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I’ve been praying about what God wanted

to stay in this room

and I was praying and I was saying God

you already know who’s going to be in

the room you already know exactly what

their situations are going to be so God

I want you to give me a word that speaks

exactly to what they need we don’t just

come up with messages that we think are

going to sound good and get a good

response and shall we literally pray got

what is it that you need your people to

know in this season and as I was praying

I felt like God was saying that I’m

preparing them for battle I’m preparing

them to go to war I am equipping them

I’m showing them who they are and I’m

doing so and they don’t even realize it

because it looks like struggle we think

that when we’re going to head in the

battle that we’re going to sell all

strong and courageous we think that that

next level is going to feel like success

and achievement but the reality is that

there is so much persecution with the

next level that sometimes you don’t even

know that you’re on the next level

because there’s just as much struggle on

this level as there was on the other

level it’s just a different kind of

struggle and if we aren’t careful we

will not recognize that we’ve been on a

trajectory of promotion after promotion

after promotion because the Bible

promises that he will add to us anything

we’ve lost plus persecution but

sometimes all we see is the persecution

if I may take a subject for today it is

a fighting chance a fighting chance a

fighting chance when I was looking at

the definition and I want to read it

exactly as I studied it because I think

it’s important that you recognize that a

chance a fighting chance is a chance

that may be realized by a struggle like

for some reason I didn’t think I had a

chance and then I got in a fight and I

realized that I actually had one

I didn’t think I had a shot but then I

got in a fight and I realized that I

could actually slay this giant I would

submit for your consideration that the

fact that you are even in a fight is a

sign that you have a chance but

sometimes the struggle of the fight can

convince us that we don’t have a shot

that maybe we’re not going to make it

the way we thought we would maybe we’re

not going to break the curses off of our

family like we thought we would because

there’s a site and wherever there’s the

site there are options to believe that

we have confidence that we can overcome

it or there is the possibility that we

actually yes and I think we’re in a

season where people have begun to

acquiesce from the fight not recognizing

that the fight is already fixed all you

have to do is show up and trust that God

has gone ahead of you and the Giant is

already going to come tumbling down it’s

more about who you’re going to become in

the process of the fight and not about

the giant on the other side of it at all

and I want to talk a little bit today

about David and I know we speak so much

about David slaying the giant that you

don’t even have to be a Bible scholar to

know how the story ends like spoiler

alert Goliath is going to die I know

that was a total bummer because you guys

were unsure about what happened when

David fights Goliath but I love this

story so much because as I was studying

it dawned on me that every time I heard

this story I saw it like David was an

underdog and there was no way he was

supposed to be able to take Goliath down

but for some reason with God’s favor and

his divine providence the giant came

tumbling down then I realized as I was

studying that the only people who

thought David was an underdog were the

people who were on the outside looking

in because David actually volunteered to

take the Giant down there was never any

doubt in David’s mind that the giant

would come tumbling down he told the

King Saul he told the soldiers he told

his brother that he was going to take

the life down but still other people saw

him as an underdog isn’t it crazy how

people can sleep on you even when you

tell them I’m going to come out of this

situation so much so that when you

actually come out everyone’s surprised I

just wish I had that David level of

confidence where I can start looking at

giants and prophets lying over them that

they’re going to start tumbling down

start telling people and living in the

victory of something that hasn’t even

happened yet so much so that it shocks

everyone around me that’s that crazy

David kind of thing that makes you start

picking fights with giants that makes

you start telling people I’m coming out

of this situation I know it doesn’t look

like it I know the odds are against me I

know you think there are a million

people who can do what I do but really

there’s no one who can do it the way

that I do it so when I say that I’m

going to do it you ought to believe me

because no one has ever done it the way

I do it and if I sign up and say I’m

going to do it I’m going to do the blood

sweat and tears whatever it takes for it

to be manifest because that’s just who I

am it’s not about who’s already done it

it’s about who’s going to do it now I

wonder if there’s anybody in this room

who has decided that they are the one

appointed and anointed for such a time

as this to start playing any giant that

would dare stand in the way of what God

wants to manifest in their lives because

I don’t just have a chance

