God even in a

small place you would be with me even if

I am the least you would be with me that

was the thing that was going to shape

his destiny but he deviated from it and

all of a sudden when you read about salt

every time that it seemed like the

people were leaving him then he would

compromise but if so remembered that I

came from the smallest tribe I came from

the smallest clan and so even if only

two people stood with me the power of

God will show up with those two people

but all of a sudden saw lost focus and

he began to compromise you see God every

opportunity that God gives you God gives

you a fair shot at being the best but in

this case Saul was moving away from the

very will and purpose of God in the Lord

says you know what I have chosen a man

that would be after my heart I have

chosen someone that will carry out my

will and so he tells the he tells the

Prophet he says stop grieving over Saul

you see I just said that for some of us

in this house we are mourning I believe

that the Prophet may have been mourning

the potential of Saul because as a

prophet there were things that I believe

that God had revealed to him about the

identity of Saul and the Lord says look

you got to stop that because there’s

something new I’m about to do right now

you see I believe for some of us even in

this season we have to learn that we

there are certain things that God would

call us to walk away from and you cannot

argue the potential with the reality

because sometimes we want to argue with

God and tell him the potential of a

thing and the Lord is saying but they

have freewill and they’re what they’re

choosing with their free will is gonna

be against your destiny and so you have

to be okay when God begins to tell you

to walk away from certain things and

you’re over there argue with him because

you’re talking about potential and the

Lord said yes I’m aware of their

potential and that’s why I even gave it

a shot

but I would not go against free will and

free will speaks to the

reality of what a thing would do it in

what the impacts of thing will have in

your life every criminal has the

potential to be something much greater

every want someone that making that that

could even a murderer today someone that

even at this very hour has the potential

to be President

and we pray for them because we believe

that God can turn the hearts of men and

women and God can do great things out of

people because there at the end of the

day I don’t believe and someone just

wakes up wanting to be evil but you have

to know when to apply wisdom you have to

know when to apply because if God did

not call you to be the one who who

brings direct change you have to know

when to move out the way because why if

you’re forcing it you may just get

something but hey that will hit you that

was not intended for you because you

were playing a road that God never

assigned you to and so we have to learn

because humility humility does not say

God I just want to be you know Mother


god I just want to go out there I’m just

gonna put my life on the line and just

you know what I’m gonna be you know your

person God if God did not call you there

then you are walking in pride because if

the it is the grace of God it is a word

of God that would keep you in a place if

God called you that then by all means

have no fear because God will protect

you but if God did not PO you there and

you’re focused on the potential of a

thing the reality can destroy you and so

we have to learn how to move with the

beat of God we have to learn how to move

in alignment with his word because the

Word of God sometimes will reveal

something to you that you were yet to

see but because he sees the end from the

beginning he’s saying yes I know right

now it looks great but you if you only

see where this thing will lead you to

you will thank me and praise me now that

I told you to walk away

and I believe there are some people in

this house that there are things that

God has told you to walk away from and

you feel as though that maybe you’re

gonna be you’re gonna regret the

decisions you have made and there’s some

that you have walked away from things

and you’re in the place of your

faithfulness you’re in the place that

the Word of God has called you and

you’re questioning God did I make a

mistake no the faithfulness of God will

show up where you stayed and so it’s

really about this life there is no one

of the interesting things that I’ve

learned with God is that there is no

actual formula for your destiny the only

thing is really you’re being led by the

Spirit of God it says that sons of God

are those that are led by his Spirit

there is no actual because formula would

bring us on the law and say you do this

when you make a ride you take two steps

forward then you take two steps back

that’s the Spirit of God right there

while it’s being led by his voice it’s

being led by his word is being led

because what God may say to you may be

different from what he says to me and so

we have to be okay with saying that it’s

not about saying God but you didn’t tell

this person to do the same thing we have

to be okay with being led because we are

