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hey family pastor Toure here I’m excited

about this message of getting ready to

watch it’s gonna bless your life and

there’s another blessing that I pray

that you be able to avail yourself to I

wrote my second book called wholeness

winning in life from the inside out this

book is going to change your life it’s

all about identifying and uncovering

some invisible boundaries that keep you

from your potential it’s a great

blessing with a foreword even from our

Bishop TD jakes enjoy but for now enjoy

this video I was preparing for this

message and you know most of the time I

like to start my messages with like a

story of some sort

there was only one story that came to

mind so I’m just going to ask in advance

that there would be no judgment in this

room that this is the house of the Lord

and that people would just love me for

who I am before I got saved sanctified

and filled with the Holy Ghost come on

somebody there was a point when I would

go out during college nights and I

wasn’t necessarily going out to bars to

prophesy as much as I was to enjoy

beverages that they don’t use for

communion at least where I grew up

and so I had this friend and we used to

go out all the time and and she would go

out and she would just like really enjoy

those beverages like to the maximum you

know like where you just knew you were

driving home so don’t even try it I know

you guys are uncomfortable with this

because you’ve been saved your whole

life and you don’t have any friends like

that and you were definitely not that

friend so just allow me to testify and

stand up here on my own it’s all right

and so she was trying to teach me cuz

she told me I was boring because you

know I would just have a beverage until

I got sleepy and then I was ready to go

home and she was like no you got a drink

past that point and I’m like for what

she’s like that’s when you really get

free is when you drink past that point

I’m thinking to myself notch out I’m

free when I know where I am and who is

around me and how I’m getting home and

so I need boundaries you know what I’m

saying like I have to know where my

limits are and I recognize that my limit

may not be your limit but because I live

in the context of my boundaries I have

to know when to far is too far from me

I’ve got boundaries and as I was

preparing for this message I was really

just troubled because I have two

different ideas in my mind the first

idea is that we are created in the image

of God Genesis 2 tells us when we have

the story of creation that when God made

man he made man in his own image and the

thing about being made in the image of

God is that we’re supposed to feel that

every single day but the reality is I

don’t always feel that there’s three

character traits of God he is omnipotent

he is all-powerful I don’t always feel

like all-powerful you know I feel like

kind of powerful some days I feel like

don’t try me powerful like I’m not

really operating in my power but if you

try me something can awaken down on the

inside of me and then maybe I can be

all-powerful I don’t always feel I’m

mission I don’t always feel all-knowing

like I just know everything as a matter

of fact there are many times when I feel

pretty confused you know like I don’t

have a clue what is going going I don’t

feel I’m the president where I can just

be everywhere all the time my children

are on a plane to Denver and my husband

is on a plane to LA I’m here and I wish

I could be with each of them wherever

they are but I don’t always feel like

I’m really created in the image of God

if I can just be honest I know maybe as

you’re pastoring your leader those

aren’t things that I should be saying

but I want to be honest with you that I

don’t wake up every single day

feeling like I’m functioning in those

three omni character traits of God but

the reality is as a believer I have to

press myself into the knowledge that I

can be all of those things when he works

through me

that because he is all of those things

because he is all-knowing all-powerful

and present all of the time that he is

covering things even when I don’t see

them and while Genesis 2 has two

scriptures about as being created in the

image of God the other fifty some

scriptures in Genesis 1 and 2 are all

about how God created the earth and as I

was studying about how God created the

earth it dawned on me that more than us

being created in the image of God that

God also created boundaries when he put

the Sun in the sky and he called the

morning day in the evening night that

was a boundary when he gathered all of

the water and made it sea and took the

dry land and made it earth he created a

boundary between the water and the earth

he created a boundary between the birds

of the air and the fish in the sea he

created boundaries and then I started

thinking to myself maybe this idea of us

being created in the image of God has

less to do with us being free to do

whatever we want and more to do with us

understanding our ability to navigate

boundaries boundaries you see the thing

is that most of us have been all of our

childhood and some of our adulthood

waiting to be free I don’t want any

boundaries I don’t want any curfews I

