Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder, and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually.

America has embassies all around the

world in every major recognized country

there is an American Embassy an American

Embassy is really a little bit of

America a long way from home it is where

the laws of America rule all embassies

are sovereign territories they do not

belong to the country therein they

belong to the country they’re from if

you get in trouble in another country

you want to try to cross that embassy

gate because the moment you cross that

embassy gate the laws of America kick in

not the laws of the country in which the

Embassy is located God has an embassy in

history it’s called the church the

church is God’s Embassy to bring the

values of the homeland into foreign

territory this world is called foreign

territory the Bible makes it over and

over again the assertion that this world

is not home but God has set up shop in

this world and he has done it through an

entity called the church the church is

not to represent the country it’s in

it’s to represent the country it’s from

so the whole point of the church is to

represent heaven in history you know the

Lord’s Prayer thy kingdom come Thy will

be done on earth as it is in heaven

so God orchestrates from heaven the

homeland in history through the church

how he wants us to be present in the

foreign land of the culture one of the

problems today however is that the

church unfortunately has adopted the

worldview and values of the country

rather than representing the homeland

and that is added chaos and confusion to

who we are and what we are to be about

you’ve heard me say it if not once many

times God doesn’t skip the church house

to fix the white house he always looks

to and works through the church first so

when the church is not the church when

it’s really a religious entity in town

when it’s merely adopting the values of

history while they sprinkle a little

Bible in little Jesus on top that make

it seem okay then we shouldn’t be

surprised that the culture deteriorates

because God doesn’t have an embassy that

he can depend on in Matthew 16 we have

the first mention of the word church in

the Bible Jesus Christ mentions it for

the first time the disciples are in

Caesarea Philippi and Jesus asks the

question in verse 13 who do people say

that I am in other words what’s the word

around town about my identity they gave

a lot of compliments they said some say

you’re John the Baptist others Elijah

others Jeremiah one of the prophets all

great men good men but then Jesus asked

a second question but who do you say

that I am in other words are you

parroting what the public says or are

you a little bit more specific about my

own identity the word you there in the

Greek text is plural so if Jesus were a

Texan he would be saying who do y’all

say the Son of Man is he’s asking the

whole group Peter who’s the leader of

the disciples he’s the he’s the

spokesperson this boy must have walked

peppermints socks the way he loved to

keep his foot in his mouth but on this


Peter hit a bull’s eye he says thou art

the Christ the Son of the Living God in

verse 16 he identifies Jesus as the

Messiah and as a whole sermon we could

do on that the Messiah was the

anticipated king and ruler who would

bring heaven to history and would rule

on earth as the Son of God that is

deity incarnate in the person of Christ

ruling all of history says that’s who

you are

Jesus complements him and he says simon

barjona son of john because flesh and

blood did not reveal this to you but my

father was in heaven this is a divinely

orchestrated declaration that you have

identified me we’ve said it over and

over again you skip Christ you don’t get

a clear hearing from God no Jesus Christ

is the way to get a clarity from God so

don’t skip Jesus and stay generic God

because Jesus is the way to the Father

with this pronunciation of the Christ

Jesus that makes his declaration about

his embassy called the church he says to

Peter upon this rock I will build my

church in verse 18 and the gates of

Hades will not overpower it he says to

Peter upon this rock Peters name was

Simon Simon is a pebble he’s called

Peter which means a stone in other words

he got a promotion he’s now the official

spokesperson he would open the doors of

the church on the day of Pentecost he

says but upon this rock I’m going to

build my church in other words my church

just won’t built be built on a great

personality who’s a great pontificate ER

it’ll be built on a rock the Greek word

is Pietra it meant a collection of

stones that have been hewed together to

form something bigger than any one stone

could be on its own you know what the

church is supposed to be it’s supposed

to be a rock it’s supposed to be a

collection of believers in the name of

Jesus Christ who come together to

represent the kingdom of heaven on earth

the church is not just the social

gathering neither is it merely a

religious gathering it is the gathering

of divinely ordained representatives who

act as a rock a solid location for the

kingdom of God as you’ll see in just a

moment he says upon this rock I will

build my church now the greek word

Church is the word ekklesia that’s how

it’s pronounced and this was an

interesting world word in the New

Testament world if you were walking up

and down the streets of Rome where they

would often speak Greek

you would hear them say ekklesia and

what they meant was the legislative body

of a particular area like you would have

today a city council or a school board

or anyone would have Parliament we would

have Congress it was a legislative body

that was the normal use of the term when

Jesus says I will build my church he

didn’t just mean I’m a I’m a gather some

folks together on Sunday morning for an

hour or two sing praise prayer pray and

worship hear the Word of God all of that

is critical and strategic but he meant

something more he says I’m going to

bring together my legislative body it’s

used that way in the New Testament in

acts 19 he closes out the chapter with

the ekklesia gathering to pass laws

against Christianity but they called the

ekklesia it was a legal gathering so the

church is a legislative body although it

is doing so spiritually the job of the

church is to draw heaven into history

