Dr. Tony Evans speak about Your Future and Your Hope. Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

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God has a plan for you and it’s a great

one and it involves his goodness and

that calamity

that’s what Jeremiah 29:11 says and it

applies to you today I want to show you

how hello this is Tony Evans with the

alternative and I’m so excited to be

coming your way today with God’s Word so

that you can see that he really does

have a plan for you in spite of how

things may look right now I don’t know

of a great or more encouraging scripture

or message that I could give to you than

the one from Jeremiah 29:11 so let’s

jump right into it and find a little


for your tomorrow I have talked to any

number of people who are living with a

sense of hopelessness am I ever going to

get to where I’m supposed to be I’m

never going to get it right and how

we’re going to like ever going to work

for me they’ve lost the sense of hope

well my sermon for the day is taken from

one verse that is it’s the Kois one

verse it’s just to encourage you as you

move on in the journey Jeremiah 29 verse

11 somebody didn’t read that verse I hid

Jeremiah 29 verse 11 here’s what it says

well Jeremiah so let me give you a

little time if you’re in a New Testament

you’re in the wrong place

for I know the plans that I have for you

declares the Lord plans for welfare or

well-being or good not for calamity or

bad or evil to give you a future and to

give you a hope now you ought to feel a

little better right now I know the plans

I have for you declares the Lord now I

know somebody saying I’m glad somebody

knows them I know the plans I have for

you declares the Lord and let me tell

you this much they’re not for bad

they’re for good I am going to give you

a future a tomorrow and a hope

you ever seen people who have lost their

hope you lose your hope because you

don’t see a future this verse is found

in a bad chapter this is not a great

verse in a great chapter this is a great

verse in a bad chapter so if you’re

having a bad life this is a good verse

Israel is in captivity in Babylon verse

4 in the chapter says thus saith the

Lord of hosts the God of Israel to all

the exile whom I have sent in exile from

Jerusalem to Babylon this verse is to

people who have been placed in exile in

judgment for rebelling against God

they’re under there under the

disciplining hand of God for their sins

they’re being spanked if you will

they’re there day after day month after

month and year after year and there is

no solution in sight to make it worse

the place where they are being

incarcerated their circumstance is as

pagan as you can get Babylon is not

where the Christians hung out this was

pagan evil idolatrous it was a terrible

place to have to live especially if you

were an Israelite so they’re being

judged for their sins they’re in a pagan

land and on top of all that the Bible

says and the preachers were leading them

astray verse 8 says without said the

Lord of hosts the God of Israel do not

listen to your prophets who are in your

midst and your diviners deceive you and

do not listen to the dreams which

a dream for they prophesy falsely to you

in my name and I have not sent them

declares the Lord

today’s a lot of folks out here giving

folks false hope in the name of God he

says they prophesy in my name come here

give your tires get rich you serving God

you not going to get sick that’s false

prophecy it’s not true never has been

true and it never will be true but you

see when people need hope because all

hope is gone they’re listening about


come on y’all have out cuz when people

don’t have hope and they search out of

the emptiness and other they pain and he

says they were false prophets

in this case we’re taking advantage of

that and misusing it and abusing it of

course God heals of course God blesses

that’s not what I mean I mean to give

people the impression that serving God

means there are no problems that’s a lot

and they haven’t been serving God long

they are

these people in a desperate situation

negative circumstances divine discipline

a pagan land and are being led astray by

the prophets it is in the midst of this

hopelessness that verse 11 finds itself

it is in the midst of this

discouragement verse 11 comes it’s in

the midst of this pain verse 11 shows up

and I know the plans I have for you if

you’re here looking for Hope

particularly in our series we’ve been

relating it to your purpose you’re tired

of aimlessness wandering meandering and

you want to know God which way do you

want me to go cuz I want to go there

it’s not a matter of me not going it’s

just I don’t know where to go I’m

confused as to where to go I can’t

listen to the prophets cuz they’re not

telling me right I can’t listen to the

Babylonians cuz they don’t know God you

ticked off at me that’s the reason I’m

in the mess in the first place what’s

the man supposed to do

where do you find this hope verse 11

says I know the plans I have for you I

know the plans I have for you I know the

plans I have for you now why is that

important because God says I still have

a plan it’s not over how do you know God

still has a plan for you simple you hear

you can assume I’m right if you hear the

plan is still operative you say but you

don’t know about my past

well they had a bad past and God says I

know the plans I have for you yeah gob

