Los Angeles www.tphla.org Denver www.tphd.com

hey family I’m pastor Tori Hester Sarah

we just want to greet you before you get

ready to watch this powerful message we

believe it’s going to change your life

we’ve been praying for you and we also

want you to partner with us in changing

the lives of others as you know we’re

invested a lot into technology so that

we can continue to bring the word to you

and innovative in creative ways but we

don’t just stop there we also believe in

blessing people in a more pragmatic way

that’s right you’re about to watch this

video that is going to tremendously

bless you

but what you don’t get to see is how

we’re blessing people off of the pulpit

there are families that are being fed

there are women who are being saved from

human trafficking there are so many

organizations that we are able to

support thanks to your generosity so we

want to invite you to be a part of

changing the world with this

yeah we’ve been very intentional in this

season to to partner with organizations

and support them financially that are

making a difference considering their

crisis so we just thank you they’re

giving instructions on the screen here

partner with us and let’s get into this

word you know I’ve been studying and I

really do believe that there is a

special word for all of us in this

season and I only have one scripture

it’s in Joshua 6 verse 20 it’s not

unfamiliar most of us know the story

about the Hebrews marching around the

walls of Jericho and how the walls of

Jericho came down after they completed a

few circles that’s my subject for today

actually is full circle full circle and

verse 20 simply says so the people

shouted when the priests blew the

trumpets and it happened when the people

heard the sound of the trumpet and the

people shouted with a great shout that

the wall fell down flat then the people

went up into the city every man straight

before him and they took the city

spirit of the Living God we welcome you

we welcome you into the deepest parts of

our souls we welcome you into every

corner of our house every nook and

cranny about work our Father we welcome

you into this work atmosphere what we’re

saying simply father is that we want you

to have your way wherever we are and so

father it is my prayer that this would

be a moment where you sit and you meet

with your sons and daughters that you

would give them a word that is so custom

tailored to where they are and what they

need that they have no doubt that you

see them and that you hear them and as

for me father attitude would just give

me the tongue of the learn that this

would be a prophetic moment father that

echoes throughout the earth and that you

would flow through me freely with no

inhibitions in Jesus name I pray amen

you know as I was studying and looking

over my notes for this message I

couldn’t help but think about how God

uses circles I thought about how the

earth rotates in one full circle and

that’s how we have a new day or how it

rotates around the Sun and then we have

a new year I thought about how God uses

a wedding ring and the wedding ring

symbolizes how to have become one or

even a woman’s womb to produce new a new

child and it is evident in that moment

that a new life has begun God uses

circles he uses full circle moments that

allow us to birth new life or to birth

victory the newness that we experience

often comes as a result of us having a

revolution we have these full circle

moments you hear them all the time and

these aren’t even necessarily spiritual

people or spiritual moments when they

say this is a full-circle moment a

full-circle moment is when a version of

you experiences something that

transpired when a lesser version of you


I don’t know about you but when I

graduate walks across the stage it’s a

full-circle moment when I came into this

school I didn’t have any credits and now

I am graduating and going off into the

world it is a full-circle moment I

completed something that I started I was

looking at this definition and the

definition says that a full circle is a

series of developments that lead back to

the original source position or

situation or to a complete reversal of

the original position I had a full

circle moment the other day when I was

at home you know I have this podcast and

on my podcast I always ask those who are

listening like are you drinking your

water and minding your business and we

giggle and hehehe over drinking your

water and minding your business so much

so that we even have like mind your

business ministries it’s funny it’s

hilarious until the other day I was

making dinner for my daughter and I

extra did she finished eating her

vegetables and she told me to drink my

water and mind my business full circle

moments now there has been a complete

reversal on mind your business ministry

she was just a member and I was the

president but she said it like she was

the president of mind your business

ministries and I was a new member I

didn’t appreciate that at all these full

circle moments happen to us all of the

time and I know that even as a mother

that even to become eligible for

motherhood we undergo a cycle a process

that makes us eligible to even live

within a full circle moment and these

moments they happen all of the time but

for the sake of our conversation today I

