Are you suffering the consequences of making a wrong turn? Tony Evans provides you with the key to making a U-turn and heading back toward God

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

when a person has a master key to a

facility that means that they can unlock

any door all doors are subject to this

one key that person may have an

individual key to a room or to their

office but when someone has a master key

it can address all the rules I am sure

many of you hearing about this series

have said I need God to do something

about my unique special applied to me

situation and there are probably as many

variables of scenarios in this room as

there are people you have a unique set

of circumstances that you are having to

deal with that may be totally different

or may be varied from your neighbor but

I want to launch our time together today

by giving you the master key because the

key I’m getting ready to give you will

unlock every door you’re not an

exception to this key it’s a master key

for that whatever the circumstance or

consequence is you are dealing with but

today I want to give you through based

on the Word of God the one key that will

address the masses of scenarios that are

present in the variety of people who are


what is the master key that can give you

hope about a reversal in your

circumstances simply stated the master

key for the reversal of consequences

brought on by sin is developing a

lifestyle of repentance they said again

the master key that opens up the door

for the possibility of the reversal of

your life circumstances that have been

brought on by sin is developing a

lifestyle of repentance you read all

through the Bible and this word will

keep popping up or one of its synonyms

one that I will focus on today the word

return is brought up over and over again

in a whole variety of circumstances

where people saw the need to have their

circumstances in life reversed why is

this word the key word that you must

understand if you want God to intervene

at his prerogative into your

consequences now we’ve already

established that most of us if not all

of us are facing various degrees of

consequences due to sinful decisions

we’ve made leading to regrets that we

have and situations we wish we could

reverse and go back and do over again

the problem occurs is that you can’t the

problem occurs is that some things many

things and most things once they hit the

consequence level wind up being out of

our hands

and yet God does offer this word

predicated on his prerogative to open

the door for the many different

scenarios that need reversing due to

sinful decisions

so let’s start off understanding why the

word is needed before we get into what

the word entails the word repentance

repentance is necessary because of the

existence of sin sin may be defined as

any violation of the divine standard any

violation of the divine standard the

biblical word for it is sin the biblical

word is not mistake the biblical word is

not bad habit the biblical word is not

my bad the biblical word for the

violation of a divine standard is the

word sin let me hear you say sin the

reason why I wanted you to say it is

because it’s not like a popular word but

it is the only word god recognizes when

it comes to the need for the repentance

that gives hope for the reversal of

circumstances so whenever we violate

transgress the standard of God

God says that sin now the reason is this

sin has to do with the nature of God the

Bible describes God as perfect and

righteous in all of his ways he is a

perfect being in the same way that you

don’t like trash or garbage God doesn’t

like sin because of his nature in the

same way that a doctor or nurse wants

the surgical room sterile no bacteria or

in viruses is because it contaminates

the area so God cannot have any

relationship with sin and maintain his

holy integrity

so that means sin has to be addressed

before consequences can be addressed

what many people want is God to change

their consequence without them facing

their sin leave my sin alone but get rid

of the problems caused by it don’t ask

me to adjust my sin make me feel better

look better be better help a brother out

help a sister out there can be no

dealing with the consequence unless we

deal with the cause and the cause is sin

which is an affront to a holy God and a

violation of his divine standard so it

isn’t understanding this that gets us

into the process now sin in the Bible

violating God’s revealed righteous

standard is associated normatively

with death you saw it over and over

again in this exact same passage why

will you die repent so that you don’t

die romans 6:23 the wages of sin is


James 1:15 when sin is completed it

brings forth death over and over again

Hosea 14 1 your downfall is because of

your sin so death is associated with sin

now let me change it let me put it

another way

whenever you sin you die ok you have to

stick with me whenever you sin you die

oh wait a minute we don’t drop dead

every time we send a woman would be

empty you know we don’t drop dead in the

Bible death does not mean annihilation

