Los Angeles www.tphla.org

hey family I’m pastor tor a pastor Sara

we just want to greet you before you get

ready to watch this powerful message we

believe it’s gonna change your life

we’ve been praying for you and we also

want you to partner with us in changing

the lives of others as you know we’re

invested a lot into technology so that

we can continue to bring the word to you

and innovative in creative ways

but we don’t just stop there we also

believe in blessing people in a more

pragmatic way that’s right you’re about

to watch this video that is going to

tremendously bless you but what you

don’t get to see is how we’re blessing

people off of the pulpit there are

families that are being fed there are

women who are being saved from human

trafficking there are so many

organizations that we are able to

support thanks to your generosity so we

want to invite you to be a part of

changing the world with this

yeah we’ve been very intentional in this

season to to partner with organizations

and support them financially that are

making a difference considering their

crisis so we just thank you they’re

giving instructions on the screen here

partner with us and let’s get into this

word I want you to get with the glory

that’s taking place right now

God is moving yeah you’re gonna see it

you’re gonna see everything that God has

promised you I feel the Spirit of God

something is breaking right now it’s


it’s breaking in your house it’s

breaking in your circumstances

oppression is breaking right now I’ll

spill it


hallelujah listen family there are

moments when the Lord says enough is

enough and I believe that someone who’s

watching right now I believe that God is

saying over your circumstances enough is

enough I cannot wait to get into this

word it is gonna bless you and let me

tell you really quickly what my

assignment is today I’ve been praying

and if you’ve been around me or this

movement for any length of time you know

I don’t do sermons but I do prophetic

proclamations that thing that God is

doing that he wants you to know and to

understand and so I believe that God

wants me to both prophesy and to prepare

you for what’s next and oftentimes we

are so consumed with what is now that we

don’t take the opportunity to consider

what is next and that is not thinking

like God thinks God declares the end

from the beginning he plans the end from

the beginning he decrees the end from

the beginning and if we’re going to be

children of God we we have to have a

next mentality and so so I was thinking

that there is a song by this great

musician songwriter JJ Hairston and he’s

got a song and that song is a song that

says there will be glory after this

there’s gonna be glory after this and

and I believe my assignment today my

assignment today is to bring you into

the reality of a coming latter glorion

hear me I’m gonna say it again my

assignment is to bring you into the

reality of a coming and impending letter

glory do me a favor put it in the

comments or or tell somebody who’s next

to you if you’re by yourself talk to

yourself I give you permission to talk

to yourself right now and just type or

say there will be glory after this that

they will come out just do it that there

will be glory after the

or if you want to shorten it you want to

truncate it glory after this just put it

there right now glory after this even as

you’re typing it you’re gonna feel

something lift you’re gonna feel a

breakthrough in your spirit and that’s

my mandate today I believe that God

wants me to begin to push you into the

future to push you out of the moment

that you’re in and beginning to push you

push you push you into the purposes of

God for you because I believe that it’s

it’s time to start thinking about life

after this that’s my title

it’s my subjects my ultimate thought for

today is after this after this after

this and I want to draw your attention

as I was praying about what passage of

Scripture would speak to the moment that

we’re in and would corroborate this

prophetic declaration that there’ll be

glory after this and to really bring us

into the after this mentality the Lord

dropped first Peter chapter 5 and my

spirit beginning at verse 6 we’re going

to read verse 6 3:11 it reads like this

it says therefore humble yourselves

under the mighty hand of God that he may

exalt you in due time casting all your

care upon him for he cares for you be

sober be vigilant because your adversary

the devil walks about like a roaring

lion seeking whom he may devour it says

resist him steadfast in the faith

knowing that the same sufferings are

experienced by your Brotherhood in the

world but may the God of all Grace who

called us to his eternal glory by Christ

Jesus after you have suffered a while

may the god of grace perfect

establish strengthen and settle you to

him be the glory and the Dominion

forever and ever amen

can I pray for you father we thank you

for this moment we thank you for your

word it’s a lamp into our feet it is

enlightened to our path and the

beginning was your word and the Word was

with you and the Word was you and we’re

so grateful that we have this

opportunity to eat this opportunity to