I got a fighting chance which means I’m

not just going to let life happen to me

I’m not just going to sit back and be

heartbroken and tuck my tail and sit in

the corner and watch everyone else go

after it I’ll come out of it if I have

to fight for my now do it if I have to

face some insecurities I’ll do it if I

have to feel awkward and like I don’t

know anything I’ll do it because if God

gets me in the room I’m going to stay in

the room and he opens the door I’m going

to walk in it we know that David had

five smooth stones when he killed

Goliath but as I was studying I realized

that he had a secret stone that no one

fully knew about and I believe that that

secret stone was favored David has

favored honestly we all have favored our

breath is the promise that there is

something that we need to do on the

earth were just trying to figure out

what it is and that’s why having favor

can be tricky because when you have

favor without strategy you end up

falling into folly when you have favor

without strategy you’re open to any and

everyone because they validate your

favor that’s why we have to be careful

about how we use our favor because

sometimes we can use our favor to stroke

our own egos and it’s not about what God

wants to do on the earth it’s about

letting other people know that we’re

special see I have favours I got

something on Instagram and I have to

post to see I had favor I had favor I

had favor maybe God hasn’t given you the

strategy for your favor because he’s not

sure if you’re going to pray about it or

post about it when the door opens

because we think that favor is about

proving other people wrong about it

that’s why I want favor I want to be a

little bit rich not like Oprah rich

because they don’t have to guide you

don’t you have to make me open rich this

I could be like half of Oprah rich I

want to be a little bit famous but not

all the way famous said I still want to

go through the store and I want to be

left alone

I want favor I want favors so that I can

post about it I won favor so I can show

everyone back home that I actually did

make it I want favor so I can prove to

my ex that they were wrong to leave me I

want favor so I could prove people wrong

not recognizing that favor is not about

proving other people wrong favors about

proving that God was right to invest air

in your lungs that he was right to give

their heartbeat your rhythm he was right


that I play something down on the inside

of her and I gave her a favor to

manifest it so that I could get the

glory not so that other people could

accept her so when you start mixing

favor with insecurity it becomes this

toxic combination that leaves you

stagnant because you have favor you can

talk to anybody you can become friends

with anyone you have favored your

favorite just doesn’t have a strategy if

I may give you homework I want you to

start having a strategy for your favor

particularly those who are in this room

because it’s not enough to be talented

if you do not have a strategy there are

friends of people who can sing there are

tons of people who can act and produce

and everyone has good ideas but not

everyone has the work ethic and strategy

to really keep them in the game the

Bible tells us that your gift will make

room for you and bring you into great

rooms but the reality is it will not

keep you in those rooms strategy keeps

you in the room so instead of being so

impressed that you’re in a room with

a-list stars maybe start asking them the

kind of questions that keep you coming

back in the room maybe instead of trying

to post that you had an important

meeting at Sony you start taking down

notes before you leave the room so that

you understand what it takes to stay in

those rooms because we like to celebrate

before we actually have Goliath so in my

text David is on a mission

his father sends him on a mission to

take more supplies to his brothers who

are in the Israelite army and they’re in

the Israelite army but they ran into

this giant that they can’t get past and

David who has no business he’s too young

to even be considered for the army has

already been anointed king at this time

he was anointed king but he wasn’t by

the king he was anointed king but he was

too young to even be in the presence

of the king he was anointed king and

then he went back to tending to the


anointed to be king the tending to the

sheep I’m anointed to to do something in

the world but right now I’m just working

at a restaurant

I am anointed to write plays and produce

movies but right now I’m still tending

to sheep have you ever known you were

anointed but your reality didn’t match

your anointing for some reason David had

been anointed but just because you are

anointed doesn’t mean that it’s your

season because God anointed him so that

he would know he had something but he

had to prepare what he had for him

but I think if I if God had not anointed

him when he did and he would have maybe

started thinking that he was just

supposed to be tending to the sheep but

God plays something down on the inside

of him even when he was just tending to

the sheep as a reminder that one day

you’re going to come out on the other

side of this and it doesn’t make sense

right now and it seems like it’s only

about sheep right now but when I get

finished setting the stage I’m going to

use your sheep days to help you for your

Palace days I’m going to use the Sheep

as practice because in a way David was a

