Service Date: 12.31.19 New Year’s Eve 7PM



okay you’re still standing I know why

you’re still standing because I’ve got

some passages that I want to read that

will be the foundation of what I want to

talk about tonight I believe is that you

know I pray every year if you if you’ve

been to one of our New Year’s Eve

services make some noise silently and

our first time doing it together and

getting for Denver certainly had in

other years but our first time doing it

together in Denver was last year and can

we celebrate Denver Colorado one of the

greatest states in the world incredible

people incredible church I love you so


all right so every year I ask God what’s

up like seriously like that what’s going

on and and there’s this passage in the

scripture it talks about the sons of

Issachar and the unique grace that they

had was that they understood times and

seasons and what Israel ought to do or

the people of God ought to do the

context was the children of Israel we’ve

been grafted in to the Commonwealth of

Israel we are God’s people without a

shadow of a doubt we have been redeemed

by the blood of the Lamb we’ve been

grafted-in come awesome you have any

blood washed people in here you just

thank God for Christ he became

everything that kept you separate to God

and watch this not only separately God

but separate from the highest version of

you hello somebody

so Jesus died so that you can be you hey

come on somebody the highest version of

you and so we’re going from glory to

glory level to level into that perfected

identity in Christ because we were all

created in the image of God in the image

of his likeness and so not to operate

and to function the way God does is an

injustice and so Jesus came to put all

that in his own body and and allowed it

to be crucified and crushed on the cross

and put to death and then when he was

raised victorious you know we say it

every week come on when he was raised

victorious because we’re in him will

raise victorious – and we are on our way

things that used to have us don’t have

us anymore and we go from faith to faith

we go from level to level of wholeness

what an awesome God what an awesome

gospel what an awesome life anybody


for the life of the believer I am

redeemed I am renewed God’s got a plan

for me plans to cross for me and not to

harm me to give me a future and a hope a

future that transcends what eyes have

ever seen

what ears have ever heard you standing

next to somebody just this is just this

tiny neighbors are you somebody you

you’re really somebody turn to your

other neighbor and say you’re kind of a

big deal you’re kind of a big deal

you’re kind of a big deal you’re kind of

a big deal yeah you are yeah yeah you’re

a big deal to God here a big deal to me

you’re a big deal to this world if you

would align and your purpose in your

identity and I believe in 2020 and in

this decade you’re gonna be a bigger

deal than you’ve ever been before I

can’t wait to talk to you about that

this is the year I feel God this is the

year of revealing God is getting ready

to show some

I’m trying

the year of the reveal God is getting

ready to reveal you

I can’t do this I can’t do this I got a

lot a lot of ground to cover so I want

to draw your attention to three passages

of Scripture the first one is in Romans

8:19 if you’ve been in part of this

movement for any length of time you’ve

heard me quote this but I’m gonna call

it out the NIV this time the second is

Daniel chapter 12 verses three also on

the NIV the third is Matthew six verses

three through four here we go Romans

8:19 it says for the creation waits in

eager expectation for the children of

God to be saying together all of

creation that is the universe that is

everything that got created is in its

watch this is waiting in eager

expectation for the children of God

that’s you to be revealed this turn to

Darius a



what up Denver tada

Daniel chapter 12 verse 3 says those who

are wise will shine or shine those who

are wise will shine like the brightness

of the heavens and those who lead many

to righteousness

like the Stars forever and ever so we

got some revealing we got some shine and

come on somebody that that’s the age

that were what worker were coming into

Matthew 6 3 & 4 it says but when you do

a charitable deed do not let your left

hand know what your right hand is doing

that your charitable deed may be in

secret and secret and if your charitable

deed is in secret it says your father

who sees in secret will himself reward

you openly you may be seated before you

do turn to somebody say it’s show time

it’s it’s show time it’s it’s show time

hallelujah thank you Lord yes good to be

home hallelujah good to be back good to

be with my people hallelujah yes yes yes

yes I’ve always been intrigued by that

last passage that we read Matthew six

three and four because in it it Jesus

for the first time there introduces this

concept of that which is in sea

he introduces this idea about a secret

dimension Jesus speaks of of the secret

dimension if you do your charitable deed

in secret your father whose season

secret is going to reward you openly and

so so it’s always it’s been encouraging

to me at a very elementary level it’s

encouraging to me because it says that

that God doesn’t miss any good thing

that you do even if no one ever

acknowledges what you do in other words

if you do it in secret if it doesn’t

happen on the stage if you do it and you

don’t even get a thank you God is

keeping a track record of every good

thing that you do and in the process of

time he will reward you openly and so

it’s been encouraging to me that’s

always been encouraging to me because

it’s this idea of this this secret thing

in fact one of the things I’ve learned

to do is I tried not to do anything for

the acknowledgement of man but because

