Dr. Tony Evans preaches about one of the main strategies Satan uses against us. The enemy uses the good in our lives to bring about evil. He turns God’s blessings against us to drive us into sin and away from Jesus. Pastor Evans preaches about how this strategy of Satan works and what we can do to avoid it.

so Satan finds something good that men

and women should have been over and he

uses something good to bring something


and isn’t that how it works in our lives

it starts off looking good

but once infiltrated with his purposes

that what was good even that included

God became bad

all morning I’ve been running into men

and the first con thing that comes up is



that’s the buzz now

and I can assure you

every single team

has been watching game film all week

they’ve been watching game film of the


of the team they’re going to play

they want to learn their Tendencies they

want to learn what they are what their

what their uh uh movements have been the

Personnel they want to become fully

acquainted with the group they want to


God has game excuse me Satan has game

film on you

they got game film you’ve been assigned

to demon

and that demon knows your every move he

knows you’re every moment he knows your

orientation he knows your sensitivities

he knows your inclinations that demon

understands you and so there is a report

on you

me and us

so there is a TaylorMade strategy

to do you in

even as a Believer to defeat you and to

bring negative consequences into your


you’re on tape

spiritually speaking

so today I want you to understand the


because if you know the strategy

you can better see

the landmine

and handle it more appropriately

let me say it in a more raw term

there’s a contract out on you

me us

to bring about

your inability

to finish the journey

understanding this however will help you

me us

to move forward differently than

we perhaps have come to this point

because there’s no use in continuing to

step on landmines that you don’t have to

so let’s look

and see how

the enemy to your journey is working

in verse 1

now the serpent was more crafty than any

beast of the field which the Lord God

had made

crafty means sneaky

crafty means clever or shrewd

the snake the serpent was more crafty

sneaky slithery then

any of the other creatures God had made

so when Satan wanted to make his move

he chose something that would be

consistent with what he wanted to


he wanted to achieve craftiness so he

chose a crafty creature

Satan knows what to choose

and who to choose

to Slither into your world

in order

to get your undivided attention he knows

how to maneuver

slick knows how to

whine and dine in order to

cause you to have a conversation with


has it ever bothered you that this woman

is talking to a talking snake

do we we got a talking snake not only do

we have a talking snake we got a talking

walking snake

because the snake now is walking because

the curse was that from then on it would

have to crawl in his belly which means

it didn’t have to call his belly prior

to that so we have a walking talking


and this walking talking snake

is not a shock that this woman is on

she’s coming on a normal conversation

the very first conversation

between a human being and a person is

about God

kind of sort of because we read in verse

1 that

the serpent was more crafty and the

serpent said indeed has God said You

shall not eat from any tree of the

garden please notice

a missing word

the serpent was more slithery than any

other Beast the Lord God had made but

then the serpent said hath God said not

half the Lord God

now that that’s that that that missing

word is on purpose

the word god Elohim deals with God’s

power the word Lord deals with our

covenantal relationship with God so the

serpents is basically saying let’s talk

about God but let’s leave out


we can be religious but not be


so the first conversation between a


and a human being

wants to bring up religion but leave out


let me explain something the devil

doesn’t mind that you in church

as long as you don’t have a relationship

with the Lord he don’t mind

God talk

he doesn’t mind invocations and

benedictions as long as there’s no

relationship with God in between and

mind that

the creature that Satan used


to bring

death and consequences

to even then Adam and then the human


was a creature

over whom men and women were to rule

and watch this and the creature was good

because the Bible says whatever God

created in chapter one was good

so at this point the snake’s not bad

which means

that the strategy is to use something

good to create something bad

he doesn’t go find something bad because

there’s nothing bad to find other than

him so Satan find something good that

men and women should have been over and

he uses something good to bring

something bad

and in that how it works in our lives it

starts off looking good

but once infiltrated with his purposes

that what was good even that included

God became bad


his strategy first of all is for you to

miss him

so if you’re looking for somebody with

horns a red jumpsuit and a pitchfork

you’re looking for the wrong creature

he’s going to use something

that is good

to create something that is bad

so that you can have consequences

negative repercussions

like an Illusionist at a magic show

some of these things these guys can do

with just spectacular and one of the

main reasons that they are able to cause

us to go oh wow

is because they do something over here

to get our attention while they’re doing

something else over there

in other words they distract us from

what they’re really about

Satan is not going to tell you up front

I’m here to destroy your future

you know they’re not going to take you


he’s going to be crafty sneaky slithery

and we

we know what that means so our

subordinate creature the Bible called

Satan a counterfeit it says he has

counterfeit Doctrine counterfeit

Miracles counterfeit Spirits counterfeit


in order to do one thing deceive

suicide bombers dress up like normal

people go in the shopping places and

explode things and bring about death

looking normal carrying death

in order to deceive it’s all about


we know what that looks like to have

been duped tricked because it didn’t

look like deception some of

some of you have gotten what I’ve

recently gotten in my mail

from a credit card company



you have been awarded

a five thousand dollar increase on your

credit limit

you are now because they want to make

you feel good Platinum

who doesn’t want to be platinum who

doesn’t want to feel Platinum

Mission and you are a preferred customer

so they’ve made me they made me feel

good about me they tell me that I’m


to have a higher credit limit

but behind all that

behind all that

and the reason I know what’s behind it

is because I pay consequences

some of you know what it is to be paying

on something minimum amount

year after year after decade after

decade after decade all because they

made you feel good

gave you a platinum sense of yourself

you started smelling yourself


he wants you to miss him

and so he uses something

that’s crafty

but slithery

and will make even God part of the
