Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually.

let’s go a little bit further in chapter


verse 30

do not grieve the holy spirit of god

by whom you were sealed for the day of


here’s our word sealed again

do not grieve the holy the holy spirit

of god

by whom you were sealed for the day of


he now brings up grieving the seal

okay the holy spirit is sealed

into the life of every believer he’s

god’s holy spirit

the third member of the trinity he says

do not grieve

him to grieve somebody is to make them

sad to grieve somebody is to make them


to grieve somebody is to is to make them


to grieve somebody is to bring bring

that mournful atmosphere into their

lives many a

parent has been grieved by their child

what their child did or been grieved by

their mate what their mate did

or what their mate said they’ve been


sad well the holy spirit is a person

let me tell you about the per the

emotional state

of the holy spirit one of our sermons on

the holy spirit

refers to him as a dove a dove the holy

spirit came down upon jesus

as a dove let’s review

doves are very sensitive birds

they’re extremely sensitive

just a look in their direction and

they’ll go

they’ll fly off quickly these pure

white beautiful doves

move quickly away when there is a threat

of any kind they don’t hang around and


they will to use human language cry

quickly when a man says about a woman

she’s so sensitive a woman says about a


he’s so sensitive in other words easily

offended easily grieved

easily made sad not not not


he says do not grieve

the holy spirit the holy spirit

can be easily grieved

he is the sensitive member of the

trinity now why

is grieving him important

when you grieve a person using human


what you have done is you have broken


the intimacy with that person if you

make a person sad they can’t

be close to you they can’t feel like

communicating with you

you’ve caused them hurt in pain they

want to shy back from you because you’ve

wounded them he says you have a seal

this seal is the holy spirit do not

make him unhappy

do not make him sad

so the question is what grieves the holy


how do you make him like a dove fly off

and fly away

well look at verse 29

let no unwholesome word proceed from

your mouth

but only such a word as is good for


according to the need of the moment so

that it will give

grace to those who hear go to now verse


let all bitterness and wrath and anger

and clamor

and slander be put away from you along

with all malice

be kind to one another tenderhearted

forgiving each other just as god in


also has forgiven

you so let me tell you

what makes the holy spirit cry

what makes the holy spirit mourn what

makes the holy spirit

sad in all of these verses and you can


verses 25 all the way through

to the final verse of this chapter verse

32. grieves the holy spirit

is when we use unkind words

have malicious thoughts or bitter


unkind words malicious thoughts

or bitter spirits when

those things are operating in the life

of the believer the holy spirit

has been made sad

he says let no unwholesome word come out

of your mouth

an unwholesome word is

a word that brings damage

to another person it’s

profanity cursing a person out

it is uh uh

offensive language ephesians chapter 5

verse 4 puts it this way

he says let there be no filthiness or

silly talk

or cois-jesting jokes designed to hurt


which are not fitting but rather giving


what he is saying is when you

use your mouth in cussing or cursing two

different words

cussing is profanity cursing

is where you wish ruin on somebody when

you say i wish you were dead

you have pronounced a ruinous curse on


when you use humor

to hurt so it really wasn’t a joke

you just made it sound like a joke

because the goal was wounding

things to make you laugh is not what

he’s talking about that’s sheer humor

he’s talking about course jesting

a joke with sandpaper on it in other

words you

you are seeking to wound with your words

you need to know

when you do that you have upset the holy


and where is the holy spirit he’s sealed

in you

he says in verse 30 whom you were sealed

until the day of redemption

many of us need to gargle daily with

spiritual mouthwash

because we have dirty mouths

and dirty speech and denigrating talk

and far too many of us that’s the way we

roll we say

we dare say well that’s just the way i


no it’s like the lady said

to her pastor she said pastor i i got a

i got a

bad use to my tongue and i want to put

my tongue on the altar the pastor said


lady we don’t have an altar that big

because she really had a bad mouth or

it’s like the uh

uh the daughter who her father was a

pastor and

the daughter said darn

she used the word don he said what what

oh no we don’t use that kind of word but