feast this opportunity to experience the

bread of heaven that nourishes us

hallelujah it is the bread of truth that

lets us know God what’s going on in how

to position ourselves father I thank you

for the spirit of wisdom and revelation

and insight knowledge and prophecy I

want to be used by you today unlike ever

before to to announce your plans and to

prepare your people for the awesome

things that you have in store for them

so god I love you I thank you I praise

you I consider it done I thank you for

healing I thank you for victory I thank

you for blessing and breakthrough and we

pray these things in the matchless and

in the mighty name of Jesus amen

hey man god bless you I want to I want

to teach a little bit today after this I

really sense that that now that the

shock of this pandemic prayerfully has

settled in I really believe that now is

a time for us to begin to rise up and to

seek what God knew before this pandemic

even began there’s a shift that’s taking

place in my life and and I believe that

God wants it to take place in your life

where where I am moving away from these

sometimes subconscious instability of

uncertainty and I’m moving into this

place where I am beginning to intently

imagine what life post pandemic is

supposed to look like for me I’m

beginning to to stare at where we are

and and to release my imagination about

the future with a an acute curiosity

about the new world that is emerging and

what my place in this new world is gonna

be I’m thinking about life after this

and my imagination has has moved past

the notion of whether or not I will

survive I’m over that I’m over this

survival phase I’m past that because the

Lord has sustained me and if you’re

watching he has sustained you too it

doesn’t mean that I’m going to throw off

being safe and being wise that that’s

not what I’m talking about

that’s just wisdom but but I’m out of

I’m outside of this this subconscious

instability that is created by

uncertainty and because I believe that

God is moving us to into a time where we

need to begin to ponder live after this

I’m moving into this space family where

I am wandering and I’m seeking and I’m

imagining what the reinvention of me is

gonna look like in this new world I feel

the Holy Spirit God did not ordained for

you and I to remain the same he sent

literally a global shaking a global

shaking and the only reason why God

would do a global shaking as if God

wanted to reintroduce you to the world

in which he has placed you in are you

tracking with me if you’re taking notes

write this down because these are some

of the questions that I want you to


what does the reinvention of me look

like I want you to ask God that you got

what does and I want you to ponder it


what does Who am I now I know who I was

before but God Who am I now and I want

to caution you to be very slow to get

into rhythms and familiar disciplines

off the Holy Spirit it is easy now as as

we start moving into a time we’re not

there yet but we will be there soon

where there will be a rolling out of

normalcy it is easy for you and I to to

lock back into rhythms and disciplines

that are familiar but that will be a

grave mistake keep me from frivolous

rhythms keep me from any rhythm I

haven’t thought and prayed it through

it’s a time for us to really seek God’s

face and to understand watch this what

God’s interpretation of me is post

pandemic God saw a different version of

you before he even allowed the pandemic

to come and so there is an expectation

not only does God have an expectation

but all of creation everything in this

universe has an expectation on who you

and I emerge as post pandemic don’t be

so quick to get into it rhythms don’t

don’t be so quick to to jump into

familiar disciplines under the guise

under the notion of getting busy and I’m

not talking about let me just clarify

I’m not talking about stagnation I’m

talking about activation there is a

difference stagnation watch this


is doing nothing activation is about

posturing myself for God’s elevation I’m

saying it again stagnation is about

doing nothing activation has to do with

how I posture myself for God’s elevation

because watch this because I understand

that I cannot activate myself but I can

prostrate myself I can lay my heart out

I can I can submit to God I I can come

to this place where I prostrate myself

and totally submit to the Almighty God

who has the whole world in his hand and

that brings us to the text I love this

passage of Scripture and I got to be

honest with you there are things in this

pastor scripture that I had never seen

before and they’re jumping out at me and

so in the text it says therefore

therefore humble yourselves under the

mighty hand of God what is he how is

this relate to the moment that we’re in

here is the truth our entire world has

had to humble ourselves under God’s

mighty hand this pandemic has been

bigger than us

it’s baffled scientists to a certain

degree it is shaken the faith community

in a way that the faith community

arguably has never been shaken in modern

times right and the reality of it is and

we’re praying and many of us have prayed

and said God indeed God will you stop it