I’ve come to discover that God can do

things for me that man just cannot in

fact if you if you read that that

passage in its context it basically says

that if you don’t don’t do things for

men because if you do things for the

praise of men then you’ll get the praise

of man but that’s all you get you you’ll

get what man can do for you what man can

accomplish for you but if you do it for

God the blessing is unlimited so don’t

be in and this is for somebody you’ve

been doing things in secret and you feel

like you haven’t gotten any recognition

I just believe that we’re gonna step

into the season where God is going to

reward you openly for something you

sacrifice and did behind the scene you

just did it because it was right no I

haven’t need people you-you-you you know

people said you shouldn’t do it it

doesn’t make good business sense but it

was right it had integrity in it and

we’re moving into a season where God is

going to reward you openly for the right

that you did in private but beyond as it

relates to in secret beyond the fact

that God’s not going to miss any good

thing that you do what’s more

fascinating to me about that passage is

that it reveals not only that God sees

but the way that God sees and the way

that God sees is in secret and that’s

encouraging to me to know that God sees

in secret because that lets me know that

God even when I don’t see something that

will encourage me God does even right

now God sees something concerning you

you ever noticed so you ever wonder why

why you’ve never read a passage where

God was stressed out even that there’s

nothing even to suggest certainly my

experience of God perhaps in yours that

he even gets stressed out over you I

know that we try to humanize God and

bring God down to to what we would be if

someone did to us what sometimes we’ve

done to others but there’s nothing to

suggest that God is like even when we

are not living up to our identity in him

and it’s because he sees something so

even when you’re ready to give up on

yourself you got to recognize that God

is not ready to give up on you because

he sees you he knows the plans that he

has for you and he knows what he put in

you and he’s looking at that he’s not

looking at your mistakes he’s looking at

what he made and so so what I love about

this end secret thing is that that that

it’s the way that God sees God sees God

sees and secret and this text also draws

to my attention the fact that they are

this is important that they are too

uniquely interconnected realities the

secret realm and the revealed realm can

I teach a little bit there’s there’s the

secret realm and the revealed realm and

this dichotomy is referenced in proverbs

chapter 25 and 2 we’re going somewhere

tonight proverbs 25 and 2 says this I

love this one of my favorite passage of

Scripture it says it is the glory of God

to conceal a matter o God

it is the glory of God to conceal a

matter but the glory of kings is to

search out a matter like that what we

what’s going on

this is there’s this weird relationship

between the scene or the secret rather

and the scene the the the the hidden and

the reveal and they’re intertwined and

we see it right here in the text it says

it is to God’s glory

it makes God God it is a part of the

characteristics of God to hide stuff

it’s to his glory not to present to you

everything it wants because you got to

recognize that God is managing the

universe and not just the universe as

you know it but God is managing the

generations of the universe the

generations that were before you the

generations that will be after you he is

a strategic manager puppet master of the

universes and so so God doesn’t just he

hides stuff he doesn’t just give you at

once everything that’s in his mind Oh

hallelujah for a number of reasons it is

that the brilliance of God to function

and to operate that way it is the glory

it is to the glory of God to conceal a

thing but he doesn’t leave it there

there is this other verse juxtaposed

against that and it says yet it’s the

glory of kings or queens royalty the

children of God to search out the matter

and it’s interesting that word that was

translated search out is he reward of

course and it and it means to penetrate

so it is the glory of God to hide a

reality you can’t hide something that

doesn’t exist

hello we’re together

it is to God’s glory to make something

that is real invisible to you and it’s

to the glory of Kings to penetrate it to

somehow to some way and I’ll tell you

how through faith and faithfulness you

to pin the trait realms in order to get

what’s yours

two or three people ought to catch what

I just said it is true your glory it is

not to your glory that God shows you

things and it gives you things all at

once it is to your glory to stick it out

just search it out to become somebody in

the process while things are concealed

because it takes a special type of

person to penetrate into the revealed

dimension are we tracking together can

we go further and a little deeper and so

the secret realm we’ll talk about the

secret realm is is a reality that has

not been exposed yet so it’s real that’s

why God sees in it that’s why it is part

of the characteristic and the nature of

God to see in Adam and it’s how he sees

to God watch since everything is seen

what is hidden to you is seeing it is

evident to God’s wonderful that’s why

you got to trust God’s voice when he

tells you that something is there that’s

there even if you have to wait for it

the prophet aback it put it this way

though the vision Terry wait for it

because in the end it will speak because

that vision is for an appointed time

that excites me you mean to tell me all

the notes that I’ve been taken about

what God’s gonna do in my life things

that God has caused my heart to trust

