Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder, and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually.

we’ve all been to the circus and one of

the acts that you regularly see in the

circus is the high wire act this is

where a person is walking on a wire from

one place to another

they have a pole in their hand because

they know in order to walk straight

things have got to be balanced the wire

is so thin that if they lean too far to

one side or the other disaster awaits

because if they fall its cataclysmic and

so in their walking to try to make sure

that they they don’t tilt too far to the

left or the right they hold in their

hand this bar to pull them back to

balance when one side or the other in

their own movement is in jeopardy we’re

living in a world out of balance

people are tilting to one side or

another they’re tilting the cultural

sides they’re tilting to racial sides

they’re tilting to political sides

they’re tilting to gender sides they are

they’re tilting and we’re watching the

disaster of lack of balance so the

people are not able to live their lives

in a straight line because they’re being

pulled to one side or the other and

their equilibrium becomes challenged

Christian’s face this challenge of

balance as well on one side they’re

Christians who are so heavenly minded

that they’re no earthly good

they will talk about the glories of the

life to come while experiencing disaster

in the life that is on the other hand

there are those Christians who are so

earthly minded that they are no heavenly

good they become so secularized they’ve

become so culture eyes they become so

worldly that heaven has no use for them

when the balance perspective is to be so

heavenly minded that you bring good to

earth because you’re operating from

eternity translating it back into time

the question that I would like to speak

to you today is this issue of balance

because we’re all being pulled on all

kinds of levels with all kind of forces

trying to pull us and get us off of our

walk so that we we keep our balance in

life God caps Eliza’s this concept of

balance in one verse a very well known

verse in Scripture and in light of

what’s happening in our lives and what’s

happening in our society today I thought

it would be helpful for you and me to

understand how we are to have this life

of biblically based balance and I call

it the divine imperative in Micah

chapter six verse eight Micah 6:8 he has

told you oh man what is good and what

does the Lord require of you but to do

justice to love kindness

and to walk humbly with your God let me

read it again and he has told you oh man

what is good and what does the Lord

require of you but to do justice to love

kindness and to walk humbly with your

God Micah is a book of complete in

theology we call it a covenant to

lawsuit where God makes his formal legal

complaint against his people his people

were playing Church and trying to bribe

God with religion that’s why he leads up

to these verses summarized in verse 6

and 7 with what should I come to the

Lord and by myself before for God on

high shall I come to him with burnt

offerings with yearly care yearling

calves does the Lord take the light in

thousands of rams and in ten thousand

rivers of oil shall I present my

firstborn for my rebellious acts the

fruit of my body for the sin of my soul

what shall I give god that’s gonna

satisfy them that’s when it comes with

verse eight this is what God is asking

for you ever have anybody in your life

who gives you what you don’t ask for you

you ever order something they bring

something else that’s not what I ordered

they can’t just say well at least you

get to eat because that’s not what you

ordered at least you don’t have to leave

hungry but that’s not what I asked for

they were giving God religion church

attendance even tithes they were giving

God they were giving God

religiosity without giving him what he

asked for

he says this is what the Lord requires

demands therefore it’s an imperative an

imperative is not a request an

imperative is the demand this is what I

want from you give me this and I can

accept your religion give me this and I

can receive your ties you give me this

and I can embrace your worship but do

all of that and don’t give me this that

I leave hungry because you didn’t give

me what I asked for

and he asked for three things and this

is a summary of the whole Bible in a

sense but these are the three things he

wants from you and me as a prerequisite

to worship he can receive and so I want

to go over these three things with you

today and if we can embrace them in our

lives our families our churches and in

our society then we can see God show up

we refuse them and you’ll just carry on

with religion as usual without seeing

the God that you had religion about show

up first of all he says I want you to do

justice first thing in this balance is I

want you to do justice please notice

just this is something you do it’s not

merely something you discuss it’s more

than having a commission it’s more than

having a workshop or a seminar it’s

something you do the question is what is

it and how does it work

the problem of justice a term that comes

up in our society quite a bit is a

question of fairness of what’s fair

what’s right but there’s a problem

because we don’t all view fairness the

same way what I believe is fair to me

you may not believe it’s fair to you

it’s like the it’s like though the

mother with four with four children she

has three pieces of chocolate she gives

one to the first one to the second one

to the third one but there is none for

the fourth one so the fourth one cries

out mama that’s not fair

because that’s not equal you you you

gave my siblings each a piece of

chocolate you didn’t give me a piece of

