Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

we have come through a very turbulent

week it has become clear that if we

didn’t know it before I know we did but

it has become clear of how divided we

are as a nation politically we are

divided racially we’re divided class

wise we divide it culturally we’re

divided gender wise we are divided and

this election has brought that up at a

enormous ly high level what concerns me

is that I hear I hear Christians being

as divided as the world

I can’t control what the non-believing

world does or does not do but when

people of faith get caught up

it means we still don’t get it so let me

start with the premise everything

visible and physical is preceded by that

which is invisible and spiritual so if

you want to address the visible physical

issues you must first address the

invisible spiritual reality behind it

because if you miss that you’ve missed

the route and you’re picking at the

fruit and all of these things that are

trying to solve all these dilemmas are

fruit picking not route addressing so

let’s let’s get something straight about

Elections the Bible says that God puts

up Kings and tear Kings down

so your vote whoever you voted for is

never the final say so the final say-so

is what God either causes or allows now

you are to vote I am to vote we are to

participate but heaven rules

Nebuchadnezzar had to learn that daniel

said heaven rules earth and if you don’t

understand that then you won’t get all

shook up about not liking something on

earth when when heaven is sitting behind

it now what goes into God’s decisions

about what he allows yes our

participation but also what goes into it

is whether he’s allowing it for blessing

or for judgment because he allows what

he allows either to bring blessing or to

bring judgment but one thing is

inextricably clear according to Hebrews

chapter 12 and that is God allows things

to get shaken the author Hebrew says to

reveal his unshakable Kingdom

so regardless of which way you voted God

has created a gap that the church needs

to take advantage of because how do we

expect them to get along out there if we

can’t get along in here however you

voted whether Democrat Republican or

write-in and dependent because God

doesn’t write the backs of donkeys or

elephants however you voted you are now

to be living like a kingdom man and

Kingdom women woman for the Advancement

of the kingdom of God so our job is to

demonstrate what it looks like when

people of God represent the king not the

president the king and how we act react

talk when you see some of the things

that people are saying and some of the

attitudes being displayed and then

attach God’s name to it it’s a

contradiction now that may be racism out

there but there’s not going to be any

racism in here

not not up in here up in here because we

represent another Kingdom

there may be classism out there but no

classism in the church no no big eyes

and little use in the church no our job

is to represent the kingdom of God and

to call God’s people to do the same

because this is spiritual it manifests

itself politically but this is spiritual

much to President Obama’s credit he set

the tone in his address after the

election when he said speaking

politically we’re not first Democrats or

Republicans we are Americans first and

he said we’re going to wish the best for

the president-elect the Bible says honor

the king that’s what the scripture says

says honor the king and the King he told

them mana was Nero and he was horrible

but you honor the position even when you

disagree with the person and just like

President Obama was dishonored in many

many ways and that dishonor should be

rejected any dishonor of the position

even though we must address individual

issues with the person is unbiblical

unchristian and is evil

so do not let anyone here coming out of

your mouth

dishonor even though you may express

disagreement because you represent the

king you represent Jesus Christ and so

whether as an individual and what you

say and how you interact and react what

you treat your train your children to

think and to do you saw some of the

violence out there that’s just

unspeakable we have the right to protest

but we have only the right to protest to

the help of others not to the root of

others then in the church people know

when they walk through this door they

are embraced and welcomed if they hold a

firm to the Lord Jesus who we love and

if they don’t we want to introduce them

regardless of race or color or culture

and then in our community people people

ought to see when you when you step out

and your job or in your school or

wherever you are that you are a kingdom

citizen the kingdom citizen is a man or

woman who is fully committed to Jesus

Christ and their commitment to Christ

seeks to bring heavenly principles into

Earth’s concerns that’s what we do we

bring heaven to bear on it

we don’t just replicate what everybody

else is saying presidents come and go

there’s only one king that stays on the


so it is absolutely critical during this

day of chaos and confusion you go out of

your way we go out of our way the Bible

says in Galatians 6:10 do good to all

men as you have opportunity but

especially to the household of faith so

so rather than fussing cuss and cry and

create havoc let our good work speak for

us let people see that we we represent

we represent God’s house because trust

