Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

you see many of us the problem of us

getting along with other people is our

inability to get along with ourselves

everything visible and physical is

preceded by something invisible and

spirit the consequences we are dealing

with in our lives in our homes in our

culture we are dealing with them because

there is a gap between where God is and

where we are he wants to know that you

want him and not just wanted stuff see a

lot of folk go to church to get God’s

stuff but who don’t want the God who

gives it so if you’re in distress don’t

let that drive you away draw you near

when you get close and want to live for

him want to please him want to honor him

want to exalt him want to draw near to

him then heaven opens up and he lets you


we’re talking about igniting kingdom

prayer we’re talking about having

heavens power and authority operating in

your life and in our realm it is the

divinely authorized methodology the

divinely authorized methodology to

access heavenly authority for earthly

intervention king of prayer as the

divinely authorized methodology to

access heavenly authority for earthly

intervention God established prayer as

the means the primary means to draw down

from heaven into history one of the

great prayers in the Bible about this

subject of what I’m calling kingdom

prayer is found in the familiar passage

of Ephesians chapter 3 beginning with

verse 14 I want to walk us through this

prayer for power this applies to all

were here who need power one power and

you want heavenly Authority for earthly

intervention Paul says in verse 14 for

this reason I bow my knees before the

father so he enters into the humble

pasture of prayer for what reason well

verse 13 he tells us he doesn’t want

them to lose heart to lose heart means

to become discouraged to lose heart

means to throw in the towel to lose

heart means to want to quit give up the

person that

lives in a perpetual state of depression

has lost heart the person who goes to

artificial means of surviving drugs

alcohol something deeper is going on

they have lost heart and the myriad

other ways of losing heart becoming

addicted to discouragement that’s what

it means to lose height I wonder if

there’s anyone here this morning whose

heart has been lost

perhaps it’s the marriage perhaps it’s

the singlehood but you’ve lost heart

he says for this reason because I don’t

want you to lose heart I bow my knee to

the Father I enter into a humble pasture

of Prayer he says and I do this from

whom every family in heaven and on earth

derives its name so if God is your

father you are a Christian this truth

applies to you if you’re a believer and

God is your spiritual father then Paul

says my prayer you can pray so this is

not just for Paul the Apostle it’s for

Joe Blow Christian who needs father who

is battling with losing heart

discouragement wanting to quit tired

he gives three principles here for

experiencing heavenly power heavenly

Authority through Kingdom prayers this

heavenly authority for earthly

intervention the first principle is that

if you want heavens power you must be

cultivating spiritual intimacy he says

in verse 16 that he would grant you

according to the riches of his glory to

be strengthened with power through the

spirit in the inner man so that Christ

may dwell in your hearts through faith

he says if you’re going to experience

this power that has to be an inner

connection if you’re not connected

intimately then the flow of power can’t

get to you if you are a believer you

don’t have a power problem but you could

have a connection problem and if the

connection is not there the power that

you possess can’t flow through he says I

pray that you will experiment with power

but it is in the inner man it must

happen in the inner man in other words

most of the time we pray for stuff we

need out there when God says it starts

with what you need in here the inner man

it is the degree to which the spiritual

is connected with God that the flow of

power from God gets transferred to you

so no matter how much power you possess

if a connection is not right the power

that you possess will flow in you

and then throw you to the circumstances

you’re in he says it is the job of the

holy spirit in the inner man to produce

the power he goes deeper to explain this

he says that Christ may dwell in your

hearts through faith that Christ may

dwell in your hearts through faith the

Greek word for 12 because you say well

Christ is already in my heart I’m

already saved that’s not quite what that


the Greek word 12 means to make oneself

at home to make oneself at home so if

you put that phrase in the meaning of

dwell the word becomes more alive if you

want power in the inner man then Christ

must dwell that is not only be in you

but be at home inside of you

Jesus is inside every believers house

but he doesn’t necessarily feel welcome

there in order for you to have power

Christ must be at home meaning the

freedom to go into any room of your life

that he chooses the Holy Spirit will

never be free double if Christ can’t be

at home that means that he must be

welcomed into every room of your life

