best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

hey family i’m pastor torre welcome to

one youtube channel you’re getting ready

to hear a phenomenal message it’s gonna

bless you i have a couple of quick

announcements really quickly first of

all if you’re not subscribed to this

channel go ahead and click the subscribe

button so that you’ll be notified

anytime we go live anytime we’ve got

something that’s going to bless you

number two if you want to support our

ministry we do great things as you’re

going to experience but we also do great

practical things and we can certainly

use your support the instructions are on

the screen if you want to give and last

but not least my new book balance is

available for pre-order now it is a

game-changing life-changing book you can

go to and get it and

there’s certain things that you will

have access to just by pre-ordering so

go to the website all the information is

there and let’s get into this powerful

amazing word god bless you

happy sunday family can i tell you that

if you’re watching whether it is your

first time or you are an og

you are family because when you connect

with what god is doing you become our

brothers and our sisters in the faith

and we are so excited for this family

reunion that we’re having right now you

don’t even know it but you got a cousin

watching from africa you got a best

friend watching from massachusetts we

are family and one online is so excited

that we get to do life with you it is

such an honor and a privilege to walk

this thing out with you i don’t know

about you but i am still so full

off of pt series conversations with god

and self and others that it’s hard for

me to even stand in this moment because

i just feel like if we replay those

messages you’re going to hear something

you haven’t heard before and get

completely blessed

yet it is my responsibility and mandate

to show up in this moment with the word

that god has given me i know that it’s

just going to add to what pt is already

building aren’t you so grateful that we

have an incredible shepherd in pt that

he’s constantly feeding us and going

before the feet of jesus to see what he

can bring back to us and he is laid out

an incredible feast over the last few

weeks so this is just dessert i just

have a little creme brulee okay

bread pudding what is it i’m doing 75

horses just sugar and you could

literally give me just a cup of sugar

and it would be dessert



i’m going to be in judges

judges 6.

