Dr. Tony Evans delivers a powerful message on the significance of gratitude and the dangers of neglecting our first love—our relationship with God. Join him as he’ll emphasize the Biblical importance of being thankful not just for special occasions but as a lifestyle. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/drtonyev… If you would like to download two encouraging, FREE full-length MP3s of Tony’s popular sermons: “The Sovereignty of God” and “How to Handle a Crisis,” you can do so by clicking on this link: https://share.hsforms.com/1atT9MJvXQN…

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Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #Thankfulness

John 14:21 says the one who loves me I

will let him see me and experience me if

he loves me you want to experience more

of him love him first that’s the

paradise of God that’s where God unveils

himself and lets you see stuff you’ve

never seen before feel stuff you’ve

never felt before experience things

you’ve never experienced before cuz he’s





did you know one of the greatest sins

noted in the Bible is

ingratitude when we are not

grateful when we are thankless rather


thankful we have insulted God Romans

chapter 1 talking about men abandoning

God he says and neither were they

thankful they did not recognize that

every good and perfect gift comes from

above anything good in your life and my

life is a gift of God for which we ought

to be

grateful but we live in a world today of

ingratitude not only are we not grateful

for God we’re not grateful for other

people who benefit us who God has

allowed in our lives and our

circumstances to help our lives be

better you know we we regularly teach

our children to say thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you we we want

them to develop the habit of being

grateful as a parent I’m sure there have

been times with your children where You’