king over the Sheep in a way when you

begin to look back over your life when

you’re in rooms that you don’t feel like

you’re equipped to be in I bet you if

you look back you’ll see that you were

actually equipped you just solid as

sheep instead of training the different

personalities of the sheep the way you

have to keep them together the way you

have to take care of them in the winter

he was being trained in the field for

what he would do in the palace I don’t

know but I feel like some people are

starting to resent the field not

recognizing that it is actually a

classroom that God is using

to give you certain tools and certain

tips that you’ll recognize later by and

by so David is anointed king and it’s an

incredible story when they talk about

how he was actually anointed because the

people of Israel they were begging for a

king and then they got Saul and Saul

became wicked and so Samuel the Prophet

told the Lord you know or the Lord told

Samuel rather that he was one anointed

new King and and he told him exactly

where to go when he got to Jesse’s house

and Jesse had eight sons including David

but David was so young and he only

tended to the sheep that when samuel

asked for his sons he only brought out

seven and god told him to just take the

Horn of oil and place it over the Sun

pit and when the oil began to flow that

that’s who he was going to anoint to be

king and so Samuel went from head to

head and head and the oil didn’t flow

and he turned to Jesse and he said Jesse

are these all of your sons is there

anyone else that we should be

considering in he said well well there

is but it’s David he counted him out he

had this history of being an underdog to

everyone else but himself for some

reason it didn’t matter to him what

other people thought about him that he

knew down on the inside of them himself

that I may just be David to you but I

know that I am the righteousness of God

I know that there’s something about me

that’s different and that’s probably why

you can’t accept me and that’s probably

why you don’t understand me because I

just know that there’s something

different about me and lo and behold

when the horn is over David’s head the

oil begins to flow so David is anointed

king he goes back to tending the Sheep

his father tells him to go take this to

your brother’s which he does and on his

way to take something to his brothers he

hears the rumblings that everyone’s

afraid of this Giants so David who has

favored all of a sudden has an encounter

with opportunity that’s why your favor

has to have a strategy because if your

favor doesn’t have a strategy then

you’ll miss opportunities

you don’t even know what to listen to or

what to listen for David had been

anointed king and then he heard that

whoever’s played the giant would not

just get the king’s daughter but he

would live in the palace and get all of

these other things and all of a sudden

the only thing that was standing in

between him and what God had promised

him was a giant that no one else would

take on and so this part in the text

he’s having to convince Saul that he’s

ready to slay the Giant and it says now

when the words which David spoke were

heard they reported them to Saul and he

sent for him and it continues in verse

32 then David said to Saul let no man’s

heart fail because of him your servant

will go and fight he said I know

everybody’s scared don’t worry about it

I got this one this one is me for those

of you who are visiting I have any

banach version of the Bible that I’m

still working on it slips out every now

and then but the people at one church

loved me then David said to Saul let no

men’s heart fail I understand that

everyone else is too afraid to pursue it

I know that this kind of giant isn’t for

everyone to take on so don’t even put

them up to something that they may not

be able to handle send me send me

I think we’re in a send me kind of

season I think that we’re in a send me

kind of season that instead of waiting

for something to come and knock on the

door that we have to start volunteering

to take down giants that we have to

start walking in the room where perhaps

we weren’t even invited perhaps we

aren’t even acknowledged and start

interjecting our ideas and giving our

thoughts and opinions because we

recognize that favor and opportunity

just had a collision if it’s not going

to happen unless it happens and I’m a

part of it some of us have to take

advantage of what’s happening in these

rooms were in let no man’s heart fail

because of him your servant will go and

fight with the Philistine and verse 33

continues and sauces you’re not able to

go against this Philistine to fight with

him for you you’re too young you’re not

qualified you don’t have the degree you

don’t have the proper training it

shouldn’t even be in your mind that you

can pursue this kind of

I want the kind of dreams that start

making people feel like you not even

qualified the dream on that level I want

the kind of dream that means that people

are going to have to start taking their

hands off of it I want people to think

I’m just a little bit crazy it’s good

for people to think that you a little

bit crazy because they know they can’t

push you too far I want the time to

dream that says I know I may not look

like I have what it takes but there’s a

fight down on the inside of me that you

cannot see there’s a fight down on the