and guess what it did not stop and so

what we had to do was we ultimately had

to come to a place where we submitted

ourselves under the mighty hand of God

look at this invitation look at this it

says there’s such an interesting balance

between God’s character and does nature

here it says therefore humble yourselves

under the mighty hand of God it says

that he may exalt you in due time

casting all your care upon him for he

cares for you that it’s it’s this is

this is a crazy a crazy verse a crazy

couple of verses

because here we see power and then

tenderness in the same package it talks

about it speaks to to the sovereignty of


it speaks to God being the Almighty so

much so that every knee has to bow and

every tongue has to confess every

government has to submit ultimately to

the will of God

this is how awesome and how magnanimous

God is everybody the great have had to

bow down to God money couldn’t get you

out of this status couldn’t get you out

of this followers on social media

couldn’t get you out of this you there

was no calling card out of this off the

entire world had to bow down and seek

God in a fresh new way so we’re talking

about the the might of God but what’s

interesting is in the midst of the might

in the midst of the sovereignty of God

we also see the tenderness of God look

at it it says humble yourselves in the

de mighty hand of God that he may exalt

you in due time casting all your care

upon him for he cares for you that kind

of blew me away a little bit because it

it expresses all this power yet it also

communicates that God is disposed

towards us as individuals with a deep

concern and care and even an open

invitation for you and I to cast our

cares upon him even the cares that have

to do with what God has allowed to

happen in our world he didn’t do it but

he allowed it I love that humbling

ourselves submitting submitting to the

purposes and the plans of God submitting

watch this to the mystery of God

submitting to the unknown of God

submitting to the unfamiliar submitting

to that God says if you submit I want to

make this plain God says if you submit


you if you accept that you submit what I

to what I am doing and do time I’m gonna

exalt you that’s what I mean by

activation right I cannot activate

myself but I can humble myself and if my

humble myself and I come to this place

where I accept what God is doing because

I trust the one who has allowed it to

take place he says I’m gonna activate

you and ultimately I’m gonna elevate you

are you tracking with me but then this

passage of Scripture takes take somewhat

of a turn because in verse eight all of

a sudden the enemy the adversary as that

scripture put put it is brought into the

equation and it almost seems out of

place because this conversation is

between us and God God essentially

saying humble yourself trust me submit

yourself to me and I will lift you up

right humble yourselves under my mighty

hand and I will lift you up and this was

a conversation because the enemy was

nowhere in it the adversary was nowhere

in it and but yet he’s introduced in

verse eight when he says be sober be

vigilant because your adversary the

devil walks about like a roaring lion

seeking whom he may devour and so why is

the adversary brought into what that we

used to say back in the day this is an A

and B conversation see your way out of

it you know anybody know what I’m

talking about and somebody would be

getting in your business and and it’d be

like yeah and you would just say you

probably not old are y’all known about

this but you just say this is an A and B

conversation see your way out of it you

don’t have talking about any way move on

from there but but but so there’s an A

and B conversation and then God brings

the enemy up and I believe that there’s

a reason for that because I believe what

God wants to do in this text and wants

to do in our lives right now is he wants

us to be better educated on who the

adversary of our lives is that word

adversary the word that was translated

average their adversary in that text

when it talks about be sober be vigilant

for your adversary right that word

literally means an A

hone it and not just any opponent but an

opponent in a lawsuit in a lawsuit so

your adversary your enemy the the one

who’s like a roaring lion seeking whom

he may devour is an opponent but he is

as if he is an opponent in a lawsuit

which means that what’s this if you’re

taking notes write this down your

adversary is an arguer of interpretation

you got to get to see how you dis you

your enemy is one who aims to argue

interpretation think about what a lawyer

does when when there’s a lawsuit taking

place you have two attorneys and what

those two attorneys are doing is they’re

aiming to watch this argue their

interpretation of the law on the behalf

of their client that’s what they do

they’re there they both have the

Constitution or whatever the laws of the

state are and they are arguing based on

their interpretation and the judge the

judge the job of the judge is to

decipher and to determine what the

accurate and truthful interpretation is

of the law so the words tells us that