said I I y’all kids aren’t grateful

y’all just complain all the time and you

don’t recognize what we what we do you

know why because we do it so

consistently you know we feed them

consistently we clothe them consistently

we house them consist consistently we do

all these consistent things and you can

get so used to

consistency that you become

expectant in fact you can even make a a

requirement rather than be grateful for

the consistency now you know whenever

there’s special events the kids will say

thanks you know Christmas toys birthday

gifts you know something special that

they want they’ll give thanks for the

special but Thanksgiving is to be a

lifestyle for every good and perfect

gift whether it’s the regular things we

get or the special things that God gives

us how thankful are you how thankful am

I how thankful are we when we go to God

we’re told when we pray we’re told in

Philippians 4 when we pray to pray with

Thanksgiving now we generally when we

praying we’re asking we’re saying God I

need this I want that uh help me with

this and we’re asking asking God for

something and that’s okay but he says

when you’re asking for something do it

with Thanksgiving in other words don’t

leave Thanksgiving out on an island by

itself make sure you include

Thanksgiving with the request because

God wants to know that we are grateful

for what he has already done not just in

anticipation of what we want him to do

because he has already done so much for

us he’s done so much for us in our being

able to live and breathe and being able

to have food to eat and clothes on our

backs and roof over our head those are

the the the the normal things so to

speak at least for most people some

people in the world have to have to than

that as a special thing because it’s not

automatically guaranteed but at the very

same time God wants us to recognize the

fact that he is responsible for what we

are better benefiting from as a part of

our request to him as you see what’s

happening in the world

today you see what’s happening in the

Middle East for example you see what’s

happening in uh among people who are who

are longing for their next meal or glad

to be alive one more

day you know they have a lot to be

thankful for but you and I never know

what a new day will bring we never know

where the tragedy will strike

sickness will hit an accident will take

place in our lives or the life of a

loved one so we’ve got to be just as

thankful every day for the day because

no other day is guaranteed we can’t we

can’t brag about tomorrow we got to just

make it through today and be grateful

for the grace of God that’s given us

today so let’s make

gratitude a way of life in fact let’s

not be like

Israel God delivered them from Egypt and

they spent all that time in the

wilderness grumbling and

complaining and that complaining was one

of the reasons they didn’t make it to

the promised land because they were so

ungrateful for what God had done that

they weren’t able to get to what God yet

wanted to do don’t block your future


ingratitude that’s not recognizing what

God has done with your past and what

he’s doing in your presence now that

does not negate the fact that there

aren’t trials and tribulations there

aren’t difficult times that we’re not

happy about that we’re not you know

really just bouncing off the wall about

those hard times are real and we don’t

ignore them but you know what even to

know you have a hard time you have

something to be thankful for because you

got a brain to know it you’re still

alive so that means you’re experiencing

it so even in the middle of what you’re

going through there’s is a god worthy to

give thanks so I want you this

Thanksgiving to give thanks to God and

then to stop making Thanksgiving a

holiday and make every day a

Thanksgiving day because every day is a

fresh new opportunity to tell the Lord

thank you thank you for waking me up

thank you for providing me the air that

I’m breathing thank you that I have a

wardrobe I can put on thank you there’ll

be food at the breakfast table thank you

for the health of my family thank you

that you kept me yesterday so I could be

here today you know we can go on and on

and on and on and on I’m not trying to

cover all your bases I’m just saying

make Thanksgiving your way of life I

need to make it my way of life encourage

those in your sphere of influence to

make it their way of life so that God is

being thanks thank as a way of life and

when he sees that we are grateful people

he will will give us the peace of God

that comes with his presence because he

knows we are a grateful grateful people

who love our God God bless you and Happy

Thanksgiving Dr Evans will be right back

after this important





over and over again in scripture God

requires and demands to be

first one such place for which many of

you are familiar is in Revelation

chapter 2

where John the Revelator

writes about a message to the church at

Ephesus to understand Ephesus think New

York Ephesus was the New York

City of Asia

Minor in the middle of this Metropolitan

City a church was

established Ephesus Bible Fellowship

have been established in this

city and the Lord sends a

letter to the pastor at Ephesus Bible

Fellowship called the angel or the

messenger and he was to deliver that

message to the

congregation I’m going to deliver the

message that he gave to them to us since

it was written for the church

in Ephesians 2 we read to the angel of

the church in Ephesus

write the one who holds the Seven Stars

in his right hand the one who walks

among the seven golden lampstand says

this of course seven is the number of

completion in scripture so what he wants

you to know starting out is Jesus is in

the house right

now he starts out with a Commendation or

a compliment he wants to compliment the


first he says in verse two I know your

Deeds your toil your perseverance you

cannot endure evil men you put to the

test those who call themselves Apostles

and they are not and you found them to


false he says I want to con commend you

on some great things happening at your

