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just like that

do what he wants to do in this place God

told me that I’m gonna send some people

into the room

who’ve been sitting on something they

need to be carrying it’ll make sense if

we get to the message but I hear God’s

saying that I’m sending some ideas and

some businesses and some books that

somebody’s been sitting on somebody’s

been sitting going it they’ve been

laying on it and I want them to know

that it’s time for them to start

carrying it instead of sitting on what

God gave them it hit me like a ton of

bricks when I was studying I’m gonna get

into the text it’ll make sense and we’ll

get there and we’ll pray and we’ll go

home John five and six this is not an

unfamiliar text but I saw something when

I was studying that I think is going to

speak to where we are and it begins it

says when Jesus saw him him is this man

who has been paralyzed and sitting by

the pool at Bethesda when Jesus saw him

lying there and knew that he already had

been in that condition a long time he

said to him do you want to be made well

the sick man answered him sir I have no

man to put me into the pool when the

water is stirred up but while I am

coming another steps down before me and

Jesus says to him rise take up your bed

and walk and immediately the man was

made well took up his bed and walked and

that day was the Sabbath that’s

important because that means in order to

heal him that Jesus broke some

and that’s important because he

shouldn’t be carrying anything on the

Sabbath but when God calls you to start

carrying what you have been sitting on

it doesn’t matter what the rules in the

boundaries think about it it says the

Jews therefore said to him who was cured

it is the Sabbath it is not lawful for

you to carry your bed and he answered

them and he said he who made me well

said to me take up your bed and walk in

other words I don’t have to have

authority that you understand because

Jesus said something to me that

overrules anything that you could say so

father I am asking that you would

continue to sit in this room great God

that you are you are living water and

when we drink from your well father we

never thirst again god we need to sit

from your well somebody came in tired we

need to sit from your well somebody came

in broken we need to sit from your well

and father when we sit from that well

victory is our inheritance and so father

we declare victory in this room because

when you are in the room there is no

lack god I’m asking that you would meet

every need that you would identify every

crack in that with your spirit you would

fill us until we have been made whole

ready to pick up our beds and walk as

for me father you can have complete

control if you want to change this

message and change this text you can do

just that because I am here to serve you

so that these people can be made well so

let there be no fear no anxiety no being

in my head just your spirit your

strength your power standing tall and me

in Jesus name Amen so I can’t remember

when I was growing up and I thought that

I was like grown when I turned 18 and

because that’s what the law says legally

at 18 you’re an adult what I didn’t know

is that you’re not really an adult until

you pay bills and I mean I love them not

that one little Nokia bill so that you

can continue to play snake on your phone

you pay all of your bills and and I

didn’t really understand that fully

until I moved out on my own and rent

kept coming up short you know because I

didn’t have everything that you needed

to have to stay there all of the time

and I can remember I remember the last

time I asked my mother for money because

she hit me with one of those country

sayings and she said only a fool buys

what they want and begs for what they


hmm so did you just call me a fool your

child yes she said only a fool buys what

they want and begs for what they need

and it was from that moment forward that

my paradigm shifted on one versus need

because if you are not careful you will

think that something you want is

actually something you need and you have

to qualify your wants versus your needs

do I really need that is it going to

sustain my life is it going to make me

better in any capacity does it get me

closer to my destiny or do I just want

it and until we are willing to sacrifice

what we want so that we can have what we

need we will always find ourselves stuck

between where we are and where we could

be because there are moments in life

that simply require that you sacrifice

what you want when we find this man at

the pool laying waiting to be healed he

has an encounter with Jesus and Jesus

asked him do you want to be made well he

says back to him I needed someone to

take me over to the pool this notion of

want versus need I love this because as

I was reading the text it dawned on me

that he had lost sight of what he really

needed because he didn’t have what he

wanted yeah because what he needed was

to be made whole but because he didn’t

have what he wanted he thought that he

lost access to what he needed and I

think that that is something that we

have to be willing to really dissect in

our lives as we determine the path to

success in wholeness and purpose and

ultimately building the kingdom is am i

keeping God regulated to what I think I

need in order for me to achieve what he

said was down on the inside of me this

man who’s laying by the pool thinks he

needs another

to get it the only way I can have access