all called differently we’re called to

different things where our callings are

very unique and so that is why even

comparison is without wisdom because I

cannot compare my call to another when

we are called where we’re called to

touch things differently and so the

passage continues and it says and samo

said how can I go if Saul hears that he

will kill me and the Lord said take a

heifer with you it’s in the Bible y’all

it’s right there

it’s an old versions King James New King

James all of them take it this is an


this is ticket if take a heifer with you

and say I have come to sacrifice to the

Lord the Lord has given him strategy and

he was not really telling him to lie

because actually he was gonna go to a

sacrifice he was just gonna disclose

important information and invite Jessie

to the sacrifice and I will show you

what you shall do when you shall anoint

for me him whom I declare to you and so

the reason he can invite Jessie to the

sacrifices that this this particular

sacrifice that the Prophet was going to

do was actually going to be like a

social feast and so the Prophet could

invite anyone he wanted at his choosing

without alarming anyone and so it

continues and says did what the

LORD commanded and came to Bethlehem the

elders of the city came to meet him

trembling and said do you come peaceably

you see Bethlehem was a place that was

not really an important city at the time

like that and it was not really a place

that the Prophet would normally go to

and so when they see the Prophet coming

they’re a bit alarm thinking that

something is wrong but it’s actually not

the case and so the scripture continues

and says and he said peaceably I have

come to sacrifice to the Lord

consecrate yourselves and come with me

to the sacrifice and he consecrated

Jesse and his sons and invited them to

the sacrifice when they came he looked

on Aliyah and thoughts surely the Lord’s

anointed is before him but the Lord said

to Samuel do not look on the appearance

or on the height of his stature because

I have rejected him for the Lord sees

not as man sees man looks on the outward

appearance but the Lord looks at the


you see what is fascinating about this

is that the very again the same word

that the Lord uses for Saul he uses in

speaking about samos first son but even

in this case I wondered I said Lord when

you’re saying that you rejected his son

why would you reject his son then it


it almost offers this notion that in a

way his son could have been chosen

because the scripture tells us many are

called but few are chosen it was almost

as if you see the interesting thing

about what is happening here Saul had

been chosen I mean so initially was

chosen as king when Saul

deviated he dropped his mantle when so

disobeyed the word of the God he

released his mantle in the earth you see

a man so represents the anointing of the

Holy Spirit to empower you for something

it represents when the Holy Spirit

appoints you for a kingdom assignments

on the earth and so when Saul who was

given the the appointment of king over

Israel when he chooses a different route

he drops what God has given him you see

as I studied as the Lord was showing me

that there are many mentals in the earth

that are waiting for one who has a heart

surrender to God because a picking up an

assignment does not change it it is an

add-on to what God has already called

you to do and it’s actually a blessing

not a burden because there is an

increase of the activity of the Holy

Spirit in your life you are empowered to

be more effective in life you see why I

believed that this was the case because

when we read Adam even read verse 8 to

11 it says then Jesse called Abinadab

and made him pass before Samuel and he

said neither has the Lord chosen this

one then Jesse made Shama pass by and he

said neither has the Lord chose in this

one and Jesse made seven of his sons

passed before Samuel and Summerset said

Jesse the Lord has not chosen these

because I said Lord if that if it was

just about David you told the Prophet

the name of his father you should have

just told them you know what I’m calling

you to go to the house of Jesse when you

get to Jesse ask him about his son David

and bring him with you to the sacrifice

but it’s that the Lord allowed every


passed by Samwell almost as if the Lord

is showing us that everyone had an

opportunity to grab this mantle but

something about how they responded to

process something about how they

responded to life made them not

choosable because when the Bible says

many are called but few were chosen in

me it’s not that God is like wow I’m

just gonna call a lot of you so y’all

can watch me audition people know many

are called but few make themselves

choosable few are willing to surrender

their lives before the Lord few are

willing to lose their lives so they can

find it in God that few I believe I’m

speaking to because I believe that I am

in a room of people that have made

sacrifices and that people question why

you were doing what you were doing but

you knew that’s something about this

very thing that the Lord has asked me to

do is connected to the very core of who