inside of me because this isn’t just

about me it’s about the people who are

counting on me it’s about the guy who

trusted me to do something out here so

while everyone else has time for

foolishness not me I’m looking for an

opportunity for favor to collide with

what God has called me to do while

everyone else can play I don’t have time

to play games because my favorite has a

strategy and I think that this may be it

and Saul said to David you are not able

to go against this Philistine to fight

with him for you are youth and he and

men of war from his youth and this is my

favorite part verse 34 but David said to

Saul your servant used to keep his

father’s sheep okay so this is what was

interesting to me when I was studying

and I saw it late last night David was

crazy David tell Saul he used to keep


David had just came he literally just

came from keeping sheep like but when

his favor met up with an opportunity all

of a sudden he knew I’m not going to go

back to keeping those sheep any longer I

used to be that but now I don’t know

exactly what I am now but I know that I

used to be something I used to be bitter

I used to be broken I used to count

myself out and I don’t know who I am

right now I may not be awarded with all

of these things but I know I used to be

something else God wants you to start

separating your identity right now don’t

wait for the dream to come true don’t


for the people to acknowledge you don’t

wait for the big J he said if you would

get a use to down in your spirit then I

could get a blank canvas and start

laying our dreams and goals for your

life if you were just getting used to

used to I used to I used to I used to I

used to be bitter I know it seemed like

I was just bitter but I used to be I

used to be I’m not that way any longer I

can’t afford to be that way any longer

because what God wants to do in me means

I have to separate from who I used to be

I used to I used to I used to be how

many used to be czar in this room I used

to be I used to be the one that wasn’t

going to make it I used to be the one

who didn’t have integrity I used to be

the one that you couldn’t count on I

used to be I used to be but I’m not that

any longer and I’m not saying that you

have to validate my used to be because

I’m so validated down on the inside of

me that if nobody else sees it is fine

because I know what I used to be and I

had to let go of who I used to be so I

could become who God called me to be I

used to I used to I used to keep my

father’s sheep and when a lion or a bear

came and took a lamb out of the flock I

went out after it and I struck it and I

delivered the lamb from its mouth and

when it arose against me I caught it by

its beard and struck it and killed it so

I told you that all of this time that he

was preparing to fight Goliath was

actually he was being prepared for when

he was in the field and so now when he

is having to volunteer to fight Goliath

he’s doing so with the knowledge that

I’ve won something in the past when you

begin to minimize your current obstacle

to the size of something you’ve already

conquered in the past it will no longer

seem as insurmountable as it does now

that means whatever you’re facing right

now you’ve already won it in a different

version in the past but you are so

blinded by it coming in a different

shape and a different size in a

different form that you don’t recognize

that you’ve overcome things already in

the past you’ve already overcome

heartbreak you’ve already overcome

disappointment you’ve already overcome

job loss and not having enough to make

ends meet you ought to start looking at

life and say I’ve already survived it

Dean I dare you to start profit lying

over your mountain that they need to

look at the trail of dead bodies behind

you if you look at what my face is done

in the past I shouldn’t even be in this

place I shouldn’t even be in this city I

shouldn’t even be open to love again I

shouldn’t even be dealing with the

things I’m dealing with but because I

made it to the other side there are

skeletons behind me that remind me of

the things I’ve killed in the past I

wish I had a few giant players in this

room who looked back on their life and

see a trail of dead bodies behind them

from when I overcame from when I stepped

out of my community but when I didn’t

have a father but I made it anyway so

when I had to go through a divorce but I

made it anyway from when I got my joy

back after depression I wish you would

start counting the cause of what it took

to be you instead of giving yourself

away for a discount I wish you would

start counting the cost of what it took

for you to have faith in and season when

everyone else was given up I wish you

would start counting the cause I bury

things before this thing don’t scare me

I’ve played a few things before this

thing don’t scare me I know I don’t look

like I have what it takes but I didn’t

look like I had what it takes when I was

playing the lion and I was blaming the

Bears and nobody saw what it took for me

to face the Lions in the face the Bears

but I saw it I’m fraud God said if you

would start seeing yourself correctly

that giant wouldn’t scare you any more

if you would start seeing the totality

of who you are

then you would fart discrediting your

abilities in this season David knew who

he was he tells us that he went after it

continue to verse 36 for me he said your

servant has killed both lion and bear