is if another person gives it to me but

what Jesus says in exchanges is so

beautiful we’re going to get into that

but you can be so blinded by what you

think you need that you don’t even

recognize that the presence is carrying

the very thing you’re asking for because

he’s standing in front of a man who

could give him exactly what he

ultimately wants but because he thinks

he needs it in a different package he

misses the opportunity all together god

help me that’s why we got to seek the

kingdom that’s why we got to be in the

presence because when I’m in the

presence God really qualifies what I

want he qualifies what I need if you

can’t bring it into the presence then

you got to leave it where you found it

because it’s in the presence that I can

determine whether or not this is

legitimate he goes you don’t really need

someone to put you into the pool you

really want someone to do it okay I’m

gonna read it the way I wrote it in my

notes because I believe that so many of

us lose sight of what we need and when

this text begin Jesus asks them in what

seems like an obvious question but the

truth is when you lose sight of what you

need you don’t always have an answer to

the obvious question should I go should

I stay should I take the job should I

not take the job somewhere along the way

he lost sight of what he needed and so

Jesus comes to expand the picture to

remind him oh I feel that for somebody

somebody needs to be reminded of what it

is that you were really after when you

came into this city somebody needs to be

reminded of what it was really after

when you got into that marriage because

when you get here you can start

discrediting your dream and you can

start discrediting what you think you

need but God comes and he expands the

picture so that he can remind you the

whole reason why you’re lying here in

the first place is because you told me

that you wanted to be made well you

didn’t tell me that you needed a man you

didn’t tell me that you needed a million

dollars you got around a bunch of other

sick people who were laying by the pool

and started thinking that the only way

you could do it is if they could help

you but God came to told me if no one

else picks you up and takes you by this

pool if no one else sees the gift that I

place down on the inside of you and all

you do is have an encounter with me that

is more than enough I hear God’s saying

you’ve been looking for love in all of

the wrong places

I got everything you need standing right

in front of you standing right in front

of me God reminds me why I got into this

in the first place God remind me why I

thought my art mattered in the first

place God remind me why I thought this

was my purpose in the first place God

remind me why I dragged myself here and

got this clothes that need anybody I

just wanted to be made home man that is

when you can really trust that what you

want and what you need can be trusted is

when it’s what Jesus wants to ya because

the man wanted to be made whole

ultimately that’s what he wanted but he

thought he needed someone to do it but

when he has this encounter with Jesus it

reminds him to get back on the same page

so that what I want and what Jesus wants

can be the same thing sometimes I have

to take a moment to myself and I have to

ask myself did you want that or does you

and Jesus want that because if you want

it then you can’t ask God to bless it

but if it is what you and Jesus want

them then no weapon formed against you

prosper and then

every turn that rises up against you he

will condemn because me and Jesus want

the same thing when me and Jesus started

wanting the same thing my life started

changing because I was moving in the

direction not of what I wanted but what

would build his kingdom I showed myself

trustworthy when I started doing that

thing that he wanted to so as I’m

studying and I’m praying and I’m looking

at this text I realized how nuanced this

situation is because Jesus comes up to

him and a lot of the stories that we see

in the Bible we see someone calling out

for Jesus to be made whole and to be

healed but Jesus approaches him and he

was waiting for a moment when the water

would be stirred up and he would have

someone who would carry him that means

the water needed to be stirred up and he

needed someone to carry him at the same

time he was waiting for this moment when

everything lined up and while he was

waiting for a moment God brought a

moment to him it was such a sign to me

that you think that it has to happen a

certain way but God says I when you’re

ready for the healing that I have for

you when what you want aligns with what

I want then I will bring the moment to

you I will bring the opportunity to you

I will bring the idea to you when it

aligns with what I want to do in the

earth the moment is coming to you the

moment is coming to you that’s why you

have to stay where you are that’s why

you have to keep your heart posture

correct that’s why you have to make sure

that you’re maintaining what you want

because when the moment comes you got to

be able to identify that this is a

moment this is not just a regular

encounter this is an opportunity that

could propel me into the next dimension

of what God wants to do in my life this

moment is important because not only is

it the moment in which the man will be

made whole but it’s also the moment that

is gonna set up Jesus having a sermon

with the Jews so he couldn’t just pick

any regular person for this moment he

