When the Bible talks about the Helmet of Salvation, it’s talking about controlling our thoughts. To win the spiritual battle that is happening in our minds, we must be thinking thoughts that have been renewed by God’s word. God wants us to dismantle every thought that goes against the rule of Christ in our lives. What God says about something must ultimately hold more weight in our minds than what the devil, our friends, our family, or anyone else says about it.

What does a helmet do?

It covers the head.

What’s in the head that’s critical?

The brain.

What does the brain need for it to do it’s

The mind.

So when the Bible talks about the helmet of
salvation, it’s talking about controlling

our thoughts, controlling what penetrates
our mind that informs our brain that causes

what we do to be executed in our lives.

It’s called the helmet of salvation.

Since he’s already writing to Christians when
he says the helmet of salvation, he’s not

talking about going to heaven.

He’s talking about decision making on Earth.

God wants to control your identity.

He wants to control your thinking.

He wants to control my thoughts, because His
thoughts are not my thoughts and my thoughts

are not His thoughts.

As high are the heavens are above the Earth—Isiah
55:11 says—so that much gap exists between

God’s thinking and our thoughts.

And so He wants us to link into His thinking
for the purpose of deliverance.

You see, the word “salvation” means to be

We’re delivered in eternity from eternal judgement,
but God wants us to be delivered in time from

satanic attack and defeat.

And to be delivered in time, helmet of salvation,
you have to have your head right.

That’s why the Bible calls it, in Romans 12:2,
the renewing of the mind.

2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 says that
God wants us to dismantle every thought that

goes against the rule of Christ in our lives
unto obedience to Christ.

So the helmet of salvation means I’m going
learn, consistently and progressively, to

think God’s thoughts after Him.

And as I think God’s thoughts after Him and
inculcate that thinking as a way of living,

then I find myself being delivered because
now I am moving in sync with God because my

mind is right.

You see, many Christians, even though they’re
saved for heaven, have a secular mind—or

what the Bible calls a carnal or fleshly mind.

“They’re thinking like mere men,” 1st Corinthians
3 says.

So they’re not thinking God’s thoughts; they’re
thinking human thoughts, even if they sprinkle

a little Jesus over it to make it sound spiritual.

The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 2 that we
are to think spiritual thoughts based on spiritual


So you go to God’s Word, learn what He says,
make those your thoughts, and then you just

put on a helmet.

In football, they wear a helmet because they
getting hit.

Satan is hitting us.

He doesn’t want us to have spiritual concussions
or brain damage.

He wants us to be able to think clearly based
on the truth of God.