and this uncircumcised Philistine he

said they just won’t be just like the

lion and the bear when I get finished

with it because I’ve already overcome

things in the past this current giant

this uncircumcised Philistine that would

dare touch the God’s anointed person is

going to be just like the trail of

bodies that is behind it you see if you

had more faith in your anointing than

what was on the outside of you then you

would recognize that when the word did

touch not my anointed and then

everything connected to you that means

that when people started talking about

you you wouldn’t be afraid because you

knew that you were anointed you’re not

just coming up against me that’s why we

can’t live life with selfish ambition

because life comes up against you but if

you bring your life into alignment with

what God wants to do in the world then

you’re not just coming up against me

anymore you coming up against him and

then his wording says the crazy things

like no weapon formed against me shall

prosper and that crazy weather says that

all things work together for my good if

I were you if you were just picking a

fight on me you may have a chance but

the reason why you don’t have a chance

is because the god I serve told me that

battle is not even mind is him he said

Avengers in here is not mine I wish I

could protect you but you’re coming up

against the wrong person because there’s

an anointing on my life and I will not

stop until that anointing is manifest

and God knows my heart and he knows what

I want to do in this world and so he’s

not going to let anything or just

anybody come up against me

Devi said everyone else may be scared

not me everyone else may give up not me

no one else may come out here and try to

conquer it but not me because I don’t

judge myself by other people’s results I

don’t judge my ability by other people’s

results all that matters to me is the

one who delivered me and because he

delivered me everything around me has to

come into alignment what he’s with what

he’s already said this uncircumcised

philistine will be like one of them

seeing he has defied the armies of the

Living God he picked a fight with the

wrong one he picked a fight I feel like

some of you have forgotten which army

you’re in and that the thing is head of

you has picked a fight with the wrong

one with the wrong I’m not have you ever

listened I’m not good I just have good

tendencies that black and fried chicken

and braid your hair on the same night

because you got to get in how you live

but where I’m from when you start saying

things like I’m not the one like people

that just really they are not the one

because they know something about

themselves that you don’t fully

understand and that is that you may walk

over but you’re gonna end up living back

because there’s a fight down on the

inside of me that doesn’t care what I

respect against me there’s a fight don’t

only inside of me that doesn’t care that

I didn’t have license the perfect way

and that things didn’t go exactly the

way I wanted to as a matter of fact I’m

attracted to fight because fight show me

who I am

fight show me what I’m capable of fight

show me what’s down on the inside of me

fights give me a reason to have faith

fight give me a reason to have faith as

I was reading this text I recognized

that the difference between when David

fought the lion and the bear versus

Goliath is that when he fought the lion

in the bear the lion and the bear just

stumbled upon him it stumbled upon him

in such a way that he had no choice but

to fight he was thrown into a fight life

has this way of just throwing us into

fights into fights that are out of our

control that we never saw coming and all

of a sudden I’ve been thrown into a

fight have you ever been just thrown

into a fight just I didn’t even have a

choice my dad just walked out the door I

was thrown into a fight I didn’t have a

choice I was broken I was hurt I was

touched I was thrown into a fight now

I’m fighting to be whole I got thrown

into this thing and the only problem

with being thrown into a fight is that

it scares you in such a way that you

stop climbing up for fights because the

loans from the fights that you couldn’t

control have scared you into believing

that you can’t overcome the fights that

are within your control because you’ve

been wounded but for some reason the

fact that David was thrown into a fight

convinced him that he had the strength

to start volunteering for fights and the

crux the whole main idea of this message

this fighting chance message is that it

is time for people in this room to start

signing up to fight again to start

finding up to fight for your dreams to

fight for your marriages to fight for

your relationships to fight for your

healing that you can’t afford to just

say that that’s who I am I’m just

and that’s who I am and that’s who I’ve

always been that it’s time to start

fighting because the only way you get a

chance in this world is if you fight the

only way that God can do anything with

you as if you fight and his chance

depends on your fight you are the answer

to the very thing you’re praying for but

because you’ve been wounded in the past

because you’ve been thrown into fights

you’re not fighting the way you used to

you’re not believing the way you used to

you’re allowing her to define you in a

way that you don’t even have to anymore

because you got thrown into the fight