needed someone that would set it off

yeah he had a plan he really wanted to

make the Jews question what happened so

that they would have an encounter with

Jesus so when Jesus has this moment with

the man who’s laying by the pool he has

the ultimate desire to give him what he

wants so that he can get what he needs

sometimes Jesus gives you what you want

so that he can get you to where you need

to be gotta say this the way I feel it

when I was studying I was trying to

understand what made this moment so

powerful Jesus needed something that

would grab the Jews attention so he goes

by this pool where there are a lot of

sick people and he has the intention of

doing a miracle but he couldn’t just

choose anybody he needed someone who had

something to carry as a sign of the

miracle could have healed a blind man

but the blind man didn’t have a bed to

carry he could have healed a deaf man

but the deaf man didn’t have a bed to

carry he needed to heal the paralyzed

man because this paralyzed man would

then be walking around with this bed

that he used to lie on and if he was

going to break the rule and bless him so

that he could set something off in the

city he needed someone who he could

bless that it would be so ridiculous and

so crazy that the men who had been

laying there for 38 years was now

carrying the thing that he used to lay

on he needed someone who was going to

set something off in the city I can’t

just pick anybody for this miracle if

that’s your word I want you to grab it

God wants to do something down on the

inside of you that he can’t just use

anybody for because he’s trying to set

something off in this city he’s trying

to set something off in this industry

he’s trying to set something off that

makes hell

servus and i need to use somebody who’s

gonna pick up something that they were

laying on I’m gonna pick up that gift

that I’ve been sleeping on I’m gonna

pick up that business that I’ve been

sleeping on you’ve been telling me for

years that it was time for me to get my

life together but now I had an encounter

with you and I’m ready to pick up that

very thing that I was laying on he let

that man sit there and he waited and he

waited and he waited to be healed but he

had to wait for a long time so that when

God spoke that word when Jesus spoke

that word and said rise up and take your

bed and walk that he would not ask him

any more questions that man picked up

that bed he said you don’t have to tell

me twice I think that that’s what’s

goddess they’re looking for in this

season I’m looking for somebody who I

don’t have to repeat myself that when I


up your bed and while we let you carry

that man that you’ll carry that music

effects you’ll carry that business don’t

ask me any question I’d let you in test

but you want a slice


you don’t have to tell me twice you

don’t have to tell me twice because I’ve

been sitting here waiting for other

people to get healed I’ve been sitting

here waiting for somebody to carry me

I’ve been sitting here waiting for

somebody to pick me up and if you tell

me that I can don’t cuz I will pick up

this very thing that used to hold me


he needed somebody who was tired of

waiting he needed somebody who was tired

of watching everyone else get their

breakthrough while they just sit down

waiting on somebody to carry them I’m

sorry they couldn’t carry you but then

again I’m not sorry at the same time cuz

it made you desperate for word from God

desperta pick up your bed and walk


my subject for tonight it’s carry it

carry it carry it carry it this is a

prophetic word this word isn’t for


this is a word that put somebody that’s

been sitting on something that God told

you to release a long time ago I don’t

expect for everyone to get happy I just

need that person who’s been lying on

that gift who’s been lying on that pin

god she told me when you sent me to this

city that there was something in this

city for me I hear God saying this time

for you to carry that thing that I gave

you because the timing is coming

the timing is coming he had to do it on

the Sabbath cuz it would break a roof

but he also did it on the Sabbath

because the man would stand out on the

Sabbath for carrying the bed he wouldn’t

have stood out if he did it on Monday he

wouldn’t have stood out if he did it on

Tuesday it would have looked weird but

he wouldn’t have stood out but God set

the stage for him to stand out with that

thing God set they say so that it would

look ridiculous for him to be walking

with this thing he said the same

he could break the rules he’s at this

age so that he could break the rule I

want you to know that that I’m set in

this stage right now I’m just waiting on

the Sabbath I’m just waiting on the day

that it doesn’t make any sense for you

to be healed so that everyone can see

that I broke the rules to get you that

healing I broke the rules to get you

that breakthrough somebody in this room

might be in jail some Meccano

to get you here



take up your bed take up your bed and

walk take up that thing that you’ve been

sitting on that gift that talent that

pursuit of wholeness that break up that

addiction that’s something you’ve been

sitting on that you need to be carrying

because you’ve been waiting for somebody

to see you

the man who was laying by the pool

ultimately says I’m waiting on somebody

to see me because if somebody sees me

maybe they’ll help me jesus said if you

see yourself right if you see yourself

the way that I see you you wouldn’t need

