Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

we want you to clearly understand what

it is to have this Alma operating in

your life the divine resources that God

has prescribed for us to use to exercise

victorious spiritual warfare the armor

of God he wants you to stand firm that

is to hold the ground that Jesus has

already won Jesus has already been

victorious legally he wants us to

experience it literally he doesn’t want

you and I to go out and create victory

he has already crafted victory he wants

us to stand firm he says beginning in

verse 10 through verse 13 stand firm

stand firm he says you’re not fighting

for victory you’re fighting from victory

you’re not trying to achieve something

something has already been achieved so

stand firm but make sure you have the

right wardrobe on make sure you have the

belt of truth and breastplate of

righteousness and shoes of the gospel of

peace with the shield of faith and the

helmet of salvation he comes at the end

of verse 17 and gives the last piece of

the armor verse 17 he says and take the

sword of the Spirit which is the word of

God remember the verb take means pick up

as needed

the last three of the armors use that

verb the first three uses the verb to be

that is this is the state you should

always be in but these last three deals

with the verb to take pick up as needed

or as appropriate he says I want you to

pick up the sword of the Spirit

the sword of the spirits this is very

important because this is the only

offensive piece of weapon in the arsenal

everything else is designed to hold you

steady from what the enemy is seeking to

do in the evil day but now in this last

one he has put a weapon in your hand the

soldier has two types of swords in the

Roman army the longsword though the

sword that allows you to fight at a

distance because it is extended but the

Greek word for sword here is not the

word for the longsword like the

swashbuckling kind of sword that you

would see in movies and on television

the Greek word sword here is the word

dagger it was approximately in an 18

inch dagger the dagger was used for up

close fighting in-your-face fighting the

dagger was used when you were in

hand-to-hand combat and your enemy was

right up close so the word for sword

here the Greek word for sword is the

word for dagger and the dagger was

needle sharp it was used for giving a

death blow because the enemy is up on

you as the enemy ever been up on you on

you on you see in a general way we know

the devil and his emissaries are like

always there but sometime their opinion


they have confronted you and it is your

evil day because he talked about this is

the evil day this is are you under

attack it’s all up in your face the

attack the attack is is creating

consternation and conflict and chaos

it’s like somebody getting up in your


well the dagger was for that kind of

battle he says I’m going to give you the

sword for the up close in your face

battle he says it is the sword of the


he says the sword of the Spirit it is

the tool that the Spirit uses but here’s

the most important thing it is the only

tool he uses it is the spirits offensive

weapon it is the tool he uses in the

spiritual realm

it is the tool he uses to address what’s

happening in the invisible world for

what’s in your face in the visible world

he says it is the sword of the Spirit it

is what the spirit uses to deal with

what is causing you consternation in the

world in which you live that comes from

the invisible world that you do not see

now if you don’t believe it’s coming

from the invisible world you won’t use

this sword you’ll do like Moses and

Peter when Moses tried to deliver Israel

he killed the Egyptian he destroyed the

Egyptians when Peter wanted to deliver

Jesus he cut off the servants in he

pulled out his sword and he sliced the

servants ear off in order to protect


Jesus had to God in the Old Testament

Jesus in the New Testament had struck

both of them I don’t need that

I don’t need your human methodology

human approach human perspective human

orientation to fight a spiritual battle

one of the reasons why so many of us so

often are losing our battles is we go to

human and once you go to human that’s

not a sword the Spirit uses here are you

that need I use that sword when you

choose to use a man-made method for a

spiritually derived cause you have no

support from God in your faith that’s

why the Bible says that the wrath of man

does not accomplish the purposes of God

in other words your human anger that’s

why the Bible says vengeance is mine

saith the Lord I will replay I’ve got my

own approach and your method is not my

method my ways are not your ways I don’t

handle it like you handle it in the

spiritual round the only tool that the

Spirit of God uses is this dagger and it

is needle sharp it is because we have

lot believed in the power of the dagger