i was studying about deborah

incidentally and then just continued

reading and stumbled upon the story of


i loved this story so much

and in the process of studying it i

really felt like god was awakening

something in my spirit gideon

this is an incredible story of a man who

was minding his own business come on

mind your business ministries he’s

minding his own business

when god speaks a word and a declaration

and sends him signs and responsibilities

that honestly seem beyond him he’s like

of the least tribes he’s really just

trying to survive from day to day and

stay out of the way doesn’t want to

cause any trouble just wants to find a

way to live his system and to get in his

routine and god calls him out of his

routine that is actually the name of

this message get out of your routine get

out of your routine that’s already

hitting somebody in this spirit i know

it is because you’re trying to figure

out how do i break this routine how do i

get out of this pattern this pattern of

self-doubt this pattern of showing up in

my life but not feeling passion i’ve

been in my own way breaking out of my

routine and when i tell you there is

life-changing power on the other side of

your routine there’s breakthrough on the

other side of your routine i want

somebody to go ahead and allow that word

to hit them in their spirit that god has

heard your prayers god hears what you’ve

been thinking about god hears how your

spirit has been unsettled you’ve been

anxious for more you’ve been waiting for

more and god says i’m about to pull you

out of your routine anxiety is not your

routine depression is not your routine

frustration is not your routine

heartbreak is not your routine i hear

god saying that it is time for you to

get out of your routine it’s time for

you to come out of that cave that you

have been in and to show up there’s

fresh oil for every day there’s fresh

power for every day there’s creativity

still a sign to your name i hear god

saying it’s not going to be what i did

for other people that i’ve got a new

thing that i want to do just for you and

because it is a new thing i need you to

be willing to break out of the old so

that you can step into the new i hear

someone saying i hear someone thinking

to themselves but the new is all the old

is all that i’ve known the old is what

makes me comfortable but i hear god

saying that when you step into this new

thing you can’t grieve the old thing at

the same time because this new thing is

going to require everything that i place

down on the inside of you to come out of

you i feel like prophesying already but

i feel like god is pulling someone out

of a cave that god is pulling someone

out of a darkness and that place that

you call darkness it used to be home but

now it is a cave and i hear god saying

that it’s time for you to come out of it

it is okay for you to grow

it is okay for you to change

it’s okay for you to not need the same

things that once fed you

and you have to give yourself permission

to get out of your routine

permission granted

holy spirit have your way

permission granted somebody’s watching

and they’re going to step out on faith

permission granted god i’m giving you

permission to pull me out of my routine

i want someone to type that in the

comments permission granted permission

granted but be careful when you say it

because when you give god permission

he’s not just going to stand by idly

when you give god permission he’s going

to start disrupting your life permission

granted god you can break the stronghold

permission granted god you can help me

come out of this relationship permission

granted i want out of this routine i

went out of this addiction permission

granted permission granted holy spirit

have your way have your way have your



and in judges six



gideon gives

the angel of the lord permission

to proceed

with the mission that god has sent him


the mission that gideon has been created


genesis 6 22

and it says now gideon perceived

that he was the angel of the lord so

gideon has an encounter with the angel

of the lord

the angel of the lord shows up

he performs a sign in wonder for gideon

and gideon’s like all right now that

i’ve seen that this is actually the lord

i have

perceived that this is you so gideon

says alas o lord god

for i have seen the angel of the lord

face to face

then the lord said to him peace be with


do not fear

you shall not die

so gideon built an altar there to the

lord and called it the lord is peace

to this day it is still in orpha

of the abusorites

now it came to pass the same night that

the lord said to him take your father’s

young bull the second bull of seven

years old

and tear down the altar of bell

that your father has and cut down the

wooden image that is beside it

and build an altar to the lord your god

on top of this rock

in the proper arrangement

and take the second bull and offer a

burnt sacrifice with the wood of the

image which you shall cut down

so gideon took ten men from among his

servants and did as the lord said to him

but because he feared his father’s

household and the men of the city too

much to do it by day

he did it by night

get out of your routine

spirit of the living god

there is nothing routine about you

yes you are the same yesterday today and

forevermore but you do new things

you do new things on the inside of us

you create new vision you create new

strategy god there is nothing stale or

routine about you god you continue to

mesmerize us with your exceedingly and

abundantly way of being and so god we