I am

you see family have you ever felt that

when you began to seek the face of God

all of a sudden they felt like God was

stripping you of everything you thought

you knew then when you began to speak

his face that even the desires that you

believe that God you put them in me all

of a sudden it’s like he’s asking you to

walk away from it and as you walk away

from it people begin to question your

family begin to question you what are

you doing with your life you find your

places and the very things that you were

never you never thought you were called

to do but then the Lord starts

positioning you and pin in strange

places even though you’re like God I

know there is much more to me than this

very thing but even in that place that

seems obscure and insignificant you have

peace and even when you want to fight

against as the Lord begins to show you

what he’s working within you you see

because the sons of Jesse they look the

part they they are on the outside

everything was great I mean they were

even some of them were soldiers so if

God was gonna pick another King I may

pick a person that is already he’s

already there

in the army but David was work was

allowing the Lord to work on his heart

while everyone was looking the part

David was being the part you see at the

top of this year our pastor said that

this is the year of becoming and

becoming in such a process that it

sounds amazing in the beginning of the

year we’re like whoa Lord Jesus I’m

becoming hallelujah we were dancing and

then becoming all of a sudden their

layers being stripped off your layers

that you found comfort in layers that

you placed your identity in and the Lord

they say no these layers were

contaminated because yes it had a piece

of the desires that I put in you but

they have been contaminated with what

the world wants you to be and so

sometimes I have to strip you down and

that when I begin to build you up you

would know that this is the hand of God

you would see purpose you would have

intentionality you would have vision you

would have strategy you’re not just

doing things randomly or for the glamour

of things now you’re driven by purpose

you see the sons of Jesse it looked the

fact that they look the part it just

speaks to how things appear to be the

glamour of life and the Lord says I’m

not I’m not into that I want someone who

can be connected to the purpose of this

position this mantle was available for

so many people you see even in your in

the different fields that you’re in

there are things that they’re Mansell’s

that are looking for a home there are

things that the Lord is saying I want to

assign greater to somebody I want to

place you that the very things that

you’ve been wondering why hasn’t anyone

done it the very things that you feel

like I’ve got I don’t even know if I’m

the one there’s already resources of

heaven waiting to back up someone who

has heart is surrendered before God you

see it’s interesting because the Bible

then tells us then Jesse called Abinadab

and made him pass before Samuel and he

said neither has the Lord chosen this


they await no so then the Lord had not

chosen these let’s go to verse 11 then

he says then Samoset said Jesse are all

your sons here and he said there remains

yet the youngest but behold he is

keeping the Sheep there’s another

scripture that translated that very

verse to that he is in the field

watching the sheep and I love what it

says here because it says and some–oh

set so Jesse send and get him for we

will not sit down till he comes here

everyone was in the right place either

what seemed to be the right time they

abandoned David in the field but the

interesting things families that that

was the field of his faith that he was

keeping the Sheep he was in the field

watching over the sheep and I believe

that this was even intentional that what

they thought the decision that they made

in seeing him as insignificant the

decision that made they made in in

overlooking him that I believe it was

actually the purpose of God for for

David to be sought out you see on Sunday

our pastors they spoke about faith favor

and family and there was something

unique that they said in regards to

favor that every that faith is required

for the manifestation of favor you see I

think I find it very symbolic that the

favor assigned to David found him in the

place of his faith you see David was a

shepherd boy but he was not just any

ordinary shepherd boy because David will

put his life on the line for sheep

that’s told me that there is something

unique about David because if you have

the ability to fight a lion and a bear

for a sheep then I’m sure you saw

yourself as a warrior that David it

would have even made more sense for him

to say you know what let me go try out

for the for the king’s army but he

stayed faithful as a shepherd you see

when you study about David you would

recognize that David had had a

familiarity with the voice of God that

they were that he was not

not unfamiliar with the voice of God in

his life it almost suggests that it

would appear that God was the one

keeping him as a shepherd that his

position as a shepherd in the midst of

