Tony Evans asks men the same question God asked Adam in the garden: where you at? Dr. Evans addresses the physical and emotional absence of men in today’s culture, and He points out the solution. Kingdom Men have got to show up and live out the role God designed for them.

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I’m gonna ask you to turn your Bibles to

Genesis chapter 3 verses 8 to 12 and I

want the men to stand as I read these

verses Genesis chapter 3 verses 8 to 12

they heard the sound of the Lord God

walking in the garden in the cool of the

day and the man and his wife hid

themselves from the presence of the Lord

God among the trees of the garden then

the Lord God called to the man and said

to him where are you he said I heard the

sound of you in the garden and I was

afraid because I was naked so I hid

myself and he said who told you that you

were naked have you eaten from the tree

of which I commanded you not to eat the

man said the woman who you gave to be

with me

the man said the woman who you gave to

be with me she gave me from the tree and

I ate and now father as we bring men and

women before your word with an emphasis

on men we ask you to help me help us to

hear from you in Jesus name Amen

one of the dominant questions of today

can be recited simply by asking Adam Way

add the missing man has become the

crisis of the day not the missing male

the missing man it is the question of

the single woman who can’t find a

worthwhile man to marry

she want to know Adam where yeah it’s

the question of the single parent who’s

been abandoned by the father of her

children she wants to know Adam where

yeah it’s that child who has to grow up

with a physically or emotionally absent

father and he’s asking the question

however he phrases it Adam where yet

it’s the question of churches and

pastors who have to keep calling on

ladies to do jajew jobs that men ought

to do because the men are missing in

action and the question is Adam where

you had as I stood in a prison a couple

of months ago speaking to a group of

prisoners in the male jail and I asked

them all of you who grew up without a

father in your life raised your hand and

90% of the hands went up so as I looked

at them I wondered Adam where you had I

was talking to this week a teacher in

one of our public schools and he told me

I’m resigning this year I’m residing

this year I can’t take it anymore he was

talking about the rebellion the end of

subordination the lack of respect coming

from the students in his classroom and

the question is Adam way–at because

they didn’t

father it’s the question of a girl who

decides to become a lesbian because of

the abuse of a male somewhere in her

developmental years so the question on

the floor is Adam where we’re living in

a day of terrorism where violence due to

the absence of the conscience and the

dumbing down of decency has raised again

the question Adam where you add but

worst of all worse than all of that is

that God is asking the question Adam

where are you now if God can’t find out

then you shouldn’t be shocked we can’t

find him either Adam where are you now

God is omniscient he knows all God is

omnipresent he exists everywhere


so God’s question about where Adam was

was not 5 fundamentally a question of

location he knows where Adam is located

he’s the one in the garden with him so

the question that I am raising that God

raises with the first Adam and the

Hebrew word for Adam means earth for he

was created from the earth the woman was

not created from the earth she was

created from Adam now that’s a deeper

point that we’ll get to later but Adam

is earth and God says where are you now

let me tell you what was at the heart of

the question at the heart of the

question where are you

was not fundamentally a question of

location it was a question of position

see Adam had abandoned his role he had

abandoned his calling he had abandoned

his position so the question of where

are you is the question of positioning

Ezekiel chapter 22 verse 30 God says I

was looking for a man to stand in the

gap so I would not have to curse the

land but I could find none there were

plenty of males but he said I can’t find

a man

so apparently you can be a male and not

be a man and he says because I couldn’t

find a man I had to curse the land so a

land becomes cursed when men cannot be

located even when males are everywhere

and I’m had abandon his position and so

the desperate need of today is to call

males back to being men as God defines a

man not as the culture defines and so I

want to speak with you about answering

the question about the position of a man

Adam where are you now ladies they’re

going to be two reactions to what I say

today and what I say on going Lee as

long as this one part series keeps going

some of you will be frustrated because

you won’t be thinking oh here we go with

this man thing others of you will be a

static because the man in your life or

the one you hope comes along will man up

to God’s definition here is the first

thing that you need to understand about

a man in and his position not his

location alone but his position and that

is that it is a position of priority I

know some won’t like that but it’s

not a popularity meeting it is the

position of priority because God says in

first Timothy chapter 2 verse 12 God

created Adam first and then he created

Eve Word first first has to do with

order first has to do with progress in

time Adam and Eve were not created at

the same time Adam first then Eve God

spends a whole chapter Genesis 2

discussing Adam before Eve is ever

created for Adam why because it would be

the man who would be responsible

the man was created first because God

would hold him responsible even though

it was Adam and Eve in the garden hiding

from God God didn’t say Adam and Eve

where are y’all he said Adam where are

you because you are responsible if