and believe in every single thing that

God said to me is coming my way that’s

exactly what I’m telling you it is

on God’s calendar everything that God

spoke is going to show up in your life

at the appointed time if you believe it

holla at me real quick I let me I can’t

hear you didn’t fur I loud me Denver

holla at me LA how Adam if you’re

watching online whatever you are in fact

don’t holler at me you’ve got a praise

and a shout if you know everything he

spoke to you it’s making its way to it

all you gotta do just keep on walking

can we go further yeah

it’s reality it just hasn’t been exposed

yet there are two aspects we’re gonna go

further there are two aspects of the

secret realm I like for us to consider

two aspects of it the first aspect is

that there is a part of this secret

realm that we’re talking about that has

to do with who you and I are on the

inside I’m talking about our character

our inner character it’s it’s the

deepest it’s the deepest part of you

that’s when we’re back in in Matthew and

and he’s talking about

don’t let your left hand know what your

right hand is doing but but just this is

a good thing that you’re doing don’t let

anybody know just do it he’s talking

about character he’s talking about who

you are on the inside of you and what’s

interesting always kind of one’s like

what do you mean don’t let you left hand

know what your right hand you know what

does that mean – he didn’t hands talk no

he’s he’s using language to to help us

to understand that this level of inner

character this this level of inner self

is so intimate that I’d like to use the

phrase right-hand man right it’s my

right hand man right

wife of my right hand well man right and

I have other people that are my left you

know my my right you know but but it’s

to say that this part of you is so

intimate and so special that even what

is so close to you that it’s a part of

you cannot access this part of you I

gotta say that but I he’s he’s talking

about this place in you that is only in

God’s purview it’s it’s the place where

we connect with God we are all here

together in the corporate setting

Colorado corporate setting in California

and we are having a corporate experience

with the Lord

right we’re worshiping we’re hearing

from God we’re hearing things all I kind

of said that’s wonderful

but but that’s not really what God is

dealing with tonight God is dealing with

the deepest part of you your your secret

place that no one understands but you

and the Lord this is the one aspect of

of being in secret it’s this it’s just

part of you it’s it’s your it’s your

your inner character and and and I might

add as a caveat to throw this alongside

make certain that your secret realm that

part of you is working for you and not

against you and we’re gonna talk about

that later because that’s what God sees

God looks at the heart he’s looking at

the he’s not he doesn’t care what you

put on he doesn’t care what you drive it

doesn’t care where you live that’s not

that that doesn’t mean thing to him

because he understands the temporary

nature of it there’s a passage that says

the man looks at all of that mail until

the outer period enough wrong with that

but he’s saying that’s not what I look

at he says I look at the heart and what

I love about God is that he doesn’t look

at the heart to condemn you

he looks at the heart to prayerfully buy

his spirit by his presence by his eye

and by his direction cause you to be who

he’s created you to be

I got I got to get through this and get

to this and so we talk about these two

aspects of the secret realm one is your

inner character it’s the deepest part of

you right the second one is this there’s

a part of this thing that we are calling

the secret realm that has to do with the

realities that God has hidden until at a

point of time there are realities right

now right now watch this these are

things that are not getting ready to

happen these are not things that God is

getting ready to do these are things

that God has actually all ready done

they are just as real as me standing

there but they are reserved unto a point

of time and so they hang out in the

secret realm and God is believing that

you will trust him

enough to know that what he spokes is

not will be are you tracking are you

tracking and this is where the revealing

of the sons come in that we looked at

and the promise of the wise shining

because these are these moments that I’m

describing our God or day moments for

God to to reveal who you are to the

effect of the transformation of

everything around you the reason why

this season of revealing is so important

is because you are God’s strategy to

change the earth are you track with me

you’re like I want I want I want I want

I want you to do well I want what might

lead my spiritual leaders are my my

social leaders or or maybe my political

leaders or whatever I want

I want you know that the leaders in

business or the leaders

technology you know just you you’re

putting pressure oftentimes we put

pressure on other people to do what God

has anointed us to do everybody in here

God’s plan for your life is to be a part

of the transformation of everything

around you that’s why it is so vital

that you are revealed because they’re

people depending on you I feel that

you’re gonna shine do you know family if

you do this thing right you change

everything around you oh man can we talk

for a minute if you do this thing right

if church is it goes beyond being

inspired right you know and as look we

all need to be inspired and that wrong

with that but I thought about going

beyond that if you will understand that

this is really about becoming that this

is really about becoming who God knew

before he put us in our mother’s womb if

we will really take God at His Word and