anybody to see you I must say that again

until I get somebody in the back if you

see yourself the way I see you you

wouldn’t need anybody else to see cuz

you would realize that me and you could

partner and we could do some things in

the earth Jesus was getting ready to set

Jerusalem on fire and I know we’re not

in the Bible days but this is important

because we’re at activator LA and I

don’t know who’s watching maybe you’re

activating Chicago maybe you’re

activating Denver but I came to let you

know that Jesus is ready to set

something off in their spirit around

and he’s looking for somebody who he

won’t have to tell twice he’s looking

for somebody who’s not waiting for

somebody to see them they’re just

waiting for the word I’m looking for a

sound I’m looking for the sound that

says take up your bed and walk I think

that’s what tonight’s message is

supposed to be about this is a sound for

somebody maybe I should have called it

sounding the alarm because I wanted

somebody to know that he’s ready for you

now that he’s ready for you to take up

your bed and walk

but he’s ready for you to start carrying

a sign of his glory because that’s what

the lame man ends up carrying is glory

the kind of glory you can only receive

after you’ve been sitting somewhere

paralyzed paralyzed by fear paralyzed by

anxiety paralyzed by abandonment issues

I’ve been paralyzed for too long but if

he would have been healed the way that

he wanted to be healed he wouldn’t have

been in position for Jesus to use him

the way that he needed to use him to set

that thing off in the city so he let him

wait and he let him get desperate enough

to try Jesus I gotta try something that

I never thought that I would have to try

cuz I’m that desperate for my healing

I don’t know who you are but I wanted to

let you know that you don’t have to be

paralyzed any longer I wanted to let you

know that you don’t have to be stuck

just because no one would care you that

it’s too much pressure to put on one

person to be your friend and your Savior

to be your lover and your Savior I’m

sorry that you’ve been paralyzed by what

happened to you I’m not trying to be

insensitive but I just want you to know

that just because no one sees that

you’re paralyzed doesn’t mean that you

cannot be healed from this paralysis you

can be healed from this but you got to

remember that it was never about someone

carrying you and it was always about

whether or not you wanted to be made

whole you may never get that apology

they may never understand the damage

that happened to you they may never

understand that you sat there and you

waited for them to come fix what

happened but that’s okay because that

doesn’t mean that we’re staying there

because one encounter with God can

expand your perspective and it can make

you realize that I didn’t need you to

carry me and I didn’t need someone to

take me to the pool that God would bring

a miracle to me for somebody this is not

just the Thursday night service this is

God bringing that word to them I’ll

bring the moment to you

I wasn’t searching for Jesus when I

found him I just opened my eyes and I

realized that he was there

I wasn’t searching for a ministry I just

opened my eyes and a ministry was there

I wasn’t searching for anything but I

could not see what was there until I

gave up this notion of someone carrying

me someone fixing me someone making me

feel better someone healing what was

broken down on the inside of me someone

giving me some attention when I let that

go and I said maybe I’m enough by myself


when I let that go and I said at the end

of the day I thought I needed a person

but what I really need more than

anything is to be made whole I just want

to be made whole but it takes you

sitting there paralyzed watching the

world move on around you to make you

finally say within yourself

I’ll try Jesus I’ll try your way out

stop sitting on this thing and I’ll try

to pick up my bed and walk he got

desperate I don’t know man this is not

the structure that I wanted the message

to have but I really do feel that for

somebody that God wants to give you your

legs back that he wants to give you your

creativity back what does it mean to try

Jesus it means to think the highest


it means to believe that when he got on

that cross that he gave you another

option it means that there’s really

healing that is available to you it

means that I’m gonna start acting the

way that he acts instead of acting the

way my circumstance made me act I want

to start a new path I want to think

differently I’m tired of being depressed

Jesus what would you say about this

situation Jesus what would you say about

this industry I’m tired of being

paralyzed God speak a word about my

situation I hear God saying forgive

I hear God’s saying you can still walk

but when you walk I love this because it

stands to reason I think any doctor

would agree that after being paralyzed

for so long his legs were probably too

weak to stand up himself but when he’s

told to stand up he’s also told to carry

this bed which means that God trusted

this strength that he would have when he

stood up that it wouldn’t just be him

carrying himself but that he could

handle some weight I feel that

prophetically for somebody when you get

back up you won’t be stumbling I feel

the presence of God in this place

somebody thinks that they can walk again

but they’re afraid to stumble I want to

prophesy in this room when you get back

up again you will not stumble and

it’s been on again and off again but

