The Desperate for Jesus 2020 Women’s Conference is a 2-day, virtual event featuring hosts Priscilla Shirer and Chrystal Evans Hurst and guest speakers Jackie Hill Perry, Katherine Wolf and Jekalyn Carr. This event is hosted in partnership by Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship and The Urban Alternative. Learn more at






welcome to desperate for jesus 2020 i’m

priscilla shire and i’m krystal evans


and it is a privilege to be able to be

with you desperate for jesus

it’s a weekend right weekend this year

it’s a whole weekend situation and

tomorrow morning at 9 00 a.m

is our like official launch into the

conference of all the stuff that’s right

but tonight

we wanted you to be here because

tonight’s the night that in prayer

and praise and worship we’re just

consecrating an hour of our time

we want you to consecrate an hour of

your time to prepare your heart for what

god is going to do

tomorrow when we all get together for

the conference so tonight is important


you’re going to want to fully engage and

invest in the time that we’re about to

share together i think it’s going to be

special don’t you

i do something special happens when you

set aside time to prepare

to hear the word of god and to prepare

the soil of your soul

to receive and to have the word of god

embedded in you so we’ll get that word

tomorrow tonight is all about preparing

yourself to hear what’s happening


that’s right it’s not an addendum it is

the real thing happening right now

you don’t want to miss it we’re going to

start with praise and worship

let’s go


all right ladies it’s time it’s time to

lift god up to give him

thanksgiving and praise why because


happens when we call his name




when we proclaim his great

name your great name

we love to call your name


when we proclaim your great name


when we call on your name


it’s something we cannot

that happens when we

proclaim your great name





there is power in the name of jesus


power in your name

is power in the name of jesus

there’s power in your name there is

power in the name of the name of jesus


we changed



i am



















oh the lord bless the lord all my soul

and all that is within me bless his holy


bless god bless you something happens

when we call him

something changes when we call him the

atmosphere shifts

when you decide to walk into his


with thanksgiving giving all honor and

praise to god you decide to call on him


and things change ultimately though we

praise him because y’all

we need him we’re here tonight because

we are desperate

to experience god’s presence



this is the air i breathe


this is the air i


living in me


this is


i’m desperate for you


and i

i’ve lost without you


this is the air i breathe


living living

in me

you are my dad



spoken to spoken

to me


for you




are you












are you



help me


help me to know that you’re here with me



me nearer

nearer blessed lord

to the cross



to the precious

lord draw us close to you draw us near

we’re here for you

this is about you and father we need you

we need your presence we need your power

we need your strength we need your


so father i’m asking that specifically

during this time that we’re going to

spend together tonight that you would be

so near and so present that you would


every person’s house and home and heart

a mind father and circumstances so that

we experience you in a way we’ll never


we thank you in advance for what you’re

about to do in jesus name

amen amen wherever you are just go on

and say amen

say it out loud so that you can hear

yourself affirming the goodness of god

despite what it is that you might be

facing around you i want to officially

welcome you again

to um this experience this evening

desperate for jesus 2020

and tonight is our opportunity to gather

together in prayer even before we


or commence our saturday experience so

usually desperate for jesus crystal is


all day saturday and i mean when i say

all day we be up in here all day long

but this is a unique experience and we

thought what a great opportunity

to not just have our saturday experience

with everybody who’s gathering

but also to have a friday night

experience and tonight

is all about praying and preparing your

heart for what god has for you tomorrow

tomorrow is going to be amazing you

can’t even believe what’s going to

happen tomorrow because

we have jakaylan carr and jackie hill

perry and

catherine wolf if you’re not familiar

with any of those incredible

women i can’t even begin to describe to

you how your heart is going to be

changed and challenged tomorrow

with everything that we have planned for

you so you’re going to look forward to

that but the way to prepare our hearts

for that is tonight so i’m going to ask


to continue to carve out this evening


a time when we just really want to press

in to the holy spirit

we want to press into the presence of

god we want to ask him to

invade the practical regular everyday

life stuff that we’re all facing

there’s some real stuff that everyone

has going on in your life

in our lives and so we want to join with

you in prayer about those things because


prayer works like not in theory i mean