being overlooked by his family the

scripture also suggests that Jesse his

father may have questioned his identity

because those of these are Psalms where

David says and sin did my mother

conceive me it was almost as though he

also questioned that could this really

be my father with the way they’re

treating me but yet David stayed

faithful and it was in the field of his

faith that he was sought out he didn’t

have to go to them they came to him

you see family there are places that God

has positioned you in there are things

that God has called you to and even

though many may not understand it in

that very place favor will find you you

may question that you may wonder God it

seems like nothing is working out for me

I came here to be an actor and I’m a

salesperson but in that very place

there’s something that God is actually

using to prune you maybe the Lord is

saying I need some help I need to to

make you a people person you’re a little

stiff and I don’t want people to dislike

you when you go into the room you the

ways of God it blows our minds family

but God knows how to shop and how to get

the best out of us and so while David

was a shepherd he was actually learning

how to be King he was learning how to

put his life on the line for the people

that he’s assigned to lead he stayed in

the place that actually was even that

would seem like it was beneath him but

his ability to handle warfare and that

level is what made the story that we

know of when he fought against Goliath

made it a breeze he didn’t he never even

flinched once when he’s fighting a giant

because he had experienced warfare in

the small thing and he overcame it and

so he knew that God the big thing would

not be my problem the place that you

have been faithful family

there you may want a question in this

season and wonder and access god god I

don’t know if this thing is fruitful I

don’t know if I see fruit in it yet but

the Lord is showing you be patient be

still because that very place is where

the favor of God is gonna come after you

you see favor makes you sought out you

may think that God I need to you maybe

you may try to compromise and say you

know what I need to be here I need to be

there and the Lord says just be still

because you’re forgetting that I opened

the door when you did not even have the

ability to get in and if I did that why

do you think that you have to compromise

to stay in the room when the very person

that opened the door for you was not the

people that is telling you to change I

did that and so why is it that when you

get in the room you think that you have

to compromise to stay there some things

are gonna seem harder some things that

will make you feel as though you’re

alone or you make you feel lonely but

the Lord is saying just be patient stay

faithful in the place I have called you

because the field of your faith is where

favor will find you you see it’s

interesting in this passage II then says

that and he went and brought him in and

he was Rudy and had beautiful eyes and

handsome and the Lord said arise now I

found this fascinating because we just

read where the Prophet said we will not

sit down till he comes but then the Lord

says arise and anoint him and I’m like

Lord what are they doing is there a

different way to stand up or weren’t

they already standing and so I

researched this world and I said what

does that word actually mean because

it’s it’s it it definitely tells us that

they were standing if they said that we

will not sit down till he comes here and

so when I studied that word arise

actually has them it deals with the

meaning of establish or confirm you see

as I studied this and as I was in prayer

the Lord said two things to me that is


happen in the lives of in the lives of

many and I believe by faith in

everyone’s life he said that your

miracle and the answer hallelujah he

said your miracle and the answer to your

prayer is gonna come in that there are

three folds and that the first part of

it is that the Lord will confirm what he

said to you in the dark first amongst

those in your inner circle that

questioned you you see when the Lord

tells him arise he’s telling that the

the prophet confirmed my world establish

this man it’s almost as though

confirming not just to the prophet

because to confirm something means that

there was something David also knew

about himself and now he’s gonna confirm

the Word of God in the presence of his

brothers in the presence of the people

that have looked down on him in the

presence of his inner circle that

question that David you know what you’re

just uh uh uh uh uh uh you know in a

wild goose chase or something and the

Lord said that the first thing that he’s

gonna do is that he will begin to

confirm who you are to those in your

inner circle that had questioned you you

see many of you people are gonna talk

about you in meetings that you’re not

even in but the people that spoke

against you will be in that meeting and

somebody will begin to talk about your

work ethic they’ll begin to talk about

your your your your character they’ll

begin to talk about your heart posture

they’ll begin to talk so how many of you

