It’s easy to talk about the word love, but it’s no so easy to know how to put it into practice. To really know how to love, we have to first know the God who is love.

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

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a father was having devotions with his

family and they were talking about the

love of God and the love of Jesus while

the mother was fixing the pancakes when

they finished devotions the mother then

came and took the first batch of

pancakes and handed to one of the two

sons the other son who didn’t get the

first bathroom pancakes said did you

hear what daddy said he said that Jesus

says that we ought to consider others

better than ourselves but some of the

pancakes said well then you be Jesus

because it’s easy to talk about this

word love that not even know what it is

or know what to do with it we use the

word love with regard to fuzzy feelings

sometimes we feel in our tummy toward a

certain person place or thing we use

love to reflect on caring for something

or someone we use it very broadly to

refer to anything we have good feelings

about I love chocolate cake I love ice

cream I love this person I love that

person I love this show I love this job

we speak of the word very very casually

because it speaks of our emotive or

connection to to a now none of some sort

of person place or thing but I want to

take you on a journey with regard to

that word that may be a little different

than you’re used to because we’re

talking about the attributes of God

we’re talking about the perfections of

God the things that make him who he is

we’ve looked at his nature we looked at

sovereignty we’ve looked at glory we

looked at holiness but in two verses

verses 8 and verse 16 we find this

phrase in first John 4 god is love God

is love in other words any discussion

about love has to start with God

well that’s who he is that’s not just

what he does it is the self definition

it’s like me saying I am black or I am

african-american somebody saying I am

white or somebody else think I am

Hispanic they are clarifying their


it’s an unchangeable reality so when God

says he is love in verse 8 and in verse

16 he wants you to look at love as

defining at least one part of how he

defines himself therefore if you really

want to understand the word and you

really want to understand where it comes

from and you really want to understand

how it works it’s best to talk to

somebody who is defined by that word God

says you can define me by the word love

because God is love

well let’s discuss that a little deeper

God is an eternal being if this is who

he is that he must have been this

forever he didn’t become love he didn’t

start loving he is identified with the

word so as long as he’s been around this

has been his self definition god is love

that means love didn’t start with you

and love didn’t start with me because

God was love before there was a you or


in fact God was love before there was

time in space because if he is love then

he’s always been loved before there was

anything outside of himself to love

because that’s it that’s who he is God

is love but wait a minute if God is

eternal and God is love therefore God

being love is eternal then we’ve got to

ask who in the world that God loved when

there was nobody to love but God well if

there’s nobody to love but God and God

is loved and the only one God could love

was him because before there was time

and space there was only God because he

exists in a reality outside of ourselves

well that sounds a little self-serving

that sound

little selfishness we may God you gonna

love and the only one you gonna love is

you come on you tell us not to be

selfish aren’t you being a little


when you are loved and you are only

loving you because there’s nobody

outside of you to love so how in the

world do you love you since there’s

nobody outside of you before you created

anything else

alright let’s rewind remember God exists

in three co-equal persons God the Father

God the Son and God the Holy Spirit so

when we talk about God we’re not talking

about somebody who’s ever been by

himself God never has been lonely God

never has been alone God never has been

in isolation God never has been in

singularity because the doctrine of

Trinity means one God composed a three

co-equal persons who is one in essence

but distinct in personality the father’s

not the son the son is not the spirit

but all three together make up the one

Godhead that we deem or term the Trinity

so God has always had somebody to love

but the somebody that love was in him

because in him were three persons and

since in him was three persons he had

good practice in loving because they

could love on each other they made up

the family called in the scripture the

Godhead so when God the Bible says God

is love he is operating in a context of

love within himself because there are

three who can love on each other so what

you have in God since he is love is a

lovefest within himself God is loving

himself but he has other people or other

persons rather in himself to love okay

it’s time now for us to go deep-sea

diving how in the world is God being

loved loving himself if I can refer you

to st. John we’re in first John but I

