Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually.

we want god to take us way up here but

he can’t take us deep in here if you

want god to take you high then you got

to let god take you deep because the

deeper he takes you the higher he can

take you and you won’t fall over when

the bad times comes

don’t give up on god because god has not

given up on you





when we get into our story today joseph

is going to be 30 years old

we started when he was 17 chapter 42

verse 46 says that joseph is 30 years

old when these events occur so this is a

13-year detour

because you don’t go


detour to destiny in a straight line

but i’m going to share with you the

three things to look for

that will let you know

you’re getting ready to move

off of detour on to destiny

onto the place god has for you

the place god’s taking you to the three

things that come out of this story

of the life of joseph

that you ought to look for

if you are serious about

your relationship with god and serious

about his purpose for you


one you know you’re getting ready to

leave detour

and enter the highway of destiny

when god disappoints you just when you

thought he was coming through for you

chapter 40.

joseph is in prison

he’s interpreted the dreams from the two

gentlemen we talked about last week

joseph says only verse 14 keep me in

mind when it goes well with you and

please do me a kindness by mentioning me

to pharaoh and get me out of this house

this jail for i was in fact kidnapped

from the land of the hebrews and even

here i have done nothing

that should have put me into this

dungeon this jail


looks like

he’s finally going to be delivered

he’s interpreted the cupbearer’s dream

told told the cupbearer you’re going to

live you’re not going to die

he’s giving the cup bearer good news

he says and when you get delivered

mention me to pharaoh

carefully this is innocent hebrew boy

still in jail get me up out of here up

out of here up out of here cause i don’t

belong in here i’m tired of being in

here and you are going to be situated

and since i helped the brother out i h.b

owed you

you remember me to pharaoh when you get

out of here

it looks like

god has finally brought somebody into

his life who can help him

who can deliver him who can send a good

word for him

it looks like his day has finally

arrived god has sent a contact who can

speak on his behalf

verse 23

yet the chief cup error did not remember


but forgot him

you know

you are headed toward destiny

and off of detour

when it looks like god has set things up

to deliver you and he goes left on you

when god goes left on you

it’s good news in a bad situation

when your human contacts can’t help you

and your money can’t buy you out of it

and you are thrown on him alone

then guess what he gets the chance to be


number two

number one is when god disappoints you

number two which is kind of related to


is when god skips you

one is disappointed you

then he skips you all together


chapter 41 verse 1

now it happened at the end of two full

years that pharaoh had a dream and

behold he was sitting by the nile

okay let’s talk about these two years

joseph is 30 before this

before all this is going to come about

does it really happen

he’s in jail for another two years so

that means he’s 28 right now

so he’s 28 so for 11 years now he’s been

on his detour

he finally looks like he’s getting ready

to be delivered

and the cupbearer forgets all about him

and he’s stuck there for two years

but two years later pharaoh has a dream

joseph has never met pharaoh

he hadn’t he never met pharaoh he knows

pharaoh is pharaoh but he’s never met


joseph has no connection with pharaoh’s


pharaoh is going to sleep and he dreams

he dreams about some ugly cows seven

ugly cows eating

seven good cows

then he dreams about some

some some corn and seven ears of corn uh

tiny corn eating the good corn

and he can’t figure this out

i got cows eating cows and corn ain’t

gone and and i can’t sleep

wait a minute

joseph is over here locked up in prison

pharaoh’s in a mansion in in the king’s


pharaoh has a dream

this dream is going to be the link

between joseph getting to me pharaoh

but the dream happens


to joseph


god is working over here

unbeknownst to joseph over here

because he’s doing something there

that’s gonna hook up over here that over

here has no knowledge is taking place

over there

okay let’s deal with vocabulary three

words that either you shouldn’t use it


or if you use them


after you use them

luck chance or faith are not christian


you cannot have a sovereign god who’s in

control and have luck chance or fate

because that means nobody was

controlling the events

and since we have a sovereign god

who the bible says not one hair of your

head dropped off of which he is not

fully knowledgeable of and fully

connected to

there can be no such thing as luck

chance or fate

there is another word we’ll describe

later it’s called providence

where the fingers of god are in the

glove of history controlling hookups

when the two years are ready

why are you gonna leave joe there for

two years god

because i need two years

before pharaoh is ready for the dream