that all of a sudden and this is already

happening to many of you that you’re

receiving calls from people that you

know where one’s not really for you even

though you guys were once close because

all of a sudden the Lord says I’m gonna

begin to confirm I’m going I’m gonna

create an audience to see who I’ve

called you to be and so everything that

you feel like you have been in a hidden

place you feel like God this word that

you have given me is just between you

and I that this word has lived in a

secret place for so long that I’m coming

to you know give it a secret like a name

something like it’s not my secret best

friend you know my but the Lord is

saying it’s funnier in my head but as I

praise family I saw this so clearly that

there are things there are people even

family members that have questioned and

did not understand the decisions that

you made because the truth of the matter

is that while you were making those

decisions there were other offers that

came that looked better and because you

knew what the Lord was saying because

your hearts could not even allow you to

make that decision you stayed right

where God called you and people laughed

at you people made a mockery of you

people said you were foolish people said

you did not know what you were doing but

deep down you knew that Europe you had

that there was such an unshakable peace

that you had concerning the matter you

knew that you were not even doing this

because you desired it but there was

something greater than you that was

leading you into those decisions the

Lord said I will start with the people

that surrounded you and made and

questioned your your ability see the

Lord did not need us all the sons of

Jesse to be present he could have given

the Prophet specific instructions and

that would be it but the Lord created an

audience for what he was about to do and

then if second thing he did he says

arise anoint him for this is he then

some Oates of the horn of oil and

anointed him in the midst of his

brothers and the Spirit of the Lord

rushed upon David from that day forward

you see when it says that the Spirit of

the Lord rushed upon him this was the

anointing of the Lord that empowered

David to do greater than he has ever

done before you see many of you are

going to walk into rooms and God is

gonna put you on platforms that really

you even though you have been groomed it

seems like God has groomed you in the

secret place for it there are things

that you’re gonna need for those

platforms that you’ve never practiced

before David had never

practice how to talk like a king David

had never practiced how to lead actual

people he was leading sheep but you see

when the Spirit of the Lord begins to

rush upon you then there is a wisdom

that God puts within you and so for some

of you it’s not about questioning God

you know what you’ve prepared my heart

but you’ve not really given me the

wisdom or the strategy I’ve never really

seen something like this before

and God says really all I need is your

heart because when you picked up that


there was an anointing that will come

upon you and all of a sudden you will

know things that you had no idea how you

knew it that you would have strategy

that you would speak even if you’re

speaking in Ebonics people will be like

wow that’s some wisdom the spirit of

Lord would rush upon you the anointing

of God will come upon you you see the

Bible says it is the anointing that

breaks the yoke it is the anointing that

brings change is the anointing that

causes deliverance so when the anointing

of the Lord comes upon you it’s not even

about whether you knew how to lead

people or sheep God will just turn what

would give you the wisdom for the people

God would give you the wisdom for the

positions God would give you the wisdom

for the roles and so yes you may feel so

far away from the things that God called

you to but family the moment that God

begins to prepare the way he says you

don’t need what you think you need oh

you really need is my anointing because

you see the Holy Spirit is knowledge the

Holy Spirit is wisdom he is

understanding he is mighty he is courage

you may have been in a place where you

were all by yourself in you’re like God

I don’t know how I’m gonna function

around people or in front of people and

God is like don’t worry about that my

anointing is there for that because in

my anointing there is boldness do you

know that there was a time where the

disciples prayed for boldness and they

actually and then the scripture tells us

and they prayed but in boldness because

the Holy Spirit is all these things and

so when the Lord when the anointing of

God’s rushes upon you do not

question why I’m saying this family is

that never question where God is calling

you based on where you are do not think

because the enemy would want to deceive

you that you’re so far away from the

promise of God because they’re studying

things that other people have gone

through to get to where it looks like

God is calling you but the truth of the

matter is that where God is calling you

you don’t even have a clue you see you

have to understand that even though