that season is over

I rebuke the enemy and every thought

that he’s ever placed in your mind that

made you think you always be who you

used to be

the blood of Jesus over your life when

he steps into a room he closes doors


doors that no man

you’re not just getting up again I’m

gonna put some weight on you I’m gonna

let you carry something

imma trust you with weight imma trust

you and influence I’m I trust you with

that marriage

I’m address you with that family I put

some weight on the


God sees you he sees you if you’re here

and you just

have been paralyzed you know you’re

gifted you know you have purpose you

know that there’s something bigger and

better for you but I’m paralyzed by fear

I’m paralyzed by failure and I can’t

move the moment I try to move I get

flooded with these thoughts and ideas

that I’m not going to make it can you

meet me down here at the altar but don’t

just come bring your bed with you

because when you come down to this altar

you’re not going back the same way you

went rise take up your bed and walk

this is a sign I’m gonna see a victory



not going to be lost not gonna be afraid

I prophesied this over my life

I’m making a declaration gonna give my

mind back

I’m gonna get my strength back I want my

legs back

I want my confidence back


so when the paralyzed men and Jesus came

into alignment about what he really

needed and what he really wanted

it gave space for that miracle to take

place I think that when we don’t know

the steps to how God’s going to do

something that we just have to come into

agreement that he’s going to do it so

when we sing that song that I’m going to

see a victory there’s somebody who’s

thinking oh I don’t really know how

that’s going to happen because I don’t

really have the resources and I haven’t

had the job you we’re not talking about

the practical we’re not talking about

the logistics of it we’re talking about

what’s going to happen when it’s all

said and done because I am a child of

the Most High God and when God set me

down in this earth it was not so that I

can lose so I come into agreement with

what he says I come into agreement with

who he says I

I’m gonna see a victory in my marriage

I’m gonna see a victory in my business

now he’s gonna do it oh that’s none of

my business


I want you to think of that thing that

you need victory in and I want you to

tell that thing don’t just sing a song

tell that thing


now do me a favor and sing it on behalf

of the person beside you






can you help me the song says you took

what the enemy meant for you












he’s got a history I’ve taken what the

enemy meant for evil and turning it

around for good I said he’s got a

history I’ve taken what the enemy meant

for evil and turn it around


I’m not talking about something I heard

about I’m talking about something I’ve

experienced with my own life


and that same power it’s still turning

things around for good today I want to

pray that spirit of fear off of you I

want to rebuke it in the name of Jesus I

want to pray that spirit of paralysis

off of you have you sitting on the thing

you ought to be carrying I want to pray

that thing off of you

I want to pray until it stirs up the

gift of God down on the inside of you

I want to pray until heaven starts

overflowing and touching down on

everything connected to you I wanna pray

until glory touches down on LaBrea

do I have any worshipers in this house

who help me make it

wake up heaven I got something to say


spirit of the Living God your power your

glory your perspective God that’s what

we desire God because if you impart your

power in this room then everything

that’s holding us down would be broken

off in the name of Jesus so far that I’m

asking for your power to fall on top of

fear until it breaks into a thousand

pieces I’m praying for your glory to

fall over anxiety until it breaks into a

thousand pieces got a Mexican for your

glory to follow or suicidal thoughts

brakes I’m gonna bind the spirit of Sue

in the name of Jesus

Suicide Prevention Week and

three of us that garden

so I wanna prophesy


you know who the Sun is set free is free

indeed that means that there is no more

room for your love and my fear to live

in the same place so I cast out every

fear that’s in this room I cast it out

in the name of Jesus and I ask for an

impartation of your glory to fall in

this place like never before God

uproot the thoughts that haunt us at

night god help us to forgive ourselves

for who we used to be so that we can lay

hold of who we are now God we’re praying

that we would become so consumed with

your love and your glory and your power

that when the enemy tries to make us

believe that we’ll never overcome and

that will never see victory that we will

place him back under his under our feet

where he belongs

father thank you for these your sons and

daughters who have come down to this

altar each of them carrying their own


as a sign that they will no longer lie

or sit down on the thing they ought to

be carrying so God I’m praying that you

would give them the strength to carry

the weight connected to their name that

they would understand that the goal was

always wholeness not perfection

because if the goal was perfection there

would be no need for wholeness but we

are made whole when we take our

weaknesses and we turn them over to you

so father we’re not just at this altar

we’re here for a divine exchange God

whatever you see weakness wherever you

see insecurity wherever you see anxiety