want to take you to st. John chapter 5

verse 17

it says jesus answered them my father

works until now and I myself and working

for this reason therefore the Jews were

seeking all the more to kill Jesus kill

him because not only was he breaking the

Sabbath but he also called God his own

father making himself equal to God they

understood he was saying I’m equal to

God I got all the nature of deity

therefore jesus answered and said to

them truly truly I say unto you the son

can do nothing of himself unless it is

something he sees the father doing for

whatever the father does these things

the son also does in like manner for the

Father loves the Son and shows him all

things that he himself is doing and the

father will show him greater works than

these so that you can marvel Jesus so

just as the father raises the dead and

gives life to them even so the son also

gives life to whom he pleases

for not even the father judges anyone

but he’s given all judgment to the son

so that all will honor the son even as

they honor the father he who does not

honor the son does not honor the father

who sent him now just from a casual

reading something going on in the

Trinity the son says whatever daddy does

I do and I don’t do anything that I do

until daddy gives me permission to do it

because the son only does what the

father says so the son gives us well the

father gives us well the son doesn’t the

the father says give life the son that

whatever daddy says the son does cuz we

flow like that we’re hooked up like that

whatever the father wants the son does

but the son does what the father wants

like the son can bring glory back to the

father so the father wants to make a big

deal about the Son and the son uses the

big deal that the father made about him

to bring a big deal back about the

father because the father loves the son

and the father loves the son so much

that the father comes up with ways to

make the son look

good that means glory glory means to

publicize advertise we’ll make look good

so my daddy loves me so much that he

creates things that makes me look good

so when you all see me doing the things

I’m doing he said to the Jews it’s

because my daddy told me to do it

because he wanted me to show off in

front of you how great he is by giving

me permission to do what you just saw so

daddy is investing in me because daddy

loves me the father loves the son in

fact when you read the book of Saint

John he says over and over and over

again the father loves the son in John

335 he says the father loves the son in

John 10:17 the father loves the son in

john 59 the father loves the son in John

17 verse 23 and 24 the father loves the

son so the father loves me so much that

he moves and I can’t help but which our

collection is so tight

this love affair that me and my daddy

have is so tight that we live in love

for God is love so we this is how we

roll if you come into our environments

Bammer Bammer Bammer Bammer bam bam bam

bam bam it’s all love cuz that’s how we

roll up in here up in here cuz that’s

our environment and so the way we love

each other me and my daddy the way we

love each other is by making each other

look better so the father does something

for me that makes me look better and

then I roll it back to him so that he

looks good by what I did that shows him

off what he told me to do

so we bouncing back then the Holy

Spirit’s gotta jump into the plan and

the Holy Spirit comes in the plan and

says I’ve only come to glorify the son

so he jumps in and we got this

Trinitarian love fest that we can’t

shake so since God has always said

somebody didn’t love you’ve never been

alone they’ve always been loving on each

other God comes up with an idea

that idea stated in Ephesians chapter 1

verses 4 to 6 I read it to you just as

he chose us in him before the foundation

of the world that we would be holy and

blameless before him in love he

predestined us to adoption as sons

through Jesus Christ to himself

according to the kind intentions of his

will to the praise of the glory of His

grace watch this which he freely

bestowed on us in the beloved the

beloved meaning the person you love the

beloved somebody call somebody their

beloved the person they love the father

is referring to the son as his beloved

but then he throws a curveball he says

but he chose us in the beloved okay let

me explain the father and the son in the

spirit they have in this lovefest but in

the Trinity and they just love on each

other 24 hours a day find out how they

can bring greater glory to the other

person cuz they love the other person

that much and so the father comes up

with an idea the father says son I love

you so much that what I’m gonna do is

I’m gonna create a whole race of people

to send your praises I love you so much

I want to show you how much I love you

but I’m gonna use all my creative energy

and I’m gonna create a group called

humanity and this group called humanity

has one job the sameness

the praises of my son the son said daddy

if you do that for me and all these folk

that you create for me I’ll singing my


i’ma lead them in the singing your

praises so when I tell them to pray I’m

not gonna tell them to pray to me I’m

gonna tell them to pray our Father who

