If there is one thing that can keep you from the destiny that God wants to take you to, it’s unforgiveness. Tony Evans says too many of us are choosing to keep carrying the pain of the past. In this lesson, experience the freedom of forgiveness so that God can lead you to what He has in store for you.

but we all need both words

because we need to be forgiven and we

need to forgive

he says and when you do your father who

is in heaven will forgive you he’s not

talking about your salvation

he’s talking about your fellowship your

harmony your experience with him you no

longer walk in darkness john chapter one

says you’re now living in the light

you’re in the light of the supernatural

your gps is working now he can move you

on to the place he’s taking you






a lot of us are not reaching our

destination because we’re still carrying

the pain of the past

the weightiness of yesterday

is still weighing us down

causing us pain today

keeping us from the place

god wants us to arrive at

unforgiveness is that one area

that must be addressed

if you’re going to reach your destiny

if anybody had a right to be angry

bitter and hold a grudge

it was joseph

a dysfunctional family a dysfunctional


put in

a pit sold into slavery


unjustly jailed forgotten in jail

if anybody had a right to be


if anybody had a right to say life is

not fair

it was joseph

joseph occupies

from chapter 37 to chapter 50 of the

book of genesis so god wanted us to

zero in on this man’s life he gave so

much of the first book of the bible to


because he wanted to show us

the key to destiny

and one of the things that joseph was

going to have to grapple with

that you and i will have to grapple with

if we’re ever going to get through the

detours and arrive at

god’s design for our lives destiny his


for our creation and our salvation

if you’re going to finish life having

fulfilled the reason why god left you


then you’re going to have to we’re going

to have to deal with

the issue of forgiveness

joseph had to deal with it

in fact look at verse 15 of chapter 50.