want to offer you a definition of a full

circle moment if you’re taking notes I

want you to write this down a full

circle moment is when the divine you

finishes what unbelief started a full

circle moment when the divine version of

who you are complete something me

ministering right now me preaching right

now is a full circle moment around six

years ago I was preaching here

Los Angeles for the very first time on a

Sunday on Mother’s Day and I was nervous

and I was anxious and I wasn’t sure what

would come of that moment and here we

are six years later and God has produced

ministry from the inside of me that

literally was a part of what started 60

years ago on Mother’s Day this is a full

circle moment and my unbelief tried to

tell me that it wasn’t possible and my

unbelief tried to tell me that I

couldn’t do it but my belief stood in

and finished it it brought it into a

full circle moment and what I am

learning now is that when you are a

believer when you start living this life

of circles and cycles that it produces

perpetual full circle moments so when I

was speaking six years ago that was a

full circle moment because I never

thought that I would be preaching and

now we are six years later and I’m

standing in another full circle moment

because I didn’t know that this version

of me existed six years ago

you see belief and unbelief both

produced cycles but there comes a moment

when we allow our belief to step in and

when our belief steps in it creates a

new cycle I want to talk about the

cycles that belief in unbelief created

let’s start with unbelief unbelief

creates a cycle unbelief leads to

wandering I’m thinking of the children

of Israel who didn’t believe that God

was going to take them into their

promised land they had unbelief that it

even existed and so they ended up

wandering but wandering leads to

distraction that same story then they

start making false idols and false gods

in the middle of the wilderness because

I started off with unbelief now I am


then I go from wandering to having

distractions there’s a process there’s a

cycle that’s why the enemy will always

be after our belief I’m thinking of this

serpent in the garden he came after

Eve’s belief because all the enemy ever

has to do is get you to believe

something differently our depression has

to do is make you believe something

differently Aang’s I

you believe something differently it

makes you makes you start weighing all

of these different possible outcomes and

issues and so that unbelief makes your

mind start wondering and then you’re

wondering leads to distraction and

distractions lead to desperation because

now that we are distracted we become

desperate to be distraction I love that

word distraction we are distracted we

are no longer attracted to what we

should have been attracted to we are

distracted from it and whenever you are

pulled away from what you are supposed

to be pulled towards you end up becoming

desperate because there’s a part of you

that knows I shouldn’t be in this

situation I shouldn’t be distracted from

my purpose I shouldn’t be distracted

from my marriage and now I’m desperate

for something to fix me I’m desperate

for something to heal me I’m desperate

for something to make me feel that

magnetic pull that I am on the right

path that I am a good person that I’m

doing what is necessary and when we

become desperate desperation leads to

defeat unbelief has a cycle belief also

has a cycle I want to talk about the

cycle of belief because what we’re going

to witness here with the children of

children of Israel these Hebrew children

is what happens when the cycle of belief

takes over what unbelief started belief

leads to obedience when you believe God

you start obeying what he said when you

believe that you are fearfully and

wonderfully made it out of change your

actions it ought to change the way you

respond when something is happening in

your world you start forgiving even when

forgiveness is a stretch for you because

you recognize I believe what God says I

believe that in order for me to overcome

that I’m going to have to address some

of my issues you start getting

aggressive about what’s keeping you from

laying hold of what God has for you

belief leads to obedience obedience

leads to faith faith leads to confidence

so when I am obedient now I am obedient

because I have faith that what God said

is going to be manifested we aren’t just

obedient because we just are obedient we


obedient because we recognize that our

faith is in within reach when we are

obedient sometimes people are praying

for things but they aren’t obedient to

the word that is going to lead to the

thing that they’re praying for there’s a

disconnect between what you believe in

your faith is it your obedience are you

actually doing and becoming who God has

called you to be in order for you to lay

hold of that faith that you need for the

next dimension and when you manifest

faith when you start to recognize that

now I have a rhythm of believing I have

a rhythm of obeying and now my faith is

manifesting things that I should have

never manifested I should never have

been walking in this room I should have

never been having these types of

discussions but I had faith and now my

faith makes me confidence I love that

and I feel like there’s something on