want to make enough money that I can do

what I want when I want I want to be

free and I have been challenged to

really dig into that because I believe

that level of freedom only comes when

you have boundaries that the only people

who really have any kind of money that

we admire people who learned how to

manage money in such a way that they had

boundaries that the people who have

influence that we admire don’t have it

just because they did whatever and they

were so free but because they were

strategic about why they were on the

earth I think as we are maturing in our

walks with God which is a constant

journey we’re constantly maturing that

one of the things that we have to take

more importantly is our need to create

boundaries there are actually three

groups of people who are probably in

this room right now and I think that

those three are people who need to learn

to respect two boundaries people who

need to learn how to create boundaries

and then other people who need to need

help breaking through boundaries

breaking boundaries because when we’re

navigating life and we’re navigating

boundaries we have to understand that

there are some seasons where we have to

respect the boundaries what does that


that means that right now I want to be a

CEO but I’m a secretary and even though

I feel like I’m called to start my own

business and I feel like I’m called to

being the fortune 500 companies that

right now I have to respect the fact

that there is a boundary and my role is

to ask god what can you do within this

boundary that I’m currently in there are

so many of us who have so many great

ideas about how we can change

organizations and change churches and

change cultures but the reality is you

cannot change any culture that you do

not first respect I and I had to learn

that like for myself and my own spirit I

grew up in church and and I found a lot

of things wrong with church and then the

more that people started listening to my

messages and and saying things like I

preached I was like no your girl don’t

preach she got a message okay it’s not

because I was so affected by the idea of

church that I didn’t have respect for

the position until I realized that God

was calling me to be a part of it so I


to respect that the word though there

are things that I wanted to change if I

was going to be a part of it I had to

respect the shoulders that I was

standing on that the church with all of

its flaws and all of his issues has

still saved so many people’s lives they

still made a way for people that people

still know when they get down into

trouble they come into church and so I

had to respect what I wanted to change

before I could be effective because when

you’ve got the gift as pastor told us

your gift works everywhere but it

doesn’t work in arenas where you don’t

first respect the culture and politics

of where you are

that’s respecting boundaries the other

one is creating boundaries I thought

that freedom you know this idea of I

just want to be free I want to fall in

love and I just want to love someone

unconditionally and I tried that but you

know what I figured out that I’m more of

a conditional loving kind of person your

girl got boundaries you know like I have

some conditions I’m trying to be like

Jesus every single day but until I get

there you just can’t do whatever you

want to do to me I’ve got some

boundaries I gotta create some

boundaries because the kind of love that

I have to give I can’t just give away

freely to people who don’t understand or

respect what they’re getting in return

so I’ve got some boundaries when it

comes to relationships when I got

boundaries when it came to my

relationships I got lonely but I also

didn’t have no drama I didn’t have

enough stress my edges was flourish and

my skin was smooth my waist was neck

because your girl messed around and got


boundaries I feel that for somebody you

don’t need no edge entity you need

boundaries what it’s probably too far

all right you’re visiting for the first

time I apologize for that seriously

though you guys are really petty ok

listen a lot of the issues that we have

with friendships and relationships that

we end up having over and over and over

again they don’t exist in our life

because the bad things just keep

happening to us they exist in our lives

because we have not created boundaries

you have one time maybe twice to get

over me after that you’ve taught me a

lesson sometimes the only way to love

someone unconditionally is the distance

yourself in such a way that their issues

don’t become your issues I can’t be a

ride-or-die and riding with you is

trying to kill me now if we gonna go do

something ok create boundaries that’s

the second one I’m gonna move on does

that thing got good to me alright number

three number three is breaking through

boundaries and I want to read it as I

studied it because I believe that this

is for someone in particular says it’s

time to step out on faith you’ve been


you’ve been respectful you’ve learned

all that you can learn in the position

position you’ve been in and God has been

telling you for quite some time that

it’s time for you to step out of your

comfort zone and live beyond where you

currently are but you’ve been too afraid

