Service Date: 05.16.19 8PM #tphla #ToureRoberts #sarahjakesroberts To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here:



I’m gonna be speaking out of Exodus

chapter 14 I’m gonna start in verse 10

and my text says and when if a row drew

near the children of Israel lifted their

eyes and behold the Egyptians marched

after them so they were afraid and the

children of Israel cried out to the Lord

you see the Israelites have left to

Egypt on the promise that God had

something better for them and they

stepped out on faith because they

believe that what God said was going to

actually come to fruition but now that

they have stepped out on faith they see

that the Egyptians are trailing right

behind them and so right now what

they’re standing in doesn’t look like

what God promised them and as they see

the Egyptians coming up against them

they cry out to the Lord and they said

to Moses because there were no graves in

Egypt have you taken us away to die in

the wilderness

why have you so dealt with us to bring

us out of Egypt is this not the word

that we told you in Egypt saying let us

alone that we may serve the Egyptians

for it would have been better for us to

serve the Egyptians than that we should

die in the wilderness and Moses said to

the people do not be afraid stand still

and see the salvation of the Lord

what she will accomplish for you today

not when he’s not gonna accomplish it

next week he doesn’t need ten more years

to do it

he said stand still and see the

salvation of the Lord

that he’s gonna accomplish for you today

for the Egyptians whom you see today you

shall see again no more forever the Lord

will fight for you and you shall hold

your peace and the Lord said to Moses

why do you cry to me tell the children

of Israel to go forward keep moving in

the direction that I said I know the

Egyptians are coming I know the fear is

upon you but keep moving in the

direction that I first declared when I

started this thing he said but lift up

your rod and stretch out your hand over

the sea and divide it and the children

of Israel shall go on dry ground through

the midst of the city 5 God whatever you

want to see happen whatever you want to

say whatever this moment is supposed to

be god I turn it over to you and I say

have your way you know every burden you

know every obstacle you know every trial

represented in this room but you also

know every victory attached to this pain

and so god I am asking that this would

be a moment where you sit in this room

where you would sit down in the depths

of our souls than the depths of our

fears and our insecurities and that

ultimately you would make your throne

God dethrone every fear God dethrones

every sense of anxiety god dethrone

everything that is keeping us from

keeping you in the center of our lives

so that we can no longer be dissuaded

from what you said about us which you

spoke over our lives but we will

locked in and steadfast and what you

said got no room for anxiety no fear

just your strength your power your

anointing standing tall in me

in Jesus name and then I still get

seated there are all of these theories

about if you really want to know a

person and you can look at their

children or if you really want to know a

person you can look at their marriage

you can look at their work but I

personally believe that if you really

want to know a person you should look at

what they order on Amazon I’ll tell you

everything you need to know about

somebody we put y’all’s the Amazon

history up here some of you I would act

like I have never seen that before I

don’t know who that person is that is

fraud I love that though because Amazon

is literally a store where you can get

anything from but it didn’t really start

that way

Amazon started in 94 is simply an online

book store but he knew in the midst of

starting it as an online book store that

ultimately he wanted it to be in

everything store but he realized in

order for it to get to what he had in

mind that there would have to be some

turns of events he’d have to be willing

to change his method to get to what he

had in mind and so the title of this

message for those of you who like to

take notes is turn of events turn of

events and I want to talk about the way

that there are a turn of events in our

lives that if we are not careful will

convince us that God has changed his

mind when in actuality he’s changed his



he is the same today yesterday and

forevermore he doesn’t change his mind

but he does change his method if we

study the Bible we will see ultimately

it is a story of how God has changed his

method time after time to get us to what

he originally had in mind so he start

off in the garden humanity and we are

connected to him that’s what he has in

mind and then we are separated from him

and so the Bible tells the story of all

of these different methods that God uses

to ultimately get us to Jesus in the

Holy Spirit so we can return to what he

had in mind when he created us in the

garden he changes his method started off

the garden then we had the tabernacle of

Moses then we had the tabernacle of

David then we had the temple of Solomon

and then we have Jesus Christ this isn’t

us just coming up with a ways to

experience God this is God placing