lean in and become everything that he

says that we are everything around you

watch this will change I’m trying to

move butBut I feel something on that if

you do this thing right

your family will change your community

will change I feel this you’re sick

everything that comes your way will

change if you do this thing right you’ll

be in the airport changing lives you’ll

be in Costco changing lives you’ll be in

chick-fil-a changing lives and you won’t

even know it necessarily it’ll just be

happening I feel that everything around

you’ve got to be who God’s calling we

got a lot of ground cover

yeah a lot of ground cover you are God’s

strategy you’re his strategy we’ll move

on that there is always a revealing of

what God promises and foretells there’s

always a revealing I was thinking about

you know how the scripture says it say

that God God is the Potter and we are

the clay right

and and and and he so he’s the Potter

and we are the clay and I have a

question for you

what Potter exists for the sake of just

spinning clay all day the purpose of the

pot is not to potter’s not to spin clay

the purpose of the Potter is to produce

masterpieces oh I wish you definitely

said that the purpose of clay is to not

simply sit there and beat clay the

purpose of clay is to become something

so the partnership between God and man

the partnership between the potter and

clay is to ultimately come to this


where there is a revealing of what was

in the Potters mind from the very

beginning do me a favor

Shou time being revealed I’m being

revealed and and so the reveal has

always been the plan and sometimes what

happens is we have been on the wheel for

so long that we lose sight of the fact

that a masterpiece is coming so we

become so satisfied and I get this we’re

satisfied in the development we’re so

satisfied in the development that we

forget that the development is for the

reveal guys working on me yes I know

that but he’s also wants to reveal you

he’s not working just to be working

there is something in God’s mind about

you and about your life and about your

community and about your legacy I feel

God and that’s what he is producing are

we tracking together the reveal mm-hmm

you’re not just working on you and we’re

you me you know and just you know it’s

the reveal and all of creation is

eagerly waiting for Showtime baby and I

believe we’re stopping it

a decade we’re stepping into an era when

it’s getting ready to be Showtime for

God’s people if that’s your word you’ve

got about 5 seconds of free Showtime

baby rehearsal is over

Showtime I’m telling you it’s true

mm-hmm now I want to reveal some

practical things to you really quickly

we’re almost done here another four

hours and we’ll be finished

I want to reveal to you some practical

things as I was praying God show me what

you’re doing show me what you’re up to

and here is let me just give you a

disclaimer right now true

prophetic words are ambiguous with

respect to discerning this specific

timing let’s say that again so what

we’re talking about

the year you know and everybody’s 20/20

and clarity vision or whatever that’s

fine it’s wonderful right but but we

don’t really understand what’s this the

difference between a day a year a decade

and the millennium why because remember

what does God do he hides things he

conceals things you’re in when Jesus

over over an accent and the disciples

were asking you you know will that be

the time we all was that way to be the

consolation of Israel and he’s like no

no I know he probably didn’t say it like

that don’t nobody know don’t nobody know

that man no he talked about how it was

the father how the father was the only

one who had had perfect insight on the

timing of things so when we talked about

the year we could be talking about a day

we could be talking about a decade we

could be talking about a millennia so no

one truly has a corner on the precise

timing even as we give a prophetic word

can I talk to you like that for real so

I’m speaking I’m declaring this is a

year revealing but it might be a decade

it might be a lifetime because to be

honest with you maybe it

take a lifetime for God to fully reveal

you to the optimum so I just want to put

that disclaimer out there really quickly

let me tell you what he told me was

gonna happen in this era in this age in

this time right it’s gonna be a time of

really six things that I saw one is

vindication it’s gonna be a time of

vindication right that’s why the Bible

says vengeance is mine so don’t don’t

try to you know fight and all that kind

of stuff and get back and don’t do that

God will then define wind he will

vindicate you ving defied that was a

word God will min defy him he’s gonna

vindicate you he’s gonna do it you you

were I feel the Spirit of God just

received us prophetically you have been


you’ve been misunderstood you have been

and who I’m talking to you I’m talking


you’ve been misunderstood you have been

people have put stuff on you that’s not

even you it is the most frustrating

thing when someone who doesn’t even know

you put something on you that’s not it’s

just it’s terrible because you and you

end up trying to defend yourself within

wait why am I trying to defend myself

and get someone who doesn’t even know me

and I hear God saying I’m gonna

vindicate you let me tell you something

there is nothing that anybody can put on

you that will stop God from what God is

gonna don’t win you’re right God’s gonna

vindicate you you’re worried about your

reputation and I hear God’s saying watch

this I hit you I hit you I hit you the

whole time I hit you because I’m getting

ready to reveal you

to the right people to the right seeds

and to the right situations vindication

there’s going to be a time to

vindication he also said it’s going to

be a time it’s gonna be time with some