but i need two years

for joseph to develop full dependency

and when preparation meets purpose

detour meets destiny

pharaoh has a dream

verse eight now in the morning of his

spirit was troubled

so he sent and called for all the

magicians of egypt

and all of the wise men

and pharaoh told them his dreams

but there was not one who could

interpret them to pharaoh

he called the the creme de la creme he

called the magicians and the smart folk

called the wise men he got the smartest

people around say this was my dream what

does it mean

and they said

i don’t know because watch this

when god is setting something up

he will not let human wisdom come up

with an answer joseph is sitting there

wondering god how long how long am i

going to be on the tarmac

well joseph

joseph is sitting in the cell

and uh

god has

skipped joseph because he’s dealing with

this dream

and that leads to

a third thing

god surprises you

the first thing is god disappoints you

second thing is he skips you he does

something outside of you do you even

know what’s happening

and then the third thing

is he surprises you

verse 9

chapter 41 then somebody say then

then the chief cupbearer spoke to

pharaoh saying i would make mention

today of my own offense pharaoh was

furious with his servants and he put me

in confinement in the house of the

captain of the bodyguard both me and the

chief baker we had a dream on the same

night he and i each of us dreaming

according to the interpretations of his

own dream

now a hebrew youth was in there a

servant of the captain of the bodyguard

and was released and was related

and we related them to him and he

interpreted our dreams for us to each

one he interpreted according to his own

dream and just as he interpreted for us

so it happened he restored me to my

office but you hanged him then pharaoh

sent and called for joseph and they

hurriedly brought him out of the dungeon


the dream says the pharaoh says i got a


wise men

interpret it they can’t


lightbulb comes on in the cupbearer’s


dream interpretation dream

interpretation interpretation dream

dream interpretation interpretation



i just remembered

two years ago there was this dude in

jail and i had a nightmare on elm street

like you did and there’s this dude in

jail and we had a dream and me and the

baker when you got mad at us and we told

this guy this just some dude named

joseph he’s a hebrew guy we told him our

dream he interpreted it and the dream

came true

yeah yeah

you want to talk to him

now i know for some of you that’s luck

chance or faith

but that shouldn’t be in your vocabulary

that’s called providence

the hand of god moving in the glove of

history creating a dream

reminding the cup bearer about his

relationship years ago

that makes a connection

so that now pharaoh wants to meet a man

named joseph who he never knew

because god brings back to the

remembrance of the cup bearer

when it’s


see unless you believe that god is a god

of time

and that he is manipulating


now pharaoh

calls joseph and says i got a dream

the cupbearer says you can help me

can you help me

he said well tell me the dream and then

because joseph never forgot god he said

and god will give you the interpretation

because joseph even though he’s two

years on a detour he never forgot god

god would give you everything he says

okay the seven bad cows are seven bad

years that you’re gonna have after seven

good years you’re gonna have seven good

years some bad years so you gotta save

up in the good years for the bad years

and and he interprets it

oh by the way when god brings you out of

detour and on the destiny he cleans you


uh cause uh

because we find out in verse 14

then pharaoh sent and called for joseph

and then hardly brought him out of the

dungeon and when he had shaved himself

changed his clothes he came to pharaoh

oh he can clean you up when it’s time to

take you out of those jail clothes

out of that bad situation and so and so

now he surprises him because after two

years you’re gonna think there’s no hope

you’re not gonna think that’s hope when

you’ve been waiting for two years and

nobody’s knocked on your door

because some of you perhaps have given

up because your detour is too long

sometimes you need to do a study in the

bible on the word suddenly

suddenly is when god surprises you when

it comes out of nowhere when you

couldn’t have planned that when you

couldn’t when you couldn’t have expected

that suddenly out of nowhere he gets a

knock on the door leave yourself

leave yourself

because there the pharaoh needs to see


okay but how do you know

how do you know

that what’s happening is really god

because sometimes you want to

this is really god this is just

something to happen okay how do you know

it’s it’s it’s a god move and not just

something that happened well one you

shouldn’t believe in luck chance or

faith but but how do you practically


that you know that you know

oh this is a god move here this is the

move off of off of detour to destiny or

at least moving me my progress of detour

how do you know okay i’m gonna tell you

how you can know and it’s in the passage

chapter 40


verse 32.