and we know we don’t believe it because

we don’t use it that we don’t see the

enemy being sliced and diced he says

this sword this sword is what the Spirit

of God will use in your battle conflict

evil day and it is the only one in the


maybe it’s the only one you have because

it’s the only one you need

what is this sword he says which is the

Word of God which is the Word of God so

he tells you that the Spirit has a sword

that he has given to us to use in the

battle the spirit because this is a

sword that belongs to the spirit it’s

just putting your hand to use and he

says this sword is the Word of God now

let me give you three words for the word

of God so that you can understand how

this works because they want you to use

a sword correctly Groff a logos and

Rhema graphic that is the Greek word for

the writings Groff a means the writings

scripture is called in the Bible graphic

the writings that’s the book the book

that this is this is the Word of God but

it’s the Word of God

Groff a in other words as I’ll sit it

down there on the podium as you hold the

book in your hand you are holding

graphic you’re holding 66 books and the

words that make them up that compose the

Canon of Scripture whether you have it

on your shelf at home whether you have

it on your coffee table whether they

have a copy in your car whether it was

tucked under your arms when you walked

in the church you came in with graffiti

you came in with the book you came in

with the Word of God

in written form he says God gives the

sword of the Spirit which is the word of

God but the Greek words my grasp

this is Groff a this is this is the

written book and is the Bible but when

he talks about the spirits use he’s not

talking about you walking around with a

Bible in your hand or having a Bible in

your car cuz see some people use the

Bible as the graph they like a rabbit’s

foot you see folks got crosses dangling

from their rearview mirror like that

supposed to stop an accident or

something Lawkeeper

that’s magic that’s magic

well what some people do is sanctify

their car by putting the graph a in it

they have a graph a in the glove

compartment like that’s gonna be magic

or somehow their living room don’t get

holy because there’s a Bible on the

coffee table

that’s graphic now don’t get me wrong it

is the Bible it is the word of God but

that’s not what the spirits using there

is the logos for example in Saint John 1

in the beginning was the word the logos

now the long house goes further than the

graph a the graph a is the book written

that has been written the low cost is

the message of the book it is it is its

message content this is the Bible when

you don’t read it when you do read it it

is the Bible because it is the Bible its

message is the logos so when you come to

church and you hear a sermon preached

and you understand what the passage says

you’ve just experienced the logos

because now you’ve gotten the message of

a graph a so the content has now been

clarified to you and

you understand now locust is very

powerful because in the beginning was

the logos and the Word was with God and

the Word was God

so the message is God talking the graph

a is God talking but it is just it’s

written form the logos is the message

given from the graph a written so the

graph a is God’s message written whether

you use it or not open it or not you

know like when you go to court and put

your hand on the Bible you swear to tell

the truth the whole truth nothing but

truth so help you God

that’s graph a in other words they’re

not interested in the message they’re

just using the book so they put your

hand on the graph a when you may not

even care about the logos you may not

care about what it says but you’ve got

your hand on the graphic so people go


bring me a Bible I’ll swear on the Bible

I’ll swear on the Bible they’re not

concerned about the message they’re just

concerned about the book the written

documentation so that somehow if I put

my hand on it that automatically means

I’m telling the truth the logos is the

message given so when you understand the

message from a part of the book or all

of the book or whatever you have now

graduated from graffiti logos you have

this message and this message is living

in this message is powerful because it’s

of course true but that’s not the word

in verse 17 he doesn’t say the sword of

the Spirit which is the graph a of God

he doesn’t say the sword of the Spirit

which is the logos of God he says the

sword of the Spirit which is the Rhema

of God

his Greek word is Rima now we’ll explain

how its time together an amendment

minute but it’s Greek word is Rima

now Rima means utterance or words spoken

or declared it is the declaration of the

logos that you got from the Groth a the

graph a is the book the logo says the

message the Rhema is the utterance the

speech the spoken s of the message you

could be the owner of a Bible Factory