art in heaven hallowed be your name so

you’re gonna do that for me you’re gonna

create a whole human race design let’s

sing my praises

then I’m going I’m gonna get the spirit

to work in them so that they spring it

back to you so that you’ll be glorified

because I was glorified by your glory in

my life and I just whipped that glory

back around to you and we can keep this

love fest going so the reason God

created humanity was to create a group

of people who would celebrate God’s love

for his son it’s

like a birthday party that you show and

you invite a whole bunch of guests to

celebrate the person who the birthday is

for God loved his son so much that he

created humanity to celebrate the glory

with which he loved his son so that you

have been he says chosen in the beloved

you’ve been chosen because of his love

for his boy now a problem sin enters

into the picture

Satan interferes with the party the men

who were created because Jesus is in

Genesis at chapter one it says when they

walked with God in the garden that means

they were walking with the second person

of the Trinity the Bible says when God

spoke the Bible says that was Jesus

Christ talking in the beginning was the

word Word was with God and the Word was


so back then Adam and Eve Jesus is all

up in that he says before the foundation

of the world he decided to create us so

we weren’t even there but he came up

with a with an idea because of how much

he loved his son so he comes now Satan

comes in and he gets men to sin against

God somebody has entered into the party

uninvited to remove us from our created

purpose to bring glory to God through

our relationship with the son and he

interferes with this love affair and men

rebelled against the Living God

so we got a problem

I created these peoples son because of

my love for you and now they didn’t gone

away from me and away from you they

messing up what I did we gotta fix this

we gotta fix this but the problem is I

got to deal with their sin

so first young for says God demonstrated

his love toward us he sent Jesus to be

the propitiation for our sins okay the

propitiation means satisfaction he sent

Jesus Christ to satisfy the problem that

was to benefit him watch this I created

them for you

they didn’t messed up on you but imma

send you and hurt you to fix them which

I made for you so when the Bible says in

1st John chapter 4 when it says that He

gave His only begotten Son verse 9 that

means one of a kind unique in a class by


cuz there’s nobody who fits the

description of deity but God’s Son Jesus


he says I’m going to send you to die for

them to get them back to you so that we

can keep this party going so God said

the person that the party was for to pay

the price for the folk who messed up the

party God demonstrated his love toward

us Romans 5:8 in that while we were yet

sinners he did not wait till we got

right he loved us when we were totally

wrong he didn’t wait for us to fix it

I’m going somewhere with this he didn’t

wait for us to get it right he says you

messing with me loving my son I gotta

get you back I love my son so much I’ll

sacrifice him to get you back because I

am loved and I got to do something

lovingly to fix this even if it means

killing my own son even if it means

breaking up my own unity so that he can

have what I made for him that’s gotten

broken I’m gonna do that and I can’t

help myself cuz I am loved so I got to

figure out a loving way to fix this

problem cuz that’s who I am

I can’t Matt nah I cannot not do it cuz

then I would like a person trying to

change their race that I can do that cuz

that’s and so it is in this context a

concept of God’s love John chapter 13

puts it this way verse 31 says now is

the son of man glorified and God is

glorified in him if God is glorified in

him God will also be glorified in

himself and will glorify him immediately

okay you got that God is glorified in

him and when I get glorified in him I’m

glorifying me when I glorify me he gets

glorified and when he gets glorified I’m

well so I’m gonna fix this thing so that

he gets more glory when this thing is

over and then he’s gonna give me more

glory when this thing is over cuz he got

more glory when this thing is over so

what I’m trying to tell you is that you

caught up in something bigger

you’re not just caught up in this

general God is love stuff you caught up

in a love fest you caught up in a

Trinitarian love fest and that’s why

Jesus told his father in his prayer in

John 17 helped them to learn the love

like we love each other when you are in

eternity and there is no blockages

related to sin God is going to spend all

eternity giving you a love you can feel

because there will be no interruptions

in it because that’s who he is and

that’s how he rolls so now what’s the

point is the point

he says in verse eight the one who does

not love does not know God for god is


verse 11 beloved if God so loved us we

also ought to love one another now stay

with me God says I am love can’t help it

that’s my nature love is seeking the

best for another seeking the best for

another I’m seeking the best from my son

and seeking the best for my son I

created a human race to seek the best

for him when the human race seeks the

best for him