are praying that this would not just be

a routine sunday that this would not

just be a routine message that this

would not just be something we put on in

the background to check off the mark

that we listen to a word from god but

that this would be a life changing a

spirit transforming a soul-stirring

message that pulls us out of the routine

of our history and propels us into the

destiny that you have for us spirit of

the living god fall as only you can and

ask for me god

i pray too

that you would pull me out of my routine

that i would not need for this message

to go the way that i see it in my head

but that this would be a message that

has been signed by god

and by god alone

so have your way great god that you are

we receive this word we receive your


we receive the truth that you have for


in jesus name and pray


amen you got to say a man in commons i

don’t know one of the things i’ve

learned in the pandemic like you guys

say amen two times i don’t know i didn’t

even realize it but i just you got it if

i don’t know we’ll talk about it later

that’s next week’s message

you know when i first met pt

actually if i could do it all over again

you know i did push up on him i did tell

pt i was like you know like what’s up pt

take me out to dinner um but like if i

had to do it all over again i think i

would change the way that we had that

moment if you haven’t heard the story

it’s a long story i don’t have time to

get into it but he was talking to me all

during church and i knew he wanted to

feed me by the way he kept talking to me

during church and so eventually i was

like listen i’m coming to la you can

take me to dinner

if i had to do it all over again though

were almost eight years into marriage i

think that i would have said to him


you look like the kind of person i could

lose myself in

to be clear that is not

lose myself for

or lose myself


but you seem like the type of person i

could lose myself in in you

and i and together we could become one

because when you are with someone worth

losing yourself in what you receive in

return is more beautiful than what

you’ve lost and that is why becoming one

is something so powerful

of course i could not have said that

then because i did not know what i know


when we first got married i was on my

i-n-d-e-p i was independent i was on my

independent vibe so strong so heavy okay

and i was so afraid as a single mother

who would fought to be in a position

where she could take care of her

children that i would lose myself to him

and because i was afraid of losing

myself to him

i couldn’t really receive myself

you see because when we are in

relationship with people it’s not just

so that we can show up for them and it’s

not just so that they can fit within our

little picture when we are in

relationship with someone there is a

there is an expectation in the reality

that you are going to lose parts of

yourself when you have a baby you can’t

say i’m still going to be up all night

and doing what i want to do when the

baby is just going to find a way to fit

into my life no you lose a part of

yourself but what you gain in return is

worth what you lose along the way and i

know that we live in a generation that

makes you feel like you have to hold on

to yourself at any given cost but i’m

telling you there is no way that you can

be successful in relationship unless you

are willing to lose a bit of yourself

now this is how we qualify that losing

we qualify that losing by making sure

that i’m not giving up a piece of myself

in exchange for something that is not

worthy of what i’m giving up it is an

equal trade it is a transfer and that

transfer is equal yes i lost this part

of my independence but what i gained in

partnership through your perspective is

worth what i lost from being an

independent woman

that idea though

is why so many relationships end up


because people are always living with

the fear of losing themselves the fear

at the end of me i know that this is

going to be the end of me and so i live

with this fear that’s why when we get

into jobs we have these jobs and

sometimes we fear when we’re working the

role that eventually this job is going

to come to an end because we don’t trust

that we can show up in a position that

we can show up in a role and that it

will sustain us and so we end up

self-sabotaging because we’re always

looking for the end how is this going to

fall apart how am i going to lose myself

how is this going to disappoint me and

that self-sabotage that idea of living

with the end in mind keeps us from

maximizing our present

if you walk into a situation a

circumstance an opportunity and all you

can focus on is how it could possibly

end then you cannot effectively maximize

that moment

which means that you cannot bring the

fullness of who you are into a

relationship or an opportunity because

all you’re doing is looking for the exit

you know those people i’ve been out to

dinner with them i’m married to one of

them they go to a restaurant they go to

somewhere and they can’t even look at

the menu because they need to look at

all of the extra points is anyone else

my husband is the head of security and

any time we go anywhere he’s always

looking for the exit because he wants to

know what is my exit strategy that’s

great for when we’re in a crowded

restaurant but that same strategy

doesn’t work when you’re in a

relationship where you’re looking for

the exit strategy it doesn’t work when

you’re being an entrepreneur because an