and not have a sword see you you could

make Bibles and not have a soy he says

the sword that the Spirit uses is the

Rhema of God here it is the graphic of

the book gives you the locusts the

message but it is the Rhema that punches

in and draws blood it is the Rhema that

for spirit uses so many of us are not

seeing the power of the Spirit because

we haven’t graduated to the Rhema we the

stuff at Groff a because we bought a

Bible the church you know that focal

bring the Bible Church don’t even all

open it lets up no bring the Bible to

church you are stuck at the graph a

because it’s a it’s just a book and you

feel holier because you walk with it

but the spirit doesn’t use that that’s

not the tool for the spiritual warfare

it’s still the Word of God but it’s not

the tool that the Spirit uses others of

us perhaps most of us we come to

understand the logos the message we want

to understand the sermons we want to

understand the truth we want to

understand its message we may be

inspired by it were educated by it

oriented by

and so we now understand something we

did not previously understand from the

graph a that now has become logos in our

minds and understanding but when it

comes to spiritual warfare when the

enemy is all up in your grill you need

more than graphic and logos you need

Rhema you need the locus from the graph

a uttered spoken or declare why do you

want to Rhema the logos because I’ll you

have to understand it’s fully to fully

get this why do you want a Rhema utter

declare speak the logos the message

because of the intrinsic nature of the

logos turn to Hebrews 4 hebrews chapter

4 we’ll come back back to Rhema in a

minute but I want you to understand it

because what you are doing the Rhema on

is the logos to get the logos you bring

the Groff a so I go to the graph a the

writings to get the message but I don’t

get the message to say I enjoy Church I

get the message

so when I need Rhema in Hebrews chapter

4 he speaks about the logos and this is

what he says beginning in verse 12 for

the word logos of God is living when you

get the message not when you carry the

book but when you get the message that

is a living message it is not just

information it is alive the logos of

God is alive and it is active it is not

only alive it has energy behind it you

know it’s got a force field

he says the logos of God is living and

active and sharper than any two-edged

sword watch us now

he says the low caste of God is sharper

than a sword whose blades on both sides

have been sharpened in other words it

can catch you either way you can go this

way it will cut you you can go that way

it’ll cut you cuz all both sides is

sharp no no you got to follow me here

he says the low castes of God ok but I

know what you’re thinking you said wait

a minute you just said it a minute ago

that the sword and spirit is the Rhema

yes the sword of the Spirit is the Rhema

when he’s going to use it but I’m trying

to tell you what he uses when he uses it

he uses it when it’s Rhema it’s alive

when it’s locusts so by the time it hits

Rhema if you got logos you got a sword

with life in it cuz he says the low cost

of God is sharper than any two-edged

sword and it’s piercing as far as the

division of soul and spirit and why do

you need to know that the low gasp of

God can get down to spirit and soul

because your spirit and soul is your

invisible world that’s the invisible

world your visible world is a physical

your body your invisible world the world

where you truly live is made up of soul

your personality and it’s made up of

spirit the God presence in you he says

this thing is

sharp that it can slice the invisible

realm separating spirit and soul now why

does why does God want to use the locust

the message to separate your spirit from

your soul because your soul gets in the

way of the spirit your personality how

you arrange your orientation your your

thought your perspective keeps getting

in God’s Way

so God’s gotta slice you out of the way

so his spirit can break through see we

have so intertwined our souls with God’s

Spirit that we keep getting in God’s Way

so God wants the logos that gets you out

the way and he wants to get you out the

way this is the only thing that can do

that is the message of God so when you

come and you hear the message you have a

content of the word and it dawns on you

that what you thought and what God says

isn’t the same you just got sliced and

diced will you come in you hear the word

of God and you discover that your

perspective what mama taught you what

daddy taught you disagrees with what God

says and it dawns on you you had all

this stuff mixed up and you had God’s

name all up in yo soul when God had

nothing to do with how you were thinking

and how you were functioning and how you


you got sliced and diced he said it’s

active and it’s sharper than any

two-edged sword it can divide it’s