something within our heart so that we

can get reconnected to him because at

the end of the day we were created in

the image of God and how can you begin

to reflect the image of God unless you

are connected to him because you are

going to reflect whatever you are

connected to I don’t know if you’ve ever

been in the presence of someone who

struggles with fear or they struggle

with insecurity and then you go back

home and you’ve picked up some of those

fears and you’ve picked up some of those

insecurities because we begin to reflect

what we’re connected to but God says is

if I can get them to be connected to me

again if I can get them to be linked up

with me again then they can see

themselves the way that I see them and

so when we find the Israelites in this

text they’re on this journey to get into

positions so that they can be can

connected to God but God has changed his

method and I feel like this is an

important message for some of the people

in this room and in this season because

when God changes his method it is

challenging for us to not believe that

he has changed his mind because his

method has to change because he’s not

predictable and his method changes

because in the process of his method

changing he adds depth and layers to who

you are that you would not have had had

it gone the way that you thought it was

going to go had Amazon just stayed an

online bookstore it would have never

realized the full potential of taking

over Whole Foods of creating physical

bookstores but in the process of their

method being changed they learned what

works and what didn’t work they learned

when the timing was and when the timing

was not there’s something that happens

when God changes his method that changes

your experiences and changes your

exposure and changes your education you

need God to change his method

he can’t be predictable or you’ll be

able to tell the outcome I need you to

change your method you get created when

God changes his method when God changes

his method it changes you but we have to

decide which direction we allow that

change to take place because we must

decide that when God changes his method

that we don’t change our mind set your

mind on things above that setting is an

establishing I’m going to establish my

mind on things above why do I have to


mind on things above because if I don’t

set my mind on things above when God

changes his method I will forget what he

had in mind but if I can set my mind on

things above I’m not swayed when he

changes his method cuz my mind is not

set on his method my mind is set on what

he said it on I got to say that until

you get it down in your spirit I’m not

married to the method god I don’t care

how you do it

you can bless me any way you see fit god

I don’t care who you use God I don’t

care what city I’m in god I don’t care

what movie it is god I don’t care what

your job it is all I’m saying is that

you made me a promise and I set my mind

on the promise I’m not married to the

method I’m married to what you had in

mind my mind is set on what you have in

mind so when the method changes I have

to learn to adjust and sometimes I have

to forgive you for changing the method

because God does not alert us when he

changes the method we just look up and

there’s been a turn of events wait a

minute God how is it possible that you

told me what you had in mind and I

started moving according to what you

said you had in mind but now there seems

to be a change of your methods when

Moses goes to free the Israelites there

are 10 plagues and he ultimately

convinces them that they can leave Egypt

and so they are used to God showing up

in a way that says I’ve got your back

I’ve got you covered if you move I’m

gonna move on your behalf anything that

comes against you I’m going to cast down

God has

many ways freed them from their

oppression but yet their oppression is

still trailing behind them have you ever

thought that you were free from

something have you ever thought that you

wouldn’t have to face anything again and

all of a sudden that struggle that you

thought had overcome comes up running up

behind you in the middle of nowhere

right when you were getting your joy

back right when you were getting your

peace back now here comes that same old


now here comes that same old depression

now here comes that same old enemy and

God says I told the enemy where you were

because I wanted to lead them into the

Red Sea there was something about that

enemy get in my notes I see they came to

show out today so Israel is moving in

the direction that God says and then at

the beginning of my text he says to

Moses that they should turn and camp

before this place in Egypt and in

between the sea so I’m headed in one

direction and God says I want you to

turn and the position that I’m gonna

have you turn in means that you’re going

to be sandwiched between Egypt’s

territory and the sea I’m gonna just

break it down because I want you to

understand what’s happening in the text

he puts them in a position where it

looks like they’re gonna lose because he

wants it to be a signal to Egypt that

maybe they’re confused but he tells

Moses before he even leads him into what

looks like a trap that I’m going to use

their pride against them because if