like for real for real prayer works

and so we want to roll out the red

carpet for god’s presence

in prayer let me tell you a couple

things before we do

and we’re going to be joined by some

friends of ours to help pray with us and

i’ll tell you who they’re going to be in

just a second

but um before i do let me just tell you

that whatever platform you’re watching

this on

there’s chat a chat feature available

will you use that

right now to begin to post your prayer

requests the things that are on your


the things that um honestly you haven’t

really maybe told anybody

or you’ve been praying for it so long

that you’ve just kind of let that prayer

request wane

because you honestly are a little bit

tired of praying about that thing it’s

been so long that you’ve been asking god

to move in regards to that

so maybe you’re a little bit discouraged

tonight is the night that i want you to

begin to expect the unexpected again

because we’re joining together with a

global group of sisters

that are going to join with you in

prayer tonight over that thing so use

that chat feature

to begin to post your requests right now

i also want you to know

that there is simultaneously something

happening for your teenager so if you’ve

got your teenage daughter alongside of


you’re able to on you know

that’s where all the information that

you need

for our time together is located you can

go there and you can find out how your

teen can be involved even while we’re

doing this there’s something that we

have planned for her as well so make

sure that you avail yourself to that

and then there’s going to be after we

finish praying today today

i want you to know that there is an

opportunity for you to

know that your prayer request is

continually covered so you’ll see a


prayer wall option that’s available for

you too and the prayer requests that are

posted there

for the next seven days and probably

even beyond they’re going to be people

grabbing those prayer requests

praying over them not just by all of us

that are gathered together today

but at our local church our prayer team

wants to be in prayer over there

those requests so just know as you use

that prayer wall your prayer requests

are being seen and they’re being taken

seriously okay

so we’re going to pray together today

and crystal

there are some friends that are going to

be joining us to pray could you tell

them why

these particular friends that are going

to be praying over over them and over us

why these particular friends

are so important well because they’re

friends they’re friends

of ours they’re friends of our church of

our ministry they’re friends of our


but they have also been guests special


our speakers keynote speakers at past

desperate for jesus

conferences and so we’re excited to have

them with us tonight

yes so we’re going to pray over several


of prayer many of the requests fall into

these categories

and if for some reason your request

doesn’t fall into these specific

categories don’t worry because we’re

going to get you covered as well

but the first category that we want to

pray for is in regards to marriage

we know that a lot of people’s marriages

have been stretched thin

in general but particularly during this

time where you’ve been in close


and close fellowship with each other and

maybe there are some things that have


even to light that are even more of an

intense struggle right now we want to

pray for your marriage

and to help us do that is a sister in

christ who has been like an auntie to us

in many ways

absolutely yes and she was the very


speaker at desperate for jesus nearly

two decades ago now

her name is miss pat ashley we love her

so much

and she’s going to pray for us in

regards to marriage miss pat

hello ladies god bless you it’s so good

to be with you

and i’m excited about what god is doing

blessings to the oak cliff bible


family thank you guys i’m excited about

what god is

doing and i just thank god for this

season that we’re in

we’re just in some interesting times and

you know what

even in these interesting and

challenging times

marriage is still a blessing when it’s


god’s way listen i need you to repeat

with me

i need you to say out loud

the word work say it again

say it out loud say the word work

we need to be reminded of that because


everything going on all of the confusion

there are no answers for a lot of things

that’s going on

we still have the answer we have the

answer for marriage

and it’s in god’s word it’s still our


and listen what we need now is a strong


if ever you needed a strong foundation

you need it right now

and a strong foundation for your


biblically consists of having a prayer

life ladies

the bible says a wise woman builds her

house but a

foolish woman tears it down with her own

hands so you want to handle

everything with prayer have a prayer


cast your chairs on the lord

it’s a de-stressor but also you can go

to god and ask him for

wisdom as it relates to your marriage

so have a prayer life your personal

prayer life

and then you want you and your husband

to have a prayer life

where the two of you guys pray together


you want to be committed to the success

of your marriage

wherever whatever phase you’re in we’re