then my son is gonna give me more glory

because he’s gonna seek the best for me

when my son seeks the best for me I’m

gonna come up with new ways to seek

something even better for him then he

gonna try to outdo me by seeking

something to give me more glory then I’m

gonna try to outdo him for what he tried

to outdo me and you get wrapped up in it

huh how do you get wrapped up in this

lovefest that existed before we were

ever born that existed before there was

ever time in space a heaven and earth

how did we get caught up in it and

experience it he says in verse 11 first

John for if we so loved if God so loved

us we also ought to love one another I

watch this if you hang out in a flower

shop you can start smelling like flowers

you hang out in a flower shop

you know that smell gonna rub off on you

if you hanging out in a perfume shop or

area of a store with perfume and cologne

you can start smelling like cologne cuz

that’s where you hang it out in other

words your environment affects how you

look or smell god says watch this I am

caught up in a love fest and I am loved

if you are not lovey it’s cuz you ain’t

hanging out in my shop you answer my

else’s shop cuz I am loved that’s my

store my stores called love if you are

hanging out in that store love is

rubbing off on you so if you are a

loveless Christian you shopping at the

wrong store let me put it another way

God will determine how much he deals

with you by how much you deal with

others please notice the words here this

is serious business

he says in verse eight the one who

doesn’t love doesn’t know me he says in

verse 12 God if we love one another god

abides in US and his love is perfected

in us he says in verse 16 if the one who

abides in love abides in God and God

abides in him he says in verse 20 the

one who does not love his brother whom

he has seen cannot love God whom he has

not seen so he says forget about it you

cannot have an intimate experience with

me if others can’t have an intimate

experience with you if you do not know

how to love or refuse to love you won’t

feel my love

he’s restricts the experience of himself

to believers who are functioning in love

as a lifestyle okay you’re not getting


god is love that’s who he is

so he only hangs out with love so since

he is love and he only hangs out with

love if that’s not how you roll he can’t

hang out

you cuz he would then be hanging out

with something that’s not like him that

you who you are and who I am even though

you’re my child could he’s talking to

Christians that’s why it says one

another he’s he’s not talk about the

world right here he’s talking about love

within the family of God that’s why it’s

a devil can make you selfish the devil

can make you hateful the devil can make

you mean and Honore

and nasty and unforgiving if he can put

all that stuff in you he knows God gonna

leave you alone cuz you not hanging out

where he’s hanging out he only hangs out

with that which is consistent with who

he is and he’s already told you who he

is he is love the word abide means to

hang out he says if you’re not abiding

in love you’re not hanging out with me

so the more you love the more you’re in

his hangout the more you love the more

you’re in the environment that he’s

comfortable with and so if it’s only

about me myself and I if it’s only about

being blessed and not being a blessing

that’s why every time God talks about

being blessed he wants to know how you

gonna be a blessing or is it only about

you cuz if it’s only about you you not

with me cuz I don’t make it only about

me I’m making about my baby boy and my

baby boy it makes it back about me so if

you wanna hang out with us you got a

role like we roll and so one of the

reasons that many Christians aren’t

experiencing God is because they are

loveless Saints they don’t ask the

question how can I love today who can I

love today in the family of God what can

I do today you can’t love everybody but

you can love somebody and that means

what does it mean to love them to love

means is the decision it is decision let

me state that again

let me clarify something because we we

use these words wrongly we confuse love

and like we confuse it so let’s let’s

get this let me explain this okay

like is a feeling I like you I don’t

like him

don’t say I love chocolate cake you like

chocolate cake that’s how you feel about

it you like the taste you like so you’d

like it that’s okay cuz there’s

something you don’t like biblical love

agape is a decision regardless of any

motion any motion you may love something

you like but you can also love stuff you

don’t like in other words you don’t feel

good about it but you’ve made a decision

regarding it okay you made a decision to

eat vegetables you may not like it but

you love healthy food and nutrition

because you love that you choose and

decide to eat what you don’t like so

love is the decision to compassionately

righteously and responsibly seek the

well-being of another God does that with

his son to love God means to

passionately seek his glory so the more

glory of God you seek the more your

loving God and the more compassion to

others you give the more you loving

people when God sees the compassion he

translates that to passion so that his