that for somebody your confidence your

confidence is a result of your faith

when you have seen God show up over and

over and over again you start to become

confident in what God says that if God

sent me into this room if God sent me

into this marriage if God sent me into

this school he sent me into this

business it’s because he has work for me

to do and when you see that work being

manifested and effective there’s nothing

like finding out you are effective when

you recognize that you are effective at

the thing that God has called you to do

it makes you confident that you can do

the very next thing that he calls you to

do I may not be confident in my own

ability but I am confident in the call

connected to who God has called me to be

my confidence is not built on what I can

do my confidence is not built on what I

can say that type of confidence falls

off very easily my confidence is built

out the history that I have of God

calling me into places that made me

uncomfortable calling me into places

that made me feel inadequate and then

showing me that he called me there for a

purpose now I’m confident whenever he

calls me into a room and the room seems

bigger than me he calls me into a

relationship in the relationship makes

me feel like I am less than I’m

confident though because I’m standing on

a word when you’re standing on a word it

changes the way you show up when you’re

standing on a word it changes the way

you love

changes the way you embrace it changes

the way you connect I’m confident

because I’m standing on the evidence of

what God has already done see all it

takes is one step when you take one step

in the direction of what God has called

you to do it makes you confident because

you start to see that every time I step

he was upholding me every time I took

his step he was going ahead of me and

making that crooked path straight so now

the next time he calls me I’m not

confident because the technology’s in

place I’m not confident because the

money is there I’m not confident because

the relationships are there

I am confident because the word that

sent me has never failed I dare you to

get a rhythm of belief in your life

because that rhythm of belief will make

you bold as a lion you’ll start doing

things that you’re not even qualified to


you’ll start signing up with things that

you have no business doing because you

recognize who sent you I feel like

prophet sign there’s somebody watching

this message right now that God is

calling you again God’s calling you to

start a new circle and you don’t

understand right now that there’s a full

circle moment all you’re doing is

stepping out on what God said but I hear

God say if you step out I’ll handle the

full circle moment if you step out that

it’ll set that cycle in motion it’s time

for somebody to start believing again

it’s time for somebody to start having

faith again it’s time for you to

recognize that the very thing you’re

standing going is

that God has already gone ahead of you

you see there are some people who

shouldn’t even be watching this message

right now but God brought them into a

season of their life where they had no

choice but to trust him and when they

had no choice but to trust them

and stuff because he’s told him that

I’ve learned the of your truck I’m

worthy of your creation

I worthy of your innovation I’m standing

on the confidence that God is who he

says he is and then he will do whatever

he says he will do and if he sent me I

cannot lose

if you send me I cannot break and that

is why confidence confidence leads to

victory confidence leads to victory the

kind of crazy victory that makes you say

even when I lose I win but even if it

doesn’t turn out the way that I wanted

to there was a lesson connected to it

that I could have never gotten less I

started the cycle in the first place you

gotta watch out for people who don’t

accept losses you gotta watch out for

people who don’t accept defeat I see you

winning everything I may have lost the

money but I gained alive knowledge I may

have lost the relationship but I gained

my confidence I don’t eat Noelle’s

around here 20:20 pass

Elmen turning it into a win I’m taking

the time off and learning how to create

I’ve taken that time away from family

and learning Who I am I don’t accept any

ales only two wins because I recognize

that God wouldn’t put me in this season

and Berkeley in this year unless there

was a victory connected to it so I’m

looking for victory everyone else can

focus on defeat everyone else can wonder

how we’re gonna fail one job only and to

walk in this season with confidence that

it put me in it there’s victory

connected to it I want you to take a

minute in the comments and start looking

for your victory just victory victory

victory victory victory victory victory


– it but goddess prophesy and get over

your life you’re typing get by goddess

prophesy get over your finances victory

victory victory victory victory victory

victory victory victory victory victory

victory victory picturing my confidence

my confidence leads to victory and so it

is no wonder when we see these Hebrew

children going up against the walls of

Jericho that they’re walking a little

bit differently then I think we’ve given

them credit for in our sermons in the

past you see these are not just any