you understand they don’t know the plans

you have for me

your greatest lessons in faith will be

learned in the dark see somebody

somebody somebody didn’t get your

greatest faith lessons will be learned

in the dark it is when you don’t know

what in the world God is doing how he’s

doing it why is taking so long to get it


when God is taking you off the most is

when you’ve got to trust him the more

because he says I know something you

don’t know I know the plans I have for

you I know it may look dark right now I

know it may be unclear exactly where you

hid it I know it may be unclear exactly

where God is taking you it may be

pitch-black outside hold on because when

God moves you’ll know it but he says I

know the plans I have for you even

though you’re being disciplined even

though you’re in a pagan industry you’re

in a pagan environment even though maybe

the church isn’t doing your rights

I know to plan ahead will return for

more of today’s message right after this

special announcement from dr. Evans

friends I am so delighted for the

privilege God gives me to speak into

your life and and I hope that you

believe that through what we do God is

speaking into your life to do what we do

however does take a lot of expense and

and of course that means that the cost

has to be met from those who are

ministered to through this ministry

if God have indeed blessing you and

others that you know when you come

alongside and become one of our friends

one of our partners either monthly or

annually to say we’re gonna stand with

you as you preach the word as you train

leaders as you build churches as you

reach into communities through the

adopted school initiative we’re going to

stand with you as you develop resources

for the spiritual growth of people

because of what is happening in my life

and the life of folks that I know that

you are standing with us we need to hear

that message from you because that’s a

vote for us to keep doing what we’re

doing and to keep doing it even better

the opportunities that are before us are

on Legion we’re being called on in every

dimension of strength in the family to

see lives transformed to speak into

churches that are needing to know which

way to go and even speak into the

culture that is in chaos and we’re

committed to speak into all of those

areas because we believe that there is

an agenda

we call it the kingdom agenda that God

wants to infuse in all of those areas we

can do that with your help so for me to

you thank you by faith for your

investment of prayers and generous

financial support to this ministry so

that we can keep our ministry strong and

blessing many more people thank you and

God bless

we now return to today’s message

I know the plans I have for you God has

a plan for you I know you don’t know it

the details are obscure I know that it’s

not fully fleshed out I know that all of

these things are coming at you right now

and you may want to pull out your hair

in the midst of your confusion God says

I have a plane and I know it he does

give you just a little bit information

though here’s what he says its plans for

welfare not for calamity he says it

involves a future it involves your

tomorrow and it’s a plan that has hope

in it

that’s good news God has got your

tomorrow covered even though you haven’t

been there yet

he has already scoped out tomorrow and

he has come back to tell you he has the

plan for tomorrow already scoped out I

know it’s dark don’t walk off I have a

future for you so what do you mean you

want me to sit back and just do nothing

no because he spends verses 5 on telling

them no no I don’t want you to do

anything I want you nothing he gives me

a few things to do he says verse 5 build

houses and live in them

plant gardens and he step eat their

produce become as productive as you

possibly can

don’t sit and do nothing do all that is

at your hand to do if it says plant

gardens and eat their produce maximize

your potential all that there is that

you can do all that there is to do do

that maximize what is before you and

become productive why are you waiting on

God to make your change come why are you

waiting on God to turn things around

maximize the moment carpe diem seize

this moment a lot of us while waiting

for God are doing nothing when there is

plenty to do there’s only one time you

do nothing and that is when there’s

nothing you can do there’s nothing you

can do you do nothing but if God has

given something at your hand to do you

do it with all of your might you say but

I don’t see where this effort is pulling

things off that’s because you haven’t

seen the rest of the story I have a

future I have a hope

he goes on he says take wives and become

the fathers of sons and daughters and

take wives for your sons or your

daughters and let them bear sons and

daughters and multiply their do not

decrease he says be productive and then

he says multiply become as fruitful as

you possibly can

even though you’re in a pagan land and

even though you’ve messed up he says

verse 7 seeks the welfare of others find

out how you can be a blessing seek the

welfare of the city and which I have

sent you in exile pray to the Lord’s

behalf in its welfare is your welfare

that’s it that’s key as you are being a

blessing you are setting yourself up to

be blessed as you are being a blessing

one of the reasons we lose hope is

because the only person we concerned

about is ourselves and if you mess up