all in different seasons

you’re in different seasons some of you

are probably newlyweds and some of you

have been married

uh 15 20 30 years

but listen whatever season you’re in you

want to be committed to the success

of your marriage in that season and then

you want to understand biblically how to


and how to surrender how to get up under

each other’s

point of view and walk in agreement

listen the bible says how can two walk


except they agree make agreeing

literally a part of your relationship

make it a goal

you don’t have to think like you think

but you need to understand how he

thinks and vice versa and then

you want to get rid of drama you want to

leave and cleave

leaving and cleaving is building a solid


for your relationship not only does he

leave and cleave his mother

but you leave and cleave or the woman

her parents

but you leave and clean anything that

would hinder oneness

in your relationship and then you want

to be a suitable helper

you want to be committed to the success

of your partner

and you want to surrender yourself to

being a person who would just

respond to the needs of your

of your husband and then you want to be

able to communicate clearly what your

needs are to him

amen and then there’s the ministry of


intimacy and i know all the brothers

would say

amen you don’t want to neglect that


i call it the touching and agreeing

ministry amen

father we just honor you for this time

god i thank you for these precious

women i thank you for their commitment

to you

i thank you lord for this season

that you would trust us ask you for the


god let your holy spirit now be

so evident in each life

god i pray that you would feel these


women that you would empower them give

them supernatural power lord

that they can walk in strength that they

can walk in power

and what i pray and i come against

every spirit every distraction

that with anything that would hinder the


the power of agreement in every


father i pray for your blessings now to


in the lives of these precious men and


i ask god that you give these women


i ask god that you give them practical

ways to honor their husbands

practical ways to be wise keepers

of their own house practical ways to

show their husbands

respect i pray god that if there is any


that healing would take place lord i


now by your spirit lord that you would

fill up every empty space

in jesus name amen

thank you so much miss pat and you know

what i think it’s important along that

same vein to pray

for our single sisters those that are

trusting god with this season of their

life and believing him

but also single parents pray for them as

well so

let’s pray lord jesus i thank you so

much for every single sister under the

sound of my voice lord who’s walking

through the beautiful season of


i pray that you would bring peace and

contentment i pray that you would cloak

them with a supernatural sense of your

presence during this time lord

i pray father for any discouragement

that the enemy would want to cloak them

with that you would lift the

discouragement off of them

right now supernaturally in the name of


i pray that you would help them to walk

in so much holiness and integrity father

that it automatically

deflects any person that would seek to

come into their life to

um to sort of water that down father i

pray lord that your spirit would be upon


and with them near to them close to them

lord and we pray against all

drama in jesus name lord anybody that is

going to walk them down a path

that is not a path that would be

glorifying to you and that is a path

that will bring them any

sense of a lack of peace or

hope or fulfillment i just pray that you

would steer that person in a different


in the name of jesus i pray crystal will

you pray for single parents

lord jesus i just pray for the woman

right now who is raising those kids on

our own

and you know the struggle but you are

the god who sees

you are the god who provides and to the

husbandless you are a husband to the

fatherless you are a father

and god i just pray for every woman

right now who is

raising those children and just


how it’s going to all turn out lord

first of all i just pray that you would

give her a sense of peace

and comfort and confidence that you have

given her

everything she needs and what she

doesn’t have that you can make

up the difference and that you will make

up the difference

because you have promised to see us and

to show up in your provision

so god i just pray for strength for

confidence and then for clarity god give

us clarity and let us never forget

that we are never alone even as we

parent the children that we love

listen y’all relationships are tough

and uh we know that relational

experiences we just want to pray a


of blessing over you and then we’ll ask

you once we’ve sung it a couple times

for you to sing with us

near the cross

may your troubles

show that you

need god may your battles

in the way

they should may your

bad days prove

that god is

good may your whole life

prove that god is

good may your struggles


may your troubles

show that you

need god


in the way

they should may your

bad days prove

that god is good

may your whole life

