Just like the biological DNA that passes on the characteristics and traits of our parents, we also have spiritual DNA that passes on the sinful behavior from parent to child. But the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ provided the means for freeing us from that generational curse.

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

all of us bear the DNA of our mothers

and fathers they have transferred

physiologically their makeup we

regularly talk about how a child looks

like that but you look just like your

mother you look just like your father

our DNA determines the color of our skin

our racial makeup the shape of our

features we are reflections of the life

of our parents physically and we give to

our own children our DNA it’s the way

biology works you would not expect

anything different than a child to bear

the marks of their parents the physical

DNA is not the only thing that gets

transferred there is a spiritual DNA

that transfers as well this is an unseen

reality that passes between parents and

children grandparents parents and

children that leads to generational

consequences it’s a spiritual DNA we not

only pass to our children our good looks

I’ll let you say whether that applies to

you or not but we also transfer or have

transferred to us the patterns of sinful

behavior these patterns transferred from

one generation to another create

spiritual scars on our lives scars that

are reflected and then we pass them on

usually unbeknown it’s usually not

planned but it is very real

to our children when I talk about

generational consequences as opposed to

generational curses I’ll explain in a

moment I am talking about the negative

repercussions of the in coke aiding of

sinful patterns that we’ve picked up

across generations these negative

patterns create negative results in our

lives and in our world these

generational realities come in all

shapes and all sizes we talk about some

people being a born liar

look like they come out of the womb lion

just we’ve seen people whose father was

an alcoholic and they become an

alcoholic my grandparents got divorced

my parents got divorced I’m getting


because there has been this repetition

of a negative pattern passed on children

are not born racist they’re not born

hating a group of people because of the

color of their skin regardless which way

it goes they picked that up they learned

that they pick up a pattern of

discrimination or prejudice of racism

they pick it up from their parents they

in cocaine the pattern into their lives

and so they act out the transfer and

then transfer it on and so it becomes a

generational problem that even in our

country after well over 200 years we’re

still fighting with that’s cuz the

generation will transfer my father some

would say beat my mother so they hit

their meat

husbands and wives are cussing each

other out while telling their children

don’t use profanity but they’re watching

the pattern unroll and they may not use

it around you because you’ve threatened

them but when they go out and they’re

free to express the pattern they express

the transfer that they have inculcated

and absorbed in their lives and some

would say well my parents screamed at

each other and me and my mate we scream

at each other because unbeknownst to you

you not only heard it you absorbed it

and it became part of your spiritual DNA

and so you you just spout out what you

know and what you’ve seen practiced and

it becomes part of the generational

transfer scar tissue on the soul that

just keeps reflecting itself over and

over you talk about a cycle of poverty

where people have the mindset that being

on welfare living on welfare even though

I have the capacity to work I’m gonna

talk about those who can’t but they

adopt the fact that that’s really okay

cuz my grandmother was on welfare my

mama was on welfare so I’m gonna welfare

my grandmother was a single parent my

mother was a single parent so that’s how

this thing rolls and so the cycle

continues on and on and on and it’s

transferred the consequence to the

behavior and so these patterns that are

wrong are transferable there many who do

what they do think what they think and

act as they act because

it’s part of your life even if you don’t

like it I know we all make this

statement it’s not a great statement but

it’s a true one that’s who I am

this pattern of behavior unaddressed

produces built-in consequences to our

well-being our peace order stability my

parents lived in debt

I live in debt and bear the consequence

of never getting out of it

patterns that are generational they have

to understand that God is a generational

God I am the God he says of Abraham

Isaac and Jacob generations it goes on

and on

he thinks generationally Psalm 145 it

says that you might one generation shall

praise your name to another generation

you’ll see this word generation all

through scripture because God created

the human race to generate but with the

generation that only comes the

opportunity for life it becomes the

transfer of spiritual as well as

physical DNA so what many people do not

know in our society we’re giving birth

to a messed up generation because we’re

transferring the negative patterns of a

messed up generation they’re just

picking it up and amping it up

amplifying it so when I talk about

generational consequences I’m talking

about the transfer of the negative