and the only person you see is you then

you helping you to destroy you see if

you mess up and the only person you see

is you then you are helping you to do

you in okay somebody didn’t get it if

you messed up and your focus is you you

are helping you to do you in he said

seek the welfare of others become a

blessing why are you waiting on me for

you in spite of their circumstances they

were to be productive and they were to

impact others he says in verse 12 and 13

then you will call on me and come and

pray to me and I will listen to you and

you will seek me and find me when you

search for me with all your heart

now we don’t quite read a verse like

that we read it when you seek the

solution you’ll find the solution when

you search for the solution with all of

your heart that’s not what the verse

says when you seek me you’ll find me if

you search for me God said I have the

plans don’t go looking for the plans

look for me I know where I put them

the Bible says why he was sleep God

performed an operation he went over and

slid open his side now I know you know

the story it says he took a rib the

Hebrew word for rib means side so Adam

is only half the man he used to be so he

land there with half of him gone the

Bible says and God went over and

fashioned a woman the Hebrew word for

fashioned means to build so when a man

says about a woman she sure is built

he’s being very biblical at that point

– fashion means to use intricate details

in order to form in such a way as to

complement that which it is being built

for it means to be built with the ideal

specifications for the other party

Adam is sleep

Eva’s fashion in fact the Bible says

when God created the man it says he

picked up the dust of the earth to soak

through it together he does not use the

Hebrew word for fashion when it comes to

the creation of the man only fashion

when it comes to the Gration of the

woman because he had to create a

detailed complement with unique

specifications so y’all having too much

fun today okay so Adam asleep

eva’s fashioned made uniquely for him

it opens up her eyes that she don’t know

anything about a male or a man the only

thing she knows about is her creator

because that’s the only thing she’s been

exposed to now the reason I know she had

know anything about a man is because the

Bible says God brought her to Adam so

she wakes up she didn’t wake up and say

oh I’m 35 and I’m not married yet

no she puts her hand in God’s hand and

the Bible says and God marches her over

to Adam so he plays matchmaker Adam look

at he he looked at the Zebras and the

cows and the Bulls he looked at even he

looked at all of the creation and said

goodbye you know y’all all the weakest

link because even in the dark while he

was sleep God was doing his thing God

does some of his best work when you are

asleep that is in the dark he does his

best work when you don’t think he’s

doing a thing he’s behind the scenes

working it out I have a plan for you and

it’s a good one maybe you should have

gotten it earlier in your life maybe you

should maybe if you hadn’t done this or

done that or gone here or gone there

then maybe you would have gotten it

early maybe if you had gotten saved

earlier you wouldn’t know me earlier you

and I had the plant maybe maybe so maybe

if you hadn’t married out of my will or

if you hadn’t traveled out of my will or

you hadn’t didn’t rebellion maybe you

would have gotten it early and I know

you wish you could turn back the hands

of time and make it happen all over

again and I know you feel like you’ve

been in this thing too long and I know

you don’t know how much longer it’s

going to take to get out of it but still

with all your questions I have a plan

for you and I know what it is and it’s a

good one and it will give you our future

and it will give you our hope it would

be 70 years before they would see the


seven years the profits were saying two

years and you out of here God was saying

look it’s going to be longer than you

think that’s why I want you to be as

productive as you can right where you

are until you see what I’m going to do

God is inviting you to participate with

him in the drama of the ages you say I

don’t like the dark can’t help you with

that because without faith it is

impossible to please God them that

cometh to God must first believe that he

is and that he is a rewarder of those

who seek Him you don’t know which way to

go seek Him you’re in pain seek him you

confused seek him you’re tired of

waiting seek Him if you come and ask me

I’m gonna send you back to him because

he has not told me his plan for you 2000

years ago Jesus Christ put up the

payment for the plan and he who has

begun a good work in you shall continue

it until the day of redemption what God

starts god finishes what God begins God

ends regarding the sheet god complete

but you say I’m in a mess you don’t know

my mess

you don’t know my god

and if you forget the sermon remember

the verse I have a plan for you not for

calamity or bad but for good and it

involves your future and it’s full of

what I hope you were challenged and

carriage and inspired you ought to be by

today’s message and you can get today’s

message or you can get the whole series

of the best of Tony Evans where you can

get some of our favorite messages that

people have not only enjoyed but I’ve

been inspired and encouraged by simply

by logging on to Tony Evans org or by

calling us at