prove that god

is make it personal let my

let my troubles

show that i need

god let my battles

in the way

they should

that god is good

let my whole life

prove that god

let my



i should




man i hope that you hear the beautiful

perspective shift

that that song necessitates in our lives


even the bad days we’re praying lord not

as much

deliver us from it and change it we can

pray that too because he lets

us as his daughters make our requests

known i love that he gives us that


but even before that the prayer becomes

lord would you let my bad day

show folks that you’re good would you

let my battles prove that i need you

that you’re trustworthy and that you are

faithful so we even pray toward that end

god be glorified the apostle paul put it

this way in second corinthians chapter


he said my ambition is to please christ

in christ alone that’s my ambition

not to just be have a life of ease and


but that god would be glorified in every

single element of my life so we pray

toward that end

and now you know what we’re going to go

to another sister in christ who has been

i think she’s been a little bit of a

fixture at desperate for jesus through

the years

she is yes and she’s such a blessing to

us she

has taught us so practically over the

years she gets down in the nitty-gritty

of your life

and deals with the practical elements of

everyday living

this is debbie titus and she’s going to

pray for us in regards to

what so many of us are struggling with

right now the financial areas of our

life where

particularly because of what’s been

happening in this pandemic

we have been hit hard job losses

and instability economically and so miss

debbie is going to pray for us in

regards to our finances ms devvy


let’s talk about money money is god’s

economy for both provision

and prosperity and it’s important for

you to understand

how much it’s god’s heart for you to

have provision

from the beginning of time god provided

for man

in the garden but that provision had a


and the condition was obedience

when that condition was not met


changed but god’s heart was still


so the next economic plan that god


was that man would work so he could

earn and this began what we

know now as our economic

system we work in fact we know the


says that if a man doesn’t work

he is not to eat and it also says

in luke 10 that a laborer is worthy of

his hire so here’s what the system

looks like in our finances we

are established by god to work

to earn when we earn there are three

areas that our earning is to be

used for number one is to spend

so your needs are provided number two

is to give so other people’s needs can

be met

and number three is to save you remember

jesus’s example of the foolish

virgins and the wise virgins wisdom

is that you save for the future and that

gives you

provision but also saving brings

prosperity so when we work

to earn and our earning spends

gives and saves this is called

stewardship stewardship is god’s plan

for you to prosper prosperity doesn’t


through the principle of sowing and

reaping prosperity comes through

stewardship matthew 25 jesus

says following the parable about

saving he’s talking about the kingdom

and he says when you are

faithful with my provision for you even

if it’s the small face

you can become ruler over more

but if we waste the provision that god

has given

us we will never have prosperity

prosperity comes through stewardship

it is my heart today to pray for you

and to bring you understanding of how

important wise money management is

it is god’s way to bless you

to bless others and to provide for

your future it begins with gratitude

being grateful for where you are now for

what you have

and then looking at that and saying god

i repent i repent for

wasting what you’ve given me in the past

and not saving not giving not being


i repent for materialism i prevent for

my self-centeredness and my selfish ways

regarding money and today i want to make

that change so will you pray with me

because i want you to live in the


of prosperity and the joy of the lord

which was god’s reward to the faithful


he who is faithful with a few things

becomes ruler

over many things god is waiting on the


for you to work hard to earn so you can

give spin and save

jesus i pray for every person who is

watching this

let gratitude arise in our hearts for

what you’ve already provided for us

and may we never compare ourselves to


with what we have or what we do not have

i pray that you restore

each person’s identity and separate it

from material possessions

and i also ask lord for wisdom that you

give us

wisdom and to know when to give

what to give wisdom when to save and

what to

say that you give us wisdom in how to

manage and how to take care of

what you’ve already given us and i ask

today lord

that our hearts will be overwhelmed with


i pray that we will be free from always

wanting but we will embrace

stewarding what we already have and


its potential i pray jesus

for abundance in every person’s life

and for an understanding of revelation

that it is stewardship your economy

to bring us prosperity in the name of


we pray amen



it’s all about you


and it looked as if it was over you