but I believe that God wants to break

that thing off of you today that he

wants to show you that the fact that you

had to face lions and bears was not to

keep you from growing it was actually to

show you that you can survive anything

that I had a hedge of protection around

you all in the midst of it and I know

you didn’t come out without scars and

wounds but I’m so good that I’m going to

use the scars in the woods to work

together for your good so if you would

get back in the fight I promise you that

my word is true that I am NOT a man that

I should lie that I’m going to heal and

restore everything you lost in the fight

that lions and bears that you thought

we’re going in your path I’m actually

going to use them to show you who you’ve

always been you’ve always been a fighter

don’t stop fighting now you’ve always

been victorious don’t stop now don’t let

the pressures of where you are now make

you forget that you were once

comfortable under pressure it’s when you

knew God was with you the most when you

were under pressure and now the pressure

is beginning to shake you and change

your identity but I want you to know

that just as I was the god of the Lions

and the Bears and I’m got over Goliath

that’s what I was God in your childhood

when you weren’t sure you were going to

graduate and you weren’t sure that you

were going to even make it into college

that you weren’t sure that you were

going to even be able to get your own

apartment nevertheless moved to sunny

California when you weren’t sure that

your family was

to be okay that I was the god of those

lions and those bears – so you don’t

have to be afraid I wouldn’t get you to

this point and leave you I’m not a man

that I’m not I’m not going to abandon

you I’m not going to forsake you aren’t

I better to you than that what I loved

about this text was that David volunteer

to fight a giant not because he thought

so much of himself but because he knew

anyone that would dare come up against

what God was doing hacks and fail and if

you would ever get that level of

confidence down in your chest that I’m

not in this world on my own I know it

may look like it I know I may not have

the friends that everyone else has I may

not have the family that everyone else

has but do you know who I am do you know

who my father is

do you know that he’s been with me from

the day I took my first breath do you

know that he wouldn’t get me this far

and then turn around and leave me to the

Wolves do you know that every knee shall

bow and every tongue shall confess that

he is Lord over my situation over my

life over my doubt over my disbelief and

that’s why I have a fighting chance not

because I did everything the right way

not because I have everything that

everyone else has but because the god I

serve says that he will get in the fight

with me and when he gets him to fight

with me then doors will start swinging

open and and weapons that were formed

wouldn’t even prosper anymore because he

got in the fight with me it’s not over

and some of us have started diminishing

our dreams of it maybe we’re not going

to be the ones that break it off our

family maybe it’s not us maybe it’ll

just come through us maybe I was

dreaming too big maybe everyone else was

right but I rebuke every thought plot

and plan of the enemy in the name of

Jesus I decree and

Claire that there will be supernatural

vision added to your dream I decree in

declara I wish you would spend like you

were about to receive something that

demons we’re about to start trembling

that things that had a hold of you were

going to begin to be letting go because

I recognize that God wants to do

something in your life and he can only

do it through those who are willing God

there in such plans for your life

such plans and the enemy has been

attacking your mind if this message is

for you and it’s been speaking to you I

want you to come to the altar because I

feel it so strongly that the enemy has

been trying to attack the minds of

people and make them believe that they

are less than that they are broken to

broken to be used that they don’t have

enough power and strength to overcome

the giant that is ahead of him I don’t

care how slutted the altars or hallway

gets I want you to come because I need

you to step away from who you used to be

and I need you to start volunteering to

start playing Giants again the giant

that’s in your mind the giant that has

control of your self-esteem the giant

that makes you feel like God favors for

everyone else it’s not really from me

those are the kind of Giants were going

to slay because we can’t play the Giants

on the outside until we confront the

Giants on the inside and I don’t care

how dressed up we are and how beautiful

we look or how successful we look on the

outside until we slay the Giant on the

inside nothing we get whatever satisfy

us but I know other man I know the men

who got on a cross so that he could

spread himself in such a way that it

reaches everyone in this room I know of

a man who got on a cross so that he

could remove any and every limitation

that keeps you from manifesting what God

wants to do in your life Romans tells us

he’s our big brother that means there is


heritance available to us and spiritual

inheritance and said I don’t have to be

broken by shame and guilt any longer

because I’m connected to someone who

when he went on that cross he redeemed