chocolate I’m left out that’s not fair

mother then goes to the freezer part of

the refrigerator and pulls out some ice

cream mother dips ice cream out to

number four number one two and three say

that’s not fair that’s not fair because

all you gave us was chocolate but you

gave sibling number four ice cream so

they’re arguing preferred treatment you

preferred for because you gave for

something you didn’t give one two and

three so that’s not fair mother gets

frustrated because everybody has a

complaint about fairness so she makes

them all go outside y’all just go

outside getting on my nerves go outside

and play all for saying that’s not faith

because that’s coerced treatment so you

got unequal treatment the first one

didn’t get the chocolate you got

preferred treatment because you gave

them ice cream and you didn’t give us

ice cream you just gave us chocolate you

got you got coerce treatment cuz you

made us do something we didn’t want to

do so everybody’s got a complaint it

ain’t fair and the reason why we have

all this calamity in our society today

is because people are not always

agreeing on what’s fair based on their

history their background their

experiences based on their perspective

how they were raised and that all

affects our view of fairness but yet God

says over and over and over and over and

over in the scripture justice so what is

justice given all of these variables in

our lives and in our history and in our

economy and in our society what is fair

because you know for children

all they did was grow up and when they

grew up they brought that same question

about fairness its fairness $15 an hour

is fairness $12 an hour its fairness $25

an hour what’s fair so everybody’s

fighting over fairness let me give you

the biblical definition the Greek word

for justice means that which is right it

means the prescribed the right way

biblical justice is the equitable and

impartial application of the rule of

God’s moral law in society biblical

justice is the equitable and impartial

application of God’s more

law in society justice always starts

with what God declares a matter to be

please don’t lose sight of James chapter

4 verse 12 which says there is only one

law giver and that one law Giver by

which right and wrong is to be

determined is God only one lawgiver the

Bible says so any other rules anybody

makes in order for it to be just must be

consistent with the one law giver who

gives all the rules once folk make their

own rules and become their own lawgiver

unrooted in the one lawgiver who exists

you will have chaos and a whole bunch of

people saying not fair because they’re

not sent they’re not starting with a

central base for the law the moment in

your home everybody makes their own laws

you’re gonna have chaos in your home

because they’re gonna make a law that is

always in their best interest when you

when you make rules for you you’re

looking out for you because people make

laws based on their interest

that’s why justice has to be impartial

it can’t be tied to to my own interest

it has to be tied to something that is

bigger than just me God wants to be the

one Lord give it for your life he wants

to be one Lord give it for your family

he wants to be the one law giver for

your church and he wants to be the one

lawgiver even for government which is

why Romans 13 says

that government officials are to be

ministers of God based on what God says

is good or evil right and wrong so even

government officials God says I’m the

one Lord given for government so the

moment they start making laws that is

not consistent with my laws then you

gonna have chaos in society because folk

or make up their own laws that’s

inconsistent what the king is kingdom

and how he’s made history to work but he

says to his people I want you to do

justice I want you to be equitable and

impartial in the application of my laws

in history

that’s why justice is normally coupled

in the Bible with righteousness you’ll

find the two twins side-by-side they are

twins psalm 89 14 from his throne comes

justice and righteousness jeremiah

chapter 18 verse 19 to follow the lord

in righteousness and justice deuteronomy

32 verses 3 and 4 righteousness and

justice together why because you can’t

be just if you don’t know what’s right

you can never be just if there is not a

right standard by which you’re measuring

the decision so the two must always go

together and god is always right

perfectly right never wrong about any

subject matter injustice is the refusal

to equitably and impartially apply god’s

moral law in society we’re living in a

day of pluralism

pluralism winds up saying the only

absolute is that there are no absolutes

there are no superintending rules I make

my own rules pluralism in our world

today is there can be no common beliefs

it says any idea is as valid as every

idea because you know it’s it’s

pluralism it’s it’s everybody gets to to

do their own thing based on their own

rules so you got this social group

making up their rules in this social

group making up their rule this social

group making up their rules and these

rules class because there is no

superintending overriding governing

guideline to which they all must submit

and so that can come in a whole lot of

things not only in your personal life

but but in your family because if you

got teenagers you got folk making their

own rules

you got teenagers you got folks making

animal rules and when they start making

their own rules and you the chief law

giver clash what happens when the people

do that with God as a society as a race

you got racists making their whole rules

so this happens all over the place and

folk make their own rules and wonder why

there is no peace wonder why there is no