made a way

and we’re standing here only because

and it looked as if it was over

you made a way

and we’re standing here only because you

made a way





that’s impossible

and we’re standing here only because

you’ve made


that’s is

and we’re standing here only because

you’ve made


it’s because of you you’re standing


think about it y’all if you think back

you can think of at least one thing that

he’s done for you

one place that he’s bought you from

something that he

some way that he came through in only a

way that he could have done for you and

if you think about it long enough

it’ll help your faith


don’t know how but you did it

you faded




for me how you made a way

and set me free don’t

know why but i’m grateful

lord cause you made a

way for

me you made a way

for me you made a way


you move mountains

so that’s what you have to do you just

have to think about

financially relationally spiritually

what’s jacked up i mean really

then you have to say okay what has he

done for me before

and then you have to say i believe even

if it’s just with a mustard seed of


that he can move this mountain and then

you come into his presence

you don’t always feel it but you praise

him anyway

you know um priscilla i just feel like

apart from the relationships and apart

from the money being funny

there are just some women here tonight

who who need freedom

they need freedom from some bad habits

they need freedom from some thought


they need freedom from uh patterns of

difficulty in their life is there

anybody who doesn’t i mean that’s what

i’m saying i feel like everybody

it’s us it’s me yeah yeah freedom for

those mcdonald’s french fries

just saying but the reality is god has

called us

to be free be free he’s called us to be

free and he died so that we wouldn’t

walk in bondage to anything

apart from him that you would be a slave

to jesus christ

alone and so if you know right now that

you’re in chains and that you’re not


then this is the night right this is the

night for you to

ask god to deliver you and then to walk

in freedom

priscilla can you say what it means to

walk in freedom based on scripture what

does scripture say

and then lead us in a prayer to that

galatians 5 1

is my life verse it is for freedom that

you have been set free

therefore stand firm and don’t be

subject again to any yoke of slavery


is the abundant life that he died on the


of calvary to give us so that like

crystal said shackles can be off

anything you can’t say no to is an idol

anything that you can’t walk away from

means you’re not free of it

that it has too much power over you so

let’s pray in regards to that lord jesus

i’m asking you

for my sisters and for me for crystal

for our friends that are gathered

right near now in this space lord i am

praying that your spirit would rain down

freedom supernaturally over every single

one of us

father i am asking you that you will

loosen the bonds lord that keep us

from walking in the fullness and the

victory that you have for us

lord if there’s any addiction if there’s

any habit if there’s any lifestyle

choice father

if there’s any way of thinking if there

are attitudes if there are actions that

need to be adjusted in our life

because it has taken an illegitimate

place of authority in our lives

father i am praying that any demonic

intention that isn’t

attached to that father i pray that you

would sever it

right now in jesus name that you would

loosen the ties that bind father

help us to be able to walk in freedom

which is always accompanied by your joy

and your peace father we are tired of

not being able to sleep well at night or

to be able to enjoy our relationships

and the rhythm

of our daily living because we are in

bondage to so many things

forgive us father where we have not

rested in the freedom that you

died to give us forgive us father when

we’ve taken it for granted

and we’ve allowed other things to come

into our life and take the place

of what you alone deserve to have in our


first place so lord right now we ask

that you would supernaturally give

freedom and then you would give us the

courage to walk in it every single day

would you build accountability into our

lives lord

would you bring sisters around us who

can help us to walk

in the freedom that you are bestowing

upon our lives today

for our teenagers our sons our daughters

our young adult children father

who might be in seasons of bondage in

their life we speak freedom over them

in jesus mighty name we pray amen

and amen freedom y’all but you have


just sing this along with us many of you

already know it


victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him

victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him can you help me


victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him


victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him he has your


victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him

victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him

hold up oh that’s your victory cry


victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him to sing oh

oh oh

oh oh

victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs in your house right now

