Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

oftentimes grown up in the father’s home

you you don’t know you’re lonely you

don’t know you’re sad about not having a

dad you just know that someone’s missing

there’s masculinity muscle is it

physical being I’ve got to work and take

care of business so that I bring home

the bacon and if I can feed my family

then I’ve been a good dad and that is

not the most important thing our kids

need see we need Kingdom and rising

because we got Kingdom in missing we’ve

been missing and we can’t find it why

are we in here we own this we own the

responsibility of calling a culture in

decline back calling men back


I think we have a cultural picture of a

man I’ve been the toughest guy in the

road of being the John Wayne type of man


so what we have missing the discipleship

and who’s subbing for church membership

women we’ve settle for people coming to

church are coming to events not people

ordering their lives comprehensively

under the rule of God we pick and choose

the parts of God we want to comfortable


a lot of times like my quiet space was

like you know dinner’s over

I just popped my ear plug my earphones

in it was kind of an escape for me just

not being emotionally present I need man

to know that they’re not alone and it’s

not embarrassing because man will go

into a cave and they would die silently

that’s great accolades a professional

football but don’t think that’s life

don’t think that’s the end all I think

men need to learn how to learn what it

means to be a man what it means to be a

godly father it’s our responsibility to

go back and mentor that’s the story it’s

understanding legacy and continuing to

work to leave one it starts with

surrender and being vulnerable and

authentic and transparent enough to

admit where you are and allow Jesus to

meet you where you are U+ God is enough

you can get up and walk and be exactly

who you were created and called