Egypt begins to think that you’re

confused they’re going to think that you

are weaker than

you really are and they won’t realize

that I’ve got this sea working on my

behalf God I need there are some

territories that God has ordained you to

break open and it looks like you’ll

drown in those territories and it looks

like you’ll be stuck in those

territories but God has already equipped

you with what you need to divide those

territories so while everyone else

thinks you’re confused and while

everyone else thinks your laws Moses and

God have an insider that it’s going to

look like I’m lost and confused but at

the end of the day you’re going to make

sure that that my enemies recognize that

you set a table before me that there’s

something happening that they cannot see

that you need me to look weaker than I

really am this is not at all what I

wrote in my notes but I feel like

somebody is sandwiched between an enemy

and incy I feel like somebody’s stuck

between what they thought was going to

be freedom but it looks like I’m going

back to who I used to be it looks like

I’m going back to the mindset I used to

have and I hear God’s saying I position

you there for a reason so that it would

look like a loss to everyone else but

ultimately it would be my creativity

breaking some things open I feel like

God wants some

know that that see that is ahead of you

was a box apart open how am I gonna do

what I’m gonna use what’s already in

your hand I’m gonna use what you already

have in your possession



Moses has this this rod that he doesn’t

fully understand what all it can do but

God says what you have in your hands

that thing that you’re carrying that you

don’t know how to fully I don’t know how

to fully use this thing

I only know I can walk with it I don’t

know what else that can do but I hear

God said I’m gonna show you how to use

that thing you’ve been carrying to do

more than just walk I’m going to show

you how to use that rod and break some

things open I’m going to show you how to

use that gift and break some things open

I must show you how to walk into that

boardroom I will show you how to walk

into that industry and break some things

open I need you to look like you lost it

I need you to look like you’re confused

so that you can break some things open




cuz I’m gonna show you how to use that

rod and a place where that rod wouldn’t

even make sense


that rod is helpful in the wilderness

but it doesn’t look like that rod can

work in this scene it seems like that

rod would get drowned in this scene but

God said you are the wilderness where I

send you that rod is going to work where

I place you it’s going to work

I feel God saying prophetically that I

did not lead you into that dream I did

not lead you into that business I did

not lead you into that idea so that you

could drown I sent you in there carrying

a rod a rod that’s going to break some

things open it’s not just a ministry

it’s not just a book it’s not just a


baby that’s arrived and if you ever take

what’s in your hand and stretch it out

all for what’s in front of you

I didn’t change my mind

I just changed my method it’s a turn of

events but it’s all still working in

your favor so you got to get your mind

in my mind God’s mind back in alignment

because if we agree in the same mind

then I can show you how to use what you

have in your hand Moses plays the most

important part in this whole narrative

because if Moses can stay connected to


Egypt can be confused and Israel can be

confused but Moses is the one who can

hear what God is really doing and if

Moses can hear what God is really doing

then he can learn how to use what God

has already given them everything you

need God’s already given you when God

first has an encounter with Moses in the

burning bush he says to Moses what is

that in your hand was his rod and he

tells him to throw it down and that rod

turns into a serpent and then he picks

it back up and it turns into a rod again

that same rod that he carried into his

encounter with God would be the rod that

God would use to part the Red Sea this

is perhaps the most meaningful miracle

that Israel would ever witness because

it would show that God could use


he can’t use anything to break over

break open what seemed impossible god I

sit over I don’t know who is in this

room but there are some things that look

impossible for you to break open and

when you look at what you have in your

inventory you don’t have nothing but a

rod that’s only good on land but I’m

going into a sea that looks like it can

take me under and God is saying I’m

gonna make the territory I’m gonna make

the territory Bend until it can become

what your tools can use I gotta say that

the way I see it God says I’m gonna use

what you have and I’m going to show you

how to turn what is ahead of you into

what works for what you have so Moses

and Israel and Egypt and you have been

in a season where it seems like maybe

you stepped out on faith and God changed

his mind and I feel like more than

anything that what God desires is for

you to bring your mind back into

alignment so that you are not moved when

the method changes Israel took their

eyes off of what God said and turned it

to the Egyptians that were coming behind