sing along with us gotta sing out loud


oh there it is right there oh

victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him

victory belongs to jesus

victory belongs to him


another really pressing issue that a lot

of us are facing right now

even if it’s not a reality the fear of

it is such a reality right now

that we can’t help but pray about our

health and there is a sister

in christ who we love dearly who has

been a part of desperate for jesus

for many many years as a participant but


communicating god’s truth to those who

would gather here in our local church to


um to have desperate for jesus through

the years her name is eleanor webb and

if anybody can pray for healing

it is eleanor webb um so if you have

issues of health

that you are struggling with in your

physical body

or in your mental health in your

emotional health if there’s brokenness

and you need god to mend it for you

for your spouse for a child for a loved

one in your sphere of influence just


that we’re very thoughtful about that

particularly right now with the pandemic

and we want to pray toward that end miss

eleanor thank you so much for covering

us in prayer


hello ladies i want to pray for you

i want to pray for your health


i’ve been praying fervently for my


both mentally and physically

and that’s what i’m going to the lord

for concerning you this evening

i am going to pray for healing

in your mind and healing in your body

we have hope and we have encouragement

we have hope in jesus christ and we have


in his word the bible says in jeremiah


14 heal me lord and i will be healed

save me and i will be saved

for it is you lord that i praise

isaiah 26 and 3 says thou

will keep you in perfect peace

all whose mind is stayed on thee

let’s go to god in prayer lord i come in

the name of jesus

i come lifting up these ladies to you

father god

i pray master in the name of jesus

that you would heal their minds and body

heal them physically father god for many


any conditions any impairments

i pray father god that you would heal


everywhere they hurt heal them father


from cancer and diabetes and covet 19

high blood pressure arthritis anything

father god that they are suffering with

in their physical bodies that you made

and created

after your image and in your likeness

heal them father god

nothing lord nothing is too hard for you

we come father god in the name of jesus

realizing that you specialize in

things that seem impossible and you can

do lord

what no other power but a holy ghost

power can do now father god

now lord we pray master heal these


mentally and emotionally we pray father

god you would give them clarity of fault

clarity of mind we pray master

that you would heal them and give them

peace father god

we pray lord that you would help these

ladies become

whole master that they may impact the


and that they may have a testimony lord

that you are a healer that you are a


and that everything is possible

through you father god help them to be

able to tell the world

that all of their help all of their help

comes from you lord we love you we adore


we magnify you father god and we stand

in agreement master

that these ladies will be healed and

made whole

in the name of jesus christ

now ladies i want to leave you with this

the bible says in second king

20 and 5 the lord said hezekiah

i have heard your prayer and i’ve seen

your tears

i will heal you be blessed ladies

god loves you and i do too


i believe


i believe you




that’s the thing y’all you believe it by

singing it

sing it again i believe

you’re my healer

i believe






see nothing is impossible

for you nothing is


nothing is impossible

for you you hold my world in your hands

nothing is impossible

for you nothing is

nothing is impossible for you


you hold my world

got to think about that thing that seems


and sing to that mountain with a little

bit of faith you have

you just sing that

for you yes

one more round


nothing is impossible


i believe you’re

my healers

i believe you




you give me everything i need guys

you’re more than enough for


jesus you’re all i



i love that song it’s the best i believe

i believe

they have to choose to believe sometimes

don’t worry it’s not a feeling

you just it’s a choice you choose yeah

and to move forward each day acting like

you believe

acting like you believe that’s exactly

right amen i hope you feel encouraged by


um as we come toward toward the closing

of our

on time together that i hope has been a

respite for you in the midst of

busyness in the midst of full lives and

in the midst of

midst of a full mental real estate

that’s clogged up with all the stuff

you’ve been thinking about and

the the decisions you’ve got to make and

the perplexing things that you’re facing

um i’m excited about a friend of ours

who’s gonna just pray over

honestly the whole world because the

whole world is in crisis right now

the whole globe is in crisis there’s

pandemics of every kind

not just health-wise but the racial

tension that is flared

um issues that are happening in politics

and um

not just in in our nation here in the

states but i know there are many

viewing from other nations and the whole

world needs the hand of god

to bring peace and rest and for his

kingdom to come

and our friend and sister is going to

pray over that um

she means the world to us for so many

reasons she’s been a guest

desperate for jesus several times and

she was very excited actually to

participate this time

um as well because you know in mom’s

absence it felt really

important to her too that she wanted to

be a part of it

you know when mom passed away she was up

in there she was all up in our

in our lives and making sure she was

present um i had to have a little


well it was not a little surgery it was

it was actually a pretty major surgery