passion can refer to your compassion so

that his love can enter your love so

that you can get more of him look at

this look what he says he says in

chapter 3 of first John that if you love

he says that we are to love little

children verse 18 let us love not just

in word and tongue but in deed and truth

then he comes and he says and whatever

verse 22 we asked from him because we

keep his Commandments which involves

love do the things that are pleasing

what he says the way to get your prayers

answered is to start loving you can go

to church to you blue in the face if he

doesn’t see love forget your prayer

meeting you can you can sing songs tell

you blue in the face if he doesn’t see

love he says forget your prayers okay

cuz you’re talking to me different than

Who I am I am love when I see you love

that gets my mojo working because that’s

what I’m doing all the time 24 hours a

day so when I see you plugged into Who I

am I say oh he being like me if you

don’t think that’s what he’s saying all

you got to do is read verse 17 but this

love is perfected within us so that we

may have confidence in the day of

judgment because as he is so also are we

in the world how is he love what are you

doing in the world being loving he says

when he sees you being a loving

Christian as a way of life he says

you’re being just like him in this world

as he is in that world and when he sees

that you have gotten his undivided

attention the reason why more Christians

aren’t hearing from God

more churches on seeing the

transformation of the Spirit is they

they are often loveless places no matter

how good the preaching is you can’t

preach your way into this you can’t sing

your way into this you can’t shout your

way into this

you can’t wave your hand in the air like

you just don’t care enough in this this

will only happen when God sees us

individually and corporately the number

one thing that should be said about you

and should be said about our church

should not be the preaching the preacher

the sermons the choir the singing the

gifts the one thing that should override

everything else is wow look at how they

of one another Jesus said in John 13 by

this shall all men know that you’re my

disciples not by the preaching not by

the singing but by the loving unless

there is a love fest in this house

we will not see miracles from heaven

unless there is a love fest in your

house you will not see miracles from

heaven we can look you know I saw a lady

again a few days ago and I embarrassed


I said how far along are you she says

she ain’t pregnant that’s embarrassing

but she look pregnant to me she look

pregnant to me

simple parties you can you can look the

part but have no life you can look the

part you carry the Bible use the

Christian words but the life that is

bred by love if that is missing if that

is missing it’s like the prodigal son

the prodigal son and remember God

demonstrated his love to us when we

didn’t deserve it not with easy to love

folk that you think deserve it but while

we were yet sinners Christ died when we

didn’t deserve it okay the prodigal son

was while he had wild out he now coming

back home to Papa come back home to dad

he said I have sinned daddy said okay

now you’ve gotten right with me now

you’ve confessed your sins now you may

be doing right we gonna throw a party

but then there was the older brother the

older brother went to Papa and said what

you doing what you doing you throwing

the party for your meeting go on and act

the fool and you throwing a party for

him that ain’t right

you throw the party for him and I’m

gonna hear with you all the time what

you’re doing daddy father looked at the

older brother said this is your brother

who was lost who has been found and he

came home so I’ve gots to throw a party


because I don’t know about you but I’m

glad he’s home what’s interesting about

Luke 15 and the prodigal son is the

story ends right there you never know

what the older brother does the point


you’ve got to decide man whether he

gonna hang out with daddy or not because

daddy is gonna hang out with the brother

that’s come home but see a lot of older

Christians don’t want to hang out with

folk who’ve been forgiven who’ve been

redeemed don’t want to hang out with

compassion for those whose lives have

been broken and beaten when you see

somebody walk through this door and life

has not been good to them like they’ve

been tore up from the floor you see

somebody walk through this door and

they’re closed or raggedy and maybe

they’re ashamed by the history their

background their lifestyle but they walk

through because they want to hear a word

from the Living God don’t think you

better ah

cuz you will know better when Jesus died

for you in fact if it wasn’t for Jesus

you would have been walking through the

door looking like that because some of

us have been dug out of some real dope

heads maybe it wasn’t that but it was

something else you take the stand you

never dumb down the Word of God but what

you do is love people with a standard

you love people with the standards who

are willing to adjust to that standard

and when you go to either one of those

streams see when you love without truth

when you love without truth then that