them and then it changed their language

they stepped out on faith they stepped

out in belief that the promised land was

available to them but the moment they

stopped looking at that word and stop

looking at that vision

that God had set before them it made the

Egyptians appear greater than they

actually were but there was a reason

that God gave them the vision before he

gave them the struggle God gave you the

vision before you encountered the

struggle because the vision is a weapon

when the struggle comes upon you because

if you can remember what God had in mind

you won’t be moved by the circumstances

that are around you you fight the vision

you fight this struggle with the vision

I must say that again until you get that

down in your soul because somebody has

been fighting the wrong devils and

you’ve been fighting with the wrong

tools and you think it’s about the

industry and you think it’s about the

Egyptians and you think it’s about a

marriage and you think it’s about your

finances the fight is over your vision

because if I can get you to change your

vision then I can make your struggles

seem bigger than what it really is but

if you would dare start fighting that

vision with that strutting that struggle

with that vision then God can show you

what he really has in mind God gave me a

vision about who I can become God gave

me a vision about what I can do in the

earth so I know it didn’t work out the

way I wanted it to but that’s alright

because I still got my vision that’s

okay because I’m fighting that struggle

with this vision because God is not a

man that he should lie and the vision

maybe tarrying but I’m a weight on it

because God did not give me that vision

to let me down

and God did not give me that vision to

torment me and to haunt me God said that

I would be the one who could break that

generational curse God said that I would

be the one that teaches my family how to

do business on a different level God

told me that he gave me a vision I

didn’t even want the vision until God

gave it to me Israel wasn’t trying to be

free they were fine being in captivity

but God gave them a vision that made

them question their captivity and there

are some people in this room who didn’t

even know that they were held captive

until God gave them a vision that

changed their thinking and because she

gave me that vision that made me change

my mind

I can’t go back I just gotta fight this

struggle with that vision and I wanted

you to know that that vision is stronger

than that struggle I swear I mean that

because that vision has God’s

endorsement on it that vision has God’s

power on it that vision has God’s

provision on it that vision has God’s

favor on it I came here to tell you to

get back to the vision I know he changed

his method on you I know we broke your

heart a little bit in the process I know

you got a little bit disappointed but I

came here to tell you to get back on

your square baby we got a game to fight

out here we got a kingdom to establish

and I can’t do it just by myself I need

some warriors to activate couple an


I need my warriors to get back in

position hell you may have had me for a

minute but I’m taking my mind back

I’m taking my vision back I’m stirring

up a gift of God that’s not only inside

of me

it’s time to start writing again it’s

time to start producing again it’s time

to start creating your own stuff I don’t

need nobody to do it for me I’ll do it

by myself

it’s time for you to get back to the

person who he gave the promise to

because the vision changes you and if

you allow the fear and anxiety to make

you shrink then you are no longer the

person he gave the promise to I didn’t

give my promise to that version of who

you were I gave that promise to a vision

of you who believes my word who trusted

that I was the one who could show up for

you who trusted that I was the one who

could part the Red Sea who trusted that

I had the Promised Land and you got to

get back to that version of you so that

he can show you how to use what you have

because you’ve already got what you need

you just don’t know how to use it and he

says to Moses he says Moses take the

ride your ride take your ride the thing

that is already within your possession

and put it in your hand

he didn’t say go find a ride he didn’t

say wait for somebody to hand you

something but use the resources that you

currently have

to divide the red see that looks like it

could drown you to divide that obstacle

to break that up in a way that makes you

realize that when you take what you have

and turn it over to what he has in mind

that he does the supernatural on your


God says I know what it’s gonna take to

part the Red Sea because I created the

Red Sea I know what it’s gonna take for

Pharaoh to back up off of you because

I’m the one who said they were after you

because I wanted him to know that once

you get finished chasing after them I’m

gonna take this same sea that I divided

for them and close it so that this

Pharaoh this enemy that you see today

you will see no more and I just want

somebody to know that when God gets

finished changing his method on you but

it’s gonna stop every enemy in its track

but it’s gonna make the industry look at

you different but it’s gonna make the