just a week after my mom’s funeral and

she showed up at the front door of my

house and was in there washing dishes


sweeping up and cleaning up and that’s

cause she’s a mama that’s cause she’s a

mama she’s ain’t she ain’t playing with


and so mama beth moore wants to pray

over us as the desperate for jesus the

women of desperate for jesus

um she feels very pressed to be here

with us and to pray

over us particularly wherever you are in

the world she wants you to know

that god’s hand is with you there and

will meet you where you

are um and so miss beth thank you so

much for joining us today

um thank you for praying over us

greetings to you my beloved sisters i

cannot even put into words how honored i

am to be able to pray over you today and

speak the quickest word over you

priscilla and crystal

i am just imagining all that is going on

in your hearts

right now as you take this position

and knowing that you are in that legacy

of the fearless leader that you have had

as the first lady of your church

and certainly as the head of desperate

for jesus and that is our beloved

first lady lois evans and i got to tell

you i have

a very very recent memory of being

with many of you in the sanctuary of

your church and i saw many of your faces

as we were together celebrating her life

and i kept thinking that what one

particular sister said at their

microphone was what i have felt about

lois evans so many times and that’s that


moved with a dignity that was like

royalty there was something about her

that was like a

queen and i’m there was there was all

the humility to go with it but

truly clothed in strength and dignity

and i want to remind you today

that that is your legacy i’ve been

thinking about something you know how

many times people will say things like

who will be the next billy graham but

what we know is that when a great move

of god happens

it’s not just one person when we can’t

see can’t seem to put our our finger

on exactly who that next evangelist

would be

it’s because there are ten thousands of

them it’s what god is doing in this

hour now i want you to take that out of


genre and set it into the scriptures in

a much greater sense and think in terms

of esther

because we see esther who was called to

the kingdom for such a time as

this we’re told a time of such great

decision as to whether or not she would

be bold

and courageous and i think to myself

we’re always

wanting to find in any given generation

who is the present esther but don’t we


there are ten thousands of them women

called to the kingdom for such a time as

this and i have to say this to you and i

believe this with all

my heart this i would have said behind

your back in secret as well as right in

front of you

i think that in particular god has

appointed this present

hour for women of color

who are jesus followers to be esther’s

called into this moment for such a time

as this listen none of us would have


this era but make no mistake god has

chosen us for it

god has chosen you for it to be

full of love and full of faith and to

pour over the scriptures and to be found

in prayer and and in the intimate things

with god so that you know how to get

out there and serve him according to his

good purpose that was given

that was set apart for you before the

foundation of the world before he said

let there be light

he knew let there be that there would be

let there be lois and

crystal and priscilla and every single

one of you and so

i just want to remind you that you may

not feel like you

are equipped for this day but you have

been very much

called to it and we can’t just wait 20

years to step

into it because we will have waited too


for the present moment it is now that we

step in with the faith that we’ve got

pour over what god is saying through his

word and so i just

want to pray over you and i would you

just what you can agree with in prayer

would you

agree with me in prayer that you would

come in alongside it don’t just

listen but lean forward into this prayer

with me

that god would take our prayer of faith

and he would turn it in

to action and bring it to fulfillment

lord i

lift these beautiful women of yours

up to you that you have appointed for

this hour

lord you have called us at this time of

global crisis god when we have never


at least in my estimation father never


such uh uh an evidence of

fulfillment of matthew chapter 24

of all the things that would happen that

would say that the

end is getting closer and closer and

closer that

that day that will come when every knee

will bow and every tongue will confess

that jesus

christ is lord and father what i love

most about it is in the midst of

all of that that jesus told us that

would happen

toward the time of his return

so much of it seems like bad news the

hearts of

many will grow cold because of


all the things that it talks about but

right in the middle of it it says father

in 23

or 24 14 rather this good news of the

kingdom will be proclaimed in all the

world as a testimony to

all nations and then the end will come

that like no other time in the midst of

all the bad news at no other time will

the good

news be preached and taught

and told and testified with more

impact and influence and oh god i pray

that you would just commend us to this

hour and i pray father

for each one of these to step into her


in this gospel moment step into it with

her gifts with everything that comes

into her story

and you have suited all of it father for

your good purposes in her

everything she’s been through everything

she’s yet to go through

you her dna father um everything that

she has had by way of experience by

way of education formally and informally


all the genetics that come together to

make us who we are and then

invaded with your holy spirit and with

your spiritual

gifting father all of this that makes