entrepreneur who looks for the exit

strategy cannot establish a business

because you’re always trying to figure

out how can this end not how can i build

it and when god is calling you to be a

builder the only thing that you can

focus on is building you can’t think to

yourself how am i going to close this

thing out and how am i going to build it

at the same time you can’t raise a

newborn thinking about the day they walk

out of the house or you’re going to miss

out on what they need at that stage of

their life if you’re going to be in this

thing you’re going to have to be in it

all of the way you can’t be in ministry

thinking about the moment i’m going to

step off of the platform if you’re going

to be in ministry you got to be in it 24

7. if god’s going to call you out of it

god knows how to get your attention god

doesn’t need you to look ahead in the

future to figure out how he’s how you’re

going to get out of what he’s already

placed you in if god’s placed you in it

you got to stand flat-footed in it and

show up with the fullness of who you are

because that environment is meant to

pull out who god has called you you see

well that’s the thing that we have to

understand about environments

environments are wounds it is just as

much about what you can do as it is

about what this environment is producing

down on the inside of me and because i

nec recognize that it is producing

something down on the inside of me i

can’t look for my way out or i’m going

to miss me

you’re going to miss you’re going to

miss you if you’re only looking for the

way out


fear of waiting for the end

it’s how so many people

end up betraying themselves

because they’re waiting

for an opportunity to run out they’re

waiting for a place to no longer feel

safe this is where we find gideon in the


so you got to read the whole story to

really recognize this

i found it interesting

that the moment that gideon recognizes

that he’s speaking to the angel of the


that the angel of the lord says to him

you’re not going to die

the angel of the lord gives us insight

into what gideon was thinking it gives

us insight into how gideon was showing

up at that season of his life and that

season of his life gideon was so

deflated he was so defeated that when he

saw the angel of the lord he didn’t see

backup he saw that this is a sign that

i’m going to die this was finally the

end that he had been waiting for and now

the angel of the lord shows up trying to

propel him into something new but

because he’s still in that same routine

of waiting to die the angel of the lord

can’t even show up in the way that the

angel of the lord wants to show up for

him i wish that i could say that the way

that i feel it but i hear that that’s

somebody’s message i feel like heaven is

trying to tell you that you’ve been

waiting for god to show up and god’s

been showing up but you’ve been calling

it the end that god’s been showing up

but you’ve been taking it

as a sign that is too good to be true

and there’s somebody who’s been thinking

to themselves if something is too good

to be true then i don’t want to step

into it because i don’t want to lose it

but i hear god saying that if you would

trust and believe that i sent it to you

then you would step into it without fear

and if you step into it without fear

then you will see that this thing is not

meant to kill you it’s meant to awaken

you i feel like god wants to wake

someone up when we talk about get out of

your routine it’s going to require that

you let go of the thinking that this

thing is coming to an end and start

experiencing life in a fresh new way

with the perspective that this could

just be the jump off point i don’t know

who you are but i feel like god has been

trying to tell someone that 2022 is the

year of the jump off point this is the

year where you break out of that routine

for once and for all someone’s gotten

out of the routine once but you feel

yourself slipping back but i came to

serve you notice that there is no

slipping back this time that this time

when you break out of your routine that

you’re never going back to the way that

it used to be you’re never going back to

the way that you used to think and i

hear god saying that if you open up your

spirit to receive what i want to do in

this time that you will no longer be

afraid of things coming to an end but

instead you will be someone who starts

something where are my warriors in this

room where are my warriors in this house

of god there are some people who are

called to wage war if you are not a wage

warrior this is not your message but if

you know that you are someone who has

been sent to wage war i want you to take

a minute and let me know i’m talking to

the right person because if you’ve been

called to wage war then you cannot

afford to be defeated at the same time

and god had to wake gideon back up again

who are you i hear god saying it’s time

for you to get on fire again it’s time

for you to get passionate again because

you were meant to wage war your

existence was meant to wage war on hell

to wage war on generational curses to

wage war on the industry to wage war on

homelessness to wage war on the criminal

justice system you were meant to wage

war and if you sit back and get in a

routine then your enemy is going to know

how to attack you but i need someone who

is so unpredictable so spontaneous that

god could be using me this way one day

and using me another way the next day

because i’m not going to get in a

routine when god has called me to blaze

