Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

things you’ve done a long time ago that

you think we miss pass over ignored on

God’s clock he knows how to bring that

thing back up at the right time to

accomplish his bigger purposes you don’t

know who you dealing with so you can

praise the Lord today that Goliath does

not have the left say over your light

over your circumstance over your family

over your feelings over your world cuz

you know somebody up there that’s bigger

than the somebody you’re facing down

here and if he will not remove himself

from ruining your life he’s got enough

forces to remove them from you bless the

name of the Lord he can turn your

Goliath around cookie the game change my

closing question this morning is does

anybody need a reversal does anybody

here today is anybody else in a crisis

and you can’t fix it is too big as to


you can’t get your arms around it and

you are literally it’s killing God knows

the right time to turn your situation

away I’m trying to tell you you don’t

know who you’re dealing with

that’s what you do in communion do this

in remembrance of me that I defeated

them on Calvary and I’m still whipping

them today I want to challenge you to

live under the providential hand of God

even when it looks like it’s not working

out our world is consumed with the

concept of luck chance happenings that

just kind of take place people will

regularly say why are you sure are lucky

well the opposite something is bad luck

but the book of Esther says that there

is no such thing as luck there is

Providence God causing or allowing

things and events to work toward his

purposes Esther has been promoted to be

queen Mordecai has told her that Haman

wants to kill all of the Jews and it’s

now time for you to go to your husband

King Ahasuerus and tell him Haman’s plot

against the Jews Esther is saying I

can’t do that is too risky I love y’all

but not that much because to go before

him when he has not requested me could

cost me my life Mordecai has said to her

don’t you know that you are called to

the kingdom for such a time as this that

you will only put up here in this royal

position because God knew this

moment your moment would be now don’t

miss your moment girl this is your

moment to be a tool of God to deliver

God’s people when she hears that message

for Mordecai she says okay I want all

y’all go on a three-day fast

I need y’all on your knees for this one

cuz this is a big one you’re asking me

to risk it all and I’m gonna go do it

and if I perish I perish if I die I die

cuz you’re right this is bigger than

just me

chapter five opens up on the third day

because it was a three day fast

Esther puts on a Royal Road she goes to

the inner court of the King the king is

sitting on his throne when the King sees

her in verse two he extends the scepter

which means it’s okay for her to come in

and talk to him she comes there touches

the top of the scepter out of respect

and then the King says to her what is

troubling you verse three Queen Esther

and what is your request even to half of

the kingdom it will be given you just

tell me what you want Esther says in

verse four if it pleases the King may

the king and Haman is out to kill the

Jews come this day to the banquet that I

have prepared for him I’m gonna tell you

around dinner we’re gonna have up we’re

gonna fix your favorite food I’m gonna

lay it out and I want you to bring Haman

and I’m gonna tell you then what’s going

on around dinner you will never get to

see God’s providence at work in your

circumstances until and unless God sees

you move in accordance with his will the

reason she prays first

is because she needs to know how to

approach this dangerous situation she

needs some divine insight in a difficult

problem so she goes to God in fasting

and this was a life and death issue so

she needed her antennae raised to hear

what God had to say about this situation

the second thing you need you to do is

take a step of faith but she couldn’t

just say I’m a fast I’m a prayer and I’m

gonna wait on God no she was instructed

to go before the king she had to take a

step of faith so she trusts God she

believes God she prays to God and then

she makes a risky step because there are

no guarantees in advance what does she

get in return well so far what she gets

as a plan the plan is I’m gonna take my

husband to dinner and I’m gonna tell him

to invite my enemy Haman in other words

i’ma get Haman on home court advantage I

got to get him in on my territory he

says okay it’s a banquet it’s a dinner

okay bring Haman to dinner and let’s go

from there so she invites her husband

and her enemy to dinner guess who’s

coming to dinner

so the banquet is prepared and they

drank their wine verse six at the


so this is a big dinner party for us

bin’ and the king said to Esther what is

your petition okay you brought me here

to dinner you didn’t fed me good what do

you want for it shall be granted to you

and I mean I’m gonna do it big cuz

whatever you request even the half of

the kingdom it will be done I’m gonna

take care of you what did you make this

dinner for oh it’s getting tricky now

verse 7 so Esther replied my petition

and my

is my petition and my request is watch

this if I have found favor in the sight

of the key and if it pleases the King to

grant my petition and do what I request

may the king and Haman come to the

banquet which I have prepared for them

tomorrow say well the man just told you

he will give you half the kingdom what

you won’t girl I studied the Bible in

college for four years and studied the

Bible before you is better than the

master’s degree another form is better

than the doctoral degree and then I’ve

been preaching all of these years and

I’m still learning new things from this