regular old Hebrew children these are

the ones who survived after those who

did not believe died off see there’s

something special about people who can

maintain their belief in an environment

of unbelief that’s a word for somebody

you’re the only one in your environment

the only one in your family the one only

one in your friends circle that believes

and you’re wondering is it possible for

you to maintain your belief in an

environment of unbelief this story is

evidence that the unbelief will

eventually die off so that the only

thing that can stand is the belief and

that Hebrew children are standing in a

full-circle moment because this is the

moment where they are going to be able

to respond differently than the

generation before them responded when

God sent a word to the generation before

them their unbelief disqualified them

from seeing what God said but this is

the generation that believed so while

they’re looking at this moment against

Jericho they’re not looking at it like

they’re outnumbered they’re not looking

at it like the odds are against them

they’re looking at it recognizing that

this is an opportunity for me to prove

my face I’ll never forget one of the

first opportunities that I had to come

into agreement with someone about

healing and there was a part of me that

wondered and am I going to have enough

belief so that this person can be healed

but there was another part of me that

had been laying into what God had said

and I’ve been praying and I’ve been

reading my word and eating my word and

just really being in the presence of God

and what I recognized is that our faith

needs an opportunity to put to be put to

the test our faith needs an opportunity

to be thrown in the direction of

something that seems bigger than us

sometimes we store up our faith for a

rainy day and I hear guys saying that

your faith isn’t for a rainy day your

faith is for every day that there ought

to be something in your life every day

worthy of you throw in your faith at it

I’m throwing my faith in my healing I’m

throwing my faith at my health I’m

throwing my faith at my business I live

with my faith every single day I’m not

storing it up unless I get it until I

get a bad doctor’s report and then I’ll

release my faith my faith is a part of

my everyday life and so when life makes

a demand on my faith I don’t have to

wonder how to use it I don’t have to

wonder how to exercise it because I’ve

been using it every single day what if

your faith is a muscle and you are so

busy living in the comfort of what you

understand and the comfort of what you

can deal with that when faith calls you

don’t even know how to apply faith

because you were only going to use it if

the worst happened I hear guys saying

that when you stop storing up faith as

if the worst thing is going to happen

and start incorporating faith into

everything you do every single moment of

every single day of your life then you

are going to be in relationship with me

and you are going to see the promises

that I have connected to your name this

is a full circle moment for the Hebrews

and I was thinking to myself when I was

studying this text part of what I like

to do was just imagine this moment if I

were in this moment whether what this

moment would feel like and look like for

me and when I was looking at this moment

there was a few things that stood out to

me and I want to share them with you one

of the first things that stood out to me


when I was looking at this text I

thought to myself the children of Israel

are finally in the Promised Land the

land flowing with milk and honey and I

reasoned with myself that there should

have been something about them being in

the Promised Land that should have

brought rest to them where they

shouldn’t have to have fight anymore

they shouldn’t have to fight anymore

they went through the wilderness they

survived the Egyptians the Promised Land

was supposed to be a place of rest in my

mind and that’s when I realized that my

mind is wired to look for a destination

where I can just finally stop fighting

not recognizing that every promise even

has a battle connected to it and so when

I saw that they were up against another

battle it stands to reason to me as I

was studying that just because you’re in

the Promised Land doesn’t mean you won’t

have any walking to do god help me

I thought that the walking days of the

children of Israel were over that once

they transition from the wilderness into

the promised land that they could

finally settle but in order for them to

take over Jericho God tells them that

I’ve given you the city but the city is

locked up and the only way you can

access the city is if you walk around

the city once a day for six days and

then seven times on the seventh day I

would have been tired of walking if I

were them I would have been tired of

fighting if I were them I would have

been ready to finally sit back and relax

in the Promised Land but I recognize

that that is my flawed way of thinking

and maybe you’re like me where you have

this flawed way of thinking where you’re

striving to get to this place where you

don’t have to walk anymore where you

don’t have to fight anymore where you

don’t have to hustle anymore and I hear

God’s saying that in order for you to

manifest Who I have called you to be