patterns my mother was a worrier I’m a


my daddy had a temper I got a temper

daddy was irresponsible I’m a

responsible yeah those are gone and on

and on and it’s deep cause even when we

want to change it it doesn’t stop it

just comes back up again like

regurgitating in the scripture I read to

you from Ezekiel 18 God says you

Israelites are saying a proverb a

proverb is the saying and here’s the

proverb verse 2 says the proverb was the

father’s have eaten sour grapes but the

children’s teeth are on edge that was

the proverb of the saying

what was it meaning daddy has eaten

solid grapes and that’s made my teeth


the reason why my teeth are messed up is

because of what daddy ate in other words

I am how I am because daddy was who he


that was the proverb let me put it

another way what they were saying was if

it wasn’t for my mom and daddy I

wouldn’t be like I am I’d be better off

than them if it wasn’t for them God says

don’t use that proverb anymore don’t

blame mother and father for what you do

you have to stick with me on that mother

and father may have transferred it

Illustrated it demonstrated it amplified

it but you took it on by choice in other

words don’t use what somebody else did

in a previous generation as an excuse

for you to keep it going he says I am

the god of the Father verse 4 the soul

of the father his mind the soul of the

son of

so it is the one who sins that shall die

so if you are messed up like your mama

and daddy were messed up it’s because

you chose to adopt their mess now I hear

the objections I hear the objections I

don’t think that’s fair that’s fair

because if I was raised this way brought

up this way learn this way observe this

way why am I being held responsible for

them he says don’t use this proverb

don’t use this excuse is another way of

saying that we all know that the

definition of insanity is repeating same

oh- patterns and expecting a different

result so let me explain before we get

to a solution we will get to a solution

because by the time we finish today if

you won’t – we’re gonna break every

chain if you want to regularly in the

New Testament Jesus would ask people are

you willing to be made all if you would

ask them are you willing before he did

anything he want to know do you even

want to change cuz if you don’t want to

change even God will help you so for

everybody who was wants to change what’s

something different even though you were

raised and it passed down in it he wants

you to know you don’t have to live the

rest of your life

in it this all started this chain of DNA

physical and spiritual with a guy named

Adam in Romans chapter 12 this is what

we read Rome scuse me Romans chapter 5

verse 12 says therefore just as through

one man

and entered the world and death through

sin so death spread to all men because

all have sinned verse 15 says for by the

transgression of the one many died do

you know the only reason you have to die

the only reason you have to die is

because of what Adam did that got

transferred to the human race death was

the transfer of rebellion against God we

get mixed this a mixed situation cuz the

most joyful time in a parent’s life is

when they give that birth to the child

and you just gave birth to somebody to

die and the only difference between

birth and death is time but it’s

guaranteed sometimes parents say do I

want to give birth to a child in this

world like it is because you’re given

birth to what time will do and time will

bring him to the grave he says and that

was inherited from Adam and it’s been

passed down from generation to

generation to generation to generation

to generation and nobody is exempt

nobody so the first problem is this

thing of sin that produces death is

built in creating this cloud cover over

the human race but then within time

between birth and death are choices that

are made decisions

God says that the consequence of our sin

we bear because we make a decision to

repeat the practice that may have been

transferred to us he says the soul of

the father his mind the soul of the son

is mine so don’t use an excuse daddy

made me do it

no daddy may have introduced it to you

daddy may have Illustrated it for you

but unless he stood over you with a

hammer you chose so what you see in the


stay with me here is the transfer of

consequences when another generation

makes the decision to pick up what the

previous generation did a couple of

examples in Joshua chapter 7 akin and

his whole family were judged by God

because he stole the things that were

under the ban banned by God but his

children consented to the theft when his

children consented to the theft they

bore the judgment of the father who

stole because they went in on the

decision to steal so when the judgment

came on the father it extended to the

children because of God’s their decision

to participate okay let me give you

another one Ananias and Sapphira Acts

chapter 5 Ananias stole from God that

which he had promised to give to God and

jeopardize the whole churches well-being

when destiny lied it was

he went before Peter Peter stood before

him and said did you do this he said no

he did it he says because you have lied

you’ve jeopardized the church this will

be the last one you tell damn he dropped

dead on the spot

Peter didn’t call didn’t survive he said

did you take what belong to God and what

was for the people of God she said no

you just joined and your husband’s law