to break out of the boundaries that make

you comfortable that’s respect to


create boundaries and breaking through

boundaries if you fit into one of those

if you already know that in some

capacity you are in need of one of those

elements can you just make some noise I

want to make sure

that I’m in the right room and so I want

to talk I want to show you all a message

scriptures rather in the Bible about

Jesus doing elements of each of these

things and I’m going to share some

points that I learned and hopefully

they’re going to be helpful and edifying

to you now to set up the text I want you

all to understand that Jesus has already

respected created and broken through

boundaries when we find him in this text

he has already started his ministry he’s

recruited disciples they are baptizing

people and he is making the Pharisees

upset the Pharisees are so upset that he

has baptized more people than John the

Baptist that they are beginning to watch

his every move and so Jesus is going

from Judea to Galilee but first he has

to stop through Samaria and I love I had

to start in verse 6 I thought about

starting in verse 7 but I felt like

there was an important point in verse 6

that you all needed to understand it

says now Jacob’s Well was there Jesus

therefore being wearied from his journey

I love the humanity of our Jesus because

even though he was breaking boundaries

and doing what he was called to do if he

were being honest in this text it said

that he was weary and I think it’s

important that all of us really

recognize that because this process of

navigating boundaries can make you weary

that part of the reason why Jesus was

weary was not just because he was tired

from walking but because he had the

weight of the world on his shoulders and

he realized that he was breaking through

some boundaries so that we wouldn’t have

to break through them ourselves I wonder

how many people in this room have been

weary from breaking boundaries not

recognizing that the weight that they

fell on their shoulders is the weariness


generations that are going to be saved

as a result of them breaking through

boundaries I wonder how many people in

this room have been frustrated and

confused and second-guessing themselves

and feeling almost insecure about gifts

and talents that they were once so

confident about because the cost of

breaking boundaries scared them the cost

of breaking boundaries in and getting

your foot in the door that it was

heavier than they thought it would be

they thought that taking off meant that

they would be worryfree and that they

would have everything working out for

them not recognizing that there was so

much responsibility in making it that it

was almost easier to just be a dreamer

than endure but I love this because in

this context of the scripture Jesus

gives us permission to be weary in a

world where everyone says you have to be

strong and you have to have it all

together and and you got to suck it up

and just taking it and don’t look weak

that Jesus even Jesus Christ the Messiah

God wrapped in flesh sat down by a well

because he was weary from his journey

and I wonder how much better our mental

health and emotional health would be if

we were able to admit honestly I’m

feeling a little bit weary today and so

Jesus is sitting by the well and he’s

weary but man I just heard that weary

but he’s still worshiping man did you

know that you can worship and still be

weary sometimes we think that when we

come into this room and we worship we

just have to be like oh my gosh I’ve got

it all together and God is so lovely and

look my bones are singing look my femur

really honestly it’s sinking out it’s my

scapula everything is just really

singing out right now because God is so

good not knowing that in reality when

strength is made perfect in our weakness

it’s because we have learned how to

worship even when we are weary and when

you worship even when you are weary you

give God full control to do whatever is

necessary to bring you out of that weary

moment and there have been people in

this room who all twenty seventeen have

been worshiping while we read worshiping

while we read things haven’t been

turning out the way I thought they would

but I’m still worshiping things haven’t

been going the way I thought they would

but I still been worshiping I’ve been

weary but I’ve been worshiping I’ve been

weary but I’ve been worshiping and while

you were worshiping God was working and

while you were weary he was working

things out on the other side I’m gonna

move to the next point in just a moment

and if it’s just for one person that’s

fine but I want you to know that you

have not been weary and you’re well

doing that you are going to reap

something so marvelous that you’re going

to look back on this season where you

have been crying tears and thank God

that he puts you in a position where you

got weary because when I got weary I

started cutting on friends that didn’t

add nothing to me and when I got wearied

I didn’t have time to play games anymore

when I got weary I started getting

serious when I got weary I started

getting desperate for God to do

something in my life I got weary and I

started worshiping and that’s when

demons started trembling when you get