piercing it is penetrating down to the

invisible level of joints and marrow and

it is able to discern judge it is able

to discern the thoughts and intents of

the heart see see here’s the problem

with the word with the with the logo the

problem with the logos only attacks what

you do it attacks what you think he says

it gets down to what you were thinking

it gets down to the thoughts and it goes

deeper than before it goes to the intent

and not only what you were thinking but

what you were thinking about what you

were thinking it gets down to the

thoughts and intents of the heart it is

penetrating why is it penetrating verse

13 there is no creature hidden from he

told you the lie so the look-outs is the

lie where the life come from yes I cuz

God stands behind his word so whatever

his word sees is because God is seeing

it so it says there is no creature

hidden from his sight but all things are

open and laid bare to the eyes of him

with whom we have to do in other words

you’ve been sliced open let’s put it

another way the word of God’s goal logos

is to expose it is to expose it is God’s

MRI machine

it is God’s x-ray machine if all you get

when you come to church is what you hear

in your external ear all you did was

open up Groff a you opened up Groff a

and somebody told you something when the

truth hits you you ran in the logos you

ran in the low God because the message

is given Jesus is called the logos in

John 1 because he was God’s messenger he

came to present God to human beings he

was the deliverer of the message he says

that the Word of God the logos

penetrates with power when the message

is given when you grab the message and

accept it

you now have understanding

you said oh that’s what that says and

that’s what that means then what happens

he says the sword of the Spirit which is

the Rhema of God now he brings in Rema


is the word of God a turd or used Groff

a is the writings it’s just been written

no Goss is the message of what’s been

written Rhema is the use of the message

when you pull out Rhema you just pulled

out the spirit because the sword is the

sword of the Spirit when you pull out

Rhema that is when the word that you

have becomes the message that you

deliver in short battle conflict when

it’s all up in your face you have now

given something the Spirit uses if you

are satisfied with Groff a just having a

Bible in your car you know on your

kitchen table in your bookshelf or under

your arm yeah that’ll help you in close

up from battle if you only have low guys

coming to church hearing the sermon

even understanding the message that

message is true that message is alive

that message is active that message

works in the spiritual realm but in

close up battle with hell breakthrough

in your life the evil day he says what

the spirit wants you to use it’s not

just the understanding tapes you’ve been

listening to a radio broadcast you’ve

been listening to it now has to do with

a sword you use a dagger you use and he

calls that the

of God the utterance of God in the

beginning God said said let there be

light God spoke and the Bible says and

it was so in other words the spoken word

had within it the power to do what the

spoken word declare would be done the

God spoke it and what he said happened

and it happened exactly like he spoke it

but watch this it didn’t happen till he

spoke it God didn’t just think world

world world world world come into being

come into being he declared it and when

he declared let there be light

BAM there was light because there was

power in the word used not just God even

having the word known God knows it all

but he used what he knew the spoken

words had power in it to produce what

the spoken word called for it was a

dagger used that is it was what the

spirit how do we know that the spirit

had something to do with it because it

says that when God was ready to create

the Spirit of God was hovering over

ready to move when it heard the spoken

word the Spirit of God was hovering over

just by this time saying to the father

as soon as you talk I’m ready I’m

hanging out I’m hanging out soon as you

say something i’ma do something but I

wait no you Father

cuz I can’t do something that you say

something but when you say something

whatever you say I might do cuz you are

giving me

I need to pull it off with Adam and Eve

fell in the garden what did the devil do

mess with that word he said well half

God said half God said that let’s talk

about what God said because he knew if

he could mess up the use of the word he

would mess up their power and he could

now take control cuz he not heard of

your words in fact the devil loves to

hear you say well I think he loves hear

you say what my opinion is

he loves hear you say well my daddy told

me he loved me you say this is what my

momma taught me he loves here you say

well my friends say he knows that sword

is on both sides he loves for you to go