our adversary the only power that the

adversary has over us is he attempts to

to pervert the character and the

intentions of God let me unpack that a

little bit there’s some right now

that believe that God has abandoned them

that God has forsaken them they believe

that God is not with them that God has

not for them how could God be for us if

these challenging and difficult things

have taken place in our life right and

and and the and the enemy exploits that

from the very beginning our adversary

watch this has been an exploiter and a


of the character of God all the way back

to the beginning you remember remember

when the

got in there with Adam and Eve and and

the adversary said did God really say

and then he takes it even further and he

says oh no no no no the only reason why

God said that is because watch this in

essence he said because God has an

agenda he says because God knows that if

you do this you will be like him so his

job from the very beginning was to

pervert the intentions and the

characteristic of God because watch this

he is an ardor arguer of interpretation

and he wants to give you a false

interpretation of this season so instead

of building instead of believing that

that greater days are coming instead of

believing that all things are going to

work together for good that you will

begin to pull back and you will begin to

not trust again and you will begin to

not dream again and you will begin to

back up and you will begin to not move

forward are you hearing what I’m saying

but we’re not going to do that because

we’re not ignorant to his devices and

we’re gonna do like the scripture says

we’re gonna be sober and we’re gonna be

vigilant but let’s unpack that even

further I was thinking about the enemy

and I had this thought about the enemy

and let me just tell you something I

don’t even like to I don’t even like to

talk about the enemy however there are

several passages of scripture that says

that that we should not be ignorant of

the enemy’s devices he is I’ll say it

again he is an arguer of interpretation

he wants you to see life to the lens of

death the lens of destruction and and


he is the agent of calamity but not the

authorizer of it I say often and it’s

it’s kind of a heavy thought but even

the devil is God’s devil and God will

cause anything that takes place in our

life to ultimately ultimately sometimes

beyond anything you’ll ever see in this

life but ultimately it will work

together for our good and so if you’re

taking notes write this down be careful

what you rebuke in this season be

careful what you rebuke in this season

because sometimes you will be rebuking

the plan of God and not knowing you have

to get to a place where you say God not

my will but your will be done because I

recognize that your thoughts are not my

thoughts and your ways are not my ways

they are higher so much higher how you

go about bringing a miracle to pass it’s

not how I would do it have you ever had

God do something for you in a way that

you would never have done it for

yourself you would have never taken that

route to get to that blessing what if

that blessing would have never taken

that route to get to that blessing only

to show up at that blessing through that

route and realize that God’s plan was

actually better than what you were

considering I know I have I want to go

further I want to go further because not

only is he educating us on how that the

adversary works in our lives who

incidentally is a thief and a robber but

he is also teaching us how to fight back

I feel this if we if we go back and we

look at verse 8 it says be sober be

vigilant because your adversary the

devil walks about like a roaring lion

seeking whom he may devour and I love it

and verse 9 he says resist him resist

them and I love it because this is not a

resisting like there’s an onslaught of

an attack coming your way and you just

oh please leave me alone

but this resisting literally means to

forcefully opposed and

I just believe that when you’ve got

thoughts coming your way that that speak

negatively towards you when you’ve got

thoughts coming your way that that try

to make you misinterpret the character

of God so much so that you want to leave

God altogether you have to allow

something to arise in your spirit right

there in that moment where you

forcefully oppose it I feel that that’s

some of you and you’ve got to learn to

cast down imaginations there’s some

under the sound of my voice right now

and and you’re gonna walk through a

season where where the enemy is gonna

throw all of these this false

interpretation of your circumstances at

you but but I’m believing God that

you’re gonna take God at His Word I just

feel this is for you right now I’m just

believing God that you’re gonna resist

that you’re gonna forcefully oppose

these words

and these weapons that are coming at you

God has not finished with you God is

just getting started with you this thing

is not gonna wipe you out

I hear God’s bang humble yourself under

the mighty hand of God and induced visa

he’s gonna insult Jews

if you don’t if you don’t let the enemy

Robbi of your testimony there’s a

passage of Scripture and it says they

overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by

the word of their testimony that means

that overcoming starts one with what

Jesus did but it also is completed by

the words that come out of your mouth I

want you to take about five seconds take

about five fingers and I want you just

to begin type what you’re believing God

for whatever the enemy is saying type

the opposite I feel the Holy Ghost

somebody somebody’s getting ready to get

their fight back you get ready to get

your testimony back this is not unto

death I command you to live right now

and not die the Spirit of God

resurrection power is fattening you

right now God is getting ready to move

in your life

ain’t nobody plan I didn’t come here to

play with you

I came to break a yoke off of your life

I came to get your testimony in fact I

came to rebuke me ever starett

no more can he lie no more can he

falsely interpret what God is doing in

this season I hear the Lord saying your

ladder it’s gonna be greater than your

former if you believe it it got a shout

of praise yes I’m tired of the adversary

tired of the adversary what’s this

walking about like a roaring lion he

ain’t even a real lion he’s faking his

war is fake I feel the Spirit of God but

the real lion

the Lion of the tribe of Judah is

roaring over your circumstances

Oh Oh God he’s gonna take everything

let’s try mistake you pop your God the

Lion of the tribe of Judah has Lord

you right now and you are getting ready

to come out of this thing with great

spoil I’m coming out

come on right there in the comments put

on coming out I’m coming out but I’ve

been ward over yes I’ve been ward over

the real lion has roared over my life

has brought over my circumstances oh yes

he has

oh yes he is he ain’t even a real life a

fake life a counterfeit line a bow lion

a bow lion I feel the Holy Ghost your

phone is a full lion and if you would

ever get a revelation that crater is he

who was in you if you would ever get a

revelation of that and start walking in

something different I believe that God

has ordained signs and wonders

rhinorrhea MA

right out of your mouth resist resist

steadfast in the faith hallelujah

resist don’t nobody bring me no bad news

I’m going with don’t nobody bring me no

bad news for God says for I know the

plans I have for you plans to prosper

you and not to harm you to give you a

future and hope you’re not alive right

now by luck feel the Holy Spirit you’re

not watching this right now because you

barely made it you’re standing in the

deliverance of God right now sometimes

deliverance isn’t loud sometimes

deliverance isn’t boisterous sometimes

deliverance is just deliverance you’re

hearing this right now because you’re a

part of the latter glory there will be

glory after this I gotta move through

this there will be glory after this

there will be glory after this yeah he

says resist steadfastness in the faith

stay in the posture of faith stay in the

posture of faith so much to cover and he

says today he says that was seen verse 9

he says resist him steadfast in the

faith stay in the posture of faith and

then he says knowing that the same

sufferings are experienced by your

Brotherhood in the world knowing that

has to do with a mature discipline

consciousness are you checking with me

the way that you fight back is is having

a mature disciplined consciousness God

said that he hasn’t given us a spirit of

fear but of love power and a sound mind

that word sound literally means a

disciplined mind not a a mind that just

does whatever not a rebellious mind not

a runaway mind but a disciplined mind he

says he says knowing he says knowing

that has to do with

mine what you think what you meditate on

what your consciousness is he says

knowing watch this essentially he’s

saying knowing that this is normal

he’s very systems steadfast if they

watch this

knowing that the same sufferings are

experienced by your Brotherhood in the

world because a lot of times what the

liar will do why right the the arguer of

interpretation what he would do is he

would say you’re all by yourself you’re

cursed things are never gonna turn God

if God were with me how can this be not

realizing that that it is normal for

great people to experience great pain it

is normal for great people to experience

great struggle oh I can’t wait to keep

going and so so let me let me keep

moving I can touch on that all day but

but we got some ground to cover

and so so after he says resist him hold

steady in the faith have him a toward

mentality it says in verse 10 it says

but made the God of all Grace who called

us to his eternal glory by Jesus Christ

watch this well first of all listen up

right there may the God of all Grace who

called us to his eternal glory by Jesus

Christ did you hear that he says that

made the god of grace who has called us

to something and what God has called us

to through Christ his eternal glory I

feel the Holy Spirit I don’t even think

that our world and our culture really

truly understands what glory is we think

glory has to do with with physical

things I’ve seen wonderful thing I’ve

seen glorious quote unquote homes I’ve

seen glorious jewelry I’ve seen glorious