weary and you go to a drink that that

was not man when you get weary and you

start worshiping that’s when the devil

knows no weapon formed against that

child is gonna prosper because they will

worship even when they’re weary because

they’ve gotta though he slay me yet

shall I trust in him kind of spirit that

child is crazy enough to believe that

all things are going to work together

for their good you cannot beat a wearied

worshiper that means that when my back

gets against the wall that I will break

out my worship and I will cry my tears

because I know he that began a work in

me is gonna complete this thing I may be


but I’m still worshiping I may be

hurting but I’m still worshiping I’m

still getting up I’m still spreading joy

I’m still serving people I’m still

loving I’m still forgiving because I

recognize that God sees my heart I’ve

seen them come through for me too many

times to give up just because I’m weary

weary is a part of the responsibility

when you decided to be a trailblazer

this thing wasn’t supposed to be easy

you were supposed to be weary because

when you break through this thing my god

today when you break through this thing

generational curses you want to do it

for the culture you want to do it for

the community you’re gonna have some

weary nights because when you come

through you open up the floodgates for

other people who would have never made

it to come through – you may have been

weary but wait until the world starts

talking about your breakthrough you may

have been weary but wait until you give

a little person on the south side of

Chicago hope because you did it they can

do it too that’s why you’re weary so

that that child never has to be weary

again you’re weary so that poverty can

be cured in this world you are weary so

that disease can go fleeing you are

weary so that nonprofits can spring up

because when you get weary about

something you start wanting to change

things around you how can I make it so

that no one else has to experience

what’s pulling me down right now so

Jesus is weary but he’s in purpose he’s

weary but he’s on a mission and he sat

for a minute on a well it was about the

sixth hour it’s important to note that

it was the sixth hour that’s about noon

and usually women came to the wels in

the morning or late in the evening so

this should have been a moment where

there was no one around but verse 7

tells us that a woman of Samaria came to

draw water it’s important because the

fact that she

came in the middle of the day speaks to

the fact that she was trying to avoid

people she was trying to function within

this boundary where she wouldn’t have to

deal with certain people because she had

a sordid past if you read all of chapter

four you’ll see that life for her hadn’t

been very easy and so she had learned to

function within the limitations of the

boundaries that her insecurities created

I say that one more time because that

woman that man is in this room this

woman had learned to function within the

boundaries that her insecurities and

fears created man I wonder how many of

us experience one disappointment that

changed our boundaries we experience one

letdown one setback that changed our

boundaries in such a way that we don’t

live out loud the way we used to that we

don’t connect with people the way we

once did because we failed and we’re too

afraid to hear about our failure through

the mouths of other people’s opinions so

we learned to function in the boundaries

that our insecurities and fears have

created and so this woman goes to the

well at an hour where most women are not

there and then she encounters Jesus and

Jesus says to her give me a drink I love

that because Jesus has been sitting at

the well and the first thing he does

though he knows that he has the ability

to change her life as he respects her

boundaries Jesus doesn’t sit on the well

and say girl I got a miracle that is

gonna radically change your life that’s

gonna heal your broken heart the first

thing he says is he meets her on her

level can you give me a drink and I have

to tell you I got a little bit happy

about this because I can remember the

times when I wasn’t necessarily ready to

be a pastor I wasn’t necessarily ready

to be a preacher

all I was ready for was a drink and

Jesus waited on me

he waited on me the way he is waited on

people in this room I wasn’t exactly

ready to do Church the way my

grandmother did but they told me about

this church in Los Angeles where I could

come as I was and I could really

encounter the presence of God and God

met you right where you were have you

ever had God just meet you right where

you were he didn’t force you into who he

knew you could be all he said was give

me a drink let me talk to you on your

level let me connect with you on your

level I’m so glad that we serve a weight

on you kind of Jesus that he doesn’t

just force himself on you but he Woo’s

you and then all of a sudden you look up

and you have in this divine exchange

with Jesus because he waited on you he

went at your pace he didn’t move in his

pace he waited for you to be ready for

you to be open for you to be vulnerable

I’m so glad that we serve a weight on

you kind of Jesus and that’s what this

