Life can be unrelenting, and when the circumstances conspire to overwhelm us with sorrow, grief or frustration, it can seem as though God has fallen asleep on us. But it is in that helplessness that God wants us to trust that He will always see us through the gale.

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder, and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually.

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let me tell you something God doesn’t do

miracles just to show off he does the

supernatural so that his name will be

and they say see because too many of us

still got him in a manger somewhere 72

million of us don’t don’t know who we

dealing with here who then is this that

even the wind and the sea obey Him it

doesn’t work this religious thing this

Christian thing it doesn’t work that’s

what the disciples are saying it’s not

working I’m not getting victory I’m not

being delivered I’m not I’m not I’m not

it’s not working and they want to know

why he doesn’t just bless you for you he

blesses you for his name his glory your

impact your testimony your ministry God

just doesn’t want to do miracles that

excludes you he wants to do miracles

that include you you are part of the



Jesus has been teaching all day he’s

been teaching the crowds preaching the

big sermon and then he takes his

disciples aside and he gives them a

private word he says in verse 33 of Mark

for with many such parables he was

speaking the word to them so far as they

were able to hear it and he did not

speak to them without a parable but he

was explaining everything privately to

his own disciples so he calls his

disciples aside after teaching the big

crowd and says let me speak to you and

let me give you some stories that will

give you spiritual truth for you to

apply to your life and he gave them some

inside information beginning in verse 35

he tells his disciples I want you to get

on the boat and let us go verse 35 says

to the other side leaving the crowd they

took him along with them in the boat

just as he was and the other boats were

with him so let’s get something straight

as we start our journey the disciples

are smack dab in the will of God Jesus

said get in the boat they got in the

boat after the sermon they listen to the

word as they get in the boat they got in

the boat and they are doing exactly what

they were told to do they are perfectly

situated not only are they in the will

of God Jesus is in there with them

because it says Jesus got in the boat –

so life can’t be better than having

Church here in the word and Jesus joins

you in the boat so Jesus is in the boat

they’re going their way over to the

other side but while in the will of God

and on the boat with the Lord there’s a

problem the problem is described in

verse 37

there arose a fierce Gale of wind and

the waves were breaking over the boat so

that the boat was already filling up now

many of these are professional fishermen

so they know how to handle water boats

and storms

so with professional fishermen get

scared you know is a big deal this is a

major lilac and so they are caught in

the storm while being in the will of God

so the first thing that you need to know

is that in the will of God it does rain

what tells you whether you’re in a God

out of God’s will is did you do what he

tells you to do but whether you did it

or you didn’t do it you can still be in

a lilac that is a to mulch with

situation the other thing you need to

know about this lilac is its merciless

that is it comes down on you and it

seeks to consume you

the boat was filling up the wind was

blowing at such speed that it threatened

to take them under anybody ever been in

a situation that looked like it was

gonna take you under that it was gonna

drown you that it was going to overwhelm

you a storm this kind of trial is an

unexpected circumstance that invades

your life that threatens your very

existence we’re not talking about a

headache or a toothache here we’re

talking about a situation where your

life is on the line where you don’t know

if you’re going to make it or not and

then I tell you something else about a

storm a storm is always designed to

increase your faith and give you a

deeper experience with your God storms

aren’t pleasant they aren’t comfortable

and sometimes they can be

life-threatening but they always come

with a purpose so here they are in a

crisis they’re in this crisis and the

Isis was threefold they actually three

storms are carrying here let me walk you

through the three storms first of all

there is a circumstantial storm the

lilac I say one more thing about this

circumstantial storm and that is it was

a storm over which they could exercise

no control you can’t control the wind

you can’t control the sea you can’t

control the rain you can’t control the

the spinning of the turmoil you can’t

control waves billowing up and going you

can’t control that that is out of your

control so you can be in the will of God

and in a storm and absolutely be able to

do nothing about it because you can’t

control a lot like its circumstances

that produces a helpless and sometimes

the feeling of a hopeless scenario so

let’s storm number one that leads to

storm number two storm number two is

that they were terrified we know that

they were terrified because Jesus is

going to say to them why are you afraid

in verse 40 so they weren’t scared they

were scared we’re talking terrified so

now we not only have a storm of

circumstance we have a storm of emotion

because their emotions have riveted up

and they are scared about the doctors

reports scared about the financial

struggle scared about the relationship

direction scared whatever it is that you

can’t control that’s causing your

emotions to be uprooted is your lack

because it’s something so big so deep

and so devastating you can’t control it

so the first storm our circumstances out

of they control the second storm is

their emotional instability because of

the uncontrollable circumstance but

there’s a third storm here we’ll call it

a theological storm because not only was

there circumstance out of control and

now their emotions responding to their


they now have a spiritual storm a

theological storm because the scripture

goes on to say that they woke up Jesus

and said in verse 38 teacher do you not

care that we are perishing see that’s

the spiritual storm because their