death does not mean

ceasing of existence that’s never what

death means in the Bible in the Bible

death means separation a separation

occurs when we sin a death occurs

because a separation occurs what’s the

separation fellowship with God is lost

when sin is introduced God must separate

from sin since we are sinning he has to

separate from us in terms of our

personal relationship which I’ll explain

in a moment a distance occurs when sin

is introduced into a scenario with that

gap occurs because sin has been

introduced that space due to the gap

caused by sin then becomes filled with

consequences there is a spacing issue

where consequences fill in the gap where

the sin created the separation because

God is no longer there to block it now

we are all familiar with physical death

you’ve got a coffin you’ve got a casket

you got a cadaver well that person

hasn’t ceased to exist it’s just that

the soul in the spirit has left the body

so there is a separation that has

occurred causing the consequence that

the body can no longer function because

the life principle is no longer

operating in it for it to function the

separation has a deadly consequence when

we talk about physical death you

remember when God told Adam the day you

eat the fruit that same day you will die

but he didn’t fall down dead that day

you didn’t physically die that day oh

but he died because the Bible says that

God removed him from the garden and from

intimate fellowship with him so there

was a spiritual death there was an

emotional death it says fear took over

and controlled him emotional death is

when you can’t live with you

people can become so distraught that

they want to die or commit suicide

because they can no longer live with

themselves there has been a separation

of themselves to themselves relational

death we hear we hear couples say when

they are getting a divorce the death of

a marriage there is a relational death

that can occur there is economic death

where your bills are controlling you and

you’re not controlling them and so there

is the death economically that can occur

so there are all these kinds of deaths

and they’re all death in the Bible

because the biblical meaning of death is

an illegitimate separation and of course

then there is the worst death of all

eternal death we call it hell eternal

death is where a person is separated

from fellowship with God forever it’s

all all those are called death in the

Bible so you must now clear your mind of

limiting the definition of death to a

funeral and understand that death is any

illegitimate separation so then what is

life life is the coming together of

things that should not be separated it

is the spirit in the body it is the

relationship on track it is the

economics in harmony life or what the

Bible calls eternal life is not a

place that’s heaven it’s an experience

that his life in the Bible is

experiencing God’s reality in harmony

with you and in the various scenarios of

your life so if you’re a dead man

walking or a dead woman walking in some

category there has been an illegitimate

separation that needs to be harmonized

again and the word that God uses to

bring the illegitimate to the legitimate

is the word repent that is this word of

turning death into life sin is the word

for taking life and turning it into

death that’s why he could speak in this

passage and says to the wicked man if

you deal with your transgressions

you will live he says to the righteous

man if you go to your transgressions you

will die

so these are polar ends death in life

and their various shades in between some

folk here today are more dead than

others because the separation is worse

than others so there’s a continuum

between these two polar ends of life and

death he says the answer to that is

repent so that you can experience the

coming together that sin has


divided so that’s why repentance is the

master key for whatever the scenarios

are today opening the door

based on God’s prerogative – reversing

limiting cancelling or giving you the

capacity to handle consequences it’s his


but you don’t even get position for that

prerogative without the word repent that

is the word so let me now give you the

meaning of repentance what does it mean

repentance is defined as an internal

resolve and determination to turn from

your sin repentance is an internal

resolve and determination to turn from

your sin sin creates a broken

relationship where consequences brought

on by Satan or situations or even what

God allows to enter into your life

because there has been a rupture

repentance is God’s Way of sewing back


the rupture with him when the rupture

with him is sewn back together through

repentance the possibility of reversal

of consequences now exists repentance is

the internal resolve and determination

to turn from your sin without that

internal resolve and determination thus

no real repentance then you and your

consequences must learn to live together

the best way you can cuz you are stuck

with them that is why many people who

don’t want to deal with their sin go to

other ways to deal with their

