What if we’re accidentally holding ourselves back from God? Learn how to stop blocking God from moving in your life.

how many of you have ever had to use the

block button have you ever had to block

somebody doesn’t it feel good doesn’t it

feel powerful just to block some just

you know what I don’t have to read what

you piss is my feed and I don’t have to

hear what you have to say just a block

just just do one time just pretend just

get that person on your my block

wouldn’t it be nice if in real life

people had a block button right there on

there for everybody you worked with

wouldn’t it be cool if there was a block

button right there on their mouth I’m a

long way from second Corinthians 10 and

now you can say whatever you want but I

won’t see it I won’t hear it it’s very

convenient for me to not have to be

exposed to the comments that I don’t

want to see and I was thinking about the

fact that a lot of people who come to

church here have inadvertently blocked

the Word of God I set you up for that

and you didn’t even see it coming I slid

right in because the Word of God is

coming to you and the peace of God is

coming to you and the power of God is

coming to you and I want to encourage

you to unblock it what happens in our

lives is that God speaks to us in all

kinds of ways and well some of the

things that he says to us we like and

some of the things he says to us are

encouraging and some of the things that

he says to us are uplifting and so we

scroll through that and even when you

come to church you know certain things

to preacher preaches sound really good

and when he tells you you can make it

and when he tells you to keep your head

up and when he tells you that there’s

nothing too hard for God and when he

tells you that you’re setback is a setup

for America it sounds real good and so

you scroll through that and I like that

whoo-hoo double click that I like that

but then you come up on something that

God speaks



and it doesn’t feel so yeah I don’t know

if I’m a double-click this this

particular word and so here’s what you

do you you block it you block it now you

don’t say you block god who’s gonna

who’s gotta admit that they block God

from their heart the Corinthian church

claimed to be opposing Paul and so they

started blaming Paul then you know they

started saying all kinds of reasons that

they weren’t going to follow Paul but it

really wasn’t Paul they had a problem

with through Paul God was challenging

the Corinthian church to a greater faith

he was challenging them to step away

from petty Christianity self-centered

consumer Christianity and as Paul was

proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ

there was a lot of it that they liked

they liked that forgiveness stuff in

their feed they liked that favor of God

that God bestows upon us graciously they

they loved that part but but then Paul

steps up and challenges them to repent

of some attitude sin to incline their

hearts and some ways that may be hard

and and they they block God now here’s

the thing as they’re blocking God

they’re blaming Paul did you know that

you blocked the blessing of God when you

play the blame game in your life when

you start blaming what they did what

they didn’t do I’m working with one of

my children who shall remain nameless

but y’all this particular oldest child

did something so funny

the other day and I told him I was gonna

use it as an example and he’s almost a

teenager so I won’t get to use them in

my sermons much longer but I can tell

you now while he’s 11

Elijah picked up this Cup honor it was a

cup of frozen Cup on the table last

night and he picked it up and he was

being silly cuz we were having fun

because Holly was gone and we were being

boys and I might have been playing the

new Bruno Mars album or it might have

been Hillsong worship I don’t really

remember but but I picked up the cup and

I was acting like I was drinking it and

he picked up the cup and he did it like

this and the water went everywhere and I

swear to you that boy how they ain’t

even told you this yet he sets the cup

back down and he says why was there

water in this table exactly because it’s

the cups fault son it’s not that you

took the cup like that no it couldn’t

possibly be it’s the cups for me and

Graham were laughing sore for the next

15 minutes we were re-enacting it I got

some video clips why was there water mad

at the club mad at the Cup mad at the

circumstance mad at the trial mad at the

preacher mad at a quiet mad at the other

Christians see I don’t really I don’t

really care too much if I make you upset

I’m more concerned if I offend God by

not challenging you to the level of the

standards that he called you to and I

want to say that the blessing of God has

been trying so hard to flow to some of

you but you keep blocking it keep

blocking it because you you blame others

you blame you you even sometimes you

blame your lack of giftedness for your

lack of growth well I’m just not that

smart or I’m just I’m just I’m just not

that talented or I still pick up on

things that quickly I refer back to the

text because Paul is talking to a group

of believers and he says our hope is

that as your faith increases this is 15

dodge as

your faith increases our area of

influence among you may be greatly

enlarged here’s the dynamic they have to

grow together okay they have to grow

together let me show you what I mean I

know it doesn’t make any sense yet but

it will in a second I promise you I’ve

been studying all week and just come up

here I promise you it’s gonna make sense