eternity into time the job of the church

is to bring God’s viewpoint into the

culture the issue is not letting the

culture get into the church the issue is

this legislative body letting the church

get into the culture he says and I will

build my church so the job of your

church my church our church is should be

bringing legislation down from heaven

based on God’s Word to see it worked out

in and to the church and then through

the church to flush out in society we

would not have the racial problems that

we’ve endured all these years if the

church was being the church we would not

have this class conflict if the church

was being the church or at least we

wouldn’t have it in the church and the

world would see a clearer option for how

things operate because we’re being rich

lady body and how do you know whether

the churches being the church how do you

know in this pandemic that we’re dealing

with whether the church is really up to

snuff he says because I will build my

church and the gates of Hell will not

overpower it the word gates was used in

the Bible of the place where the elders

met to legislate you regularly read the

Old Testament the elders met at the game

that was like City Hall they meant to

what not just the gather not just the

talk but to legislate to bring to bear

the legal renderings on behalf of the

citizenry he says the gates of hell

shall not overpower it please notice

something the church is not playing

defense churches on offense hell is

playing defense the hell is trying to

overpower the church but Jesus says

Church won’t overpower it but it’s got

to be the church I’m building not to

church y’all building I will build my


far too many churches now are using the

word church but it’s not Jesus’s Church

it’s our church and we just used Jesus’s

name he says I will build my church in

the way you know is that hell is not

winning it’s not having the last word

it’s not having the final say-so the

members of my church your church in

every church it ought to be

understanding as they develop into

Kingdom disciples that this issue is not

how you were raised

is this you is not first year race class

color it says you is not first what your

friend said or what the teacher said at

school that’s not first all that you

hear must be evaluated by whether heaven

agrees with it

heaven endorses it heaven validates it I

will build my church and the gates of

Hell will not over power it so why do we

have all these churches and still have

all this weakness because we’re not

being the church this coronavirus is

waiting for the church to call on God to

bring down a solution

what happens first to politics politics

has its role its job to care for the

safety and well-being of the citizenry

but they don’t draw down heaven in

history and since these things are

spiritual and we are we are heaven’s

entity we are having embassy that’s our

job to draw the spiritual into this or

whatever part it is pandemic or whatever

pandemic we’re dealing with in the

culture whatever part of that comes from

this spiritual reality we are the ones

to bring about a change but we’ve got to

be doing it his way we got to be his

church doing it his way according to his

will he says when we are his church not

just meeting for singing praising

praying and learning although all of

that is critical we’re his church he

says I will give you the keys to the

kingdom now let me ask you a question

have you ever been in a hurry and not

been able to find your keys you know

what that means you’re not going nowhere

can’t lock your door you can’t start the

car you’re not going on you’re going

anywhere or maybe you’re like me you

have keys on your keychain but you only

remember what they go through our keys

on my keychain I are the slightest idea

what they open so they’re useless they

have authority but I can’t use them cuz

I don’t know what they’re for he says I

will give you the keys notice the word

key is plural keys not a key I’m gonna

give you a key ring why is he giving us

multiple keys only to the church by the

way he’s not giving it to the cultures

only giving it to the church he’s giving

you kids because in the previous verse

gates are plural so for every hellish

gate there is a corresponding Kingdom

key oh don’t forget the word Kingdom

that’s my word that’s the rule of God

that’s the overrule of God that’s when

God has the last say so and that

situation circumstances or even virus is

it’s when God said so that’s why the

most important thing we can do now as a

Church of Jesus Christ has have solemn

assemblies by every

calling on the members to fast and pray

to draw down heavens vaccine into

history’s calamity history’s pandemic

that’s what God told him in the Old

Testament in 2nd chronicles 7 he says

when you call on me from this place even

though I allow the pestilence to come

your way if you will come to me if you

were pray to me if you’ll turn from your

wicked way then I’ll hear and I remove

the calamity from the land so I hope you

see this this church stuff is not just

not just a meeting this is this is this

is exercising kingdom Authority

I will give you the keys to the kingdom

I remember I was in New York one year

and I was at the Marriott hotel I

checked out went to Chicago and went to

the Hilton Hotel for another engagement

it was freezing in the winter I went way

up put the key in the door click click

read like click click read like click

click red light I’m a little frustrated

because I got my luggage I’m way up on

this top floor I’m a key doesn’t work I

went back downstairs and I went to the

to the desk and I said this key doesn’t


the man said because that key sir

doesn’t go to this hotel

I had forgotten to throw away my marry I

came from New York and was trying to use

my Marriott key in a Hilton Lock and

those kingdoms don’t mix I can’t open

that door with that key because that’s

the wrong Kingdom far too many

Christians leaders members deacons

elders are trying to unlock heaven using

wrong keys they don’t have Kingdom Keys

Kingdom Keys are the keys that issue in

divine authority that when exercise

based on God’s Word through the

righteousness of his people who are

communicating with him and walking with

him that God hears that means pays

attention to a lot of what we’re doing

even paying attention to because it’s

not what he wants done is what we want