consequences they try to buy they went

way out of them entertained

we out of them find relationships to

cause them not to think about it and

they’re constantly going to things to

distract them from the consequence

because they don’t want to deal with the

season but without dealing with the sin

you don’t get God’s help for the

consequence you get everybody else’s

help so you may get temporary

distraction like drugs they can give you

a temporary distraction and a good

feeling but they’ve not dealt with the

issue and it sure it’s quiet in here

right now but that’s okay it’s it’s that

kind of message God says if you will

repair your relationship with me through

the internal resolve to deal with your

sin you have set the stage because I’m

now back hooked up with you to intervene

in your consequences based on of course

His divine prerogative when John the

Baptist came on the scene in Matthew

chapter 3 verses 1 to 12 he comes on the

scene and he says repent for the kingdom

of God is at hand Kingdom means the rule

of God if you want to see God rule your

situation you got to repent first if you

don’t repent first don’t bother to pray

about it okay don’t don’t don’t waste

your time to ask God to deliver you from

a consequence you are unwilling to

repent because you’re wasting your time

the rule of god comes he says when you


repentance is the master key to

reuniting your relationship with God so

that he is free to intervene and the

consequences at his prerogative it’s a

change of mind with a view of reversing

a direction so let me break it down

break it down break it down this word

repent let me tell you the ingredients

that you need to stir together to get a

real repentance number one to repent

starts off with a recognition of sin

there is a recognition of sin to see if

you don’t believe it’s sin then you

don’t need to repent of it it is sin

because there’s a violation of a divine

standard that’s what makes something sin

so you must recognize it to be so first

John 1:9 says that if we confess our

sins he’s faithful and just to forgive

us our sins and cleanse us from all


the Greek word confess means to say the

same thing that’s what the griot

mulligan means to say the same thing you

must say about that thing what God says

about it not what your neighbors say

about it not what the television says

about it not what your peach say about

it not what you think about it you must

say the same thing that God says about

it if God says it’s a sin don’t call it

a bad habit God said there’s a sin don’t

call it a mistake God says it’s a sin

don’t don’t just say you know I’m only

human you must call it what God calls it

in order for God to address it and to

repair the relationship

so that must be the recognition of sin

you must confess and say the same thing

secondly there must be remorse over what

you now recognize there must be what the

Bible calls in 2nd Corinthians 7 verses

10 and 11 godly sorrow godly sorrow is

I’ve hurt God now you may have hurt your

neighbors you may have hurt yourself but

the one thing has offended the most is

God so he says godly sorrow leads to

repentance that this thing whatever the

thing is has hurt the heart of God God

has been the one offended God has been

the one who has been rebelled against it

is God david said against me and the

only have I sinned there must be a sense

that there are tears in the eyes of God

over my sin he says it must be godly

sorrow not the world’s sorrow

worldly sorrow is you got caught godly

sorrow is I’ve hurt the heart of God

godly sorrow guilt and shame over sin

must be the reaction to the recognition

of sin

then what’s recognizing it and being

remorseful over it that must be the

decision to reverse it the decision to

reverse it

John called in Matthew John the Baptist

called in Matthew chapter 3 verse 8

bring forth fruits of repentance now

nobody has ever seen invisible fruit

we’ve never seen invisible fruit fruit

is something you can always see it comes

in different shapes and different sizes

but it’s always visible in other words

you know it’s an apple tree because you

see some apples you know it’s the pear

tree cause you see some pears those

large tree because you see some oranges

how do you know if you are really

remorseful how do you know that this

thing is real that you really want to

deal with it fruit in other words you

are doing something that demonstrates

you want a reversal you are taking

action steps that says I’m going to do

something differently because I

recognize it I’m remorseful about it and

so I’m going to reverse what I am doing

in relationship to it it is the decision

to reverse then why do I use the word

decision because we all know reversal

can be very difficult depending on how

long the sin has been there how deep the

sin is gone if you have you been on

drugs all your life or a large part of

your experience and you decide I’m going

to get off drugs

that’s more than a notion for most

people to get the monkey off their back

but you can always take a repentance

step even when you’ve not yet reached

the repentant Gold