church is about it’s not about the rules

and politics in and guidelines that

often come with Church this is about

saying give me a drink where are you let

me meet you where you are he respects

her boundary and verse 8 continues it

says for his disciples had gone away

into the city to buy food and verse 9

says then the woman of Samaria said to

him she know who she was talking to okay

how is it that you being a Jew ask a

drink from me a Samaritan woman what she

reveals here in her responses that she

has a cultural boundary and I think the

cultural boundaries are almost the most

dangerous because you are born with them

and everyone around you has the same

boundaries so you don’t even recognize

that you were bound she’s having a

conversation with a miracle worker she’s

having a conversation with the healer a

provider and the first thing that she

brings up are her cultural boundaries

and I believe

so many of you are going to go back into

your cultures and start breaking

boundaries off of the limitations of

what’s possible because you’ve had an

encounter with Jesus because you dare to

step out when no one else could I hear

you breaking boundaries off of what it

means to be from your family or where

you’re from that when you get finished

having this encounter with Jesus that no

one else is going to have to have it on

your level again because you are going

to model what it looks like to break

your cultural boundaries what am I

saying I’m saying I don’t care where

you’re from I don’t care who your family

is I’m saying that God has purpose to do

something in your life that supersedes

all of those things that would dare keep

you bound what I’m saying is that the

statistics don’t really matter to me

what I’m saying is that what everyone

else did doesn’t really matter to me

that what God has placed down on the

inside of you is one to exceedingly

abundantly blow your mind that it is

going to shake all boundaries off of

what people think is possible for people

who look like you

she thought that Jews and Samaritans had

no dealings but she didn’t realize that

when Jesus gets ready to break

boundaries that he doesn’t care about

the boundaries that exists in this world

man I’m so glad about that

because I’ve got these dreams I’ve got

these visions for my life these big

dreams these big visions and if I’m

honest it doesn’t really make sense for

someone like me to have these levels of

dreams and visions but I know that God

gave it to me and God doesn’t care what

existed before in terms of boundaries

that he can break through the boundaries

and so he’s breaking the boundary in

verse 9 and verse 10 continues it says

jesus answered and said to her if you

knew the gift of God when I saw just

those few words I realized in that

moment that in order for us to navigate

boundaries in order for us to know when

to respect the boundaries when to create

boundaries and when to break boundaries

that we need

a gift from God that when we have that

gift of God that it gives us the spirit

of discernment that it gives us wisdom

and knowledge that it gives us faith and

I realize all of this time and and we’ll

see as the scripture continues and it

says in who it is who says to you give

me a drink you would have asked him and

he would have given you living water it

is at that point that the woman realized

that she came to the well and her normal

routine but she encountered a well that

she wasn’t expecting at all that there

was a whale sitting on top of a whale

that was offering her the kind of water

that would radically changed her life

and then I realized that all of this

conversation all of this dialogue wasn’t

Jesus convincing her it was him digging

into her so that he could hit water it

was him digging give me a drink

but I have to know what’s keeping you

from giving me a drink one of the things

that’s keeping you from giving me a

drink or cultural boundaries so he kept

digging I wonder how many people in this

room God has just kept digging and

digging and digging and digging that you

thought your life was turning just

falling apart completely you thought

your life was in shambles you didn’t

realize that God was actually digging

that you thought that you lost the job

that you lost the car but you didn’t

really realize that God was actually

just digging you thought that you got

the raise because you were so talented

now realizing that God has been digging

all of 2017 from January to November

I’ve been trying to figure out what was

going on in this world and what was

going on in my life and all of a sudden

when I was reading this text I realized

that God has been digging something down

on the inside of me because he was

trying to hit water he wasn’t trying to

hit depression he wasn’t trying to hit

the spirit of giving up he wasn’t trying


bitterness those are just things that he

encountered in the way but he kept on

tickin he kept digging past my

insecurities he kept digging past my

fears until he hit water I want you to

know if this 11 o’clock service on the

Sunday in November that you have struck

water that you have not been digging in

vain that before this year is up that

God is going to show you that I was

creating boundaries I wasn’t trying to

crush you I was trying to dig until I