you’re going to be God’s man then you’re

going to have to accept responsibility

for everything he brings behind you

second third fourth fifth and six

because you first you know how we tell

our oldest child particularly if it’s a

boy you’re the oldest you’re first

holding you responsible when God looks

in a man he says I hold you responsible

they don’t fire teams they fire coaches

the coach doesn’t drop the ball fumble

the ball missed the block the coach

doesn’t do any of that

but he’s the one that gets fired because

he is responsible for having the team

ready to play so if you are remain if

you are a male oh God says I’m holding

you responsible even if it’s not your

fault see it may not even be your fault

but I’m holding you responsible for

fixing it the heart of being God’s man

means adopting responsibility why

because everything that comes after that

is banking on you God says in Malachi

chapter 4 verses 4 through 6 he says

there will be a messenger who will come

who restore the father’s to the children

and the children to the father’s so that

I will not have to curse the land

so if our culture is declining while we

can discuss all the peripheral political

sociological racial we can discuss all

of those reasons while the culture is

declining but what God says is first on

the front end where’s the man as you’ve

heard me say if you’re a messed up man

and you have a family you’re going to

help make a mess of family if you’re

messed up man contributing to a messed

up family and your messed up family goes

to church then your messed up family is

gonna make its contribution to a master

church if you’re messed up man

contributing to a messed-up family

resulting in a messed up church and your

church is supposed to be the light to

the neighborhood then your messed up

church is gonna make its contribution to

a messed up neighborhood if you’re

messed up man contributing to a

messed-up family resulting in a messed

up Church causing a messed up

neighborhood and your neighborhoods part

of a city well then you’re messed up

neighbours gonna make its contribution

to your messed up City if you’re messed

up man contributing to a messed-up

family resulting in a messed up Church

causing a messed up neighborhood that

resides in the messed up City and your

cities part of the county where your

messed-up City is gonna make its

contribution to your messed up County

if you mess up man contributing to a

messed-up family resulting in a mess of

Church causing a messed up neighborhood

that resides in a messed-up City as part

of a messed up County and York counties

part of the state where your messed up

counties don’t make its contribution to

a messed up stake if you’re messed up

man contributing to a messed-up family

resulting in a messed up church causing

a messed up neighborhood that resides in

a messed up City as part of a messed up

County contributing to a messed up state

and your state’s part of the country

where your messed up state’s gonna make

its contribution to a messed up nation

if your messed up man contributing to a

messed-up family resulting in a messed

up Church causing a messed up

neighborhood that resides in a messed up

City it’s part of a mess of County it’s

contributing to a messed up state that

contributes to a messed up country and

your country is part of the world

well now your messed up country is gonna

make its contribution to a messed up

world so if you want a better world

compose the better countries inhabited

by better States cuz they’re better made

of a better counties composed the better

cities inhabited by better neighborhoods

illuminated by better churches that are

made of a better families we got to

start our becoming better then cuz it

all rests on the position of the man


because the man was first he is to

function as the foundation when you are

building a house the first thing you do

is pour a foundation because anything

else you bring into that house is

banking on it holding if the foundation

collapses everything on it collapses

with it if the foundation is shaky then

the things that are banking on it to

keep the windows and the doors and the

roof in place get out of whack because

the foundation foundations aren’t fancy

foundations aren’t pretty but they

better be solid when he says I created

Adam first he’s saying you are the

foundation and this whole ball of wax is

banking on you so in this day of male

abandonment male abuse male disregard

male irresponsibility we have cultural

chaos he says that man has a priority

responsibility now the foundation isn’t

the whole thing that’s where the woman

comes in are we going to get to that but

the foundation is always the first thing

if you’re building a building and so God

says that the man is not to be a weak

part of the the society the house the

church needs to be the foundation of it

and while I know we live in a day when

for many women this is not a popular

thought the goal is not to be popular

it’s to be biblical

the goal is not to say well what are

they saying in the culture the goal is

saying what is God saying in his word

and as you will see when we unfold this

word the man is the foundation but the

wife or the woman is critical she’s not

an extra thrown in she’s not a just a

diaper changer and a bottle washer so

y’all come back now you hear but neither

do we want to disregard the point that

men have left this priority it says in

that verse verse 8 he was hiding from

the presence of God watch this in the

garden he was hiding from God in his

house don’t miss that not only was he

hiding from God in his house because the

garden was Adams house its place he

lived and went to the house to get the

leaves to hide from God so he used what

God gave him to hide from God he

literally used God’s blessing to run

from God today we have men who want all

the blessings of God and they used the

blessings to hide from God he says he