that you have to stop looking at the

destination and start looking at who you

are on the inside you see they were in

the promised land but God had to reveal

the promises that were in them they were

in the promised land but there were

still promises that weren’t down on the

inside of them

and the only way that they could release

the promises that were down on the

inside of them is if they could start

working like they knew that there were

still promises left for them I hear God

saying that you think the promised land

is a place where there is a promised

land and I hear God’s saying it’s not

just a promised land but there are

promises buried in the land that you

made it into one element of the promised

land but you’re gonna have to work a

little bit harder to dig out their

promises of that land stop waiting to

get to one place and start digging

recognizing that he that began a work in

you still has work to do until the days

of Jesus Christ there are promises in

the promised land

you finally got married but that

marriage has promises buried in that

marriage you finally made it to this

city but there are promises buried in

that city you finally got the house but

there are promises buried in that house

I hear God saying that only those who

start digging for the promises connected

to the promised land will recognize that

I have called them to be warriors you

see if they would have gotten there and

just rested they would have never

realized that when an enemy comes that

God had given them authority to go up

against the enemy so you need to have a

little fight even in the promised land

because the enemy will make you think

that you’ve made it to a promised land

that you can’t fight for but when you

learn how to fight on the promised land

nobody can run you out of what God

called you to nobody can run you out of

the industry that God has called you to

called you to and I hear God’s saying

that the children of Hebrew had to get a

little bit of fight down on the inside

of them so this was their moment where

they got to prove to God that we are the

believing generation and I just need you

to throw something in my direction that

is worth me applying my belief to and

what they had to throw their belief in

the direction of was going up against

something that was bigger than them the

promised land still had work for them to

do and as I was looking I was thinking

if I were in Jericho when I saw these

people walking around the city there

would have been a part of me that

thought there they going in walking

walking around in circles I feel this

there they go again back in the same

city there they go again walking around

in circles I want to talk to somebody

who feels like their life is just one

big circle that they keep experiencing

the same thing over and over again and

they’ve been pressing in and they’ve

been following God but from the outside

looking in it looks like I’m in the same

situation over and over again I get an

idea that ideas on fire for a minute but

the idea falls through I have an

opportunity the opportunity looks like

it’s going to work but the opportunity

doesn’t lead to the promotion that I

thought it was going to lead to from the

outside looking in it looks like they’re

going around in circles aimlessly I hear

God’s saying as I was studying this

message that one of the greatest errors

that we make is that we insist on

looking at our life from the outside in

I wonder what my life looks like from

the outside in I wonder what it looks

like me walking around these circles and

it doesn’t look like I have victory and

it looks like I’m going to get up

against something that’s bigger than me

I’m constantly looking at my life from

the outside in God says if you really

want to see where the change is you got

to start looking at your life from the

inside out you see because every time

the children of Israel the Hebrew


walked around the walls of Jericho it

wasn’t about what they looked like from

the outside it was about who they were

becoming on the inside who they were

becoming on the inside as they followed

the Ark of the Covenant which represents

the presence of God was someone who was

getting enough courage and enough

strength and enough strategy to trust

God even when it didn’t make any sense

and I want to challenge somebody who’s

watching tonight to stop looking at your

life from the outside in I’m wondering

what I look like to other people I’m

wondering what it looks like when other

people see me going on this

merry-go-round over and over again and

start dissecting your life from the

inside out to start asking God but who

did I come on that one revolution who

did I become on that second revolution

and to start weighing your

transformation now

by the change you see on the outside but

by the full circle moments you have on

the inside things may look the same from

the outside but on the inside I got

wiser on the inside I got stronger on

the inside my relationship with God

increased and got deeper and deeper than

it had ever been before God says it you

don’t think you’re going to be promoted

until your outside changes and I hear

God’s saying that your outside won’t

change until you see the promotions that

have taken place on the inside those

children of Israel walked around the

walls of Jericho because they had a