struck something and I feel like I

destruct your second wind I feel like I

just struck your strength I feel like I

just struck your courage I feel like I

just struck something down on the inside

of you that makes you honestly believe

that no weapon formed against you would

prosper I wasn’t trying to hurt you I

was trying to dig I wasn’t trying to

make you bleed I was trying to dig

because God knew that there was water

underneath all that pain living water

living water the kind of water where you

would never thirst again the kind of

water where whether you had a boo or

didn’t have a boo it didn’t matter

because you was okay the kind of water

that said whether they accept me or

reject me I’m okay cuz there’s living

water down on the inside of me I wasn’t

crazy I really was hearing from God my

worship really was working I wasn’t

sowing in vain there’s water down on the

inside of me and I feel like this is a

message for people who have been

wondering what has been going on in my

life I don’t feel the way I’m used to

felt like I can’t even fully describe it

because sometimes I feel strong and then

other times I feel weak and I’m telling

you that God has been digging he has

been digging

he has been digging down on the inside

of you and he had to create some

boundaries in order for the well to

spring up if you study the process of

digging a well once you actually strike

the water you’ve got to create a

boundary to make sure that the water

stays pure

and you got a dig deep enough to make

sure that the water doesn’t run dry and

this season has been about breaking the

boundaries of the dirt to create the

boundary that allows the water to spring

go so in the process of you wondering

what’s going on I feel like this whole

message can be summarized in me just

telling you that God has been digging

because he knew what was down on the

inside of you even when you didn’t know

and it may have felt foreign and it may

have felt uncomfortable but I’m telling

you that he has struck water living

water and there are some giants that you

have conquered some mindsets some

mentalities that you have broken out of

and some mentalities that you have

gained that have created the foundation

for what he wants to do in your life I

just believe prophetically that you are

going to experience something in

December that is just a preview of what

God wants to do in 2018

I know 2017 hasn’t been all bad but what

I’m telling you is that 2017 was the

year of alignment it was the place and

when he got you ready for the well to be

dug up in your life and now that I know

that I can get living water out of you I

want to show you that you’ve always been

a waterfall baby I want to show you that

Niagara has nothing on you that you have

made a room in your life for God to do


and abundantly and I want you to sit

back and get ready because that is

exactly what’s about to happen in your

life but my father first started

preaching he just said get ready get

ready you’re ready you’re ready you’re

ready get ready get ready get ready get

ready get ready get ready get ready get

ready get get okay get ready get ready

get ready get ready get ready because

you just struck in the living water baby

because your ideas are going to be

manifest because creativity is coming

for you get ready get ready get ready

get ready

I’m ready for it I’m ready for it

it’s not even 2018 I don’t need December

31st all I need is this Sunday right

here because I’m ready for it I’ve been

shut down until I struck water I’ve been

broken down to nothing and I believe

something is springing up on the inside

of me I feel praise springing up out of

the inside of me my situation hasn’t

changed my struggle hasn’t changed I

just found living water my Friendship

Circle didn’t change I didn’t come up I

didn’t go down I just struck living

water and he’s been making all of these

things work together for me I’m wiser

than I was I’m stronger than I was I’m

more connected I can actually like feel

the presence of God I’m not just playing

Church I can actually feel the presence

of God that wouldn’t happen unless you

left me that wouldn’t happen unless you

kept digging that one that happened

unless I got desperate and I let you

keep digging and digging and digging and

I turned my weary into worship and he

made her way out of no way would you

stand with me I’ve got nine minutes to

close this message would not be complete

unless we had an altar call if you don’t

have to go please don’t go because I

believe as I’ve been speaking that God

has been digging that he’s been digging

into the hearts of people who thought

that the soil was too hard but for some

reason they felt a little bit of Hope as

I was speaking and they want that little

stream of water that they think they

encountered to turn into a well would

you meet me at

assaulter for the first time in a long

time it feels like this season is making

sense to somebody for the first time in

a long time it seems like there’s living

water available to somebody and if we’re

honest we’ve been a little thirsty

thirsty for acceptance and validation

thirsty for love and attention I’ve been

a little bit thirsty and I want to drink

from a well that will never run dry I