awesome inexhaustibility a little game

that’s why I’m so excited about the 2018

Study Bible and its accompanying works

but Tony Evans Bible commentary it will

take all of this training and this

teaching and make it available to you to

understand utilize and apply God’s most



she says King my request is can we have

dinner tomorrow

she made the dinner to make her request

to save the people from the genocide of

Haman she got him both sitting there

dinner is fine they’ve been doing a


everybody’s ready to go he’s offered in

the kingdom what do you want

and she says what I want is something

happen between verse 6 & 8 to cause her

to change her mind about making her

petition she changes her mind because

she doesn’t even finish the sentence she

just jumps to let’s do this again

tomorrow so I know your question is what

changed her mind she pauses and says

come back tomorrow

something is happening here

well Haman is now smelling himself

because Haman went out verse 9 glad and

pleased the heart he’s saying whoa he

says boy I was invited to eat with the

King and his white boy this is really

rising on the ladder here the problem is

when he goes out he runs in the Mordecai

verse 9 and Mordecai would not stand up

not respect him

this man is out to kill him or the cars

not gonna stand up Haman was filled with

anger against Mordecai so he’s he

already doesn’t like him

they really ticked off cuz I didn’t come

from this party what the king with the

Queen I’m standing before you and you

don’t recognize Who I am and they just

invited me to be with them you don’t

know why I am so he is ticked off but he

controls himself verse 10 he doesn’t let

he goes home and tells his wife he says

wife there

it says let me tell you about my day I

am the man I am the man look I’m rich we

got these ten sons he says verse eleven

and the King magnified me and promoted

me and I’m above all the servants and

then guess what baby first twelve Esther

the Queen had me no one but me come to

people at the King to eat oh yeah I’m

boss I’m the boss man girl I own it

this is my day but there is one problem

all this doesn’t matter to me because

this Mordecai the Jew sitting at the

Kings gate and I can’t stand it I can’t

take it any longer so his wife says we

got to get rid of Mordecai you build the

gallows we gonna kill it tomorrow we’re

gonna kill him

during that night chapter 6 verse 1 the

king could not sleep there’s just not a

regular night this is this is on a

particular night insomnia sets in and so

the King needs help to go to sleep so

according to verse number one he tells

the servant go get me something boring

to read God is so detailed in his


he leads the servants to the right book

and he makes them reap the right page

and all the page that they read it was

found written verse 2 what Mordecai has

reported concerning of big Donna and

teresh two of the king’s units who are

doorkeepers that they had sought to lay

hands on King Ahasuerus that goes all

the way back to chapter 2 when Mordecai

uncovered an assassination plots against

the king and it just happened to be

in the book in The Chronicles on the

page from the books that he had them

read that night not odd night that night

he could not sleep okay I know I know

it’s just look I know it’s just chance I

know it just just something that just

kind of happened

I got that so he’s reading the book

because of his insomnia and it just

happens that when they hit Mordecai King

said whoa

you’ve been reading all these names and

all these events but this guy Mordecai

Mordecai Mordecai Mordecai he saved my

life right yeah King well tell me verse

three what how do we honor him how do we

tell him we appreciate him for saving

the King’s life service say oh we didn’t

do anything for him you see God’s

providence is tired to time even though

the timing may go over years because

this is years even though you thought

something should happen five years ago

or eight years ago you know but God is

doing more than just you he’s doing a

series of things at the same time

because his kingdom is bigger than just

you you are not the kingdom you are a

representative in the kingdom to be used

by the kingdom for the kingdom but

you’re not the only one in the kingdom

and so tightening becomes everything and

so now we find ourselves with on the

game cuz night is now past all the day

water guy is supposed to die he’s

reading a book with more guys name in it

just cuz he can’t sleep on that night

okay watch this the King asked in verse


I hear somebody outside who’s outside in

the court it’s early in the morning who

would be up this early out there who’s

there who’s in the 40s in verse 4 now

Haman had just entered the outer court

of the king’s palace in order to speak

to the king about hanging Mordecai on

the gallows which he had prepared for

him Kings servants and verse 5 King

behold Haman is standing at the door

let him come in come in he might know

but you gotta let him come in so Haman

came in and the King said to him what is

to be done for the man who the King

desires to honor

filmdom don’t don’t don’t do them

ding-ding-ding-ding-ding them do what is

to be done with the man who the king

decides the honor

now Haman thinks the king is talking

about him Haman thinks the king is

talking about him he’s number two he’s

the number two guy in the land we

learned that early in the book so the

King says he wants to honor somebody so

Haman you know cuz he’s smelling itself

can you honor me okay let me go for the

gusto you want to honor somebody okay

let me tell you what you should do

here’s what you should do okay bring out

the Royal Road let him wear the Kings

Road which the King is worn then bring

him the horse on which the King rides

then put a royal crown even on the horse

then let the robe and the horse be