secret that no one understood but then

the secret was that they weren’t just

walking around aimlessly that they were

following the presence of God they were

following the Ark of the Covenant and no

one had to understand what was happening

it could look foolish or it could look

repetitive to anyone else who was on the

outside looking in but when you have a

word from God and you know you are

following the presence of God it doesn’t

matter what it looks like from the

outside looking in all that matters is

what’s happening on the inside of you

and I hear God’s saying that you feel

like you’ve been going in circles and I

hear God’s saying it looks like circles

but they’re actually full circles that

you’re checking off some things that God

needed to do down on the inside of you

and you haven’t seen the impact of it on

the outside yet but just like in verse

20 there’s going to be a moment when all

of the things you were walking around

starts to start bending in your favor

and everything you were walking around

starts bending towards what God said it

was going to be in the first place God

says you’re frustrated walking in

circles not recognizing that I use

circles to burns new things I use cycles

to birth new things it looks like a

circle but wait until that day comes

when the trumpet finally roars and you

recognize that there was a shout that

was being developed and on the inside of

you every time they followed the

presence of God and started perfecting

their shout God told them specifically

don’t shout until you get to the seventh

day in the seventh revolution on the

seventh day and every time they walked

around they knew I had to save my vocal


save my voice cuz there’s gonna come a

moment when God makes a demand on my

shout I hear God saying there are

seasons to walk and there are seasons to

shout and you want to shout in a season

when you’re supposed to be walking when

you’re supposed to be learning when

you’re supposed to be growing and I hear

God saying that you’re not going to be

walking forever that there’s going to

come a moment when the trumpet sounds

and when the trumpet sounds I want you

to save your poise don’t save it on the

boy don’t use your voice talking to

naysayers don’t use your voice trying to

prove to everybody that you got a vision

from God that you’re following what I

told you to do just said I worry about

that you save your voice and here’s that

saying you’ve been talking and walking

and sometimes all you can do is walk I’m

saving my voice for when I get to where

God has called me to be I’m saving my

voice for when the book is finally

finished I’m saving my voice for when

there’s no other option but for me to

release this down

that makes heaven

to alignment with earth and when heaven

comes into alignment with earth

everything standing in my way is going

to start crumbling down

I hear that saying fear is coming down

you went to one therapy session and

you’re ready to give up I hear that

saying keep walking keep walking keep

walking keep walking keep walking

that testimony

the best testimonies

take time to perfect the best

testimonies they take time to perfect

they don’t happen overnight you don’t

just wake up one moment and you’ve

stepped into it you gotta walk this

thing out

I hear guys saying you want to give up

cuz you gotta walk again

but if you would keep walking and you

would keep trusting and you would keep

your eyes on the presence of God the

presence of God God says let the Ark of

the Covenant go ahead of them let my

presence go ahead of them so that they

could stay focused on what was really

leading them they’re gonna have

obstacles beside them but if they can

stay focused on what’s leading them then

they won’t get distracted and that’s

when I recognized that they had the

presence ahead of them and evidence

underneath them you see you come to this

stage in your life when you’re walking

on the promises of God and the presence

of God is leading you it doesn’t make

the obstacles disappear but it changes

what you focus on in the midst of the

obstacles you see the enemy can trick

people who haven’t experienced a

full-circle moment yet but you’re full

circle moment leads to another full

circle moment so these children of

Israel are walking in circles but

they’re not just walking on anything

they’re walking in the promised land

that they had lost access to God I’m

walking on a promise right now I hope

you never forget that some of you are so

busy focusing on what you want to do

next that you don’t recognize you’re

standing on the promise of what God has

already done so if God is leading you

and he’s guiding you don’t become so

consumed by the obstacles beside you

that you miss out on the reality that

the same God

who put that promise under your feet is

now leading you in this moment I love

this text because as I was studying I

couldn’t even fully explain it but I

knew that God was doing something that

involved full circle moments for some of

you that means that you’re experiencing

a full circle moment in your life that

now a whole version of you a divine

version of you is back in a situation

but you see it differently than you saw

it through your brokenness and then

there are others and you are just now

starting a new circle god I’m going out