when joseph’s brothers saw that their

father was dead they said

what if joseph bears a grudge against us

and pays us back in full

for all the wrong which we did to him

so they sent the message to joseph

saying your father charged before he

died saying thus shall you say to joseph

please forgive i beg you the

transgression of your brothers

and their sin

for they did you wrong

and now please forgive the transgression

of the servants of the god of your

father and joseph wept when they spoke

to him

he had to face the issue of forgiveness

many of us are being hindered from our


because we’re being held hostage by a

leash around our souls called


and that leash keeps jerking us back

maybe it was something that happened in

your childhood

maybe it was an abusive mate maybe you

were forsaken neglected

abused wrongly fired

it could be a multitude of things

whatever it is though

it’s holding you hostage

today we want to see you set free

so let’s start with the definition

regardless of how you feel because you

could be up or down relative to what

happened to you it is the decision

to no longer credit to the account of

the offender

when you and i sin against god or sin

against somebody else it’s like a cash

register going off and a debt is


it doesn’t mean you justify what went

wrong it doesn’t mean you excuse it it

doesn’t mean you pretend like it didn’t

happen it doesn’t mean like uh that uh

you you ignore it but it means you make

a decision

to no longer

relate to that person based on the


now let’s go deeper with this

understanding of forgiveness

forgiveness can operate on two levels

unilateral forgiveness

and transactional forgiveness

let’s talk about level number one

unilateral forgiveness

unilateral forgiveness is when you


and the person hasn’t asked for it

requested it or repented of what they

did to you

you are unilaterally that is on your own

without their involvement granting them


now why would you grant somebody

forgiveness who doesn’t even want it ask

for it and who certainly doesn’t deserve

it the reason you grant you the lateral

forgiveness is so that you can keep


unilateral forgiveness keeps you from

being hostage to something that the

other person may never ever get right

unilateral forgiveness is given for a

number of reasons

maybe the offense is so small it’s not a

big deal so you don’t even want to bring

it up

or maybe the person who has offended you

has died so they can’t say i’m sorry

so you see if you’re not willing to

unilaterally forgive you being held

hostage by a dead person until you die

since they can never make that thing


or maybe they’ve disappeared and you

don’t even know where they are anymore

so they cannot ask for forgiveness if

you do not unilaterally forgive

even though the person hasn’t asked for


then you’re held hostage by something

you can never change

when jesus was on the cross

he said father forgive them

they weren’t asking for it

but he granted it

because he was in the purposes of god

but then there is a

second level of forgiveness

transactional forgiveness

transactional forgiveness is where

there is a desire for reconciliation

and restoration of a relationship

it’s where the person who has offended

you is willing to confess and repent in

order to restore what was broken

that’s what i’m calling transactional

that’s why the bible regularly calls us

to repent

it causes us to repent in order to

reestablish the relationship so that’s

transactional forgiveness because it’s

reconciliation driven it’s restoring

something that has been broken

the brothers wanted to be forgiven

joseph’s brothers

but joseph didn’t take their word for it

because you know a person can say i’m

sorry and not mean it

a person can say i’m sorry because

somebody made them say it

a person can say i’m sorry because it’s

the thing to do

that’s why

confessions must be tested to see

whether they’re true repentance

and that’s exactly what he does

in chapter 42 he gives them a test he

says in verse 15

by this you will be tested

by the life of pharaoh

you shall not go out of this place

unless your youngest brother comes here

verse 16 of chapter 42 send one of you

that he may go get your brother while

you remain confined that your words may

be tested

if somebody says i’m sorry

put them to the test

he tests them again in chapter


he puts his cup in benjamin’s bag and i

hope you’ve read the story we can’t go

over the details he puts the cup to see

whether they would return the cup

and to see whether they would protect



throw him

to the dog house like they threw joseph

to the dog house he put him to the test

that’s why the bible says we want to see

fruits of repentance

that is something i can see

touch hear not just

i’m sorry

i’m sorry is a confession

repentance is a change of action

so if a person wants to restore

something that has been broken by their


you want to see whether not only do they

confess that they did the offense

confession you want to see whether

there’s a change of action to prove they

were serious about the confession the

change of action is called repentance

repentance with god and with one another

opens up the door to some level

of restoring the relationship

if a person repents the goal should be

as much as possible restoring the


so the idea is that in forgiveness as

much as is possible when there is

repentance you want transactional

forgiveness that is you want to restore

to whatever

the situation allows

you want to





i want to show you in chapter 45

the steps you take to validate your own


chapter 45 verse one then joseph

could not control himself before all

those who stood before him

he cried

have everyone go out from me so that

there is no man with me when joseph made

himself known to his brothers

he wept so loudly that the egyptians

heard it and the household of pharaoh

heard of it

what did joseph do he sent all the

egyptians out of the room

when he confronted his brothers

and he wept

here’s how you know you’re serious about


you don’t bring other people in who have

nothing to do with the sin

he told all the egyptians y’all leave

y’all are not involved with this y’all

have nothing to do with this i’m going

to confront the offenders but y’all get


you always know a person who has not

forgiven because of the gossip

they bring people in who have nothing to

do with it who can’t fix it they can’t

resolve it they don’t even know about it

but i want to bring them into it because

i want to vent

because i’m seeking vengeance

true forgiveness does not bring people

into it who have nothing to do with it

leave the egyptians outside

now of course during this time he

unveils himself to his brothers so that

they now know it’s joseph which i think

means he showed them his circumcision

because that would have been the thing

to validate that he was his brother

since the jews were the only ones who

circumcised their young males so he

revealed to the fact that he was in fact

a jewish brother

but he also removed those who had

nothing at all to do with it

so if you are gossiping to everybody

else about the offense and the offendor

forgiveness has not

occurred secondly

you know you have forgiven

when you make the offender

feel at ease with you verse 4.

then joseph said to his brethren


come closer to me


when you haven’t forgiven you say get

away from me

he says

come cle yo did me wrong

come close to me i i am now welcoming

you into my space

the next

thing that happens

verse 5

now do not be grieved or angry with

yourselves because you sold me here

the next thing that true forgiveness

will do

is it will help the offender to forgive


when they’ve asked you to forgive them

notice what he says

he says don’t

be angry

with yourself

they were upset with themselves of what

they had done because they repented we

taught my transactional forgiveness

they’ve said i’m sorry and have passed

the test and demonstrated they were

sorry so he says well let me help you

forgive yourself

in other words here’s what they didn’t

do keep guilt on top of guilt

they were already guilty they already

repented they didn’t heat more guilt on

top of the guilt so that they could feel

double guilt

he said don’t be angry with yourselves

now i know the question is how can you

do that

how can you do that

it goes back to your view of god

remember last sermon providence

look at what he says after he tells them

don’t be angry with themselves in verse

5. in verse 5 he says

you sowed me here

for god

sent me here


you sowed but god sent

see when you have a view of god

that he even uses the mess that nest

over you to take you to your destiny it

enables you to help the guilty people to

forgive themselves because god used

their wrong to promote you to where he

wanted you to be

but if you don’t have that view of god

you’re going to be seeking your own


he released them from

more guilt

because they were already seeking

transactional forgiveness

and then he did one more thing wow verse


harry and go to my father joseph says

and say to him my father jacob

say to him thus says your son joseph

god has made me lord of all of egypt

come down to me

do not delay

i i want you to miss this he tells his


go back home

and tell daddy

i’m okay

up here

in egypt

wait a minute you mean you’re not gonna

tell him to go tell daddy what y’all did

to me

you’re not gonna go back and tell daddy

i want y’all go back and i want y’all to

tell daddy every little thing y’all did

to me how you did it i want you to go

tell daddy what he did was he protected

them from the one who would have been

hurt most by it

because he was seeking transactional


if you’re holding on

to vengeance

watch this

then you are blocking god from taking

care of it for you

if you’re trying to pay them back


then god will let you pay them back


but god will stay out of it

the scripture says vengeance is mine

saith the lord and i will repay

god believes in justice he believes in

payback his way his time

and he does it without your help

i’m not talking about somebody who

breaks the law that’s a legal issue it

should be addressed but we’re talking

about personal


he says

that i will repay

and if you read the story you’ll find

out he did

take judah

and i read that i want to talk about

judah is because he was the lead guy who

got joseph put in the hole to begin with

when he was 17.