everything that was broken about me and

turned it for good I know other men I

know other men this man named Jesus who

gave you a fighting chance a man who

looked past her flaws he looked past

your fears and your insecurities and he

gave you access to the kind of strength

that existed in 1st Samuel 17 when David

went to fight that giant that’s what

kind of strength is available to you

this isn’t just a story that you’re

supposed to listen to and close it and

say that was good for David no that was

good for you because the same anointing

that was existing on David is available

to you the same anointing that exists on

this platform is available to you God is

no respecter of person he says you don’t

have to be TD jakes daughter you can be

joe brown’s daughter anybody can get

this anointing all you have to do is be

hungry enough to cry out for me from the

depths of your soul and say i don’t care

what it takes I don’t care what giant

stands in my way

what’s most important to me is that I

still have a chance I want you to put

your hand over your heart I want you to

fill that heartbeat over and over again

that’s your chance

that’s your forgiveness

that’s your restoration beating in your

chest over and over again the only one

who doesn’t fully see it is you the only

one who doesn’t fully understand it is

you every day you wake up and you saw

their heartbeat down in your chest know

that God is still with you every time

you wake up and that air fills your

lungs know that God still had the

promise to you his favorites still

hovering the oil is still flowing and it


to you this is a message to awaken the

fight down on the inside of you to make

you demand every thought every fear in

every insecurity to come under

submission to the knowledge of God and

that is that I’m righteous and I’m

forgiving and I’m not in this thing on

my own and there’s a chance not just for

me but for the generations connected to

me that he’s not into embarrassing

people or breaking them any further no

that’s not what he does sometimes he

pulls back in order to propel forward

sometimes he places us in the field

while he prepares the palace but I have

so much faith in who he is that

regardless of what my circumstances I’m

resting in the knowledge that all things

work together for my good that he has

plans for my life to prosper me and not

to harm me anytime I forget I’m gonna

put my hand on my chest because he set

this thing in motion 30 years ago 40

years ago 50 years ago and he’s been

faithful to see me for the same heart

that started in my mother’s womb has

been with me every day is my life just

like the presence of God I want you to

lift your hands I’m about to pray and

we’re going to receive something in this

room we’re going to receive a fresh win

to fight in this room we’re going to

receive a fresh wind of creativity in

this room and I can’t do this thing on

my own that means you’re going to have

to open up your heart and start

believing and having faith that this

message is not just for you it has

become you that this message was not

just about David I want you to put your

name and bring yourself to mine because

I believe that God wants to do something

in this place but he can only do it for

those who are willing I’m not going to

entertain you I can’t put on this show

this is my whole message from here you

have to take the ball and take off

running this is

like that it’s on you from this point to

take this word and let chains break off

of you it’s on you from this point to

start pulling down strongholds it’s on

you from here

to start demanding confidence it’s on

you to bring your mind in order it’s on

you to start signing up for help it’s on

you to get in the classroom and hone

your gift is on you it’s on you and so

you got wants to burn something but I

can’t push it for you it’s on you and on

us on you the oil has always been on you

the anointing has always been on you now

you’re going to walk in it like never

before now you’re going to manifest it

like never before it’s on you it’s on

you so Heavenly Father meet each and

every one of us right where we are

Dillons to the overflow oh god oh I feel

heaven flooding this place right now

whoa God we make a demand on the

anointing of God that exists within our

life and we say come forth Oh God

I speak rivers of living water down on

the inside of them to begin springing up

like never before O God let there be a

well I’ll review right now in the name

of Jesus the spirit of drought that it

seems that exists in the hearts of these

people and I speak overflow Oh God a big

saturating spirit Oh God let there be

fresh oil

Breschel for this fight fresh oil for

this Goliath forgive us God for giving

up on ourselves forgive us God for even

giving up on you

but God we know that we’re already

forgiven you’ve just been waiting for

this moment where our favor would

collide with opportunity and face would

be manifest Oh God we’re saying if

you’re going to do something send us O

God if you’re going to do something in

this earth let it be four months Oh God

let the rock cry out from what we do

will God let the world be changed by

what takes place in this room Oh God I

speak to the victor down on the inside

of these my brothers and sisters and I

say come forth right now in the name of

Jesus come forth right now in the name

of Jesus come forth right now in the

name of Jesus I rebuke everything you

