You never know what God will do until you let him use you.

now watch this this is this is funny

possibly illegal what Jesus does next I

think so

because Jesus who is the word of God who

spoke the world into existence

Colossians 1:16 needs a way to get out

into the world that he made the message

that he is he needs a way this is crazy

because the maker in the beginning was a

word in the Word was with God and the

Word was God he was with God in the

beginning through him all things were

made that were made and without him

nothing has been made that has been made

that one the maker needs a way to get

the word the word needs away the maker

needs a way to get the word into the

world that he’s so loved that he came

wrapped in flesh he needs a way and it

says that he saw two boats at the shore

and one of them was belonging to Simon

watch what he does verse 3 he got into

one of the boats okay you’re looking

like that’s normal

no conversation

no lease agreement you don’t think if

you don’t think if you don’t think this

is weird

try it when you leave church today no

I’m serious if you don’t think this is


just find the nicest car that you like

in the parking lot just the nicest one

don’t do a Camry there’s something wrong

with Camry

but if you’re gonna steal a car pick the

nicest one in the parking lot and just

do what Jesus did just get in it and

when they come up to the window and ask

you what are you doing in my car say I

notice your elevation sticker I figured

you’re a Christian I need to use it can

I have your keys because it’s

essentially what Jesus does he sits down

in the boat the one belonging to Simon

Peter okay why did Jesus pick Peter you

ever thought about that I have because I

can think of a lot of reasons why he

wouldn’t pick Peter a lot of reasons why

I wouldn’t pick Peter Peter was


Peter was a know-it-all Peter was

violent you don’t cut off people’s ears

if you had a normal upbringing that’s

not something that Peter had a filthy

mouth Peter Peter Peter I heard one

preacher said cuss Peter was bold

that’s why Jesus liked it he was Paul I

don’t think so

because remember the the Bible was

written pre Eber and Jesus had a lot to

accomplish in three years the word had

to get out

touch somebody said we got to get the

word out how we gonna get it out no

Facebook no YouTube no Instagram you

know why I have come to believe that the

reason Jesus picked Peter is because he

had a boat come out okay let me preach

point number two I want to talk about

creative collaboration because now here

is the creator partnering with his

creation here is the Word of God who has

the ability to walk on water don’t

forget that if Jesus had wanted to just

get away from the crowd and preach and

create a little distance we know from

Matthew chapter 14 that if a storm comes

up and the boat is not available and

Jesus needs to get somewhere he will

just suspend the loss of buoyancy that

he himself created in the beginning was

the word and the Word was with God if

Jesus can’t find a boat to ride on he’ll

speak a word and walk on the word that

he is to the place that he but you know

want to do it like that and I would have

done it like that because this is early

in his ministry and if you moonwalk back

on the water and then preach to the

crowd they’ll pay more attention don’t

you think he said no I want a boat I

want a boat I want his boat I want her


I want to use their life

I wanna yeah I want to use their

weakness yeah I want to build a church I

want to call people together from all

different nations around the world will

be a part of the e fam I want to want to

call people from different backgrounds I

want to call people of different kinds

different types I want I want I want

some people who own their own businesses

I want some people who are unemployed I

want some people who suffered great

abuse in their childhood I want to bring

them together I want I want to use your

boat it’s the hardest thing for us to

understand sometimes why would the one

who can walk on water have any use for

our boat and I think the devil uses it

to give us excuses why we don’t offer

God what we have because my boat’s not

as big as his my boat my boat my boat’s

dirty my boat I fished all night I

caught nothing what would you want with

me Jesus so I went from thinking Jesus

needed Peters boat to realizing that

Jesus didn’t need Peters boat Peter

needed Jesus blessing on his boat

because that same thing happened to me

in the area of giving when we give the

offering I thought that giving was the

way that we supported the church to keep

the lights on to keep the salaries paid

forgive me for being so naive I thought

God needed my boat I thought he needed

my gift a little bit of life rolled by

and I realized that God was God before I

ever showed up and I’ll put this out to

you there were two boats on the shore so

I believe if Peter had said no Jesus

would have gotten the other one means he

doesn’t have to use us he chooses to use

us it’s in verse 3 it says that he got

into the boat belonging to Simon and I

love the phrase it says and he asked him

you want to do this I mean you don’t

have to I can totally do this without

you but I like your boat bro

I like your I like your boldness

I like your brokenness can I borrow your

boat can can God borrow your boat the

gifts that he gave you can he use them

for his glory or did you get so confused

about who made the trees that you lost

sight of the fact that everything that

God gave you is on loan you can’t take

it with you giving releases me to

remember that it was his boat to begin

with in the beginning was the word and

the Word was with God in the Word was

God he was with God in the beginning

through him all things were made Peter

had a boat but the boat had to be made

of something Peter had a boat but the

boat had to come from somewhere and now

the one who spoke the Cedars and who

spoke the Cypress into existence the one

who spoke the ocean and the chemical

balance of the ocean that would create

and sustain the life of the fish the one

who put the gills on the fish that Peter

was looking for at the bottom of the

ocean unsuccessfully said can I get on

your boat because it’s a cool thing when

God becomes your partner he knows the

best spots to fish it’s a great thing

to have the Son of God on your boat it’s

a great thing when you don’t have to

fish alone it’s a great thing when you

say God all I have is yours it’s a

freedom to it I can’t explain it if

you’ve never experienced it but it’s a

freedom to it when you come to the end

of yourself and your boats are pulled up

on the shore and Jesus says now that

you’ve done all you can do will you give

me a push and all Peter had to do watch

this no 10 year plan all he had to do

was obey and give Jesus a push now when

he pushed that boat out into the water

he thought he was loaning Jesus the boat

for an hour he did not know because God

will trick you into stuff somebody said

there’s a catch there’s always a catch

he did not know that he would spend the

next three years taking this crazy

miracle working he didn’t know that the

deaf ears would be opened after they got

off this boat he didn’t know that blind

eyes would see because Jesus got a ride

on his boat you never know what God will

do until you let him on your boat you

don’t know you can’t know that’s what

faith this is pushing out into the deep

when you don’t know the result and it’s

letting down the nets for a catch

somebody say there’s a catch there’s a

catch there’s a catch all Jesus said I

know you can’t see it but I can see it

because I stopped these waters you’re

fishing in there is a catch see I think

Tom Lehman was telling me this he said

fishing is like the Holy Spirit you

can’t see the fish but they’re there and

the more you learn about it the more you

will know how to fish in the right


the more you follow him the more you

hear him the more you get acquainted

with this voice and say I don’t see it I

don’t feel it but God if you speak it

I’ll do it

not because I feel it not because I see

it not because I understand it and not

because it makes sense but if you say so

I will if you say do it I’ll do it

I want the obedience of God to be the

guarantee of my inheritance hey thanks

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