a trail i’m here to wage war with

everything that’s waging war in my world

if it’s happening in my generation if

it’s happening in my family

then it’s on me to wage war back

and so me to wage war back

and god’s got to wake kitty and up god’s

got to wake you up

that this is not just an idea

this is war

man i wish i could see you

you’re on the other side and you’re

watching this right now

and i feel like the enemy is playing the

biggest trick on your mind by making you

think that it’s little and it’s small

and it’s inconsequential and i hear god

saying that it’s war that war starts as

a seed war starts as a whisper war

starts as a whispering down in your

spirit that you can overcome

and topple

what’s got dominion in your life right


but you can’t do it and stay in your


so when god gets ready to wage war

and i feel this for somebody i feel this

for my country i feel this for my women

i feel this for men i feel this for

families i feel this for the criminal

justice system man i feel like god is

trying to wage war i feel like god is

trying to wake up the people of heaven

he’s trying to wake up the citizens of

the kingdom i’m trying to wake you up so

that you show up purposefully and you

show up with intentionality and you show

up with laser focus on who i’ve called

you to be i hear god saying it is time

for laser focus it’s time for you to

start speaking up it’s time for you to

stop backing down i want to eliminate

the distractions that are happening in

your life those distractions they don’t

look like they’re not coming up against

your war but i hear god saying they’re

taking momentum away from your fight

you’re worried about the wrong thing who

cares what they said about you who cares

what they think about you who cares

whether you’ve got the education who

cares whether or not you’ve got the

finance i hear god saying you got the

weapon and you know what the weapon is

the weapon is the encounter that you had

with me when you have an encounter with

god the encounter can’t stay with you it

ought to start overflowing it ought to

start shaking up your friendships it

ought to start shaking up your

relationships because i had an encounter

we don’t have encounters with god so the

encounter can stay in us

we have encounters with god so the

encounter can propel us

so that we can show up with strength

so we can say i actually can beat this


i can’t wage war on addiction i can’t

wage war on the criminal justice system

i can do what my mother never did how

can i do it what did i have that she

didn’t have i had an encounter i can’t

wage war on this generational curse how

can i do it i didn’t have what they had

but you had an encounter

and when you have an encounter an

encounter makes all the difference

gideon has one encounter

and in one encounter he recognizes

that the thing that he was lacking

was peace

because what happens

when we’re living in a war zone and god


anybody alive in this time in day and

age sees that we’re living in a war zone

living in crossfire

can we talk about the trauma

of waking up and not knowing which blow

you’re going to get today

can we talk about the fear

of waking up not knowing how i’m even

going to make it to the end of the month

the end of the week god i don’t know how

i’m going to make it to the end of the


and when you get so used to that

you have a tormented spirit

when we think of tormented spirits

sometimes we think that it changes the

way we go to work and it changes the way

we engage but you can have a tormented

spirit and still show up and be strong

for everyone else

you can have a tormented spirit and

still be the support system that

everyone else needs you can be a stellar

employee with a tormented spirit a

tormented spirit means that your spirit

has lost peace somewhere

that fear has invaded the way that you

live the way that you think the way that

you see yourself in the way that you see

the world

you know how to pretend but if you

stopped pretending for just a moment you

would come to a place where you were

honest enough to feel

that i’m a little tormented inside

i’m tormented by the fear of loss

tormented by the fear of abandonment

tormented by the fear of failure and so

this routine that i hate that i want to

break out of it also keeps me

comfortable because when i live within

this space i don’t have to confront

those fears

but gideon

has an encounter

that brings him to a place of peace

that’s all i want for you

is for you to have the kind of encounter

that brings you to a place of peace

if you have an encounter with a good

message and you go back to being

tormented you need to play that message

over and over again because that word is

coming after that tormented spirit

when gideon has this encounter

his response lets me know

that peace has changed him because he

builds an altar

as a memorial to the place where he

experienced peace

a lot of times we have these moments of

peace but they are so fleeting that we

don’t build altars

pt preached an incredible message about

remembering the altars that we’ve built

along the way when god sends you a

message whether it’s a message from a

friend or a message a sermon like this

or something that you just scroll upon

on social media or a song or a word that

just brings your spirit peace you got to

build an altar there

because your spirit needs to come to a

place of peace

when i was studying for this message i

almost called it war and peace

because in order for gideon to be

qualified for the war that god wanted

him to start outside of him