of you are gonna go from watches from

overlooked to can’t be missed brush I

feel I feel good if that’s your work I

don’t have to preach it that’s your word

just catching from overlooks to can’t be

miss those who are wise will shine

because she did it in secret because she

did it in secret because you didn’t give

up because you didn’t get weary in your

well doing because you held on to your

integrity because you held on to your

character because you didn’t give up on

God because you said no to the right

things and yes to the right things ah

telling you God is dead

ready so revalue see here is the thing

you are never overlooked you just hidden

feel God I feel like dancing in God’s

house today you will never overlook

being overlooked is just a feeling how

can you be overlooked when God sees is

secret can’t be missed

I’m coming through baby I’m coming

through shining not on my own shot it’s

gonna be God’s shine on my life and I’m

gonna start attracting thanks to me

everything if god that’s a sign of my

life it’s coming to me I’m getting ready

to side-side-side shine come on somebody

this with a line of mine

but it ain’t gonna be no little lights

the Bible says the path of the just is

like a shining Sun that shines brighter

and brighter on to the perfect day from


– can’t be miss hmm has run through

these God said is gonna be a time of

vindication there’s gonna be a time from

going from overlook to can’t be I almost

can’t get off that


you serve a big Oh God he is the great I

am see you wanted to shine in your own

time by your own means and God says

we’re gonna do it like that I’m gonna

put my shot I’m gonna put my shine on

you in my timing because this shine will

never dull a man cannot control this Sun

then some people shine I can’t wait to

get to my next one there’s some people

shining right now but it’s not even a

real shine it’s a reflection it’s not

even the real thing because this sign

that I’m talking about is from the in

side Wow

it’s in the same place it’s in a secret

place I don’t need nobody to put their

light on me oh I don’t need you wanna

put the light on me God has already put

he’s like

and when he gets ready to turn that

thing out

there is no darkness


that we’ll be able to overwhelm the

light that is me I am a light jesus said

you are the light of the world you don’t

have light


I feel like someone wants to break out

of here

I said imma be nice and and real

reserved today but I feel the Spirit of

God in this house after my cabins right

this comes down

your sign is coming

your light is coming arise

glory of the Lord is rising upon you


uh-huh you thought the shine was what’s

gonna come from outside

God said nah brah no sir

no man it’s gonna come from the inside

out I got to protect this light I I

can’t make you bling too soon Ellis

that’s some people in here and you are

God’s secret weapon I feel the Lord I’m

about to go crazy in here

you’ve been hidden on the backside of

the desert like Moses God was protecting

your shine but the revealing is coming

revealing is coming the real thing the

thing that you don’t have to compromise

for the real thing


hmm it’s gonna be a time of also

balancing the scales equality the scales

are being balanced we already see scales

are being balanced things are gonna

start adding up this is the season of

the faithful underdog the faithful

wonder dog or the Spirit of God it’s

gonna be a time of justice and judgment

justice and judgment we’re afraid that

word judgment because we get all spooked

out now a judgment judgment is when God

reveals what is him and what’s not

they led by sheep who


this is a season for the real people not

the fridge and the people God is going

to reveal everything every fraudulent

and I don’t want to call an individual

fraud every fraudulent motive every

fraudulent business connection

everything that is fraudulent God is

gonna rip a lot

God is gonna reveal it in this season

for God’s people man let me tell you

something it’s gonna be hard for fraud

to do business with you cuz you’re just

gonna be fine and stuff like because

this is the age of the revealing

exposure that shine God’s gonna expose

some things right and when something is

revealed what its exposed there will be

on and amazing it that’s awesome that’s

wonderful but let’s be honest there’s

also gonna be shocking disappointment

this is the world but it’s always good

to have truth uh I would rather I’d

rather have an ugly truth than a pretty


I I got a move I got a move to this and

here’s the last like thing that that God

showed me and I’m sure he’s showing you

things as well no one has a corner on

everything that God is doing in an age

right but God he told me to specifically

God’s gonna reveal what’s truly valuable

and what is it he’s gonna reveal what

what truly has value and what just is

purporting to have value right God’s

gonna show you that there’s some things

that you have held in high regard that

are actually worthless can I tell the

truth from prophesy tonight and and and

then he’s gonna show you that there are

other things that you despised or fought

a little of that are actually the most

value mark my words

that’s balance that’s gonna balance

that’s that’s judgment that’s just as oh

I thought that that was worthy of

investing all of my time all of my

energy all of my focus and you’re going

to get it and say I have nothing and

then that thing that you said was

nothing was insignificant not not

important not worth your time and your

energy God is going to reveal that see I

feel there’s treasure in what you call

trash you’re gonna find treasure in what

you used to call trash are you tracking

with me mm-hmm I want to dig a little

deeper we’re almost done I want to dig a

little deeper into this thought of