order wonder why there is no harmony

because everybody making their own rules

he says with you I need more than your

church attendance I need more than your

religion let need you to do justice

because brothers and sisters justice is

the cornerstone to freedom

you cannot have legitimate freedom as it

was meant to be without just boundaries

we want fairness and economics we don’t

want people to cheat us we want fairness

and relationships we want fairness we

want fairness we want fairness we want

fairness and God says then you want my

standard if you want fairness and within

that standard I give you flexibility but

you can’t just make up your own rules

and expect order he says I want you to

do justice justice is what you do

injustice which he condemns he says when

you are unjust over and over again

because you illegitimately oppressed

people limiting their potential and

robbing them of their freedom because of

injustice you’re not applying equitably

the rules and that’s evil he says there

would be the job as I said last time of

the church to be the thermostat for

society and society as the thermometer

reading the influence of the church so

if the society is thermometer is reading

chaos is cuz that’s the thermostat set

by the church

we are the influencers we are supposed

to bring God’s point of view the

conscience of the culture our job is not

to parrot the society

we’re not parakeets just the world

telling us what to say we mouthing it

our job is to deliver to the society

what the one lawgiver has to say about

any subject there is no subject that

sits out of divine jurisdiction none no

subject no category because there’s only

one lawgiver but when you don’t believe

there’s only one Lord given you go to a

whole lot of different folks for

different laws these guns are you going

you going all into it you go to the

culture you go to what your mom and say

you go to what your daddy said you go to

what your friends say you go to what the

television say you go to all these

different directions for folk to tell

you what to do whether they agree or

disagree with the one lawgiver the

equitable an impartial application of

God’s moral law in society based on his

word that is the criteria

he says you do justice but secondly I

want you to love kindness cuz as you’re

walking see as you’re walking on this

tightrope if you’re only concerned about

justice you can develop a hard heart you

can develop a coldness about you see if

you’re only concerned about justice then

you easy to talk about law and order you

wanna make sure keep the law keep the

law keep the law keep the law and you

broke the law

you broke the law you broke the law

because you want you wanna make sure

that the rule is being kept the off

balance it’s all it’s all you got is if

all you got is justice

so you leave him to one side you’re

gonna fall over so you got a balance

that pole on the tightrope of your walk

he says I want you to love kindness the

Hebrew word for kindness has said has to

do with the compassion of God Bible says

his loving-kindness and doers forever

God’s got see God got two sides to him I

think he’s not a one sided guy you know

he doesn’t just lean the justice he

balances it with mercy a parent who’s

just this oriented says what did I tell

you to do when did I tell you to do it

why are you not obeying me no because I

said so

I gave you the role justice you obey the

rule that’s legitimate as long as it’s

not all balanced he says I want you to

balance justice with loving-kindness

I want the folk you’re applying the rule

to to also know you care about I want

the folk that you are applying the

standard to yes

apply the standard but I also want them

to know that you have compassion not if

you want to have a balance to walk on

the tightrope of life loving kindness

has to do with compassion shown in one

of two ways first of all God’s kindness

is to be shown to those whom life has

not been good to and Zakaria just a few

pages over chapter 7 Zachariah says in

verse 8 then the word of the Lord came

to Zechariah saying thus has the Lord of

hosts said dispense true justice and

practice kindness and compassion each to

his brother do not oppress the widow or

the orphan the stranger or the poor and

do not devise evil in your heart against

one another don’t do that

he says remove injustice against those

who are oppressed Psalm 82 one to four

but he says is those who are of the

downtrodden the poor the oppressed the

he says surely mercy know about that

child whose whose father abandon him and

the mother has to work two jobs I’m

talking about something that that they

have absolutely no control over he says

though don’t just say to that person you

ought to get up and tie up your own

bootstraps because that’s the right

thing to do when they don’t have boots

he says reach out with compassion

in the name of God without compromising

a standard that if you’re healthy you

get a job so mercy is given on one hand

to those people who life has hurt and

who are not rebelling they just that’s

just the reality of the atmosphere of

evil that has affected them

but there’s another need for compassion

and not justice when you’re guilty when

you sinned when you disobeyed when

you’ve rebelled and you don’t want the

full weight of justice you don’t want

what the law requires when the criminals

in court and he’s found guilty you will

regularly hear him throw himself on the

mercy of the court

you know what he’s asking she’s asking

for don’t give me what the law demands I

have I’m asking you that’s why you will

often hear the judge refer to whether

the person showed remorse at night

whether he seemed repentant for the

crime repentance for wrong done that

requires a just response opens up the

possibility for mercy where there is no