was hiding from the presence of God in

the garden so you can hide from God in

church so if you’re going to be God’s

man well I call God’s kingdom man then

you and I we are going to have to accept

the role

we’re gonna have to accept the role see

all you need to be as a male is the

right plumbing that’s that’s merely a

plumbing situation but to be a man you

got to own the responsibility you got to

own that now I realize that many men

today do not have the privilege of

having somebody in their life

who’ve helped them to do that you

weren’t raised with a father you weren’t

given guidance by some other responsible

male and that wasn’t your fault but it

is your responsibility not to repeat it

yourself or else the cycle goes unbroken

they were hiding from the presence of

the Lord and Adam was responsible the

heart of God’s men is that he is

operating underneath the authority and

in the presence of God not running from

it so then how does this man operate

Adam where are you how does this this

kind of man role in chapter 2 verse 15

and says then the Lord God took the man

because there’s no woman yet the Lord

God took the man and put him in the

garden that’s his house the Garden of


to cultivate it and to keep it he gives

the man a job

he gives the man a house places in the

garden that’s his house and he gives him

a job

single women make it known early if

there is no finance there won’t be no

romance he gave him a place to live he

gave him a job to work before he gave

him a woman to lead an irresponsible man

is not worthy to be a husband because if

he ain’t even taking care of him why are

you thinking gonna take care of you I


want you to notice something men he gave

him a house he gave him a place to live

he gave him a job but but notice he told

him to cultivate it Oh a different word

cultivated see he didn’t just give him a

job he told him to be productive see to

cultivate something is to produce

something more than what you start with

so if you’re in farming you take seed

you find the seeds because you not want

growth and plants and in other words you

want to be productive in other words you

want more than what you start with in

other words if a real man is gonna have

some vision he doesn’t just won’t stay

where he is he wants to produce more

than what he starts with so the question

is not are you going to work the

question is are you productive in the

work you do do you have a productive

mindset he says I want you to cultivate

it I want you know there is no woman I

want you to I want you to produce more

than you start with i’ma get you started

I’m gonna get you this whole I’m gonna

get you this garden I’m gonna get you


but now you’re supposed to turn this

place into something spectacular

do you not you know you’re not trying to

just not be nothing not go anywhere you

trying to become all that you were

created to be in other words you got a

purpose your purpose isn’t just to be

here your purpose is to cultivate to

embellish to enhance to to expand to

dream far too many men have lost their

ability to dream have lost their ability

to see what is not yet to look further

than they can see now that’s not the

same for every man because every man

doesn’t do the same thing but every man

should be dissatisfied with things

staying where they are because we’re

calling on a man underneath God is to

expand whatever God has placed in his

hand and to multiply it to expand it in

fact one of the reasons that we don’t

see more of God as God don’t see more of

our dream then that dream has to be with

our gift and for his glory but he says I

want you to cultivate it I want you to

you know you have appliances I have

appliances those appliances aren’t just

sitting there looking pretty those

appliances are for functional purposes

the refrigerator keeps it cold the stove

makes it hot the toaster pops it up but

can opener opens it up in other words

they are producing they are productive

they’re not just sitting there they’re

functional God expects a man to maximize

his potential underneath God in whatever

sphere of opportunity God gives him and

whatever gifting he’s placed on

all of this by the way was happening in

the garden the garden was the place

where God was hanging out in Adams house

as a single man if he got married yet

he’s a single man hanging out with God

in the garden in other words even as a

single man he was living in the presence

of God he was living under the covering

of God something we’ll get into more

detail at another time but that’s where

he was rolling that’s where he was

operating he says not only do I want you

to do that but I want you to keep the

garden cultivated and keep it the Hebrew

word for keep means to God or protect I

want you to protect your house I want

you to protect your garden what is he

protecting Mouse from I mean this is a

perfect world he’s living in no it’s not

slick is in the garden Satan is in the

garden chapter three the serpent comes

up to Eve so they’re gonna be problems

in the garden because the snake is there

and the snake is gonna cause stuff the

snake is gonna try to stir stuff up the

snake is gonna try to get you away from

God there is a serpent in the garden and

your job is to keep him out the opening

line of the book kingdom man says it all

when a kingdom man gets up the devil

oughta say oh crap he’s up I got a deal

with him again today because you are

responsible for the garden to keep the

devil out because he trying to get in

and he may be trying to get in through

your wife

no man better say Amen right now

so provision and protection that is the

environment that Adam was responsible

for and then he gives them another

instruction verse 16 Genesis 3 Genesis 2

the Lord God commanded the man saying

from any tree of the garden you may eat

freely but from the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil you shall not