he had to first come to a place of peace

inside of him

you see so many of us want to know our

purpose we want to know what is our

destiny why was i created i want to know

what god meant when he formed me in my

mother’s womb and yet before god fully

releases gideon into his purpose into

his reason for existence he first has to

bring him to a place of peace if you’re

searching for purpose i want you to

search from a place of peace purpose is

not for the desperate purpose is not for

the hungry purpose is not for the

thirsty purpose is for the people who

have found a place of peace because when

you finally get into what god has called

you to do when you finally get to a

position where god says now i can use

you you have to recognize that the war

is going to come at you so strongly that

if you don’t have peace to pull from

then that war could knock you off of

your square there’s somebody who was on

purpose you’re watching this right now

you were in purpose but you’re no longer

in purpose you got knocked off your

square i hear god saying that you want

to go back to the place of peace what

was happening in your life when you were

at a place of peace who were your

friends what were your habits what were

your routines because sometimes when we

find ourselves functioning without

functioning in purpose without peace

will feel like we’re running on fumes

we’ll feel like we’re running on empty

we’ll feel like this purpose isn’t

powerful anymore we’ll feel like this

purpose isn’t meaningful anymore we will

lose sight and vision and focus on why

we started doing it in the first place

it is from the place of peace

that god gives gideon vision

god gives gideon vision from the place

of peace not desperation if you’re

desperate i can’t give you vision

because you’ll manipulate the vision for

your own malnutrition i can’t give you


if i give you strength right now in a

time where you’re trying to manipulate

other people then you’ll end up abusing

them i can’t give you strength right now

i can only give vision for those who are

in a place of peace i can only give you

vision when you’re not seeking

validation i can only give you vision

when you’re not trying to prove

something to those people who slept on

you you got to be postured in such a way

that you have such peace in who you are

yes i may know you may know who i used

to be you may know how i used to act but

you don’t know who i am now because

god’s given me peace you may know the

way that i used to think you may know

the way that i used to sing you may know

the way that i used to create but you

don’t know who i am now you have to give

people an opportunity to be introduced

to the new version of who you are this

version of me has peace i don’t have

time to be petty this version of me

doesn’t gossip i don’t have time to be

petty this version of me doesn’t care

what other people think because i

finally came to a place of peace peace

is a weapon do you hear what i’m trying

to tell you i’m trying to tell you that

your peace is a weapon it doesn’t look

like it could be a weapon because it’s

silent it doesn’t look like it could be

a weapon because it is not loud but it

is the most powerful weapon that you can

have in a world that is distracted i got

peace this joy that i have the world

didn’t give it so the world can’t take

it away i got peace that’s why i can

keep dealing with these people and then

walk out of them and not smell like what

they put me through because i’m dealing

with from a posture of peace i’m showing

up from a place of peace i’m creating

from a place of peace i’m not looking

for an award i got peace i’m not looking

for an applause i got peace i’m not

looking for the views i got peace where

is my peace my peace isn’t knowing that

the lord is with me my peace is in

knowing that i’m living in the presence

my peace isn’t knowing that i’ve been

obedient to who god has called me to be

everyone else can look for money i’m

looking for peace everyone else can look

for friends i’m looking for peace

everyone else can start looking at who’s

got what and how they got there i’m

looking for peace god give me my peace

god give them their peace god give me

the thing that’s going to settle my

spirit and don’t allow me to copy cat

off of someone else’s peace do you know

who your god is god says what gave them

peace may not give you peace but i got

peace with your name on it i got joy

with your name on it i got purpose with

your name on it do you trust who i am

says god if you trust who i am you’ll

stop looking at them and start looking

at me god show me how i can have peace

in this storm going through a divorce

but i can still have peace children

acting crazy but i can still have peace

unsure of what the future holds but i

can still have peace the peace that

surpasses all understanding comes not

when everything is the way it is

supposed to be it’s coming in the middle

of the storm fighting cancer but i still

got peace don’t know how i’m gonna make

it next month but i still got peace how

could you have peace they say because

the lord is with me and greater is he

that is in me than he that is in the

world he is my peace he is my shalom he

is my provider he is my healer he is my

defender he is my waymaker and if i

disconnect from god then i’ll be

desperate in a world with other

desperate people but if i stay connected

with god i’ll have vision i’ll have

strategy i have creativity i have

everything that i need


i have everything that i need if i have


peace is my weapon