want to be so confident about what God

is doing in my life that I can withstand

the pain that comes with digging I want

to learn how to turn my weary into

worship I want to figure out how to hit

that whale and I’ve been struggling to

believe that it is available to me but

as I was speaking this message something

started stirring up down on the inside

of you I’m telling you we hit water I’m

telling you that that was just a preview

of what God wants to do in your life

this message has been speaking to you

and you say listen I don’t even know

about this whole religion think I don’t

know about this Jesus as my savior

business but what I do know is that you

said something up there that that moves

me I want to invite you to the altar as

well you don’t have to have it all

together this church will meet you right

where you are if this church met you

right where you are

can you make some noise that you

exactly how you were broken crazy

addicted confused hopeful set on fire

and this church met you right where you

are that’s what one la is and that’s

what God can do in your life he can meet

you right where you are I see you god

bless you I’m gonna pray in just a


but I want to just mark the spot so

boundaries are about marking the spot

where the limits are and somebody felt

the presence of God down on the inside

of them in a way that they haven’t felt

in a long time and I want to mark that

spot by just worshiping if that was you

in your own way I just want to challenge

you to open up your mouth to say your

prayer in your mind but to say God I

felt something I felt it I know I felt

it and it’s been a long time since I’ve

felt it but it feels like there’s living

water down on the inside of me for a

minute I felt like I could beat

depression for a minute I thought like

addiction would have to flee for a

minute I didn’t feel insecure I felt

like I could be everything that you

called me to be I feel living water

that’s what living water feels like it

feels like every darkness in your life

has to flee because life just sprung up

on the inside of you I want you to begin

to lift your mouth and worship so that

you know that this is the place where I

need a touch from God this is the place

where God I want you to keep digging in

this spot right now I want to be

confident for real I want to know who I

am for real I want to be gifted for your

purposes for real God mark the spot this

is home for me this is where the water

has sprung up in my life and

don’t want to be thirsty again I don’t

want to need anything for men again mark

the spot of where I thought your


Heavenly Father so grateful that you dig

whales in the hearts of your people that

you create boundaries that give us room

for your spirit to overflow in our lives

and God I ask that you would begin to

consume every person represented at this

altar that you would begin to allow your

living water your Holy Spirit to touch a

dry place in down on the inside of him

that as that water begins to spring up

that it would drown out fears that when

it would drown out naysayers that it

would drown out insecurities Spirit of

the Living God

this is a job where our Heavenly Father

if you can’t do it it cannot be done so

father God these are our bones crying

out this is our heart sinking out God we

want living water like never before and

Heavenly Father I’ve dispatched angels

right now in the name of Jesus to every

heart represented at this altar I decree

in demand right now in the name of Jesus

that darkness must flee because who the

Sun sets free is free indeed

I rebuke depression right now in the

name of Jesus I rebuke insecurity and

low self-esteem right now in the name of

Jesus I rebuke inadequacy right now in

the name of Jesus and I speak

overflowing living water in the name

cheese’s water that saturates every tear

water that saturates every fear I speak

it and I decree it in the sons and

daughters represented at this altar that

there would be increase and overflow

over their lives that God that you would

give them wisdom to navigate boundaries

that you would show them when to respect

them when to create them and when to

break through them and that you would

dispatch all of heavens resources to

their hands and that it would equip them

and empower them to become everything

that you have called them to be

God i prophesy that they will die empty

that when they leave this earth

everything that is in them would have

been manifest because you watered the

seeds that were down on the inside of

them that there would be movies and

films and books and nonprofits and

generational curses that are broken as a

result of what took place at this altar

and God I just prophesied before 2018 is

over that you would give them a sign I

decree it right now in heaven

that you would give them a son right now

that they have struck water Oh God

and that they didn’t just do it for

themselves but for every person attached

to the vision that you placed on the

inside of them in Jesus name I pray amen


hey my friend I pray that that message

blessed your life it blessed me for sure

I want to also encourage you to pick up

wholeness winning in life from the

inside out this book is going to change

your life god bless you I’ll see you

next time