and be free to take a tour whenever he

wants to make yourself at home but you

say how can I ask Jesus to make himself

at home with the dirty closet

a chaotic garage that’s why he wants you

to make himself at home there so he

could help you clean it up

don’t lock him out invite him in so that

he can straighten things out and

transfer power in the inner man if he

becomes the one you are dealing with as

a lifestyle not as an event you will

have opened yourself up to how when you

pray King the prayer



I studied the Bible in college for four

years and studied the Bible before you

as different as master’s degree another

for this level of dr. Drake and then

I’ve been preaching all of these years

and I’m still learning new things from

this awesome

inexhaustibility little game that’s why

I’m so excited about the twenty Evans

Study Bible and its accompanying works

the Tony Evans Bible commentary it will

take all of this training and this

teaching and make it available to you to

understand utilize and apply God’s most



so the first thing is you must pray with

the priority of spiritual intimacy you

must be drawing near scripture says draw

dear to me and I will draw near to you

so forget power and heavenly Authority

if you’re not pursuing intimacy but if

you are pursuing intimacy that leads to

the second thing that will give you

heavenly Authority while you’re living

on earth as you do Kingdom prayer he

says as you being sent second after

verse 17 rooted and grounded in love may

be able to comprehend with all the

saints what is the breadth the length

the height the depth to know the love of

Christ which surpasses knowledge that

you may be filled to all the fullness of

God the first thing is spiritual

intimacy but the second thing is

expanded spiritual capacity that you

might be filled to the fullness of God

so that you will experience more of God

having God is one thing experiencing him

as another so he wants you to be filled

with the fullness of God he wants you to

experience more of what you already have

he says that this experience comes in a

context being rooted and grounded in

love the Bible says that God is love

he is loved by nature there is no such

thing as love without having an object

to love love was love has to go

somewhere because God is a triune being

three persons who are distinct in

personality yet one in essence the

Godhead father son Holy Spirit God has

always had someone to love God has never

been alone because of his triune nature

so he he’s always had somebody to love

and it’s built within his nature this is

why the Christian God is unlike other

so-called deities called God so when we

are operating in a context of love we’re

operating in a context of God because

God is love that is why God always wants

you in a context that’s why he’s going

to end this prayer with God be glory in

the church because one of the reasons

God expects every believer to be part of

a local church is to be in a context of

expressing love within his family so God

just doesn’t want you to come here for

you he wants you to come here for you

and for others so that’s why if you want

to be blessed but are unwilling to be a

blessing you can’t be rooted and

grounded in love and if you’re not

rooted and grounded in love you’re not

expanding your capacity so the first

thing is to be intimate the second thing

is to expand your capacity for God to do

more for you and in you the principle is

simply this God will only give you as

much of God as you

handle God is not going to give you what

you can handle so if there’s no

spiritual intimacy and expanded

spiritual capacity then no matter how

much you pray it’ll stop so the first

principle is you must prioritize

spiritual intimacy you must make time

for God make time for His Word make time

for prayer then that must be expanded

capacity that’s why sharing God’s love

sharing God’s Word praying for others is

key to expanding the capacity if it’s

only about you you’re not being rooted

and grounded in love when you begin

praying for spiritual intimacy and when

you get expanded in spiritual capacity

now you ready to experience spiritual

power notice the most popular verse in

the book now to him who is able to

define more abundantly beyond all that

you or that we ask or think according to

the power that works in us here is one

of the most potent statements about

God’s power in the Bible let me say a

few things about this power first of all

his power is personal now unto Him this

is personal power because God is a

person he wants to be related to

personally he’s not the force

he’s not this impersonal thing that

people talk about he is a personal God

you see the whole Trinity is in this

passage talks about the Father he talks

about dwelling in Jesus Christ and he

talks about the Holy Spirit in the inner

man so he’s got the whole Trinity in

this passage now unto Him this is what

we call the doxology the doxology is a

praise a concluding praise power is tied

to a person it is relationally driven

his power is potent it’s personal but

it’s potent notice the superlatives now

a damn who’s able and I know we like to

say any able this refers to his ability

because of course we talk about