so knew now you can join him she dropped

dead on the spot she dropped dead

because she agreed with her husband on

that which is outside of the will of God

so let me explain something I don’t care

how much you love him or how much you

love her when they rebelled against the

clearly revealed will of God a couple of

preferences I’m talking about where God

has clearly made a statement you are to

love God even more than your mate


okay you are to love God more than your

mate the man does not have absolute

authority in the home

he has relative Authority you’re the

head of the house to a point not to a

fault because the moment you try to get

your mate to Trump God you are out of

order God told Adam because you listen

to your wife you should have told her I

love you but we can’t eat that fruit but

because you are so in love

that you let her cause you to disobey me

now the whole family is in trouble

so no man has the final authority no

woman has the final authority everybody

who names the name of Jesus Christ is

under God and one of the reasons we have

all this chaos and families today is we

got folk trying to trump God in the

relationship well I think and I feel and

this is what I said wait a minute you

okay to think it under God but you’re

not allowed to Trump him and so sin

passed the human race God said because

you listen to your wife over me and once

you decide to come under God Exodus 34

verses 6 and 7 says that God visits the

iniquity of the father and the

grandparents on to the children because

of their disobedience so the cycle the

cycle of consequences keeps flowing from

the rebellion of God’s people now God

makes it clear in Ezekiel 18 verse 20

that the kids do not suffer the

consequences of the iniquity of their

parents he says that also in Deuteronomy

24:16 he says the consequences of the

children is because of what they choose

to do so let’s let’s get this straight

whatever you’re dealing with you may

have got it from your mama you may have

got it from your daddy you may have got

it from your grandparents you may have

you may have been introduced to it by

then but how God relates to you is what

you choose and that’s why I’m not

calling it a curse it’s a curse in the

sense that

you know it’s passed down but it’s a

consequence because you adopt it as

you’re wrong let me let me take it a

little deeper what makes this problem

worse is that demons ride on top of the

transfer let me go I’m gonna lose you on

that one there is a spiritual realm

occupied by God and angels and the Holy

Spirit as well as Satan and demons now I

know because it’s unseen people don’t

think it’s real it’s real and it’s not

real just because God says it’s real

it’s real because it proves itself to be

real and one of the ways it proves

itself is by taking stuff from your mama

or daddy that you adopt and transferring

it to you making it so that you adopt it

demons are like roaches around garbage

when a roach knows that garbage is

hanging out they are attracted and they

bring their people with them they bring

their posse

no you look if you see one Roach that

means there is a posse or family you got

one that comes out in daylight to scout

things out


cuz the freaks come out at night so in

the demonic realm sees the sin that has

been adopted it piggybacks on that it’s

drawn to it so the reason it’s so

difficult to get rid of habits that we

have taken into our lives from our

forefathers is because the demonic realm

has amplified it so big in our lives

that it becomes what seems to be

something you can’t help or change

remember the seven sons of sceva in the

book of Acts the demons left them and

went to all of them boom boom boom boom

boom boom boom boom boom went down the

whole family line first Corinthians

chapter 10 says that Christians can sit

at the table of demons verses 20 and 21

you can actually sit at the table that

means fellowship with them he says

there’s a table of the Lord and there’s

a table of demons and if you fellowship

with the table of demons

it doesn’t mean you invited a demon to

dinner it means you fellowship with the

sin which they assumed was an invitation

to them and that of course makes the

problem even more difficult to overcome

because you now not only have to

overcome the problem you’ve got to

overcome the demonic infestation of the

problem and so once it’s adopted you’ve

adopted more than the issue you’ve

adopted demonic engagement with the

issue okay I know what you’re saying

give me some good news

give me some good news cuz how many can

I mean how many of you can see some

transfer from from the parents that you

don’t like well from grandparents okay a

lot of us a lot of us that temperament

that arguing that fussing and that

cussin that fighting that disrespect

that pornography that that illegitimate

gambling that’s putting you in debt

that’s that cycle of welfarism mad that

racism you picked that thing up and and

that’s what you saw and heard and

adopted what do you do obviously it goes

beyond singing the song and break every

chain because if the song was enough

they’ve been gone a long time ago stay

with me here chapter three of Galatians

watch this now Paul is writing to

Christians who weren’t doing too well

with their freedom they were talking a

good game but experiencing the freedom a

that’s a whole nother story he comes in

verse ten and he says in Galatians three