if there is no fruit that is an action

step taken to reverse then you have a

right to question whether there was the

internal resolve and determination mean

if you tell me I really want to get a

job I really need a job and I’m living

with the consequence of being broke and

so I’m getting on my knees every day

asking God to give me a job and I’m

sorry about the fact that I’m not

working in bringing in an income I’m sad

about that and you are offered an

employment opportunity but you refuse to

make the phone call refuse to going for

the interview refuse to file the

application I am going to conclude

you’re not serious about getting the job

because there is no fruit one of the

worse things in counseling it’s to

counsel people tell them about the sin

tell them about what God wants to do and

they come back next week having done

nothing you know what they want to do in

most cases talk about it and don’t feel

so bad about it but in removing or

addressing the consequence that God’s

prerogative he wants to see you

demonstrate you are serious at some

level it may not disappear tomorrow but

you can take steps to demonstrate you

are seriously repentant

so it’s quiet in here

he uses the word over and over in

Scripture return return Zechariah

chapter 1 verses 3 & 4 return to me so I

can return to you Malachi chapter 3

verse 7 return to me

so I can return to you I want to come

back to you but you keep dying on me by

refusal to address the sin having the

sin is one thing not addressing it is

another you remember how it was before

seatbelts were required you always knew

when couples were happy because the girl

was sitting right up under the guy he

saw you thought sometime only one person

was in the car they were sitting so

close together so you knew that was an

issue when he was sitting behind the

wheel and she was sitting all the way

over on her side next to the door of the

passenger side one lady said to him do

you remember when we used to sit next to

each other the husband look that aren’t

there yeah and I have moved well God is

saying I haven’t gone anywhere but you

have separated from me and there is now

distance and the consequence has filled

in the space we need to close the gap I

do want you to look at this passage

James chapter 4 and James chapter 4 the

people were concerned that their prayers

were not being answered they were

praying and nothing was happening

he says you have not because you ask not

in verse 2 verse 3/3 you ask but you

still don’t receive because you ask with

wrong motives so that you may spend it

on your own pleasures your adulteresses

don’t you know that friendship with the

world is hostility toward God whoever

wishes to be a friend of the world makes

himself an enemy of God God has enemies

in his own camp because he’s writing to


or do you not think that the scripture

says to no purpose he jealously desires

the spirit which he is made to dwell in

you why this a big deal of God to thee

the jealous person he saved you for

himself but he gives greater grace o

he’s giving you divine favor therefore

it says God is opposed to the proud you

can do it without him but gives grace to

the humble so what should you do submit

yourself therefore to God resist the

devil and he will flee from you

don’t miss read that he didn’t tell you

resist the devil he said submit to God a

lot of people say oh I can’t get rid of

this devil and you won’t because he’s

got space to work in so he first says

submit to God submit means to place

yourself underneath the authority of


place yourself under the authority of

God and then resists the devil why

because once you get God on your side

you got help with the devil so if the

devil is bringing these consequences and

you want to get the devil off of your

back you’ve got to first come underneath

God so God can work with you in getting

the devil off of you because the devil

can handle you he can’t handle God

working with you and how do you do that

verse 8 says draw near to God and He

will draw near to you cleanse your hands

you sinners and he’s writing to

Christians purify your hearts you

double-minded stop trying to go both

ways on God be miserable and mourn and

weep for your laughter to be turned in

the morning and your joy to gloom when

it comes to reversing consequences this

is not party time this is not Showtime

at the Apollo this is not fun time this

is this this is the time if you really

want to invite God’s greater grace in


situation this is the time for sorrow

over sin the worst thing in the world is

that somebody laughing and joking and

something that you talk trying to talk

to them seriously about he says when it

comes to this issue there are plenty of

things we rejoice in the Lord over

there’s plenty of things that’s joy in

the Lord about but when it comes to this

issue of sending consequences he says

it’s no joke this is the time for

mourning and weeping solemn assembly it

was a time of gnashing of sackcloth and

ashes it was getting right with God so

God could intervene with us bring forth

the fruit of repentance submitting to