David knew that there was something

great about his life there was a king at

the time so it was it would be on it

would be it wouldn’t even make sense for

David to imagine himself as King because

there was already a king only it was

only between the Lord

the prophet Samuel and saw that knew

that look the Lord has rejected Saul

nobody else knew that David could not

even think that wow God I just can’t

wait to be king you know he was not

Simba he was not even connected to the

bloodline of Saul and so when God is

calling you you may not even have a clue

because the place is calling you may

even look like a place that it’s

occupied and the Lord said let me just

work on you because you don’t even know

you think you you I wondered I really

took my time I said I wonder if David

was just hoping for the day he would be

a soldier not knowing he would be the

one to lead the people he would even

lead the soldiers and this is why we

have to be patient the Lord will do

exceedingly abundantly far above all

that we can think or imagine according

to the power that works within us

according to the power of his spirit

there are things that the Lord will lead

you into that is far beyond your belief

and all the Lord requires is a heart

that is surrendered to him that yes

where you may be and even as we end in

the year there are things that you

celebrate up about your life and you’re

celebrating that God is doing for you

and there are also things that you may

question God I’m just waiting to see the

fruit the fruit is going to blow your

mind because the Lord is with me

you see the third thing because when

they anointed David later on in the

scriptures we would read that this was

almost what prepared him to take on


there was a bonus David had there was a

knowing David had that I will kill this


they were there it was such a relentless

spirit about David and it was the

anointing of the Lord upon him that

empowered him and equipped him right

before the battle that would put him on

the platform of Nations

you see family things are gonna look so

different for your life and I know we

always like to say this you know a year

from now wow I’m just gonna have my

Lamborghini my gosh and then a year from

now you upgrade it to a bicycle that’s

it but now I’m serious family things are

gonna look so different for your lives

because there is something you see what

one of the things that I love our path

always says is that if you’re called to

this church if you’re drawn to this

church there is so much greatness in

your life that is about to just be

untapped you see there are voices the

reason why it’s not like we have just

there’s just this one you know God calls

one pastor at a time in the world

because if it’s about it’s not just we

come together to study the word we learn

the word but there are certain prophetic

messages that are for DOL’s that are

drawn to the voices that God has put in

the house and so sometimes we may

question you know when when you hear a

prophetic word you may question it and

say well is that for everybody because

we’re all so different but there are

some prophetic words that are genuine

because the Lord knows who is drawn to

the voices in the house and so when the

Lord begins to release certain words we

just have to be have fertile our hearts

need to be fertile enough to catch it

because you see the interesting thing

about Jesus was that Jesus anyone who

came to Jesus as he walked the earth

they received their healing

but the truth is that Jesus did not go

to everywhere Jesus went every place he

went to he was very aware and

tensional about the places that he was

going to and so when he was going to a

place he was already prepared that

everyone that would be drawn to him

would receive exactly what they were

they they believe by faith for and so

there are places that you would be drawn

to and there are places that God will

send a person to with a word that can be

general if you have the faith to catch

it and so if you can begin to look at

your situation differently

if you can begin to look at it with joy

because joy is the evidence of faith

when you can say that you know what Lord

I may not understand where this is going

but I believe that you’re making all

things work together for my good I

believe that your promises and my life

would be fulfilled I believe they are

yes and amen

when I begin to do what seems

insignificant with joy I have tapped

into the field of my faith and in that

place favor will rush upon you you would

be sought out by the things you were

looking for when God revealed to me the

timing that he said I’m gonna raise you

as a minister he had me walk away from

everything that I thought almost

everything that I believed that was part

of what God was calling me into and it

was so confused and my family was just

like what are you doing with your life

and it was one of the most difficult

times and one of the most beautiful

times it was beautiful because they were

there was a joy in me that could not be

shaking and it was very difficult

because no one could understand the

people that the people it they were

close to me and my circle could not