for as many as are of the works of the

law are under a curse for it is written

cursed is every one who does not abide

by all things written in the book of the

law to perform them now that no one

isn’t justified by the law before God is

evident for the righteous man shall live

by faith however the law is not a faith

on the contrary he who practices them

shall live by them Christ redeemed us

from the curse of the law having become

a curse for us for it is written cursed

is everyone who hangs

a tree in order that in Christ Jesus the

blessing of Abraham might come to the

Gentiles where Gentiles here so that we

would receive the promise of the Spirit

through faith okay stay with me

he says the rules of God the law that’s

the Ten Commandment the rules of God

cannot pick your problem my problem the

law the law is centered in the ten

commandments ten times God says thou

shalt not thou shalt not thou shalt not

thou shalt not thou shalt not everybody

agrees with the Ten Commandments in fact

the scripture says the Ten Commandments

the law of God is good we all agree you

shouldn’t do those ten things the law is

good but he says with the law comes a

curse why because all the law can do is

show you the problem it cannot fix it

with the law comes a curse because every

time God gave a rule he gave a

consequence if you break it this is

what’s going to happen the law or the

rules of God which are good rules can

show you what’s wrong but it does not

have the ability to make it right

stay with the rules of God in the law of

Moses he’s talking about the rules of

God which are good rules and out of

those 10 commandments are repeated in

the New Testament so the law of God is

good to expose you but not to deliver

you see many people have the wrong idea

about how to approach God rules

which are good the law of God as good as

it is is like a mirror this morning when

you got up you went to the mirror and

the mirror showed you how messed up you

are the mirror showed you you all messed

up your sleep habits didn’t mess you up

last night cuz cuz you go in front of

that mirror your hair all out of place

you got dribble coming down your mouth

you got sleep coming out of your eyes

got wrinkles on your face where you

slept on the pillow you look at that

mirror and that mirror says you a hot

mess but hitting that why you went you

went to the mirror to see how things

really are cuz without the mirror you

would be self deceived you would think

you’re looking good when you looking

terrible without the mirror so you

utilize the mirror to reveal but what

you do not do then do is take the mirror

off the wall to fix it you don’t calm

your head with the mirror you don’t wash

your face with the mirror you don’t

brush your teeth with the mirror you

know you don’t use the mirror to fix it

because that’s not what it’s for it’s

good but not good to fix it it’s only

good to reveal it so what a lot of folk

do is they go to the rules to fix the

problem and they make new year’s

resolutions and go and do this anymore I

promise not to do this anymore

I really really promised this time and

then they dedicate and they rededicate

then they re rededicate on the

rededication it what’s bad about it is

they mean it let me talk about the

insincere person my mother sincere

person who really comes and they made it

in like a New Year’s resolution for a

week or two it works for a month or so

it works until that thing runs back

begin or you get in that right situation

and bam just think about your diet

you met well but it just comes back the

chicken comes back it just comes back

just comes back so let’s skip what Paul

is saying here Paul is saying all the

law can do which is good is to condemn

you because it’s just going to show you

what’s wrong but you need to know that

you need to know what’s wrong but the

law can’t make it right so wait a minute

then if if if committing myself to the

law can’t make it right

it can only tell me what’s wrong that

I’m doing that I shouldn’t be doing that

I got from my parents that I’m passing

to my kids what’s gonna make it right he

says in verse 14 in order that in Christ

Jesus the blessings of Abraham might

come to the Gentiles so that we would

receive the promise of the Spirit

through faith watch this now on the

cross Jesus broke the back of Satan the

Bible says that in Colossians 2 he

condemned the devil so Flip Wilson was

incorrect the devil can’t make you do

anything the cross broke was this his

authority it did not remove his power

but it removed his authority Authority

is the legitimate use of power criminals

have a gun policemen have a gun so both

have fire

but only the policeman has a badge he

has legal authority if he’s using it

correctly so Satan’s Authority was

broken although he still possesses power

so anything he tries to do to you if you

have accepted Jesus Christ is


since it is illegitimate he’s got to

come up with a scheme to control you and

he only has one scheme comes out in

different ways but he only has one

scheme to keep that habit from going

away to keep that anger from you

stopping it from keeping that addiction

from you letting go of it he’s got one

scheme and his one scheme is to get in

your head 1st corinthians 11 says like

eve who was deceived he’s got to trick

your thinking he’s got to make his

thoughts your thoughts so that after

he’s put his thoughts into your head