becomes emotional sentimentalism but

when you have truth without love then

you have cold orthodox

the idea is to speak the truth with love

so that folk know we care but I got to

tell you what God says I’m not going to

change what God says but imma love you

while I tell it to you it is the absence

of love that has kept God’s church

separated and segregated it’s the

absence of love that’s made a level of

caca on Sunday morning the most

segregated hour in America it is the

absence of love that’s got black

Christians against white Christians

against his faded Christians and it was

the absence of love that created the

civil war because if the church was the

church you wouldn’t have had a civil war

because they would have stood up for the

truth of God but because people leave

the one in love without truth or have

truth without love they do not live

based on a biblical standard and it’s

time for Christians to stand up for the

truth and not for the culture


and here’s you know here’s what God says

he said look if I see you loving not

accepting sin no we judge sin a sin but

when we see you loving the sinner

particularly in your who’s your brother

he says when I see you loving it’s like

it’s like alka-seltzer plop plop fizz

fizz oh what a relief it is when I see

you loving then I get all fizzy inside

and I said I gotta do something I gotta

fix something I gotta intervene

something cuz those folks are doing

something like me and I wanna i want to

unveil myself to them let me give you

some of the best news in the house best

news in house his is one of the best

news in house well not when I’m watching

football learning kids were small number

watching the Cowboys on I’m really into

it and there’s a great play like a great


I saw tackling the kids I start tackling

the kids I see boom I hit BAM I bet big

you know why I know right

but I’m so into the game it’s like I’m

on the field sometimes I couldn’t watch

it too long cuz it was just just do

something to me make me want to get out

there again like I did in the old day it

just does something to me and so so I

would be hittin the kids they say oh

I’ll stop dad you know what what you

doing what you do I’m just so into the

game because I’m so much apart God says

I want you so in the meter when I move

you move when I react you yet I want you

so in the meter that when you see me

rollin you roll because we’re that

connected and then then it gives you the

best news that our best news I can close

with the day because the best news I can

close with the day is in verse 17 he

says that you may have confidence in the

day of judgment whoo oh that’s this is

this is this is good he says when you

stand before the Lord of the judgment

seat of Christ and he reviews your tape

from the time of your salvation to the

time of your death and he rolls your

tape here in your private booth and he

says this is your life

from the time of your conversion to the

time of your diamond roll your take on

everybody’s tape that’s gonna be good

bad and ugly they’re gonna be some

things you’re proud of they’re gonna be

some things you’re ashamed of that

you’ve either thought or acted or did

and you’re gonna go Oh Lord I’m so sorry

how can you sit on the day of judgment

he says and have confidence then I’m

gonna come out of this this interview

all right then I’m gonna come out of

this interview with some rewards then

I’m gonna come out of this interview

having here well done my good and

faithful servant how do I know that

interview is gonna work on my behalf he

says you will have confidence in the day

of judgment because you were as me in

the world and he says I that was his

whole point in verse 18 so he’s going

to give you extra credit for every time

he saw you loving somebody he’s gonna

give you extra credit every time he saw

you reach out to somebody who could do

nothing for you in return he’s gonna

give you extra credit by helping

somebody who was sick that you didn’t

even know he’s gonna give you extra

credit by your service in the family of

God to make it good for other people

he’s gonna give you extra credit that

when he bless you you use your blessing

to bless somebody else he says it on

that day after you’ll score comes in a

twenty on the scale of one hundred but

he looks at your extra credit you’ll be

able to sit there and say God

check my extra credit you gave me an

extra credit assignment and I won’t you

take my 80 over to my twenty and score

me a hundred cuz I got a whole lot of

extra credit love going on up in here up

in here the other day I was on the

highway and all the cars got backed up

and I was stuck on the highway I look to

my left and focal going down the HOV

lanes just flying by the HOV Lane I’m

stuck in traffic

I can’t go nowhere they just flying by

they got their own private road flying

by but the reason they could do that is

because they weren’t traveling by

themselves there’s somebody else with

them that gave them special access to

their destination God says if I can see

somebody else with you and I can see

that you’ve been used of me to touch

somebody else I’ll let you flow in

answer prayers I’ll let you float in

powerful experience I’ll let you abide

in me cuz you’re hanging out in mister

guards neighborhood