supernatural power and I just talk about

what earth can do although much of what

Earth does depends on the power of God

but we’re talking about what he’s able

to do there many verses that talk about

Jesus ask a blind man one day do you

believe I’m able to heal you book of

Hebrews says he’s able to save to the

uttermost now example is able but he’s

able to do he’s functionally able not

theoretically able he has the ability to

perform his ability but then it gets


because of the word farm or somebody say

farm or he’s not only filled with

capacity and ability he’s filled with

capacity and ability that can perform

and when his capacity and ability

performs it is far more abundant beyond

all that says in excess of what you

asked so he assumed you asked because we

tell my kingdom prayer Jesus says and

maybe we’ll get into this one of the

other sermons you have not because you

ask not he says God is able to do far

beyond what you ask now a neighbor was

able to do more than you can ask or

think but then he gives you a condition

according to the power that works within

us he didn’t do it just because you

asked he checked what was happening on

the inside before he did something on

the outside see if he’s not prioritized

in your life if you just visit him give

him a weekly visit he’s not roaming the

rooms of your life there’s no capacity

it’s according to the power inside that

determines how much is happening outside

many people want God to do the

supernatural when there is nothing

inside there is no Kingdom priority

kingdom orientation so I’ll close with

an event I’ve shared a number of times

but it makes the point one time when we


to Niagara Falls for vacation many years

ago we went to and I drove all the way

from Dallas to Niagara Falls I don’t

advise you do that but we went all the

way to Niagara Falls Niagara Falls has

two sides an American side and the

Canadian side our hotel was on the

Canadian side we got there late at night

where he got into the hotel room I

opened the curtain and way out in the

distance you could see the Falls because

it’s lit at night and it was a spectacle

to behold I mean it was just all are

inspiring it was way out there couldn’t

hear it could see it enough that it was

impressive so I was impressed by it the

next morning we went to the Falls on the

Canadian side of the Falls as a park we

stood in the park on the Canadian side

of the falls ah but this is was

different than the hotel room because I

could hear it the thunder of the raw of

the water going over the falls and

hitting the basin of the Falls and so it

hit with such force that the wind would

blow up little drops of water even

across the street to the park and you

would feel little drops of water every

now and then so in the hotel room I was

impressed by it but in the park I got a

little feel of it because I was close

enough to hear it and every now and then

I got a drop of water on me because I

was not in the vicinity but then there’s

another way you can see the Falls it’s

called the Maid of the Mist

these are boats down in the basin of the

fall now if you go to the boat in the

basin of the fall they’re going to give

you a raincoat and a

because man you get ready get drenched

because you’re down there in the basin

of the Falls so you’re going to be

overwhelmed with the power see some

Christians relate to Jesus from the

hotel room of their lives they’re

impressed by him at a distance they

don’t ever hear anything God never

speaks to them the supernatural is rare

if ever but they’ll go to church because

they’re impressed with Jesus

some Christians relate to Jesus from the


they’re like closer than the hotel room

and every now and again they’ll get a

drop here and a drop there but they’re

those few who are not satisfied with the

hotel water they’re those who are not

satisfied with the park because they

want to get drenched they want a

raincoat and an umbrella because they

gonna take the risk of getting close so

the question on the floor today is how

much God do you want because he will

only give you as much of God that you

can handle spiritual intimacy should

lead to expand in spiritual capacity

spiritual capacity brings on more

spiritual power so that God gets glory

as he blows your mind with the

supernatural so I invite you to ignite

Kingdom prayer in your life so that you

can give testimony that he’s real he’s

real cuz I’ve seen him with my own eyes


our spiritual power is directly related

to the level of our spiritual intimacy

we cannot experience the authority of

God operating into and through our lives

if we have a long-distance relationship

you know just like when we’re driving a

car and you get too far away from the

signal things get choppy there’s a lot

of static on the line and you don’t pick

up things clearly when we get too far

from God what he wants to do that it

seeding the great power that he wants to

demonstrate in our lives we don’t see it

we don’t pick up the signal there’s a

lot of static on the line if you really

want to experience God’s power increase

your passionate pursuit of intimacy then

you won’t have to look for his power his

power will locate you