encourage you i’m gonna give you a


if you never use the word darn again

the daughter looked at her daddy who was

a pastor and said well shucks daddy i

know some words worth a dollar

because a lot of us feel that way a lot

of us feel like we can go deeper

deeper deeper we compete with the with

the worst sailors

in how we talk how we put down people

even if it’s not

profanity we seek to hurt

with our language and the holy spirit

is offended because he’s like a dove

psalm 109 verses 17 and 18

says when you curse not not cusp but

curse that is speak

to a person’s ruin when you do that

you have created a boomerang and he says

and it comes back on you so when you go

after somebody else

and which they’re ruined you’ve actually

invited that ruin

upon yourself ah that’ll make you think

twice about what you say right

that’s why we’ve got to make sure that

we watch our mouths that if we are


about our speech

when you go to the doctor one of the

first things he says is stick out

your tongue he’s not just looking for

things on your tongue

he knows that sticking out your tongue

will indicate whether there are deeper

things going on inside

and the way we speak to one another the

way husbands speak the wives wives speak

to husbands

parents the children saints the saints

races to races

even among christians

it is showing by our tongue something


deeper is going on and that is

the holy spirit is grieved

inside of us he is grieved by bitterness

he goes on to say where you

intentionally carry around

a bit of spirit wrath where you’re

seeking to hurt somebody

else due to your anger you slander

people you

you try to destroy them with your tongue

the absence of kindness to be

hard-hearted and cruel

mean-spirited and to hold grudges

now just forgiveness doesn’t mean you’ve


reconciliation only comes when

repentance is there

but you must forgive so that you can go

on why

because you do not want to have a

grieved holy spirit locked up inside of


let me say that again you don’t want to


a grieved holy spirit sealed within you

because you can’t get rid of him so

every believer

has the holy spirit the holy spirit is

locked up inside of you

he is sealed so when you grieve him

where is he going to express his grief

inside of you because guess where he is

he’s inside of you how long is he inside

of you

tell the day of redemption so he’s

permanently inside of you which means

if you grieve the holy spirit on a

regular basis watch this now

you are going to be an unhappy christian

ah you know why a lot of christians are


because they got a mourning holy spirit

operating within them

the holy spirit’s crying every day have

you ever seen a wife

who cries every day or a child who cries

every day mourns every day

because of how their loved one speaks to


did you know that a lot of us are living

with a crying holy spirit

a grieving holy spirit well guess where

the holy spirit is

he’s combined with your human spirit so

if you have

a grieving holy spirit connected

with your human spirit how do you think


soul is going to function you’re going

to have a miserable soul

that’s why you can be sitting next to a

miserable saint

or married to a miserable christian

because they have a

grieving sad unhappy

holy spirit operating within them

because of how they are functioning as a


they’re not being filled with the spirit

they’re not walking with the spirit

and they are perpetually living in a


icu intensive care unit

because of their spiritual condition

people want to know how can you be saved

and be

this miserable this much for this long

because by your tongue or your attitude

or your actions you’ve got a holy ghost

crying all the time

and if he’s sad all the time and i’m

using human language of tears

to express the grief the sadness

so if he’s sad and he’s sealed in you

you’re going to be sad so you see

this holy spirit thing is not a not a a

small thing

just the opposite is true however if you

make him happy

you’re gonna be happy by your speech by

your attitude

by your kindness by your forgiveness

then he’s smiling your soul is smiling

so we can see a new grin on your faith


that’s really the joy of the lord it’s

when the holy spirit settles things down

in your soul because he’s comfortable

with you

you can be in a relationship with


you’re not comfortable with well a lot

of christians don’t make the holy spirit

feel good but

that can change simply by addressing

what he says beginning in verse 25 to

verse 32

of ephesians 4. so you need to read that

like read it again

and like re-read it again and then after

you read it that time

read it again so that you’re not making

the holy spirit

sad so that you can be glad and you can

free him up to do his work in your life