revealing now let’s go to Romans 8 and

19 real quick we’re almost done I’m

gonna dig a little deeper load deeper

dr. Romans 8 and 19 here we go I just

want you to get this revealing how this

revealing thing works so when it says

for the creation waits in eager

expectation for the children of God to

be revealed that were revealed is an

interesting word it’s a Greek word and

it’s the Greek word apocalypsis and we

have always associated the apocalypse


with doom that Greek word literally

here’s what that word means

it literally means disclosure doesn’t

mean doom it just means disclosure it

means the it means to be revealed it

means to be manifest there’s another

Greek word in fact that was translated

manifest it was translated in English

the word manifest is the Greek word for

narrow and it literally means watch this

I love this it means to make a parent to

make a parent that was doesn’t it

doesn’t say to make it’s to make a

parent to disclose to to make obvious

what was once hidden and that’s what

he’s gonna do with some of you and okay

I didn’t start landing this this plane

I’ll say it again there’s some people in

this room and your true your God secret

weapon your God secret weapon you’ve

been through some stuff you’ve been on

the backside of some desert you seen

most you seen the least likely forgot to

use mightily my I mean the least you and

the left you’re like David right we’re

never going to anoint the king right the

next King David was so unlikely that

they didn’t even call him out he was the

son of Jesse right it’s like everybody

else but when they came to bring out the

sons to be anointed they didn’t bring

him in the room that’s some of you yours

I feel that you’re his secret when

you’ve been through some stuff and there

were angels watching out for you there

were angels


covering you the entire time the entire

time okay we got it we got it we gotta


there are also some thoughts in that

Daniel passes that I want that I want to

point out really quickly let’s go to

head Daniel chapter 12 verse three

really quickly really quickly and then

I’m gonna give you some I’m gonna give

you an exercise and then we’re gonna be

we’re gonna be out I give you an

exercise with no stretch no that’s not

what I meant so Daniel 12 and three

threes like this he says those who are

wise shall shine like the brightness of

the heavens and those who lead many lead

many to righteous me shining when I

shine it allows me to lead some of your

gonna be more effective in this new

season because of your leadership is

coming to you because of your shine

God’s gonna it’s almost like a switch

he’s gonna turn a switch on something is

gonna come out of you and people are

gonna begin to follow you and you’re

gonna lead them into the right things

but but that’s not what I brought you

there for study that on your own I want

to talk about this word wise because I

think this this this is important this

work wise so the word wise the Hebrew

words to call and it means circumspect

and hence intelligent in other words to

be circumspect and there’s something

about being circumspect that makes you

wise or intelligent what does it mean to

be circumspect the English word

circumspect was borrowed from the Latin

word circumspect us which comes from its

origin is circumcision it means watch

this it means to be cautious so the

basic meaning of that word circumspect

which is what the text is calling this

wise person and this wise person is the

one who’s going to shine this one and

the shine and ultimately people the

righteousness going to shine brighter

than anything that’s to you right the

basic meaning of that Latin word is to

look around is to look around and so so

that word speaks to being alert and I

believe in this season we’re gonna have

to be alert very alert right it means to

be aware and this sees

we’re gonna have to be aware we can’t

just be we can’t just go with the just

with the flow because here is the thing

if you don’t have a strategy for your

life you’re gonna be a part of somebody

else’s strategy they’re people selling

books right now about you how to

manipulate you how to get you to do this

how to get you to do that and so so

watch this so if you are just you know

what what Napoleon Hill called a drifter

if you are just a drifter then you’re

it’s gonna seem like you’re doing

nothing but you are gonna be doing

something you’re gonna be doing exactly

what somebody created a system for you

to do in their strategy are you tracking

with me and so you got to be aware you

got to be alert you got to be paying

attention you know he says you got to

look around you you got to be searching

right you got to be discerning you got

to be asking but I felt God was saying

that it’s not just looking around and

your present circumstance although that

is true and it is a meaningful

instruction but I believe he’s also

talking about looking around this is

important looking around via inquiring

and asking questions about your previous

season mm-hmm looking around not just

looking around in your present but

looking around as we were getting ready

to step into a new decade I don’t

believe that you and I are ready for

what’s next until we have accurately

assess what was hindsight is 20/20 but I

also think is gonna prepare you for

20/20 you don’t want things that I

noticed and my father-in-law brought

this to my attention and it was just it

was just an epiphany

but most people only see in years so

it’s about the Year this and 2020 is my

year but I learned that that wise people

see in decades

oh you got get this yeah I’ll get this

hey get this what wise people don’t see

in years they have a decade mentality

and sometimes the most profound people

have a generational mentality and having

for me having a decade mentality keeps