God is like a sergeant saying to his

soldier about-face reverse ship your

direction and I don’t care how much you

talk if you’re still facing the same way

your words don’t mean anything you

aren’t serious yet and the less serious

you are the more the consequences lasts

and the deeper they go when I show up at

the airport when you go to the airport

you can tell them your name all you want

they want to see your ID what a picture

they want to see your driver’s life and

then taking your word that you were who

you say you are they want some visible

validation and verification so you can

tell God I’m sorry all you want he wants

to see some fruit of repentance and

Jesus didn’t die for I’m sorry he died

for sin repentance is to be a lifestyle

it’s a way you will operate it’s not an

event it’s a lifestyle

but we

we teach our kids to say I’m sorry right

these people would say you say I’m sorry

on Sunday they don’t cover you the rest

of the week no you tell them to say I’m

sorry or we say I’m sorry as needed you

know when we’re sorry for something we

tell another person who we’ve done

something oh I’m so sorry

in other words saying you’re sorry about

something to people is the lifestyle

it’s the way you operate repentance is a

lifestyle of acknowledging to God our

sin with the remorse that I’ve heard God

with the request that he intervenes in

not only my forgiveness but in my

circumstances and repentance opens the

door for him to limit postpone avoid

reverse cancel or empower in the midst

of dealing with the circumstance it’s

his prerogative but you’ve opened the

door for one many or all of the above

that’s why whenever you see or almost

every time you see repent connected with

the word return he tells you what he’s

gonna do for you if you do it you gonna

see that as we go along in the series he

will he will literally tell you in

advance if you repent and you return

this is what’s gonna happen and it

usually involved a reversal of

circumstances so if you want to see God

intervene in your financial

circumstances in your emotional

circumstances in your relational

circumstances and your spiritual

circumstan whatever the circumstances

are same key what can I expect you say

okay I see what you’re saying and I want

to live and not die out I don’t want

this illegitimate separation they’re

carrying in my world what am i what can

I expect if I take this thing seriously

it’s all through the Bible this word

repent it shows up off it about

he says you will establish now the

grounds for God to deal with your

consequences Isaiah 30 verse 15 says

your deliverance is in your repentance

oh I love what Acts chapter 3 says

verses 19 to 21 therefore repent and

return so that your sins may be wiped

out in order that times of refreshing

may come because it’s never what you

want when you got consequence I want to

be refreshed from them refreshing may

come from the presence of the Lord and

that he may send Jesus the Christ

appointed to you whom heaven must

receive until the period of restoration

of all things about which God spoke

about by the mouth of his holy prophets

from ancient time he says repent and

return so that you can be refreshed so

he offers this over and over and over

again according to his prerogative let

me explain something about repentance

the master key to your consequences

stick with me here theologically for a

moment repentance has to do with the

forgiveness of sins acts 3 says that

your sins may be wiped out


but the purpose of repentance is

relational let me explain if you steal a

car and they take you before the judge

the judge the judges purpose is not

forgiveness that’s not that’s not the

judges purpose the judges purpose the

centerpiece of the judges purpose is

guilt or innocence that’s his concern

are you guilty of the crime the Bible

says all have sinned and fallen short of

the glory of God as judge he has

pronounced the whole world guilty

because all have sinned so when we

relate to God judicially as a judge

we’re guilty so what the judge did god

what sent Jesus Christ to the cross to

bear our guilt God can only accept you

into heaven if you are as perfect as he

is anybody have anybody in their life

who’s just too clean

they just to clean they just clean it

all the time they just they just find

it’s tough to clean this that’s too

clean God is too clean not one iota of

sin can be practiced in heaven so you’ve

got to be as good as God to get there

well nobody can meet that standard so

what God did was become a man down the

cross and credit the righteousness of

Christ to all who come to Christ for it

so judicially as a judge you stand I

stand we spend all who come to Christ

stand before God as though we’ve never

sinned because God has credited to our

account the righteousness of Christ he

who knew no sin became sin for us so

when it comes to your eternal destiny

guilt has been covered which is why you

can’t lose your salvation guilt has been

covered by the death of Jesus Christ

because when it comes to your eternal


the judge has acquitted you once you

come to Christ but now suppose you are