repentance you’re blocking the

possibility for mercy but where there

has been an infraction and justice

demands it God is the one who decides

the consequence but you open yourself up

for mercy if there’s repentance but let

me tell you how else you open up

yourself for mercy if God looks at your

record and show

seize that you’ve shown mercy Luke 636

says God will be merciful to the one

who’s shown mercy so if you are just

this person everything’s about justice

and it gets to your turn

and trust me in life it will get to your


and it gets to your turn and you cry out

for mercy and God looks at the record

and he says you just been a

law-and-order person you’ve just been a

justice person you have shown no mercy

you close the door on your own request

don’t get me wrong

don’t give up justice there is a

standard but don’t give up mercy because

God has a heart and so is people we

don’t have to choose between the two

there’s a responsible way to have both

mercy can be easily misused and I will

confess I have on occasion done so for

example I was pulled over for speeding

the policeman pulled me over for going

too fast in this speed zone and I

politely confessed my sins I concurred

yes officer I was I was speeding he said

do you know how fast you were going

yeah I do and I know it was too fast and

I am guilty I would appreciate any mercy

you could show me it’s one thing I know

and that’s how to talk to police

I appreciate any mercy something he says

well you know what I can see that you

really really sorry for going faster

here’s what I’m gonna do I’m just gonna

give you a warning and I gave him thanks

for his undeserved mercy cuz I was

guilty he drives off

I hit my accelerator


I hit my accelerator 60 seconds late I

get pulled over by another police car

I’m talking about a minute maybe two

minutes later I am pulled over by

another police person but I know how to

ask for mercy so policeman number two

gets out of his car comes over to me sir

do you know how fast you were going

yeah I do it I’m so sorry I’m so

regretful you know I would appreciate

any mercy you could show me looks like

I’m in a good place with him except for

the fact that the first policeman drives



he pulls up beside the second policeman

looks at me and just shakes is because I

had abused mercy I know why some of

y’all are laughing mercy and justice

have to be balanced to like in Matthew

18 23 to 35 a man was given mercy by the

king but he refused the show mercy and

he said now you locked that man up

because he wasn’t willing to give to

somebody else what he was asking from me

without compromising justice in Luke 10

the story of the Good Samaritan and a

lawyer comes and says well what’s what’s

the first good great law love your Lord

love your neighbor he said but who’s my

neighbor he gives him the story of the

Good Samaritan that your neighbors a

person whose needs you see whose

compassion you feel and whose need

you’re able to address at some level and

then he says well now you go out and do

likewise you go do it you show mercy

holding on to justice

we must understand both the content and

the scope of the gospel the Gospels

content is faith in the finished work of

the death and resurrection of Jesus

Christ as a substitute for our sins God

took out his justice on Christ so he

could show mercy to us so God couldn’t

compromise his justice BAM he had to

deal with sin but in dealing with the

sin it opened up the door so he could

show the mercy the content of the gospel

is the good news of Christ but the scope

of the gospel he says is that the poor

would hear good news

he said oppressed people would be set

free is that the good news of the gospel

is that people’s lives become improved

when they embrace the gloriousness of

the content of Jesus Christ and see God

had worked through his people lions

become better people become freer they

become more responsible all because the

good news affects more than heaven it’s

designed to change history so we’re not

doing a good job of giving how good the

news really is so he says I want you to

show mercy and then finally he says I

want you to walk humbly with your God

okay I remember now we on this wire we

own this we on this wire we own this

illness wire says you got justice and

mercy working but why are you working

justice and mercy you also walk in they

could you you walk in and I want you to

walk humbly with your God

to walk with is a term of intimacy and

relationship God doesn’t want a religion

that doesn’t have a relationship tied to

it because then it’s an event God is

after an intimate relationship you can

have a legal relationship without having

an intimate one just ask the person

you’re married to there can be a legal

relationship on paper and you don’t want

to be in the same room because you’re

not walking with okay so let’s let’s

work with this little bit what does it

mean to walk humbly with your God first

of all notice the order of the sentence

it’s walk humbly with your God not ask

God to walk with you you are walking

with him which means you gotta know

where he’s going

you can’t walk with Him and you go on

someplace that he’s not going

Amos 3:3 says can two walk together

unless they be agreed I mean we got to

be in the same we got to be head in the

same way and a lot of folks aren’t

hitting with God’s head and wonder why

God not with him cuz you’re not going

where he going

even walk with God the Bible says Adam

and Eve walk with God in the cool of a

garden they were hanging out in his


some of you walk and you have walking

partners why do you have a walking

partner you don’t need somebody with you

to walk you walk all by yourself the

reason you have a walking partner is

your fellowshipping in movement see