it’s now your thoughts telling your

action what to do but it came from your

brain even though the eye may have been

put there by the demonic transfer from

your mother and father so your mother

father may have done something the

demons grabbed it delivered it to your

head so you’re acting it out in your

life so the demonic realm uses its power

of deception to put it into your life so

that it becomes your habit or your

action so that you bear the consequence

of your decision because it came from

your mind even though the idea may have

been introduced by your parents so God

says the death of Jesus Christ broke the

curse of the law he says in order that

God might give you the spirit watch this

now this is the most important feature

it is the spirits job if you’ve accepted

Christ because those are the only ones

that have the spirit it is the spirits

job to make happen what the law says

should happen but doesn’t have the power

to make happen

the spirits job is to make happen what

the law requires the law requires it so

you need to know what’s required but the

law can’t help you do it when you’re

driving down the highway and it says

speed limit 75 miles an hour

you know what that law is therefore to

condemn you you ever got pulled over and

congratulated for going under 70 yep you

ever have policemen pull you over say

you were bad luck I just want to write

you a ticket of congratulations cuz that

speed limit isn’t there to make you feel

good that speed limit is there to give

them the legal right to pull you over

when you break it it’s a law but it’s a

law of condemnation which we all break

including me

okay now watch this watch this

Galatians five verse 16 he says the

spirits job is to bring the promises of

God into your life verse 16 of chapter 5

of Galatians but I say to you walk by

the spirit and you will not carry out

the desires of the flesh for the flesh

sets its desire against the spirit the

spirit against the flesh for these are

in opposition to one another so that you

may not do the things that you please

for if you are led by the spirit you are

not under neath the law whoa whoa the

law is like a standard transmission you

got to keep moving it to try to the

spirit is like automatic transmission it

changes its own gear the job of the Holy

Spirit in the life of a believer is to

make real the law of God activated in

your life my life regardless of what you

got from mom and daddy that’s his job

that says full-time job is to make it

real how does he make it real verse 16

says walk in the spirit and you will not

act out the desire of the flesh he says

the flesh what you want to do outside of

the will of God and the Spirit will

never get along there in opposition to

one another so what you want to do

outside of the will of God the flesh the

Spirit will never agree with that and

work with you but the flesh will never

agree with the spirit so those two are

in conflict which means you will be in

conflict because you got the flesh and

the spirit so in the truth that when

you’re doing something you know you

shouldn’t do or you’re doing something

you want to do that’s wrong you in

conflict with yourself

you fighting you okay

well actually it may feel bad but it’s

good news because he says the two are in

opposition to one another but here’s

what he says if I can get you to walk in

the spirit I’ll explain at the moment

you will not act out the desires of the


don’t miss read that he doesn’t say you

won’t have the desires of the flesh a

big difference because a lot of people

feel bad because they still want to do

wrong he says no no the spirits job is

to give you the ability to override the

flesh even if the flesh still wants to

do wrong and he goes into the deeds of

the flesh the very sinful habits

attitudes and actions in those following

verses even though even though the flesh

wants to do wrong you know you’re

walking in the spirit

cuz you used to the yield to it and now

you’re saying no to it even though the

flesh still wants to do it so if you see

when you used to say yes but now even

though you still want to take those

drugs still want to deal with that

relationship they will still want to

deal with that pornography still want to

deal with that anger but you see you’re

able to say no something else is

overriding it and in the overriding it

please don’t make me read the order he

doesn’t say stop the flesh so you can

walk in the spirit that’s backwards he

says walk in the spirit and it will

override the flesh don’t try to get the

flesh to override the spirit cuz you’ve

been dealing with this thing for years

you’ve been dealing with this habit for

years you’ve been dealing with what was

transferred to you for years so so so

the flushes got that thing so up in it

that the flesh is not going to yield it

it’s like the difference between gravity

and aerodynamics gravity says what goes

up must come down but when you get an


moving at a certain speed with a certain

thrust it doesn’t kill gravity it

overrides it so that’s why you can fly

what the spirit does is override the

flesh even when the flesh is still

fleshy so that raises the question god

has given the spirit to everybody who

comes to the cross Jesus Christ broke

the curse of the cross so you are no

longer under a curse you may feel like

you’re under curse you may feel like mom

and dad is giving you a curse that’s a

lot we just read Jesus Christ broke the