again I’m starting my faith again I’m

putting my faith on something again I’m

I’m stretching myself again I’m growing

again I’m starting a new business I’ve

got this idea I’m starting over again

and I hear God’s saying that there is a

full circle moment connected to what

your starting right now in this moment

that definition that I gave you of a

full circle is when the divine version

of you completes what unbelief started

the divine version of the children of

Israel the Hebrews are completing what

unbelief started in their generation as

I was praying I felt so strongly that

God is calling you yes you watching to

complete in your generation

what unbelief started in the generations

prior to you and I don’t mean the kind

of superficial beliefs that makes you

start wishing for material things but

I’m talking about the type of belief

that makes you tap into wholeness and

who God has called you to be and

sacrifice and surrender and obedience

and manifestation of God’s confidence so

that you can have victory that’s exactly

what we see happening in this text and

the reason why I believe it’s important

for us to get this message down in our

soul is to recognize that when did

Hebrew children experienced this victory

that when they finally came to a place

where they released their shout into the

atmosphere and the walls came down that

it wasn’t over just because they shouted

the shout was the beginning of a new

revolution because after they shouted

they didn’t had to go into the city and

they had to take the city God didn’t do

it for them they had to take the city

there were promises connected to the

promised land but they had to be willing

to walk shout and take I think that it’s

so important for us to recognize in any

season of our life which category were

in I’m in my walk in season I’m in my

shouting season and I’m in my taking

season so that we can recognize the full

circle moments when they come what if

you were living in a full circle moment

but we’re so busy waiting for the next

moment that we can’t recognize that I’m

already standing in the provision of God

I feel like God gave me one assignment

and one assignment only and that was to

awaken you to how he uses circles and

cycles to manifest his promise and on a

day like today when it feels like maybe

we’re in a new cycle of things I don’t

know what the next is going to be I hear

God saying that what you start in this

moment he’s going to finish I want to

pray with you I want to pray for those

of you who feel like you’ve been walking

around in circles and now you’ve been

called to start a new revolution I’m

starting a new circle father and I don’t

know who I’m going to become or how I’m

going to make it out of this I’m

starting all over again I almost wanted

to start this call this message starting

all over again

but you’re not really starting over

again you’re starting in a new dimension

of who you are I wish if I was really

creative and I could draw I would make

this full circle thing I’m

like a spiral that you can pleat a

circle and you go to another level and

it completes a circle and you go to

another level and it completes another

circle but it’s almost like you’re

starting over again if you don’t zoom

out of the picture and see that your

life has been a series of full circles

your life friend your life has been a

series of full circles not going around

in circles a series of full circles that

means that God’s not finished showing

you how high you can go how much you can

grow how deep you are how wise you are

how prophetic you are how anointed you

are don’t let the fact that you’re going

in circles make you feel so dizzy that

you think you’re not going anywhere at

all I hear guys saying I still called

you I’m still using you but most

importantly I’m still advancing you so

stop looking at your life from the

outside in start looking from the inside

out I’m not the same person who started

this journey I’m not the same person who

started in that relationship I’m not the

same person who started in this industry

I know I may be in the same position

maybe I’m in the same city maybe I

haven’t moved from the outside looking

in but from the inside looking in from

the inside looking out I’ve made a lot

of changes I’ve made a lot of

transitions you will miss the best part

of a person if you only look at them

from the outside looking in that’s why

God says I look at the heart man looks

at the outward appearance I want to be

like God in my own life I want to look

at my life from the heart I want to look

at my life from the inside out

I don’t want that bank account to

determine whether or not I’ve progressed

I don’t want the industry in a title to

determine whether or not I have

progressed what I wanted to determine

how I have progressed is Who I am from

the inside and the fact that I can

really hear from God the fact that I can

experience his presence the fact that I

can lift my hands and worship God I’m

not asking you to

my outside life anymore that’s too cheap

of a prayer from a poor God who can

change my life from the inside out God

I’m asking you to change me on the

inside that where there are areas of

brokenness and deficiencies and

discouragement and disappointment that

you will show me your power to create a

full circle moment in my life so you’re