me from throwing in the towel or being

completely thrown off when I have a bad

year anybody ever had a difficult year

but but see when I have when I have a

decade mentality

I still got a 90% chance of having the

good decade are you tracking with me and

and and what I’ve learned what I’ve

learned is that is that if you tally up

not just last year but the last 10 years

for the most part you will notice an

upward trend kind of like the stock

market right stock market does this it

does this but if you watch it over a

decade or if you watch it over two

decades typically most of the time

almost all the time nine and I buy mine

99% of the time you will notice that it

is done this some of you are to give God

a praise not just for last year but you

want to give God a praise for the last

10 years because of you look at where

you come from baby

your life has trended upwards and if you

didn’t in one area baby he did it in

another area I’m wiser than I was 10

years ago and I understand a lot of

times people so young they don’t have

enough decades under than the thinking

decades I get it but once you hit 30

you got at least one decade that you can

do an analysis on how are you trackin

with me

think about it they don’t talk about

1977 they talk about the 70s they don’t

talk about 1985 they talk about the

eighties the 60s the 70s the 80s the 90s

the thousands of the tens and now you

gotta have a decade mentality but in

order to look forward sometimes you got

to look back and this is my exercise for


it’s my exercise for you and my

father-in-law we were just talking to

spend some time with him last weekend

and he was like yeah yo young people

y’all just look at years Tory he said

you got a look at decades on and I say

why because if you look over if you look

over the decades it’s a completely

different picture it is almost to

shortchange yourself and to deceive

yourself by only looking at the year so

we challenge me and I’m gonna challenge

you to do an analysis over the previous

decade and in doing so here are the four

questions that I want you to ask so that

we can step into 20/20 so we can step

into 20/20 our best self what did I lose

in the last decade be honest be real

well I lose what did I gain it’s so

important what a game what did I learn

uh-huh what I learned what did the last

decade teach me and then if you’re able

to what was the theme of my last decade

mine was alignment theme of the last

decade for me was alignment it was I

lost some things and I gained some

things and when you do the math you

realize that you trended up once I

learned some things and so that you why

is it so important I’m done why is it so

important to do an analysis of the last

decade it’s so that you can step into

this decade the very best version of

yourself and that’s what I want for you

this is a decade thing baby

and you made it you made it you made it

to the season of the reveal you didn’t

quit you didn’t give up and you didn’t

die you are still here God is not

finished with you and I believe he saved

the best for last

come on stand with me if you would I

want to pray for you hallelujah if

you’re here if you’re here and you felt

God was speaking to you and you just say

you know what I receive I receive that I

receive that this is the year but this

is the decade that this is the season

that this is my time to be revealed and

by faith right I’m gonna penetrate it by


i’ma press into it I want you to come

and meet me here at this altar if that’s

you the second point of this invitation

is if you here and and you heard about

this being a season of revealing and

exposing and and those secret things not

being a secret anymore and you want to

bring some things to God that are in

your secret place not in the thing you

tell your mom and your daddy your sister

your brother your husband your wife

whatever things that you know if they

were to be exposed right now it would be

traumatizing it wouldn’t be where you

want to be and you say you know what god

I want to bring my my secret things to

you because I don’t want anything to

delay my reveal if that’s you I want you

to meet me here at this altar as well

don’t worry about who’s looking

something’s gonna happen

and the third point this invitation is

if you’re here and you don’t know the

Lord you got to know God and you can’t

know God you you you won’t necessarily

be able to put God in a box and define

God and know everything there is to know

about God that’s not going to happen

that would make you god but you can have

enough of a relationship with him

through his son by the Spirit of God you

have the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit

will lead you and the Holy Spirit will

feed you in the Holy Spirit will talk to

you just like I’m talking to you now

the spirit will whisper to you truths

the spirit will make you wise beyond

your years the spirit the spirit will

reveal the hidden things the spirit will

make things that look on paper and not

look good look good on paper not look

good in your art and you’ll know there’s

there things family that I have missed

that I would have not missed and I mean

miss and it was a grace that I missed it

had I not had the spirit in other words

my calculations that the criteria that I

have for business the criteria that I

have for relationships all that all

those things checked off but there was a

check in my spirit see one thing you got

to realize is the Holy Spirit is

all-wise he knows not just what is but

what will be and so sometimes you’re

buying into what looks good now but in

10 years it’ll be your worst nightmare

so I’m talking about having a

relationship with the Holy Spirit I am

NOT interested at all in getting you to

subscribe to religion that’s not my deal

that can be your deal wonderful whatever

right there I’m talking about truly