so don’t ever talk about you being

cursed again if you know Jesus Christ

the curse the consequence of the law is

broken but the flesh is still there and

when the flesh wants to do its thing he

says I want you start walking how do you

walk you you put one foot in front of

the other that’s how you walk you put

one foot in front of the other you walk

and you’re walking so walking means

you’re moving then you can’t you can’t

walk and not move you’re moving well

what is the movement that you’re taking

to get the spirit to override the flesh

what’s the movement here it is at the

point that the desire raises his head

the desire to cuss the desire to turn on

the computer the desire to do whatever

is outside of the will of God at the

moment the desire comes is when you move

see a lot of us we say ho prayer in the

morning and we think that covers the day

no that covers the morning okay

as all that covers in fact it covers a

few minutes in the morning

all right that’s all that covets you

don’t do that and say I’m finished


that’s not walking walking is continuous

movement right one step after another

those who walk in the spirit meaning

every single time that desire comes up

you are to invite the spirits power to

override it so you are in movement with

the spirit whenever it comes up and it’s

going to come up depending upon how deep

you’re into it whatever the addiction or

the sin or the circumstance in its going

to keep coming up Lord right now I

desire to do that which is outside of

the will of God but because you broke

the curse on the cross I now invoke the

Holy Spirit to give me the ability right

now to override what you just did was

walk in the spirit if it pops up an hour

later you walk an hour later

if it pops up to hour later you take

another step if it comes thirty minutes

later you take another step if it comes

ten minutes later

you take another step so you learn to

stay in stride with the spirit whose job

it is to make the law come alive in your

life and to do what the law cannot do

can I fix it he says and when you do

this you’re no longer under the law

meaning under its condemnation now I

want to show you one thing in closing

this is good news let me read it from

Ezekiel 33 Ezekiel 33 verses 14 and 15

but when I say to the wicked you will

surely die I love this and he turns from

his sin and practices justice and


if a wicked man restores a pledge pays

back what he has taken by robbery walks

by the statutes which ensure life

without committing iniquity he shall

surely live he shall not die hmm that’s

interesting it’s interesting because of

one word surely somebody say surely cuz

surely means you can bank on it if a man

commits iniquity he shall surely die now

if God says you’re gonna surely die you

dead okay okay you did whether it’s

physical or spiritual separation you’re

dead what God says you shall surely die

that means surely but then it comes

right back in the next verse and says

when that person repents he shall not

surely die wait a minute there’s been a

reversal of consequences here because

the consequence is death he says when

you turn repentance when you turn from

sin to God by means of the Holy Spirit

we just went over who has given you

victory there is a reversal of

consequences now God decides how much

and all and all of that there is a

reversal in that statement surely but

that raises a question the Bible says

God cannot change it says he’s the same

yesterday today and forever

so how can he tell me i’ma surely die

but then tell me if I repent I’m not

going to surely die did he not mean the

first surely which we hope not

but he said surely sho’nuff you’re gonna

pay a substance of consequence but

didn’t come to the next verse that you

repent you shall not surely die

but he says he doesn’t change sounds

like he just changed me one thing is


what we have is the attributes of God

God has attributes perfections

characteristics omnipotence I’m the

president submissions veracity grace

mercy truth justice wrath you got all

these different characteristics God

reacts to sin by justice and wrath he

has to because that’s part of his makeup

and he must surely respond to it but

when you turn by means of the Spirit who

gives you power to override the cry of

the flesh once you turn and return you

are switching attributes you are

relating to see when you were over here

in disobedience you were under eyes but

once you turn and return you’re now

located under mercy

you’re turning hasn’t changed God he

still got wrath he still got justice but

you’re no longer operating under that

you have turned and when you turn you’re

not operating under his mercy and under

his grace which frees him up to relate

to you from over there instead of over


but he’s still haven’t changed he still

got justice he’s no god but you you have

relocated yourself and once you relocate

yourself he can now relate to you to

your new location and he hasn’t moved an

inch because he remains constant but

repentance means you’ve turned by means

of the spirit so he can offer you

something different at his own sovereign

will and so the question is is it time

to break the cycle

to say God I don’t care what mom and

daddy did what grandma and daddy did

That’s not me now and I’m not gonna be

to lock in to that mess that’s been I’ve

inherited cuz you’ve given me something

to break the curse by the blood of Jesus