artwork I’ve seen glorious automobiles

and glory saying glorious looking people

but that is temporary glory

well God is talking about his eternal

glory glory that doesn’t fade because

the same car that you’re salivating over

today you’ll be trying to trade in in

four years the same house that you will

cut your right arm off to live in today

you live in it for a while and continue

to grow and you’ll be trying to sell it

I’m not talking about a temporary glory

people don’t understand many don’t

understand what glory truly is I’m

talking about an eternal glory the glory

that you and I watch this were created

to reflect

there will be glory after this I’m

announcing glory that speaks to your

divine worth is coming to you I feel it

and when God gets finished with you this

is prophetic for somebody when God gets

finished with you your shine will be

unmistakable I feel God it’s gonna be

unmistakable because watch this one

thing about the glory of God

it can’t be hidden it can’t be hidden

God is about to put a shine on you from

suffering to shine but let’s talk about

suffering it’s almost done here talk

about suffering now first of all if I

would have named this message suffering

you would have just went right on to the

next sermon you know now you can just

everybody sermons are just lined up

right there you just go right to the

next because no one wants to talk about

suffering and I understand that but let

me give you a different interpretation

of suffering and perhaps even the

purpose of suffering that were to suffer

is an interesting word because the Greek

word that was translated suffer

particularly in that text there was his

literally means passion passion or to

feel to feel or passion and so it really

speaks to the outcome of suffering

suffering has an end but what suffering

produces is glorious right because

suffering is never about destroying you

it is about destroying what’s not you so

that you can feel Oh God

you can feel and be passionate about

what the real you was created for

there’s a connection between suffering

and the discovery of purpose because

suffering going through things like

we’re all going through going through

things strips away the things that

actually don’t matter without some

it is very difficult for you and I to

decipher what is valuable versus what is

it what does matter versus what does it

matter and so since we have a difficult

time interpreting what is valuable then

God comes in and he shakes things and he

shows the futility of what is not worth

our energy and when that happens what he

says we feel because we are numbed by

what does it matter yeah catch what I’m

saying we live our lives family hear me

all of us are guilty of living our lives

numb by the things that don’t matter

which keeps us from feeling what we need

to feel and ultimately having the

passion for the things that you and I

were created to produce to pursue and to

create so so that’s why some of you in

this season right now child the passions

are coming back you you you you’re

because these things got removed from

you you’re thinking about other things

now it’s crazy because the suffering was

designed to cause the anesthesia to wear

off so that you can feel again and be

passionate again and maybe to be

passionate for the first time son

daughter you are a world changer you

more than getting a job you’re more than

finding a spouse you’re more than buying

your first home you’re more than

becoming the first millionaire in your

family you’re more than being the next

female multi billionaire you’re more

than that all those things are wonderful

but baby that’s temporary glory

you’re more than that and you will never

be more free you will never feel more

fulfilled and free than when you’re

walking in what you were created watch

this to feel for which what you were

created to feel because when you get

there that’s when all of heaven starts

backing you up

I feel the Holocaust that that’s when

heaven stands up and applause we we

talked about the great cloud of

witnesses that’s when the great cloud of

witnesses begin to cheer you more and

more because you have stumbled your way

into what you were created for are we

tracking so that pass that says but may

the God of all grace all grace all grace

grace is divine enablement divine

ability God is the God of all grace

that’s why he can make your latter

greater he’s the God of all grace that’s

why he can work a miracle in your life

right now he’s the God of all grace

whatever grace you need God’s got for

you he’s the God of all grace he says

who called us to eternal glory by Christ

Jesus watch this this God of all grace

says that he’s going to perfect you

establish you strengthen you and settle

you you’re saying pastor you missed


no I didn’t I’m telling you what he’s

gonna do but I am gonna tell you what

you have or had to walk through to get

there he says what this God of all grace

is gonna do is he’s going to perfection

that means to mature you to stretch you

maybe we’ll talk about it secondly he

says he’s going to establish you that’s

just to we’ll get into that to establish

you to strengthen you and to settle you