having a relationship with the creator

of the universe a god that knows you in

fact the God that had his hands on you

before he puts you in your mother’s womb

God you didn’t start with mom and dad

you started as a as a thought in God’s

mind and in God and his wisdom said I

need in order for you to be you I got to

hook these two people up but it didn’t

really have much to do with those two

people per se of course there was some

significant there or he wouldn’t have

used them but it’s God’s thought you are

God’s thought and if I am God’s thought

that I need his thoughts by his Spirit

to lead me into Who I am what I need to

be doing what I need to be focused on

who I need to be connected to what moves

to make what city to live in

what business to start what business to

end what relationship to initiate what

relationship to shut down that’s what

we’re offering so if you’re here and you

say I want to have a relationship with

God I wanna do this thing by myself I

want to be covered I want to be covered

i I want to show up in life with

confidence because I know I’m not by

myself and not because somebody told me

but because I feel him I feel God on the

inside of me saying wonderful things to

me about me saying I got you saying no

weapon formed against you shall prosper

then if you abide in the secret place

you’ll be under my shadow I got you


a thousand might fall at your right side

outside and ten thousand bye

but it will not come near you the spirit

that will make you say like the word

says in Psalm 27 the Lord is my light

and my salvation whom shall I fear the

Lord is the strength of my life I’m

talking about a relationship that will

give you confidence in any room in any

season and any people feel god voice of

God in your life that’s you and you say

I want that I don’t want to step in the

20/20 without the voice of God I don’t

want to step into 2020 without a

relationship with God I want you to come

and get as close to this alter as you


come on dimmer I see

if you hear and you say I need to

rededicate my life to God I need to

rededicate my life to God I’m not I will

not I refuse I refuse to start another

year in the same place and I see God

like the father in the prodigal son

story with his arms open like this watch


saying I knew you’d be back because I

see in secret I saw this after the Lord

I saw this day here’s God’s Word to you

you didn’t disappoint me I can’t be


it takes ignorant to be disappointed did

you catch that the only way for you and

I got to be disappointed as if they

expected something that didn’t happen

therefore God cannot be disappointed

because God knows the end from the

beginning there’s nothing hidden he sees


God is not disappointed who am I talking

to come home come on come on if you’re

in LA come on you’re in Denver come home

come home I see you coming come home

come home play fix pray father for

sending this word that reminded us that

our light is still done on the inside of

us father we thank you for preserving

that light over the last decade that

fear couldn’t take it away that

depression couldn’t remove it that

disappointment didn’t shake it father

you kept that light alive when we

thought we were going at things by

ourselves and for that we say thank you

before we ask for anything else before

we step into this next decade father

first we want to say thank you thank you

for being a keeper when no one else

could be a keeper thank you for helping

us to make a way when everyone else

turned there

Bax Ana’s father it was you that kept

that light burning down on the inside of

us now father as we step into this next

dimension I feel that prophetically for

somebody this is not just the next

decade this is the next dimension and

next dimension of who you are the next

dimension of what you’re going to do in

the earth you thought you were coming to

the end and I hear God’s saying you were

breaking through to the next dimension

so father when we break into this next

dimension we had that you would take

anything away from us that were dear to

that might that is tell on the inside of

us and that that light would burn so

bright that we would draw

father we want to be a monument for your

glory silly accent you want to break

every thoughts that you would break

every generational curse that you were

to break everything that is keeping us

from standing in this light father we

received this identity we receive your

glory over our lives and we ask that you

would uproot anything that wages war

against what you already know and that

you would give us strength father to

seek out those mysteries to seek out

those glories that you know about us

even if we have to do it alone by the

words turning our face to you not

towards a deal not towards a

relationship we’re turning our face to

you and we’re asking that you would

reveal us to us that we may come to

understand what you’ve always known

about us

and that we would step with authority

and power into every situation every

opportunity every relationship because

something took place as you were

preaching this word that reminded us

that you’re still with us someone came

in here with a friend that came in here

by themselves of a father they’re

leaving with you let this just be the

beginning of a revealing that takes

place over the ages and over the years

seal this word father let it take root

and let it produce fruit in Jesus name

hallelujah anybody believe that prayer

is real that God hears and answers

prayers I believe that something

happened to you

some happy tonight listen Happy New Year

can we give it up come on Denver come on

LA Happy New Year we love you this is

going to be an incredible year and

unlike ever before and you

we’ll shine for Jesus’s glory god bless

you love you so much see you Sunday

love you