jesus i feel you so strong in this room

the prince of peace

wants to have a visit with you

man this isn’t in my notes

but i hear god saying i want to give you

peace that you couldn’t access when you

were tormented


peace that you couldn’t access when you

were in your past when you were in your


the peace that god has for you is not

just the peace that you experience for


but i hear god saying that i can retro

date your peace

that i can bring you healing

for a stage of life you’re not even in


you don’t have to disconnect

this stage of your life can have peace

because the last few years had none at

all i hear god saying my peace is so

powerful it can reach back and still

give you peace about the things that

didn’t go the way you wanted them to go

peace is everything

the presence of god

can meet you right where you are

and provide you with peace

when gideon gets peace

and i studied this story

i saw that god gave gideon what he


so that he could be who god needed

god doesn’t just

tell gideon

i want you to do this

and then puts him in a position to do it

god first works in gideon before he

works through him


god wants to give you peace first

before position

peace before position

peace in your singleness before your


peace in this tax bracket before


the kind of piece that says god if you

don’t do anything else at all you’ve

already done enough that kind of peace


because when you come to that place of


you can see clearly who you’re supposed

to be in god

once god gives gideon peace

he then tells him this is what i want

you to do

he gives them instruction from the place

of peace

and with that instruction he tells him

i want you to introduce new power

into your environment


and then power

if you have peace before power you won’t

abuse power

if you have peace before power then

you’ll use the power for god’s glory and

not your own

so he settles him in peace

because it’s time to introduce new power

that is the totality of what i pray this

message is about for someone

that it would awaken first the pursuit

of peace

and for those of you who have discovered


that it would then propel you into that

next stage and that is



because there are things in gideon’s

world and things in your world

that have been god for long enough

and god says now that i have given you

peace with who i am and who you are i

want you to introduce new power

i don’t know who you are and where god

has positioned you in this season of

your life

but i want to make it emphatically clear

that if you continue to introduce the

same old power

in this old system

then you are not releasing everything

that god has called you to be

that god is not calling you into the new

he’s not calling you into the uncertain

so that you can release what has already

been seen

but i want you to take

what they have been using

but i want you

to allow god to show you how to put it



all of the pieces are there

for what god wants to do

but the person is not there

who can build what god wants to build

all of the pieces are there for what god

wants to do in your life and through

your life the finances are there the

connections are there the education is

there the relationships are there it’s

already there but the person who knows

how to hear god’s voice to bring it all

together they’re not there yet but i

hear god saying it’s you

and god says if you’re going to submit

to this

and surrender to this call

you can’t be afraid to touch the old


and make them a new thing

god doesn’t send gideon out

to grab old new things he doesn’t say

cut down the tree

he says take the wood they’re already


take the bull that’s already there

it’s already there

everything you need is already there

but you gotta see it the right way

you got to see it from the place of


from the place of confidence from the

place of certainty

so they got their routine things

but a new you

and hear god saying you’re not going to

just come out of your routine

but you’re going to change the routine

of everything connected around you too

this is how change happens this is how

transformation takes place

my favorite part of description and then

i’m going to close

it’s gideon

he’s got peace

he’s got position

and he’s got power

but he’s still got fear

i think that’s important for us to know

because a lot of times we think if we

have all of those things and we won’t

have fear either

but the last scripture in my text tells


that gideon was obedient he took the men

from among his servants and did as the

lord said to him but because he feared

his father’s household and the men of

the city too much to do it by day he did

it by night

this stands to reason to me that


you gotta get out of your routine in the


sometimes it doesn’t happen where

everyone can see it

sometimes it doesn’t happen where it’s

on display

but just because you aren’t ready to

release it to the world doesn’t mean

that you can’t start practicing within

your own


i want to pray with you

because as i was reading this message


studying this scripture

i kept hearing so strongly

that god is looking for warriors

god is looking for people who are going

to be serious

about the call that is on their life

to the point of sacrificing the way that

they’ve always done things

i’ve always lived in this city

i’ve always gone to this place i’ve

always created this way

what if i told you and this was

with all compassion that

god doesn’t care about the way that

you’ve always done things

this is an opportunity

for god to show you a new way of being