circumstances were out of control and

their emotions have gone crazy

now they question whether what they have

been believing is true if the truth be

told and you would tell the truth and

shame the devil there aren’t many of us

who haven’t questioned God who haven’t

said I’m not sure I should be believing

this anymore I’m not sure I could should

be continuing this because what I’m

hearing on Sunday and what I’m

experiencing on Monday don’t match I

heard the preacher say that you can I

don’t see you caring for me so what I

heard about you and what I’m

experiencing don’t match and I’m not

sure this is real because verse 38 says

Jesus himself was in the stern asleep on

the cushion they made they shook him and

they said don’t you care because if you

can’t we wouldn’t even know even if you

were thai we wouldn’t have to wake you

up you got you getting wet like we

getting wet the boat’s flipping and

flopping you like it’s flipping and

flopping us and so they’re in this storm

they’re struggling Jesus asleep and they

had a question where were you you care

about me you care about me I wasn’t

gonna be going through this like this

don’t you care how bad was it that we

are perishing

so this is major we think we’re gonna

drown out here and

I’m gonna die Jesus has just taught the

disciples they just come from church so

to speak

and now they’re under pressure and it’s

tough does Jesus care about my pain my

finances my loneliness my hurt my

depression because I’m in his will and I

feel all this and so they wake Jesus up

verse 39 Jesus gets up and he rebukes

the wind and says to the sea hush efis

hush be still


what I got from my father was Oswald

example he was a tremendous example

because he was living with he preached

and taught so that example I also got

the powerful value of the Word of God

how powerfully valuable and how in first

place over everything I mean everything

was to be judged you do everything was

to be managed by everything is to be

viewed through the Word of God not so I

think my view of Scripture and my view

of the word the inerrancy of the word

the power of the word the accuracy of

the word the supremacy of the word all

of that came from from My Father and he

just learned it as a layperson so I just

guessed the word is the dominant thing

don’t forget Peter was layperson too but

he did 3005 right right we can’t put him

on a Saints equipped with Paul in the

policy we’re very educated but the Peter

Peter was officially right and they’ll

all use them in the Lord you know that’s

you in your hands you do and how you get

where you are today only the Lord knows

you walked on the waterfront

yeah that’s what I made my living and

whatnot and so some days we didn’t work

very much but I did other things you to

try to raise my family I don’t eat fish

but there’s a reason I eat fish and what

I ate them because I had to well that’s

all and they got all these little bones

in them hairy hands sometimes the only

work one or two to two days he went on

to the unemployment office for my family

to survive and whatnot so we’ve come a

long ways how you met my mother

your wife was now gone home but it’s

gonna be with the Lord

yes he was sitting on the steps and I

was playing football and whatnot and so

what I want you know talk about there

and why not

as where they was in I was that it’s all

in love and whatnot and so that was it

you know just thank you Lord for her

almost every week you appreciate almost

a local church soul and teaching and

doing the best again how long you been

doing that for me it gets saved

19:59 then i bobl study teachings and so

forth over the years three years i can’t

name them all seem everything

thank the Lord you see what did you

think about what’s happening in the

world like the world is a horrible

predicament and like my daughter said

that I seem to know the Lord has

forgotten all about our country America

I’m talking about all countries right

all countries in the German state you

see they can’t see Christ and they don’t

want the Lord they say they say but yet

they’re you don’t know Christ it’s

pitiful so I just prayed the Lord

telling me to pray that’s what I do

we’ve got to continue to preach the

gospel and continue to instruct our

children as best we can

that the Word of God is right when the

Lord said if I would have to go up from

the earth I will draw all men unto me

what’s your favorite Bible passage

if I be lifted up from the earth I will

draw the magnetic force of God or girl

man unto me that’s an interesting when

I’m I had to write that title back

the magnetic force of God I haven’t

heard that one no that’s a good way to

put it I would draw them in under me


thou shalt confess with thy mouth the

Lord Jesus believe in her heart the God

has raised from the dead thou shalt be

saved it was about did you ever want to

give up did you ever like it was too

much because I had Christ on my side he

didn’t give up

okay people want to have their own way

through the own thing well I know they

do is just continue to pray and preach

so I know till he comes

no I want to live for thee everyday you

know that spirit what do you want to

leave us with what do you want to leave

behind what is some of the thoughts you

would have if if all the family was

gathered here and you were just talking

to us kids grandkids great-grandkids

what would you say

I tell them instead of the word and I

love the Spirit of God to lead you

because with our God spirit the person

is not saying remember if the end the

church to wear it do not have God’s

Spirit in them and they’re not born

again their names and I written in the

language of light and they’re not going

to spend eternity with Christ

my greatest joy is is to know that I

have but with 23 great-grandchildren

great-great-grandchildren and one one

great-great-great-great too – yeah – is

it okay so you got you got plenty of

family you can’t even keep up with them

all is now generation yeah

so as you think of your own our own

families we want to think of the

generation impact of this kind of

gathering that we could have this

gathering because of him and and so I’m

honored to be your son


that’s of course a little bit war a

little bit more I want to tell girls all

about it one of these days I’m going to

tell her all about it one of these days

just shortly that’s all we need unless I

get my hamburger getting him over the