look at Oprah and find out what Oprah

says and then find out what this group

says and find out what that group says

look at all the news show and find out

where he loves that because he knows the

spirit is not in it but when you go

Rhema when you go Rhema when you take

the logos and you slokas he’s allergic


he’s allergic to that the sword of the

Spirit which is the word of God it is

the Rhema of God the utterance of the

logos that you got from the graphic when

you take the Bible get the message and

use the message as uttered the enemy in

your face Kate Kendell look at Matthew

chapter 4 real quick Matthew chapter 4

then Jesus verse 1 was led by the spirit

into the wilderness to be tempted by the

devil okay watch this now watch this God

led Jesus into the wilderness to face

the devil okay you know most of us will

say who the devil’s all Oh me well

suppose suppose he are on you because

God led you to says the spirit led Jesus

into the wilderness for the express

purpose of being tempted by the devil

why would God do that could you suppose

be on offense and offense goes at the

defense in other words you supposed to

be so confident in the Lord and so

confident in the word that God can lead

you in the Satan’s territory

you gonna be fine

says the Spirit of the Lord led Jesus

into the wilderness for the express

purpose of being tempted by the devil

and the tempter came to him verse three

and said to him if is called a

first-class condition in the Greek which

means sense because Jesus devil knows

who Jesus is since you are the son of

God command these Stones become bread

okay now we read at the end of verse two

Jesus is hungry so where does the devil

meet Jesus he meets Jesus at the point

of his problem

Jesus is struggling coz he’s hungry

struggling for physical food he’s hungry

so the devil shows up at a specific time

to address a specific need a legitimate

need in his life that he is now hungry

so what does he offer

he offers operation breadbasket he

offers him a feeding program he says

give the Son of God you can do whatever

you want to do won’t you turn these

stones into bread Jesus says it is

written no he didn’t

that’s what Jesus doesn’t do get into a

long meeting that’s why we have a three

hour meeting to discuss this get into a

long conversation he doesn’t get into a

long dialogue or diatribe he doesn’t get

all that he says it’s written it’s

written now watch this The Living Word

the Bible calls Jesus the Living Word

and he’s a Living Word if the Living


needed to use the written word to deal

with the enemy of the word then how much

more you and I who have written no word

need to use that same word against the

enemy of the word what makes you think

you better than Jesus Jesus wouldn’t

even go at the devil based on what he

thought and he had perfect thinking he

wouldn’t go after the devil based on who

who said what and what he didn’t even

say well well this might what my daddy

taught me he said let me tell you what

the graph a says but when he tells it

what the graph a says he tells him what

the graph a says based on logos because

he quotes Deuteronomy chapter 8 so guess

what Jesus is in the New Testament but

he reaches back to the Old Testament to

a passage that dealt with the situation

he was currently facing in the New


cuz the New Testament hadn’t been

written yet so he’s hungry the devil

says I’ve got a feeding program Jesus

goes into his computer he googles it

feeding program feeding program TV

program feeding program feeding program

well it’s real is crossing the

wilderness and they are hungry and they

need a feeding program so with a Google

feeding program

it took him back to Deuteronomy 8 and it

told him when they were crossing the

desert and they were hungry that they

call on God and he rained down

cornflakes from above called manna the

Hebrew word nada means what is it or if

you’re urban what it is and it had to do

with cornflakes from above he rained


cause rates from above in other words

God met them in their hunger through a

supernatural means the devil was

offering to solve the problem to a

satanic means God is offering the

solvent his way the devil was offering

to solve it his way both were trying to

address a legitimate need the issue is

not is my need legitimate the issue is

who’s giving me the advice as the how to

a classic Jesus Christ Google down

feeding program ran to Deuteronomy 8 and

say devil let me tell you what God said

about this situation it is written man

shall not live by bread alone but man

also lives by where it came from every

word that proceeds out of the mouth of

God when he heard what was written he

couldn’t handle that anymore

he went to another subject he takes him

to the top of the temple and says jump

off cuz then everybody will know you

Messiah when you hit the ground like

Superman spider-man or Batman they will