know god I serve notice on every

negative thought Oh God

as a dream right now in the name of

Jesus Oh God

at the name of Jesus every knee shall

bow who as I’ve got a bow in the name of

Jesus the question has to bow in the

name of Jesus Farpoint hands the bow in

the name of demons suppression must bow

in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus

Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus the name above

all names season

Jesus Jesus even evidence that your

words from Jesus even resurrection power

the name of season great for my chemical

war Oh God saturating the sons and

daughters of God until the

order and they have the trip to get them

and the perseverance to have said

anything that comes this way

Heavenly Father these are your people

delivering that’s the sound of

deliverance I don’t know if you’ve ever

heard it before that’s the sound of

chains breaking it doesn’t sound like

Kling Klang is that my soul crying out

from the depths of their me that’s the

sound of deliverance like their special

Sabbath demons going down labrie that’s

this album change taking place not only


that’s what inside my wooden toy can hit

the room and heaven preserve


sounds like families restored it sounds

like hope returning it sounds like

somebody who’s been holding in tears for

so long finally getting released

it sounds like joy coming back it sounds

like heaven is touch earth in this room

and so God we just ask that you would

still this thing that you would planted

so deep down on the inside of us that

our fears can’t find it that our

insecurities can’t shake it

that pain can’t touch it let this thing

take root Oh God and produce fruit in

our lives so much fruit that people stop

and ask us what did it and how did it

happen and we’ll tell them it was you

God was tell him that you did it oh God

that we didn’t deserve it and we didn’t

earn it but we heard a word from God

that changed our life God let there be

proof from this moment and let’s have

preserving evidence to our families our

friends our communities their God our

nation in this scary world that God is

still doing something in the earth that

is not folktale and it’s not mythology

that God is still doing something in

this earth and I know it because he’s

doing it in my life and he’s doing it in

my own heart and so god I thank you for

what took place in this room for the

families that is a safe for the people

have been reminded of your love can you

praise God in his hands

can you worship them anything can you

think I’m like it’s already done

can you think I’m like the door was open

anything look like you’re going to be


can you think of that you got your right

mind that I’m back for dinner that I

know room I am and I know what I have to

do can you stay home

can I hit it down the worship trick you

break the music 44 seconds I want you to

continue worshiping I just want you all

to hear the sound the worship no music

no band I want you to hear the sound of

your own worship beckoning heaven down

into your situation because you’re not

going to have any music when you go back

in the world so what you are going to

have is your praise what do I want to

have in your worship and if you could

get a practice one right now then it

wouldn’t matter what news you get when

you leave this room because I know how

to summon heaven down in my situation I

know how to summon heaven down into my

pain pain don’t scare me

then lions and bears behind me I make a

demand on the anointing from heaven and

I don’t have to be in church to do it I

can do it in my car I can do it in my

bathroom I can do it in my apartment

home with me I’ll do own an airplane

because I know who’s working for me and

no giant can send ahead of me I want you

to hear this on the worship


because he inhabits the praises of his

people and when you pray he makes room

for you

he made room in your situation maybe

there’s no room in your situation

because there’s no praise in spite of

your situation and if you would start

praising me in spite of your situation

and I would have somewhere to live in

your life and if I had somewhere to live

in your life then I can begin to work on

your life but because you keep on

complaining and you don’t have room for

plays I don’t have room to do anything

but out there you can start praising in

spite of your situation I dare you to

make room for the king of kings and the

Lord of lords and the name that is above

every name I dare you to make room for

him anybody can get in this anointing

disloyal this deliverance is available

to you all the time and yeah you can

watch the podcast in here you can get on

YouTube but you don’t need any of that

you can tell God I need you right now

I need you right now I’m not playing any

longer I put down the toys I need you

right now I need you right in the middle

of this situation I can’t see without

you I can’t breathe without you I can’t

make any decisions without you I don’t

know what to do I don’t know who I am

I’m addictive god I can’t put the pipe

down I can’t put the drink down I need

you right now in this situation invite

him into your circumstance and see if he

doesn’t give you a strategy that’ll make

demons asleep and Giants whoa you

changed break

and strongholds come down may the Lord

bless and keep you may make his face to

shine upon you and be gracious towards

you may he lift up his countenance over

you and grant you Shalom