unique in the place that you’ve called

her to god

call her forward i pray father

that we will be fearless in what you


called us to do that we will receive it

that we will say

as as you father call out from the


whom will go lord here here we are

we will lord we will what would you have

us do

their eyes father would just be so so


looking for the next opportunity what

need can we meet in your name

lord who can we serve in your name who

can we tell

about the goodness of the lord jesus

christ to us

would you give us that boldness would

you give us an everlasting love a

love and a fiery faith father that

cannot be put out that our

life will not be able to be extinguished

in our lifetime god

would you give us that would you speak

your word over us

father would you give us a conviction

father that can stand

up to all the things that will come


us as we do your will lord make us

fierce women of the gospel

of our lord jesus christ because that

lord that will be

the legacy of this church and this first


that lord is what you smile upon

in the glorious name of christ our lord


love you so much guys i pray that you


having such a wonderful wonderful

encounter with the lord you stay with

him he is everything to us

we are so grateful to you mama beth for

that word and that prayer thank you for

joining our

prayer experience for desperate for

jesus and for those of you who are

watching we want you to know a couple of


that really matter for this being a full

experience for you first of all don’t

forget about the prayer wall

so we know some of you actually threw

your prayer request prayer request in

the comments

wherever you were watching but the

prayer wall at

uh when you put your prayer there then

our prayer team from our local church

will be praying for your request

over the next seven days if you haven’t

yet done that be sure

and do that we also have a couple of

announcements for you as we prepare

for going into our morning for desperate

for jesus and we’ll be starting at 9 00


and here are some things that you need

to know wait a minute crystal what time

are we starting tomorrow

nine zero zero in the am

central standard time you do not want to

miss even the very beginning of

desperate for jesus tomorrow it is going

to be

amazing and on that really

is where you find out all the

information that you need moving forward

one of those things that you’ll find

there is the resource store that we have

available for you

go check it out check out all the

resources that are available to you


and then something else that we want to

encourage you toward is giving

we want to invite you actually to

participate in what i think is the

privilege of giving

we’re going to be giving as well and we

want to encourage you to do that too

um desperate for jesus is free this year

it’s a free opportunity for you to come

and to receive ministry that we hope

encourages you so we want to ask you

to ask the holy spirit how would he like

for you to give

maybe an offering towards what it is

that is happening in this ministry

so you can give any amount that you

would like to give you’ll see

information for how to do that

on i encourage you not to

let this weekend go by

without sowing a seed so that this

ministry can continue

okay when you give you need to know that

there are some gifts that are coming

back your way just as our thank you for

sowing seed

into this ministry but if you give 25

or more there are really special gifts

for you

crystal tell them what the gifts are

well desperate for jesus

you know so much of it is because of our

mother dr lois evans and what she

has envisioned for this over time and so

for those gifts we have a desperate for

jesus bag

and my mom’s book stones of remembrance

one of her books and then also some

special digital downloads while you were

here hear

her voice encouraging you oh that’s the

best i love that mom is really still

here in in terms of her influence really

impacting us

and impacting you so would you please be

as generous as you possibly can

every single dollar that you give is

going to use to glorify the name of the


and continue a ministry that will in

return be a blessing to you

finally don’t forget to actually


i know this is a free gathering but

we’re asking you to please

um put in the details that are necessary

to be in a registrant of

desperate for jesus this year that just

helps us to be able to keep tabs on

everything and

to be able to serve you correctly okay

so we’re going to look forward to seeing

you at 9 00 a.m get your babysitter

lined up get your breakfast all situated

for tomorrow

plan to you know get out of your pajamas

because see there’s something that

happens don’t you think

i don’t know about that what i think you

can praise him

on the up dress or on the down dress i

think they just need to come to jesus

as they are yeah but if they get out

they house shoes there might be a little

energy like engagement so they’re not

just before the lord barefoot okay well

in your pajamas your onesie your jeans

your house shoes whatever you got

we’ll see you tomorrow nine a.m it’s

gonna be a great time in the lord

we’re excited to praise him with you in

the morning we lift our hands in the


we lift our hands to give you the glory

we lift our hands to give you the praise

and we will push you for the rest of our

days yes

we will praise you for the rest of our

just we lift our hands

we lift our hands to give you the glory

we lift our hands to give you the praise

and we will bless you for the rest of

our days yes

we will praise you

we lift our hands in the sanctuary

we lift our hands to give you the glory

we lift our hands to give you the praise

and we will praise you for the rest of

our days yes

we will praise you for the rest of our


we lift our hands in the sanctuary