eat for in the day that you eat from it

you will sho’nuff die he gives him his

word his commandment not his request his

commandment why because a male who plans

to be a man must position himself under

divine authority which means God’s Word

has the final say-so in his life not his

Posse not his friends not his homeboys

nobody overruled God not even his wife

because God is gonna say in chapter 3

because you listen to your wife all hell

has broken loose in your life because as

much as you love her she’s not supposed

to overrule me that his job is to

oversee the communication and the

operation of God’s Word in his sphere of

influence starting with his family or as

Joshua said as for me and my Joshua

24:15 this is how we roll this is how we

roll as for me and my house this is how

we there’s no vote here God commanded me

I’m under commandment but notice the


the command was a happy command see we

we look at the negative part don’t eat

from that tree no that’s not the first

part of the command the first part of

the command was live it up first kind of

man command was from every tree of the

garden you may freely eat the first part

of the command he’s a single man he

tells him the first part of the command

is maximized all that I have given you

maximize my creation maximize all you

can do just don’t mess with that tree

you remember Don Cornelius and the Soul

Train you remember them the Scramble boy

there were letters on the scramble board

and in those letters refer to a

particular singer or particular musical

group or a particular song but the

letters were all over the place and so

they get a couple of the dances and

they’d have to unscramble the scramble

board and so they would get 60 seconds

to get the letters in order so that they

can identify the group or the singer or

the song and so they had to work out the

scramble boy you see one of the reasons

we’re in trouble as men is God’s Word

it’s gotten all scrambled up and our job

is to get the letters in place he says

the day you eat a bit you’re going to

break relationship with me that’s death

it’s like unplugging something in your

house it’s alive when you plug it in

because the electricity flows once you

unplug it the instrument dies it can’t

function anymore and what we have today

are males who don’t function anymore

because they’re unplugged because death

has entered into him or the relationship

or the scenario or the parenting or

whatever the case may be he says that

you are to carry my

what was the difference between what was

the problem with this tree in the middle

called the tree it was a Google tree

because it calls it a tree of knowledge

it was Google it was the internet tree

this tree was full of data all kind of

data good data

bad data tree of the knowledge of good

and evil so the tree wasn’t all bad

it had evil but it also had good but he

said on what you eat it even though it’s

got good stuff on it

why because atom if you’re going to be

the man that I want you to be created

you to be

and you’re gonna be operating like

you’re supposed to be then I want you to

live by revelation not reason I do not

want your human reason to determine your

actions I want divine revelation what I

say and when I’m ready for you to know

it imma tell it to you don’t go out

there apart from me and learn it on your

own one of the problems today with so

many men is that they’ve gone so secular

or they’ve been to some college or

they’ve gotten stuck in some career or

they’ve been hanging out with the wrong

folk and they’ve gotten all in this

definition of manhood messing them up so

that they’re not able to function in the

way God wants them to function and we

wind up as men being dead men walking

they got the title and and you know we

like we we want people to recognize the


I’m the boss I’m the man we we won’t the

title without the responsibility he says

no he’s talking to Adam

guess what Adams job was to be he wants

to make sure this information got

transferred to Eve he got he want to

make sure this information got

transferred to eat and he transferred it

to Eve in fact he transferred it with a

vengeance what do I mean he transferred

with a vengeance because when the devil

asked Eve can you eat from the tree

she said not only can I not eat from it

I can’t touch it

so what Adam told her was girlfriend the

baby girl sweetheart honey sugar

dumpling don’t eat from that tree and in

case you didn’t get it don’t even go

near where you can brush up against it

he was to transfer so if the wife has

got to ask you are you going to church

today if the wife has got to ask you are

you gonna pray with the family if the

wife has got to ask you are you gonna

have devotions that means you’re not

fulfilling the spiritual responsibility

of spiritually leading your home you say

but I don’t know what to do yeah you do

cuz all you got to do is steal from me I

had already done the work so all you got

to do is take what I did and say family

let’s discuss the sermon that we had on

Sunday so I did the work you become the

feast you family gets the information


you are this weird reg you say but my

wife knows more than me that got nothing

to do with it there’s absolutely nothing

to do with it it’s not who knows the

Moses who’s responsible that’s what it

is and this places things in order it

gets things in the proper place God says

not your reason but my word must define

you before I give you a woman because

when I give you a woman and then when I

give you a family and then when I give

you a culture then when I give you a

career then I give you all this stuff it

will be managed by me through you it

will not be managed by you apart from me

a man is to be the vehicle the