weekend saying him so Jesus is asleep

they wake him up when they wake him up

he speaks to the circumstance that was

causing the crisis so don’t let it be

said your crisis continues because you

never took the time to wake the Savior

up and so Jesus now turns to his

disciples why are you afraid

verse 40 how is it that you have no

faith why are you afraid and why do you

have no faith oh I don’t know Jesus

maybe it’s cuz we’re getting ready to

die because in verse 35 Jesus said let

us go to the other side not let me go to

the other side we’re gonna make it to

the other side you left shouting you

were excited to get in the boat with me

but when the circumstances showed up

they overrode what I said in other words

your problem overrode my promise so you

are now living in light of the problem

no longer living in light of the promise

and when you live in light of the

problem and no longer in light of the

promise the problem will dominate you

and it will totally erase the fact I

ever made one God never wants your

circumstances he what I want you to deny

him a storm is a song you don’t call it

a sunshine

today a storm is reality but he never

wants your circumstance to trump his

word not only does he not want your

circumstance to trump his word he

doesn’t want your circumstance to trump

his presence because he’s on the boat

too and so Jesus speaks to the problem

and when he speaks to the problem there

is a circumstantial change verse 41 says

they became very much afraid when they

were in the lilac they were afraid when

they saw who they were dealing with they

became very much afraid in other words

we afraid of the wrong thing

see we let our circumstances scare us he

says when you know who you dealing with

you’ll be less afraid of that and more

scare to me coz shucks if I could tell

them if I could tell the storm to calm

down what can I do with you if I’m

ticked off at you you know if you’re

gonna be scared then what you need to be

is skip more your fear on the beach one

who I am not what the circumstance is

because once I get up all I gotta do is

talk to it I want is anybody here ever

seen God talk to a situation you know it

was out of your control nobody you knew

you could help you didn’t have money to

buy your way out of it and when God said

something heaven spoke to it and room

suddenly immediately I don’t know where

that thing changed so it’s more

important to buy faith get Jesus dealing

with the circumstance than you living in

fear don’t be scared of the wrong thing

when Jesus is humanity his sleep his

deity stays awake who then is this they

were on a journey of discovery

trials as inconvenient and as painful as

they are on a journey of discovery of

who you’re dealing with

seekers to me if I still got him in a

manger somewhere too many of us simply

too many of us don’t know who we dealing

with here

I mean he’s tired so he got to go to

sleep because he’s human he gets up and

he puts the lilac to sleep because he’s

God because he’s human we we call this

in theology the hypostatic Union the

hypostatic Union means two natures in

one person unmixed forever two natures

in one person unmixed forever so he’s

both human and divine see so god

fertilized the egg of a woman he

fertilized the egg of Mary without a

male sperm so that the Holy Spirit would

provide the divine and Mary would

provide the human so that the human and

divine would be mixed in one person

without sin forever

that’s the hypostatic Union so so one

minute he’s thirsty the Bible says he

said I first but the next minute he

walking on water and and and and

stopping storms and stuff one minute he

says I hunger the next minute he’s

taking sardines and crackers and making

a folk moby-dick sandwich to feed 5,000

men not counting women and children over

20,000 people one moment he died on a

cross another moment he raised in folk

from the dead come on who are you what

manner of man is this Hebrews 4 says and

we have a high priest who is able to

sympathize with our pain

how can you sympathize with my pain cuz

I’m human so I can feel what you feel

the way you felt it but I’m divine see

when I go to you or you go to me that’s

human a human

I may be able to sympathize but not be

able to fix it but when you deal with

the god/man you’re dealing with someone

who can feel it and fix it see if your

if your obstetrician is a man who’s

delivering your baby he can fix it but

he can’t understand it because you’re

male obstetrician has never known what

it’s like to be pregnant know what it’s

like to be in labor and no one is like

to give birth now he can he can fix it

but he can’t feel it but if your

obstetrician is a female who also has

children they can feel it and fix it

because they know what it feels like to

be pregnant

they knows what it feels like to be in

labor they knows what it feels like to

deliver but because of their training

they know how to help you and know what

it feels like

while they help you all the man can do

is lie and say I know how you feel in

fact the next pregnant woman that has a

baby and the doc says I know how you

feel say stop lying doctor I here for

your lies you don’t know I feel but a

woman with a baby knows how you feel but

that training is enabling her to fix it

God says come on my man I know how you

feel but because I’m God I can do

something with it what manner of man is

this that even the circumstances nature

obeys him that nature has to sir come

down so if you have a lilac and if you

don’t have one keep living you will God

wants to take you to a place of

understanding in him that you’ve never

been before

so let me tell you something God doesn’t

do miracles just to show off he doesn’t

do the supernatural to flex his muscles

he does the supernatural so that his

name will be done some issues are too

big for you to handle by yourself

that’s why you need community that’s why

you need people around you to help you

move stones you can do this

that’s what church is supposed to be he

doesn’t just bless you for you he

blesses you for his name his glory your

impact your testimony your ministry let

the redeemed of the Lord say so when you

get your supernatural you better open up

your mouth then you better declare the

greatness of your God because only your

God can go into your grave and raise you

up and give you life you better give him

the glory to his name