community look at you different because

I don’t know what method that is that

God used on them but it shifted not just

who they could become but how I viewed

them when it looked like their back was

against the wall God showed me that he

would tear the wall down not my notes

but I do believe that the principle of

this message is for those of us who have

been frustrated and disappointed because

it feels like the method has changed and

if I’m honest god I wanted it to happen

a certain way I was expecting for the

method to be a little bit smoother than

it was honestly I thought that my

hardest battle would be stepping out on

faith and so I only had enough faith to

step out on faith because I thought the

blessing would come the moment that I

did it but God said you were looking for

the outcome and I was trying to raise

the nation and because I’m trying to

raise the nation through you I’ve got to

show you who all I came and what all I

can do so I had to change the methods so

that you understand the fullness of what

you get when you get me I had Israel

just walked out of Egypt and right into

the Promised Land they would have

thought they would have not realized the

fullness of what they got when they

stepped out on God’s Word but because

God changed the method on them several

times then they recognized the fullness

of what they got I got a way Maker

I got a miracle worker I got a promise


I got a healer I got a provider and I

would have never known that unless he

changed his method and so I want to give

somebody 10 seconds to praise God for

the fact that he shame

just meant it god I thank you that you

changed your method because I know you

better than I would have known you

before had she just done what I thought

you were gonna do the way that you did

it I would have never started that own

business I would have never found myself

on my knees calling on the name of God I

would have never met that friend I would

have never met that husband but she

changed her method on me shouldn’t have

even been in this city but she changed

her method she shouldn’t have even had

that job but she changed your method and

when you changed your method you changed

me and when you changed me I became

better I became wiser I became stronger

I lost some things along the way but I

gained more of who I was and I gained

more knowledge about who you are


I want to have a moment of Prayer for

those of you who almost need to forgive

God for changing his method this is a

personal thing to admit to but it is a

real thing and the reason why I think it

is necessary for us to admit our

disappointment is because when we don’t

address it it becomes a blockage and we

don’t receive the fullness of who God is

and the fullness of what he can do with

what we have left but he changed his

method on you I thought it was supposed

to be acting I thought it was supposed

to be singing I thought it was supposed

to be easier by now I should have been

that millionaire by now I should have

been discovered by now because what you

told me you had in mind doesn’t look

like where I am and if I’m honest I’m

beefing we got a little bit and I want

to get back in position to a place where

I trust that he hasn’t changed his mind

even when he has changed his method and

so there are some things in my heart

that I need to release because I know

they’re keeping me from seeing the

fullness of who I am in him if that’s

you I want you to come God God changed

his method

God said I would be happily married I’m

going through a divorce how is that

possible God said that child would be

saved it seemed like that child is going

through more hell than I could have ever

imagined God how how is that what you

had in mind this doesn’t look like what

you had in mind


god I know what you said god I was

supposed to be this I was supposed to be

that and there has been a turn of events

that has made me question whether or not

I should have even started this in the

first place God to my pride get me into


God was this my ego I thought it was you

but this turn of events looks like so

much hell I can’t even imagine that it

started with you how could it be that

this happened who says I didn’t I didn’t

change my mind I changed my method so

get back in alignment with me so you can

see how I’m going to do it now because

when we become disconnected from God

because of how he changes his method

then we rob ourselves from any access to

even getting to what God said because

now I can’t hear him anymore

he can’t call the shots in my life

anymore because I’m so upset I don’t

trust him like I used to trust him I

don’t believe him like I used to believe

him there’s somebody in this room and

you’re charging God with what someone

else did and because someone else

disappointed you because someone else

failed you now you don’t even trust God

God says I didn’t have nothing to do

with that that was brokenness that was

their brokenness but what I’m telling

you is I can even heal what they broke

on the inside of you don’t hold me to

their actions I’m bigger than that I’m

better than that

and it was important that Israel got

back into position and that they trusted

that Moses still had a word for them

because it would be through that word

that the Red Sea was parted I trust God