y’all talking about all this stuff you

took my politics out my kids you got my

different stuff cuz what you’re doing is

sharing life in motion God wants us to

share life with he wants us to do life

with him

the reason why a lot of our prayers are

boring even to God

even the God we said we start praying

and God said well here’s what he gonna

say because it never changes and the

reason why it never changes is because

we’re not doing life with God because if

we were doing life with God he’d be

hearing about the good bad and ugly he’d

be hearing about the the struggles the

stresses the sins the circumstances the

problems with the kids the problem with

the me the problems on the job he’d be

here detail

we finished prayers in one minute

because it’s the same conversation it’s

not bringing all of our lives and

unveiling them it’s not exposure to him

walking with God as a matter of faith by

faith in it walk with God it is

believing and trusting that God hears me

expose myself to him good bad and ugly

and we are friends he’s my best thing is

you know okay for God to be your best

day the reason why we don’t hear God

talking to us he not our best you know

who who we you know you know we talking

to him why we drive and we talking to

him you know when I even if I’m in a

meeting and you got to sit down and you

got to pray in your mind and think God

sauce cuz he can read the prayers in the

mind cuz I’m bringing him to bear on all

the stuff and he’s included and

everything and I’m just enjoying his

presence if the only time you meet with

God on Sunday and those one minute

before grace prayers he not your best

day to walk with God that is a communion

term to be in communion and an agreement

without a leash never see the person

with a dog not

leash and the dog just walking by I can

tell you they have a great relationship

cuz they don’t need a leash don’t have

to be drugged to worship drugs of prey

drug the Bible stuff

why didn’t come today why didn’t come on

time why you leave early right it’ll

give right pull pull pull

cuz there’s no relationship where

there’s no relationship you need a leash

you’ll have to pull people who in a

relationship to please the God who then

walk in with but while he’s your best

thing he doesn’t want you to forget he’s

also your God see it’s okay to be

friends with your kids you ought to be

friends with your kids to a point not to

a fault

you see you’re to be Jesus says we are

our he is our friend we are his friends

jesus said and then he said if you do

what I say so you and your kids ought to

be besties y’all ought to be hanging out

together y’all be having fun together

y’all ought to be y’all to laugh

together but they need their know their

place you have anybody in your life who

don’t know that place who think just cuz

you their friend they can say anything

they do anything just cuz you their

friend cuz they don’t know that play God

says I want you to walk humbly I know

your place cuz I’m still God so we’re

gonna be besties but know your place to

be humble doesn’t mean them to denigrate

yourself to be humble means submitting

to divine authority

it means no matter what anybody else

says about you you better be small in

your own eyes no matter what what news

clippings you get you better be small in

your own eyes recognizing that you have

somebody over you you ain’t all that you

ain’t all that okay you worth about

$6.75 cuz when they bury you you going

back to dope a mannequin in the store

mannequin in the store a mannequin in

the store that’s a good-looking

mannequin it’s all dressed up it’s all

prissy and pretty and stuff but it only

got that way cuz the owner of the store

dressed it up as always only the store

made it look good so mannequin better

known as dummy dummy don’t don’t think

you are who you are where you are how

much you have how you dress up the job

you have the notoriety where you live

the car you drive look oh your best day

you are a blessed dummy cuz the only

reason you’re all what you are and you

have what you’re having you got what you

got is the goodness and grace of God so

walk hopefully with your God


two kids were arguing but their mother

who’s gonna get the first pancake she’s

making pancakes I was the first one I’m

gonna forget back and forth another

thing look kids Jesus if Jesus were here

he would say give your brother the

pancake one brother looked at the other

you be Jesus

walk humbly with you God in golf

the low score wins in football the

bigger you are the lower you go your

alignment so the more you’ve been

blessed the more humble you should be

you know the more you go up the more you

go down and that means the higher you go

up the more intentional you should be

about going down because the higher you

go up the more people will blow you up

more people will blow you up and try to

fill you here so you think you more than

a bag of chips you know it’s like the

kernels kernels on the telephone and the

chromosome telephone and he just got

promoted to be colonel and somebody

knocks on the door and he says yes he

says this is private Jones she says the

colonel said whoa just a minute private

and he colonel picks up the phone and

pretends he’s talking to the president

because he’s feeling good about his

position yes mr. president yes certainly

mr. president I’ll be right there to the

White House mr. president certainly

certainly oh yes mr. president thank you

click come in private private comes in

he says yes sir I’ve just I’ve just come

he says what can I do for you well I’ve

just come to hook up your phone your

phone is not


see we like we like to impress folk he

says walk humbly with your God don’t

think to lower yourself God has blessed

you you have to apologize for that but

don’t don’t get the big head