understand what I was doing and it was

crazy because I’m in a place where I’m

seeing God bring those very things back

but he’s bringing it with his hand on it

he’s not now I’m not being led in lessly

anymore I’m not being led it’s not about

the glam but now I’m walking into things

and it’s because of the purpose and the

beautiful thing family is that the

things that I thought that God stripped

away from me it found me in the place of

my faith

and so this is what I want to share with

you as we’re getting ready to go into

2019 the field of your faith that is a

play it would attract everything

assigned to your life and more because

all this happens in stages and stages

there there there are things that would

test the fertility of your heart and


God wants to know can I trust you for

the next thing can I trust you for the

next thing their processes their words

their places that he would put you

through because not only is he pruning

you but he’s testing to know can look

and my word survive in you despite your

circumstances around you can my word

live in you would that be the thing that

guards and guides your life even when

everything looks everything just looks

like it’s not speaking to what I said

can you live by my word even when you

don’t see how it’s gonna come together

can your heart be fertile ground for me

and if that is the case I will plant so

much in you that would it would overflow

it what it wouldn’t even make sense how

you can contain it but the Lord would

make room because he would enlarge your

territory and so let us be faithful let

us be faithful you have to treat where

you are like where you’re going you

cannot wait for where you’re going to be

more disciplined you cannot wait for

where you’re going to be to be more

effective you have to treat where you

are like where you’re going and I

believe that’s what David did he treated

the place the field of his faith the

field that he was a shepherd he treated

it like where he was going even though

he may not have known the magnitude of

where he was going he was faithful in

that place he was effective in that

place despite the challenges around him

David stay true to the Word of God in

his life and that is a question I have

for us all

is your heart fertile ground for the

Word of God is your heart fertile ground

for the things that the promises and the

plans of God is it fertile ground for it

do you have the capacity to receive what

God wants to give you and so as we take

time to to you know on to look

back and observe and and look into the

year and what we are goals ahead let us

have the goal to be surrendered let us

have goals to be more surrendered before

the Lord let us examine the areas in our

lives that we were hesitant when the

glory the saint move and we didn’t want

to move let us examine those areas and

say lord I want my heart to be fertile

ground for your word because if your

word can live in me then you can

position me naturally in the places that

that word has been called to be produced

families stand with me thank you Jesus

thank you lord thank you lord

thank you


family God has some great plans for you

in this house some great plans

and there’s a lady I just want to use I

want to speak into your life but I want

to use you as a sign for what God is

doing and it’s a lady in the back you

have a beanie on your head


can you come forward I want to pray with

you and just connect my prayer with you

to everyone in this house


I just wanted to use this I just wanna

as a as a point of contact I know but

the Lord you the Lord really highlighted

you to me you have been faithful

you have cried many times to sleep

asking God when and in many times you’ve

asked him why there were a lot of

questions you would say why God why is

this happening and God when those were

the two major questions of your life why

and when and I believe that that speaks

to many of us in this house God why is

this happening and when will this happen

and the Lord is going to use you’re such

a powerful example on the earth because

as I saw you it may look like you may be

in a position where it seems like you’re

by yourself and you’re alone but you are

not alone

because there is such there if there is


there is a light on you that is

beautiful I’m saying this because I want

you to know that God is it’s very what’s

the word I’m looking for what’s the word

you know that song records love there is

a reckless love that God has for you

because there are things that he has put

you through he has allowed you to go

through that to someone else I don’t

want to release going to the deeds about

what to talk to you after but there are

things that he had allowed you to go

through that for someone else I would

actually make them walk away from their

faith but a lot that I could trust you

with that experience I could trust you

with it because rather than you rather

than it working against you because you

see family everything that God does in

your life there is a way for you to see

how is gonna work for you and that’s why

not everything happens to the same

person and so in a way you’re asking God

why did this happen