but not before he suffer for a little

while it’s speaking to the cycle of the


every storm has a cycle the storm is

designed to do those four things to

perfect you to establish you to

strengthen you to settle you let’s talk

about perfecting you to perfect you is


what or you and often times to be

matured you and I must be stretched

because there is who we think we are and

then there is who God knows we are there

is our perceived capacity and then there

is our actual capacity and none of us

get to our actual capacity without being

stretched it’s interesting I was having

a conversation with my son the other day

and he mentioned to me that this

quarantine season was beginning to get

on his nerves real good and I say you

know what you’re right you know it’s

certainly around my nerves too I said

but let’s talk about let’s talk about

what’s going on and essentially what we

walked away with that from walked away

from that width was that he was feeling

and sensing the limitation right I said

well let’s talk about the limitation

well I can’t go anywhere and and you

know I can’t move I can’t move the way

that I normally move I said okay there

is a limitation I said what the

limitation is is only a physical

limitation I said and you are more than

a physical being and so so what I did we

we worked this exercise where we

identified the limitation and then we

thought about now if I’m only limited

physically and I’m more than a physical

being I am a spiritual being right

I am a mental being I am an emotional

being if I am limited here that doesn’t

mean that I have to be limited

everywhere and so so I said I’m limited

physically which is outwardly but maybe

God allowed me to be limited outwardly

so that he can expand me inwardly no I

feel it right there

because sometimes what I’ve learned is

that oftentimes God will restrict you in

one dimension to stimulate growth in

another dimension and so God might be

looking at us and and and we think we’re

good because we got the outside worked


but God is looking at us understanding

who we need to be in order to fulfill

our highest purpose and our highest

calling so he says let me restrict you

outwardly because I need to develop you

inwardly because you think you’re okay

because the outer world is telling you

okay but you were actually

underdeveloped inside I feel that what

what if God was allowing some of these

physical restrictions to expand us

spiritually emotionally mentally

question what are you doing now to

enhance and to expand the most valuable

part of who you are which is who you are

inwardly what are you doing

okay so so you know I can’t go anywhere

what book are you reading well I can’t I

can’t get in the car and go anywhere how

much time are you spending in the

presence of God what are you doing in

the area that has not been restricted

and I believe that the reason why God

allowed the physical restriction is

because he desired spiritual expansion

are you tracking with me so after after

we go through this process this is the

cycle of the storm he’s going to mature

us he’s going to stretch us and then it

says I’m gonna establish you now how are

you and I established we’re established

when we surrender to the process when we

surrender to the process

what was once a stretch becomes your new


see see you’re gonna find yourself in

this cycle and the good news is we’re

coming out of this cycle right I can’t

be established until I surrender until I

humble myself under the mighty hand of

God till I surrender and say God not my

will but your will be done I will be who

you say I am and that’s how you you get

established but then there’s another


after you get established it says I’m

gonna perfect you the Lord the God of

all grace is gonna is gonna perfect you

he’s gonna establish you and then it’s

is gonna strengthen you what is that

like it’s after you’re stretched it’s

after you submit yourself to the

stretching and allow God to establish

new normals in your life there’s gonna

come a season where your confidence is

gonna come back where your sense of


returns because you used to believe for

awesome things pre-pandemic and I

believe the adversary argued a different

interpretation of what was going on and

some of you got stuck and lost in to

survive mode but I believe that that

there’s a strength thing that’s coming

back to you oh I feel God your fight is

coming back your sense of victory is

coming back your confidence is coming

back and you’re gonna believe watch this

not for the things you used to believe

God for but you’re gonna believe for

even greater things because God’s gonna

strengthen you with his own strength and

then lastly he says after I perfect you

after I establish you after I allow

strength to arise in you God says I must

settle you you know I was thinking the

same God that allows the valley is the

one who settles on the mountaintop

that the same God that allows the valley

if God allowed a valley to take place in

your life and your family in this

country in this world you don’t think

that God can allow you to be positioned

on the mountaintop God’s gonna settle

you I’m thinking about no as I was

