Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, pastored by Dr. Tony Evans, holds an annual New Year’s Eve service for their members. This year was no exception and Pastor Evans led the congregation with a heartfelt, authentic, and hope-filled message delivered only a day after losing his wife of 49 years to cancer. We want to share this message with as many people as possible in order to bring encouragement where it is needed most. Look to the Lord in the midst of life’s losses. He is there. You are not alone.

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when you live long enough you discover

that this world is booby-trapped its

booby-trapped with disappointments Hertz

the unexpected sometimes you look up at

life and like a kid on Christmas you

opened the box and you ask is this all

there is then when you think you found a

solution to the thing you were

struggling about it’s like the referee

blowing a whistle calling back and

saying you’ve been penalized you didn’t

score sometimes it’s like the fourth of

July when the sky lights up only quickly

to become dark again when you live long

enough and you run into life the reality

is sometimes it hurts but if you haven’t

been there just keep living life has a

way of tracking you down as you plan to

cross over here shortly into a new year

I want to give you the admonition that

James gave when he says in chapter 4

verse 13 come now you who say today or

tomorrow we will go to such and such a

city spend a year there and engage in

business and make a profit yet you do

not even know what your life will be

like tomorrow you are just a vapor that

appears for a little while and then

vanishes away instead you ought to say

if the Lord wills we will live and do

this or that but as it is your boasting

in your arrogance

and such boasting is sin therefore the

one who knows to do right and does not

do it to him it is sin I hope you

develop a plan for your year the of 2020

the Bible and carriage is planning all

through the Bible you will see God being

a planning kind of God you will see him

outlining things in history and you will

see the scripture telling us over and

over again to plan but what this

scripture says is don’t plan like a fool

don’t plan like a fool leave room for

the will of God because your plan and

God’s will may not always match I had a

plan we had a plan threating 70 years

old in September and my wife turning 70

years old December 1st we talked about

last year this time how we wanted to

kind of dull down the rat race I’ve been

going 100 miles an hour since we met at

18 and the plan was you know got a staff

got a church everything is you know so

let’s can we find some time to dial it


I made some promises to her that some

trips we wanted to take some places we

hadn’t seen and to adjust the schedule

in February

I’ve never taken off in February I’ve

always only taken off in August but

never in February in February sad she

said I really would like to see

Australia I said well this February

we’ll do that

we made that plan last February only to

find out in March that cancer had come

back with a vengeance so we had a plan

but it got interrupted by life and if

you don’t make room for divine


you will stay angry mad frustrated

irritated and exacerbated because life

just doesn’t always go like you planned

he does not condemn them for planning he

condemns them for planning that left God

out he says what you ought to say is

this is my plan if the Lord wills

because what that does is give God the

right to call inaudible in your life to

change the play I play got changed

graphically and as far as history is

concerned it’s been changed forever

in time but the one thing that we had

going for us was Jesus

and being able to worship him and praise

Him in the uncertainty through the tears

and in the loss as I lay there today on

my bed I didn’t get out of the bed

basically till it was time to come to

church from last night all the way

through today I just stayed in a bed and

kept the room dark try to remember some

things but the one thing that hit me was

Jesus I’m sure glad I got you but where

would I be in a situation like this if I

didn’t have you I don’t understand the

will of God always and I certainly don’t

like this one

but he’s God and I’m not and he didn’t

ask my opinion I do know that he makes

no mistakes the hardest three words I

heard a couple of weeks ago it hurts to

be reminded of these three words hardest

three words

my wife said let me go

she said it’s time God hasn’t seen fit

to heal me and let me go I told her I

told like I can’t let you go and she

told me you cannot be so selfish to keep

me here if God wants me because Jesus

was in the room in the darkest hour of

my life there was hope in the midst of

hopelessness we had a friend to come

over the house last night her friend she

always wanted scriptures to be read and

songs to be sung and so we would play

those hymns and songs the friend was

just sharing with us as she sang she

would just raise their hand in worship

she couldn’t talk but she just raised

her hand and worship and just hold it in

worship the friend wanted to make sure

that that’s what it was and she said if

you could if you can hear me and you

understand me and you with me blink and

she would blink couldn’t speak but she

would blink she said I’m with you so as

you approach 20/20 plan planned good

plan hard plan for favor but leave room

for God so that if something doesn’t

happen like you wanted you not out there

by yourself

because you’ve left room for God the

story in Chapter 12 of Luke about a rich

man he made a plan it was a retirement


he says I’m a retire I got enough money

now I’m gonna eat drink and be merry and

I’m just gonna enjoy life and it says

that God came in and said you fool

tonight your soul is required of you so

I want to challenge you me and us we’ve

got plans I’ve got plans now that I’ve

got to redo them all and rethink them

all we got plans for our church plan and

lay those plans before the Lord and say

Lord this is what I would like to see

you do in 2020 if it’s your will and I

give you the right to adjust the plans

to your will I’m gonna pray over them I

might ask you a favor

over them but I’m gonna give you the

right of editing my plans to your will

and when we do that and God is able to

superintend our plans with His purposes

whether we understand them or not then

we can feel his peace and his presence

in the midst of our problems I wish I

could promise you that 2020 will be a

painless year I wish I could promise you

that 2020 it’s just going to be a

problem this year but that would be

infringing on the divine because it’s

not all good all the time I can tell you


that if you live according to his will

and you’re willing to say yes to him

even when he says no to you twenty

twenty year twenty twenty may not be a

problem this year but it will be a God

filled yeah

so let’s stand to our feet want to thank

our worship ministry for all the

creative things they did today

I’m gonna pray God’s blessing on you and

then you’re gonna wish five people

around you Happy New Year and then rush

to your car and leave so that the ten

o’clock worship folks can get in

remember G Moore’s CD is in the back

father thank you for the privilege of

worshiping you with tears worshiping

with you in spite of pain worshiping you

in the midst of loss worshiping you

because you are worthy of our worship

and we will give you our worship because

you deserve it

we’re gonna plan we’re gonna show you

our dreams our desires but we’re gonna

also say if it’s the Lord’s will we do

not want to be so arrogant as to plan

independently of you do that for

everyone here and be with us in 2020