watching this message and you’re

thinking to yourself man I feel like I

just been going in circles and going


I want to rebuke that spirit off of you

and I want you to become intentional

about asking God to show you how he can

develop you from the inside out where he

can show you how to look at yourself the

way that he looks at you with love and

passion for you to grow and become so

that you can become that person who has

confidence and sees the victory in every

season of life you’re in I’ve got the

victory when I’m walking around the

walls of Jericho God hasn’t even broken

the walls down yet but I have the

victory because I’m following the

presence of God that’s what my victory

is in my victory is in following the

presence of God and so I want to pray

with you you’re watching this video and

you want to surrender to the circle’s

god I want to surrender to what feels

like my life being on repeat playing the

same song over and over again and

instead of asking you to change the song

I’m going to ask that you change the way

I hear the song that I won’t miss the

lesson of this soundtrack in this

soundtrack of my life that I won’t miss

the lesson connected to this season of

my life I want you to lift your hands a

cup your hands like you’re going to

receive something because I believe that

as you cup your hands oh I feel this for

you that God is going to breathe on you

like never before

some of you right now you’re watching

and you can already feel the presence of

God your heart is warm and tingling you

feel his presence invading your

atmosphere if that’s you I want you to

type real quickly that’s me that’s me

that’s me and then go back to cupping

your hands that’s God’s presence

confronting your unbelief man did you

know unbelief and belief can live in the

same person our job like the father and

Mark is to say Lord I believe help my

unbelief I want to start a new circle

but this circle father this cycle I

don’t want it to be a cycle of unbelief

I want it to be a cycle of believing

with passion and power that you can

transform my life from the inside father

make me different from the inside the

Spirit of the Living God I come into

agreement with every person who has

opened their heart and their spirit

father for this newness that you’re

doing down on the inside of them father

it is my prayer that this word and that

your presence is confronting the areas

of their unbelief that where they wonder

whether or not they are a success so

wondering whether or not they will break

that generational curse that your

presence would sit right over that sore

spot right over that broken part right

over that anxious part father let your

presence begin to hover over them father

and as your presence hovered over the

earth father may you begin to call out

what’s down on the inside of them father

I want to call out in the name of Jesus

I’m gonna call out gifts I want to call

out talents I want to call out anointing

father God we open up our spirits father

no longer will we be walled up like

Jericho father let our walls come down

so that we can see the treasures that

you have placed down on the inside of us

Spirit of the Living God wherever there

is a heart open and is so ready to

receive may you begin to call out every


to the different to the depression in

the grief that they’re facing father may

they have full circle moments over every

part of their minds full circle moments

over every part of their spirits father

we were picked for thinking that this

was going to be the end we repent father

for resenting the moments where we had

to walk around in circles not

recognizing that you were going to use

the circles to birth a new life that you

were going to use the circles to birth

victory so spirit of the Living God I

prophesied victory where there is defeat

i prophesy life where the enemy has

threatened dead i prophesy joy where

there is depression

i prophesy full circle moments /

marriages full circle moments / children

full circle moments over heartbreak that

we’re going to look back and you’re

gonna bring this joy in the place where

we once felt hurt that you’re gonna

bring us innovation in the place where

we once felt – deficit father we receive

your perfect plan for our lives and we

surrendered to however many circles we

have to go through to manifest what

you’ve placed upon the inside of us we

lay our lives

they billed us don’t build a life don’t

build a fake account build us don’t

build a degree bother build us don’t

build a business build us and when you

build us father we will withhold nothing

that your glory may be manifested down

on the inside of us forgive us father

for complaining and murmuring forgive us

for our unbelief and we thank you and we

worship you we honor you Father

that you hear our shout louder than you

hear our unbelief

so father when the time comes and our

obedience has matured into manifestation

may we release the sound father that

lets every enemy know that we were not

just walking around aimlessly but we

were walking around with the intention

of victory that you four knew when you

formed us in our mother’s womb Father

receive this word receive our offering

father as we receive this word let it

take root and let it produce fruit in

our lives generational fruit in Jesus

name I pray amen

it’s Mother