handed over to one of the Kings most

noble princesses and let them array the

man whom the King desires to honor and

lead him on horseback through the city

square and proclaim before him thus it

shall be done to the man whom the King

desires to honor and so what happens the

King says then the king said a man verse

10 take quickly the robes and the horse

as you have said and do so for Mordecai

that you



yeah yeah yeah but you’re just saying I

like that hey I like that hey once

you’re gonna do it for Manik how does

he’ll Bernie Mac invitation now doesn’t

touch me

let’s go ahead go ahead and do it for

what it counted you listen to me


God is the god of intersections he

connects things that won’t look

connectable when it’s that night when

the timing has hit just right and

everything is looking wrong see

everything is looking wrong one of the

cons get very dotted this morning Esther

has had to shift her plan to another

dinner this is not a good day but she

has gone before God she has acted in

faith and so she’s picking up signals

that causes her to delay a dinner she’s

picking up signals so Haman mercy Levin

took the road took the horse raid

Mordecai and led him on horse back

through the city square and proclaim

before him the tsa’s shall be done to

the man whom the King desires to honor

okay so that’s let’s follow Mordecai

is the man the king you want honor

that’s called making your enemies your

footstool then Mordecai returned to the

Kings gate but Haman hurried home

morning with his head covered told his

wife Zahra SHhhh this is what happened


this whole thing is reversed his wife

Jared says well yeah it looks bad for

you boy she says because you’ve fallen

before this Jewish man you’ve fallen

before this Jewish man brothers and

sisters this is 24 hours so he’s walking

this do you around ok why am I telling

you that

cuz I’m telling you the Providence of

God can even address racism ok don’t

miss me the Providence occur cuz we got

racism he wants to genocide all of the

Jews because they are Jewish it was

religion but it was racism they were

Jewish the Providence of God can handle

racism it was the Providence of God in

1955 when a woman named Rosa Parks will

happen to be on the bus happen to have a

man talk to her she happened to not will

be willing to get up which led to a

civil rights movement which changed the

laws of the land God knows how when he

gets the right people with the right

thing at the right time in the right

place to do the right thing to flip the

script even racially ok it’s about 1969

maybe ya round 1969 one of my professors

in college asked me to go to a church

with him to his church in 19 around 1969

I went with my professor I go inside the

church and when I walk out of the church

all hell breaks loose because blacks

were not allowed in the church

my professor didn’t agree with that he

asked me what I would go I went I didn’t

know all this so I went and the church

went into convulsions because this is

all coming off the civil rights era and

all that and they went into convulsions

over this black man coming into the

church so they had a meeting about what

the church’s official position was going

to be and there was a split among the

leaders and among the congregation on

the Sunday that I went they had a guest

preacher who was candidated to be their

new pastor I didn’t know was gonna be

preaching but he was candidated

to be their new pastor he preached they

had all planned to bring him in he found

out their position in light of me going

to the church he wrote the church and

says I cannot pass her a racist Church

so he said I’m not coming to this church

that split the church even more from

that day forward the church began to go

downhill downhill downhill downhill

downhill until it became a glorified

Bible study five years ago I get a phone

call from the chairman of the Deacon

board he says our church has never

recovered from that day you came with

the professor and we recognized the

reason God has not answered our prayers

the reason God has not rebuilt our

church is because of the racism that we

did to you way back in 1969 so I have

been asked on behalf of the Deacons to

call you to apologize to you for the

races of we get to you back in 19

69 and I am calling you and I’m humbly


would you come preach because God knows

the right time to turn a situation again

I’m trying to tell you you don’t know

who you’re dealing with



one of the words people love to use is

the word love or any of its relatives

happenstance faint chance you know

coincidences but let me make something

clear you cannot have a sovereign God

and have luck sovereignty means that God

controls everything and that nothing

happens either because he caused it or

he allowed it but there’s no such thing

as chance because God is in control of

the universe not only the big things but

the little things and the Bible is full

of events that make things that look

like luck when actually they were simply

circumstances being handled in the hand

of God to accomplish his sovereign

purposes now we play a part in that our

choices our decisions can influence and

affect how things work out but they will

always work out to God’s glory if we’re

in his will for our good and they will

accomplish his kingdom purposes so it’s

better to cooperate with God so that

chance is not chance or any of its

cousins and relatives or they actually

the Providence of God working behind the


pulling together the good the bad and

the bitter in order to accomplish his

will in our lives

submitting ourselves to his sovereign

providential will and hand positions us

to see what looks like luck to be

recognized as the hand of God even in

the idiosyncrasies of life causing

things to work out for good

and for his glory