before the judge and you stole his car

now you’ve entered into a twofold

relationship with the judge he must

judge you judicially but he must be

willing to forgive you personally

because you got this new relationship

with the judge now when it comes to


you are re-establishing the personal

relationship because the judicial

relationship was satisfied on the cross

first John 2:2 makes it clear that at

the death of Christ he died in

propitiation for our sins but not for

our sins only but for the sins of the

whole world it says the judge has spoken

on the cross as a judge but he has not

spoken in relationship without

repentance so you can be on your way to

heaven but not in fellowship with him on


everyone who has a biological child

understands this if your child was born

biologically from you that can never

change but that don’t mean the two of

you are in good terms they can forever

be your child and you’ll never speak to

each other because you bear a two fold

relationship a judicial one by biology

but a personal one by relationship and

repentance is designed to restore the

personal so he says your deliverance is

in your repentance if you’ve ever gotten

an invitation for a recall on your car

because something wrong with your car

and they recalling all these cars I’ve

never had an invitation for a recall

where they came to pick up my car they

never said we’re gonna recall five

thousand cars will be better pick it up

uh-oh I gotta take it in in repentance

God is making a recall but you got to

bring you in

you’re not gonna force a recall

he’ll come pick you up for a recall he

wants to know you want to recall so

let’s conclude with the u-turn you’re

driving south on the highway as you’re

driving south on the highway it dawns on

you you should have been going north for

whatever reason you are paying attention

and you’re going the wrong way but now

you recognize it

I recognize I’ve been traveling in the

wrong direction you not only recognize

you’re going south when you ought to be

going north

you all messed up over it

you’ve sad about it cuz this isn’t

taking you out way out of your way and

you’re miles away from where you were

going and you you may be lost or

whatever so you recognize it and now you

really feeling bad now that you’ve

recognized it in fact you’ll keep

talking to yourself boy are you going

the wrong way well you all know what

you’re doing boy you know you shouldn’t

be going this way but you keep passing

exits you keep driving and any of you

wives any married their husbands who do

that and please don’t say nothing

because they don’t want to hear that so

so so they’re going the wrong way

talk about know where I’m going you know

that’s what the Bible calls pride that

comes before the fall so you recognize

you’re going the wrong way you’re sad

that you’re going the wrong way but you

keep passing exit then you have not yet

repented you’ve recognized it you feel

bad about it but there has been no

reversal or attempt to reverse you

didn’t pull up your GPS to say what

should I do now the girl talking to you

over the GPS you ignore them shut up

Siri I

but this when you feel bad enough long

enough then you keep on driving you find

out it’s nice stuff I see along the way

but I’m not getting anywhere the way I’m

trying to go and you feel bad enough

long enough it dawns on you I better do

something different so you see an exit

coming up 1/2 a mile you move over to

your right leg and you exit off of

confession off-ramp I agree that I’ve

been going the wrong way

I confess south is not the right way so

I’m getting no now you haven’t solved

the problem yet but you’ve acted you’ve

acted you got me

it may not be big fruit but it’s some

fruit and you’ve acted and you’ve pulled

off on confession our friend but there’s

a bigger problem getting all doesn’t

solve your problem

coz loss is over there but there is a

connection between the rebbe you got off

and the rep you need to get on we’ll

call it grace overpass because the Bible

says grace is greater than our sin so

when you get off the confession off-ramp

there has been a buttress bill for you

to make it right so you now cross over

grace overpass on the other side of the

overpass is an on-ramp we’ll call that

restoration on-ramp so you get off on

confession exit a friend you cross over

grace overpass you get back on

restoration on ramp and guess what

you’re headed in the right

now depending on how long you’ve been

going wrong it may take you a minute to

get back fully on the right road but I

got some good news for you if you’ve

ever been on a long trip and gone on a

long journey and that was time to come

home have you ever noticed it seems to

take less time to get home then it did

going there now wait a minute it’s the

same amount of miles if you take in the

same route

it may be the same amount of distance

because you’re taking the same route but

it feels different and you know I feel


cuz you go at home God says if I can

just get you to come home it may take a

minute it may take some time but because

you’re coming home and I want your home

it’s gonna feel