in a minute do you trust me you’re in

good hands this plane will land safely I

promise you I’m gonna get you on the

ground safely but some of you have been

blocked it’s a frustrating thing to be

blocked as a terrible thing to be

blocked and here’s why they’re Block C

as the Corinthian churches faith

increases the church grows as the church

grows their faith increases now Paul

wants to preach beyond the church in

Corinth he wants the gospel to go forth

even farther but you’ve got a stubborn

church who is satisfied and set in their

ways now that they have been reached

they no longer want to do any reaching

now that they have been blessed they

want to stay right where they are and

that they don’t want to go beyond why

would I want to go beyond I’ve got

everything I need right here but the

essence of blessing is that it always

looks beyond itself ask Abraham God said

I’m gonna bless you and you’ll be a

blessing the point of the blessing of

God on your life is not just that it

would flow to you but then it would flow

through you and if we stop here we get

stuck here but if we look beyond hope

beyond preached beyond believe beyond I

believe somebody is breaking out of


in this season but they have to grow

together they have to grow together

touch somebody say they have to grow

together they have to go grow together

so Paul says as your faith grows the

kingdom grows and watch this as the

kingdom grows your faith grows it’s your

faith God is after God wants to break

you out of the box of what you thought

was possible God wants to break you out

of the box of what you think is normal

God wants to break you out of the box of

what you think is extravagant God wants

to break your limited belief system

that’s what it is that’s what keeps us

stuck that’s what keeps us blocked we

blame everybody in everything but it is

our own b.s that keeps us in the box

belief system what did you think that

stood for

a bunch of degenerates at Elevation

Church and all this time I thought it

was something else blocking me all this

time I thought it was somebody else

blocking me what if the only thing

blocking you is just a question and you

can get mad at me and I don’t this fine

but what if what if the barrier was your

own belief your belief that God can do

it your belief that he can use you your

belief that he’s bigger what if the real

barrier is your belief because Paul

seems to say that if your faith

increases nothing can stop the gospel if

you have enough faith if you believe big

enough there is absolutely nothing that

can stop the purpose of God but you’ve

got to unblock it the purpose of God

cannot be stopped but your unbelief can

block it from operating in your life

dear here there’s this is heavy the plan

of God cannot be stopped but you can

block it from being activated in your

life because you won’t believe it

the provision of God cannot be stopped

God is more than enough

he’s Jehovah Jireh he’s always a

provider he’s always sufficient

he’s always more than enough but your

unbelief can block it the power of God

cannot be stopped if you don’t believe

me ask that stone that had an assignment

to keep Jesus in that tomb they thought

they had blocked him but they found out

when the word of God comes forth nothing

can stop the purpose of God except

our unbelief what the stone couldn’t do

your hardened heart can keep Jesus

locked in come on touch somebody say

unblock it unblock it unblock it tell

him again say unblock it look him in the

eye say unblock it God has been trying

to deliver his word to you he’s been

trying to get his purpose through you

he’s been trying to get his plan

accomplished in your life but you’ve got

to unblock and now I understand why Paul

was frustrated because he saw all these

people that could be reached and a

complacent church at Corinth who had

already been reached themselves but had

now stopped preaching and in his best

pastoral tone Paul says I want you to

grow up so the gospel can go forth

I want your that I understand Paul’s

frustration I really do I get frustrated

with myself because I know there’s so

much more that God could do in me but I

block it I block by block do you do it I

block God all the time I’m not saying

I’m bigger than God and I’m not saying

he can’t knock me over and do what he

wants to do through somebody else but I

block him from doing it through me I

know there’s times where God wants to

encourage somebody but I block him from

working through me because I’m too stuck

on myself and I hate that feeling I know

there’s times where God wants to use me

to lift the atmosphere of a room but I

don’t do it because I come in and let

the atmosphere of the room set my

internal temperature and I hate it I

know there’s times when I come to church

and God God gives me an opportunity to

praise Him but I’m so self-conscious I

won’t lift my hands because I’m so

worried about what other people think

about me and if I would just open my

mouth and sing hallelujah even off-key

to the Lord it would unblock the joy of

the Lord in his presence

it’s the fullness of come on you see it

is precious come on Lake Norman in his

presence come on Ballentine if you would

open up your mouth and praise God that

the presence of God would flow to you

unblocking praise unblocks the blessing

of God in your life I wonder what you’re

giving praise right now for his

faithfulness for his goodness for his

grace hey thanks for watching if you

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thanks again for watching
