Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

God does some of his best work when you

are asleep that is in the dark he does

his best work when you don’t think he’s

behind working out I have a plan

maybe you should have gotten it earlier

in your life


maybe if you hadn’t done this or done

that or gone here or gone there then

maybe you would have gotten it early

maybe even got to say earlier you would

have known me earlier you and I had the

flat maybe maybe so maybe if you hadn’t

married out of my will or if you hadn’t

traveled out of my will or you haven’t

even rebellious maybe you would have

gotten it earlier I told you wish you

could turn back the hands of time and

make it happen all over again

and I know you feel like you’ve been in

this thing too long and I know you don’t

know how much longer it’s going to take

to get out of it but still with all your

questions I have a plan and I know it

and it’s a good one and it will give you

a future and it will give you a hope

you don’t know which way to go seek him

you’re in pain see Kim you’re confused

seek him you’re tired of waiting to skim

if you come and ask me I’m gonna send

you back to him because he had not told

his place

a lot of us have a picture but we can’t

see a play so we wonder whether it’s

gonna produce anything God says I have

2,000 years

Jesus Christ put up the page for the

plane and he who has begun a good work

in you shall continue it until the day

of redemption what god stocks god

finishes what God begins God ends for

God initiates God complete but you say

I’m in a mess you don’t know my mass you

don’t know my god and if you forget the

sermon remember the verse I have a plan

for you

not for calamity or bad

and it involves the future