done that we’re asking him to bless and

therefore the absence of authority says

I will give you the keys to the kingdom

I will give you access to heaven for the

legislation I want you to rule with on


I’ll give you the keys to the kingdom

that’s what we need today we need some

kingdom keys that’s why we have this

whole kingdom series kingdom man Kingdom

women Kingdom marriage kingdoms singles

kingdom parenting Kingdom stewardship

Kingdom discipleship Kingdom prayer

because God’s whole word is tied to this

theme of the kingdom and until we become

these kind of Kingdom representatives

where God can rule and overrule well

what you think becomes irrelevant once

you hear what he says that disagrees

with what you think too many Christians

and yes too many Christian leaders are

going by what they feel going by the

emotions of the moment or what they

think too much secular education and

secular work entrepreneurial

perspectives marketplace ideas are

contradicting the Word of God and we

wonder why either it’s not successful or

if it is successful it brings it brings

deterioration and it brings destruction

rather than blessing that’s because we

have walked too far away from kingdom

keys and notice he says I’m gonna give

you the keys to the kingdom he offers

the church let’s get this straight only

the church has these keys okay only the

church has been given collective

authority to draw heaven into history

why because it’s God’s official Embassy

that’s why every Christian ought to be

an active part of a local church and

doesn’t mean of being a smoke any more

than only how that mean just you know no

no you to be a contributing Kingdom

person by becoming a disciple a disciple

is a person who verily invisibly

reflects the rule of Christ in every

area of their lives because they are so

close to the Savior so intimate with him

he determines what they do what they

think how they act how they react what

they say he influences all of life

because they are so connected to him

that he even overrules them and if we

can get enough Christians in churches

depending on the scope of the need some

scopes of impersonal some scopes are in

your own local community but right now

we’ve been dealing with the national

scope so we need a national collective

gathering of people who will be as

disciples through his legislative agency

called the church and reflect that in

the culture I will give you the keys to

the kingdom what happens when he gives

you these keys well here’s what verse 19

says he says whatever if you were

sitting in front of me I would ask you

to say back to me whatever whatever

whatever you bind on earth shall have

been bound in heaven and whatever you

loose on earth shall have been loosed in


binding and loosing to bind and loose

means to restrict by like you tie

somebody up or loose release what is

happening today as we’ve gotten bound

haven’t we we’ve gotten bound by this

virus we told to stay in or limit it how

we can go out we’ve got bound in our

culture and in our conflict between

police and citizens before this virus

came that gave us a reprieve from that

controversy we’re still bound by

political division we’ve been bound well

if you’ve been bound that means you will

not be in the church that night if the

church is bound to whatever is

restricted holding you back will be

released binding and loosing can be

summed up to me I’m going to give you

Kingdom authority whatever you buy

notice you doing the binding will have

been bound from heaven in other words

you got back up I’m gonna back you up

I’m gonna support you

I’m going to bring my intervention into

history on your behalf because I’m going

to delegate authority to you we all know

what delegated authority is delegated

authority is when somebody higher than

you gives you the right to exercise

something on their behalf God has given

the church the right to exercise

heaven’s decisions on his behalf in

history’s need but he’s only giving it

to the church that’s why I have you more

committed to a political party than you

are to the Church of Jesus Christ

you’re a Benedict Arnold to the kingdom

of God because that is not where the

binding and loosing is so now it’s time

it’s time for Christians to become part

of local churches where they’re being

discipled if you’re not being discipled

either you’re not being the right kind

of member or you’re not in the right

kind of church because the goal is

discipleship not just membership where

you being conformed to the image of

jesus christ relationally and

representatively but once that is

happening once you are taking that stand

to reflect as part of the collective

body of christ because some things God

will do for you just because you’re an

individual Christian so you get certain

benefits if you’ve accepted Christ

simply because you’re here but we’re

talking about now his Collective

presence because the churches are stones

that have become a rock that’s why first

Peter chapter 2 says ye all living

stones come together to form one

spiritual house God will do things

collectively for you that he will not do

if you’re disconnected my hand is

disconnected from my body my hand can’t

do too much cuz it’s not connected with

the rest of me when you are a

disconnected Church you are you remember

the movie the television show The

Munsters right you may be a hand going

all over the place but you’re not

connected to anything

well well God wants you to be connected

and in that connection you’ll see God do

things that you’ll never see


so my challenge to you is to see the

importance of the church that we are

God’s legislative body in history and

until we do that till we’re serious

about that we will not see heaven and

intervene in history will not see the

power of God reside in our midst so it’s

time now for the church to rise up this

crisis has opened a fresh door for the

church God has set the stage like no

other cuz nobody knows what to do nobody

knows how long that people are afraid

people are nervous people are scared

there’s economic issues and medical

issues emotional issues and everybody is

in the situation at some level step in

church it’s time for the kingdom of God

to go public and to say God has an

answer and we don’t draw it down for the

culture so that King Jesus will be made

great through us by us for us and from

us for the well-being of a society in