me God’s not going to skip the church

house to fix the white house he always

thoughts with his people Ephesians 3:10

says he works through the church to deal

with the principalities and the powers

and things you can do that’s why that

little thing we’re doing where you pick

up from the bookstore the little card

we’ve asked all of our members to be

conscious to do good works to be

conscious when you see a need and God

prick your heart to address it and give

the person you meet the need of a little

card you just experience a random act of

kindness from a person that will clip

Bible fellowship and if you need more

prayer or help contact us because we’re

here to make things better and I just

stare mess up we’re here to make things


I gotta get a card in the mail

this is what was written they got a

picture of our car that we hand out when

we do good works I just wanted to let

you know that I was on a plane yesterday

Sunday October 2nd with two of your

members on their way to a 50th class

reunion cruise out of Galveston and they

were two of the kindest and warm-hearted

individuals I have met they gave me the

above card and we had a lovely chat

unfortunately I did not even get their

name and although we didn’t have but an

hour flight together their warmth touch

my heart and the way they spoke of their

church just prompted me to reach out to

you to let you know about them see that

that people ought to be saying that

about us

a week ago an Anglo visitor who had

visited our church stopped me and she

said I came to church and I was hurting

and I sat down then I was just crying

one of your members came over never met

them don’t know who they were and they

wrap their arms around me and they

prayed for me and more than the sermon

or the song having them love on me in my

pain was what changed my day that that’s

being christ-like and being Christian so

don’t don’t

so come to all the noise it’s a lot of

noise a lot of noise on both sides now

we represent another King and another

Kingdom and that’s what should come


one of our members was on the way

yesterday and they were walking up camp

wisdom and then one of the another of

our members was driving and saw this

member carrying two bags walking up the

street and they pull that car over and

said well you don’t have to walk I’ll be

glad to drive you to where you want to

go the member who had the two bags said

no that’s okay I’m I’m almost where I

need to go but thank you the sister

pulled off and then double back around

to the member who was carrying the two

bags and said you know you really don’t

have to walk because I’m a member of Oak

Cliff Bible Fellowship and and I’d love

to serve you and and take it away you

need to go the member with the two bags

said when boy I really fishing put her

head stuck her head in the car and said

you know thank you thank you but I

really almost where I need to go and I

really appreciate it

the member in the car looked through the

member stuck her head in and said sister

Evans I didn’t know that was you it’s

just after yesterday I’m sure glad she

ain’t drive off yes

but I’m talking about the spirit that

comes out of our church everywhere our

members live work play go to state you

represent the King of Kings and yes

fight for your biblically based

political position but fight righteously

and truthfully and with love and

kindness not vitriol and so in this

chaos voices of reason on your job and

wherever you are voices of reason with

truth and with love need the step for

these are dark days with great

opportunity if we take advantage of it

as the people of God so I want to pray

for our nation but I can’t do that

without remembering that veteran if you

are a veteran please stand up so we can

thank you for your service to the United

States of America remain standing

Veterans I want to pray for you even as

we pray for our country I want to thank

God for you and on behalf of Oak Cliff

thank you for how you have served Oh

cliff Bible fellowship and beyond the

United States our beloved nation let’s

pray father we thank you we thank you

thank you Lord for the men and women in

the various parts of the services that

we render to keep us safe and free for

the sacrifice of time talent energy and

well-being that they have given you said

that the purpose of government first and

foremost is to protect its citizens so

thank you that they have been involved

in protecting us and we do not want to

dumb down what they have done by

forgetting to thank you for them Lord we

pray for our president as he plans to

exit his role of commander-in-chief that

you would bless President Obama and his

wife that you will protect them and I

thank you for the years that you’ve

given them to us as our leader but now

we pray for the president-elect because

God’s sovereignty allowed it to happen

and you said pray for them were in


and so I pray for the president-elect

president-elect Trump and his cabinet

may he choose the right people who will

give him the right advice so that we are

experienced well being as a nation most

of all I pray for this church and your

church that we will not become part of

the problem but become part of the

solution and we will give you the honor

and the glory for allowing us to be

participants in a country that gives us

the privilege of casting a vote and

being participants and we’ll give you

the honor and the glory in Jesus name

all God’s people said amen and amen and