I trust them I really do I trust them

because I have seen him time after time

after time I swear I’ve seen it take my

ideas and taking my plans and blow him

to pieces and then put together

something that I never even thought that

I could have done I thought I had to go

through the wilderness I didn’t think I

could part a Red Sea but God showed me

that if you listen to what I said the

impossible becomes possible with me I’ve

seen them show up in my life too many

times to turn around and give up now


and sometimes he positions us in such a

way that the only option is to trust him

or to go back into captivity if Israel

had not trusted God then the Egyptians

would have caught them and they would

have gone back to who they used to be

and I feel like those of you who have

been feeling stuck and stagnant are

really just in a position where you have

to choose you have to choose I can

either trust God or I can go back to who

I used to be but I will declare and

decree that right now in the name of

Jesus that enemy that you see today you

will see no more forever you will see no

more forever because you’re gonna step

into a new level of trusting God where

you’re gonna realize that I have the

victory over every enemy that has been

haunting me

and taunting me and chasing me down I

gotta trust God lift your hands father


father we trust you and we haven’t

always trusted you because God afore

honest there have been some things that

have happened in our life that has made

us believe that you were not the safe

place that you are and we realize now

God that because you make all things

work together and because your ways are

not our ways and your thoughts are not

our thoughts that you were calling us

higher in moments where we just want it

to be met where we were and so god I

believe that as these hands are lifted

over this altar that you are raising us

higher in the spirit realm that you are

raising us above the disappointment that

you are raising us above those fears and

above those anxieties that God you are

lifting us out of the circumstance that

is there to define us and you are

helping us to set our mind on those

things that are above God I’m asking

right now in the name of Jesus that

there would be a relocation that takes

place at this altar if you’re not at

this altar and you know that you need to

be here I want you to get as close as

you can cuz we’re about to pack up the

moving trucks and we’re being relocated

I’m taking my mind back and I’m setting

it on the things that are above I see

you coming

I see hell get nervous I see the

Egyptians getting scared

I see that enemy chasing you down God

I’m moving my mind I’m not gonna stay

and the mindset that she would failed me

because you are not a failure I’m not

gonna stay in the mindset that I am a

failure because you have said that I’m

more than a conqueror I changed my mind

hell I changed my mind depression I

changed my mind suicide I am who God

says I am I can do what God says I can

do I’m gonna write the book anyway I’m

gonna help the family anyway I don’t

know how I’m gonna do it but I’m gonna

take my ride and I’m gonna divide

whatever stands in my way

so God I’m asking that you would reveal

what is already in their possession God

brings it to their mind right now God

you’ve already given them an idea for a

script God you’ve already put them in

the mind of a mentor God reveal what is

already in their hands that you can use

to separate and divide this see that is

ahead of them God may they never ever

second-guess what you have given them

and where you have called them when it

looks like they could fail because they

will live in the constant consciousness

that God has not changed his mind that

in spite of their flaws in spite of

their second-guessing and spotted their

fears and insecurities that you still

think they’re fearfully and wonderfully

made that the only reason why you still

have them on this earth is because they

are an agent of change and so god we

receive that identity we lay hold of it

right now and whenever a thought would

wage war against this knowledge and make

us believe that we were better off

without that vision of the promised land

that we were better off without that

freedom coming god I ask that you would

remind them that you would send them a

messenger that you would send them a

word that says you are exactly where I

need you to be trust me

walk with me allow me to guide you

because I see a vision of yourself that

far exceeds what you currently see

repeat after me Heavenly Father thank

you for opening my eyes to who you said

I could be

I’m sorry that there have been moments

where I didn’t believe it I get back in

position I’ve changed my mind

I trust you even when I don’t know the

method you’re going to use I trust what

you have in mind

so transform my mind to reflects your

mind so that I am not moved by the

method because I’m committed to the

messenger thank you for Jesus may the

mind that is in Christ also be in me a

mind of victory a mind of overcoming a

mind of submission to your wheel and a

mind of freedom over every darkness

every fear every pain and every

insecurity I receive his mind I received

that truth in Jesus name Amen

can you celebrate with me