now as for the repeating of the vision

of the dream

to pharaoh


it means that the matter is determined

by god

and god will quickly bring it about


the scripture says by two or three

witnesses shall a matter be confirmed

so when god comes through


when he does it a second time

that’s why gideon had the fleece on one

side one day flipped it on the other

side another day because he needed


is this really you god or is this the

devil trying to trick me is this really

you god or this people trying to divert

me i need to know if it’s you look for


because god will always confirm his will

he will always validate his word and he

says pharaoh the reason you know it’s

from god is because he gave it

twice he didn’t just give you the

cows he gave you the cows and the corn

and when he gave you the two seeds

then you know it is from god so don’t

just look at what happened look if it

happened twice

because god verifies himself a second


i am not we are not supposed to be in

dallas dallas is not where i am supposed

to be in terms of my plans

as i prepared my last year of school in

college in atlanta

we had driven up to winona lake indiana

to a school i decided to go to seminary

believe that god wanted me to go to

seminary so we drove up and we got


for school to plan to go to school in

the following september in winona lake

indiana there’s a school there a

seminary there called grace theological


drove up was accepted

and went to look for housing

everything was planned

all the preparation had been made

because i had a plan

it was a clear plan i was going to go to

winona lake indiana to this particular

school all arrangements made

while in class one day

a gentleman

named doug mcintosh

after he got his master’s degree at

dallas seminary doug mcintosh was

invited to become a pastor of a church

in atlanta georgia

i am going to school to college in

atlanta georgia

doug mcintosh

was invited to be an adjunct professor

at my school in georgia

so he is teaching bible classes

in the bible department of my college in



elected to take one of doug mcintosh’s


i have already made my plans to go to

winona lake indiana

it is too late to apply to anywhere else

plus i’ve already decided where i want

to go

doug mcintosh passes me in class and

says one sentence actually two

sentence number one have you ever

thought about applying to dallas

seminary my answer no i’ve already

applied to grace seminary and i’ve

already been accepted plus it’s now may

so it’s too late for the upcoming


he says if i pay your application fee

will you at least apply

well it’s only me filling out paper if

you’re gonna fill out the check i will

apply but i’ve already decided that i’m

going to winona lake indiana

he then writes out 50 75 whatever it was

with the application fee i fill out the


and i mail it in with not much

expectation because i already have my

destination i already have my plan

and doug mcintosh as far as i’m

concerned is just a nice professor who

wants to do a nice thing

for should i say a nice student so doug

mcintosh comes up and he writes the

check and we mail it in

two weeks three weeks later

i get a response from dallas seminary

that you have been admitted to dallas

seminary even though it’s past the time

for admittance

so now i got to rethink this thing

i got my plan

he comes out of nowhere i don’t really

know him he asked me to do something i

don’t need to do he offers to pay for it

even though it’s too late to do it i get

a response telling me i’m accepted all

of a sudden i got two witnesses i got

the witness of doug mcintosh asking me

but i got the witness of the school

admitting me even though it’s past time

so with two witnesses we flip our plans

make our way west to dallas instead of

northeast indiana and that’s why i’m at

eau claire bible fellowship today

because god has a way

of twisting and steering and turning and

suddenly coming out of nowhere but he

does it via detours

he doesn’t do it on a straight line

so i’m challenging you today if you’re

on a detour

to get in his will

to stop letting human opinion keep you

on a detour following the ways of man

that contradict the ways of god

and even though i don’t know how long

your detour is going to be

i do know he knows where your destiny is

located and when the hookup is supposed

to occur

i know you get tired that’s why you’ve

got to be ministering to others in the

same situation you’re in until god

ministers to you so that you’re putting

out and not just keeping it all in

i know that god has a destiny a place

where he’s taking you with but god has a

place he’s taking you there was a man

one day who was ready to give up on god

he was tired

life wasn’t going well and he didn’t

know if god was going to come through

when god was going to come through and

he told god i quit perhaps that’s you

today i quit that’s the way you feel

but you don’t want to quit because you

know he’s there but you don’t feel him

you don’t see him you’re like joseph

you’re locked up in jail but he was

ready to give up

he decided to go to the woods

and have a final conversation with god

he says god

you have disappointed me

you got me stuck out here and i don’t

know why i don’t know how long

and i’m just ready to give up on you god

unless you do something

or say something right now

it’s as if heaven opened up

and spoke to the man

told the man look around and tell me

what you see

the man looked around

and he saw some fern

and he saw some bamboo

he said well in this spot man i just see

some ferns and some bamboo

god said exactly

he said let me tell you about the fern

and the bamboo

he says when the fern seed was planted

the ferns grew up very quickly and

they’re lush and green and beautiful

he says but let me tell you about the

seed for the bamboo

when the seed was planted for the bamboo

the first year you saw nothing the

second year you saw nothing the third

year you saw nothing the fourth year you

saw nothing and the fifth year you saw

nothing it was at the end of the fifth

year fifth year that the first shoot of

the bamboo came up

he says how tall is that bamboo that

you’re looking at it’s a hundred feet


he says the reason why the bamboo is a

hundred feet tall

is because the five years when you saw

nothing it was growing deep on the

inside it was growing deeper roots on

the inside now the reason it was going

deeper on the inside is because i knew i

planned for it to be a hundred feet on

the outside now that fern isn’t growing

as high so it could come out real quick

but because of where i was taking the

bamboo i had to allow things to go deep

inside before i could show what it would

look like outside

if god is taking a long time with you

it’s cause he’s trying to take you deep

on the inside because of where he plans

to take you on the outside see a lot of

us want to skyscraper destiny on a

chicken coop foundation

that we want we want god to take us way

up here but he can’t take us deep in

here if you want god to take you high

then you got to let god take you deep

because the deeper he takes you the

higher he can take you and you won’t

fall over when the bad times comes don’t

give up on god because god has not given

up on you

when we pass the test that god brings

our way

through the detours of life

then he brings about a promotion to the

next spiritual grade level

now god does believe in retesting

so the quicker we pass the test that the

detours bring our way

the quicker we can be promoted to what

god wants us to experience next

sometimes those promotions come quickly

and suddenly

other times they come gradually

but it’s clear when they come

because the supernatural enters the


god shows up in an unmistakable way

and it becomes clear that heaven has

visited history

and has adjusted the trajectory of your


so pass your test as quickly as possible

so your promotion can come soon



i’m standing here in alaska one of the

most glorious places in god’s great

creation and i want to invite you to

join me in our urban alternative family

for the alaskan cruise we’re going to

have a magnificent time

in god’s word and in god’s creation

we’re going to enjoy great fellowship

great fun great food and i’m looking

forward to meeting and greeting you on

our tua alaskan cruise

register to be there can’t wait to be

with you