flow-through from God to those entities

family church society that he flows

through as the first point of contact

yes women you have your own personal

responsibility and relationship with the

Lord that is to be primary the Bible

says even a husband can’t overrule God

in the life of his wife but at the same

time God has a process that he prefers

to flow through I know in this day of

being politically correct that’s not a

popular position but let’s get this

straight I ain’t trying to be popular

I’m trying to be biblical human reason

was never to govern the man divine

revelation was when I when my son

Anthony was small and we bought him a

bicycle back then they didn’t put it

together for you you had to put it

together yourself it came it came with

all these nuts and bolts

screws and and washers and all this

stuff came with all this stuff and a

thick book of instructions big book of

instructions so I looked at all these

pieces in this thick book and I

rationalized I said no wait a minute I

have a college degree I’m working on my

masters and I’m gonna go for my

doctorate so I can figure this out I can

do this eight hours later we’re just the

handlebars on but just the handlebar

about that fiddling and just a hammer

bars on since Evans comes to the garage

door and gives me a piece of interesting

advice that I didn’t want to hear

basically she said could it be just

could it be that the bicycle maker knows

more about bicycle assembly then the

degreed one knows


so I asked you could it be that the man

maker knows more about manhood then the

man does and I was able to complete in

45 minutes what my own understanding had

not been able to fix in eight hours many

men say my wife won’t change whose book

will you use it my kids won’t change

which man you are you using because if

you use it from the wrong tree there’s

no power there’s no God that’s just the

best you can come up with wife after

wife family after family so God is

calling on men and he’s asking the

question Adam where are you and not just

a location question but a position

question now I don’t I don’t have I

don’t have time to to go into this so

I’m I’m when I’m getting ready telling

them I’m awake because but I’m just

going to introduce it right now that’s

great reduce

as you all have heard me say at least a

minute for me say I love being a man

okay when I get up in the morning and I

look in the mirror yeah you a man I mean

that’s hot that’s how I feel I feel that

thing is on me I got that thing that

thing is on me

I love being a man and let me tell you

one reason why verse 19 of chapter 2 out

of the ground the Lord God formed every

beast of the field and every bird of the

sky and brought them to the man to see

what he would call them and whatever the

man called a living creature that was

its name you know why I love being a man

I get the name stuff I get the name

stuff you know what the name stuff means

in the Bible when you got the name stuff

you got to own it when you got the name

stuff you can exercise authority over it

now you can’t just go name anything you

got the name what God brings you but

once God brings it to you you get to own

that thing so I be naming everything I

can get my hands on and giving it back

to God God gives you the ability and the

authority that’s why when a woman comes

on the scene she changes her name cuz

you lay hold of that sin you you grab

that sin you you you you say no no no

you mind because I named you


you get the name

that’s exercising spiritual authority

you get to do that

if your underneath is confident and is

covering so the question on the floor is

Adam where are you now

I know that many men as I said earlier

have grown up without a biblical

worldview and I know that we as men even

if you had it stray from it and God is

asking us today where are you where are

you as I define you but that’s where the

good news comes in because in the Bible

there are two men named Adam not one you

got the first Adam in Genesis two and

three and the Bible says in Romans five

he blew it for the whole race in chapter

18 and following of Romans 5 the first

Adam blew it for the whole race but in

1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 20 to

45 and 47 it says there’s another Adam

Adam number two he’s called the last

Adam well Adam number one got us booted

out of the garden

the Bible says the last Adam is a

life-giving spirit and he can escort you

back into the garden the first Adam may

have messed you up but the last Adam can

pick you up and you don’t have to be

like your daddy

you don’t have to be like your

granddaddy you don’t have to be like the

people who influenced your life who were

wrong the last Adam can rename you there

were there were there were two mountains

there were two two guys in a mountain

climbing incident and there was a man in

the front and a man in the back and

there were two men in the middle who

were climbing

but in order to get him up there safely

that was a guide at the front name Adam

and a guide at the back named Adam say

they are climbing up this mountain but

the problem is as the first atom the

atom up front he slipped and all the all

the folks were tied together by a rope

the first Adam slip and when the first

Adam slipped

he pulled the two men with him and they

were going to fall off or the precipice

but the last Adam took his axe and

plowed it into the mountain so that all

the men that were behind him could climb

back up the first Adam slipped and he’s

dragging all the men down but the last

Adam on the cross has nailed that thing

and he says if you climb up on me I will

take you back to what you think you lost

so the question is Adam where are you

men is time to come home