church he says the first thing is I see

see your

Deeds Deeds are activities I see the

work you’re

doing in other words you are a serving

Church you folks are busy you got folks

serving over here and folks serving over

there and folks doing this and folks

doing that you you’ve got the people

engaged in Ministry and I see your

Deeds he says you’re not only a serving

Church you are a sacrificing church

because he says I see you’re toil he

goes on to say I see your steadfastness

because I see your

perseverance when the going gets tough

you don’t quit when the going gets tough

you don’t throw in the towel when the

going gets tough you keep on plowing

through and you don’t easily throw in

the towel quit or give up I see that I I

I like that about

you not only do I see your serving that

you are sacrificing and that you are

steadfast I see you are also separated

because you don’t tolerate evil you you

will call sin a sin you will identify

folks who are who are Renegades who are

who are living an unacceptable lifestyle

and justifying it rather than repenting

of it I I see that there is a standard

that this church operates by and and

that’s great I I commend you for

that and then finally he says I also see

you are a suffering Church because verse

three you have perseverance and have

endured for my name’s sake and have not

grown weary endured for my name’s sake

you’ve gone through some tough times

some hard times you’ve been rejected by

the culture of Ephesus and you are

suffering being a Christian I see that

and and and that’s good I want to

commend you for all the good things

happening at this

church but

verse four

but but I have this against

you you have left your first

love he says I just name five

compliments five things I like

but I have one problem and it’s a

biggie you’ve left your first love now

wait a minute you just gave me Jesus

five compliments and you only finding

one thing

wrong but think about it for a

moment you can serve God and not love


first you can sacrifice for God and not

love him

first you can be steadfast for God and

not love him first you

can you can be separated in God’s name

and not love him first you can be

suffering in God’s name and not love him

first watch it he didn’t say you don’t

love me at

all he said you no longer love me

first in the business of life and

Ministry Jesus Christ no longer held the

front position in their lives and in the

life of this church

so you can be spiritually

busy and Jesus not be

happy because you’ve left your first

love what God is complaining about is

that things have replaced his Primacy in

their lives so that Jesus Christ is no

longer first he has to

compete with all the stones even though

you declare him to be the

rock one of the bad things about

religion is it can camouflage

relationship so that you think you have

relationship because you have religion

because I go to church because I serve

in the ministry because I do this but I

must I must have him first cuz look at

what I’m

doing he says you have left your first

love you don’t love me first you love

what I can do for you you love the

blessings I can give you you love the

money you want from me the jobs you want

from me the better lifestyle you want

from me you love what I can give you but

you don’t want me and you don’t want me

first because you’ll fit me in when you

can what God is saying is yes you still

love me but you love me down the line

you love me second third fourth fifth

ninth 10th when I demand to be

first well God what do you mean by that

well the Lord says in Matthew chapter

10 he says in Matthew chapter 10 verse

37 and 38 he

says anyone who loves his mother father

son or daughter more than me is not

worthy of me so let me tell you what he

means by First Matthew 10:37 and 38 he

says I want your commitment to me to

outweigh your commitment to your

family in other words I want to be he I

want to come in front of your family

your mother your father your sisters


brothers your daughter your son your

mate I want to be

first not not second not third and the

reason why I want to be first is I am

first I am Alpha and Omega God does not

want us to do with him what we do with


relationships he wants to be

first that is top

priority not relegated to a secondary

position much that is missing in our

lives is because God has been relegated

he’s not been forgotten we’ll come to

church he’s not been forgotten he’ll be

referenced but he’s been forgotten in

terms of his placement

in our lives and he demands being

first you have left your first love

you’ve left me as

first you love me down the

line so after commending the Christians

at Ephesus and the Christians


where is he

positioned in your life in your schedule

in your plans in our

priorities okay you say well I want him

to be

first what do I do to get him

first well he tells you he tells you

three things to do to reposition God in

your life to make him

first therefore verse 5 remember from

where you have fallen

Fallen he says the first thing to do to

reposition God is

remember to

recall from where you have

fallen we think of people falling

committing some great sin he says

remember when I was priority in your

life remember from where you have fallen

remember when you were excited just to

know your sins were forgiven remember

when you were excited that that that

eternal life was imparted to you and you

you ain’t have all this stuff but you

had me and you had fire with me and for

me and about me because I was the main

thing and then he says repent he says

remember from where you have fallen and

repent now there’s only one thing you

repent of in the Bible and that’s

sin so guess what

losing your first love is sin it’s not a

bad habit it’s not even a mistake God

looks at you and me in spiritual

Rebellion when he’s not first and that

explains everything so many of God’s

people are living in spiritual Rebellion

not because they’re necessarily doing

some overt popular sin God is just no


first and why does God tell us to repent

the only purpose God tells us to repent

is to restore relationship and limit