wherever you see fear God let there be a

divine exchange touch even now father

touch even now father where there’s fear

God touch where there’s anxiety God

touch God where their sphere touches

only you can do remove it God in the

name of Jesus let your power begin to

flow down on the inside of these your

sons and daughter break chains in the

name of Jesus may they never be this

right chase generational chains let it

be broken right now somebody came

carrying their mother’s bed but they’re

going back with generational blessings

break it right now


Laurie flowers only it can win

got me Senor

and they made a call about who they

wanna be in your

so father am asking for decline

impartation of glory let it flow from

our Pelican

let it flow from his mind

let it flow and touch everything

and let there be overflow garden the

kind of overflow that touches he’ll set

free and delivers until they pick up

every everything that they’ve been

sitting on and release it for your glory

God still this word repeat after me

Heavenly Father thank you for Jesus

thank you for making him who had no sin

all of my weakness all of my fears all

of my limitations you placed in his body

and nailed it to the cross and when he

was raised free and victorious I was

raised up to no fears no anxiety no

pressure just freedom I want that

freedom back

I’m grabbing that freedom I’m activating

that freedom I’m unleashing that freedom

and so the world has seen your glory

manifested through my fears and through

my pain have your way in my life

fill me with your spirit and to the


hallelujah have you received the word

from the Lord tonight has the word draw

near to you I just want to add to this

prayer one small thing one small thing

in that particular passage Jesus brings

the word and that man accepted it as

truth and when he accepted it as truth

that meant that any other truth or any

other reality that was present was no

longer present and there is this this

this there’s this grace that I’m gonna

pray over you and the reason why I asked

you if you’d heard a word from God that

wasn’t just like I’m trying to hype you

up because God has drawn near to you

tonight and what you have to do is you

have to understand that God is truth and

what God brings you a word he’s bringing

you a word of truth which means that you

there is no other alternative reality it

is so and that’s why that’s why the man

just that’s why he got up he there was

no other choice because God brought him

truth and so the woman of God Pastor

Sarah said tonight carry it and I’m

gonna pray that there is an unusual

grace because there is it’s in the room

an unusual grace for you to receive it

as it is for something in your spirit to

just say it is so and I’m not going back

to what was I don’t care what you walked


care what circumstance you are in before

you came in here and got that word I

want I want see something’s gonna happen

today something’s gonna happen tonight

we’re that alternative reality

disappears and all you know is what God

spoke are you tracking with me so all I

want you to do is I want you to take

what God spoke to you I want you to just

get it in your spirit right now God

might have spoken and I believe for many

people it was just this one thing this

one thing but if it’s more you grab it

but that one thing that God spoke to you

and said it is so enough is enough it’s

over I want you to take that and we’re

gonna pray and believe that at the

receiving of that truth every other

reality would disappear and you will

never go back to the outfield God

and you’ll never go back to it again


so I can’t tell you what he said to you

and what he was speaking concerning

again only you and God know that but

what I can tell you is you just have to

accept and once you accept it you walk

it’s as simple as that

I’m not even trying to stir you up with

a bunch of faith it’s bigger it’s

spiritual it’s higher than that you

don’t have to believe your way into no

no it’s easy it’s easy it’s a decision

to believe this is my truth and it’s

gonna break out just like that and it’s

gonna break off just like that

and it’s gonna start up just like that

this is my new truth so I want you to

get that truth I don’t want you to grab

it close to your heart and grab a close

to your mind I don’t want you just close

your eyes for a second because sometimes

in order to step into a new reality you

have to close your eyes from the reality

that you’re in I don’t want you to close

your eyes and I want you to in your

heart in your mind what God spoke accept

it as truth

God says I’m not a man that I should lie

if I’ve engaged you if I’ve encountered

you I’m not playing with you I’m not

tickling your fancy I’m God I am truth

everything that consists consists

because I spoke it so if I have spoken

to you and he has because how could she

know where you were

unless God shoulder so I want you to

take it and just allow it to be just

allow it to be you don’t have to fight

for it just allow it to be true

fifteen seconds of allowing it to be

true the thing that God spoke to you

allow it to be true

say a man about it that means it is so

Allah let it be according to your word

let it be allow it to be and the moment

that it becomes in your heart and in

your mind the healing is there the

breakthrough is there the clarity is

there the open door is there seal it

Jesus and your wonderful name amen amen


in this place tonight

come on you can do better than that

you got a new normal