meditating on that last thought I was

thinking about Noah and how Noah built

the ark you all know it your reign for

40 days and 40 nights and I think that

maybe sometimes we overlooked the fact

that that it took a storm to produce the

rain we just think that this was just a

you know a joyful ride you know that

he’s in there and they’re two-by-two and

he’s with his family in the Anna was in

like a oh hey will in the boat wouldn’t

know it wasn’t like that it was a storm

and guess where the ark landed after the


on a mountaintop I feel that the same

God the same God who ordained your

Valley has our day in your mountain when

God settles you what does it mean to be

settled what is he going to settle you

in he’s gonna settle you in into the new

he’s gonna settle you into the latter

glory and a full cycle of painful

confusing terrorizing promotion it’s

coming to your house I wanna pray for

you my assignment today is to get you

ready for life after this there will be

glory after this and I believe that God

wanted me to release this prophetic word

to you so that you’ll begin to look past

the moment that you’re in and you will

begin to prepare yourself for all the

things that are in store I want to pray

for you

I want to pray for you if you feel like

this word was for you and you’re gonna

humble yourself under God’s mighty hand

so that after you’ve suffered a while

after our country suffered a while after

our world has suffered a while he will

perfect you he will establish you

he was strengthen you and settle you if

you say I received that right there

right there in the comments they passed

our receiving I received but I receive

that God’s gonna is gonna perfect me

he’s gonna mature me he’s gonna stretch

me I receive it I receive it I receive

it he’s gonna establish me I receive it

I receive it I receive it right now I

feel broken but he’s gonna establish me

I receive it I receive it I receive it

he’s gonna strengthen me right now I

feel a little weak but God’s gonna

strengthen me he’s gonna strip to me I

receive it I receive it I receive it I

receive it I receive it he’s gonna

scrape to me he’s gonna strengthen me I

receive it I receive it I receive it I

receive it I receive it he’s gonna

strengthen me he’s going to saddle me

I’ve got a mountain I’ve got a mountain

there’s a mountain with my name on it

I’m not gonna be in the valley always

the same God who ordained the valley is

the God who ordained my mountains

weeping may endure for a night but joy

will come in the morning if you receive

it just put right there I receive I

receive it now there’s some who are

watching some who are watching and all

of this transpired as it relates to you

I’m talking about you and God I’m not

you and God not talk about your pain I’m

not talking about your fear I’m not

talking about what’s happening where I’m

telling you and God all this happened to

get you to Jesus all this happened to

get you to God hmm the father is

Almighty so mighty that the whole world

has to to humble ourselves under his

mighty hand

but then that same God says cast all

your cares upon me I care for you and

there will never be a second where God

doesn’t care for you

so if you’re here and you say I want to

embrace the love of God that was

perfectly demonstrated in the face of

Jesus I just want you to right there say

I opened my heart over my heart you feel

the warmth of the Father’s love peace

that passes all in the all understanding

has nothing to do with the season

there’s something happening in you in

you outwardly challenges but somehow

inwardly peace that’s him let him in

let’s say I receive I receive I receive

your love father I receive your gift

Jesus I receive your strength Holy

Spirit somebody it’s time for you to

come home

you’ve been calloused by life

you’ve been numbed by things that don’t

matter and I sense that this is coming

up I sense that even there’s been an

addiction that you know that you need to

deal with and and it’s been hurting you

and it’s it’s been numbing you and you

haven’t even been able to feel and if

you’re honest it’s messing with your

relationships if you’re honest and you

don’t like who you’re becoming you’re

there I see you I feel you God is

telling me that it’s you and God is


I want to take that but the only way

that I can take it is if you offer it to

me I feel you I feel your hurt I feel

your pain right now you want to cry I

sense it I see you i bill you you want

to cry and God is saying let it go and

let me and there’s a part of you that

feels like man if I let this go I’m

gonna be empty and I hear God saying no

I’m gonna feel you and I’m gonna feel

you in a way that that thing nor any

other thing

could have made you feel if that’s you

just say that’s me pastor and our prayer

our prayer ministries ministers and

pastors and prayer people gonna pray

with you say that’s me pastor just put

I’ll let it go just put on let it go

right there it’s but I let it go I let

it go I let it go I let it go I let it


God’s gonna take it now you know what

he’s gonna do he’s gonna perfect you

he’s gonna establish you he’s gonna

strengthen you and he’s gonna settle you

in the new version of you I love you