because when you read the story of judah

in the middle of the story of joseph

judah starts losing his sons to death

he gets tricked by his daughter-in-law

has an affair with his daughter-in-law

giving birth to a child from his own

daughter-in-law his whole life crumbles

because god will

repay but if you don’t believe that

then you get to pay it without god

but if you believe that

then you know vengeance is mine

and you know when god moves

he moves


helped joseph to forgive

this was a painful situation he’s lived


and there are many here who have lived

through or maybe are living through

the pain of yesterday and it’s a deep


on your soul in your body with your


wasn’t right it wasn’t fair y’all did me

wrong whatever that

thing was

what helped him to forgive

i want you to look at chapter 41

and i want to show you what set him up

for forgiveness

and you have it

for you too

watch this verse 50 through 52.

now before the year of famine came

two sons were born to joseph

whom smith the daughter of potiphara

priest of own bore to him

joseph named the firstborn manasseh

for he said god has made me forget all

my trouble and all my father’s household

he named the second ephraim for he said

god has made me fruitful in the land of

my affliction

god set him up for forgiveness

because guess what god did

he gave him another family

remember his family messed him up

he gave him a whole new family and he

said my new family helped me forget my

old family

and the way he kept reminding himself

that he was no longer hostage to his old


was in naming his kids

he named one manasseh and one ephraim so

if you want to get over the past have a


get spiritually pregnant

and have a baby

baby number one is manasseh

manasseh means god has helped me to

forget my troubles

so you need a manasseh in your life

something that is a daily ongoing


so that god is reminding you that you

can overcome the pain

but to help manasseh out

you need to have a second baby


ephraim means god has made me fruitful

watch this now

and he says in the land of my affliction

god has made me fruitful okay manasseh

god has caused me to forget that is the



he’s blessing me where i am right now

see if you get so locked into the past

that you don’t see the goodness of god

that he is showing you right now

see you need to say manasseh but then

you got to turn and look at ephraim

because ephraim says oh well what that

happened to me yesterday but god is

providing for me today he’s blessing me

today he’s taking care of me today and

even though i had a bad yesterday my

baby’s name is ephraim today

and i like this he says he’s blessed me

in the land of my affliction manasseh

and ephraim

and you call their names every day

it will release you from the pain of the

past it doesn’t excuse the pain it

releases you from the pain of the past

to be fruitful in a place you didn’t

ever expect to be in in a location you

never thought you’d be in in a situation

you never thought you’d be single but he

walked out on you you never thought

you’d be uh out of that career but but

but god has made you fruitful in the

place where he has you

so do me a favor and go out today and

have two babies


god gave him a new situation in a place

he didn’t expect to be

didn’t excuse a thing

what happens if you forgive


crosses you over to the supernatural let

me reverse it


blocks you from the supernatural

lord’s prayer matthew 6 forgive us our

trespasses as we forgive those who

trespass against us you read further in

the chapter and he says for if you do

not forgive you will not be forgiven

in other words see

we all have to remember we got two sides

to our story

the need to forgive and the need to be


there is very there are very few people

who need to forgive who don’t also need

to be forgiven


forgiveness is a beautiful word when you

need it

it’s an ugly word when you have to give


but we all need both words

because we need to be forgiven and we

need to forgive

he says and when you do your father who

is in heaven will forgive you he’s not

talking about your salvation

he’s talking about your fellowship your

harmony your experience with him you no

longer walk in darkness john chapter 1

says you’re now living in the light

you’re in the light of the supernatural

your gps is working now he can move you

on to the place he’s taking you

god will recycle your pain

he believes in recycling

and he will recycle your pain to his


doesn’t excuse it vengeance is mine it

doesn’t say you ignore it not saying any

of that

i’m saying you have a providentially

sovereign god who can overrule it

and fulfill his purposes in spite of it

and in fact use it for where he’s taking

you without excusing it

one of the things that can delay

your detours from arriving at god’s

design destination is unforgiveness

when we harbor unforgiveness we block

god’s movement in our lives

forgiveness doesn’t mean that

reconciliation automatically occurs

but it does mean you’re no longer

seeking vengeance against the



that which has caused you pain

vengeance’s mind saith the lord he will


so don’t let unforgiveness stop god’s

work in your life remember

don’t destroy a bridge over which you

yourself will have to cross one day

we all need forgiveness god wants us

also to forgive forgiveness

so that we’re imitating him

in our relationship with others