consequences he wants to restore

relationship that’s not just I’m sorry

that’s adjusting the schedule that’s

deciding yeah I’m going to get up 15

minutes earlier so that I spend time

with God or block out uh some time

during the day when I’m alert and awake

to give some time with God I am going to

prioritize this I’m going to restructure

this now you have

repented anything else is confession

which precedes repentance but it’s not

equal to the full definition of

it and God is calling us to repent to

repent of what what great sin you just

complimented me five times the sin of

putting me in any other place but

first that

sin repent of that

sin change directions get off at the

next exit don’t just be discussing I’m

going the wrong way let me keep

driving thirdly he says and

repeat because he says what I want you


do is I want you to do the Deeds you did



repeat he says I want you to go back to

what you

did when it was just me and

you when it was just me and

you when you didn’t have all these

distractions and all these people and

all these issues and all this agenda and

all this schedule and all this business

it was just me and you it was just me


you and we did

fine in fact because it was me and you

that’s why a lot of this other stuff

happened a lot of this other stuff

happened cuz it was just us

but now that it’s no longer just us and

you just fit me in where you can no

wonder you’re losing your

mind no wonder prayers aren’t being

answered no wonder there’s no experience

of my presence or no experience of my

power cuz it’s not just me and you

now I’m not first yes you’ve got more

work yes you’ve got more responsibility

yes you’ve got kids yes you’ve got more

responsibility at work I’ve got that so

what that means is you’ve got to

position me as first cuz if you ever

position me as first you will discover I

can help you handle all that other stuff

I can help you with the stones if you’ll

keep me the

rock but I but I can’t be one among many

I must be

first and when you make him first he

says I I I he says I like this verse six

you hate the Deeds of the nickas I like

that I like that you you you you you

hate folks who in Rebellion you their

deeds you hate what they’re doing but he

who hath an ear let him hear okay listen

to that he that hath an ear let him hear

he that hath an ear let him hear he’s

talking to the whole church but then he

says even if the rest of the church is

not listening he that hath an ear so if

nobody else is listening but you that’s

enough even though he’s talking to the

church he knows everybody doesn’t have

an ear to

hear there’s some people here who going

to say God look I’mma give you what I

give you that’s the best I’m gonna give

you and you gonna have to accept that so

you don’t have an ear to hear the others

who don’t have an ear to hear look I got

too much on my plate I’m too busy I’m

too tired I’m too stressed so I I this

sermon is not for me they don’t have an

ear to

hear but he that’s the individual that

have an ear to hear he’s not talking

about your physical ear to hear what I’m

saying everybody hears that he’s talking

about your spiritual ear the heart that

is that is he that have to ear what the

spirit is saying to the church I’m

talking to the church but I’m looking

for some listening ears in the heart who

says you know what

God I’m going to reorder my priorities

so that you’re no longer fitted in or

forced in your

first that means getting up a few

minutes earlier fine that means carving

out uh uh taking a portion of my

lunchtime fine but but time when it’s

meaningful I’m alert and I’m focused on

you and you don’t you don’t you don’t

have to start with an hour you don’t

have to start with two hours you start

with five

hours start with five minutes just make


real cuz it’s hard to walk 10 miles

until you take the first step so stop

start somewhere cuz I guarantee you when

you start to feel this thing it’s going


grow when you start to feel his presence

when you start to feel his reality when

when you know that you you’re not only

relating to him but he’s relating back

to you and you’re seeing prayers

answered power given restoration taking

place when you get to see him do his

thing oh you’re going to extend your

time some of you some of us will never

extend it because we’ll never see it

because he won’t be first but he that

hath an ear let him hear and he closes

with this to him who overcomes I will

grant to eat of the tree of life which

is in the paradise of


H to he who

hears he will overcome and I will grant

to him to eat in the paradise of God now

what was the paradise of God it was

Eden it was where Adam and Eve were they

were in Paradise they were in

Eden in Eden was the Tree of

Life they got to walk with God during

the cool of the day God was talking to

them and guiding them until they sinned

and rebelled guess what he says he says

that the one who puts me first is an

overcomer okay now in order to be an

overcomer you got have something to

overcome he says the one who puts me

first will be an overcomer and they will

eat in the paradise of

God let me give you a great

verse it’s in John Chapter 14 verse 21

John Chapter 14 verse 21 John Chapter 14

verse 21 because John 1421 says the one

who loves

me I will disclose myself to

him the one who loves me I will unveil

myself to I will let him see me feel me

and experience me if he loves me you

want to experience more of him love him

first he says I will unveil myself

that’s the paradise of God that’s where

God unveils himself and lets you see

stuff you’ve never seen before feel

stuff you’ve never felt before

experience things you’ve never

experienced before cuz he’s unveiled

himself but how do I know if I really

love him oh it’s

simple he says because you will choose

first to please me says you’ll keep my

Commandments you will seek first to

please me that will be that will and

here’s how you know because when you

have to choose between him and something

or someone else he

wins he says now you love


and I will unveil myself to that man

that woman that boy or girl who loves