but you actually had the capacity for it

and so that’s why you asking why you

still come faithful in the house of the


and the Lord some about to do something

in your life that goes way beyond what

you could have ever asked me for and I

want you guys to remember a face cuz God

is gonna move greatly in her now but I

want to use you as a point of contacts

because what the Lord is speaking to me

about you he’s gonna do in this house

for us that God that the questions that

you’ve had God why and God when that he

is answering it in the place of your

faith in the place of your faith you

have been faithful you have been

faithful and God sees it he knows it and

he’s about to do some mighty works in

your life


family let us pray lord I thank you for

your daughter and I thank you for all

those in this house I even use her as a

point of contact to your people

because love Lord Oh Lord he’s as well

Lord you’re about to open some mighty

doors in her life I see where you would

even begin to you you you have such a

big heart to give and almost to the

point that not everybody you know we all

say when we’re rich oh I’m just gonna

buy all my family members a house big

again when the money comes but but

actually see you buying homes for people

and it’s actually a desire you have but

the Lord said that the desire is

actually it’s not it’s not vague it’s

actually real and I see that the Lord

will empower you to do that oh god

you’re amazing you’re amazing guy father

God we thank you you know what I’m

talking about right




hey I love Jesus I love Jesus you see

because he will seek you out he will

seek you out that is the word we’re

talking about today favor will find you

Oh family let us pray lord I thank you

for what you’re doing in the life of

your daughter because you are confirming

what she you have already put in her

heart the very things that she is

already desired and lord I love the fact

that she even says how I’m even here

lord favor was seek out your children

favor was seek them out Lord Jesus and

they will bring them to the place that

they would receive a word from you lord

I just thank you for this moment that as

the prophets am well spoke into the life

of David that you sought him out and you

brought him to the place that a word and

an anointed will change his life Lord I

speak to your daughter as a point of

contact Lord God that an anointing will

come upon her it would give her the

wisdom it would give her the resources

of everything that you have assigned to

her life Lord that I thank you because

where she has been overlooked long as I

see her as the head father god you’re

gonna raise this woman you’re gonna

establish her financially in ways that

would go beyond her understanding lord I

thank you for your power that will come

upon her life

and I thank you for your anointing that

is even flowing even now Lord Jesus even

now Oh God we thank you and we know Lord

God that you are moving in this same

capacity in the lives of all those

around Lord God that made this see her

as a point of contact so what you are

doing in the room the Lord Jesus I thank

you that some desires that we have we

think it’s far-fetched but Lord you said

you know it you hear it you see it and

that you are not man that you are not

able to bring it to pass Lord there is

nothing impossible for you and so Lord

as we stay surrendered to you as we

trust in you as we believe in you Lord

God in the field of our faith favor

would find us favor will find us and so

we would be faithful we will be faithful

father God we love you thank you Jesus

for what you’re doing in this room thank

you Jesus for what you’re doing in this

room it is almost like there are you

know it’s not to be cliche because it

will sound like it’s bigger Christmas

but it’s almost like your gifts all

around the house it’s almost like I can

seek gifts on the heads of people and

the Lord is endow me with something

fresh and something new and so family

wherever you are in life

sky trust God be willing to humble

yourself you know you you you you don’t

need to move beyond the Word of God in

your life be willing to trust his word

and you’re gonna see great and mighty

things done in your life we love you


praise God

can we just worship God


thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I don’t

know if this person is here watching is

there an Emily in the house

Emily if there’s an Emily just wait


maybe this person is watching because I

just keep sensing that there is an Emily

and you feel as though that you see one

of the things that the devil tries to

trick people with and that is a lie

because the devil would want to make you

feel like you’re not seen because God

highlighted someone else that is never

the work of the Lord rather God would

use that which he highlights to increase

your faith and to let you know what he’s

already doing in the room and so the

Lord is speaking to me about an Emily

and you feel as doe based on the Lord

speaking to someone you feel like the

Lord is ignoring you and I’m saying your

name right now because for you to know

that no the Lord sees you and he is with

you and he is not far from you