see that that jump didn’t kill you and

they will all know you are the son of

God guess what Jesus says it’s written

again he says it is written you shall

not verse 7 put the Lord God to the test

he was saying

tainless and test God God say don’t test


he said Satan this is what God told me

to tell you about you telling me right

now to jump are the pinnacle of the


then he verse 8 he took him to a very

high mountain and showed him all of the

world and their glory

he took him please notice he took him he

took him do you know sometimes God will

let the devil take you

it took him he took him God let the

devil take Jesus jesus goes along the

God let the devil take him he took him

he said I give you all this stuff all

this money all this glory all this power

all this fame i’ma give all this stuff

to you if you do really what I was after

all the time get on the knee and worship

me if you will just reckon

mine’s me as Lord of your life I’m gonna

give you the whole world I’m gonna give

you the whole world Jesus Jesus said

verse 10 it is written you shall worship

the Lord your God and serve him only

Satan said worship Me Jesus googled

worship okay you shall worship the Lord

your God but he didn’t just study the

Bible and know what it said he opened up

his mouth and said what it said he told

the devil devil let me tell you what God

just said about what you telling me and

when he told the devil this the Bible

says that the devil

verse 11 left him and behold angels came

and began to minister to him

the devil left him oh I hope you get

this God likes baseball three strikes

you out he said it is written it is

written it is written the devil couldn’t

handle more than three strikes and the

devil was gone you say why won’t the

devil leave me alone cause he know you

ain’t gonna say it is written you know

my reading my education he knows you’re

never gonna go and Google anything about

what is written or if you do you’re

never gonna use it so he doesn’t have to

feel you he can hang out with you all

day cuz he knows that you will not use

the one two that the Spirit does use to

give you victory in the spiritual realm

in other words you read the graph a so

you can understand the logos so you can

use the Rhema you read the graph a so

you can understand the logos so you can

use the Rhema it is to be used not only

to be read not only to be understood it

is to be used and guess who you supposed

to use it all you’re supposed to use it

on the enemy or any of his reps now

you’ll see the power of the word now

you’ll see the power of the word because

when that word gets pushed down into the

spiritual realm when this gets dripping

down until the spiritual realm and used

in that realm it is transforming I want

you to know you got a sword and God

wants you to speak spirit-filled words

cuz these the words the Spirit uses in

your situation but if you don’t open the

Groff a and get the logos you won’t have

a Rhema word you don’t make up a Rhema

word you get Rhema word from lo God’s

words and lo God’s words come from Groff

a it comes from the written book I mean

if I spend more time with the newspaper

did we do with the word if you knew you

had something this powerful to deal with

the real issues of life it’s powerful

it’s transforming an old man one time an

old man real old man went to one of

these lumber communities that chopped

down trees and he’s real old it’s like

85 90 years old he walks into the local

tavern he says I’m looking for a

supervisor or an owner of one of these

companies that chopped down trees and

said pointed out a guy over there who

owned one of the companies he said I’d

like to come work for you the man

laughed he said Oh

you hold his dirt we think you wanna

work for me you have to be young and

vibrant and strong to pick these axes

and chop down trees I said no I think I

can do it I really think I can do it I

think I know I can do it it’s okay okay

let me humor you I’m gonna take you out

there I’m gonna give you some trees and

I’m gonna show you you have bitten off

more than you can chew he took the old

man out there and then the old man

showed out that old man was chopping

down trees at a rate that none of the

younger men that he had working for him

had ever done this 85 90 year old man

he’s chopping down trees at a phenomenal

rate the man’s mouth is open so maybe

picking this axe and he’s killing trees

where did you learn to trot down trees

like that the old man said have you ever

heard of the Sahara forest

the company man says you mean it’s a

narrow death it he said that’s what they

used to call it you see when you got the

sword of the Spirit I don’t care how old

you are who you are you can chop down

some stuff that’s been lingering for a

long time in your life you just got to

know who you are and what you got in

your hand don’t waste the Rhema word

while you’re learning the logos word

from the Groff a book