which means you’re going to need a new

way of doing

and i was

studying i saw that point about gideon

being afraid to do it by day but he was

going to do it anyway i felt like god


going to call some people out of their

routine in this message

and that he wanted me to highlight this

point because there are some people who

will not get out of their routine

because they’re thinking ahead about how

it’s going to affect their whole life

but i felt like god wanted me to

highlight this so that he could allow

you to see the baby steps

that he provides on the way to destiny

i know we love the big leaps of faith

i know when we like to leave everyone

and tell them listen gone i’m bi i’m

doing something different you ain’t

never seen this before

but there are some of us

who change little by little

baby step by baby step

baby steps are still ordered steps

baby steps are still progression

baby steps are still transformation

gideon’s going to do exactly what god

told him to do

and he’s going to stretch himself to do


and he’s still going to find a way to do


even if that means that he can’t do it

in the way that would seem most obvious

you’re watching this message and maybe

you’ve got a big shift to make

and because you’re not ready to make the

big shift you haven’t moved at all

i want you to understand that you can

take baby steps

into the shift you’re not ready to quit

the job and start the ministry

can you start the ministry

can you draft the sermon

can you create the email

you’re not ready to remarry again you


got out of a heartbreak

can you allow your heart to be healed

you’re not ready to forgive yet that

pain was so great that grief was so


can you just open your heart to the


that maybe this bitterness is not

serving me any longer

i’m not asking you for a big step


i’m asking you to take a chance on a

baby step

if jesus can point out to us the power

of a mustard seed

i wonder what that would look like that

mustard seed working on behalf

of what god wants to do in your life in

your circumstance right now

that’s what it means when

says sometimes i have to do it in the


because i’m not afraid to do it when all

the lights are on

that counts too

i want to pray with you

i want to pray with someone who’s

stepping out of their routine

you’ve been listening to this message


you feel the conviction that can only

come from the holy spirit

a type of conviction that says you can’t

keep living the way you’ve been living

you can’t keep thinking and acting and

doing the way that you have been

it’s time for you to get out of your

routine and to try on something new

and you may have to try on a few

different rhythms until you find what is

authentic to what god has for you

but the first step is for you to break

covenant with what has always been

so that you can experience what can be

holy spirit


you’ve pricked our hearts

you’ve pierced us in a way that only

your word can do

thank you

thank you for loving us too much to

leave us the same

thank you for loving them too much god

to allow them to function on autopilot


thank you god that this word is

literally your love chasing after them

god we turn to you

and we admit in your presence that

change is scary

that disruption

can feel terrorizing it makes us feel

small it makes us feel inadequate but


we want to lay all of our burdens at

your feet

all of our truths all of our thoughts

our fears we want to lay them at your


because we will not allow them to be god

over us any

longer spirit of the living god

i exit you would begin to meet each and

every person connected to this message

and that you would begin to break the

tie that binds them to their routine i

rebuke it in the name of jesus god i ask

that you would break the chains that tie

them to their routine i rebuke it in the

name of jesus because that chain is

chaining them to their paths but god i

feel that you’re calling them higher god

i feel that you’re calling them to

destiny and so god we receive that call

we answer it in the name of jesus and we

say god we’re ready to come out of our

routine we’re ready to come out of the

way that we’ve always done things god we

surrender our ways for your ways we

surrender our plans for your plans we

surrender our routine for your vision we

surrender our routine for your destiny

have your way with our lives god is only

you can do we are your servants

the only thing we ask

is what you’ve already promised

lord be with us

in season and out of season lord be with

them may your presence rest on their


may it rest on their minds may it rest

on their being god

and may it give them comfort

and we thank you god

that we don’t have to tell you how we

feel because we have jesus

the ultimate translator

who understands our weaknesses our

deficiencies and yet sits on your right


we thank you for jesus

someone’s here and they don’t know him


not realizing that they’re having an

encounter with jesus right now

we thank you for jesus

we thank you god

that through jesus we lack nothing

through jesus we have peace through

jesus we have strength

we receive jesus afresh

thank you jesus


everything that we do may we do in

remembrance of you

being reminded that you put sin to death

that you put failure to death you put

fear to death

and yet you were raised up just

because we’re in you were raised up to

free and victorious we receive that


we receive our wings

send us god

we’ll go

even if we have to go in the night

we’re ready to break out of our routine

in jesus name i pray
